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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EEST

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in accordance with the law on condemnation and prohibition of propaganda of russian imperial policy and decolonization of toponymy, there was an expert commission that was created in accordance with this law at the ukrainian institute of national memory and which includes authoritative researchers, philologists, historians from various scientific institutions from various regions of ukraine, they decided. worked out and gave their expert opinion that bulgakov is subject to the law, the figure of bulgakov belongs to the symbolism of russian imperial policy, since bolgako in his works publicly called for ukrainophobia, demonstrated and called for countryphobia, and no one can argue with this, because... in fact it is and it is subject to
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the restrictions of the law, thus ukraine, based on this expert opinion, the relevant authorities , who are authorized to make decisions and will make decisions regarding the renaming or removal from the public space of certain dedicated objects bearing the name of bolgakov, at the same time it is absolutely not in any way'. refers to the creative work that remains and should remain open, accessible so that anyone who wants to can read, get to know, understand, analyze bolgakov's work and figures, so there is no need to mix everything into one, because this is a frank manipulation and really an attempt
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to protect or defend with fabricated accusations , so that bulgakov would fill him with exactly ukrainophobic things in his work. mr. volodymyr, what do you think, why, well, this is the third time i've seen in the last few years, when there is something related to bolgakov, and a whole wave of well, with this idea that... bolgakov is being banned, this very word is heard, it is heard, by the way, very often in relation to film criticism, here and there we criticize some film, cinematographers say, why are you banning it, although no one is banning anything, but in the end, from your point of view, why is it that after such statements about bolgakov, a wave of conversations about the banning of books necessarily begins, why do we have such a tendency? well, it seems to me that
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there are several, several points here, because on the one hand i do not doubt everything that we we are dealing with targeted interventions aimed at deepening some kind of confrontation in ukrainian society and from the outside. on the other hand, it is obvious that there are those defenders of bolgakov who are trying... in any way they think, to protect this figure, using, including resorting to manipulation, so the question here is more about people's ability to think critically , critically analyze information and get acquainted with documents, sources and...
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draw conclusions, and therefore it is very surprising that people who say that they value creativity bolgakov, are you ready to provide information in such a manipulative way, do you think, well, we discussed this issue with many people, why bolgakov in particular, so many ukrainians come to his defense, well, let’s take pushkin, they also defended him, but it seems to me that it is not so, why this letter for many ukrainians, it is so important that every attack on him is perceived so painfully, well, i can’t say, well, we see completely different positions regarding bolgakov, and obviously an extremely large number of authoritative and respected people openly speak about bolgakova as a representative of
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the colonialist culture in ukraine, yes, on the other hand, there are those who defend him, perhaps precisely because he is close to them, ah, uh... maybe so, because even in surnames, which you mentioned, there you can evaluate the activities of those people who defend bolgakov in different ways, but there was never a great respect for ukrainian culture from them either, that 's why, that's why the question here is more about everyone, everyone tries to protect the one who does he think own, whether or not to stand up, so here is the question, obviously according to bolgakov, it seems to me very close to the question of how india remembers kipling, yes, because kipling was born in india, as was bulgakov in ukraine, but again
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, for india, kiplind remains a vivid expression of the culture of the colonizers, so is bulgakov for ukrainians, he... is an example of just such a colonialist culture for which ukrainians remained second- class people. tell me what, from your point of view, should be done now with the bolgakov museum, because it is one of the most popular museums, every time when i was there, there were an incredible number of people there, and i must say that - the workers who made the tours every time, i was there maybe several times, every time... they talked about this author with enthusiasm, as in many it is observed in museums when the employees love their ward very much, and as far as i understand, it is planned for the museum to change its name and for propulgakov to be told objectively there, so that he will definitely
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remain in this museum, it should not be closed under any circumstances, what do you think , can people who love and respect this writer with all their hearts? to somehow stimulate them, to talk about him more objectively, or how it all has to do with the bulgakov museum, it actually appeared and gave impetus in 2022, and now the museum is really working on changing the concept, and this is a big plus , but we can, for example, this is also an indicator and example yes, yes, until the 22nd year there was a memorial plaque at the museum on which it was written that bulgakov, a russian, a famous russian writer, so in the 22nd year her was dismantled in the 23rd year, instead
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, a memorial plaque appeared, which already states that bulgakov is a kyiv writer, and therefore, that is why we see some transformations even in this. bolgakov's understanding and ideas. it seems to me that the process of rethinking the figure will obviously take place, and it is obvious that the museum, changing the concept of the museum, changing approaches will allow everyone to look at this figure more objectively. tell me more about the arch of friendship of peoples, because i already have a feeling that there may be the same slogan as with... this motherland, you you propose to demolish this construction in general, as one that cannot be renamed, so that some concept is preserved, tell us about it and what kind of reaction you expect in general, well
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, again, its experts who worked, who worked on this issue, came to the conclusion that that this monumental object... which includes not only the arch, but also the corresponding sculptures, some of which are already dismantled and some of which are hidden, it constitutes a complete object and it is obvious that it, it was created and existed as a certain integral memorial object, as a tool of propaganda, which propagated this narrative and... about the friendship of peoples, and therefore it is not surprising that it is known in kyiv, this object is also known by such a popular name as yarmov, and therefore, attempts to transform it, they also take on a certain kind of incomprehensible form, so earlier
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this arch was cracked, as the symbolism of the fact that friendship gave a crack, in the year 22, the arch was renamed the arch. stability of the ukrainian people and what we got in our country, so we got the arch of stability of the ukrainian people with a crack, is it well, is it?... is this a solution to the problem, or is it only, does it not complicate perception, so it is obvious that by simply renaming the question of the arch, or the question of this monument, which will be erected in honor of the so -called reunification, yes ukraine to russia, it is not resolved, and therefore it is obvious that the question is related here, that this is the symbolism of russian imperial policy. it is necessary to remove him from the public space. when do you think this removal might
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happen, and roughly how much would it cost, and where would this arch go next? take it to metallobruk to hand over or where? well, since we are dealing with the opinion of experts so far, it is obvious that this needs to be worked out, as well as the issue of further existence, and what will happen in this space is obvious here. a joint joint dialogue between the community and the city government and both the government and the state is needed in order to find the best optimal solution, especially given that today in the conditions of martial law it is obvious that there are other priorities for public funds. well, please tell me, during your work there or during for example, after a full-scale invasion, let's even take this period, do you think
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society became more and understand various renamings, decommunization, these are such different transformations, because i remember that at the beginning, well, according to my observations, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, there was well , there are much more people who disagree, and now again, as society has become a little radicalized towards me, how do you see it, or well in... maybe you looked at social networks? in fact, the large-scale invasion has greatly accelerated this process of rethinking our past, because in fact it became clear to everyone in ukraine that russia seeks to destroy ukrainian identity, that what was imposed on ukraine for decades was done with a propaganda purpose, with the purpose of... elevating russian culture over ukrainian with the purpose of discrediting ukrainian culture and
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of ukrainian identity, that is why in our cities streets and monuments to pushkin and other russian figures, often not connected with these cities, were an almost obligatory element, and therefore it is not surprising that with the beginning of a large-scale invasion, these processes changes ee... and understanding and support of the processes of saying goodbye to the empire, they accelerated, they are present in all regions, all, today, in all regions, the process of renaming streets, dismantling monuments is actively taking place, therefore, indeed, this is a high price in order to we rethought the past, but if, if it didn't sound terrible, but... uh, a really large-scale invasion accelerated these
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changes in the public consciousness of ukrainians. mr. volodymyr, thank you very much for your comments. we had volodymyr on the air telishchak, deputy head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, we talked in particular about how the institute bans bolhakov, it's scary, well, i'll repeat it again, friends, you can treat this writer differently, so to this writer, but... institute of national remembrance didn't ban mykhailo bolgakov, you need to know this for sure, they won't take your books away, it's just about renaming streets, for example, and something like that, so if you like the texts of this author, please continue reading as before , and well, i think that it is democratic enough in our case, and in relation to the museum... personally, i would be very interested in bolgakov to go there and see how the concept of this
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museum will change, and how it will be rebuilt, because there are really very interesting tours there, if they remain will be just as interesting, but more objective, will tell more unpleasant truths about blogakov, i think that the museum will only win, and i also want to note an important point, says the opposition. biased position and biased vision, and if we talk about many other museums, for example, in the tychyna museum in kyiv, it seems to me that too... a lot of things are not agreed about such an interesting person with an incredibly bright, ambiguous life and actions, well, because they obviously love their author and do not want to show anything bad about him, but this reduces the charisma of these writers many times and they become
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uninteresting, and this seems to me to be absolutely such a soviet practice when... we make such heroes out of famous people, idealized, emasculated, as a rule, such heroes do not find a response in hearts of different people, and that's why - they don't like them, they're not interested in them, and probably because this is a wrong position in general, as in any positioning of our prominent people, by the way, in may the film, the house is the word, an endless novel, by taras tomenko and this tape tells about the slovo house, respectively, about those writers who later we began to call the shot revival, and there, in my opinion, this is an attempt to show the same turbulent, not ideal person with his moments, and in general, that period was in my opinion, very, very contradictory, because these
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writers sincerely supported the soviet government, but then... what happened happened, well, and the very end, i will say the following about the same bulgakov, because really i am watching my tape there now in social networks, especially people are active on facebook, somehow instagram, twitter less discuss this decision of the institute of national remembrance, many people agree with this conclusion, and with this decision, and many people do not, and in many posts i see again about these prohibitions are people. or representatives of the institute national memory was poorly explained, or people did not finish reading it, maybe we are reading from the headlines again, but it still seems to me that this incredible sentiment is specifically for bulgakov, it was precisely developed during the times in the soviet union, when this writer, especially there in in recent times, the roosters have been very supportive,
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cultivated him a lot, remember that there are also very popular tapes in his... yards, it's not only a dog's heart, it's also ivan vasyliovych changing his profession, many people don't know this either, for p' bolgakov's essay, and these films, these books extremely widely quoted, master margarita is widely quoted, and this citation always adds nationalism and greater influence to works of art, and i am very happy that now ukrainian cinema is emerging, which also acquires this cited. they quote there, for example, dovbush's phrases, or they quote antonio lukich's film, they quote something else there, and even say for a wedding, they quote it well, and that's why we have such a picture that we are gradually replacing the russian one with our art, our mass culture, so it seems to me that
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the process is going very well and in the right direction. well, friends, that's all i say goodbye to. and stay with espresso, and we 'll see you in a week. welcome to the spresso channel. today, in our war and weapons program, we will talk about how ukraine can produce more weapons in partnership with european and american ones. companies, of course, this topic is not new, the western media from time to time write about the fact that there are successes in the work of the ukrainian defense industry, and this is definitely positive, because such information definitely contributes to the improvement of our positions in world, but there is also the reverse side of the coin, there are also statements from our partners that it is difficult for them to understand who exactly is in ukraine, and which
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ministry is responsible for cooperation and promotion of certain projects. tiv with our partners, whether the ministry of defense, or the ministry of strategy and industry, or the ministry of digital. by the way, the american publication new york times recently wrote about these ukrainian labyrinths, and there, by the way, it was also recognized that, in their opinion, the ukrainian defense market has significant prospects both now in the conditions of war and in the future, because, as an example, for the purchase of weapons and equipment this year, ukraine directed 1.3 billion dollars, and this, by the way, is 20 times more than in the 21st year. of course, the growth of our defense spending may interest our defense partners, but, in my opinion... this is still not enough, because we need to look for more active mechanisms to intensify cooperation with our potential and real
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business partners in the field of defense, and when we hear there, by the way, also statements about the creation of joint ventures with partners, we see that in practice these processes are not yet are quickly catching up with these statements, so can ukraine create competition, perhaps even with european and american companies? in order to speed up the development of our own defense-industrial complex, we will discuss all these issues in our war and weapons program. my name is serhiy sgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express. and now the first guest joins us, this is oleksiy yizhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on the air espress channel. in return, i congratulate you. we. you and i have repeatedly talked off the air about the fact that the creation and development of our own defense industry is such an urgent and urgent need to ensure our defense, and we also talked
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about the fact that without foreign companies it will be extremely difficult to ensure such a significant breakthrough. the question arises whether the current ukrainian defense market is already such that it is sufficiently tempting for... american or european companies that want and can enter our markets, as do you see it exactly in this context? well, first of all, i would like to say that labyrinths exist not only here, in general, this field of defense procurement, it is also considered by economists, one of such problematic ones, which, and this problem must be solved globally, so not only, well, not that international efforts, and each individual country will have to deal with this issue, because costs are increasing in the world, and this market has never been
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clearer, especially if we talk about the european market, which is completely fragmented, despite the single market of the european union, despite nato, but it still remains fragmented, and how everything is arranged there is very difficult, and if, if everything were simple there, it would not be necessary in world trade. weapons of this phenomenon, as agents who push through certain contracts, without them , no way, in fact, maybe all this will go away when it ends, at the end of this war, the issues will be resolved, and everything will become clear and easy, although, for sure, there will always be always where there are state interests, there will always be certain ones restrictions that make the market difficult. as for how attractive we are, how attractive our ukrainian market is, ah, it is attractive, but i agree not
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only because our partners have calculated purchases of 1.4 billion, well, let's not argue, in principle, really, how much is actually bought, but indeed, there is a big increase, but no matter how you count it, it is a big... the increase is not so huge that international defense production grants come to ukraine, this is not enough, these are not the same funds, but on the other hand, there are additional mechanisms that force, which are very attractive for our partners, the first is the international aid that we receive, it is huge, it, it, well, 300 have already been counted. what ukraine received, of course, not all of it, not all of it is its own military weapons, military equipment, but a lot of this money is already
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close to the front in ukraine, and the companies that are closer to the front, where these weapons are actually used, repair, maintenance, all this, they are also interested, and finally this effect, he... he's registered, he, he's important the companies that are currently investing in the armaments of ukraine, they, their capitalization is growing rapidly, this is especially visible in europe, where in europe there has been economic stagnation for two years, there is no growth, but the capitalization of companies that invest in ukraine, that supply weapons for aid or by other mechanisms, but those who send... physical weapons to ukraine, their capitalization grows many times, all this together, of course, creates such a driver, they are ready to come, they are already significant. that's how
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we hear these statements about rain metal and about alliance, the alliance that makes caesar and and and leopards, all these european alliances are ready to come, there are those that are ready to implement closer to the front, to produce ammunition, here, here, here we have to agree with the considerations that need to be made so that it was clear to them how to work in ukraine, this is... a big, big problem, but not only our problem, and by the way, you hid primarily european defense companies, german, french, which enter the ukrainian market with projects, and what about american companies, or are the americans slowing down these processes, are they not lagging behind the europeans, or on the contrary , the europeans are now trying to outdo the americans in the promising, according to their
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estimates, arms market. i have the impression that american companies, they did not find all these incentives that i spoke about too attractive, because they have different scopes, and they have different opinions, there is an eye towards india, towards the countries of the persian gulf, australia, there, yes, maybe there is something else, well, and our own, our own american budget is what drives american campaigns. the american budget is perhaps half of all military expenditures in the world, well, perhaps not half, well , there, well, almost perhaps half, that is , it is the most important thing for them, and that is why they did not invest much in it, they were not very interested in this tool, except i think lockida, which nevertheless produces many missiles that are used, for them this is an additional such market incentive, but when we now see that the europeans have begun to...
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put this mechanism, well, it seems that a certain competition has begun, but in the end the americans, they, well, they don’t see it yet, i can’t say, they do it consciously, they just gave it to the europeans, well, maybe yes, or they just don’t think that the money is so big and large-scale, i think this mechanism will work after there are successful cases with large european guarantors and large european companies, and when we talk about successful cases, this is the completion of the construction of the rain metal plant, there are projects with the french, this is the beginning of the production of new samples at ukrainian enterprises, purchase of these samples by the ukrainian ministry of defense, are these successful cases? well, we can see one successful case now about what our partners are writing about, as
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a ukrainian device, relatively speaking, a light-motor aircraft, equipped with technical vision, machine vision with the help of, well , this is a unit of artificial intelligence, and this thing can fly without radar to not only fly to oil refineries, to impress exactly that, to recognize exactly that part of this plant, which, which, which creates, well, which allows it to be removed for a long time, well , such... long, unfortunately, such cases, they more for military technology, for those companies that are engaged in technology, there is no big money here, there is a technology case, but there is no business case really, well yes, yes, in fact, it is a technology test, there are really several important, important international companies have proven, that their technology works, that it can be used not only in civilian life, but also at the front, this is very
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important, from a psychological... point of view, but such large weapon cases, i think, after all, it is primarily ammunition and production and missiles for well, what is constantly spent at the front, a large order, if certain significant funds pass through the plant located in ukraine, with investments, or ours, well, certainly with investments, these are already big cases, and when, when rainemetal will show everyone... that placing plants in the baltic countries, placing a plant in ukraine, in fact, not only gives new orders to the government and the west, but also with greater capitalization, well, it will encourage a lot of people, despite the inertia, i think, still the main thing is why there are no americans here yet with such ideas, this is inertia, they simply do not see this mechanism yet. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for...


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