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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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anytime, just go to the site and report and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal, stopcame ua. 32-year-old karina has been living with a spinal cord injury for 20 years, she has lived in lviv for 7 years and helps people with similar injuries, she says that the city of lviv has become more convenient for people with reduced mobility during this time, but there are still many barriers and we decided.. to protest together how accessible lviv is to people in wheelchairs. this is the way for the dovzhenka center to be considered accessible, here there must already be a normal cover, a normal cover so that a person can reach it to this length, because now what we use special skills to move these slabs and these ee gaps between these slabs, it's like our superskills, but there are a lot of people who
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don't have these super skills... and there should already be a normal coverage, and then the dovzhenka center can be considered accessible, so now i would say that it is not accessible, well, let's see what's inside, the essence of the ramp in what he has be so gentle, there are certain degrees, and the longer, the higher the climb that you have to climb, the longer the ramp has to be, and it has to be so gentle that a person on their own... in a wheelchair, who is moving, can go up , that is , any ramps where there is a large slope, and where a person cannot climb on his own, this is not a ramp, that is, it is not an element of architectural accessibility, it is the same barrier as if there were just steps, i.e. ivan, for example, was climbing now with the help of a handrail, and often used by people on... for example, who have
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lesions on one side, and they, for example, their left hand does not work well, and then they can use their right hand to help themselves up, well , these handrails are on both sides, and usually there, for example, only on one side, but it will be difficult for people with visual impairments to move here, because there are no tactile tiles, visible movement signs and stairs are in the way, opening the door can also be a difficult task, if we are talking, for example, about... with ivan, then we can now open this door and enter unimpeded if we talk about a person in whom, in whom there would also be damage to the upper limbs, then she would not be able to do it accordingly. and so, of course, a good door is a door that can slide open, if only automatically. we understand, yes, that it is not possible to achieve this everywhere, and then the door should at least open with a light effort, and that the handle can be caught easily.
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with the brush of the hand, even if your fingers don't work, well, we can check that now, well , you see, i just put my hand, and, for example, if my fingers didn't even work, i can pull the door and open it, even in this way, in order to use the elevator in the dovzhenko center for people in wheelchairs, i first need to get a key from the employees of the institution, here they admitted that visitors in wheelchairs... they haven't had it yet, karina hasn't had any difficulties with access to the dressing room, but she says that it can't be so easy for everyone, okay, i go inside, i can, what can i do, i can turn on and off the light myself, that's it here, it's good that, it's good that the mirror is lowered, it's good, because usually they are somewhere under the ceiling, well, here, in principle, you can use it to wash your hands. it's not
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inclusive, this is like a wash basin, but it 's like that, you know, no big deal, there's no handrail, as you can see, there should be a handrail, it should be hinged, it should be 70 cm from the center of the toilet, as far as i know, but it is almost impossible to get to the shelter, there are no signs of a bomb shelter either, such an institution, according to karina, is not friendly to all categories of people. but lviv transport has become more accessible for all categories of the population, the worst with trams, because there are only 20% of them, if our heroes managed to get into the tram, then getting out of it became a problem, because the call button did not work, we had to ask the tram driver to lower the ramp manually, and people like this will not get out, no will be missed often, you just have to, well, if we try to just calculate how... a step ahead and know when
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to turn back, when to go, where to wait, well, you just adapt one way or another, you need to create all the conditions so that... people can realize yourself, work, pay taxes, and don’t sit and sit conditionally as if, well, only there on pensions, for example, or something like that, be right in everything that is happening, and let them rustle, and then they will get used to it, ramps are not installed everywhere, but where they are, go away unavailable for use, karina says, the state does not have chaotically. place ramps and consult only with experts in reduced mobility, because the same ramps must be comfortable for different types of wheelchairs, with the appropriate slope and material. the situation is the same with the stairs tiles or smooth stone, if there are no rubber strips on them to help prevent slipping. well,
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look, this is a non-normative ramp, because it has two grooves, but they are not universal, for all people. the treads have different widths and, accordingly, the wheels may not simply fit into these grooves, firstly, secondly, it has a non-standard slope, that is , it is more than necessary and you cannot climb it on your own, well, the handrails too, respectively are not normative, they do not have a normal height, and their thickness does not allow you to properly grasp the space of lviv with ancient narrow streets, stone steps and curbs. adapting for people in wheelchairs is difficult, but it is possible that more coffee shops, cafes and bookstores are becoming friendly to people with disabilities and adapting their businesses. karina notes that she plans her route in advance, looks for establishments with an accessible entrance area and a restroom, and
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if there are none, she will not be able to visit them, so leave money there. but if we are talking about inclusion, it is a process not only of removing these physical barriers, yes, it is also the process of removing mental barriers, including communication barriers, and there is a certain problem in this too, because people still have various stereotypes about a person, for example, in a wheelchair, and maybe i can be perceived very superficially, you know, and accordingly to feel a superficial attitude towards myself, for example, regarding my financial capabilities there, or regarding my... mental capabilities, simply because i use a wheelchair, this is of course unacceptable, it should not be like that . karina says that a person does not have low mobility deprive her of a sense of dignity and the opportunity to return to her life. now , everything has changed very, very much after the full-scale
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invasion, of course people have realized that disability will be everywhere now, well, it is present as a phenomenon, and... something needs to be changed, and of course the rhetoric has changed a lot, the politics have changed a lot, and now i personally feel such, you know, even excessive attention and excessive desire to help, we do not need excessive attention, we do not need us to run behind us and bring us ramps, yes, we we need to be allowed to just live peacefully, use our services, work and not pay too much attention, well, it is not necessary, so that guests and residents of lviv can... it is easy and fast to find barrier-free locations, the lviv tourist office has created a map: accessible city. more than 100 food establishments, museums, theaters, communal institutions, hospitals, shopping and entertainment centers have already been marked on the map, which must comply with all norms of inclusivity.
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natalya stare pravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel. in travel pharmacies you and savings. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv. beyond its borders, what kind of world does it dream of, so norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on new two-hour format. even more
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analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can... your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. maria gurska meets with the head of the polish foreign affairs committee every week to the sejm by pawel koval, authorized by the government of poland for the restoration of ukraine. as always. we are talking about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we
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perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with seestre eu. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they. the boys from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. this is what our continent will look like after ukraine joins
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the european union. this is the only scenario for europe and ukraine. we reached the finals, ahead the hardest not only russia is fighting against us. we have the experience of winning and we will win again. in the super final. otherwise, our continent will look like this. 22 years ago, also in the spring, ukraine announced for the first time that it was going to join nato, and this was the beginning of a great kremlin game, an information and intelligence special operation, a bet in which the future of ukraine and the entire continent is at stake. the communist system was based not only on nuclear weapons, but for the most part, not surprisingly, it was based on state propaganda. i wonder what's in the system more people worked in state propaganda of the soviet union than in the military. in the industrial complex and in the soviet army. since 1954, information warfare in moscow
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has been entrusted to the first department of the kgb, foreign intelligence. it was this unit that carried out so -called active measures. this is propaganda, destabilization, disinformation, manipulation, any means of influencing public consciousness in order to change it in one's favor. i do not know. i don't know if the fear will eventually pass. it seems that those who harbor criminal intentions. this fear will not pass, this even not bad, and i am sure that the fear will pass for honest people, now the fsb continues this work with the help of modern technologies, at the disposal of special services, colossal budgets and a powerful information army, the front on which the kremlin conducts its information wars is the whole world, which what scared the kremlin the most during the entire stage and period of our independence was obviously the fact that we... wanted to get away from moscow. this was embodied in various laws. ukraine
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has directly stated that it wants to be a member of the european union and nato. and as soon as ukraine declared about it or talked about it, immediately russia included all its mechanisms in order to prevent it from happening. ensuring one's own security is the prerogative of any sovereign state. please, we do not object to this. but why is it necessary to push military infrastructure to our borders during expansion? understands that if ukraine does not move towards europe, then the only way for us to survive is to be in an alliance with it, that is, to restore the soviet union. that is why putin launched his first special operation did against ukraine immediately after the first own elections and almost won it. the end of the 90s is the honeymoon period in the relations between ukraine and nato. russia is not yet in a position to spoil them, busy with homework, suppressing ichkeria, independent media and the opposition. ukraine and nato started to
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meet each other almost immediately after gaining independence. in 1992, president leonid kravchuk visits the bloc's headquarters in brussels. in 1994, ukraine, the first among the post-soviet countries, signed a partnership program for peace with the alliance. volodymyr ogrysko, a diplomat, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine from 2007 to 2009, he was even sometimes offended when we went there for all of them. the so-called cis summits, and when, well, there all the presidents signed what they were joining, and i sat next to me and said that linilovych, here we draw a line, we do not sign, so he said, what is this, why are we not up to this, well, because it does not correspond to common sense and the course you announced to the west. every ukrainian president, regardless of
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what slogans he ran for the elections, later necessarily returned to europe. kuchma is no exception, what he did, he signed. charter on the ukraine-nato special partnership. it is obvious that the russians took this step as a slap in the face of their own greatness and began to act. this is how the tape scandal began, in the center of which was president kuchma, who was suspected of murdering journalist giorhiy gongadze. a few years ago... the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico, resigned for the same reason, he was also considered to be involved in the murder of a journalist. there were mass rallies in slovakia similar to a real revolution. but there was a significant difference between slovakia and ukraine, because their conflict actually developed between two sides, the president and society. yury
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lutsenko. a politician in the early 2000s, co-chairman of the ukraine without kuchma movement. these tapes were thrown away and became the start of mass opposition actions, which reached their peak after the murder of journalist gong. as it is now clear to all of us, this murder was part of an active operation by the fsb, and it is proved very simply. the fact that we are... in britain, for one thing got on a plane, calmly flew to moscow, unfolded how the spies had started a newspaper so that they could see the date of his stay on red square, as a result, a week later a delegation from ukraine came to him to negotiate a change of course and payment of silence. at that time
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, a sea of ​​people and i, including myself, having read what was happening in the office of the ukrainian president, spoke sincerely. today , all the people who want to, who want to show that we know about the regime's crimes, will come to khreschatyk. we were unwitting participants in a bigger game than that could imagine. it is still not known for certain whether the fsb was involved in the story of the murder of yagon. they simply used the love of power, the brutality of the then ukrainian government, their cynicism and desire to leave corrupt systems, or they led this situation, followed it and then used their information machines, it may be the first or the second, but it does not change the essence, well, i at that time i was already an ambassador in austria and in the osce and there in
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international organizations in vienna, i perfectly understood where the legs grow from, and i understood how it is difficult... to explain, and it really was so to our western partners, that in fact it is about a muscovite, about a moscow provocation, it was a very clear, well-thought-out russian information work, well, i will not reveal any secret if i say that 80% of those , who work in russian, so-called embassies abroad, are spies and propagandists, obviously murder. became a very important trigger for rejecting, disconnecting, distancing ukraine from nato. in 2022, the national security and defense council adopted a special doctrine and worked on in order to maintain this unchanged course towards nato, the well-known ukrainian politicians at that time, horbulin and marchuk, contributed to this. despite the fact that when kuchma went to prague, he
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actually found himself humiliated there. russia continued its own special operations. how shall we tell now? state guard major mykola melnychenko became the key figure in the cassette scandal. he fled to the czech republic in 2000, but in 2002, just before the prague nato summit, he released new tapes. according to the records, leonid kuchma authorized the supply of saddam hussein to the iraqi regime kolchug radars. the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine denied this information, but a scandal broke out, which was called "kolchuzhny". found himself in total international isolation, it was actually a continuation and a very logical and, from moscow's point of view, a reasonable continuation of the discrediting of kuchma, why? well , in order to completely... take him, so to speak, under informational, political and any other siege, well, and then, don't forget tuzla, a very, very logical, again,
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logical step arose after all this , when, when it would be necessary for kuchma to actually, oh well besieged from all sides, yielded. leonid kuchma came to prague uninvited in 2002 . the organizers of the summit were confused, they did not want to put him between the prime minister of great britain, tony blair, and the president of the united states , george bush, although according to the protocol, the names of their countries in english begin with the letter u, as well as ukraine. then they decide to seat the guests according to the french alphabet, and kuchma ended up at the very end of the table next to the turkish president. and putin's political avatar, medvedchuk, was already sitting behind him. literally in a few... months before the summit, he was appointed head of the presidential administration, and the solution came. after the release of these tapes, kuchma became ungovernable. the entire european and
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american community stopped all contact with him. and he just like a billiard ball, went, hit the side and returned to the right pocket. and the pocket was covered with medvedchuk. in july 2004, shortly before the historic elections, after which the first, actually the second after, arose. densko maidan, kuchma by his decree cancels the movement to nato as a goal of ukraine. moscow won this battle. i want to say. the second time, i go to return again. the third president of ukraine, viktor yushchenko, returned to the military doctrine the course of unification with the european union and nato. but the government then was actually under the control of the party of regions, and this movement could not take place as energetically, because. this party, as a pro-russian force, was obviously opposed to this, and we all remember what happened in the parliament at that time, on the eve of the bucharest summit. the bucharest summit of 2008 could have become historic for us, but
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angela merkel and nicolas sarkozy, the leaders of at that time, germany and france, the two largest countries in the european union, did not support ukraine. in fact, the way to the renewal of the conflict in europe has been opened. yushchenko approached merkel, addressed her very delicately, touched her elbow. an adequately emotional reaction from the always restrained ms. merkel is still in my mind: don't come near me, i don't have time for you, she snapped, smiled nervously, turned around and ran to the other end of the hall. everyone present became uncomfortable, spanish shame - they say now. putin screwed up - yushchenko said then. putin did not just turn mrs. merkel against ukraine. he made her an accomplice in his crimes. putin already. then hinted that if ukraine were to join nato, he would annex crimea and eastern ukraine. western leaders were frightened, and instead of
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a completely specific roadmap for nato membership, we were offered a reform plan that had to be renewed every year. this fear of the west inspired putin to go to war. a war broke out in georgia, which the west also mocked virtually silently. "no matter how you act during on the first wedding night, the result should be the same, you feel betrayed and humiliated, i hear everyone, and i am ready to help everyone. viktor yanukovych, after winning the elections, surprisingly continued his path to membership in the european union. i remember how much his envoys in brussels did to bring ukraine..." to the eu, even though freedom of speech was restricted in ukraine, the opposition leader was in prison, yanukovych still thought that that all these are not obstacles for us to become
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members of the european union, and the russian special operation continued with a new wave. in 2012, 68% of ukrainians oppose nato, and this is the highest figure in 20 years of sociological surveys. now there are only 4% of them. november 2013, vilnius. the tension reaches its peak. european leaders are persuading yanukovych not to yield to putin and sign the association. the morning of a historic day. only moldova and georgia signed the association agreement. oleg manchera. in 2013, a journalist of eurasia media. waiting for the signing of the association in vilnius was so heated that a lot of ukrainians flew in. there were a lot of journalists, there were a lot of experts. and this morning we were all waiting for the final decision. and here we see a furious, terribly furious merkel flying in, well, the last hope is dashed, it is clear that nothing has succeeded, and now yanukovych literally sits down in front of me, he sits down in
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the last row. sergisyan, the president of armenia, is sitting on a small chair next to him, i look at all this, and i feel so humiliated, it's not, it's not yanukovych, it's ukraine sat next to this absolute satellite of moscow, because we were thrown back to russia, actually for the second time. why did yanukovych retreat then? obviously, he was afraid of the kremlin, because to say that the kremlin or putin were not scary for him, with his post-colonial thinking, would be untrue, but not only because of this, for... yanukovych, the choice between the european union and the so-called customs or secret union, as it was then called, between brussels, europe and moscow, consisted in a bargain, in whoever offered him more and better. yanukovych had the idea that russia would swallow him our accession to the european union, if he can make money from it, he and the business surrounding it, but the accession to nato will never work , and that is why he started fighting with nato much earlier in 2010, rather
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not even fighting with nato. and by removing all references to nato from important ukrainian documents, from all government documents, from the law on the basis of domestic policy, wherever possible, words about nato were removed by yanukovych, but neither yanukovych nor the russians could really understand what ukrainians really want at the time and what the ukrainian people want. them it seemed that everything was measured in money, and even more so, all the sociological surveys of that time showed that ukrainians were not ready to go out to protest, but they went out because they wanted to go to europe not only to live better and earn more, they wanted to europe because they wanted to live in a free world, they went to the maidan, the maidan, which started our way to europe, which will end with the inevitable success, i didn't know the news, i didn't know what happened in kyiv, i didn't was watching the news, i just went down to turn in the key to reception and leave for the airport and... here
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the receptionist, a lithuanian, looks up at me, says, well, you already know that a war has started in kyiv, and turns his gaze to the tv screen, a large plasma, i look at what is happening, and some such thought asked me, lord, how right he is, this is a war, a war has started, i will sign the association agreement with a pen that says association agreement between ukraine and the eu, vilnius on november 29. then there was no signing. but the pen remained. it is a symbol of what is historical events cannot be avoided. here, the presidents of ukraine and slovakia symbolically open the visa-free regime at the common border. a dream that seemed impossible. accession to
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nato and the eu is written into the constitution. we are going our own way, and this way is the way to ukraine's membership in the european union and nato. 334 for adopted amendments to the constitution. it seemed that all the gates were wide open, but the eye of sauron was already burning in the north. i have made a decision. why does he decide to start, he thinks that biden is weak, the americans have withdrawn their troops from afghanistan, europe is divided, putin, through his agents and through his finances, supports the ultra-right and ultra-left, pro-russian forces in europe, no one will be able to protect ukraine, it seemed to him that this is the best time to start this war, but it is difficult to start it yourself, and we remember , that before the start
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of a full-scale invasion, putin flies... to xijiping in china and negotiates the start of a war, which, from his point of view, was supposed to be instantaneous. putin should have been met with flowers here, just like igor the military. north korea and iran agreed. it was like that the newest branch was formed. putin failed to carry out a blitzkrieg, and the ukrainians rejected him from kyiv, from kharkiv, from chernihiv, from sumy, and from many other ukrainian cities, but this did not stop him, and it activates again.


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