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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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this is the amount we want to collect, and for this we have some 55,000 left, so that we have 55,000, so that we have 500,000 at least for today, and this will already be a fourth part of the amount we are collecting. next, on our air, there will be an interview of vitaly portnikov with director and film producer alex garland, and andriy seychuk and i will be back later, stay with espresso. congratulations, mr. garland, and let's begin with the plot of your new film and the script. 19 states seceded. the united states army is ramping up the intensity. the white house warns both the western powers and the florida alliance. the president, elected for a third term, promises to quickly put down the rebellion. want to try something on? and you are aware that there is a real civil war going on all over america. we are out of politics. judging by. news, that will be
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the best. civil war in the united states. many say that this is another utopia, however, the plot itself is superimposed on the fierce political struggle that we have all witnessed in recent years. were you trying to create a utopia, or were you just afraid of the future that awaits the world in the united states states soon. the action of the film takes place in the usa, because america is the most powerful country in the world. but the problems highlighted in the film can apply not only to america, but also to many other countries of the world. for example, extremism is among these problems. they are common in
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many societies in europe, asia, and south america, so yes, this is definitely a global problem that the film is addressing. i would like to understand how you feel about how the audience will react to it. movie, do you want to warn them or just want to state the reality in which they are almost already? the problem we're dealing with is partly a lack of communication, i think the problem with the lack of communication is that people are taking instructions from others about. what they should think
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instead of engaging in open discussions, instead of talking , lectures often take place, so i don't want to contribute by actually lecturing someone, of which there are already too many in the world, instead i hope to facilitate two-way communication with movie viewers. i ask this question because... i just want to understand how you perceive this prophecy in art, as a statement of reality that can definitely happen, or as a warning that allows you to somehow stop the destructive processes in society. no country is immune from terrible events. one of the biggest mistakes that
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countries can make is to believe that they are exceptional, that they will not be affected by the problems that others are currently experiencing. such complacency is false: extremism is what which requires constant vigilance and protection from him, everywhere and everywhere. may i ask why you decided to turn to the actual plot? all your previous scripts were, let's say, this fantastic picture of the distant future, and this film is more of an appeal to an almost current political reality, why did you decide to, let's say, descend from heaven to earth, and...
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i don't know, it's a story i've been dying to share ever since i wrote it, which is almost four. in fact, i described what was happening and what seemed to me out of the blue scary, disturbing and dangerous. the truth is that even fantastic stories often stem from something real. this may be due to a breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence, psychology or. like our tv show developers about how tech billionaires in silicon valley are treated like geniuses when really they're just entrepreneurs. so i always try to think about the current state of things in
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the world, but in this case i felt that this kind of plot was not suitable for making a sci-fi film. that's all. one from your previous ones. of films is dedicated to contact with artificial intelligence, which was not a reality then, today we have actually come close to this reality, how do you imagine a world with artificial intelligence, do you think that art can give an answer to this question? that's a good question, i'd be an idiot if i said i knew the answer, frankly, i don't... but i'll tell you what i think, the process is already underway, humanity has already observed this process, i mean nuclear power or nuclear weapons as soon as possible it is clear that it is possible, it already meant that it will inevitably happen, the same will happen with
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artificial intelligence, and people, journalists, filmmakers or just ordinary citizens can spend a lot of time thinking about it , worrying and asking themselves to... this or bad, but nothing can be done since the process is irreversible. so the question is not whether we can stop it, but what we will do when the new age comes. if you look at nuclear weapons, in some ways we've dealt with them both well and badly. badly, because nuclear weapons have spread all over the world, and at some point in the future, all of this could easily turn into a disaster. on the other hand, we have done well because nuclear weapons have not been used in conflict since world war ii. so it's kind of a mixture. i can assume that something similar will happen with artificial intelligence. most of the problems that we
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are experiencing today, which you raise by and large, are related to the thinking of the person himself. and you can say that it is. comic thinking, thinking fragments, small, fragments of reality, and you are the person who created this thinking of comics, you grew up in the atmosphere of comics, created your own comics, how can a person remain whole in such fragmented thinking that dominates the world today? interesting, i really grew up on comics, my father was an animator, i don't have a concrete answer to this question, but i can say that there is a certain connection between comics and movies, because it is
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a sequence of images that are connected and tell a story one story, often when i'm writing a movie script i see it in a weird way like a comic book, i see a sequence of images or frames that are very similar to the pictures in the comic book, does it affect anything else, not sure, maybe it doesn't, but that's what lives in me since childhood. one of your halo scenarios is dedicated to such a collision. worlds that cannot find common ground among themselves, there are people there, there are covenants, remember, this is good, it is essentially a theocratic empire, and we in ukraine also very often perceive our own war as
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clash of civilizations, you imagine how civilizations can co-exist when they have completely different values, how to prevent this constant conflict. in my opinion, it is certainly better that civilizations do not collide at all, any collision, as a rule, has bad consequences. one of these consequences is disrespect, so it is better that civilizations, instead of clashing, treat each other neighborly, with proper human kindness. one of your scripts was based on a famous novel, one might say mine favorite author kaji oshiguro, and this novel that...
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i hope i understood the question correctly. i think the point of ishiguro's works is how people can quickly slide into inhumane acts if they don't think properly and act justly and intelligently. these actions can be absolutely ethically and morally wrong. the lesson that i...
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of decency and respect, people are very quickly able to abandon their basic values ​​and drive themselves into the depths of total madness. unfortunately, individual people or states need completely. not much time to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alex, everything. thank you very much. tired of heavy and bulky. saw , then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and
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psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. try flebodia 600, pink french tablets for acute hemorrhoids plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any side effects. there are discounts on dollheit cream and doolgi up to 30% in the psarynskyk vam and shchadnyk pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on espres tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities,
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analysis of processes changing the country and each of us the country has to get the right. start negotiations on accession to the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, le vakulyuk andriy saichuk, i remind you, we work today this day in this studio for you, why i say during the day,
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because not only in the morning we work, but also after that at 2:10 p.m. he will return. and we will continue our marathon, so you have the opportunity during the day and during this morning to donate to our collection, let's set ourselves such a small goal, if only to finish this week at the mark of 500 uah, for us in order to finish the day at the mark of 500 00 hryvnias, some 50,000 hryvnias are missing, 50,00 hryvnias, you and i are collecting this and even more, so join in, please, guys from the 93rd and 72nd brigades... will thank you immensely for the fpv drones they eventually get. 5,000 hryvnias, this will be the fourth part of the required amount, which we want to collect from the required 2 million. well, let's talk now, i want to say that one piece of information is also important, the mirror of the week writes that the prosecutor general may change in ukraine, now
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the general prosecutor, if you know, this is mr. kostin, was not there. he is so much noticed in some scandals, but until recently, it turned out that mr. kostin, it turns out, spends a lot of time where spends time in america, in the country, his wife just lives there, and somehow it coincided, of course, so to speak, due to the circumstances, that mr. kostin turns out to be terribly fond of going to america on various, various, various business trips. in the united states, well, just so you understand, a person in the public service has about 250 working days, and
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mr. kostin spent more than 100 days last year in the united states, well, that is, maybe he is... such an american attorney general, maybe we don't know , maybe he is part-time there is working, it's just that the separation has a bad effect on andrii's married life, well, to check whether he flew constantly, as far as i understand, it was registered as a business trip, but it's interesting, we're talking about it, we'll talk about it again, i wanted to mean, we're about we will talk about this in our second part, the 14th, which will begin, yes, but who can replace mr. kostin, who, in principle , apart from this and that problem... has not yet been noticed in a bad way anywhere, here, here but hey, who can replace him, this is the current head of odesa ova, oleg kiper, mm, they write, in particular, in dzvergo week, that the head of the president's office , andrii yermak, is terribly lobbying him, cyprus and yermak, they are some
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friends there, they have all known each other for a long time, all this is one, so to speak, one society or community. and here is the goalkeeper, he just has a lot of skeletons in the closet, well, there could be more, but he has already had a classified declaration for three years, since they decided that his declaration should be classified, so we do not know , what and how is happening in kipera, so to speak in odessa, but instead we know that his family lives in austria, where, by the way, he already went during his tour, because he, like us... is the type to go to christmas or new year's eve, ugh, and he was gone for a long time, ugh , there was a christmas vacation, and he spent it in cyprus, then he told you when the vacation
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was, i have a vacation now, i have a vacation today, i really have a vacation, but this whole week is my vacation, well, i, for example , i don't think that i i i let's say so, they said, i don't see a vacation this year for myself, like last year, i i don't understand how he can leave. a journalist who is currently working on a telethon, for example, well, sorry, well, i don’t understand, okay, well, now we can ask roman gapachyl, volunteer actor, sketch show singer, our bezrashis, if there is time for vacation during the war, mr. roman, congratulations i congratulate you, you have time for a vacation, i think that a vacation is a change in the form of activity, because if you only change what you do, you rest, that is, you need to have just three or four jobs, you can have five and in principle. and for example you you work, i work in the it business, then you work on gang cars, it’s already a vacation, and now i’m with the team in the mountains, we’re finishing up our film at night, yes, i’ve lost
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the letter 2 of the final, which we’ve been working on for a long time already, that’s why too it's a change in the way you work, it's like you're working but you're also resting, i'll say that, resting during war, you know, that's a good question, i think it's still necessary because there's such a thing as mental health i, if you will... well, in this setup, even the military, they too they give vacations, that's right, that's why we are civilians, in my opinion we should also take advantage of this opportunity to overload ourselves, because our environment depends on our mental health, our psychological health, i don't know how we communicate with children, with others in the family, so it seems to me that after all , you need to give yourself a certain period of time for rest, otherwise it is very difficult... to go through all these mental problems, which are waiting, which our society is in, but with that hard
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to disagree, i totally support this one here opinion, and that's why i'll probably still have to find some weekend to rest, now in the carpathians, and i'm in slavsky now, the sun is beautiful, since there was no fog, it's only one and a half hours from lviv, and it's for the weekend you can jump out, so... still, i advise you to do it and then start the new week with a new charge, it's important, and okay, i even agree with the sikhs, in principle, the day off looks good, a beautiful, beautiful location, a mcdonald's opened there recently, that's why it's a super vacation, so it is for people who are not from lviv and they don't know what a dry area is in lviv, it's a sleepy area, it's just that the whole of ukraine is watching us, that we've explained a little, what we 're talking about here with you, just like that, how are your volunteers doing now? not bad, not bad, that is, we are approaching the number of 400 bander mobs today, we sent 393, but recently the other day we received three more
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pickups, now in fact all our cars are donated cars from different parts of the world, an australian lady was coming, a very cool story, which i can tell you, i had with her the opportunity to have dinner, before that she dropped us money for five cars, well, if we were to buy five cars - she sends us, and then says, it's my birthday, and here are the children, she has two sons, she is alone with claire is from australia, about 65 years old, and her children live in berlin, and she is like that, she says, i want a present for my birthday, they say, either you can go to africa to see the animals, or let’s drive with us we will bring pickups to ukraine, she says, guys, there is nothing to think about, we are bringing pickups to ukraine. here she flies in london, her sons already meet her there, they take three pickup trucks, buy them and drive from london directly to ukraine, but
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they come here and give us pickup trucks, here she is, by the way, claire and that’s two, it became and there are a lot of such stories , that is, i don't have the opportunity to have dinner with everyone, here is ivan oleksiy, who is in the photo, he is the leader of this pick-up oramshtein, so he communicates our car for ukraine brand. and communicates our brand for foreigners, i.e. if we have a brand for our audience abroad, carfaine for ukraine is banderam. ot and in this way, in fact, now we will somewhere receive two or three, sometimes four cars a week, and we also send them somewhere. this week, unfortunately, it was not possible to send, we have a little problem with delivery, we bring cars, that is , there are a lot of us, well, we have five drivers there who are constantly receiving, and now we have a little problem with opening the way. for them to go and pick them up, our cars are all piled up on the steps, in the parking lot, and now we need to get a way there to go and pick them up, and that is why we have a shipment this week canceled, well, i think that we
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will solve this issue. let's go and get our cars shegin, but these protests at the border somehow affect the delivery of bandaromobiles, honestly, like, i drove myself, there are three or four pseudo super agrarians, of which there are 150 flags around them, they are there for themselves the bourgeois are drinking tea or coffee there, you go around them. and that's all, that is, from the point of view of civilian or volunteer activities, you understand that this is just a fake, but for cargo there are probably some problems, well, for example, for large overall cargo, for volunteer activities, for us, for this one, we only drive on foot, we use this pass, because we have already set up a logistics chain for ourselves, what we have on the polish side, we have
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a parking lot, all the cars drop off, we come there , we take them, we take them, we have no problems, i wonder what, we literally have problems, i think that if there were problems, then some kind of sketch would definitely appear, if there were problems, we would shout that we can start, i would gave them, here's a motherfucker and theirs, but this one, but it looks like everything, i drove by them, you just leave, the police are standing, you insult them, and there are three or four little men standing there. and a bunch of flags with theirs, that's all, that 's all, that's all theirs, this revolution, we have two minutes left, so with your script of missing letters, how does it all move, well, i 'll say it like this, writing sketches is one thing, writing a movie is another the other thing is if i lived, arktem sentablaev was in lviv in december, we lived together for 3 days, it was such a strong,
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you could say, training for me. onal and how different this whole story is, actually we they changed the very concept a little, because the cinema requires drama, and the cinema requires problematics, the cinema requires that the characters learn something in this story, that they started with some one problem and ended with the solution of this problem, and you prescribe this to each character, every one of their problems, because there was a function of some kind of film , but i will say that writing sketches is this... this is easier, so in fact in december we once again worked out such a very detailed treatment and now with the team with ilya serhiy we are here in slavsk and we are writing the final script, i think this is already the sixth, the sixth, imagine, the sixth time you change 65 pages, where you have to endure the details, endure this line, endure this conflict, and i believe that this is
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it , which comes out i am really very glad that it can come out like this, ahtem will see it at the end of next week, i hope that this will be the final version that we will accept and that we will already start preparing, you know, cinema is like wine, it has to insist, and i'm not in a hurry with that, i'm in a hurry, because it's easy to remove was during the war, i don't think this is a very correct story, you have to take what will make sense, and make sense not only for ukraine, but also outside of ukraine. that's why, that's why, that's why we approach it with the highest quality, of course, uh, you have to give it, say that i did my best, and, i mean, when i give this script, i'll think that it's the best version , which i could create, with the mental health that i have, for today, with the vacations that we can afford, that's why, i think that already this version, the sixth version, we will take as a basis and we will start preparing for
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filming, may your mental health... hold on, may the meanings in the film be good, we are waiting for the appearance of that film, arman gapachila actor, volunteer, singer sketch show, our bezraschi was in touch with us, dear friends, we will return to the air at 14:10, well, the air continues, so please stay with us. kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espresso in the studio. at night, the russians released 17 shaheds across ukraine. all destroyed our air defense forces in kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk and.


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