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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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which is at least 2,000 troops, which is at least two combined armies. at the moment , it looks like a major offensive operation against kyiv in the summer is unlikely. first of all, due to the fact that the russians did not form the required shock formation, and also did not accumulate the required amount of weapons. currently, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general oleksandr syrsky, emphasized that information should be ignored. about the preparation of a probable enemy offensive in the kharkiv region is not worth it in any case. the ukrainian command, as commander-in-chief sirskyi said, is preparing an adequate response to such a possibility. if the russians go there again, kharkiv will become a fatal city for them, - warns the ukrainian head. a feature of the russian offensive in 2022 was the increased use of rocket artillery, primarily.
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hail and tornado systems. here, the russians concentrated a larger number of rocket artillery, compared to other areas of the front. for a while, they even managed to capture the city east of kharkiv, the city of chuguev, strategic but then the russians were defeated in the settlement of dergachii, so their exit to kharkiv district did not give them any advantages. for several days, fierce battles raged in kharkiv. as we were informed by the direct participants of these battles, it was then possible to destroy up to 2,000 servicemen of the russian army. first of all, these were special forces. some of these special forces managed to capture the 134th school in the city of kharkiv, where they were surrounded, and refusing to surrender, all the russian special forces were destroyed. now there is a possibility that putin. during
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the largest mobilization in recent decades. let me remind you that on march 30, according to the conscription plan, at least 150,000 citizens will be recruited in russia. this draft will officially last for 3.5 months until mid-july. a significant part of these unprepared units can be transferred to other directions, in particular to zaporizhia and donetsk. while the most prepared russian units can form'. strike group in the kharkiv direction, military experts believe. however, i will emphasize once again, all this is just a question probabilities, because at the moment no signs of the formation of such a strike group have been recorded. the dictator of belarus, oleksandr lukashenko , said on tuesday, april 2, that his country is currently preparing for war. he stated this during a business trip. to grodno. and here it is worth
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reminding that the residents of buchi during the occupation identified among the occupiers in the city a military unit of special forces of belarus. on march 31, 2022 , taras shapravskyi, the secretary of the buchansk city council, told about this on the air of the fredom tv channel. about the peace-loving maneuvers of putin's stooge lukashenka are detailed in our story. belarus is a neighboring country, which, unlike russia, does not yet have the status of an aggressor country, but the military of the belarusian army has also participated in a full-scale invasion of ukraine since 2022. then columns of russian equipment came from belarus to liberate chernihiv and kyiv. russian planes with missiles also took off from the airfield in machulyshchy near minsk. the russian aggressors were provided with barracks, hospitals and other various types of infrastructure. first the self-proclaimed president of belarus oleksandr lukashen. in march 2022, he declared that
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belarusian troops were not participating in the invasion of ukraine. there is nothing for us to do there , we are not called there, but we are taking part in this operation, and our task is to cover the style of advancing russian troops, he said. later, at the beginning of july, lukashenko accused ukraine of shelling belarus and ordered to target the capital of the enemy. we are being provoked, i must tell you, three days ago, maybe a little more from the territory of ukraine tried to strike at military facilities on the territory of belarus, but thank god, against... the panzer air systems managed to intercept all the missiles that were launched by the armed forces of ukraine, and already in october of this year he confirmed the country's participation in the invasion. as for our participation, special military operations in ukraine, we do not hide it, we participate, but we do not kill anyone. during the two years of the great war on the territory of ukraine, belarus continues to conduct military training, so on april 2 , the armed forces of belarus began military study in the regions bordering ukraine, lithuania and poland. this was reported to the ministry of defense of the republic. belarus it is noted
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that command and staff training will be conducted by territorial defense forces of rogachev and kormyan districts of gomel region and in voronovsky district of grodnet region. also under the leadership of the chairman. the leysk regional executive committee of the minsk region will hold a training session with conscripted territorial troops. at the end of march , the spokesman of the state border service, andriy demchenko, noted that intelligence units monitor the situation on the territory of belarus in order to respond in the event of a threat. in addition, this direction continues to be strengthened with engineering fortifications along the border line and fortifications in the border areas. the situation does not change along the border with belarus. on the other hand, we do not see that russia has any forces to establish a threat at the moment. he emphasized. in march, there were also claims that russia had moved tactical nuclear weapons to belarus closer to nato territory. russian president vladimir putin threatens a wider military confrontation with the alliance through support for ukraine. in a comment to the belarusian opposition publication pozirk , belarusian oppositionist valery sahashchyk
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said that the authorities of the russian federation and belarus are preparing to use nuclear weapons and blitzkrieg on vilnius. he claims that the belarusian generals and their colleagues from moscow are drawing arrows on the maps in the direction of vilnius and the pass. says that the use of nuclear weapons and an attack on lithuania, moscow and minsk are planning because of the failure in the war with ukraine, according to him , putin and lukashenko hope that the civilized world will be shocked by such escalation of aggression and stop the resistance. as a military specialist, having communicated with colleagues in all western countries, i am 100% sure. a great military disaster awaits russia. i am sure that the russian and belarusian generals feel this well, - says sahashchyk. in february 2022 , the dictatorial regime in minsk provided its territory for an invasion against ukraine. this situation does not have many chances to repeat itself in 2024, however, dictator lukashenka emphasizes: the war this time is completely
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is possible, and its targets can be not only ukraine, but also nato states, lithuania and poland. to what extent... there are threats of a new invasion from the territory of belarus into ukraine, we will talk about this later. currently, the belarusian dictatorship refrains from direct acts of aggression, or providing its territory for the russians to attack ukraine, as was the case in the winter and spring of 2022 . it is obvious that oleksandr lukashenko, who was a potato, got bitter then. a lesson for yourself, however, this does not exclude the possibility of a repeated offensive of the russians from the territory of belarus, although it is necessary to give due warning, which the belarusian dictator apparently received from ukraine, turned out to be quite serious for him, because the last shelling from the territory
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of belarus and ukrainian territories was recorded as early as the fall of 2022. since then, there has been silence on the border of ukraine and belarus. although this silence may seem deceptive. will the military units of the republic of belarus be used? currently there is no answer. however, as we can see, both ukraine and our nato allies are already preparing. against the background of fears about a possible repeated attack russians, our partners are increasingly aware of the need to increase military and non-military aid to ukraine. more details about that. as the west prepares for a possible russian offensive in our plot. against the backdrop of forecasts of a new large-scale offensive by russia already this summer, ukraine and partner countries are doing everything possible to resist the invaders. thus, at the beginning of april
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, french president emmanuel macron and us secretary of state anthony blinken met in paris and declared a common position on further support for ukraine. about it was reported in the official notification. us state department. secretary of state blinken and president macron confirmed their strong support for ukraine's struggle for freedom against russian aggression. they also agreed on the importance of preventing the escalation of the conflict in gaza, to the exclusion of avoiding an escalation in lebanon. they discussed the challenges facing the people's republic of china and discussed efforts to strengthen global food security. it's in the message. earlier , macron also suggested sending troops to ukraine in the coming year. french newspaper on march 14, 2024, lamon reported that on the night of february 21, during a feast in a narrow circle, macron announced his readiness to send troops to odessa. the situation in ukraine, which has been occupied by russian troops for two years now, is getting worse and the war is dragging on. in any case, next year i will have to send several
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guys to odesa, - the interlocutor of the newspaper quoted macron as saying. the french president also said that a ground operation involving western troops in ukraine may be necessary at some point, he said in an interview french newspaper, the french president did not abandon his position, but emphasized that the western allies would not take the initiative. maybe at some point, i don't want it, i won't take the initiative, we'll have to spend. operations on the ground, whatever they may be, to counter russian forces. the strength of france is that we can do it - macron said. if ukraine falls, nato will go to war with russia, the pentagon believes. its head, lloyd osi , emphasized that kyiv desperately needs it additional funding to prevent a situation in the world where one country can redraw the borders of its neighbors and illegitimately seize their sovereign territories - reports european truth. we know if putin succeeds, he won't... he'll find himself continuing to act more aggressively in the region, and other leaders around the world, other autocrats, will be looking at it, and they
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'll be encouraged by the fact that it's happened, and we failed to support a democratic state, austin said. he later remarked that if ukraine will lose in this war, the baltic countries may be at risk first of all. if you're a baltic country, you're very worried if you're going to be next, they know putin, they know what he's capable of, and frankly, if ukraine falls, i really believe nato will.' with russia, the official said. ukraine this week carried out a series of highly effective attacks against the russian military complex, as well as an oil refinery. on the second of april, ukrainian drones crossed the territory of the republic of tatarstan. in this way , they covered a distance of more than 1300 km. as the american tv channel cnn reports, the use of ukrainian drones received a new lease of life, because this time
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a uav with artificial intelligence and machine vision was used. this made it possible to achieve the effectiveness of hitting russian objects with an accuracy of up to 1 m. however , representatives of the ukrainian special services do not comment on this information, but the ukrainian media , citing their sources, have already reported that the successful operation on april 2 was... joint, the main intelligence department of the ministry defense, as well as security services of ukraine. all this is extremely disturbing to the russians, and our allies were forced to react to it in the same way. us secretary of state anthony blinkin, who visited france this week, met with president emmanuel macron as well as his french counterpart stephane sijournet. the us secretary of state said that the united states does not officially support. and do not participate in such attacks, however, he did not say that the united states would prohibit
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ukraine from carrying out such attacks. in turn , stephan sejourne stated that there are actions of ukraine legitimate defense. therefore, there are doubts about the effectiveness of ukrainian tactics regarding the exclusion of russian refineries, as well as enterprises of the military-industrial complex, in particular those involved in the assembly. their shaheed will continue in the future. this program was prepared and conducted for you by me, taras brozovets. thank you, glory to ukraine, together to victory. damn stairs. my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i thought so
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a yellow dolgit cream at the pharmacy, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves mobility of the joints, longit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back, an unusual look at the news: good health ladies and gentlemen, me they call mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and
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western intellectuals who make sense of and comment on the most relevant social discussions. what exactly... will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the collaborators program. pseudo-ministers of the kherson region. how the fake head of the ministry of culture robbed museums. we tried to remove everything valuable. but which of the crimean officials became
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twice a traitor? we chose to be with russia. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborate program. about traitors who, at the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. in today's edition , i continue to talk about the fake ministries that the rashists are creating in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. i will defame the ministers, their assistants, heads of departments and clerks. collaborators themselves must know that there will be no quiet betrayal, and it will not work out to sit in the chair of a traitorous official and not be suspected. these are fake. the ministry of culture of the kherson region, it was created on june 16, 2023, it is managed by a long-time supporter of the tricolor, oleksandr viktorovych kuzmenko. the ministry of culture voted: with a flag in their hands, in tolstovka, with the coat of arms of rashka and at the polling station. apparently, this is how all the traitors looked when they came to vote for the unchanging president of russia, maybe this is
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just an official scratch for everyone who is fed by the dictator's hand? i think it is an honor for kuzmenko to wear a coat of arms with a chicken on his heart, because before becoming an official traitor, he quietly licked putin's portrait and waited. now i will tell you how the director of the music school went to the fake minister of a non-existent institution. kuzmenko, 55, once was the head of children's music school number 4 in kherson, but not for long, because he wanted to enter politics. he was a member of the suvoriv district council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, and since 2010 he has been a member of the already banned party. union party of ukraine. as a deputy of one of the village councils, he supported the party of regions in every possible way. when the kherson region was occupied, kuzmenko finally stopped hiding his true ideological beliefs views we started promoting all-russian. during the occupation of kherson, kuzmenko managed to serve himself well in front of the invaders. journalists learned that he not only conducted
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propaganda activities in the city, but also handed over to the occupiers ukrainian teachers who did not want to cooperate with the rashists. in one of the notebooks found in kuzmenko's house there was an entry dated april 22. by the 22nd , submit the russian phone number to the lists of teachers who have left. when it became clear that the armed forces were close, the minister gave drapak, taking with him exhibits from ukrainian museums. according to the media, these are approximately 10,000 pieces of art. in an interview with the washed-up russian media, he modestly called it salvation. when there was an evacuation, we tried to withdraw. everything valuable is to be evacuated from the city of kherson, and when we return, we will return it to kherson. when kherson was liberated, part of the illegitimate ministries were transferred by the invaders to the occupied genichesk. it is there that kuzmenko is currently reviving the russian theater, filling the libraries with russian classics, arranging pro-russian contests for children and does not forget to kiss the leader's portrait before going to sleep. before that,
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he is making plans for the development of russian culture in the captured territories for the coming years. i think that in 5 years we will do a lot, we will try to open all our institutions that are not working yet. oleksandr, i have an alternative plan for you for 5 years, how about spending them culturally in a ukrainian prison, reading ukrainian classics? a year ago, the prosecutor general's office informed kuzmenko of suspicion of treason, so five it obviously won't last for years, it can last forever. our next traitor, who took one of the seats in the ministry. we believe that this gives more positive results in working with our
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agricultural producers, before becoming a collaborator and receiving suspicion, he tried several times to realize himself in politics. in 2020, usenko ran for the kherson regional council from volodymyr saldo's bloc, but was not elected. usenko was able to satisfy unfulfilled political ambitions. when the kherson region was occupied and he sold himself for the position rashists now he is the deputy pseudo-minister of agro-industrial complex and food policy of the kherson region. now a happy usenko gives interviews, appears in propaganda stories and works for the invaders. the federal budget is 1,251 million and the regional budget is 1,300. we plan to master our planned budget this year. according to the federal and regional budget. in april of last year, usynku's suspicion of collaborative activity appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office.
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during this time, the case has already been sent for consideration to the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. sratnyk faces from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment. the so -called minister of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, mykola yuriyovych bystryantsev, also received his suspicion. he was born in 42. in the city of kherson. our president stated that the regions returned to russia will prosper and develop. he emphasized that the borders of the new regions are under reliable protection. russians and ukrainians are one nation. another perfect creature of the russian propaganda machine. about relatively little is known about it. according to zmi, bystriantsev received a russian passport in crimea back in 2017 and has been living on the occupied peninsula since then. there he held the position of head of the control and utilization department. of land in the fake ministry of property and land relations of the republic of crimea. when his native city was under russian occupation, the former kherson resident decided to return home and
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try to build a career under the abhorrence of the kremlin. at first, he modestly applied for the position of deputy minister of the ministry of occupation of natural resources and ecology of the kherson region. a year ago, we chose to be with russia. so, they chose a bright future for us and our children. on august 7, 2023 , the occupiers reorganized the department into the ministry of natural resources, ecology and fisheries of the kherson region, and bustryantsev himself was promoted to minister. bustryantsev already knows how to work out a new position, so he actively joined the campaign for a joint future with razka. first, during the local elections last september, then during the presidential elections. compatriots, the day has finally come, the day when we can show... our active citizenship . we urge you to come to the polling stations and cast your vote for the future. such will of detection of bystryantsev did not go unnoticed. he was already suspected
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of collaborative activity in absentia. the case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. this lucky holder of a passport with a chicken will soon receive his sentence. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us on this. that address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. there are 15% discounts on glicised and glicised max at podorozhnyk, van and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on zypelor 15% in pharmacies. travel book pam and savings. there are 15% discounts on pulmolor tablets at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. news time on espressu tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. three people were killed as a result of the shelling of gulyai pol in the zaporizhzhia region. the enemy attacked the front-line town from grady. a russian shell hit the house. the bodies of two men and a woman were found under the rubble. another man is injured, he is in the hospital.


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