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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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[000:00:15;00] kateryna shiropoyas works at the news channel espressu in the studio. explosions rang out again in kharkiv, mayor ihor terekhov wrote about this on social media. according to him , two explosions were heard in social networks . that the enemy has again hit the city with mortars, people are urged to stay in shelter, and in general, due to the consequences of russian attacks, schedules of hourly outages are maintained in kharkiv, deputy minister of energy mykola kolisnyk said. according to him, the situation in the place remains one of the most difficult. now measures are being taken to restore the system. in general, there is no shortage of electricity in the country, thanks to imports from the eu. at the same time, in
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the frontline areas, 414 settlements remain without power supply as a result of shelling. at night, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on a four-story residential building in kupyansk, kharkiv region. two floors of the building were completely destroyed. the rescuers found the body of a woman under the debris in the apartment on the fourth floor, the state emergency service reported . emergency and rescue works finished already in the morning. three people will die. but as a result of the shelling of a field in the zaporizhzhia region, the enemy attacked the front-line town with hail, a russian shell hit a house, the bodies of two men and a woman were found under the rubble, one more person was injured and is currently in the hospital, - said the head of the region, ivan fedorov. the russians killed five people in donetsk region, another three were wounded, in particular , four died in kurakhivka, among them
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a 16-year-old teenager, one person was injured there. the occupiers hit the village with artillery, six private houses and an outbuilding were damaged. another person was killed and wounded in krasnohorivka. the russians shelled the city with artillery. three houses were destroyed, the regional police reported. another person was injured during the enemy attack on andriivka. the terrorists hit sloviansk with two guided aerial bombs. destroyed recreational and preschool educational institutions. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces , oleksandr syrskyi, has ordered an official inspection of the circumstances surrounding the delivery of the summons to yevhen shulgat, a journalist of slidstva info. who was investigating the possible corruption of one of the high-ranking officials of the sbu. he wrote about this in his head on facebook. according to him, the final decisions will be made after an official inspection. syrskyi added that journalists are respected in the leadership of the armed forces, and their professional
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activities are protected by law. as is known, the info investigation stated that the sbu could have given instructions to the representatives of the military commander to serve a subpoena on the journalist who exposed the elite property of the head of the cyber security department of the sbu, ilya vityuk. do not be silent, prisoner kills in the capital, an action of native prisoners of war is taking place. our correspondent kateryna galko works on the spot. she is not with us alive. katya, congratulations, how many people gathered today to draw attention to the problem of returning from captivity? tell me greetings katya, greetings to viewers of the espresso tv channel. so right now , the action of relatives and friends of prisoners of war and missing persons, as well as just concerned citizens, is starting. actually, such promotions take place every sunday traditionally, and as
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we can show, they are very massive. more hundreds of people, all with posters on which it is written: "as long as you are silent, they are being tortured, don't be silent, be their voice, etc., and in this way they want to remind kyivans that captivity kills, and let's talk to the participants of the action, in particular with ms. elena, ms. elena, i congratulate you, please tell me why it is important to remind kyivans and ukrainians about prisoners of war, good day, i..." i think that fortunately the families of prisoners of war are still in the minority, rather than families in general in ukraine, and i think we should talk about it to say, and that we should be joined by families who are not in military service so that there will be fewer of us in the future, for that, well, this is very important, because the aggressor country does not give information, the information that we
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learn in .. is shocking, meanwhile the prisoners of war of that country are under the close control of the international red cross and observers from the un. that is, we, as a european country, provide all guarantees for the correct treatment of prisoners of war on the territory of our country, what is happening there, we don't know, people are still waiting for the confirmation of the status of a prisoner of war for a year, two, one and a half, we personally have been waiting for almost nine months, so it is very important and we are very grateful that there is... such attention in the capital media people and the press. we thank you. we thank you and all our defenders, who are currently, unfortunately, in captivity or among the ranks of the missing. let me remind you that such
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actions take place every sunday not only in kyiv, but also in various cities of ukraine, in particular in kharkiv, odesa, etc. hundreds of people gather for them, as we hear very loudly here, because actually, the participants of the action are supported by cars that... pass by, i would like to remind you that since the beginning of 2024, ukraine has managed to conduct three large-scale exchanges of prisoners, of course, we are all very much looking forward to the next ones, this is all the information, as of now, the action continues, we will follow about the events, katya, i pass on to you, thank you katya, let me remind you, it was our journalist kateryna halka, she told about what is happening now at the peaceful actions of native prisoners of war. and a branch was opened in poland. in elections to local self-government bodies, poles will elect about 47,000 deputies at local levels, as well as almost 25 mayors, burgomasters and mayors of cities, this is the first test for the parties that entered the pro-european coalition government
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of prime minister donald tusk, after almost a decade of rule by representatives of the "law and justice" party . tens of thousands of people took to the central streets of budapest. to oppose the government of prime minister viktor orbán, people marched to the parliament, demanding the resignation of the head of government. the campaign was led by 43-year-old peter madyar, former member of the ruling fidesz party. it was he who accused the minister who heads orbán's office of running a centralized propaganda machine, and also published records that testify to the large scale of corruption in the head of the hungarian government. in the mountains, my heart, a photo exhibition with the same name was opened in ivano-frankivsk. our carpathian colleagues will continue in more detail. dozens of horyan photographs were presented at the exhibition by journalist mykhailo mazur. the photos mostly depict
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residents of the mountainous regions of prykarpattia, verkhovynskyi and kosivskyi. accent made in the nature of the carpathian region. in the photo, people in hutsul clothes, who participate in ethno-festivals, contests, celebrate their country at events of various scales. the oldest photos at the exhibition are about 20 years old. mykhailo mazur says that he became friends with mountains since the sixth grade, it was then that he made his first tourist trip to the carpathian peaks. they made it, the first presentation of this exhibition in verkhovyna , the hutsulshchyna museum, where a lot of people gathered, and it was nice when they recognized themselves, their children, their homes, i was not here for carols, but... here i was at the polylin summer, also, this is the history of the region, the history of this beautiful people, you understand, and most of the photographs are the character of these people, whether in sorrow or in joy, here, in a free moment,
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they are very artistic people. photos from life reflect human emotions and images, visitors to the exhibition share their impressions, they say, this is the story of the hutsuls, depicted through the prism of folklore and ethnographic events. and features of the natural beauty of the carpathians, those images, those characters, those people of different ages and young and middle-aged older, men, women, they are all so expressive, and it 's all artificial, found somewhere, arranged, but life itself, it's all so alive, and it radiates so much the power of hutsul truth and beauty. that you can't help but admire it. in the future, the author plans to present photo works to military personnel undergoing treatment at the lviv military hospital. from prykarpattia, ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk for espresso tv channel. to
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find out more interesting and relevant information, subscribe to our website and our social networks. see you with you later. congratulations, friends, andrii smolii and vitaliy portnikov are on the air on the saturday airing on the espresso tv channel. today we will definitely discuss all the most important events of this week, the things that most concern ukrainians and the most important things for ukraine now. we will definitely discuss issues that are important for the front, and international politics. we will traditionally have three guests, and in the next hour, it's as usual. let's talk with vitaly portnikov and
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analyze all the events and everything we need for ukrainian victory. well and now the first guest, ivan kyrychevskyi, defense express expert. we will talk about the main events on the front, around the front this week. congratulations, mr. ivan. good evening. well, let's start with the russian attacks on ukraine. you can trace some tactics, let's say, plans. well, in those e-attacks that we observe both in the last days and in the last days? well, first of all, here let's, let's say, correct the terminology a bit, because the fact that the russians can use missiles and rockets to strike ukraine is nonsense and methods of using weapons, not tactics, tactics is more of a media term here, on the other hand, and i think that we need to go to a somewhat higher conceptual level and, to begin with, write: how did the russians plan this campaign of strikes,
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you know, this was exactly the case when, as it turns out, goldimeyer attributed these words, that when there, if these people warn that they are going to kill, they should be believed, but the russians, i believe , warned everyone in this format - in the summer of last year , when it was written there that they are not simple planning missile strikes to destroy our infrastructure, but also planning it there as such a wider company. by recognizing our potential, including psychological. in this case, it is especially important for the russians that we, in principle, delve into every unknown detail regarding their missile attacks and thus, well, begin to develop the psychological potential on our own. therefore, in this case, i do not think that we should discuss exactly the actions of the russian invaders. i think that here in this case it is worth paying attention to what is contrary to how the russians are trying to constantly overload the air defense system. our air defense specialists cope with this perfectly, well, with
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overcoming the russian plan. mr. ivan, the issue that is currently being discussed a lot both in social networks and among the military is the so-called russian offensive against the times. how do you currently assess the potential of the rashists, is it there or not? we see that according to the deep state maps, they are actually approaching the borders somewhere. of this city itself, what should we expect from this, from this, or this indeed, to a certain extent, the beginning of the offensive at the time of iv is, as they say, probing the ground before a more large-scale offensive, which they talk about in may, june, well, i don’t object to anything here, but we need to clarify such a term : it is one thing to simply have the potential for an offensive, the russians, unfortunately, always have it, well, purely because they managed to accumulate a sufficiently large
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grouping of troops on each of the... groupings on which they operate, well, in particular on bakhmutsky there next to him bakhmut, there were estimates from 50 tere to 80 thousand, accordingly, there is also a plus, the logistical arm is relatively close, but another question is how they, well, that is, the enemy will be able to realize this potential, because in this case we still have certain grounds for such, you know, restrained optimism, that restrained optimism precisely thanks to the fact that the soldiers of the defense forces of ukraine are doing their job... much more effectively than in principle could be expected under the conditions of this shortage of resources, because well, using the example of the summer of 2023, we could see how difficult it is to give a crazy defense, so to speak, when the russians play their surovikin line, well, there is a nuance, after the summer of 2022, our troops also learned to play with the russians, you know in style, that the game of the surovikin line can be played by two, and accordingly when the russians try to advance, they suffer even... even heavier losses than could be imagined, purely due to the fact
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that, well, even with a shortage of resources, when there may not be completely enough shells, ammunition, good equipment, drones , but when combining this everything in the complex, well, that is, when drones and armored vehicles, artillery are working at the same time, and certain miracles begin there, miracles in the sense that the russians have been trying to advance to the temporal abyss for months, but the front line is more or less stable, therefore... the russians could have planned this attack on chasivar as such, you know, a preparatory stage for a larger-scale offensive, well, because the task of occupying the entire donbas has not been removed from their agenda, accordingly, in order to achieve... the implementation of this task, they need promotion in bahamian direction, but here we are in exactly the situation when, you know, well, if we really believe in the armed forces of ukraine, then first of all, well, we have to believe in their potential, and only then try to measure something on maps, because sometimes we have it looks like those anecdotes about the rabbit cross, that is, we
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believe in the armed forces, but we panic precisely from russian information messages, but tell me, if we continue the topic of ayar's time, if we imagine that the russians... really managed to break through there, which an operating space opens up for them, or is it just another one settlement? at this stage , it looks like one more settlement, after which they will have to take an operational pause, because even if we see the situation in the direction of events, well, it is just a similar picture that they took the settlement, they intended to develop an offensive in deep, but they managed to detain them there too, including by using abrams tanks, accordingly, taking into account the fact that they generally have room to advance before the temporary rampage. well, for the army of the russian federation in this case, at this stage, it is a maximum task: to get out, seize time, and then accumulate strength for further advancement, but again , they must first go to the time abyss and seize it, and with that they may have nuances. let's talk about our
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ukrainian potential, yesterday morning in fact our defenders, our special services struck several... airfields, such key ones, from which russian planes actually take off, which actually launch missiles at our peaceful cities, that's it, it's actually what , this is already an increase in the potential of our drones, our defenders, whether in principle we will see this in the future, and ultimately, whether it will affect, conditionally speaking, further missile attacks, which, unfortunately, were taken away. it became very, very much, let's start here from the end, as to whether this will affect russian missile attacks, here it is better not to calculate it in advance, because the error can be critical, because yes, we know that there was a blow to the engels we see, today there was a very strange detail that the russians raised everything there, it seems that one or
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more bombers were fired from only two rockets, well, it was something strange and it is difficult to rationally explain it, maybe they really did arise there. let's say, certain problems after bovovna, but if we talk about such a perspective, we will only see an increase, that it will continue to increase, increase, we will have additional nomenclature of drones, new attack attempts will be carried out, as far as we can now to see the main idea of ​​the defense forces of ukraine looks like this: if we objectively lack classic means of air defense, we must use an asymmetric means of air defense, namely a drone or drones that can carry explosives. at the airfields, even if as a result of such raids there are not yet such impressive pictures as there, you know, russian planes burn up the last pieces of scrap metal so brightly, all the same, after a certain time it will have its effect in the sense that, well, from the rubric, if we don’t let them fly, then we won't let them fly either, all the more so
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considering how limited our resources are, so we have to use such symmetrical receptions, the result is fast here, unfortunately, well, it is fast in the sense of a few days or a few weeks there. it is not worth waiting for, well , because when the usa fought there against iraq, for example, in 1991, it was necessary to bomb the country with an embryonic air defense system for 3 months, using everything possible, well , unfortunately, we are not the usa with potential, but on the other hand, in fact, the prospects are now better than those of the russians, here, by the way, there is another clarifying question, for example, the institute for the study of war stated today, what... the core, because russian planes were damaged or destroyed there, there is no, it is some kind of lack of information, or it is already accordingly that the institute for the study of war has more thorough information than, for example, the ukrainian zmi, the same rbc ukraine, if not i'm wrong, yesterday with reference to our special services, i stated there about a number of essentially
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destroyed tu-95, and probably su-34, su-35, like these, like these statements. can icw be interpreted in the context of information from our ukrainian media? if we speak subjectively, i accept the construction by this institution, let's say so roughly so that you don’t read bolshevik newspapers before lunch, and in principle no newspapers before lunch and after, if speaking in substance and in form, well, now there are satellite images in the public domain, based on which you can look to see what some explosions, traces of explosions at the airfield. there were, for example, morozovsk, but it is not yet possible to accurately establish the nature of the damage to the plane there, or planes, well, purely because in theory planes can stand, you know, outwardly look intact, but they can be... broken by debris, maybe there are satellite images of such an accessible quality, they can be closed, provided there from military
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satellites of nato countries, respectively, now there is simply no open access to data that could, you know, clearly and reliably allow us to talk about what there is a result, there is no result, respectively, if we also take into account the fact that the institute for the study of war, to put it mildly, is not a state organization, which , in principle, has some specific goals of its own, hardly. they would run, someone would, you know, immediately share a companion from scratch, look, please write immediately that nothing happened, they read the so-called rushen miles bloggers and this is another thing that really excites me, that it turns out that this way, when our people quote enough sometimes there is a compilation of the institute for the study of war, they quote an abstract narrative of russian propagandists, but then the question arises, and since when have the compilations of russian propagandists become a reliable source of information for us, even if it is repackaged in the form of a western institution the institute for the study of war, well , the question immediately arises, you know, from this point of view,
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to what extent, in principle, ukrainian strikes, if we are talking about oil refining, if we are talking about airfields, can compete with russian ones, if we use only drones, well, or some sabotage, let's say the possibilities, as it was with today's blowing up of the pipeline, and the russians are playing with missile technology, well, first of all, i wouldn't say that we have bad prospects with... missiles, because if i recall one of the episodes that didn't get due coverage, the sinking by the neptune missile of the ship konstantin alshansky, captured by the occupiers, two things emerged there in general, the first is that the firing range of the neptune increased dramatically within the stated goal, in order to make it a classic cruise missile for striking land targets , plus the guidance system has clearly improved there, which even allows you to select targets, well , that is... if it was just a cruise missile in 2021, then even in that episode this weapon showed itself,
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well, how is it possible that the best example of the western one is that of the cr, and accordingly certain surprises may also await us there, pleasant and unpleasant for the russians, if we talk about just such an asymmetric comparison of potential, then at first glance it may look like that even there these drones the kamikaze grenades that hit the refinery there are not as powerful and large-scale as the russian x101, but there is a nuance. our drones, as a less powerful weapon, generally create more problems for the enemy than their missiles for us, well, because let's face it, what if to recall and compare various episodes with strikes on the refinery, that is, our kremenchug oil refinery there, to put it out of order in the spring of 2022, the russians needed as many as 30 different missiles, and judging by this, it did not help them, but 30 missiles, including x22 with a combat part of 1 ton, then in our case there is a lot of good... the enemy was able to create drones that cost only 200 thousand dollars, that is, 10 times cheaper than a cruise missile, and where the warhead is only 50 kg,
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that is, also 10 times cheaper times less, here maybe we we are just watching the story of how david defeats goliath thanks to his ingenuity, but we still do not appreciate this ingenuity, we are so in some ways in relation to our actions, we are too maximalist, that if something flies there, it should immediately hit and knock out the russians, there you know from the ground from them from their feet, but the problem is that when we all woke up, let's say, on february 25, 2022, hardly any of us in principle imagined that after some time we would discuss the systematicity of our strikes on the russian federation, that in we will have the appropriate nomenclature of means for this, in fact, the fact that we managed to create a line of kamikaze decoy drones even in two years is simply a historical achievement, because iran had to work for five years to create the same shahed. this despite the fact that they were processing a stolen german project. it took the russians 10
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years of work to create their missiles of the eh-101 caliber there. well, that is, we are, indeed, david, who very quickly goes around the goliath , including at the pace of various promising ones development literally one minute, at the expense of the ukrainian tets, and mr. shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, and actually in the mass media, the figure 80% appears. so essentially destroyed ukrainian theses, do you think we should expect further strikes, and in this context, how can we protect the ukrainian energy industry in the future, literally just one minute, we are already at the stage when we have to move on to the things that are there it seems that specialized energy specialists said after the last campaign that we still need to build at last decentralized distribution, well, because to protect everything, well, even the usa does not have the resources that there are... 300 patriots, but the nuance is that we just need to close the sky, we need all the patriots of the usa, they will not be given to us yet, so , unfortunately, we are just at the
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stage when we just need to build the energy industry anew and in such a way that the russians... would not be able to beat it irrationally. thank you, mr. ivan. ivan kyrychevskyi, defense-express expert. we 're going to break for a few minutes right now, but please stay with us, there are more interesting conversations ahead. we invite you to our sleep laboratory. matrolux is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. mattrik is your universal thin mattress for uneven surfaces at an affordable price. order topper matrick from one of the country's largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture, and also with a 20% discount. more and more ukrainian families choose the mattryk topper, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used use. delivery is carried out throughout
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some katsaps and beyond, what kind of world do you dream about. mr. norman, can we imagine that? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together with... we return to the saturday political club and we already have a new guest, so we have a guest, yes, we will see him now, this is volodymyr okhriska, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007 2009, head of the russian research center. congratulations, mr. volodymyr, congratulations to mr. vitaly and good health. so what will be the money from the united states, tell me, please, is that all? someday they will be, someday there will be, the question is only when you see what is happening, how much everything has really come to a dead end, and here mr. johnson really has a deadlock situation, because if you go left, you will lose your life there, if you go right, you will be killed, that is , somewhere approximately the same thing, so
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let's wait, the drama is growing,


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