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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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the indicated card number, transfer it, join our gathering, and in the meantime we will inform you and will explain certain phenomena and processes that are happening not only in our country, but which also concern our country in the world. stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, international expert, we will start our final hour with him, we will ask about the processes in the world, mr. stanislav, we are glad to see you. first of all, let's talk about slovakia, which made its choice, and i don't know this choice, it's a little bit different for me personally it is upsetting because the slovaks elected a pro-russian president, is he really pro-russian in reality, let's try to discuss this issue, is this not an exaggeration, well , the candidate from the party won the presidential elections in slovakia. the voice of social democracy, speaker
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of the parliament peter pellegrini, he has been actively involved in politics for many years and closely cooperates with the prime minister of slovakia robert fico, here it is worth mentioning a little about his biography and first of all that in 2018 he replaced robert fico as of the prime minister, when he left for rate after public protests against corruption and after the murder of investigative journalist jan kuciak, and until the 2023 parliamentary elections, pelligrini's party was in opposition to the liberal governments of igor matovych, eduard heger and the technical government of ludovit odor. and the flight itself also
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kept a distance from the party of robert fitz, which dominated at the time, among the opposition, and what is important is that then, as in previous years, pelligrini did not question slovakia's membership in the north atlantic alliance and european union, he closely cooperated with the prime ministers. of poland, the czech republic, and hungary within the framework of the visegrad group and always emphasized the importance of regional cooperation, even after russia's full-scale aggression against ukraine he condemned vladimir putin's policy and supported aid to ukraine. however, when in the autumn of 23, pelligrini's party got the third best result. he
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decided to cooperate with his former boss robert fitso and his political power, a move that eventually allowed him to become the president of slovakia, who even during the anti-government protests began to be called the boy on the run robert fico. well, actually, during the campaign already, seeking the votes of national ... pro-russian and anti-western voters, pelligrini rejected military support for ukraine and called for immediate peace on the front and accused his competitor in the elections, ivan korchuk , of allegedly wanting to send ukraine of slovak soldiers, well, actually, like fitzo, those who... wanted to make concessions
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to russia, he portrayed her as supporters peace, and those who wanted to support our state and restrain russian aggression by supporters of the war, well, we actually see that the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, has already congratulated him, and also emphasized that the supporter actually won. peace, and therefore we see that in fact slovakia has completely turned into a country that, let's say, will move in the fairway of robert fico's policy and with the corresponding consequences, statements, well, what we have been watching for several months. slovakia is a parliamentary-presidential republic, they may look different, we know that there is a president, for example, in estonia, but they do not vote for him in the czech republic. the first elected
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president at the general vote, we liked this president, he is particularly active for that, now we are talking about peter, peter pavel, who helps us get weapons, and also... who is the president in the slovak model of government, is he influential, is it very important to strengthen robert fitz and such pro-russian forces in slovakia. ugh. well, actually, the position of the president in slovakia is mostly ceremonial, thermal, but even though ah, this position, ah, doesn't have many executive powers, the head of state can veto... codes or challenge them in the slovak constitutional court, in addition, the president appoints judges to the constitutional court, who can play a key role in the political debate about the reforms that
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prime minister fitso is promoting, for example, and which actually radically soften the punishment for corruption, so it would be very important if a person who does not share fitso's views won in this country and his political power, his coalition, and we know that ivan korchok was exactly the kind of person who supported, let's say, the sovereignty of slovakia, that is, that this country should not get closer to russia, that he should be, he is a pro-european, pro-ukrainian politician, and he owns a lot of things declared in support of our country, and it would be good if he was a kind of balancer in slovak politics and had a different opinion than that of robert fitzor, robert fitzö and his henchmen, but we see that
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pellegrini won , and despite the fact that he, say, let's say so, his rhetoric, his narratives were somewhat softer a few months ago, but still he is adjusting. under fitso , it is not excluded that the political forces of both fitso and pellegrini will unite, since they have quite similar ideological principles, the principles of social democracy, and thus he will most likely do everything as the prime minister says of this country, and with a high probability, this state will no longer be so friendly towards us, but... than, for example, when the full-scale aggression of the russian federation began, when we remember, a lot was done by official bratislava in the context of assistance to our state, provision of certain types of weapons, as well as acceptance of ukrainians into
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its territories and the like, well, in fact, it also supported our european and euro-atlantic advances. now the situation can change even more radically than it was after the september elections. of the slovak parliament and, unfortunately, no other perspective can be seen yet, especially considering that there will still be a struggle with a large probability for seats in the european parliament, and the promises made by robert fico and peter pelligrini to the electorate will actually be fulfilled, well, in fact , this is such a... a change, it would seem to slovaks, the slovak language is very similar to ukrainian, very close to us, and here are such changes of mood, and changes in the direction of movement,
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well, in general, it is worth considering that slovakia, among the member countries of the european union, is such, well, among the population, at least the most pro-russian, and this is how it actually turned out... historically, it could often be based, for example, on the opposition of the word slovaks, well, against the czechs, and this, let's say, is their special opinion, when we actually remember these scandals with robert fietse, in fact , no one supported him then, and then the government changed, and in fact it gave the country an opportunity, well, for the leadership of the country to be liberal. politicians, and it actually lasted until 2023, but we see that the situation has changed, the mood has changed again, such politicians as fizo started to carry out their own propaganda,
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narratives, and these and other sentiments that were somewhere deep or not at all in the slovak people, they began to manifest themselves again, and he promises... if they have a better life somewhere and that they will do everything it is possible for this war to stop, accusing ukraine, which it supposedly does not prefer, actually some kind of... with russia, which, let's say, has negative consequences, for example, for the economy of slovakia or for other spheres of public life , well, that's exactly what politicians like fizo and the pellegrins began to speculate, and we see that after all they came to power and that we even see that the president , susana chaputova, who is now ending her term of office, did not want to go to the elections, well, obviously realizing that... the prospects of running such a country in the next few years, so in fact we should be aware that
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slovakia can play the role of a kind of second hungary in the neighborhood of ukraine, and not infrequently it can put the wheels in motion, for example, in the context of various initiatives of the european union in relation to us, and as well as our european integration. and we have repeatedly seen slovakia approach such a policy, and now that fitso actually has all the power, all the institutions, let's say, in his pocket, then in fact we can see a more radical policy towards us and more loyal towards to the russian federation. let's move to another continent and talk about a ukrainian woman, well, a ukrainian woman of origin. born in ukraine in chernihiv oblast, by the way, residents of chernihiv oblast, if victoria’s relatives still live there
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spartz, kulgeiko, seems to be her maiden name, so talk to them there, maybe they will call her, say, what are you doing, she said that she will not vote for the aid package for ukraine, somehow, you know, it's a shame and it hurts, because it seems that she should be together with her homeland, well , we have seen not so different types. controversial statements by this politician, well , in particular, let me remind you that she also made all kinds of accusations against the ukrainian government, and she actually called for what was needed, let's say, to more closely monitor the aid that comes to ukraine, that is, in fact, such a strong accountability, so that the like, well, we see that even now it, let's say, has not changed much. in his views, well , in fact, it is worth understanding that nationality is nationality, but here it can also be
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rigid, some kind of rigid party vision, and there is obviously a desire to work in the direction of the policy that is being promoted by donald trump, who with a certain degree of probability can become the next president of the united states after the november elections, so actually it is possible... and she is playing such a role, and i would also like to note that not so long ago there was information that she was leaving politics, but as far as i know, she still continues to engage in political crime year, and with a high degree of probability she will take part in the november elections, meaning the elections to the us congress, so in fact we can assume that she prefers exactly that. a trend that has now been started by donald trump and will itself maintain
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its positions and actually continue to be congress a congresswoman in american politics, well , it is obvious that she sees herself as necessary, but of course it is a rather unpleasant situation when a ukrainian woman who has lived a conscious life here. she didn't even leave, for example, the territory of ukraine somewhere at a young age, and even more so, she was not born in the territory of the united states of america, and she actually, we see, let's say this, often throws such statements into the information space, which let's say so, they surprise all of us somewhat, but i guess such and such are political realities and such and such are her views, and we here we can't... let's say this, assess why exactly it is specific, well, it seems to me that it
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is rather in the context of the struggle for power, and actually that donald trump is more sympathetic to it as a policy, and actually, maybe it has some more other views on her future life, even, but even, even such representatives of the reagan wing, conventionally speaking, republicans, were somewhat surprised by spart's position. and they said that they were sure that spurs would remain ukrainian until the end, primarily in this matter, but we see that probably not, she should read the biography of another american woman, of ukrainian origin, who was born in america, was brought up there, but still loved ukraine, which she saw only once and came here secretly back in soviet times with her mother, i'm talking about kvitka tsysyk, who recorded ukrainian albums and made fashionable ukrainian music, which in soviet times was assigned such and such a niche for umtsa umtsa umtsats something like ethno-folk and nothing more.
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we have almost no time, i also wanted to ask mr. stanislav about the situation with china, about what antony blinken...said about this week about the fact that the united states is concerned about the possible scale of military cooperation, military cooperation between china and russia, that it is possible that the modernization of tanks, rebs, which we are now observing in russia, is happening with the help of direct china in secret, which supplies hong kong chips to the russian army, china itself denies all this, we know, and we also heard interestingly from china its position, which said that in this war there should be no... first of all, to note in this context that what else on tuesday the president joseph biden of the united states of america had a telephone conversation with the chinese leader xi jinping, and during this conversation , the american kermanych, in particular, expressed
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growing concern about beijing's support for russia. of the arms industry, and already after that we heard statements from other high-ranking us officials, well, in particular, from secretary of state anthony blinken, but still we see that china is trying to play a double game, well , in particular, it is trying, well, first of all, to establish more close ties with the west, well mainly with the european union, and so we see that he will accept. he has a chancellor, chancellor of germany olaf scholz, already in may he plans to visit countries such as france and italy, and actually have talks there with eu leaders, well, but on the other hand, we can see that he continues to help the russian federation, well and also plans
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to host vladimir putin, who is due to make a trip to china. well, actually, already after this pseudo-inauguration, well, let's put it this way, it's such a geopolitical game, actually xijin pin is trying to probe the ground where china should move next, and obviously one of the main objects that it is watching is the russian-ukrainian war and its consequences, as well as the support of certain countries for... our state, well actually , after which we will be able to see a completely different policy of china in one direction or another, but for now i would not count on china to change anything, it is actually balancing, and we will also see if any of its representatives agree to attend the global summit peace in switzerland, well, we'll see after that,
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how will his cooperation with russia be carried out, so in fact now i still do not see that... china has completely sided with someone, it is unlikely that there will be a warming of relations with the united states of america, so actually in such conversations, they will rather remain so conversations between the leaders, well , time will tell everything, and after that the chinese government, which is used to waiting for a long time and finally making a decision, in fact , china has been working in such a paradigm for many centuries, even, if not decades, so... in fact , we will observe that, only later we will see that beijing has already decided where to move and where this country will move in the following decades. thank you for this review. stanislav zulikhovsky was with us, candidate of political sciences, expert internationalist, we are going for a short break. and then we will come back and continue, we will talk about the elections, the local elections in
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poland, which are ongoing, there is a day of silence today, what these elections will mean for us in advance. but the dog has better chances, is it so, we will ask darish matrynyak, after a short pause, dear friends, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpak is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for you. house or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, specify: from the consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you will do all this in one movement, with saw strong, just look how fast it is handles even thick branches, once
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at our meeting, and it's just like that, you know, almost a mirror, 487,874,00 uah, dear friends, 12 with a tail, 100 uah, this is what separates us from 500,000, and now we have two. guest that means 6 00 each while we are talking to them must be collected dear friends somehow it is not moving today i understand the weather is beautiful outside you are all out to catch the sun but remember also that the weather is beautiful, the weather is beautiful, but the russian war against ukraine is not over, and russian bombs and missiles are still destroying our the land, the russian military, everything that is taking away our troops, health and life. defenders, so we have to support them, we have to support both brigades, for which we actually announced this collection together with the public organization base ue of the resistance. we need
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to collect uah 2 million, and we are already gradually approaching the fourth part of this amount to 500,000, only 12,000 with a small tail separates us from this goal, i am asking you to join in, i am asking you to show a little. activity, please be with us military so they can get fpv drones. fpv drone, three such drones, for example, can destroy one russian tank. so, oh, someone has already joined, i see that someone threw in 100 uah, just while i was making an announcement about the collection, join more actively, we will be grateful to everyone, you will also see this qr code and will also see this card number, which is here well, in the meantime, we will talk about... our neighboring country, about poland, where local elections are held, dariusz materniak, polish expert on international issues, the head of the poland ukraine center is in touch with us. mr. dariush, we welcome you, congratulations,
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good day. actually, today is a day of silence in poland, but we are in ukraine, so we can talk, please tell us who can win these elections, in your opinion, what are the successes of each of the parties.
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in the cases of different cities and villages, it is possible that the representatives of such small local election committees will win. in the parliamentary elections, we saw an extremely high turnout, are poles mobilized in the same way now, and was there also toxic, rather harsh election campaign that we saw before parla.
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so something happened again with the connection once in poland, it is already the second polish guest who has connected to us this week, and somehow the internet in poland is worse than in ours or something, i don't know, we will try to restore contact with him, in the meantime i will say that our viewers heard my call a little and already 3 thousand have been added to our account, so we are already... closer, and
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even 4000 of us are separated by some 900 uah, even less than 9 uah, so that we finish today, today's part of us in the espresso marathon at the mark of uah 5,000, dear friends, uah 491,204 and 70 kopecks, to be exact, but no, we already have uah 49,204 in our account, please join us, we need less than 7 thousand. ..
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on mass media, first of all, these leading information channels, then this company is actually almost not visible, and this is if, again, we are disconnected, again there are some problems with communication, in the meantime, i will actually show how in warsaw, now i will find this video, in warsaw there was such a...


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