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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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before the elections, but if you look at the mass media, first of all, these popular news channels, then this company actually had almost no lunch, and it's as if we were disconnected again, there are some communication problems again, i'm the one sometimes i will show you how it is in warsaw, now i will find this video, in warsaw there was such a... performance in front of
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the royal castle, which was organized by ukrainians, actually, activists of the euromaidan in warsaw, went to a protest called the international genocide fair in warsaw, they staged this, this protest in in the form of an artistic performance on the castle square, and this performance was directed against the trade of the eu countries. russia, the leaders of this protest all the time urged those present to dance to russian music, because this is the culture, but none of those present did it, and already at the end of the action, someone shouted loudly, everything was great, but turn off this crap already, i don't like it, russian, russian flags and russian music and russian, you see all these ladies dressed in kokoshniks and sarahvans, well... such
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in this way, the ukrainians reminded once again that the war is going on, i hope that the poles, the poles have decided not to forget about it either, mr. dariusz is with us again, mr. dariusz, we are listening to you, as i said, just maybe i will finish before the campaign, tsa campaign before local elections, it does not attract such attention, does not have, does not create such great emotions.
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one way or another, it remains the country that is the most critical of russia, of the policy pursued by russia, of course we have pro-russian circles, there are pro...
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in ukraine, the way it was until this moment. on this week, poland raised its aviation, because when there are missile attacks on ukraine, and when it is understood that there may be an attack on the west of ukraine, accordingly, the polish aviation keeps an eye on whether a russian missile will fly into polish territory. in addition, recently there have been some statements, for example, from lukashenka, the self-proclaimed president of russia, my god, belarus, that... they will go to the baltic countries, go through poland, but at the same time, for example, the prime minister poland's donald tusk recently announced that poland will not take a direct part in the fighting in ukraine, and how should we understand these words, i understand that this is in the background, against the background of the fact that
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macron declared that if necessary, france would send its military to defend ukraine, well if this situation, it also remains quite stable.
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mr. dariusz, thank you for the conversation, dariusz materniak, a polish expert on international issues, the head of the poland-ukraine center, was in touch with us, they talked about poland, where elections are taking place today, local elections, now we are going for a short break, we will return and let's continue, we will talk about how military memorials in ukraine should look,
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we will talk about it with taras ishchyk, a serviceman of the 103rd separate brigade of treot, a brand designer of the armed forces of ukraine. the new camux mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metro lux alone. from the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together with the mattress, you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants will help you choose the size for your bed. this springless orthopedic mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body. and that's not all. one side of the cover is made of camel wool. and the benefits for the body. the heat it emits is known to the whole world, it is twice as pleasant that this incredible mattress
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united by football, stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance. in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and others cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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dear friends, we are back, this is our final 15 minutes on the air today on espress. olesya vakulyuk, andriy sadchuk. let me remind you, we work for you. our collection. it is moving, slowly, slowly, but it is moving, we have left, well, 4 thousand with a little tail, so that we have 500,000, and that is how we ended this week, our viewer lidia panova or gentlemen, i don't know how to emphasize correctly, i apologize , if i'm wrong, wrote greetings espresso, ms. lesya, mr. andrii, your guests and chat, plus two donations, one for each card, have a nice geter and a calm day, thanks to ukraine, it's her. that's right, ms. lidia, thank you, thank you, that, well, i didn't even expect that for both
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cards will fly from one person, but thank you for this, and i hope that the rest of our viewers will follow your example and those 400 with a small tail, we will collect until 5 pm, and when i say goodbye to you, i will tell yes, there are those 500 thousand, and this will already be a fourth part of the 2 million that we need for drones for our military, in order to save their lives, we will now talk about how, how to honor the memory of those soldiers whom we did not save, which unfortunately died, let's talk about it with taras ishchyk, a soldier of the 103rd separate tro brigade and... a designer of the armed forces of ukraine, because even in the matter of how to honor the memory, how the military memorial should look, even here the ukrainians differed in their opinions and were able to argue . mr. taras, for those who are not privy to this story, and may not have followed it, explain what all the fuss is about. er, greetings to
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everyone, greetings to those who are watching us now. in fact, the problem, well, how to say, it is quite deep, then... because only now in 2024, the whole country began to think, and what what a national war memorial cemetery should look like, what military burials should look like, and since there is nothing standardized well verified in the expert environment of any one specific concept, what military burials themselves should look like, what this or that architectural style of military cemeteries should look like, so it goes accordingly now , disputes, discussions that do not always take place in a professional environment, at the level of executive authorities, between the families of the victims and so on, so everything comes down specifically to the individual everyone's vision, why is it important to bring everything to some common denominator, to some common formula? er, it is necessary to understand that military
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burials and military cemeteries have their own specifics, also generally accepted in the world, and military burials, in principle and... in most cases, have always been separate from civilian burials, because it is necessary to understand that military service is the highest civic duty, and accordingly, it is the highest honor from the country for those soldiers who laid down their lives for it, in addition, military cemeteries honored and created by the state, it is part of the national commemorative system of this memory, on which future generations should be educated. and accordingly, having built this entire system correctly, we can understand that even after 100 years , on the examples of these burials, these cemeteries, which children will come and immerse themselves in the history of those soldiers who laid down their lives for our homeland, we will understand , that this, let's say, this example, it will really be
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applied, sorry for the taftology, you know, i always think about... the moment of freedom in riga, which stands in the center of riga, which was erected in the 35th year, and it was to a certain extent dedicated to the independence fighters, first of all, but it was made in such a way that even muscovites, i apologize for the word, although i do not know for what to apologize, they did not dare to demolish, here and well , for me, this is an example of such a thing, and it does not look either old or outdated, i'm sorry, it... it looks somehow so appropriate and and and real, does this mean that, for example, there was a tradition in latvia, and both they and they drew some understanding from it, how they, i, as they visualize it, we, as we understand it, ukraine has at least two, maybe more different traditions, that is, there are traditions of
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the unr, short, but also based on something, there are traditions, for example, in the west. ukrainian lands, where some had a reference, for example, to austria-hungary, there are very long soviet traditions, which have remained very, very strong until now in various monuments related to the great patriotic war, so how do we that's all porridge to figure out, i'm like what is your position, if we we are talking about such examples as there are in european countries, especially those that were created in... situation, and this provoked them to create military memorial cemeteries, monuments, precisely those things that preserve this
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national memory, and in this way a certain architectural, sculptural... classic style of military commemoration was formed, on the other hand, we have such an opportunity was not, because our statehood was for a very short period, and we had to maintain it, and it is obvious that things like military cemeteries were not always there, there was not always time to do it, we have several examples, such as the cemetery of the ukrainian sich riflemen at the yanivskyi cemetery in lviv, we have a memorial to her... which is the first motto of the ukrainian national army, near brody, and in fact we no longer have any memorial sites, and unfortunately we have not created this tradition yet , it seems to me that language... can't just go about some specific points in this commemorative system, it must, this is a very global project, to which
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all modern specialists must join, who will not follow modern times and trends in architecture and sculpture, but who will create just that classic, time for time for which we did not have in the first half of the 20th century, and then these architectural and sculptural... can be developed further, and if we do it, if it is possible to implement it on the national military memorial above, it is precisely this system military burials, which i hope will continue to develop, with or without a cross, i understand that there is such a stumbling block in this, well, the discussions are still ongoing, i belong to the community of people who believe that in the case of ... in for mixed burials of people and different faiths, it is worth using a unified slab because it makes it possible to apply any religious sign
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, and in general, the spatial appearance of a cemetery with a single shape of a tombstone is exactly proportional to this appearance of a single formation, as well as in the armed forces of other components of the defense forces wear the same uniform. everyone is equal to each other, both before god and in principle in the cemetery, and both in formation and in battle, on the other hand, of course, christians, as i am also a christian, christians will always defend the idea of ​​the cossack cross, that is clear, instead what the group that i represent is proposing is the creation of not only a national military memorial cemetery, there may well be military christian cemeteries, military cemeteries of whatever religious sign they choose, cemeteries, and they may be just the form muslim cemeteries, jewish military
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cemeteries, but in the case of mixed burials, precisely the form of a unified raft, it is a compromise, and it ensures equality for all. with the photo of chbs, too, i understand that there are also discussions around this, because the relatives of the soldiers whom they lost insist, well, some. at least they insist on having photos on these tombstones? this question, the question of the presence of a photograph on the headstone, i consider it more technically, other people, for example, relatives of the dead, are considered in the context of er loss and pain, but when we talk about certain technical points, we must understand that we cannot consider these burials in the context of ee... this year or next, we are generally considering such projects as a national war memorial cemetery in the projection of the next 100 years , and accordingly , the photo from a technical point of view
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deteriorates under the influence of various physical things , inclement weather, rain, sun, it burns out, it can crack and so on, uh, if you place the photo on the tombstone itself and then its somehow dismantle. it harms the stone itself, er, it would not be very fair to those servicemen who, unfortunately, do not have their photos, but it is necessary to clarify and remind that since the beginning of the full-scale war , photos were not taken in the personnel files of servicemen, i am more than sure , that now they are not done, it is done only for officers in personal affairs, accordingly, choose some photos of the same type that would do it... a certain visual equality will not work either, because in the photo, the servicemen are very scattered over many phones, and there are many stories when one of
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the servicemen dies and everyone starts looking for a photo of this or that serviceman, and there may not be such photos, the serviceman may not have a family that can provide this photo, so i am for everyone to be with equal opportunities, it is quite possible to place this photo in some online system. in an online memorial, where you can read, not only see a photo, but also read more about this person, in more detail, this can be done with the help of a qr code that would be on the tombstone, or with the help of other technical means, er, all memorial sculptures, which are placed there on the initiative of some public organizations, families of the victims, they, they sometimes look like, how would it be chosen correctly? word, they cause discussion, they cause discussion instead of causing a sense of respect, and and and means something is something with the fact that here
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so far... not not tuned, i understand that the tradition is just being formed, well, let's say last year's discussion around this monument to oleksandr matsievsky, the hero of ukraine, who in me, i do not know correctly whether to call it a monument, yes, which, which discussion, that is , and it is absolutely, it is a figure, yes, a figure, a realistic image, or a monument, which has now appeared in the botanical garden in kyiv, which is dedicated to... also a fallen hero, with the call sign stitch, where he is depicted in his actual image or not, i don't know how to say it correctly, in the image of this stitch, that is, the hero of one of the animations, animated cartoons , and i just don't know how to react to it either, that is, maybe it's okay, maybe not, but but it causes different disputes, the fact is that where
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the memory of the military... employees is not regulated by the state, there the public begins to be active in one way or another. the memory of servicemen, the cult of the development of military service, this should be a state priority for which sufficient funding should be allocated, specialists should be involved so that everyone is properly honored in the way that the state sees fit to use it for e as one of state-building elements too. in accordance. one cannot condemn those people who wanted to put one or another monument, the question is, one must ask why these or other heroes are not honored enough, why the state does not want to interfere in this matter and somehow begin to properly control this process so that everyone is properly honored, because i again i still want to repeat that the death of a serviceman,
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his sacrifice of blood for... this is the highest price he pays and should be the highest honor from the state for the rank of this or that person, so until the state understands how to arrange this system, and no one but her in the whole country has so many opportunities, a mandate from the people and so on, various private initiatives will continue until then, someone may like them, someone may not, but it needs to be regulated and done correctly when... taras yishchyk, serviceman of the 103rd separate brigade and brand designer of the armed forces of ukraine was with us, they talked about how our military memorials should look, where our defenders will be buried. dear friends, i want to say in our last minute of participation in
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the marathon on this. weeks that the 500,000 are, moreover, the first 5,000, because we we are collecting as much as 2 million hryvnias, and the fourth part has already been collected, moreover, the second has already started, the second half of hryvnias, 554, 554 hryvnias and 70 kopecks, there are already from the second part, thank you for doing it, thank you, thank you , that it became possible, i actually... didn't believe it, but no, it happened, thank you for these, for these 500,000 and that we even exceeded those 5,000, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, worked in this studio for you, thank you for being with us this week, we will be back in this studio in a week, and we would love to see you also among our viewers, and we will also be glad to see you in the future among our viewers, because ether espresso continues, there is still a lot of interesting things for you, you
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will definitely be interested in the latest issue, anna yevamelnik is ready to tell you about it, what is there happened in ukraine and the world, and it is already appearing on your screens. greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the main events of this hour, and i'll start with this: the number of victims in kharkiv has increased to five, the office of the prosecutor general reported. invaders from airplanes hit the city center and the residential sector. one of the shells hit a private house, and also flew into the central park, where many people were. damaged


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