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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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and a number of others, that is, in total , ukraine helped russia get rid of about 14 percent of its capacity today, and they have a certain shortage of gasoline, why? because, in principle, russia produces about 45, 45 million tons of gasoline, consumes 38, and what? as for diesel fuel, they are in a better situation here, since they produce 80, about 80 million tons, consume 40 million tons, so there is still a lot of work to be done there, and there is no need to have any illusions that a huge crisis will come in russia right now, yes , there is a certain deficit, there are certain difficulties, they lose quite a lot of money every month. from these strikes, but the crisis
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point of no return is still very far away, in order for us to approach this crisis point of no return, it is necessary to destroy somewhere around 3-4 refineries every month, and then, and then, i think in four, there are five months, it is true that there will be such a global crisis of petroleum products in russia, so far... there is no crisis, although there are certain ones, certain ones without absolute difficulty, they are trying to compensate for them by purchasing petroleum products in belarus and reducing the export of gasoline. mr. volodymyr, you are like that they used the phrase, point of no return, and i am just catching you now on this point, point will not return when it is not possible to repair, all kinds of western radios... and
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other voices say that the equipment is all at these large oil refining enterprises, it is foreign, there is no place to buy it, so how can they, can they repair what is destroyed, well, the point of no return is precisely , first of all, when more than 50% of all capacities will be destroyed, and they will not be able to repair them quickly, first of all, it is necessary to say that rectification columns, primary processing systems are being hit, and the rectification column is such a large structure in a 12-story building, and it is practically impossible to protect it physically, and it will take approximately 14-16 months to completely repair it. as for western equipment, they refused. many
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of these companies provide services to russia not only equipment, because there is little, little more to purchase equipment, specialists are still needed to competently install this equipment, and uh, as far as i know, most companies that are engaged in the automation of oil refining processes, electronic control systems, these are very science-intensive processes. technological, they refuse these functions, russia has turned to china, as far as i know, the chinese are also not strong, they are in a hurry and are burning with the desire to rush to the embrasure now and help russia in this matter, so russia will somehow manage on its own, do more simplified schemes, oil refineries, well, this... will lead to a decrease in the quality
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of petroleum products, respectively, and, but again, rectification columns, no matter how hard they try, but they will not repair them quickly, mr. volodymyr, look, as i understand it, the priority in russia is the army, that is , the army, they will send gasoline and other things there, in second place, i i think so, that's how i understand rural. economy, it is such a rather large export force, russia can supply the results of agricultural activity, then general transport, that is, not private, and at the end private transport, the remaining one, then some experts, the same liberal ones russians say that the card system cannot be ruled out. because after all, 14% is
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serious, plus if it is really confirmed that this orsk will also stop, it will be more, because he says this plant is very big. and it was flooded with water from the ural river, then there will be enough for the army, that is obvious, putin will die, if there is not enough, there will not be enough for the army, there will not be enough, agriculture too, transport is also needed for the army, for agriculture, just drive there- here, so there are no private citizens left for citizens, let's say, as far as you believe in the possibility of introducing a short-term system, well, that is still a long way off, here it is necessary... i say, to continue the work that the sbu and ukrainian gurs were doing, that means for another 4-5 months, because if we stop now at these 14 %, then they
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will quickly find new replacement schemes, some will be transferred from the trans-urals, and some will buy petroleum products in belarus and kazakhstan, so they are not very... that is why it is very important not to stop at what they have achieved, which means to bring this oil refining industry precisely to points, as said, no return, and certainly, from my point of view, it was a very positive signal when an as-yet-unknown oil product pipeline was damaged or destroyed in the rostov region near the city of azov, which, therefore, directed and transported oil products to the port and, accordingly, from the port to the front line, that is, it is also very a vulnerable part of the russian russian economy, namely oil pipelines, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, and especially this applies to
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oil pumping stations, main oil pumping stations and gas transfer stations, then this can also be enough vulnerable means points for russia and along with the refinery, and therefore i think that this work should be continued, not stopped, and even then it can lead to a certain result, in no case should we rest on our laurels, think that we have destroyed 14% of oil refining there, to think, we destroyed it. there is 14% of oil refining and now they will start a crisis, no, i think it is too early to talk about it, mr. volodymyr, we are going back home to ukraine, mr. prime minister shmyhal said that in recent weeks, russia has destroyed
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80% of ukrainian thermal power plants, so when a ukrainian who is not a specialist is told 80%, he has a thought in his head... he says: that's it, we don't have anything, that's it, there's no electricity, that's it, we're dying, should we give up or what, it is necessary, something must be done, tell me what it is, in our country very often half is destroyed, 80% is destroyed, there 90% does not work, in short, such and such an impression, but i am sitting with you, you see, there is light, and in lviv there is light, and in kyiv, i am told, there is, for... how serious is it and how much can you translate from the language a specialist to me, who is not a specialist, 80% of the total, what is it? well, first of all, it is not destroyed, because it cannot be said, here you need to use the terms
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very correctly, not not destroyed, but destroyed and damaged, that is, there is a significant part, a large part of such thermal power plants. on which blows were inflicted, but they can still be raised, repaired there within three to four months, i think that of the destroyed capacities, about 40-50 percent will be repaired in the coming months, this is firstly, secondly it must be said that we have today the weather is warm, the best solar power plants have started working with... electricity consumption, and therefore, in principle, in the energy system as a whole , the deficit is not that big, and besides, it is covered by imports of electricity, which has increased significantly over the past three weeks, but there are indeed certain
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cities, such as kharkiv, kryvyi rih, odesa, some other places, i am not talking about... the front-line zone, where there is a shortage of electricity, but it not because there is a deficit, which in general is an energy deficit system, related to generation, and because this... this power is difficult to transmit through transmission systems, since the substations are destroyed, for example, in the same kharkiv , almost all substations are destroyed, therefore the okrenergo company, it uses backup circuits, and i think that they will deal with it, but really in kharkiv, why is it very difficult, because the city is located near the border and the russians manage to exceed. the pace of destruction from the pace of repair, and maybe protection is impossible,
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as far as i understand, there are no such forces in nature that would allow to protect and kharkiv, and odesa, and kryvyi rih and so on and so on, well, since it is the s-300, it is difficult to fight with the s-300, because they are ballistic missiles, they fly there in a minute, less than a minute. to kharkov it is very difficult to knock them down, but you can fight, i think this is the best defense, it is an attack, that is, for every strike on kharkov, ukraine must respond with strikes on their refineries, oil pipelines, gas pipelines, in addition, i think that it makes sense to warn russia in general that if they do not stop the strikes on kharkov, in general with the energy infrastructure, then ukraine... will be forced to stop the transit of oil through the druzhba oil pipeline and the gas transportation
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system of ukraine, because ukraine transports, as is known, a lot of oil through the territory of ukraine, through the russian friendship oil pipeline to slovakia, hungary and the czech republic, and that is why russia earns billions of dollars from this, in addition to moreover, it... influences politically through these oil pipelines, too, the same applies to gas pipelines, i think that here it is necessary to act very, so to speak, harshly and clearly to the blow, to respond with an appropriate blow, so that there is no impunity, and then sooner or later they will understand the futility of their insane actions. one more question, maybe the last, maybe a group of the last questions, i am interested in the russian gas industry, russia has actually lost europe and
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will lose, for some reason i think so, i suspect at least what you just mentioned, hungary, slovakia, at least the leaders of these countries are negotiating already, and then where will russia go to china, it can't supply there, there is not enough transport capacity, this is the seat of siberia or whatever it is called there. what will happen with gas in russia, they now have a lot of gas, will they find where to put this gas? well , the drop there is really very big, it is there that they lost the most liquid market of the european union, and not because there is an embargo, as you know, there is still no embargo on natural gas in the european union, the kremlin itself simply decided to order europe, ordered himself because... europe was able to find various ways to diversify supplies, but the kremlin could not find new
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suppliers that could replace the liquid market of the european union, therefore the losses, the losses of gazprom reach colossal amounts, these sums are already calculated in hundreds of billions of dollars, gazprom practically becomes a loss-making company, and... shares, the price of shares is constantly falling, gas production is falling very rapidly, such a drop has not been observed since the beginning of the 90s, it is impossible to replace this gas, the only thing they are trying to compensate for the losses of the european pipeline market now is liquefied natural gas, you know that there is a company called novatek, which is engaged in the lng arctic-1 and lng projects arctic-2 and delivers. liquefied gas was supplied to the world market, including to india, there to the countries
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of the european union, such as france, spain, belgium, and there was even such information to germany, but today the sanctions against the arctic lng2, the american ministry of finance, and now on according to my information, this project has also stopped. their work. thank you very much, volodymyr melchenko, director of energy programs of the rozumkov center. it was nice to listen to his optimism. i love optimistic. optimistic people, now we are going to humanitarian sphere, to writing, it means that bulgakov is a symbol of russian imperial policy, ukrainian experts informed us about this today, and we invited andriy kokotyukha, a writer, screenwriter, journalist, who will tell us whether these
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experts did the right thing, what to do with it now bulgakov, ban reading bulgakov? it is forbidden to mention bulgakov, whether it is left to the discretion of each person, you can take it and read it, but maybe you can’t talk about it, you can’t love it, maybe you can’t, i, for example, love bulgakov, despite his imperialism, i have other opinions on this matter, and experts, my friends, acquaintances told me that he was not like that, but in literature he was an imperialist. it's true, you won't get anywhere here, what do you say about bulgakov, mr. kakatyukha, good evening, i am very careful about the word "banned, although this word is very media-related, and it is a word that immediately entails a bunch of different informational excuses, let's talk
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about banning something in a free country, in fact, this story is not new, about the ban , the so-called ban. they spoke, i think , two years ago, when they talked about books, about the removal of russian books from bookstores, and it is impossible to ban something in the age of the internet, in the age when access to everything is free, if we live in a free country, so about no we don't say prohibition, but this one is all around. lakovo once again rose not so much because of the word ban, but because of the fact that he was indeed recognized as an emperor, he was recognized as the leader of russian imperial policy, and here people of my age, and i am 53, people from the age of 45 are a plus there, there are fewer of them,
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but people older than me mainly raise a shout, raise ha... they write indignant posts about how it is possible to ban this and consider master and margarita as imperial, it is necessary to understand that when we talk about bulgakov, we talk primarily about his three works, about the master and margarita the most, this is such an urban fairy tale, an urban fantasy, and the action takes place in moscow, the capital of the enemy. countries talk about the satirical fairy tale the heart of a dog and, to a very, very small extent, they talk about the roman bilagvardiya, who really was the author in it spoke negatively about skoropadskyi, about petliura and for and in general about ukrainization, but i want to associate a quote from the now
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deceased, unfortunately, artist oleksandr, oleksandr. troiburt, when he was asked, kusturitsa has taken a pro-russian position, they ask him, will you watch kusturitsa's new films now, every time, to which he said roinburd, all kusturitsa's films, i've already watched them, that's all, you don't need to watch any more, you have to go forward, don't go back to the past, the same with bulgakov, the master and margarita, i have already read, and i have read it. at the age of not quite 17 years old, and i was given this book for two nights, on saturday and sunday, it was a flair for such forbidden reading, and it was for many of my peers at that time and slightly older people, at the end there were 70- x years, in the middle of the 70s, reading and obtaining
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master and margarita was the meaning of life, eh... just like buying a stick of sulfur-smoked sausage or a jar of caviar or watching an underground movie screening somewhere, the last tano in paris or movies with bruce lee, confucius, that was the meaning of life, to find it all, to touch it, some re-read, some re-read, for example, i sometimes re-read what i read, and i am not convinced that i would have understood everything 17 years, because it was... still worth it at 25, and then maybe at 40, and then somehow the picture comes together. i also read something forbidden, but i'm not as cultured as you, i read lolita, i was given a night, not two days. so i was so much more depraved, but i am absolutely convinced that, for example, my son, who is now 20,
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his peers and younger, current 17-year-olds, bulgakov will be for them, the more incomprehensible are the realities described in the master and margarita, today they have enough of their own... ukrainian and more qualitative western, so these conversations about bolgakov are not about the banning of the author as such, they repeat, it is impossible to do, and about the fact that they are banning, that they question what people lived by in their time, they question the meaning of their life, in fact, we need to move forward, and besides bulgakov, there are a lot of other interesting or the same, or better, the only problem, i see, is that in the ukrainian literature of those times, i mean the 20s,
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30s, when, especially, especially the 30s, when ukrainian literature suffered a severe blow from the soviet, from the russian soviet system, there were no analogues, there was something else, but there was nothing similar, and that's why when, when they say, what are you reading? read, read better the penis, for example, this is a completely irrelevant replacement, people, a problem with which, which is not completely understood those who attack bulgakov today, and often justifiably attack him, do not understand that this is not high-end, but mass culture, urban mass culture, which ukrainian-speaking ukrainians still don't... don't always have enough of, that's why it was like that substitute, plus, well, questions, questions , there are a lot of questions, i agree, because
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if they sell minecamp at andriyivskyi vzoz, it’s xenophobic, it’s not about against ukraine, it’s against, against homo sapiens, let’s put it this way, then why not, why wouldn't i settle there on andriivskyi. cars 13 there is precisely bulgakov's house, where, strictly speaking, the events of the white guard took place, in principle, if you look more broadly, there is a very big controversy in europe, and not only in europe, regarding whether it is possible to listen, read, watch, watch, especially now, when there are bans in the united states in the anglo-saxon world, when monuments are removed and so on, but... if, what do you say about the fact that, well, for example, the english still respect kipling, although it is certainly imperialism was still the same, and certainly did not welcome liberation from
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of colonial slavery and indians and other enslaved peoples, but he wrote quite well, and people read him, but this is the ratio of not touching the bulgakov museum, leaving the books alone. which may not be imperial of some people, but may not advertise them, is this an option for you, would you like it, or what would you like? eh, i like the option when there is a normal, civilized conversation, you mentioned the west, about europe, when i was preparing for the broadcast of this, i mentioned a popular writer in ukraine frederick bachmann, he has a novel called a man. uve made a movie and hollywood made a remake, a man named otto with tov hanks in the main role, then there the young hero meets his girlfriend, she read
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master and margarita on the subway, that is, there is a certain sentiment to all this, and beyond ocean, and on the european side, and it is so painful for us, because ukrainian... literature and ukrainian culture in general is not presented in such a way that by reading a ukrainian book, two people, young people, can meet, fall in love, and so on. if we talk about the problem that we touched on, i am a supporter of the fact that all symbols of emotions should not be in public space, today many and not only today, for several years they have been writing that... not only bulgakov lived in that house , there lived many more worthy people oleksandr koshyts, this and this i
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think will be great. a great influx, a great tsunami, because before bulgakov lived there, there was oleksandr koshets, who, thanks to this artist, in dozens of countries around the world know what generosity in mykola leontovich’s work is, he is a man who kept a very big one behind his back such a backpack is ukrainian, but now we see it on our screens, and we and someone will say, let's do something, why should there be a museum there, bulgakov, and not the museum of kosice. same question. actually. and, uh, speaking of bolgakov, first of all, really, from the public space, as much as possible, take this person out of the non-public space. despite the fact that i am a fan of the novel heart of a dog. and i perfectly understand that the adaptation of this story, by
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the way, is not so simple here either. the adaptation was made in 1988 by a native of donetsk, volodymyr bortko, who is himself very bright a stalinist, you can find him pro-stalinist, yes, i know him, i even drank vodka with him once, he is such that i do not know, it is impossible to put him next to bulgakov, he is like 800 bulgakovs in his imperialism and hatred for everything ukrainian , actually you see. how many paradoxes here, but only a lazy ukrainian patriot does not quote the dog's heart when he wants to show the enemy as sharykov or shvonder, that is, now we are talking about bulgakov's imperialism, and right away we quote, the dog's heart, they accuse, well, what a throwback to our enemies over there, either it's double standards, or there really isn't
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a ukrainian. analog, what to replace, so for me now, rethinking the heart of a dog, i perfectly understand two things, that it was written in the 20s, when there was a trend for such literature, experiments on humans, eugenics, and it was not bulgakov who invented it, it was herbert wells , in general, all these stories were started, there is the island of dr. moreau and so on, such a russian soviet classic alexander bilyaev, a person. amphibian, the ukrainian writer yuriy smolych also wrote in 28 economy of dr. galvanescu, also about similar experiments, that is, it was a trend, such a peculiar literary one, this is the first thing, and secondly, professor preobrazhenskyi and sharykov are not ukrainian and russian, but red guards and white guards. well, for us
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ukrainians, whether red or white never brought anything good, that's why this sharply satirical work, which really did a lot in its time, also pushed the soviet union to schedule and gave a lot of reasons for memes, for quoting in pieces, quote in pieces of this, it's a dog's heart in ukraine, but... this is, in my opinion, a vivid example of white guardism, the same as the film by beg alov and naumov, also, by the way, screened in the soviet union, and this is also a paradox, bulgakov was only partially banned, only these two his works are mentioned, as well as days of the turbines, and beg, and the same one, let's continue, mr. andriy, excuse me, let's continue
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ours. discussion, if it is a discussion in general, i think that this discussion will continue in ukraine. andriy kokatyukha, writer, screenwriter, journalist, was with us, and will be with you, but already without me, anna yavemelnyk from news from espresso tv. further, the hunt for enemy planes, the inspection of tsk due to the kidnapping of a teenager and how drones canceled a football match in kursk. greetings to all viewers of espresso, the news editor summarizes the results of today's day and anna javamelnyk is with you. prosecutor's office


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