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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EEST

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this discussion will continue, andrii kokatyukha, writer, screenwriter, journalist, was with us, and will be with you, but without me anna yavemelnyk, with news from espresso tv. further, the hunt for enemy planes, the inspection of the tsk due to the kidnapping of a teenager, and how drones canceled a football match in kursk. greetings to all viewers of espresso, the news editor summarizes the results of today's day, and anna javamelnik is with you. the prosecutor's office began investigating the shooting of ukrainian prisoners of war in krynyk. in
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the kherson region. it was reported in the office of the general prosecutor the video of the war crime was published by public activist serhiy sternenko. on the footage, you can see how the occupiers shoot three captives, probably with a machine gun. i would like to point out that this is not the first time that the enemy kills prisoners and violates the provisions of the geneva convention. the russians struck eight times in dnipropetrovsk region. drones and artillery attacked nikopol, marganytska, and myriv. and may day communities, the head of the region, serhii lysak, announced. as a result of the landslide, private houses, an infrastructure object and an excavator were damaged. fortunately, people were not injured. the number of victims in kharkiv has increased to five, the office of the prosecutor general reported. the occupiers hit the city center and the residential sector with airplanes. one of the shells hit a private house, and also flew into the central park, where they were. many people, 13
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high-rise buildings, educational institutions, a cafe, a hostel, a hotel were damaged, according to information from the state emergency service , there were several fires, cars and garages were on fire, the fire was extinguished, emergency services are working on the ground. for the second time in a day, the occupiers shelled a bare field in zaporozhye, the couple was injured, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. a man and a woman were injured in the yard of their own house. fedorov once again called on people to evacuate to safer places. three fires broke out in donetsk region due to enemy shelling. in the city of siversk, rescuers put out a fire in a private residential building. a fire also broke out in korakhivka due to repeated shelling by the russians. rescuers were unable to extinguish the fire immediately, the state emergency service informed. the occupiers hit and konstantinovci. a private home caught fire there, the fire was promptly extinguished.
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a 23-year-old woman was injured as a result of an attack by bilozerka in the kherson region, the regional military administration reported. the russians attacked the village in the afternoon, the victim was hospitalized. espresso's volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the elderly. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum, and in parcels to the front, in addition to vitamins, other goodies that our defenders need are also appearing: dried fruits, nuts, jerky, pastila, dry soups and borschts, lard and canned meat, everything that will feed our people at zero. we have a lot of requests, so we need your help, dear viewers, the account already has 34 uah, we need 50,000, join and support our soldiers by donating, you can see all the details on the screen. kidnapped odessa teenager. the regional
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territorial recruitment center started an official inspection, according to preliminary information, on april 2 in the izmail district , people in military uniform dragged a 14-year-old boy to a bus. he resisted, so to he was physically abused. later, the boy was taken out of the car. the story was published in one of the publications. the police have started criminal proceedings. seven russian planes were damaged at the airfield in yeysk, reports ukrainian pravda , citing sources in the main intelligence agency. the airfield was attacked by drones on april 5 , four su-30 fighters, two military transport planes and an amphibia plane were affected. the diesel substation of the airport was also destroyed. officially from budanov. russia will attack donetsk in the summer. stated
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the head of the main intelligence department of ukraine, kyrylo budanov, in an interview with a german tv channel. according to the scout, the occupiers will begin an active offensive at the end of spring, advance towards the temporal ravine and... move in the direction of pokrovsk, but they will not succeed, budanov is sure. the situation at the front, although difficult and under control, at the same time, the head of gur does not rule out that this year we should also expect a ukrainian counteroffensive, although for this we need additional artillery systems and ammunition. israel withdrew its troops from the south gases, there is only one brigade left there, which takes care of the security of the nahal corridor, reports the reuters news agency. this means that palestinians will be able to return home to khan yunis. for four months there were continuous battles. at the same time, israel continues to keep the northern and central parts cut off from the south. and
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the prime minister of the country, benjamin netanyahu , said that israel will not agree to a ceasefire in gaza until hamas releases the hostages. elections to local self-government bodies are ongoing in poland countries. people elect about 47,000 deputies at local levels, as well as almost 25 voyts, burgomasters and mayors of cities. maria chernyakhivska, who is with us live from warsaw, will talk about the course of the elections. maria my congratulations and tell you all the details. congratulations anna, it just started. it is known that as of 5 p.m. in warsaw , voter turnout is almost 40%. also in poland, it is reported that now residents of villages rather than cities vote more actively. in general, these are local-level elections, but they
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are important for polish politics, after all it depends on how many votes each candidate gets, which party he belongs to, and the influence of the party depends on that. on polish politics and in particular on poland's foreign policy, as the experience of previous elections in poland shows, residents of large cities, in particular warsaw, are still more supporters of the party of the current polish prime minister donald tusk. today we spoke with the city's residents and asked them why these elections are important to them. let's hear what they had to say. we showed our politicians the power we have as women decided that i will not give up this time either and will be at the elections to cast my vote and
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express my opinion, and to change what i don't like. it is about our daily affairs. poles will vote today until 9:00 p.m., only after that the first data of the exit polls will be known, and let me remind you that this is only the first round of elections. that's all i have,
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anna, you have my word. thank you for your work and information, maria chernyakhivska from warsaw , details about local elections in poland. in belgorod and kursk. the authorities heard explosions, the regions were allegedly attacked drones, because of the air threat in kursk even had to cancel a football match, according to the governor of bilhorod. russian air defense shot down four drones on the approach to the city, however, in the village of shagarovka , a car was hit by debris and a girl was allegedly killed, and four more people were injured, including two children, and four more uavs were shot down by muscovites over the belgorod region. plant... the background was introduced in the russian city of orsk, which is flooding due to a burst dam. evacuation is ongoing, local rescuers have already evacuated 1,164 russians, including more than 300 children. the situation in the region is rapidly deteriorating, local media report. four dead and 99 injured. the number of flooded
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houses in orsk itself is 45 in the region, more than 600 per day, the water in the ural river rose by 35 cm. without the drone attack in russia , the orsk naftoorkhsintez oil refinery stopped its work. this is the second enterprise that stopped due to the flood. according to the owners of the plant, the reason for the prejudice is environmental risk. as well as compliance with safety techniques. this is how the news team described the day, stay with espresso and watch politclub with vitaly portnikov. congratulations, friends, the politclub program is on the air on the spresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you,
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the next two hours will be about the most important trends of this week, about what will happen in the future with our experts, and my first interlocutor this hour is ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-2015. congratulations, mr. ivan, congratulations, congratulations, studio, thank you for inviting me, it was yesterday. the president of ukraine gave a long interview during his stay in chernihiv oblast. is it possible to believe that now the ukrainian authorities speak to the citizens, i would say, in a more critical language than it was before? i think, not to the full extent, not to the full extent, but more than it was in the 22nd year. well, look, the first step was the number of our losses. can you argue? is it understated, that's another story, but the dialogue has started, i
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think that the next step, maybe, will be the cessation of existence, the marathon is the only one, maybe, maybe this is such an optimistic forecast, yes, yes indeed, come on, i want to believe , that the state leadership finally let's see, that's enough, in the 22nd year it is relevant, in the 23rd it is no longer relevant, in the 24th. this is already a rudiment, it must be finished, thank you for such an opinion, but i wonder how realistically you assess the figures that the president cited when he spoke about the military needs of ukraine, let's say 25 petrio systems - is this really what is needed? well , roughly yes, roughly yes, that's right, not even right, we need batteries, batteries have several launchers there. five or seven settings, that is, you need to measure with a battery, somewhere in
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in the 22nd year, mr. podalyak, the adviser to the president , said 11 such batteries that we need to cover our needs. there are 25 of them in the world, but let's face it, each battery is 1.2 million dollars, billions to us billions of us dollars, yes, that is, it's crazy money, getting one battery will be a big, big achievement. but allies of the united states receive much larger quantities of patriot batteries, why? yes, they have, they have supplies for missiles, but they do not transfer, do not sell, maybe here greed, perhaps unwillingness, as they say, to provoke further escalation, we were given three, we lost one, or rather, several launchers, two or three launchers , that's what it's called. as a result of being hit by a russian ballistic missile, well, unfortunately, we lost, in the first place, not even
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the installation, not the launchers, but the crew of our guys, the best, experienced, trained, we unfortunately lost, so maybe this is really the reason , so far, why aren't they giving us what you think about how the aid situation is progressing in general to ukraine, you allow us to receive this aid. in the near future, the american 60 billion and the american 60 billion, yes, let me remind your esteemed viewers, let 's compare all the figures, you need to look at the afghan company of the united states in 2011-2018, and there were different amounts of annual allocations, but in the best periods, in in the best years this amount was 100 annually. 20 billion us dollars for the war against terrorists, aid to the state, that is, it is
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serious, in the worst years the amount fell to 45 billions of us dollars, well, this is for comparison, to consider what 60 billion is, is it a lot or a little, compared to afghanistan, i really want to believe, i stay, i want to believe that even if it is late, this help will come, but we see unfortunately, already in a week and a half it's already half. april will already be calculated for october 23rd, then new year's holidays, christmas holidays, no, new year's, some more vacations, now i see that they will simply... take thought, unfortunately, it is not valid, this is a purely political issue, i i would still like to believe that military-industrial the lobby of the united states, which is extremely interested in allocating this money, will still be able to push not for the sake of it, but exclusively now, and i will remind you once again, i will not even remind you, as an example to our viewers, that in the united states there is such
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a national rifle association, this association, when one of the american politicians stood up. activity or interfered with receiving large profits, then it is as many as several dozen seriously promising political careers of many american politicians, that is, well, i would like to believe in the lobby of american power of the american lobby, tell me, now there is information that the people's republic of china not only maintains warm relations with russia there, it is not just that xizen ping meets with vladimir putin, but the russians even use it. chinese-made satellite images in order to adjust our strikes on ukraine, and at the same time we are trying to involve china in our processes of improving the situation, let's say peace processes in ukraine, to what extent is this a correct attitude to reality? so let me remind you once again that
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the story with satellite images is not news at all, pvk wagner... bought satellite images of the territory of ukraine of certain locations that were important from chinese private companies, that is, the chinese government did not formally help, did not formally facilitate, but did not prohibit, and wagner bought , i think it's the same story now, the russian federation receives these saturday pictures, of course it's dangerous, it buys them, redeems them on a permanent basis , i don't mind the chinese, i think it's right when ukraine tries to attract china to ours. points point of view not to oppose china, well, where is china, where is ukraine, unfortunately, we cannot, but to try somehow, well, not to drag it completely, but at least to show china our point of view, how we see the situation, maybe china, well, this take into account in its political activities, well, once again, we understand that ukraine
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is only a small figure here on this chessboard, because china is not playing against ukraine, but against the united states. if we talk about what you think the further actions of the occupiers should be in general, do you really agree with the president's point of view that managed to stop the offensive, or will they try to put pressure on those directions that are important for themselves and for us? look, we expect that by may 9 , the russian occupation forces will try to continue their creeping offensive, as i said earlier, this is wednesday at the end of march. and in principle, we saw in certain directions that they stopped, but reduced, reduced the intensity of their offensive actions, but they still have capabilities, it is may 7 - the day of putin's inauguration, may 9 - the day of victory, and so until this moment, any territorial achievements of the russian army, anything, i don't know, the village was lost, half the village
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was captured, two houses were captured, but if it is publicized, if it is shown, then it is very much to blame. fortified, we saw with you these unfortunate abrams tanks, when he is standing, this one, this lone tank, he is hit three or four times and shows that he destroyed three or four american tanks, for this they receive great rewards, so i think so , that by the month of may, try to move along the forward steps, 100, 200, 300 m at a time, and for this will receive an award, if in principle we talk now about the possible. russia in the shelling of ukraine, we have already talked a lot about the fact that russia's missile stocks are decreasing, the number of drones is decreasing, well, so far we do not see such a decrease, although it is possible to talk about the accumulation of resources and intervals in the attacks, you can somehow imagine, what is the potential of the russian federation from the point of view of all these shellings that we are observing,
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they have missiles, they can build missiles, such numbers were called optimistic separate... that the russians can do one missile per day, ah, there are more conservative estimates, there is one missile for two dashes for three days, in any case, this is a very serious result, but they are limited to their carriers, how many carriers do they have, how many volleys, caliber missiles, if , for example, they take three ships out to sea there, they have a total launch capacity of 20 missiles, 50 missiles , they can simultaneously launch calibers... they cannot, they can as many as in them in principle, there is work now to destroy the carriers, these missiles, which ukraine is trying to achieve, that is just a few days ago, there was a mass attack, several... airfields, but so far, unfortunately, there is no confirmed data on hits, there is information in the vidukur that six planes were destroyed there, that many were damaged, but external
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control, let's say, from to your fellow journalists, the analysis of satellites and images shows that there is no destruction, there is indeed such an assumption that the russians could hide the plane strips in one night, wash the airfields so that nothing, well, not a single trace, was left, thus entering freely, such a story really exists. that intelligence should work and show whether it is true or whether it was really inspired by the russians, if you and i understand in principle these intentions that the ukrainian side has today, regarding the holding of this peace forum, you hope that , that such a forum with the participation of a large number of leaders of various states can really influence the russian position on the war. the russian position is influenced exclusively by armaments, i am more inclined to think that if the united states nevertheless vote for this aid, then it will possibly be limited as follows: not for
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counteroffensive actions, but for stabilization, stabilization of the situation at the front, leveling, weakening of the russian army, and then the exit, i do not know the exit for negotiations, any agreements, counteroffensive operations, i think the united states. at least this year they will definitely not help us, they will not support us, and if, i do not say, god forbid, if the head of the white house changes, then the situation may change completely. you by the way, we saw these reports from the washington post newspaper that trump has such a secret plan, and the whole essence of this secret plan is that he wants to negotiate with putin on the territories seized by russia, that is, for trump it is just such, i would say banal territorial. he really likes this story, big deals, he likes it, and i will remind you of another historical fact that when donald trump was president,
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he spoke about the afghan campaign quite, quite so bravura, if i had the opportunity no , if i had a desire, i would end the war in afghanistan, attention, in one week, that is, i count it more as a bravado, yes, but as an option, ukraine can really be put simply. the position of saying yes, or yes, or yes, either you surrender and we help you, or you continue to fight, but already without the support of the united states, the western world, well, as far as possible, of course, to limit, that is, i think the demand will be posed, once again ukraine is just one of the pieces on this chessboard that moves other countries. well, here it is just the impression that american politicians, by the way, from different camps, they do not really understand the true intentions of vladimir putin, and frankly , it confuses me. there is also such an opinion, but for some reason it seems that if you give, i don't know, to a hungry person what he wants, he will be full and
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will not need more, well, we saw before the beginning of the second world war. well, it's strange that everything and everyone repeats the same, you know, steps, the same mistakes, no, it's as if the second world war never happened, so hostile is far away now, well, let's face it, when the bombing takes place. i don't know if it's somewhere in aleppo, well, okay, we sympathize with the local peaceful citizens, but it's far away, well, where is aleppo, where is ukraine, where is kyiv, where is lviv, where is the dnipro, the same for the countries of western europe, for example, for brussels , where is that kyiv, let's look again at the position of washington from washington's i don't know these graves, where is that kyiv, where is avdiivka, where is that ughledar, that is, it seems to me that it will be resolved somewhere in this location and nowhere else it won't budge, thank you mr. ivan ivan stupak, a military expert of the security service of ukraine in 2014-15, was on our air, we will now take a break for just a few minutes, but stay with us, there are still many important conversations ahead. damn,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many they became like relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day
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by phone poll. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we continue the politclub program on the tv channel espresso and now let's talk about the local elections in poland, which are taking place these days, the main political event in the country, olga popovych, editor of the annual ukrainian almanac, this is a publication of the association of ukrainians in poland, thank you ms. olga, and what can we talk about now the situation with... local
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elections, what are we waiting for the first results, what can we expect? in general, i do not think that they will surprise us so much compared to the previous ones from the 18th year, i.e. traditionally, the already active political force in power, the election committee, the people's cause and coalition, the civic platform is ukrainian, they... win an overwhelming victory in big cities, on the other hand, in poland and small towns, this is usually the territory where candidates of right-wing parties, and above all of the previous government of right-wing justice, win, at the moment we do we have clear information about election turnout, election turnout, we already see at 5 p.m. that the number of...
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those who took part in voting this year is a little less compared to 2018 , although previously experts very often emphasized that these local government elections will be the same, they will be active for voters, and like the parliamentary elections, there will be a much higher voter turnout, but we will wait until the end of the elections to finally... talk about the number of votes, as in principle you assess the atmosphere of these elections, you can say that both camps, have they somehow reduced the mutual escalation or not? i wouldn't say that they mutually reduced, plus the right-wing radical party confederation also joins in here, by the way on...


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