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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EEST

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i wanted to ask about this problem of unverified news, because the problem is not in telegram, as in messenger, as you understand, in the fact that there is a huge amount of unverified news, anonymous news, and they are, by the way, distributed by a large number of pro-russian channels, that pretend to be ukrainian, but there is a lot of talk in our country about channels that are considered to be connected to the president's office, but that is already such a matter, but there are a large number of channels that are supposedly ukrainian, and even ukrainian-speaking, and... .but they are definitely related to the administration of another president, and when a person finds himself in this sea, here is an anonymous channel, which is connected to the office of the president of ukraine, and here is an anal channel, which is connected to the office of the president of russia, to the administration, and they give almost the same news in for a moment, and then they somehow diverge, and people can certainly get lost and become victims of any level of informational provocations. you are absolutely right, you are absolutely right, and we, i think...
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that all ukrainians already understand that the time when we laughed at what should not be tolerated hell flour, he is already in the past, it is clear that they, in my opinion , widely use artificial intelligence, which already, well, not only gpt chat, but also other artificial intelligences, already well, i just looked myself, let's say, i write there the text is in english, yes, and then well... so for the sake of checking , so to speak, i am asking the same gpt chat to which i am subscribed, by the way, to translate it into ukrainian, well, it is obvious that he has already gained enough experience, worked out enough texts, i don't see mistakes, i see there, well, certain ones, you know, such - stylistic ones, sometimes there are such grammatical inaccuracies, that is, you can understand that it is not his native language, because it is his native language. chat gpt english but he
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's learning he's learning and it's open and it 's open gpt chat, well that is anyone can sign up and well it's clear that they use it all, not necessarily this artificial intelligence and really you're right that it is impossible to distinguish, and no matter how many there are, then who would have guessed that the president's office might be cooperating with some channels out there, which, well, really. formally anonymous, although almost everyone knows who is behind them, what they are for people, where they live and so on, but we lose in the telegram not because we use it there, although of course it would be better if somehow the nation calmed down and understood all the dangers of this, we lose because on one ukrainian channel, russia will always answer 10. but we will also need
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a hundred telegram channels, which will be in the nice ukrainian language, which will increasingly use artificial intelligence, in particular to create videos, we are laughing now, by the way, they all work at the intersection with tiktok, this has already been verified by a lot of monitoring and our public and... from those centers that exist under renbo and under the ministry of culture, information policy, that is, it is not surprising, that is, they work by helping each other, well, in a sense, it is one and the same the ecosystem itself, so to speak, tiktok and telegram, and well, now you can laugh at what they impose on tiktok, that is, on our presenters of our news and the marathon, and i didn’t mind the marathon, i... dubbing the presenters
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and espresso and direct and fifth, that is, they are working extensively, well, it’s funny to us now, but tomorrow it won’t be funny to us, because it’s expected, well, i read american articles, i ’m not waiting, i’m not waiting for translations, i’m reading american articles where experts write that a breakthrough is expected, he expected in either the 24th or 25th year. with those varieties, models of artificial intelligence, which will create a video that will be impossible to distinguish from the real one, and now let's imagine there will be another nikita potoraev, we will not know which potoraev is real, he will say that you are not real, definitely, significantly worse, vitaly, there will be one thing, and the way you and i will be faked there, and a much worse thing if they show up. that
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the katsap tanks broke through the defenses again, entered the kharkiv district, or that means they targeted some brigade, they will distribute the video absolutely. it is realistic that the neighbors have a breakthrough, which means that the katsapnia is coming, which means that you will be surrounded there in two hours tomorrow, and so on, this is not something to be afraid of, but to prepare for it, here in why, well the danger of this situation is very great, and when it will happen, we do not know, because in the field of artificial intelligence they are breakthroughs. it's definitely classical, you know, the transition from quantity to quality, so it's a dialectic, well, when will one of them learn to create informational plots, which will be impossible to distinguish from reality, without special expertise,
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not even human, but what too the computer will conduct and say, no, this, this was done by artificial intelligence, but it's all time, but it's all time, i told my colleagues, imagine a... imagine that there would already be such a breakthrough, and we vote on the law on mobilization on the 11th, god forbid, we will vote it, and at 11:00 at night , several thousand channels appear in tiktok and telegram, on which hundreds of videos appear, which means , in which they tell how tsk simply break into apartments. accommodation for people, people are pulled out of their beds, that is, they are dragged along the night streets and so on, and similar horrors, and yes, 100 of them can become infected, relatively speaking, but this will be enough, that’s what the problem is, well it
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obviously, because, because yes, because yes, maybe we will have time to take there, let's say, by 8, by 10 in the morning, what measures will close. although it is very difficult, some channels in telegram, so we will block them, but people will already stretch these viral videos in their caches, so to speak, and they will discuss what we saw, this, well, yes, well, this video, this is all the truth, and this will all be completely artificial, well , this is an interesting moment, i really hope that we will live, that you and i will be able to talk about what must be done to counter all this, this is also an important topic, thank you, mr. nikita. mykyta potoraev, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the committee on humanitarian and information policy, is in touch with us. we're going to break for just a few minutes now and continue, so please stay with us. what is bahmud? bahmud
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is a place of fear, a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of it. bahmud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our days. the children were born in the era of independence. who are they? their many, and they are strong and brave. these are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors. these are boys who never cry. lemberg. mom, don't cry. the writer's book. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. there are discounts on dolgit cream and
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dolgi up to 30% in travel pharmacies, bam and oskad. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger i congratulate you this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. next frames you may be shocked. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analysis, lens. and to the point, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, give free speech frankly and impartially, draw your own conclusions, join the ranks of the hundredth
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separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own, the result of their work is our security with you, they, the boys from volyn, proved that... everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. every one who pilots a uav, understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, winds. kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. we continue the politclub program, vitaly portnikov is with you, and the guest of this part of the program is volodymyr paniota, president of kyiv international sociology. professor of sociology at the university of kyiv-mohyla academy. congratulations, mr. volodymyr. congratulations,
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good evening. so, let's try to understand to begin with how, in your opinion, the mood of ukrainians changed during the war, can we talk about some kind of trend? during the war, in general , such strong changes took place that sometimes exceed those changes that occurred during the entire previous time. for the first time after the war, as american sociologists say, there was a mobilization and rallying around the right and people began to trust the government, the president and the parliament more. to the state as a whole, began to value the state more,
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especially strange things happened when they talked about some objective things, and they said that this is constant, there 66% feel the deterioration of mental health, er, unemployment, the level of material deprivation and so on, and when we ask.. . it became worse or better, how satisfied or dissatisfied you are, then the level of satisfaction increased, and people began to better assess the worse situation, that is , to value the state more, and this situation remained until approximately september 2023, by the way, another such indicator, the level of happiness , which, too, we didn't even want to measure it, well, how
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to ask if you are happy when the war is going on, but did not want to lose the dynamics, so they asked, and it turned out that the level of happiness did not fall, but approximately the same as, but starting from september, the processes of some disappointment and changes began. the decision of some of these indicators, some of the indicators remained the same, here are some of the most important indicators that actually remained the same, this is the attitude towards russia, this is the geopolitical choice, the attitude towards nato, towards europe, and in principle even before the start of the war. already the majority was positive oriented towards europe and nato even after
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the 14th year, but there was still regional differentiation, and in the east, for example, the majority was against nato, and therefore the situation did not look irreversible, but after february 24, the regional difference practically disappeared and attitudes towards nato. became positive in all regions, so identification, that is very important, identification, when we ask who you are, a citizen of ukraine, increased and continues to be the main identification of ukrainians, that is , these indicators have not changed, belief in victory, have not changed, but there are gradations, i fully believe,
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i rather believe than not, some changes have taken place here, i.e., distrust in the president, in the government, in the verkhovna rada began to grow , rather, one could say, trust in the president, in the government, in the verkhovna rada began to grow. well , before the courts and prosecutors, it was still low, despite the request for injustice, the only thing that did not improve after the war was... the attitude towards the courts and prosecutors, it is obvious that we were not able to reform the judicial system, er, and because of these problems, the situation has worsened, but in principle key indicators such as willingness
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to endure, uh, we asked if you are willing to, endure war and for how long, and 75% continue to say as long as it takes, uh, then, the future, they, continue to be optimistic about the future, but the situation has worsened a little, most likely, this is connected with some disappointment in... in the counteroffensive, well , separately, in relation to zelensky, then there was another factor that affected the attitude towards him and trust, very much affected, almost there by 15%, er, is it a conflict or maybe not
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a conflict, and a misunderstanding or attitude towards a servant and dismissal. zaluzhna, which also greatly affected the trust in zelenskyi, and it decreased somewhere to 60-65% according to various measures, although after the start of the war he had 90%. and tell me, in principle , it can be assumed that all this military sociology will not be of great importance in peacetime. times, because you see how different this wartime sociology is from the sociology of pre-war times, how far we can generally analyze it, based on the future itself, according to some indicators, it can be said for sure that it will not change, for example, it is difficult to imagine a change in attitudes towards russia,
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attitudes towards russians, attitudes towards belarus and belarusians, identification is also unlikely to change much, it will of course decrease, and that is the grouping effect, it already stops working, but it will all remain, we can say that the elements of the creation of the nation that took place will remain. problems with the language, they still arise and are more acute, but in general the trend of greater popularity of ukrainian language and the desire to speak it, they will remain, but other indicators, well, for example,
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the attitude towards the country's leadership, they will, of course, change a lot and... it changes, that is, it cannot be said that everything that we measure now, they will change radically after the victory, well, it will depend on what the victory will be, what compromises we will have to make, whether we will have any feelings on this matter, what kind of feelings will be caused by the state of the leader's actions. the state, the attitude towards the state, well, the question is how ukrainians will perceive the compromise, whether will they think that this is a compromise or , on the contrary, a victory, you know, this is of great importance, there is also the issue of public perception of reality, by the way, to what extent ukrainians according to sociology are now ready for some kind of compromises, in principle, there were
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studies that showed that perceptions of... reality, uh, influence people's behavior more than reality itself, uh, and, uh, really, ah, you're right that it all depends on how a- but, people will be prepared for it, will they understand how it correlates with the real ones capabilities, because in fact, compromises are a matter of what we can, what we cannot, they are decided by the military, they depend on our capabilities, and... as for the readiness for compromises, they have begun to decrease , for the first one and a half years, this
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indicator almost did not change, 80-85% of them were against any compromises, now in such an abstract question, are you ready to... give up some territory of ukraine in order to achieve peace, this indicator decreased somewhere up to 75%, but when they start looking for different alternatives, that's basically it depends on what the alternatives are, well, for example, one of the studies. we had a customer who was interested in whether we are ready to cede crimea if crimea is under
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the un protectorate, demilitarized, and that is , neither russian nor ukrainian, uh, then we are ready for it, uh- eh, already more than 50% of the population, i.e.... there are various options for these compromises, and if you search, in general, you can find those that ukrainians support more, and those that support less. you were not surprised by the fact that, according to the latest polls, corruption is perceived a greater threat than war. this is an interesting, more interesting result, it really, er, a little, a little...surprised, although it must be said that the assessment of corruption and the level of corruption, it also, as you said, depends on real
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corruption and depends on its perception, when we conduct research on the experience of corruption, they show that the experience of corruption is slightly decreasing, not increasing. and the perception of corruption is increasing because it depends on how it is presented and how it is written about, besides, the more corruption is fought, the more its fight against corruption appears in the mass media, by the way, we asked the question whether these cases, which were corruption, they testify to. about the growth of corruption or about the fight against corruption, and so far 60% believe that it is still
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about the fight against corruption, but now during the war justice is really demanded, it is growing, and corruption is one of those injustices that people are very ... they are slandering, mr. poturaev and i were just talking about the danger of unverified news there, which is really becoming so a serious problem for the informational survival of the country and society, but the fact that sociologists show that 35% of ukrainians believe in astrologers, and 25% in psychics, seems to me no less a threatening trend, that is, when people prefer to live in an absolutely irrational world, it's not even unverified news, it's just fiction that we... people are filling their information space, so we were also surprised by these results, and indeed, although
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it is clear that during a war this is quite typical, because people lose certain landmarks, there is more uncertainty, and they are looking for something, and the strange thing is that... that i had a discussion on facebook about this much more than any other issue, but one of the contributors also cited data on the united states in the states, if in our country 35% of ukrainians believe in astrology, then in the united states it is the same figure, 34%. americans believe in astrology, the same number believe in reincarnation, and maybe this is eh...
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a typical situation for eh of our time not only in ukraine, i have no data on other countries, er, because it arises in a time when there are social networks and the internet, it is very convenient to carry out this kind of campaigning in one way or another. thinks, well, in addition, i would say that there is no such scientific belief in god, it is not much more scientifically based than belief in astrology, and there are about 2% of atheists in the world, and another 10% are agnostics, well, these are people who declare themselves
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atheists, i understand. well, those who declare themselves atheists, in principle, many people believe in god, as well as go to church as a cultural practice, and may not believe in god or life after death. and tell me, if we talk about the state of ukrainian society in general, summarizing our conversation, we can say that society. to such long trials, which are connected with the war, with the post-war period, how stable is this society, if at all it is possible to talk about the society during the war, well , so far we do not know how it will be further, but now all our indicators show that people no longer believe that the war will end soon, they realize that it will be long. and they say
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that they are ready to tolerate as long as necessary, and they are not ready to make any compromises yet, i don't know if this is good or not, because maybe we will have to make compromises and it will be a difficult task for the management to convince that it is necessary , so for now the situation with... from this point of view is quite prosperous. thank you. thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr paniota, president of the kyiv international institute of sociology, professor of sociology at kyiv mohylyansk university. the academy was in touch with us and we discussed the situation with him today is associated with the endurance of ukrainian society. because he and i understand very well that these
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sociological polls, which we... discussed with mr. volodymyr, are such an important part of our understanding of how resilient ukrainian society is in this situation that has developed now, when we really we are talking about the danger of a long, multi-year war with an incomprehensible, no-one-knows finale, like any war, and how much society is ready to endure to be enduring, how much it is ready to endure, how much it ready immediately the reality in which ukrainians found themselves and which will accompany them for a possibly long period of our lives with you, but i wish you that this period ended as soon as possible, i wish you, dear friends, victory and peace, thank you for being with us and see you again , good luck.
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chairman of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm and authorized representative of the polish government on the reconstruction of ukraine. as always, we will sum up the information week in our program. today we will start with this: april 7 in poland. the first round of local elections, i see from social networks that you are at the peak of your activity, thank you for today's meeting, despite the hot weather, every day you have meetings with governors in different cities, with people, a very active campaign is underway, what are the risks for democracy in poland, and how do these elections today affect polish-ukrainian relations.


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