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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EEST

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ran around with this canister or canisters, well , there are too many things that do not connect with the general concept, so i think that the ears of the fsb are definitely present there, and we will still pass time, we will also buy into this information, but in terms of propaganda, putin needed it on 150% mr. volodymyr, if... according to your version, it was the federal security service of russia that did it, in principle, i might be more or less inclined towards it. why then does i deal essentially come out like this, ahead of putin, taking responsibility for carrying out this terrorist attack. and another very important detail, which in principle can be noted, is what patrushev declares.
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i quote: the usa created idil and together with ukraine organized a terrorist attack. that is, this is how all this can be connected, relatively speaking. why is it also beneficial for i dilu to take responsibility in this case? well, look, today, before this incident, idil showed himself. well, actually, something long forgotten, not very effective, and hardly something that was paid attention to. and suddenly such a gift. and you can say that you can still do something, you are worth something, and you can organize such large-scale provocations, terrorist attacks, far from their own, so to speak, cells and so on, well, this is advertising for which you have to pay, very expensive and very much, here everything just falls into your hands and you say yes, that's us , here it seems to me that everything is more than made up. and what patrusha says, well
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, listen, well, we must finally understand that uh, any words that, uh, that, uh, are uttered by representatives of the russian authorities, must be multiplied by zero, that's all , is quite the opposite, if you want to understand what is happening there, just draw a conclusion that is exactly the opposite of what is being said in moscow, and you will be somewhere close to ... to the situation, and tell me, mr. volodymyr, what do you think, when the french minister of defense sebastien lecornu talks to the minister of defense to russia by sergei shoigu, it is not because they are afraid that moscow may provoke this type of terrorist attack, let's say, at the olympics in paris, yes, mr. vitaly, but does n't medvedev directly threaten even without any diplomatic deviations, excuse me by this word that dear friends, over there in paris
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, the bad macron, as he calls him in his last words, can just attack you and you, they can organize a terrorist attack, and you can be killed there, and you are no longer a friend to us, but a bitter enemy, so here everything is again, well, well, well, well, directly, someone talks about it less openly, well, we know that there are... well, there is no other way to call them, which are used like angry cisterns in order to pour out this or that information and once again, i'm back here again, maybe for the third time, on this topic, to intimidate the west, to intimidate its elites, so that they think that it is better for us to cede some more or less territory of ukraine than to deal with uncontrolled, completely inadequate criminals. but with nuclear
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weapons in hand. and one more, in principle, very important topic, already more of our internal one, although it is also connected with russia, actually russia blames the head of the sbu in absentia, the kid, blames not only him there, blames many other ukrainian officials who are related to the power bloc . we we understand very well that this essentially means nothing, that it is essentially just an informative demonstration that we are doing something there, that we are somehow influencing something there and demanding something, why they are doing it, if even, even with from the point of view of some logic, it looks extremely funny, well, it's funny for you and me, mr. andriy, and funny for normal people, but for the population that... inhabits this territory, it's not
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funny at all, it's normal, it means that , er, we, the government, er, follow our line consistently, and we we will fight against these ukrainians. by nazis, fascists there and so on and so on, that is what is quite normal perceived by the population itself, that is, that is, i will specify, that is, the russians believe that one day they, or their so-called weakness, will reach out with their own hands to certain there of the ukrainian military, ukrainian high-ranking officials and so on and so on, that's how i understand it, well, of course they also believe, and they think that this is... the only right decision, and they will fight for it, and they will die only for to ultimately defeat the neo-nazi regime that has taken over ukraine, absolutely true. thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr. volodymyr ogryska, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine
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in 2007-2009, head of the russia research center was in touch with us. now we will talk with orientalist mykhailo yakubovych. let's talk about the recent elections in turkey, sensational, one might say, elections. congratulations, mr. mykhailo. good evening, well, for the first time in many decades , the party of justice and development is managed by president recep tayyip erdoğan, she was defeated in the elections, the people's republican party, the party associated with the name of the founder of the republic of turkey, general mustafa kemal atatürk , won this election by a margin, and with a percentage that it did not had in all my history, i would say the history of the last decades, is this the end of the era of erdogan or just... so far a struggle that has not been understood, what will end in the next years? no, this is far from the end of the era, it is a certain signal, especially since it is a local election, far from always, those who vote for some candidates in local elections look at
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their party affiliation in general elections, and even more so in elections for the head of state, that is , a person can vote for the opposition in local elections. elections, but before that, not wanting to see kılıçdaroğlu at the head of the state, actually voting for erdogan, another issue is that of internal control, that is, it is a question of infrastructure, and business, investments, it often passes from the hands of the ak party to the opposition, well and , for example, the opposition will also hold a majority in istanbul, according to others in cities where the margin... is more than 10%, new personnel immediately appear, new old ones, conditionally, the same ekrem and mamoglu, from istanbul, which is now, well, not only predicted to win, but very significant positions in the next elections , that is, since erdogan is a charismatic
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leader, the appearance of any others, if they take advantage of this, is a direct threat to him, even not so much the party mood there, but there are certain signals, and erdogan. reacts to them, for example, tries to improve relations with biden, with the west, in general, that is putin has not come to him so far, so he still has a certain gap of opportunities here, and the foreign policy of the foreigner will change very significantly there, except that there will be variations again, which are far from his first year and not the first time . there is a lot of talk now about the so-called operation. erdogan's successor, and actually this successor is called selchuk's son-in-law, selchuk bayraktar, his name and surname, i think, it is known to many ukrainians, because of the actual unmanned
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aerial vehicles, which we so often discussed at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but if we return to this operation successor, this means that... erdogan in 2028 may not run for president and in fact promote his son-in-law, who, by the way, is quite influential and quite rated. if you look at the polls, in fact, he occupies one of the top places there, and he can, conditionally speaking, replace erdogan, yes, in a few years, in your opinion, to what extent is this possible? it will be very difficult to make predictions now for the 27th-28th year a great optimist, this is firstly, and secondly , no matter what, the next years will pass under such intimidation of the third world war, major global
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conflicts, terrorist threats, and if erdogan manages to convince his electorate that this is necessary, he is necessary. .. such an approach, that is, the renewal of power, but the preservation of all these security guarantees for the turkish people, that is, that turkey is in the western bloc, and turkey, at the same time, does not take part in ... in any such military actions that would it was not directly threatened, like syria, so it is quite possible, but now to forecast the 27th and 28th year, and it seems to me that it will be an even more ungrateful task, especially since the appearance of new politicians is possible, the promotion of the same ones that they already have, for example , kılıçdaroğlu, no one would have thought five years ago that he would win almost half of the votes in the turkish elections, then he won and left politics, therefore... here turkish politics is not always so predictable, let's not forget that
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everything - after all, turkey is not russia, it remains a democratic country, despite all its disadvantages. by the way, this is such an important moment, i think, mr. mykhailo, because many people during these decades of erdogan's rule lost this understanding that the political landscape could change so seriously in turkey, it seemed that erdogan managed to create a system of so-called managed democracy, where there are elections, and... there is never a change of power, so on the one hand, and we see that its neighboring countries are far from democratic, let's start with azerbaijan itself, well, they also hold elections, then the east is clear there situation, turkmenistan, then the turkic world in general, it mainly relies on such chieftaincy, it exists, it is a complex very geopolitical and cultural phenomenon, but in the case of turkey, after all, we know that democracies work in their places, it is a market
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the economy in a country with such developed trade relations, investments in business, with such export-import balances, to imagine it not democratic, its market, its tourist infrastructure, everything else will be extremely difficult, that is, yes, there is a certain limit to which authoritarianism works, is persecution of dissidents, there are certain force decisions, there are not unstudied or, on the contrary , unsolved issues of the so-called coup of the 15th year, there are also other issues, but we see that the turkish people, especially the urban population, it remains faithful to this kemal tradition , that is, the idea of ​​oneself as a citizen, a citizen who has rights, appropriate, a citizen who must go and vote, from... young to old participation in politics, this is how it happens with a local cultural accent, turkish rallies, then
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elections, everything related to political agitation, it is extremely noisy, specific, but it is there, that is, it is already a layer of turkish culture, not only political, but also everyday, and to imagine that turkey turns into the same azerbaijan, or somewhere else later, well, this is just in case. some very powerful internal and external challenges, and they are also external threats, as well as the earthquake that shook turkey, but the reaction to it was accordingly such that it was still problematic, but in such key moments of a working democracy, one of other major such international events, which , in fact, was often discussed here in ukraine. i believe that this is also one of the very important news, the events that happened
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this week, this is the strike by the israeli armed forces on the iranian embassy in damascus, and in fact in this facility, in this facility, several high-ranking people died there officers, there are allegedly two generals, five lower-ranking officers. and then it begins, after that the information about the possible response of iran, israel, and not only intensifies israel, specifically those forces that support israel. the entire, essentially, informational space is shaking from the fact that it is now 48 hours, then 72 hours, right? so, in this context, what should we expect, will iran escalate, or will it wait for one? moment in order to strike, as well as how
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israel will act in the future, in fact, in this context, because this is essentially both political and military ping-pong, it can also extremely strike the world order, and therefore also for ukraine, for the support of ukraine in including, well, first of all, the netanyahu government and the military... the leadership of israel knew perfectly well that when it launched this strike, especially a strike on a building that was actually part of the iranian consulate, this is a serious step, and israel is perfectly understands that iran will at least make certain statements and certain actions. who is zagidii? one of the leaders of the islamic revolutionary guard corps who was killed there is a man comparable in scale to the calm suleimani, one of the key links in the links between iran and palestine, in particular the hamas movement, then
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hizbullah in lebanon, that is, this is a rather important figure, and israel, of course, knocks out such figures, the second moment, 48 hours have already passed, the iranian response, well, which was predicted there with ballistic drones in a direct direction it is hardly possible for israel to have passed kuts day, the so-called jerusalem day in iran, which they celebrate or mark, every year there were many slogans about the fight against world zionism, anti-americanism and various intelligence and so on, this is classic in them, but on ... at the moment, an attack on some israeli proxy is most likely expected, last time similar actions were answered by the kurdish resistance forces, and now negotiations are taking place between raisi and ashia - this is the prime minister of iraq, and it is obvious that somewhere they are agreeing on joint actions in that region, that is, i, in particular, expect an answer,
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as well as for iraq, for pro-western forces there in the north or in syria. pro-western, in particular , kurdish forces, whom iran constantly accuses of cooperating with israel, may arm the houthis with something, that is, it is faster after all, there will be a proxy answer, i would not expect direct attacks here, because israel would hardly take such a risk now, if it were, oil has already jumped to the corresponding price, it is almost 90, so certain market mechanisms are also at work here, which, well it is difficult to say who benefits and who does not, but it is obvious that for oil exporters, the situation here is one that they can still control, that is, this is one of the steps in the general confrontation between israel and iran, like on a large chessboard, where they will move certain figures, but as long as they have key players and the existence
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of the states themselves is protected, that is, they will not fight directly, the iranians... at the moment they can hardly allow it, and they should not do it from the point of view of national security considerations, as many analysts note, so we wait further these proxy wars. well, the question here is this, mr. mykhailo, iran now has a choice, it needs to respond to the death of general zahadiya, we saw that they just arrange a farewell ceremony of such a level that, in principle, they cannot do without such answer, he sang it himself... and yemeni, it happened several times in the history, by the way, of the islamic republic, as you know, and here the question arises: either iran is acting with the help of hezbollah, opening a second front, but this can lead to the collapse of hezbollah and lebanon, because the israeli army will be able to respond so harshly, and now it is clear that the united states cannot contain israel , so this could be the end of lebanon, not even hezbollah as such, but on the other hand,
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you can strike with your own forces, rockets, shahed and not to place hezbollah under. israel, well, expect some kind of missile attack on its own territory, iran is not used to this, so what to choose? well, there are enough proxy forces to choose from that can simply be declared agents of zionism. you can safely destroy several objects in iraqi kurdistan and declare that there were zionist logistics centers there, arrest some agents, and so on. in principle , the level of propaganda aimed at the islamic republic of iraq. its consumer hides it, as they say. here is another question, what is the benefit of israel? and the advantage is that it is democratic the party now, especially after the attack on humanitarian organizations in gaza, it is beginning to think more or less about israel's help, yes, the status of an ally, but they are already trying to
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twist israel's hands, so to speak, to give it the red light for certain operations , here... israel, in principle, can quite confidently declare to the american side, look at what a huge threat we have to iran, that iran can strike, that is hizbollah, so you can’t lose the support of our main ally like that, and the americans want to, no want, they will go this way for now, so the israelis here can fully understand their policy, but as for the iranian strike, they had something before that. excuses to attack israel, no one prevented them from doing so, they supplied their scythes there, hezbollah, hamas, well, i would not be, to be honest, sure that now... the war with lebanon, it will be so much for israel already light, it will be necessary to open a second front, and there were a lot of stocks
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of rockets and everything else accumulated there, that is, this one the balance of power, well, no one will disturb it so significantly, this is far from the first war in the middle east, from which all powers come out with basically plus or minus the same face, in some respects satisfied, in some respects not. but with the same starting positions, even hamas, no one is talking about its complete destruction now, so here i would get away from some such apocalyptic predictions, at least for this situation, of course there are certain moments, surprises, but in my opinion there will be a blow by some proxy israeli forces or by to the forces that will be declared as such proxies, we thank mykhailo yakubovich, an orientalist, with whom we spoke about... the situation in the near east, we will monitor it, because here we see that the situation is not easy, now we will take a break for just a few minutes, but please stay with us, and we
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will continue our program with andriy, there are discounts on linux forte capsules, 15% at travel pharmacies and savings, try flebodia 600, pink french pills pri'. we hemorrhoids 600 cure hemorrhoids without any oops. big ether vasyl zyma. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to
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talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchevka from by us, oleksandr, congratulations, be laska, and sports news, an overview of sports events from yevhen postakhova, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, and yes... vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the war continues, and not only for territories. it is also a war for minds.
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russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into that turn ukrainians into little russians. let's counter the information attacks of the russians in the information war chronicle project with olga ley. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m. friday at 10:00 p.m. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a non-committed view of football. football format, every monday.' on the espresso tv channel. the saturday political club returns to
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his work after a short break. vitaly portnikov, andriy smoliy, we are live now , and for the next 50 minutes we will be talking with vitaly portnikov, analyzing the most important events that concern ukraine. that concern the world, those that essentially determine, relatively speaking, our life today, as well as the first topic that is very much discussed, the new york times writes about it, the profile vice-prime minister for european integration, mrs. stefanyshina, speaks about it it is spoken by ukrainian politicians, this is the actual topic what is supposed to be at the summit that will take place in the summer. at the nato summit, ukraine will not be invited to the north atlantic alliance. mr. vitaly, frankly speaking, i don't quite understand all of this. as they say,
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a load of information, why? because we already understand very well that ukraine would hardly be accepted into nato, why does anyone think, or someone, or someone, relatively speaking, is shuffling this topic about the fact that, you see, nato is not waiting for ukraine there in june or in july or in august, well, in my opinion, these are such rather harmful things, and it is obvious. that we are currently cooperating with nato, that nato is our strategic partner today, but we must also objectively understand why nato will not accept us now, in fact, and why, why actually it will happen later, we hope it will happen, what is all this for, these things are currently being discussed, well , because there is a large part of nato member countries who believe that the decision should be made
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already in washington. and that, in fact, the corridor of opportunity for ukraine may be closed, if we imagine that donald trump will be elected president of the united states in november 2024, may arise at all the question of whether the problem of ukraine's accession to nato will arise during his presidential term is one point, another point is that of the accession, that the invitation of ukraine to nato is not the accession to nato, it is a procedure. which allows us to talk about security guarantees, and we have talked about it many times, not only we have led western politicians, about the fact that, of course, ukraine is unlikely to become a member of nato during its war with russia, however, if it receives an invitation to nato, this will be a signal to vladimir putin that he is at least whole ukrainian territory will not be able to obtain, that the goals of his war, they are in principle
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unattainable, that he can... his best option for himself be satisfied with some amount of ukrainian territory, which he occupies and cannot and will not be able to protect from the defense forces of ukraine. they talked about the option, which you remember, was discussed for quite a long time, which was proposed by the former general anders von rasmussen, that ukraine receives a security guarantee for this territory, which is not currently occupied by russian troops, but again, in order for this took place, ukraine must receive an invitation to nato, it cannot receive these. guarantee automatically, what can ukraine get instead of these security guarantees, we can look at these agreements that ukraine is currently signing with western countries, and which, in principle, are now quite seriously advertised by the president's office, but they are about nothing, no security guarantees and they are not contain, they say, if they will, if they will fight with you, then you will receive from us. weapons, you
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will get everything you need from us, just fight, we guarantee you, even if our governments will change, even if there is a negative attitude to this in the parliaments, we have an agreement, you will get it, fight, and we will look at it, it looks like this by and large, in some security agreements this is not there, and these there are no guarantees, well , security agreements, aid agreements, let's call it that, so there is a real thing, that is, there are options, option number one, getting an invitation to nato and at the same time getting security guarantees for the territories controlled by the legitimate ukrainian government. option two: ukraine will receive an invitation to nato, to nato does not receive a guarantee of safety, but vladimir putin sees a signal that ukraine is already considered a country that will soon join nato. option three: ukraine gets nothing, gets something. a road map
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with unclear terms and ukraine will be told, as president biden said, that a necessary and necessary condition for ukraine's accession to nato will be its victory over russia, here is an interesting point, we should generally talk about this victory in more detail, because we too, i we seem to be in some kind of situation all the time certain, i would say, terminological misunderstandings, what do i mean? for us, for the majority of people who grew up in the soviet, ideological and terminological context, as well as for russians, victory, victory, is when the victorious army enters the capital.


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