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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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that on january 31, 1944, i was brought to the kremlin, there i was hacked to pieces and the bloodied parts of my soul were scattered for shame and death in all gatherings, i held on for a year and fell, my heart could not withstand the burden of untruth and evil, i i was born and lived for goodness and love, i was killed by the hatred of the great just at the moment of their smallness, isn't this the moment of truth forever? here is this story with ukraine on fire, is there a moment of truth for him, but on the other hand, he then continues to shoot something even further, he then is still shooting michurin, that is, it is not the end, no, it is not the end, and during, well, actually during the war, he also shot a chronicle film, uh, such notes about the war, but then there remained the forgiving american from 1951, and there was also a forgiving america, so absolutely also a propaganda film, and it is about a criminal one.
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it didn't happen, but in that interval there was another poem about the sea, i don't know if it was an epiphany or a moment of truth, the moment when he expressed it already, he said it a little earlier, he has such a phrase that our film experts included in the exhibition , the river screamed and howled as if wounded. the beast is such a story about a film study of how the dnipro changed due to the development of kaskas, ugh, and it is actually an instrument of what the construction of this gigantic project was for the soviet authorities, and this is the backward movement that we later dealt with after the russians blew up the kokhovskaya ges , and now zaporizhzhia has already suffered. then dovzhenko, somewhere
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in the period of the 20s and 30s, he, he had such a phrase that between truth and beauty, i choose beauty, and it seems to me that it is his, and again yes, this is my fantasy, but it is very reminiscent of his political manifesto, because he had to either construct the truth, and perhaps this is also one of the reasons why he was with stalin, because stalin valued artists, he understood who was for what. .. capable, but with dovzhenko by his side, it was easier for him to control him, and he, because what kind of meanness dovzhenko did, publicizing ukraine in flames, it was really such a blow in the back for stalin, today we are talking about the entire program of the continuation, about his legacy and how to speak the truth, as it should be... to reveal dovzhenko,
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to find a language that would narrate, yes, that would convey the whole complex, yes, of what this person's worldview, this person's mentality, and so on, consisted of, now stands the critical issue is not only the return of dovzhenko's creative heritage, but also the return of dovzhenko to the center, yes, the institution that you head, yes, ugh. preservation in fact for people who do not know about the history of the dovzhenko center, let me remind you that in 2022 there was a decision of the ukrainian authorities to reorganize the dovzhenko center, this is actually meant the liquidation of the devzhenko center, the cultural community supported you, the court found the state cinema's order on reorganization illegal, but now, as far as we know, there is an appeal, so what is the... situation with the dovzhenko
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center? the situation at the center is difficult, because we have not received state funding for several months, and this greatly affects the efficiency or motivation for work, but people, museum workers or archivists, film archivists, this is a very specific category of people who for some reason protect what they essentially does not belong. we protect what belongs the country, and if the country does not need its own film fund, then i have a question, what are we fighting for, but my colleagues who are currently working at the center, they understand very well their responsibility and their importance in working with those films that we keep, and this is actually the largest collection, the only ukrainian cinema that exists in ukraine, and here the connection to... dovzhenkom
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is also direct, i believe, because he had the idea even when he worked at vovko, in he had the idea that ukrainian films needed a film archive. or the foundation where they will be to be stored, because the films were treated so carelessly, they burned and spoiled easily, and he had the idea of ​​creating a film archive where the films would be stored, but in the 30th year, ukrainian cinema essentially all left for russia, maybe something remained in the film studios , but at a very high risk, because it was not allowed, and actually in ukraine until 1994 there was no film archive or... nemateka, only thanks to the efforts of some very wise people, among whom were mr. yakovyna, and ivan dzyuba and yuriyenko are guilty mykola yakovyna was the deputy, and while performing the duties of the minister of culture, there was a
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period like that, because he was developing the charter of the center itself, then these people understood that we, well, we have a museum, but we don't have a museum of our own. there is no film, no film fund, that is, our film memory is in another state, from which we are now, as it were, independent, and so began a very long process of collecting film and returning it to ukraine, that is, we have been collecting film for 30 years, and we believe that there is no formal need for it now transfer the films to some other institutions, to normalize the activities of the center, to ensure it in terms of sustainability, so that we... can preserve the life of the films, and in a period when everything is threatened, i think that is the primary function of the state, but since it doesn't really want to do it, but has switched to the industry, so
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in their eyes, accordingly, the film archive looks like ballast and something unnecessary, and there is no one to protect it except ourselves and our society, well , it's good that here we seem to have the same task. therefore we continue as if to work and to fight, although i would like to focus more on the topics that you raise today, because it is very important for us how we ourselves will treat our own cultural heritage, how we will understand it, how we will talk about it, because now there are a lot of scandals around each personality, and it is obvious that... we basically know very little about our own cinema or our own art, i also consider myself one of those people who are not very well -informed, i am just lucky to work with those who this is done by those who are good investigates, and there are still people who remember history, but we are very synchronous here with
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dovzhenko, that is, we, we are part of the same society, where on the one hand we want russian funds, and on the other hand we are... threatened, and they are our enemy, and we cannot figure out who is our hero, who should be surrendered to us, and this is the work of cultural institutions. anyway, i thank you, i thank you, thank you to your team, and thank you to the communities that support you, because you are doing a tremendous job, even without funding, you are doing perhaps the main job of preserving the cultural heritage thank you, thank you for this discussion, thank you, because you are also among those who support us, thank you, olena honcharuk, head of dovzhanka. was our guest, these are their own names, we will see you in a week, thank you,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can you... express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. it is about politics about the world.
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maria gurska, journalist of the ukrainian tv channel espresso and editor-in-chief of the online portal eu sisters and pavel koval, chairman of the committee.
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therefore, a significant number of deputies are elected, mayors, burgomasters and mayors, and in warsaw itself elections are held in districts, because warsaw has a different system, a special one. there are districts in warsaw that in a certain sense are considered as separate cities, and elections are also held here. therefore, a significant number of voters in poland receive several ballots, they must be well informed in order to vote. if we talk about whether these elections will affect...
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first of all, i mean subcarpathia and lublin region, and in fact today many people say that special programs, and such programs will be launched in poland, it is about additional financing of border regions, especially counties, which are located directly on the border with ukraine, because due to the war, development in these places actually. and more precisely with the war, there is a special program for those regions that were particularly affected during this war. how significant are the challenges for the new polish government and is there a threat to democracy? the situation looks like we are used to consider the parliamentary elections as the main ones and they are really the most important'.
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i believe that the regional elections are decisive, because it depends on them who will govern in each region, as well as who will distribute the big european money, because it is already the case in the eu that these european funds are mostly at the level of voivodships. and of course, the elections in the big cities of poland are also of great political importance, i think that it is... in a certain sense, i would say, in quotes, the merit of pis, but in times when almost all power in poland belonged to law and justice , islands of political alternative or even opposition were often it is the presidents of big cities, and this is a whole group of prominent politicians who operate at the level of local self-government, today they are most often fighting for re-election, for re-election, and this is also being watched, that is, what is happening in wroclaw, warsaw, zherzczow, krakow, gdańsk .
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75% in the last parliamentary elections, i understand very well that in local elections things will not be so good, but if anyone is interested in politics in poland or polish ... the results of the elections in the main cities, namely the biggest cities, because that will be the real test what is happening in polish aviation. last week, we had to cancel the program not because of the elections, but because a huge meeting of the prime ministers of ukraine and poland, shmyhal and tusk, was taking place in warsaw, which was preceded by hundreds of hours of preparation. it was actively discussed on
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ukrainian and polish television, but what a picture we see in a week: the new border points with ukraine are blocked by polish protesters, and even more, polish farmers block the ministry of agriculture and demand a meeting with tusk. what did this meeting change and what are its real results for ukraine and poland? first of all, it is necessary to explain what it is? was for the meeting, it is a good opportunity, it is not such a trivial international meeting, but what is called intergovernmental consultations, in fact, you can say that it was like a joint meeting of two governments, i also participated. in these main talks and during this main part, the participants from the two countries sat opposite each other, but at the same table, it looked like on such a big wedding, there was a huge table and ministers from almost all ministries, all departments, if a minister could not come, he sent a deputy, then from our side there was also a vice minister, but it was something special,
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this happens only between neighbors who are very close and have a lot in common, because today in poland there are actually no such tandems of countries like poland-germany or poland-ukraine, where there is a lot of cooperation, and of course, the preparation is also worth saying a few words about. such meetings always it is preceded by consultations between individual ministries, experts, officials, it is several months of joint work, everything ends with a joint communique, this statement on... is a binding document, but it indicates the points where communication is easy for both sides and where it is difficult. the statement of tusk and shmyhal confirmed what we saw before, but it was worth discussing in more detail. it was noted that the differences concern primarily the issue of some agricultural products, but not all of agriculture. on this
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it is necessary to emphasize some transport issues in the context of relations between poland, ukraine and the european commission. showed that there are no differences between poland and ukraine on many issues, and in most, we can say, 80% of cases, there is a desire to jointly prepare for the negotiations on joining the eu, because poland is the only country among these larger ones that definitely supports the beginning of changes with ukraine. in my opinion, it is very important, although little is said about it now, to start negotiations quickly during the belgian presidency, later will come the presidency of hungary, we all know how it will be with hungary, what can be expected and so on, only then it will be the turn of the presidency of poland, so if we do not do something now, it will drag on for almost a whole year. will it be possible to start negotiations quickly? hopefully, it seems that the willingness to start negotiations is now there, it is not an easy process, but it will not be easy and it cannot be easy,
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because it concerns a big country, again ukraine, moldova. in the case of moldova, it is also the same as it was in poland and estonia, poland and latvia, these smaller countries have fewer complex topics. for a large country, every topic related to the eu is difficult, because it concerns the economy, money, possible protests, conflicts. yes, it is during integration. this is what i would like all ukrainians to prepare for. therefore, in most cases, these consultations have shown that there is common thinking, that there are common projects, whether in the field of tourism or sports, practically. allies agreed to create a nato fund for ukraine in the amount of 100 billion dollars for 5 years. what is the position of poland in this matter?
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the position is unequivocally in favor, because this is a spare option, as a result, it will probably become a parallel option. let's remember where it all started, it all started with the fact that the speaker of the house of representatives johnson of the united states blocked the vote and now it is impossible to reach a situation that will make it possible to get this money for the purchase of weapons, after all, and this is obvious, weapons were bought, of course, mainly in the usa, and johnson is blocking it, before everyone said, he will block, block and stop, but now everyone has realized that johnson has been blocking it for quite some time. johnson blocked it stimulates us to try to cope on our own, it is not easy, but look, tactically in the short term there is an initiative of the czech president, who organized certain ammunition and collected money for it. poland eventually contributed, it doubled its financial stake in this ammunition purchase, but strategic thinking also played its part, thank
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god for europe. in this case, the changes took place in nato, but mainly they are european. for ukraine to lose the war due to lack of ammunition, it turns out that the ukrainians mobilized, their fortifications are well built, everyone knows that, and suddenly there is not enough ammunition, and ukraine loses stability, this should not happen, therefore nato, european countries in nato mobilize the united states to action and find their own other way. in the absence of a decision in the us regarding aid to ukraine, president zelenskyi wrote in politico this week that the russians could break through the front this summer through press conferences.
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plus the nato initiative, which is a backup track to the american one, which suddenly started delay, so in fact there is currently no initiative in which poland would not participate.
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also, there's a quick plan to expand those capabilities because we also want to produce ammunition, more ammunition, so there's a plan to do that quickly. here i would like to mention the open letter of the foreign ministers of poland, germany and france. france's position is new here, this thinking in france has changed. filmmaker agnieszka holland recently told me during an interview that the world learned nothing after world war ii. is it really like that? badly? however, to some extent he learned that way, because i understand very well what is really happening in france. and let's say a few words about it. this, of course, also has an internal context, because macron competes with marine le pen and wants to show and emphasize how insincere she is, how
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pro-russian his main competitor is. this is the internal context. he is in france. it is worth saying about it. instead, there are changes, and they are huge. french politicians say directly, we don't want putin here and we know what a threat he is. because the west knows something that is probably less visible even in... they said they could handle the challenge, and what is it that the west was able to do? well, this is the situation and one more thing, here we often talk about transport and agrarian issues and see problems, so when it comes to weapons and political issues, poland is a country where everyone works.
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well, here is another story in which it seems to me, as it seems to me, that what macron says about sending western troops to ukraine is completely incomprehensible. i want to remind you that france has hosted several times such a decision, especially when it came to russian imperialism, because in 1920 french soldiers helped in the polish-bolshevik war, so ... nothing new, it is in the french tradition, plus i would add to this that the french are what i said before, now they feel some political fear and it works well, and now
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let's analyze what... why are biden and scholz not ready? why is there still no consensus to send this signal to putin about what the west can do to him. but to be honest, i also think a lot needs to be done first another before talking about sending troops. for example, if macron asked me. i would say, it is great that you have the idea of ​​sending the army, putin heard it, people started thinking about it, this is the beginning of some kind of process, but today this topic is not relevant, but it would be possible, i would say so to macron, without special military efforts to quickly solve the issue of russian money for measures, for this it would be necessary, for example, to help belgium a little, belgium needs to be strengthened so that it can confiscate the money that the russians
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keep back. huge efforts. for example, i personally believe that there is no reason to inform the poles in poland today that polish troops will be introduced. and i don't think that this is a good moment, the polish prime minister does not confirm that we have such a plan, and we also need to speak clearly about this, because we know what needs to be done by then. today is the moment when ukrainians defend themselves. it's not that thousands of soldiers are missing. the issue today is that there is not enough ammunition. ammunition is needed
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from. to the fact that understanding and rhetoric are changing in france, i want to say that there are other things that can be done faster. on april 9 , the us congress may vote for aid to ukraine. there is a chance, but now house speaker johnson is trying to negotiate a repeal of biden's export ban. that is, johnson simply says: we can consider helping ukraine, but only if mr. president lifts the ban on gas exports. it only shows us that the parties begin to bargain when all begin to bargain, we may not like it, but it is a signal that the case is not blocked, even though there is a delay. should we wait for changes in april? because what
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we are most afraid of is that speaker johnson will not budge, because johnson still risks going down in history as chamberlain, who let putin into ukraine and ruined everything. i tell everyone this all the time. it is not a matter of the front moving there by 100 km. this will have huge political consequences for everyone involved in the event.
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a new stage is approaching, russia and ukraine are preparing for another, possibly decisive battles, what to expect? probably due to the weather, there will be a few more weeks of peace, and then the war will continue, this 24th year will still be a year of war. the only question is what effect this will have. in order to preserve what is now, ukraine must mobilize, and president zelenskyi is preparing for this. and it will be very difficult, because ukraine is in your situation than russia. she needs to supply ammunition, but even if we do, it's still not a win-win scenario.


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