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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EEST

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"if you want to change something in the country, then you perfectly understand that you are nobody and you are not called anything, and zelensky's meeting with the deputies, and this has already been confirmed by many people, was the president's monologue, and the deputies could not insert their 5 kopecks there, that is, the obvious crisis is so internal, and plus they do not see their future, usually, if you are a deputy, well, every politician wants to see their political future, well, not everyone, but many who want to see their political future, they do not see it here. they definitely understand that the majority from them, no lists will get there, what will happen with the elections there, it is not known, in a word, they are demoralized, they do not influence the government, they do not influence the voters, well, they either have to do whatever they are told, or crawl there on their knees, but the question is, well, on the one hand, the parliament did not constitute some serious competitive center, but on the other hand, it was an insurance center that could sometimes perform.
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lightning rod, that is, we understand, there are unpopular decisions, collective responsibility, it is very often somehow you know, smears this specific responsibility and, here we understand that there is a certain, i don't know, conscious or unconscious discredit campaign going on, so , accordingly, maybe it smacks of one or another electoral moments, although we understand that the constitution says no, so that's why i want to and it stings, well, it is already obvious that we have to... ourselves, that this is the first time we have a parliament in which the president had a single majority as a political force, we have never had such a thing during the years of independence, and already not for the first time, a traditionally pro-presidential force, after several years of the president being in office, it starts to rain, and the closer to the election, the less influential it is, and there is already a competition for who will be the next presidential force, and this is where problems arise, because it is already clear... that the servant people
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as a brand, he has already done his job, he has no chance of repeating his success there, and for bankova street, on the one hand, i would really like to see some, well, young blood come, for example, if people from the list started coming to the parliament , then it would be guaranteed, well in a normal political force, it would be guaranteed. those people who are in the team, who are there, well, who share the ideology of the conditional party, but we know that probably a third of the deputies of the current servants of the people, those who compiled those lists, never thought in their lives that these people would get into the parliament , that's why there are a lot of completely random people there, and you can assume the quality of those who are even lower there, because you just had to fill 450 or how many 300 people there, and there were tons of people writing there, so this is also not a solution. and and and
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accordingly, none of the presidents, this is also not news, each of the presidents did not want to have a strong parliament, well, each of the presidents was annoyed by the parliament, they tried to control it, somehow coexist, but this is a very difficult story, and there is also shmygal, and instead of shmygal can someone else come, or what do you think, are these premature talks about replacing the head of the government, well, first of all, he is already a record holder, a prime minister, a record holder, and secondly, from those rumors out there, and i believe in that, i believe , that irmak sees himself as prime minister sometime at night, well, because he understands how much it is possible to follow zelensky a little to control everything everywhere, and this type of head of the secretariats, such as yermak, bologa, tabachnyk, medvedchuk, all of them had this vision that after they realized that you can be on the this position, for them it was a dream to become prime minister. in my opinion, none of the heads
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of the administration became prime minister, but perhaps in the current conditions yermak has such a dream, that is , such a legalization would not be very beneficial to yermak, because then he would really have something for to be responsible, he is not responsible for anything now, well, you have not seen him take responsibility for anything, he, he, he is not responsible, there is no job description for him, we do not know what he is responsible for you can ask, journalists write about the fact that he is such a personnel officer who puts... his friends on bread trade winds, but it will not end in anything, so whether it will be good for the country or whether it will change something, i do not know, well, because this will most likely lead to an inevitable conflict with zelensky, and again from the point of view of management, the management will not improve, because i do not imagine yermak, but the head of the cabinet of ministers, a collegial one, who will listen there, where they will have some meetings there, speak... some things, listen to
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opponents, that is, cooperate with the parliament , it's very difficult with those personalities, look, but why did these changes take place right now in... the spring, yes, that is, they could have happened, i don't know, three months ago, they could have been postponed for another couple of months, well but it went, such a process took place and quite quickly he left, although i say, i repeat, nothing portends the possibility or perspective of the same parliamentary elections, well, i already mentioned the meeting of the president with his faction, yes, well, it could be different, i don’t know, warmer, more promising , that is , it would be possible to somehow show the great prospects of individual political... development and so on, no, quite, quite, i would say so, it was tough, tough, and they could just the president had to give the deputies an opportunity speak out, and this is very important for learn to listen to any politician there, because a person who even has complaints against you, when you start a dialogue, it somehow
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warms inside, why in the spring, well , spring has come, it's time to plant, they don't plant, so it's time to rearrange the styles, change the awl there on soap, i would say ... this saying and thought that now, if you say a needle on soap, it already gets covered with some kind of additional fur, gets covered with fur, gets covered with fur, because another phenomenon has already appeared there , as it was very discretionary for the sbu, well, that is, the sbu, which the security service of ukraine, which has never given up fighting not with ukrainian business, with domestic business, fighting with the enemy, does not leave, they cut this business regularly, and this fact, one of those facts that definitely does not accelerate our european integration, but why in the spring, well, because first of all, a few things, the president, i think it started with those changes, well , in particular, the meritocratic factor, i think it is very
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present here, well, because some changes took place, the president started talking, because there were expectations society according to the results of the year, we don't have a very successful year, because if the year is successful, well... i would make these changes and since this is the price for the fact that you concentrate power, it is the fact that you are responsible for everything, even for what you are concerned with, i.e. the rating of the president began to slip, there is the resignation of a good man, there are other resignations, and there are also some reshuffles in governments, some ministers that we have already forgotten, and there is talk about what we now have it is necessary, it is the president, the office of the president, began to prepare public opinion for what we need now we need to regroup, go to another level and show everyone... the cinema and therefore it was very strange to show it without changes in the office, well, everyone understands that the decision-making center, the real decision-making center is on bankova street, and they are changing some shooters there, and therefore it was already very logical, i heard conversations about the changes of two advisers there since the fall, but
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the surnames of these two advisers were definitely different, there was a tatar riot, this is what was expected there, let's say in the west our partners and journalists expected, that it is not... more like that odious, say, surnames, or the most scandalous, discredited surnames, but these people remained, why did i start with the fact that there is actually no tsunami there, the key players remained, but why in the spring, well, this is somewhere such a certain cycle of reaction to the drop in ratings , i think that this team follows the mood very carefully, they should and, although it should be given credit that zelensky for his certain presidential algorithm. at the time of the last year of his presidency, he has the highest rating, in my opinion, of all his predecessors there, but it was necessary to do something about it, to demonstrate that it is not only about the ministers and deputies, but also about the structure of zelensky, he wants to show that
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he also understands here, injects new blood, as president kuchma once said there, we will not see another kuchma for a second term. thank you very much, mr. oleg, very interesting. and a meaningful conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that oleg rybachuk, former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, co-founder of the movement, was currently working on espresso fair. thank you. the time of our program has run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see espresso. see you on air. congratulations, mr. garland, and let's begin with the plot of your new film and the script. 19 states seceded. the united states army is ramping up the intensity. the white house warns both western powers and the florida alliance.
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the president, elected for a third term, promises to quickly put down the rebellion. want something try on? are you aware that there is a real civil war going on all over america? we... according to politics, judging by the news, this will be the best. civil war in the united states. many say that this is another one. however , the plot itself is superimposed on the fierce political struggle that we have all witnessed in recent years, whether you were trying to create a utopia or simply fearing the future that awaits the world of the united states soon. the action of the film takes place in the usa, because america is the most powerful country in the world. covered in the film's problems can concern not only america, but also many other countries of the world.
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for example, extremism is among these problems. division and populist politics, which also exist in my country. they are common in many societies of europe, asia and the south. i would like to understand how you feel about how the audience will react to this film, whether you want to warn them or just want to state the reality in which they almost already find themselves. the problem we are dealing with is partly related to
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lack of communication. i think the problem with the lack of communication is that people are being told by others what to think instead of engaging in open discussions. lectures, so i don't want to contribute, actually by lecturing someone, of which there are already too many in the world, but instead i hope to facilitate a two-way communication with the film audience. i ask this question because i simply want to understand how you perceive this prophecy in art as a statement of reality that can definitely happen. or what a warning that somehow stops destructive processes in society?
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no country is immune from terrible events, one of the biggest mistakes that countries can make is to believe that they are exceptional, that they will not be touched by those... such complacency is false, extremism is something that needs constant vigilance and protection from him, everywhere and everywhere. and you can ask why you decided to turn to the actual plot. all your previous scripts were, say. so fantastic a picture of the distant future, and this film
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is more of an appeal to an almost current political reality, why you decided to, let's say, come down from heaven to earth, i don't know, it's a story that i've been dying to share since i saw it on... in fact, i described what was happening, and it seemed to me quite scary, disturbing and dangerous. the truth is that even fantastic stories often stem from something real. this may be related to a breakthrough in the field of artificial. intelligence, psychology, or as in ours tv show developers, about how
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tech billionaires in silicon valley are treated like geniuses, when in reality they are just entrepreneurs. so i always try to reflect on the current state of things in the world, but in this case i felt that this kind of plot was not suitable for a sci-fi film. that's all. one of your earlier films is about contact with artificial intelligence, which was not even a reality at the time, and today we are actually already at this reality on... how do you generally imagine worlds with artificial intelligence, you do you think that art can give an answer to this question? that's a good question, i'd be an idiot if i said i knew the answer, frankly, i don't, then i'll tell you what i think, the process is already underway,
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humanity has already observed such a process, i mean nuclear power or me... weapons, as soon as it became clear that it was possible, it already meant that it would inevitably happen, the same will happen with artificial intelligence, people, journalists, filmmakers, or just ordinary citizens, can spend a lot of time thinking about it, worrying and asking yourself if it is good or bad, but you can't do anything because the process is irreversible, so the question is not whether we can stop it, it's what we will do when the new age comes. if you look at nuclear weapons, in some ways we've dealt with them, both good and bad. bad, because nuclear weapons have spread all over the world, and at some point in the future, all of this could easily turn into a disaster. on the other hand , we did well because nuclear weapons were not
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used in world war ii conflicts world war so it's kind of a mixture. i can assume that with... artificial intelligence, something, something similar will happen. most of the problems that we are experiencing today, which you raise by and large, are still connected with the thinking of the person himself. and you can say that this is comic thinking, thinking in fragments, small fragments of reality. and you are the person who created this thinking. comics, you grew up in the atmosphere of comics, created your own comics, how can a person remain whole, in such a fragmented way of thinking that today take over the world? that's interesting, i really grew up on comics, my father was a cartoonist. i
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don't have a specific one. answers to this question, but i can say that there is a certain connection between comics and movies, because it is a sequence of images that are connected to each other and tell one story. often, when i'm writing a movie script, i see it as a comic book in a weird way. i see a sequence of images or frames that are very similar to the drawings in comics. does it affect anything else? not sure, maybe it doesn't affect it, but it's something that's lived in me since childhood. one of of your halo scenarios, it is dedicated to such a collision of worlds that cannot find common ground among themselves, there are people, there are
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covenants, remember, this is good, this is the essence. a theocratic empire, and we in ukraine too often perceive our own war as a clash of civilizations. you imagine how civilizations can co-exist when they have completely different values, how to prevent this constant conflict. in my opinion, it is certainly better that civilizations do not collide at all. any collision, as a rule, has bad consequences consequences. one of these consequences is disrespect, so it is better that civilizations, instead of clashing, treat each other neighborly, with proper human kindness. one of your screenplays was based on
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a famous novel, one can say by my favorite writer kajaya shuguro, and... this novel, like his other works, was essentially about the issue of the lack of humanity. we can say that in your new film we also see this nostalgia for humanity, but the question arises, how to restore this feeling now in the 21st century? i hope i understood the question correctly. i think the point of ishiguro's work is how quickly people can slide into inhumane acts. if they do not think properly and act fairly and intelligently. these actions
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can be absolutely ethically and morally wrong. the lesson i learned from his writings and from life in general is how important it is to act rationally and caringly. after all, by giving up basic values, decency and respect, people can very quickly drive themselves into the depths of total madness. unfortunately, some people does it take very little time for states to reach this level of insanity. thank you, mr. alex.
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andrii smolii and vitaly portnikov. today we will certainly discuss all the most important events of this week. what worries ukrainians the most and what is most important for ukraine now. we will discuss issues that are important for the front, and international politics, of course, we will traditionally have three guests, and in the next hour, as always, we will talk with vitaly portnikov and analyze all the events and everything that we necessary for ukrainian victory. well, now the first guest is ivan kyrychevskyi, a dpn expert. express, we will talk about the main events at the front, around the front this week. congratulations, mr. ivan. good evening. well, let's start with the russian attacks on
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ukraine. is it possible to trace some kind of tactics, let's say, planned, in those attacks that we have observed in the last day and the last days? well, first of all, here let's, let's say, correct the terminology a bit, because what the russians can for... use missiles and shaheds for strikes on ukraine, these are methods and methods of using means of destruction, not tactics, tactics are more of a media term here, on the other hand, i think that we need to go to a somewhat higher conceptual level and start writing , how the russians planned this company of strikes, you know, this was exactly the case when, as it turns out, either goldie meyer attributes these words or something, if these people warn that they are going to kill, they have to... believe it or not, the russians warned everyone in this format in the summer last year, when it was written there that they are not just planning missile strikes to destroy
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our infrastructure, but also planning, there it is like a broader campaign to recognize our potential, including psychological, in this case it is especially important for the russians that we in in principle, they went into every unknown detail about their missile attacks, and in this way they began to implicate the psychologist on their own. potential, so in this case i don't think we should discuss exactly the actions of the russian invaders, i think that here in this case it is worth paying attention to the fact that, contrary to how the russians are constantly trying to overload the air defense system, our air defense specialists cope with this perfectly, well, with overcoming the russian plan. mr. ivan, this is a question that is currently being discussed a lot both in social networks and among the military. this is the so-called offensive of russia at the time of iv, how do you now assess what potential the russians have, they don’t have it, we see that according to the deep state maps,
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they are actually approaching borders of this city itself, what do we get from this from this shortage of resources, because well , using the example of the summer of 2023, we could see that how difficult it is to provide a frantic defense like this... when the russians are playing with their surovikino line, well, there is nuance, after the summer of 2022, our troops also learned to play with the russians, you know, in the style that the game of the surovikin line can be played by two, and accordingly, when the russians try to advance, they suffer even heavier losses than could be imagined purely due to that well even with a shortage of resources, when there may not be enough projectiles, ammunition, good equipment, drones according to standard standards, but when all this is combined... into a complex, well, that is, when drones and armored vehicles, artillery, and so on work at the same time certain miracles begin, miracles in the sense that for how many months the russians have been trying to advance to the temporal ravine,
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well... but the front line is more or less stable, so the russians could have planned this attack in time as such, you know, preparatory stage to a larger one offensive, well, because the task of occupying the entire donbas is not removed from their agenda, accordingly, in order to implement this task, they need to advance in the bakhmut direction, but here we are in exactly such a situation, when you know, well, if we really believe armed forces of ukraine, first of all , you have to believe in their potential, and then somewhere... try to measure something on maps, because sometimes it looks like that joke about the rabbit cross, that is, here in the armed forces we believe, but we fall into panic from russian news reports. but tell me, if we continue the topic of ayar's time, if we imagine that the russians really managed to break through there, what operational space opens up for them, or is it just another settlement? at this stage , it looks like one more settlement, after which they will have to take an operational pause, because
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even if we see the situation... in the direction of events, well, it's just a similar picture that they took the settlement, had a tamer to develop an offensive in depth, but they were also able to be detained there, including by using abrams tanks, respectively, taking into account the fact that they generally have room to advance before the temporary rampage, well, for the russian army in this case, at this stage it is a task at most, to go out, capture the chasivary, and then accumulate forces for further advancement, but again after all, to begin with, they have to go to the temporal ravine and its back. and yet they may have nuances. let's talk about our ukrainian potential. yesterday morning, in fact, our defenders, our special services struck several airfields, such key ones, from which russian planes actually take off, which in fact rockets are fired at our peaceful cities, that
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’s it, it’s actually what, it’s... there is already an increase in the potential of our drones, our defenders, will we see this in principle in the future, and in the end, will it affect, conditionally speaking, further missile attacks, which, unfortunately, became very, very many in march, let's start here from the end, as to whether this will affect russian missile attacks, it is better not to calculate it in advance, because the error may turn out to be critical, well, yes. .. but we know that there was an attack on the engels airfield, but we see, today was very strange the detail that the russians raised everything there, it seems one or more bombers, from which only two rockets were fired, well, it was something strange, and it is difficult to rationally explain it, maybe they really had, let’s say, certain problems there after bovovna, but if talk about such a perspective, we will only see an increase, that it will continue to increase, increase, we will have additional nomenclature of drones, new
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attempts will be made... both attacks, as far as we can see now, are the main idea of ​​the defense forces of ukraine it looks like this, if we objectively lack classical means of air defense, it is necessary to use an asymmetric means of air defense, namely a drone or drones that can carry explosives to airfields, even if such raids do not result in such raids yet, you know spectacular pictures, how are the russian planes, the last pieces of scrap metal burning up so brightly, all the same, after a certain time it will have its effect in that... in terms of the rubric, if they don't let us fly, then we won't let them fly either, all the more so , but considering how limited our resources are, that is why we have to use such symmetrical techniques, unfortunately, we should not expect a quick result here, well, quick in the sense of a few days or a few weeks there, because when the usa was at war there against iraq, for example in 1991 , then against the country with an embryonic air defense system, all three had to be bombed there.


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