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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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new attack attempts will be carried out, as far as we can see now, the main idea of ​​the defense forces of ukraine looks like this, if we objectively lack classic means of air defense, we must use an asymmetric means of air defense, namely a drone or drones that can carry explosives to the airfields, even if as a result of such raids so far there are no such spectacular pictures, you know, how there are russian planes burning up so brightly in a pile of scrap metal, that's all... after a certain time it will have its effect in the sense that, according to the rubric, if they don't let us fly, then we won't let them fly either, especially considering how limited our resources are, so we have to use such symmetrical methods, unfortunately, we should not expect a quick result in a few days or a few weeks, because when the united states fought against iraq there, for example, before 1991, it was necessary to use an embryonic air defense system against the country there to bomb all that. months, using
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everything that is possible, well, unfortunately, we are not the usa with potential, but on the other hand, in fact, the prospects are better now than the russians, here, by the way, is another clarifying question, for example, the institute for the study of war today stated that there is no confirmation that russian planes were damaged or destroyed there, it is some kind of lack of information, or it is the institute for the study of war that has... more thorough information than, for example, the ukrainian media, the same rbc ukraine, if i'm not mistaken, yesterday with reference to our special services stated there about a number of essentially destroyed tu-95s, and probably su-34s, su-35s, so how can these, how can these icw statements be interpreted in the context of information from our ukrainian forces, if we speak subjectively, i was compiled by this institution ... let's put it this way, i take it roughly
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as if you don't read bolshevik newspapers before lunch, and in principle no newspapers, and both before lunch and after, if we speak in substance and in form, but now there are satellite images in the public domain, on the basis of which you can look to see that there were any explosions, traces of explosions at the morozovsk airfield, for example, but it is not yet possible to accurately establish the nature of the damage to the plane there, or planes, well, purely because in theory planes can stand, you know, outwardly intact in... look, but they can be broken by debris, maybe there is so much available the quality of satellite images, they can be closed, provided there from military satellites of nato countries, respectively, now there is simply no publicly available data that could, you know, clearly allow us to say that there is a result, there is no result, respectively , if also take into account the fact that the institute for the study of war, to put it mildly, is not a state organization, which , in principle, has some specific specifics of its own. goals, it is unlikely that they would run,
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someone would, you know, immediately share the satellite from scratch, look, please immediately write that nothing happened, they read the so-called hrashen miles bloggers, and this is another thing that makes me it is very exciting that it turns out that in this way, when our soldiers quote quite often there the establishment of the institute for the study of war, they quote the abstract transfer of russian propagandists, but then the question arises, and since when did the compilations of russian propagandists become a reliable source of information for us, even if it is... in the form of a western institution, the institute for the study of war, well, the question immediately arises, you know which one from this point point of view, to what extent, in principle, ukrainian strikes, if we are talking about oil refining, if we are talking about airfields, can compete with russian ones, if we use only drones, or some diversionary, let's say, opportunities like this it was with today's pipeline explosion, and the russians are playing with missile technology, well , first of all... i wouldn't say that we have
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bad prospects with missiles, because if you recall one of the episodes that did not receive adequate coverage, the sinking of the neptune missile , captured by the occupiers of the konstantin alshansky ship, two things emerged there: firstly, the range of fire on the neptune increased dramatically within the stated goal, in order to make it a classic cruise missile for striking ground targets, plus there is clearly improved a guidance system that even allows selection. whole, well, that is, if it was just a cruise anti-ship missile in 2021, then even in that episode this weapon showed itself, well, how could it possibly be the best example of a western one from the kyrgyz republic, and accordingly , certain pleasant surprises may also await us there , and the russians are unpleasant. if we talk about just such an asymmetric comparison of potential, then at first glance it can look like that even there these kamikaze drones are raging, which are hitting the refinery there, well, it is not as powerful, large-scale as russian hasto 1, but there is a nuance: uh, our
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drones, as a less powerful weapon, in general, create bigger problems for the enemy than their missiles for us, well, because, well, come on, if you recall and compare different ones. episodes with strikes on the refinery, here is our kremenchug oil refinery, to put it out of order in the spring of 2022, the russians needed as many as 30 different missiles, and judging by this, it did not help them, and 30 missiles , including a kha-22 with a warhead of 1 ton , then in our case a lot of good trouble the enemy was able to create drones that cost only 200 thousand dollars, that is, 10 times cheaper than a cruise missile, and where the warhead is only 50 kg, that is, also 10 times less. here, perhaps, we are simply watching the story of how david defeats goliath thanks to his ingenuity, but we simply do not appreciate this ingenuity until now, we are so in some ways in relation to our actions, we are too maximalist, that if something flies there, it must hit immediately and knock the russians out there,
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you know, from the underground from them off their feet, but the problem is that when we all, let's say, woke up on february 25, 2022, it is unlikely that any of us in principle imagined that after some time we would discuss... the systematicity of our strikes on the russian federation, that we would have the appropriate nomenclature of means for this, in fact, that we even two years just managed to create a line of long-range kamikaze drones, this is simply a historical achievement, because iran had to work for five years to create the same shahed, and this is despite the fact that they processed a stolen german project for the russians to create their missiles there caliber 101, it took them 10 years of work, well, that is, we really are david, who very... so quickly goes around the head, including at the pace of various promising developments, literally one minute at the expense of ukrainian tets, and mr. shmyhal, the prime minister of ukraine, and in fact, in the mass of information, the figure 80% appears, so
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essentially destroyed ukrainian theses, do you think we should expect further blows, and in this context, how can we protect ukraine in the future. energy, literally one minute, and we are already at the stage when there it is necessary to move on to the thing that, it seems, the specialized energy specialists said after the last campaign, that we still need to finally build a decentralized distribution, well, because to protect everything, well, even in the usa there are no resources, which there are 400 patriots, but there the nuance is that in order to simply close the sky, we need all the patriots of the usa, they will not be given to us yet, so unfortunately, we are just at the stage when we just need to build energy with...
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see this week in the collaborators program. how a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine. the technologies of the president's office are banal. organized a celebration in honor of the occupiers. russia is the motherland. on tuesday, april 9 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciate the ability to stand. shoulder to shoulder with brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join
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the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep the line together. and... we return to the saturday political club, and we already have a new guest, so we have a guest, yes, we will see him now, this is volodymyr okhriska, diplomat, minister of legal affairs of ukraine in 2007, 2009, head of the center research of russia, congratulations mr. volodymyr, congratulations sir vitaliy, mr. andriy, good health, so what will be the money from the united states, please tell me, it's all possible now, everyone asks when someday, someday they will be, someday they will be, the question is only when you see what is happening. how much everything has really come to a dead end, and here mr. johnson has a really deadlocked situation, because if you go to the left, you will lose your life there, if you go to the right, you will be killed, that is , roughly the same thing, so
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let's wait, the drama is growing, we'll see, mr. volodymyr, but still, how you think... conventionally speaking, there are two options now, the first option is to bring to congress the lower house of the parliament, the american, actually that... bill that was voted by the senate, we understand that the situation here is a bit stalemate, and the republicans , at least their radical part, do not really want to submit this bill to a vote. there is a second option, this is actually the one that johnson is allegedly proposing, when bill number two will be de facto formed, in which part of the funds will be on credit, part of the funds, as they say, without without... yes, actually, if we look at these two options, after all, at least one of
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them is a probable state for ukraine at the moment, and most importantly, in what terms, whether we are talking about days, whether we are talking about about weeks, or we are again talking about months, when ukraine will still not be able to receive this aid, and it will be blocked further by various, well, such political, political, i would say nuances. which now appear in the lower parla house of the us parliament? well, mr. andriy, if i had known, i would have won several tens of lottery tickets million dollars, i think it would be a perfectly clear story, but unfortunately nobody knows, i don't know, you don't know, johnson himself, i don't think, knows anything, because the situation has really reached a political impasse , and none of the parties wants to give in, er... how will it affect us, yes, it is absolutely clear, the most negative, if we
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continue this, this political sleight of hand, excuse me, not us, our american partners , then this would mean that the situation could become really dramatic for us, you see, europeans trying to compensate for something like, well, to... additional appropriations, additional plans, you see, talk about some kind of fund, but that's again, it's still a conversation, when it will even be approved, it's unknown, some say in washington, well ok, but it will be already in july, and what about july, and what if money appears after the decision is made for tomorrow, yes, definitely not, this is another delay, in a word, it is a very unpleasant situation, you see, we expected that in on the first days of january, the aid will be voted on and we... have the necessary money, but, you see, in our situation is such that, unfortunately
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, against the axis of evil that was formed, where moscow and beijing are the poles, another axis was formed, the axis of fear, the poles of which , unfortunately, were washington and berlin, that's why everything revolves around of this thesis, if our nato partners really had more determination and less fear, it seems to me that this topic could be closed as quickly as possible, unfortunately, this is not happening. and tell me, mr. volodymyr, what do you think about this 100 percent nato fund billion, which was proposed to be created by the secretary general of the north atlantic union, jen stoltenberg, was discussed in the last days during the summit dedicated to the 75th, 75th anniversary. the formation of the north atlantic alliance, well, we can clearly see hungary's opposition to this
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decision, but it could have been predicted quite easily. how do you feel about such an idea? well, you know, from what i hear from our western friends, the idea now is to synchronize ukraine's course to the european union and nato to some extent, so that at least these processes take place more or less in parallel. recently , the decision of the european union about 50 billion euros over the next four years was very positive for ukraine, somewhere this fund proposed by stotenberg resembles something similar, and here it seems to me that we do not need to give it up in any way, on the contrary, what can certainly support us in the long term, the only question is... mr. vitaly, whether it will be implemented in the near
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future, because we simply have a shortage of this time, we do not have it, and if it is only first discussed for a long time, then implemented for a long time, then this precious time for us will simply be lost, and the idea itself seems to me to be extremely interesting and necessary, the only thing, if you consider what is in ... of nato countries, in their, in their warehouses, in their hangars and so on, you know, you can do with much simpler solutions, but for ... this requires political will and the absence of fear, i come back to the same of the thesis itself, the thesis, unfortunately, neither one nor the other very often in ours there are no partners, they are afraid. another interesting, such a controversial topic, putin and idil. putin de facto protects idil and does not recognize
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that the actual terrorist attack in kroc city hall was actually organized by idilites. and we see how here... all the racist propaganda, and putin personally, and all of his people, all of his entourage, are just foaming at the mouth and trying to justify the ideals, trying in fact to shift all the responsibility to ukraine, to demonstrate that it is ukrainians, accordingly, in this way, to a certain extent, to strengthen military such warlike, pro-war sentiments, yes in this case, after all, what goal is putin pursuing in this case, and will the russian leadership itself succeed in continuing to play this game regarding the innocence of idol and the guilt of ukrainians, and in the end, how will it affect us in the final case? well, you see, mr. andriy, well, for me, at least, there is no
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great doubt that the fsb is behind this... this, as it once stood, and mr. vitaly, i think, remembers this perfectly, in his time in moscow and other countries when putin needed to mobilize his own the population on the next, on the next, so to speak, feats, so that now moscow propaganda does not speak, there they looked for the ukrainian trace, found, found photos of the ship that is going. according to a known course and so on, and i considered this as evidence, well , it is so, so sewn with white threads that it is not even about it, it makes no sense to say that actually putin has already received, he really received a surge of this pseudo-patriotism, because you see that a lot of these intoxicated russians are going to the military,
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signing up for the front, talking about the fact that we we will... we will stand for the crocus and so on, not taking into account a million factors that indicate that the initiators were actually the kremlin authorities, but we understand that russian logic and the logic of a person with common sense - these are parallel topics that never intersect, what to expect, what to expect from putin's surge. another chauvinism, a surge of cheer-patriotism in russia, what putin actually predicted from the very beginning, so the only thing that worries me is that our liberal western the countries somewhere are sorting through these formal
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condolences to russia, which wants to submit at this moment and is submitting, in fact, now. like the fact that the whole world is in solidarity with it, that the whole world should rally around the idea of ​​fighting terrorism, and russia is not the aggressor here, in fact it is the victim, this is another version of this special information operation, and here we must recognize and pay tribute to this territory, it is in this plan, this operation is being carried out quite effectively, well, there is another important point here, if we believe that the federal security service of russia. and involved in it of a terrorist act, where did the united states know about its preparation and organization, which even named crocus city hall among the specific objects that may be under attack. and this, mr. vitaly, seems to me to be explained quite simply, because the executors were not russians, but the executors were her people from distant, or maybe even nearby
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, tajikistan, and that's it. there, i think that the american intelligence and not only that, not only the american intelligence work quite effectively and intercept the messages that go between one and the other, well, actually not so and not so and difficult. that is why there are many things that have not yet been fully clarified, but there are already too many inconsistencies, why, for example, if this crocus is... a few hundred meters from the fsb station, from the russian guard, from the police, and so on, it takes 40 minutes to get there no one came and pretended that... nothing was happening there, why, when it started, the security that is usually there did not appear there, armed to the teeth,
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many things that indicate that it was not easy yes, it was possible to get people out so that they did not die from the fire that suddenly occurred flared up, well, can you imagine setting fire to such a pro... where 7-8 1000 people are gathering there, you don't need one canister, it's true, but there were only four of these attackers, moreover, there were not it is clear that one of them was running around with this canister or canisters, well, there are too many things that do not connect with the general concept, so i think that fsb ears are definitely present there, and we will catch up after some time. and to this information, but in terms of propaganda , putin needed it by 150%. mr. volodymyr, if according to your version it is all the same
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after all, the federal security service of russia did, in principle, i am also, plus or minus , possibly inclined towards this. why then does i deal essentially come out like this, preemptively with... putin takes responsibility for carrying out this terrorist attack, and another very important detail that can be noted in principle is that patrushev declares, i quote, the u.s. created an idol, and together with ukraine organized a terrorist attack, that is, how it all happened, conditionally speaking, you can relate why it is also beneficial for dila to take responsibility in this case, well, look what today oh... in this case, i discovered something in myself, well , actually, something long forgotten, not very effective, and hardly something that was paid attention to, and suddenly such a gift, and you can
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say that you are still capable of something, worth something , and you can organize such large-scale provocations, terrorist attacks, far from your own, so to speak , cells and so on, well, this is advertising for which you have to pay ee... very expensive and very much, here everything just falls into your hands and you say : yes, yes, that's us, here it seems to me that everything is more than made up, huh what patruchy says, well, listen, well, we have to finally understand that any words that are spoken by representatives of the russian authorities must be multiplied by zero, that's all... absolutely the opposite, if you want to understand, what is happening there, just draw a conclusion that is the exact opposite of what is being said in moscow, and you will be somewhere
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close to the situation. and tell me, mr. volodymyr, what do you think, when french defense minister sebastian lecornu talks with russian defense minister sergei shoigu, then it is not because they are afraid that this type of terrorist attack could be provoked by moscow, let's say, at the olympics in paris, yes. mr. vitaly, doesn’t medvedev threaten directly, even without any diplomatic, sloppy, sorry for that word, dear friends, there in paris you can just attack and attack you, bad macron, like him there they call him the last words, they can organize a riot, and they can kill you there, and you are no longer our friend, but a bitter enemy, that is. so here it is again, well well, well, well, directly, someone talks about it less openly, well, but we know that there are individuals,
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you can’t call them in any other way, who are used as evil vats, in order to pour out this or that information and in once again, i am returning here again, for the third time, to this topic, to intimidate the west, to intimidate its elites, so that they think that we will do better. territory of ukraine, somehow larger or smaller, than we will deal with uncontrolled, completely inadequate, criminals, but with nuclear weapons in their hands. and one more, in principle, very important topic, already more or less our internal, although it is also connected with russia, actually russia with... blames the sbu head malyuk in absentia, blames not only him there, blames many other ukrainian officials who are related
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to the security bloc. we understand very well that this essentially means nothing, that it is basically just an informational demonstration that we are doing something there, that we somehow influence something there and demand something. why do they do it, if even, even from the point of view of some logic, it looks extremely funny well, it's funny for you and me, mr. andriy, and funny for normal people, and funny for the population that inhabits. this territory, it's not funny at all, it's normal, it means that we, the authorities, consistently follow our line, and we will fight against these ukranian nazis, fascists there and so on and so on, that's what is quite normal perceived by the population itself, look , that is, i will clarify, that is, the russians believe that once they, or their so-called lack of power.
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will reach with his hands to certain there the ukrainian military, ukrainian high-ranking officials and so on and so on, that's how i understand it, well, of course they believe, and they believe that this is the only right decision, and they will fight for it, and they will die only for to ultimately defeat the neo-nazi regime that took over ukraine, absolutely true, thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr okhriska, diplomat minister. of the affairs of ukraine in 2007-2009, the head of the russian research center was in touch with us. now we will talk with the orientalist mykhailo yakubovich, let's talk about the recent elections in turkey, sensational, one might say, elections. congratulations, mr. mykhailo. good evening. so, for the first time in many decades, the justice and development party, which is led by president recep tayyip erdogan, has been defeated in the elections. people's republican party, the party associated with the name of the founder of
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the republic of turkey, general mustafa kemal and. wins by a margin in this election, and with such a percentage that it did not have at all in its entire, i would say, recent history decades, is this the beginning of the end of the erdogan era, or is it just a struggle that has not yet been understood how it will end in the coming years? no, this is far from the end of the era, it is a certain signal, especially since these are local elections, far from always those who vote for some candidates in the local elections look at their party affiliation in the general elections and even more so in the elections of the head of state, i.e. a person could vote for the opposition in local elections, but before that, not wanting to see kylichdaroglu at the head of the state proper vote for erdogan. another issue is that internal control, i.e. it is a matter of infrastructure, business, investment, it is
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in many places... passing from the hands of the ak party to the opposition, and, for example, the opposition will also hold the majority in istanbul and in other cities. where the gap is more than 10%. immediately, new personnel appear, new old, conditionally, the same ekrem and mamogloz in istanbul, who are now, well, predicted not just victory, but very significant positions in the next elections, that is, since erdogan is the matric leader, then the appearance of any others, if they take advantage of it, is a direct threat to him, even not so much the party mood there, but there are certain signals, and erdogan is already reacting to them, for example, he is trying to improve relations with biden, with the west in general, that is putin so i still haven't come to him, so he still has some opportunities here, and foreign policy is unlikely to change there.
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so very significant, except that there will be variations again, which is far from his first year and not the first time. a lot of people are talking about that now the so-called operation by erdoğan's successor, and actually this successor is called zyatya, selchuk, selchuk bayraktar, his name and surname, i think, it is known to many ukrainians, that's right for unmanned aerial vehicles. apparatus, which we discussed so often at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, but if we return to this operation successor, this means that in 2028 erdogan may not run for president and in fact promote his son-in-law, who, by the way , is quite influential and quite ranked, if you look at...


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