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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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rule in fact in hell. thank you very much, mr. vladyslav, for taking the time to join our broadcast. vladyslav seliznyov was in direct contact with us, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and ex-spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. and i would like to take the opportunity, mr. vladyslav mentioned the siems turbines, which at one time got to the temporarily occupied peninsula by devious, very gray and dubious ways. obviously, now they play their role in energy capacities as well occupiers on the peninsula, so in germany employees of the siems company will be tried for the supply of gas turbines to the crimea. the prosecutor's office there has already announced charges against five people, four of them are germans and another has dual citizenship of switzerland and france. the land court of hamburg has yet to decide whether to accept these charges. it is alleged that those involved knew that four... were intended for the annexed
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peninsula, after the occupation of crimea, western companies were prohibited from trading with it due to european union sanctions. we are following. well, finally, mrs. khrystyna, really, because 9 years have already passed since this incident, and this happened in 2015, and finally, after 9 years, germany will judge these four. yes, some processes are a little behind... bureaucratized europe is not happening as quickly as it would like. let's take a short break now, after which we will add to our conversation live, directly in the studio of the ex-representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, boris babin, we will talk about the humanitarian and civil component on the crimean peninsula now and directly in the context of the reintegration of these territories. koroshkench. there are 15% discounts on heparin
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rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is ours with you security. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire. and is returning
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our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the army together. we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together beraber. khrystyna yatskiv and gulsum khalilova are with you, and for the next 20 minutes, at least we will talk about humanitarian and civil issues. and not only everything that is currently happening on the crimean peninsula and everything that the ukrainian state is ready to do so that the status of crimea in the future is as balanced as possible for everyone who lives on the territory of the peninsula. congratulations to boris babine, ex-representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. mr. boris, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, aleikum salam, have a good day. mr. boris.
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indeed, there are many questions that we wanted to discuss with you today, and recently i would like to start with this news: amnesty international in its new publication, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the illegal annexation. of the ukrainian peninsula stated that since the occupation of crimea 10 years ago, russia seeks to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula and suppress the ukrainian and crimean tatar communities. do we have figures today on how many colonizers russia brought to the occupied peninsula over these 10 years. well, the numbers are correct man, of course no one will say. it is obvious, and it is a fact, that it is measured in hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of how to calculate, because sevastopol and besov are calculated separately. this is the russian military before the large-scale invasion there was such
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a category of conscripts, then this is cannon fodder, of course this is not a permanent colonizer, it is , as they say, they are temporary, but do not count, then the question of the officials, the so- called and... the question of the people , which the aggressor encourages but does not force to colonize, these are all kinds of retirees, pensioners, businesses and so on, i.e. all these categories, they are covered, of course, by the general criminal charge of the kremlin, this is how this process goes, the only thing that stops the aggressor to a certain extent is the demographic crisis, yes, the demographic crisis is through, it cannot be said that its it is absent in ukraine and in the occupied crimea, in particular it is there, but it is in the aggressor state. therefore, physically, we can observe an interesting situation, especially it is not only for crimea, but for the newly occupied territories, it appears that they physically lack, for example, ethnic russians for the reunification of the same, for example kherson oblast or its occupied part of zaporizhzhia, they massively bring representatives
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of the peoples of the caucasus there, for example, because the demographic situation is different there, that is, here, but in general, the blurring of the ethnic identity of ukrainians, these are genocidal intentions, they are absolutely clear. they have become the absolute narrative of the aggressor since the 22nd year, when in fact they banned the mere existence of ukrainian identity in crimea, any public expression of such existence is already, as they say, punitive measures against the aggressor. but i would like to remind you that 31 in january in gaza, the international court of justice of the united nations announced the final decision on the lawsuit of ukraine against the russian federation, and many of the nuances were and are related to crimea itself. now we see the position of the rights defenders of amnesty international, who say that, in principle, it is precisely the change in the ethnic composition, due to religious reasons, that the persecution in crimea that is taking place is happening now, in
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this court decision we are talking about the political component, that is, not because of ethnic origin, not because ukrainians or crimean tatars or representatives of others national... not because they are muslims, christians, or anyone else, but because they do not support the russian federation. that is why there are persecutions in crimea, and it is very difficult to agree with this, to be honest, well , in fact, it is very difficult to agree with the quality of the preparation of ukraine's position in this court, or very simply to blame international law, which is wrong, so the convention is badly written, the judges are unstable got up, but it is clearly written in the decision, there are phrases that are key for me, and this is actually the verdict for those who should have...
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there is interaction between bodies in the world, it turns out that it is not, and the court wrote about it directly, so it is not here, let's say this decision was supposed to be a verdict of racial discrimination of the aggressor, unfortunately, it was a verdict of the very poor quality of the work of the lawyers of the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs, and here there is a problem, because the enemy understands this, the enemy understands that the same lawyers are still today, none of them moved, as they say, from the building to the mykhailivskyi building to askoldovma, to our great regret, and that is why we see. that the aggressor is preparing provocations in the international court today, he is obviously preparing there and this is not a big big secret, the lawsuit against ukraine regarding the alleged financing of terrorism, obviously, there is no legal basis, but there are such lawyers in kyiv, i'm sorry, who , any lawsuit is a great pity, they involve
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the risk zone by their existence in the ministry of foreign affairs. this is my position, i am ready, if anyone is interested, to prove it with documents, but returning to the crimea, today, unfortunately, the aggressor takes this position. which developed due to the decision of the international court of the un, i have already told why that decision arose, in great detail unfortunately, this is used by the aggressor to intensify the repression of the crimean tatars, because he says, you see, it is written in the decision that there is no... discrimination, this is a huge political cover that russia has received today, unfortunately, today the rights activists who all these years on their own, without any or almost any support from those people who promoted these gaga conferences, gather the relevant evidence and will go anyway, i know, i just can't tell the details here, that there will be a lot more work to do with that to prove that there is racial discrimination against the crimean tatars in crimea, that there is racial discrimination against ethnic ukrainians in crimea, thank god they will not deal with this... who lost this lawsuit, no one will let them there, these are public initiatives, and we will have appropriate
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decisions in favor and the ukrainian state, and the indigenous crimean tatar people and all crimeans. well, indeed, we see how russian propaganda now uses it, and even russian ghouls, they now began to say that, as if, with the crimean tatar language on the territory of the occupied peninsula, everything very nice, everything is very normal, and even under ukraine until 2014 , there were big problems with the crimean tatar language, but now russia came and everything is fine, but i remember, i was born in already independent ukraine, and i studied in the crimean-tatar class, if i'm not mistaken, now in crimea there is only one hour in schools, yes in the crimean tatar language, and if the relatives of the children want it, well, look, first of all, the occupiers formally, so formally ... closed schools, which were related to crimean tatar teaching, let's say
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yes, until 2014, but today the number of classes is really decreasing, the amount of actual teaching is decreasing, the language for teaching crimean to crimean tatar is not equivalent, there are remnants of learning crimean tatar as a subject, there is pressure on parents to reduce the number of students, here, the only factor that has really ensured the existence of such an education so far is the position. of the crimean tatars themselves, this is the position of the families, if this did not happen, it would not have happened a long time ago, a complete ban against this background is ukrainian education, ukrainian-language education, this is the only thing that ukraine has proven, managed to prove, because it is an absolutely obvious fact, the occupiers destroyed it not only factually, it should be proven, but also legally, as if legally, they closed everything to zero in crimea, ukraine is educational, that's why the international court stated there, after all, you were forced to state that... there really is racial discrimination of ethnic ukrainians about the crimean tatars, i repeat, due to
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the great regret of those officials who ruled, we simply could not prove it , although this is an objective fact. so, today there are indeed these provocations, there are statements that are beyond reasonable, because it seems that the crimean tatar language is not recognized, well , any lawyer discovers it, well, here is the constitution of the republic of kazakhstan 98, it says crimean tatar, here is the framework convention of regional like, ukraine recognizes protection, but... there is even more, it is, as they say, the godfather of lies, it is mr. lavrov who stated this, he also said that in crimea until the 14th year, apparently, no construction was not a single machete, yes, that is , you know, all the crimean tatars were waiting for that come, as they say, putin will be built in the mosque, well, i understand that this is not, well, it is not only absurd, but it is refuted by a simple fact, every crimean tatar in his settlement knows when the mosque was actually opened, and a significant number of them were either opened before the 14th year, or... even if it was opened in the 15th, 16th, and so it is, they started building it there in the 10th of
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jumajamin, so, well, in 2013 year this project, therefore and that is why it is all very, as they say, they just sell to their, as they say, their population, they are trying to sell at international institutions, but again there is a question, you said about the political component, and indeed the occupiers are currently speculating about this, that it seems that this is not ethnic persecution, and they are speculating. statements of the international court regarding the majlis, and the decision of the international court is written that it is not, let's say, an organization of the people, but some kind of political structure, but i have a question, look, such an interesting situation is developing, and ukraine approved the law on the country of peoples, the procedure for legalization of representative institutions is fixed there countries of peoples, which is the midjlis, later in the 22nd year, due to, you know, the great work of the crimean tatar... defenders, let 's say, and civil society, the cabinet of ministers approves the procedure for legalizing the midjlis, this is
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in very simple language, then documents are collected, regarding this order, it was not easy, something happened in the crimea, they collected, collected, submitted to the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet accepted it in june 23 , for both those who were awarded there and those who were awarded there, i have a question, as they say, an asterisk , and if the cabinet of ministers had approved this decision on time the legalization of the midjlis within the framework of these... organizational procedures, if this resolution had been put on the table in the gas in a timely manner, maybe something would have changed, and maybe there will be questions for the people who organized it in kyiv, no, not questions about, let's say, about there are some concerns about the crimean tatars, namely the issue of the corresponding article of the criminal code of facilitating hostile activities, weakening the position of ukraine in international institutions, maybe someone will raise it someday, i am sure, that is, in your opinion , this is not some bureaucratic procedure, but this just to fly, i want this to be sorted out sooner or later by the authorized bodies,
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which will be given not only a political, but also a criminal, procedural assessment, and the fact that the assessment will be legal, of course. to sue, it is obvious that if you are not given what is rightfully yours, let the court decide. the legal status of the madzhalis, the crimean tatar people , is really currently in limbo, and this is already emphasized by the representatives of the medzhalis, irifat chubarov, spoke about this recently. by the way, the discussion is intensifying now in ukraine regarding the status and format of existence of the crimean peninsula, these territories, in general in the context of return, and a lot. a lot of speculations, which ayder and i started talking about in the last program, well, first of all, there is speculation on the topic of where the crimean tatars are, why they are not fighting, and this is completely unfair, we have a battalion formed by representatives of the crimean tatar people, which is joined by representatives of other ethnic
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groups, indigenous peoples, national minorities, in addition, in the defense forces of ukraine firmly in... on the other hand, again, the crimean tatar autonomy or the crimean region, unfortunately, unfortunately, we see the intensification of this discussion now, i don't know if it is timely, let's say, well, two different questions, on the first question, how is a person purely civilly can answer that we see crimean tatars in the army, i know my crimean tatar comrades in the army, but the question is different. the question is that if crimea is occupied, yes, and the other part of the crimean tatar, let's say, not the diaspora, but part of the traditional resettlement in the kherson region, was occupied in the early days war, maybe it's not the fault of the crimean tatar people, that's right, well , at least, it's not their fault, if the bulk of the crimean tatars were in the controlled territory, it's obvious that their share in the army would be larger, that's purely an arithmetical
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question, the second arithmetical question , there is repression, it is an example of repression against the newly occupied... where male crimean tatars are persecuted en masse by the aggressor for participating or for possible participation in the civil blockade of crimea, they become de facto prisoners of war, i like this word, that is, excuse me, with all due respect to any discussion, as they say, there is no discussion here, the question is different, namely, why are we discussing something that really makes absolutely no sense to physically discuss today, why? it is impossible to change the constitution, the first factor is that we live in a democratic country, ugh, we can’t exactly bring such things down from above, we have to at least formally, let’s say it directly, pass it through some procedure of discussion or referendum, logically, well, it’s impossible otherwise, you about the referendum maybe i am talking about any form provided for by the legislation of ukraine, i am not saying the word referendum, i am not saying the word is any other, i am saying that you do not
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decide according to the democratic procedure at the bank or there, for example, even in the session hall of the verkhovna rada, that is what broader question, huh. eh, the crimean-captured mejlis, today, again, returning to this issue, has not yet been established in organizational relations, i do not say in the legal system, ukraine legally and politically recognized it, but did not establish it in the organizational system, and how is it possible without establishing this body in the organizational system of power, in general, something to talk about, we have a law on the country of peoples, it says with participation, with participation, with participation, with consultations, that is, we start it first, then, when we start it, another question arises, this is already a field '. these are all logical questions, because the crimean tatars, as a component of the ukrainian people, the entire ukrainian people are used to living according to democratic procedures, only after these questions can something be legally formalized, and that is why i say, you who today speak about crimean tatar autonomy, or about area, yes, because they either do not know the situation,
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or they are useful fools, because all these questions today have the only actual result, this is distraction. society from urgent issues, what issues, the protection of the affairs of the crimean people here today under the conditions of occupation, work is real, sorry, not kavabreaks, but real work on the deoccupation, reintegration of crimea, i cannot talk about the military bloc, but as an example of the civilian bloc, yes, regarding the civil block of all these issues, just so you understand the situation, we just conducted the crimean tatar resource on a number of other organizations, our association for the integration of crimea, which i represent, have already held a series of three strategic forums, uh, regarding... the future of crimea, have already worked out relevant proposals for the integration strategy, then for the government plans, then we have gathered for now, we began to think about what to do with the organization of the activities of the international crimean. platforms, because the summits are held, it is very right, it is the right policy, i personally support it, but let's talk about real results here and
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on the ground, what it gives us, what we have specific plans, strategies, tasks regarding, there is a lot of work on shore, someone gives us funds for this, in what amount, which state, we see today security agreements, there are eight of them, it is very good that they are concluded from great britain to finland, i just the two of us found the issue of, i quote, support for the development of plans for the reintegration of the occupied territories, if it seems to me that this is great britain and france, well, this is what we need to think about today, that is, in fact, we have, excuse me, today, we are not meeting at the constituent assembly of the united of nations in san francisco in 45th, we are today the desperation of the battle for the gudal canal, if we compare it by categories, we should think not about the un charter, but about the dlendlease plan, dear, and when they start telling us, sorry, you know, this is ... as standards, let's if we turn over the ukrainian flag, everything will change, it will not change, depending on the fact that today we declare something on a formal level, and even if we can
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declare it today, because any constitutional act about crimea, it foresees the realities of the situation, we must first clearly understand about reintegration strategy, the reintegration strategy was approved in the 21st year before the great war, we were promised a new edition in the 23rd year, mr. danilov promised, mr. tashev and ms. virishchuk. er, then we heard another statement by mr. danilo, as far as i am mistaken, a public one, well, one of the good guys or officials for sure that there will be some kind of general strategy about all the reintegrated territories, today mr. danilo is no longer the secretary of the national security council, so a new question arises, right, yes, who is there, what will be the new position in the nsdc, she is responsible for it, because the nsdc apparatus is responsible for training decisions, and the strategy of deoccupation and reintegration of crimea is valid in the 21st year, where everyone told us about the diplomatic way, it should not be changed... the nsdc, that is, i am talking about the fact that this should be done here and now, when we do it, the strategy will be signed by president zelenskyi, we will build from this, which, excuse me, constitutional yes, well, if i am not mistaken,
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in 2021, in the development of the strategy of deoccupation and reintegration of the peninsula , the image of the kremster people's forest and the krymstar resource center, etc., took part, now you i wasn't invited to, well, i don't know the zakantsdar resource center of the mejlis, i honestly don't want to give an assessment of those events, it's good that this strategy will be successful. approved, ugh, at least it does not correspond to the realities of the great war, so let's put an end to it, criticizing a document that should obviously be changed today is a thankless task, the only thing i can say is, what can i do to say, a plan was approved for the development of this strategy in the 23rd year, well, and here everyone already had the question of lawyers, because there is a plan, but the strategy was not changed, that is, on the basis of which, if the strategy was not changed, the plan is already new, and the second question, and from there many lawyers... in particular, i saw this plan, sorry from television, mr. boris, i really hope that we have there will be an opportunity to make a whole separate program with you on all the mentioned
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topics, i thank you very much for the fact that you were able to emphasize quite acutely and fairly those points that, well, in my opinion , are sometimes discussed a little too cautiously in the information space, thank you boris babinech, representative of the president of ukraine in autonomous to the republic of crimea, chatoks and one boy who went missing in the chaos of war at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. all the children who will be discussed from the temporarily occupied part
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of the kherson region are snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko. snowyna is only 11 years old and nothing is known about her since february 24, 2022. a girl disappeared in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in... bare pier, and just 20 km from the bare pier in the city of oleshki, in the kherson region, before the war lived this 15-year-old boy, his name is george bursky please look carefully, in his face the teenager is missing, and maybe you will recognize him and help him find him. just like snizhana and georgy, nine-year-old sofiy kavash disappeared in the kherson region at the very beginning of the war. the girl was last seen in the village of cheplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana, george and
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sofiyka, and above all. searches are, of course, complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory, and by the way, it is precisely in such situations that there is great hope for witnesses who, in particular, social networks can see our videos about the search in the occupied territories, so i appeal first of all to the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region. if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko, please immediately call the hotline at 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot search services for children in telegram. of course, children can be in the occupation as well on the territory controlled by ukraine or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries, and there you see
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one of the children whom we... are looking for or , god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call the number 11630. 1163 is the only the european missing children hotline, which works in 28 european countries, so remember, it's better to write down this number, so that you never need it, but just in case, it is necessary to know it. i told only one of many difficult stories. children, who have gone missing. you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here are pictures of children who are missing and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the service hotline number search for children 116 30. calls.
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free from all mobile operators in ukraine. it is clear that now the vast majority of the children we are trying to find have disappeared missing due to circumstances somehow related to the war. in occupation, in front-line cities or villages, or during evacuation. but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often go missing due to running away from home. mostly boys and girls in adolescence resort to this and cause. it is very different here, conflicts in the family, insufficient or , on the contrary, excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the child tracing service has prepared a series of tips for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to your
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child, there are some manifestations in... children and teenagers that indicate that you need to take more care of them, you need to take care of them more. what could it be? first of all, it is a disturbed sleep pattern. when a child goes to bed at three o'clock, gets up at 12 o'clock, it's definitely not good, it's definitely a reason to worry. further, it can be a depressed state, when the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of her if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, or productivity. this can also be evidence that she has some strong negative experiences. if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing makes him happy, this is also a reason to take care of him, to have some kind of warm trusting conversation with him, to support him, to help him, and sometimes to refer him to specialists, refer him to a psychologist or other specialists for help.
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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. in khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the russians killed one person in donetsk region and wounded another. the enemy shelled the city of chasivyar. a 51-year-old local resident died, the spokeswoman of the regional prosecutor's office anastasia medvideva said. also, russian terrorists attacked the village of elizavetivka, pokrovsky district. injured 63-year-old.


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