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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. good morning, thank you for espresso, thank you for not forgetting to donate, and in the meantime, oxana, i remember that the best documentary short films, this one last week , i watched it when the column climbs. 10 units of equipment and that's just bang-bang, one by one they are burning, i think who is it, yes, the achilles, i would like to talk to them about this, this, this attack and this super battle, and so it happened, because with us is the commander of the achilles attack drone battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kusovo taman ivan sirk, yury fedorenko, mr. yury, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, cool video, i say right away. did a whole week, not just
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a day, but a whole week, can you tell us a little more about this one of yours, well, i understand that this is also a combat record for you, maybe it is even a record for the armed forces of ukraine, although in general it is very a lot of powerful calculations work on the line of god's collision, at various meetings and have sufficiently powerful and significant results, to summarize the situation, the enemy continues to attack the assault actions in the direction of the yar national time point. also storms additionally on the flanks, both bohdanivka and the settlement of ivanovska, trying to take the suburb into an operational encirclement. as a result, one of these days, it was two, two days ago, the enemy acted, you know, as prescribed in the instructions, in the statutes of the armed forces of the russian federation, the occupation forces. at first, there was massive artillery training, used barrel artillery, systems jet fire, such as hail, hurricane, then left. to carry out shock-assault
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operations, the assault infantry was brought in on lightly armored vehicles of the bmd-bmp type, and also additionally covered them with firearms, mortars and other mortars, used everything that was in the arsenal, and the saturation of enemy fire in the povidrons was also sufficiently active during perpetrating these shock-assault actions, the enemy also actively used aviation, both rotorcraft and, accordingly, airplanes, in total about 30 units of armored equipment by the enemy and significantly... the number of personnel, the enemy carried out very powerful assaults, but as a result , the defense forces managed to repulse this mass attack and make a significant impression, only the units that i am responsible for, managed to destroy nine units of light armored equipment, another buggy with assault infantry and two units to disable and damage, and all the brigades holding the defense, anti-tankers, artillerymen worked like a swiss watch. drones, the enemy in general
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lost about 20 units of armored vehicles during these assault operations. special gratitude is boundless to the engineer-sappers, who implement virtuoso work, making a mine barrier and they give their results. thus, after the actions were taken, the enemy lost a significant number of personnel, namely its shock-assault potential, as well as the correspondingly armored light armored vehicles. there were no substantial successes on the battlefield. and assault infantry, which managed to take positions during the day, were finished off by forces defense, both with uav strike means and, accordingly, with other instruments of fire influence. mr. yuriy, bohdan myroshenko writes about the fact that at the time of the ivars , the russians directed the most prepared of their military in that direction, that this point has been so hot there for almost two years, because the russians are simply betting on it.
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how does it look to you on the spot, or with such operations, as you conducted now, you manage to eliminate, neutralize their well-prepared fighters and, accordingly, make your further work a little easier, and demotivate, most importantly. i will tell you this, that it is very important when the brigades holding one or another shade have a reliably arranged interaction among themselves, and additionally each fire means. and everyone in their place works as efficiently and persistently as possible, because this is the only way to get the necessary results. if we talk about the units that use unmanned systems, both reconnaissance and strike, in particular ours, so indeed, so often it happens that in the conditions of the current war, as well as the lack of ammunition, we play a key role in how this or that battle will end, and this is a massive assault, this was one of the most powerful examples of what is currently available. moment
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, unmanned systems are important, so speaking to our audience, now when you see certain gatherings, i'm not just talking about the achilles unit, i'm talking about a number of units in general, and it's about two things, it's either the computers or the drones themselves and also rap systems, you have to remember the key two theses: first, that rap systems and strike drones, reconnaissance drones are what help preserve life to our military, and this is what, in the conditions of current realities, of the current war, makes it possible to hit the enemy remotely, sectorally, aiming and precisely, so the formula looks like this: more rap systems, more protected our personnel, more lives were saved, more drones reconnaissance, strike... more of the enemy was destroyed, and the more we destroy the enemy, the more opportunities our infantry units have, both to hold positions and to improve the previous edge, so more drones, closer victory, our colleagues in the insider community, in particular dada lindeel,
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collected such a long article a few days ago, an analysis of various drones, bomber, reconnaissance and fpv from... russia, in particular they talk about the boomerang, the upir drone, about some chinese , which are passed off as a russian siberian, well, and also this one, they have a butcher there who sold meat in orenburg, now he makes stuzha and vyuga, but among the listed there is also piranha hortensia, did you have a chance with certain of deal with those drones, i.e. land them? or knocked down to analyze if it's a crap stick or something serious? it is necessary to divide into two parts, in fact, uav assets that are in the air, the enemy has those assets that are in his arsenal, he has the ability to produce and modernize them at the moment, intelligence,
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i usually say orlando hall, yes, why , because it is such a mass intelligence mass intelligence wing that is used by the russian federation, but there are actually a lot of them. modifications and will also be divided into percussion parts of two parts, probably the first part is those which are in service, for example, the lancet, yes, which is aimed at knocking out our armored vehicles, as well as many different modifications of copters, which, yes, we have something in common, unstable, because we have strange neighbors, to put it mildly, that is why the connection is so simple, i'll tell you a little bit. about the guys who steal billions from the russian budget and then the connection, you will definitely tell me about it later, mr. yuriy, now please continue with the ones i mentioned, but the new ones, so we lost the picture again, well, we understand,
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that the bakhmut direction in general is one of the most difficult connections now, there are people who are such checker-trickers, you know such a... bender of our time from skolkov atamans, then it is he, for example, who makes these boomerangs, they say that they are of low quality, and they also have new drones that are coming from russia, they call them sebyryachk, and then look, they are sold on aliexpress, mr. yuri, we see you again, please continue, we are talking about russian drones, thus concluding the opinion, about those that are on we talked about weapons, long-range reconnaissance, that is, those drones that... are of sufficiently good quality, which the enemy is modernizing and trying to produce in quantity to provide for the russian occupation forces. so far, they manage to do it quite intensively. there are also a number of copters, conditionally, that the enemy is assembling from exclusively chinese components, these are fpv drones, this is all that you listed,
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of the reconnaissance strike type of action, which are currently being assembled in their garages, somewhere they are trying to assemble centralized production, to scale. these experiences, the quality, the quality of the weapons, they are also quite different, so if we talk about the enemy in general, i will tell you that they are trying to saturate their troops, but in terms of quality, they also have significant remarks, how many of these decorated rebama they have now tanks and other armored vehicles are driving, yes, unfortunately, the connection is unstable again, but... we have information from the zvyagel city council. zvyagelshchyna is the zhytomyr region, the city of zvyagel. as a matter of fact, tonight, these shaheds, which flew from the north through sumy region and kyiv region. we remember that they circled around zhytomyr oblast. so, there was a blow to the object of the infrastructure of the community. fortunately
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, there are no victims among the civilian population, but there is a direct threat of air pollution. accordingly, the local authorities recommend staying in premises with... closed windows and ask not to neglect this information, because it is actually a matter of our health. we don't know if we still have an opportunity to... get back in touch, for now we are trying to restore contact, we also want to tell you about this situation, which it is formed exactly where mr. yuriy's unit is fighting, that is, there is an attempt to push in two places, from the north and from the south to the temporary ravine, you already knew the tricks at the beginning of the weekend . about the fact that the enemy approached the outermost houses and streets, the temporary ravine,
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that is, zelena street was mentioned there, but looking now at the updated data of the deep state map, we see that at least in these two points they managed to push them back a little, but in the direction to the october area of ​​chasovoy yar, this is the place where the enemy is trying to push through the defense, where exactly it was held. these are the fights that we showed you, we will also remind you that all the videos that you see on the air, even if you missed them, you will be able to see later on our youtube channel, tv channel, for this you need to subscribe, subscribe to our youtube channel, because there is also a lot of important and interesting information there, all our special projects, all recordings of etars, short clippings, all this can always be found there, and even more, you can comment on... your thoughts are always interesting and important, please join, comment, you can bet
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questions and be with us every day. well, and concluding our conversation with the new record set by the armed forces of ukraine, it is possible for the number of russian heavy vehicles destroyed simultaneously in one battle, and i will remind you that armored vehicles and bmp 51 were burned in this shunt. armored vehicles, four bmps, one buggy , well , in addition to that, a certain amount of equipment was wounded there, so to speak, but, as mr. yuriy said, then with the next fronts, we will fly in and destroy them so that they are not taken through mariupol to novoazovsk, which is what we are talking about today in the morning and learned that they are trying to pick up their damaged equipment as soon as possible so that it can still be repaired, because for sure our guys from unit a... of a separate assault brigade will burn them down during the day or night, and on this positive note we go for
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a short break, we ask you to stay with us, this is the time to give up, then we will come back and try to summarize all these military weapons stories with our resident expert serhiy zgurets will be with us, stay. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then the saw strong from unpack tv just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber. chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw. just look how quickly
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them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. need understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts tverez. evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they - the boys from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with others. timami all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. yes, well, these minutes
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we will learn that... israel is withdrawing its troops from the south of the gaza strip to prepare for the assault on rafah, the minister of defense said so. we have it, but they declare that in the event of something, they will be ready to return, no, they are actually preparing for an assault on rafah, that was the key point, let's say, at this stage of israel's war against the terrorists of hamas, we have more and more information about the fact that the russians are trying to mobilize everyone, form new brigades for the so-called summer offensive, they say, and we talk about important weapons , which can help us counter these plans, we will talk now with our friend, the director of the information and consulting company defense express, serhiy zgurets will
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explain to us why with such a large number of different... including of the aviation coalition, zelenskyi told us yesterday that only 10% of the required volume will be transferred to us this year. why such a slow pace, despite the fact that the western experts themselves and their military-political leaders also talk about may-june as the greatest threat to the attempt to push the front line, moreover , in several directions, among the directions, of course, bakhmutskyi in the first place. and as a reserve, it is kharkiv. so, the director of the defense express information and consulting company, serhii zgorets, is already with us. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory. good morning, greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. well, why only 10% this year? why, for example, the minister of defense of the netherlands says 24 f-16s, we will transfer them to you,
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but the pace of this transfer is so slow that for a whole year only 10%. well, in fact , we are talking about a set of problems that the ukrainian side and our partners must solve. we are talking about the fact that we are currently training pilots, there are six pilots in the first group of pilots, equipment is being prepared, just like that our infrastructure is being prepared for six fighters, and this is exactly what we are talking about and the defense minister of the netherlands, when he says that the ukrainian side must ensure that all these components are connected. using f16. the first batch will indeed have six, and then hopefully the pace will be higher, and other countries besides the netherlands will transfer f-16s. if we reach 24 there by the end of the year, it will be very optimistic indicators, in my opinion, looking primarily at the pace of pilot training, because not only pilots, but also technicians. now,
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if you look at the groups, then no more six groups connected with just... these are six f16 planes, well, that is, we are waiting, mr. sergey, but while we are waiting, the russians are not waiting, and they are constantly shelling with their kavas, not only kababs, after all, their artillery works, and this is the first time in history that our ukrainian drone managed to destroy, hit their hurricane system, and this hurricane was located on the territory of russia, our weapons, our drones destroyed everything legally, can you repeat it, selivan likes it, yes, can we repeat it to extract? actually really, now we're talking about using fpv drones, it has increased all over the front line, both on our side and unfortunately on the enemy side, when we talk about ... destroying this hurricane system in the depth of the enemy's defense at 6 km, then this is really the work of the fpv drone, this is full-time distance for such a means
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of impression. at the same time, we understand that such approaches of the ukrainian side are also implemented on the front line, because right now the advance of the enemy is being held back due to drones, and the fight against these enemy attacks is compensated by the fact that... our units are effectively used as airdrops, we can see many such examples in different areas of the front, and now we are seeing the destruction of the hurricane system, which the enemy probably did not expect, this allows us to say that airdrops are already being carried out on the territory of the enemy in the territory of the russian federation combat tasks, well , but they mainly attack the cities and destroy everything possible in the sumy region, now even kharkiv sees it with guided aircraft. bombs, do we have, well, because we have already heard a little about it, means of electronic warfare, which could, at least somehow, until we get the f-16, help
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fight the cabals, in fact, there are many components in this matter, because now, when we are talking primarily about kharkiv, the enemy is using a strategy of such destruction of the city, that is he wants to completely ensure such a zone where there are no ukrainian citizens and the attacks on... on kharkiv are becoming so systematic, precisely terrorist, because there are also s-300 drones flying over kharkiv and so on, and lately this dynamic has become much more bigger, that's why the president and the military leadership says that it is necessary to strengthen the help of our partners in the transfer of air defense systems to the tsar, we are talking about the fact that the president announced there about 25 patriot systems that need to be transferred. in ukraine, this is such a separate, complex issue, we can talk about it in more detail there, but when we talk about the use of reb means against the kabs, unfortunately, this technique does not work, because
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our rebs act on shahedis, they act on russian cruise missiles, reb means, and in fact what can potentially be used to fight against russian disembodied complexes in tsarina rev, we are now scaling and using it as much as possible. the fight against cabals, the fight against artillery, it requires other approaches, and i hope that right now our military is looking for such options, although first of all, when we talk about the cover of the same kharkiv there, of course the question arises of increasing mobile groups there for protection from shaheds, the fight against cabals - this is only the destruction of enemy aircraft, here the use of pet complexes, but they are the same it is necessary to tighten enough. dangerous areas of the front, and we will now show a video, mr. serhiy, actually, both from kherson region, yes, from kherson region, big digs, how can all this happen, this is already such a positive
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experience, take a look, please, rocket , yes, this is a rocket, destroys the reb, field 21 at the gas station, a very well-chosen place, big copuns, and a gas station, under the cover of the roof, there were also military vehicles and... the topic is this rap and what is the most interesting thing, here they are, you can see them now, mr. serhiy, why so, interesting hit by the armed forces of ukraine, because i see that both the bus and the cars calmly continued to move, so the hit was point-blank, the last time i saw this extreme was in iraq, how the us armed forces worked so neatly that people continued to do their business, the enemy was destroyed, what did they hit it with? of course, we are talking about the destruction of the pole 21 missile complex of the russian federation, this is such a large-scale model that is quite widely represented in the armed forces of the russian federation, it is quite effective, but no less
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effectively, we see the destruction of these complexes on the battlefield, then such examples are not isolated, but this application is unique in that it is carried out using, as experts estimate, groundle launch small diameter bombs, this is a system that is launched from highmars and has... let's say this, the range there is more than 100 km, even more, and it has a pinpoint accurate hit there with a deviation of up to 30 cm, there according to various estimates it can provide, and here we can see this accuracy in practice, which is demonstrated by our calculations, but it is necessary understand that the combination of reconnaissance means is also important here, because we understand that with the help of unmanned systems or other systems , it was clearly revealed... the location of this complex of the enemy's reb was hidden, when he just stopped and had a certain insignificant standing there
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during. its movement was hit with the help of small diameter bombs, i think that if this practice is widespread on our side, and it will be widespread, this indicates that such valuable targets for the enemy, they will be destroyed on a larger scale, this it just reduces the effectiveness of the use of this protective umbrella by the enemy and then allows our fpv drones to operate with a shorter range in order to destroy other targets. these fish complexes were supposed to be covered, and now oksana and i will show you something else, it was the south, the temporarily occupied territories, and now the north, and the north is abroad, and we will show, sorry, we will show a russian video from russian public places, but there just which is already there, but the picture is beautiful, look, please, it is over there over kurshchyna, voronezhshchyna, some such jet drones, kamikazes are flying over belgorod oblast, mr. sergey, what is important is that, in addition to the russian mats, there is also a sound behind the screen, and
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this... it is not the screeching of a moped, as is usual with their shaheds, the sound is really almost like that of an airplane, and so they say that the ukrainians use some kind of jets in the bnr, indeed, we see here an example of the use of a shock jet drone, that is, this drone has there, if the shachet has 140 km there, then this drone can have a speed there of 140 to... 700 km per hour, that is, it is such a reactive strike drone, and it is superior most experts and we are convinced that this is the british vantshi jet 80 drone, these are the drones that great britain promised us, and they began to be used somewhere even last year, this is another example, the drone has a range of 100 to 200 km there, has a warhead there up to 10 kg. but the speed,
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the possibility of changing the height of the flight and the precision guidance system allow it to be effectively used against the enemy's goals , and therefore the enemy's hysteria is quite understandable, the scaling of the transmissions of these drones is provided for there, we are talking about hundreds of such drones, which were announced in the british package, as we can see, this process is already being implemented and these drones are effectively used on the battlefield, we also remember that we have a whole line of our own drones, which also have a range of up to a thousand. mr. serhiy, we have one minute left, i am talking about the fact that the north koreans have built a training ground for themselves, what are they giving the russians for missiles to test on the ukrainians? well, korean ballistic missiles have already been at least eight times that these north korean missiles have been used,
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there in kharkiv, along the dnipro, along... in kyiv, in the suburbs of kyiv, these missiles were shot down by our patriot complex, the main challenge here is that they are really trying to improve these missiles in the process, and this creates certain let's say so, well, challenges for that, because the improvement of these missiles and the increase in the supply of these missiles to the russian federation increases the threats to our system , to our critical infrastructures, to civilian objects and the issue of receiving patriot complexes or... systems from our partners and it is becoming more and more relevant, so it is clear that there are calls from zelenskyi, kuleba, and the military to our partners to transfer patriot complexes or other systems. mr. serhiy, thank you, this was serhiy sgurets, director of the information consulting company defense express. it is now approaching 9:00 a.m., the time when every day we remember and honor the memory of all those who died at the hands of the russian occupiers,
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both military and civilians. all those who could live, but do not live because invaders came to our land. let's take a moment silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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