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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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but they are not as fast as we would like. you wrote what i am quoting: the world community must give russia a clear signal: the traces of war crimes will not be able to be hidden. what does this signal consist of and in general, how do you think the world should react to such cases, because so far it seems that deep concern is all that can be heard. well, in my opinion, it is necessary to give a legal signal, that is, information, it is necessary that the information be made publicly available that in these cases there are open proceedings, possibly from of the international criminal court, perhaps our partners will finally come out, find courage and publicly say that yes, we agree with the ukrainian proposal to create a separate tribunal for the purpose of investigating and condemning the actions of the highest military and political leadership of russia
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, including on the issue of mistreatment of prisoners of war, the signals can actually be very many, for example, individual countries can come out and say, based on what we have seen again, we are coming out with a new initiative, there is the involvement of new sanctions methods, restrictions on the russian economy, restrictions on the activities of russian diplomats. well, that is, in fact , there are a lot of such legal methods in the world, the problem is that we do not see them, and i do not see the desire for someone to take such a leadership position and declare it in the world. i will say frankly, on april 12 we will have a meeting with representatives of countries at the level of ambassadors and... representatives of countries in ukraine
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as part of the implementation of the fourth point of the peace initiative of the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, where we will consider how we return ukrainian children, return civilians and return prisoners of war. so, i can say that for april 12, i am preparing a separate report on the violation of the rights of prisoners of war by the russian federation. while we ponder. how should we return the prisoners of war, maybe we need to publicly and openly talk about how the russian federation deliberately violates the rights of prisoners of war and bears no responsibility, but you talked about such a bureaucratic part of this work, and how they do it in the international in the international red cross, but maybe you have some contacts and you understand their reaction there, there are semi-human videos with the execution of people there, it causes horror in any
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person, and you will get some such, perhaps unofficial reaction, it is generally shocking , there are some options to look for these people, you say that there are options to act there sanctioned, well , it may encourage these terrible cadres of those officials at the un to do something, well, not publicly, i can say that i really have a reaction, and it is fast , when i receive an sms including from employees of the united nations organization, i will not name their names, their positions, such a human reaction, it really exists, yesterday i received again many text messages from my colleagues from my world, obbutsmans of the world, who, on the one hand, express words of support for our to the state, our citizens, on the other hand , they condemn the actions of the russian federation, but this... this, you know, is such a human reaction,
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it really exists, but as a representative of the state in an official position, we thank you for such a position, but we want to receive other the results reactions, we want to get the bureaucratic moments right there, we want to get the official position of countries, the official position of international organizations, because after that there will be... some kind of effective reaction in my opinion, that is, we can already move forward, we can talk about something concrete, because in fact , i get this kind of human reaction almost every day. every day, the russians shell our civilian infrastructure, kill our civilians, kill, unfortunately, our ukrainian children, and there is always a human reaction, it is there, but unfortunately it cannot to stop the russian federation cannot stop this aggression, so we need...
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a bureaucratic so-so response with specific proposals on how to further stop the russian federation, how to influence it, how to influence ... how to influence the economy, how to influence the higher officials, so that the effect and result, and dmitry, i still want to ask you about the exchange of all for all, the roman pope mentioned it, kyrylo budanov said, well, he reacted favorably, of course, to this idea, you wrote that your turkish colleague announced his intention to visit the ukrainian captives in russia, is it possible to say that there is some kind of revival and is there, for example, an exchange of all for all being prepared, as of now, who is doing this, if so? oh, i will say that you have seen the results of the activities of the ukrainian side, that's how many negotiations and dialogues we conducted with representatives of the vatican, finally we have a public position
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of the pope, we are constantly negotiating with our potential partners or partners who help us return of our citizens, sometimes... goes public, sometimes does not go public publicity, but that doesn't mean we don't do it every day. in fact, the ukrainian team raises these questions every day, including saturday and sunday. i can't say that right now i feel like we're on the verge of some big all- to-all exchange, that's not to say we're not working on it, but again, the only problem we're... , this is not the desire of the russian side to carry out exchange processes, but the fact that your turkish colleague is going to go, if it succeeds, it will be so an example for other countries, for example, and do you believe that russia will allow such representatives of shoemakers from other countries into
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its territory to check the condition of ukrainian prisoners of war? well, let's put it this way, this is another element of our tactics, how to change the situation with the violation of rights. prisoners of war on the territory of the russian federation, i previously said, again, you only saw the public position that he came to ukraine, he announced his intentions to visit the territory of the russian federation, we worked on this for many months, it was first not public meetings, discussions potentially whether he is ready to deal with this issue at all, i would separately like to thank my turkish colleague mr. malkach, he did not just agree, he... personally traveled for four days, despite the fact that on the one hand they saw that the entire territory of ukraine was under constant shelling, on the other hand , they had and still have the holy month of ramadan, that is , despite this, he came, we started from odesa, visited kyiv, then lviv, and here,
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for example, we came to odesa right after shelling, and we left a few hours later, the russians shelled the territory again. odessa, after his return, he informed me that two days after his return, he had the first, shall we say, contact, discussion from the russian side, then publicly they showed that he and moskolkova met, discussed it, as of now i it was informed that the russian side took time to consider the proposal of the turkish side, namely... the ombudsman of turkey to visit ukrainian military camps on the territory of the russian federation. dmytro, joined the broadcast of svoboda ranok, dmytrobinets, the verkhovna rada's representative on human rights, was a guest of our broadcast. i see
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in the comments, and you are already debating about bulgakov, so the objects dedicated to the russian writer mikhail bulgakov are symbols of russian-imperial policy, and their further stay in the public domain is simple. of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and published the document at the beginning of april. here is a fragment from this conclusion: the writer, despite years of living in kyiv, addiction, spoke negatively about the formation of the ukrainian state and its leaders, was world-view in the positions of russian imperialism, white guardism, approved the expansion of russian communism. the bulgakov museum in kyiv received this conclusion. the director of the museum, lyudmila gubianuri, says that this conclusion is too emotional, and the figure of bolgakov should not be banned, but reconsidered, what the museum has been doing for the past two years, working on the topic of decolonization. bulgakov himself, as gubianuri says, became a victim of the regime and could not publish works through citizenship.
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in social networks, the opinions of users regarding the figure of bolgakov were divided, and a public debate again flared up, and what to do with this writer. such discussions arose in the 22nd year, when in september the union of writers. ukraine proposed to close the bolgakov museum in kyiv, hand over the exhibits to the archive, and make a museum of the ukrainian composer oleksandr koshyts in the premises. the head is joining our broadcast now. of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, while you can share in the comments with your thoughts anton drobovich is already in touch. mr. anton, welcome, thank you for joining. the bolhakov museum did not agree with the institute's conclusions. they say that the document is not professional because it is too emotional. do you agree with this criticism? well , look, literally today i am returning from the armed forces of ukraine to the institute, and my colleagues and i will analyze the remarks and warnings that were expressed to him. in my opinion, there are really some emotional moments and maybe even some factual
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inaccuracy, we will check it, but the main thing a detail that is important in this discussion is whether to glorify and normalize bulgakov in the public space or not, judging by the things he wrote, what he said, it is inappropriate to glorify and normalize him, as for the book, no one bans any book, no, no museum expositions, even in the school program, he... has a dog's heart, so you know, here you have to approach this question moderately. mr. anton, in the museum they also say that quotes from various sources are often attributed to bulgakov in this document characters from the white guard novel or stories surrounding the novel. i saw in the conclusion that there was a reference not only to this novel, but still, on what basis did the institute's experts make such a conclusion and is it possible to ban such public manifestations of bolgakov, such as monuments, for subjective reflection time in his works of art, you see, bulgakov did not just subjectively reflect in
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his works of art, he tended to do it, that is, in his work, in his writings, in his diaries, in the protocols of interrogations, he clearly and makes it clear that he is an imperialist, that he is a chauvinist, that he honestly tells that the withdrawal of russia's then-volunteer volunteer army from kyiv was a disaster for him, he could not imagine these territories without russia. accordingly, this is not just some artistic detail, for example, his correspondence with the directors of theaters where turbine days was staged, they are filled with his insistence on restoring the so-called petlyur scene, for which bulagakov was criticized even in soviet times, because it depicts kyivans as some kind of anti-semites, respectively, he insisted that it be included, that is, it is not just, you know, a random artistic image, it is an ideologeme that was laid down consciously, which he promoted, thus ee... the sum of these his attitudes and assessments, well, in general, his non- recognition of the ukrainian republican
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project , the project of ukrainian statehood, he, to be honest, did not categorically support any soviet project, any republican project of ukraine, so the reading room, whoever wants to can read it, but so that we are his monuments, our names were here to perpetuate that he he simply despised this one country and did not believe in its free prospects, well, to put it mildly, it is somehow strange. anton , what should happen next after this conclusion, you will analyze there the appeal from the museum, or when and at what moment and who will make the decision to somehow remove these monuments there, for example, and again, do you support the preservation there is a museum and a memorial to bulgakov at andriyskyi zvoz. well, look, first of all, the scope of these questions, well, it is about a monument that stands two meters from the museum and about several street names, part of which is temporarily occupied... that is, this question is practically not a global one, it is the first detail, the second detail, what,
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uh, the museum, well, to the museum, if, then, what is the procedure, we will analyze the conclusion, we will ask the experts to clarify if there were errors or inaccuracies, and based on the result of the clarification of the conclusion, we will give recommendations to the kyiv city authorities to act properly with the name of the legal entity, if, of course, after reviewing the conclusion , the same part will remain there, and they will have a certain time for changes in the name of a legal entity. the museum itself, and museum exhibits, the collection does not fall under this action , everything can be stored in the museum collection. moreover, in fact , the bulgakov museum in kyiv with a new name will be the only place in the world where the whole truth will be told about bulgakov, about his everyday anti-semitism, pro-chauvinistic things, but on the other hand, about his anti-soviet project, well, generally about his fate as a kyivan. in principle, well , no one forbids the museum to be made, and there are all attempts
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to accuse ukraine of banning bulgakov, well it's just nonsense, we just don't want to glorify him in public space, that's all, study, museum, please, mr. anton, a few seconds, but which writers should prepare next, what are you working on with your colleagues at the institute? look, we will receive requests from citizens, from deputies, from all kinds of regional organizations, and we will give answers to... requests, we don't have, you know, proscriptive lists, that we don't sleep there at night and that's all we do, and in general, it's somewhere 5% of our work, 95%, are generally other topics that are not related to that we are simply responding to citizens' requests. thank you for joining our broadcast, anton drubovych, the head of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine was a guest of svoboda ranok. we had time to talk about the situation at the front and general political military trends, the latest news, and about the ban on bulgakov , share your impressions and thoughts on this matter in the comments, subscribe to our
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it is important and necessary, why, because you will be able to view, listen to everything that... was omitted, what you did not have the opportunity to follow live, view short clips about the most important thing, and of course comment, ask your questions, be with us in the end, because it is really important, and in the meantime we will try to tell you more about a very resonant, one might even say, story with elements of black humor. my native obolon district, a supermarket, and here suddenly in the supermarket some murky guy points with his fingers, says otoy and runs away, and ttsk, this is already an abbreviation that everyone knows, goes and hands and tries to hand a summons to our journalist
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colleague yevhenii shulgat from the information investigation , all well... everyone is obliged, according to the constitution , to protect ukraine, and there was nothing strange here, if it were not for certain coincidences, just the day before, it was he, journalist yevhenii shulgat, who told urbiet orbi the truth about the humble sbu employee ilya vityuk, ilya serves, serves, and the property grows and grows, and in such quantities, so it looked. it's like a kind of revenge attempt, but now we will talk about it with the head of investigative journalism agency slidstvo info, anna babinets in connection with our studio, anna, congratulations, glory. glory as a hero. anna, you will join us in congratulating now, because today is a big holiday in ukraine, today is the tcc day , april 8. would it be better for you to tell us what kind of murky
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scum the tcc was aiming at your colleague? i didn't really know, but happy holidays to all tccs , if there are, i'm sure most are doing a good job, but those who are used as a tool against discomfort. these people, journalists, activists, they should be an exception, and they should not be in the end, yes, i will allow myself such an optimistic opinion, but if our journalist, in principle, you told part of the story, and our journalist was working on an investigation into the fortunes of the head of the cyber security department of the sbu, and in the process of preparing this material, he was approached in the evening at 9:15 p.m. soldiers near the supermarket, when he came out of the kaz, you see, here you can see that where the surname of the soldier should have been on his right, it
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is not there, and for some reason usually the soldiers go in uniform and the surname is attached there, for some reason these two men did not have surnames, nevertheless, we were able to identify them, and then asked the a of this shopping center watch the video, and this is the video, we saw that these two military men... did not come alone, here they are approaching our journalist yevgeny, here he comes in and after 3 minutes, it seems that the military men come in with them, or rather they are together with this man in civilian clothes in a white or light-colored shirt, here they go to a corner where they are patiently waiting, i went to this corner, there is such a niche that they could not be seen, and this is exactly the man, yes, whom we then later tried to identify. and we succeeded, and who is this? and this is an employee of the security service of ukraine, the same, the same cyber security department, which is headed by ilya vityuk, about
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whom we made a story, that is, this is his subordinate, and his name is oleksiy bilenko, yes, he actually leads the employees of the tsc, because they they don't know what our journalist looks like, he didn't do anything to them, the security service knows, this is oleksiy bilenko. they helped us identify him, he has been working in the sbu for a long time, previously in the lviv administration, now in kyiv, well, actually, of course we tried with him contact, it is his manager, ilya vytsiuk, we tried to contact him, he did not answer our calls, ignored messages in messengers, and then blocked oleksiy bilenko altogether, because we wanted to ask, well, actually, what he was doing there, who was giving to him, he ignored our attempts to contact him, even though we have two. and the security services of ukraine, some of which do exploits, fight, destroy, blow up, launch drones and work to help the front, and others - these are
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the ones you talk about, which denys bigus said, that is, they somehow shared whether there is already a reaction from the sbu, from the ministry of defense, whether there is already a reaction from above to these events, yes, they have already sent him to the front, and how it was, and how it was with igor of the sbu. from the bigus investigation? i don't know, i'll be honest, we just released our investigation, the fragment that you just showed on saturday morning, and i understand that it was the weekend, probably, but now it's just the beginning of the working day in the state authorities, i hope that there will be really some checks have been carried out, because this was announced yesterday by syrsky, the ministry of defense, and the sbu, that there would be either a joint or a separate inspection of... because both the sbu employee and the atcc employees, who are directly subordinate to the ground forces and the general staff, are involved there, that is, they said , that an inspection will be carried out and
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some conclusions will be drawn, well, in my opinion, there should be one conclusion right now, which should be voiced by the state leadership that this is wrong, it should not be, this is the first thing that the leaders of the state, who have some influence on this should not be the case, a subpoena is not revenge, a subpoena with us or four people from the information investigation service are serving, mobilized, received subpoenas, went and serve and benefit the state and the army, but when a subpoena is revenge, when it is a way to stop a person who tells the truth, uncomfortable for someone who has made a lot of property, it shouldn't be like that, this is the message that i actually expect from the leaders of the state, and we, our viewers, who watch us in particular on youtube, can write to us , which in your opinion is more crass history, contemplate in toilets? and bathrooms and bedrooms with the help of a camera, is this how to drive out a thug uncle who targets the tsk without identification marks on a journalist
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who told... about one boss, that is, you can in a dry state for the remainder of anno, bending your fingers, tell how hard it is ilya worked and that his wife insisted that they have, maybe they can do something, there is a refrigerator, i think there is, but it was not declared, we are guided by what was declared in the declaration of mr. illivityuk, in december 2023 year, i.e. about four months ago... ilya vittyuk's wife yuliya bought an apartment in a premium-class residential complex in pechersk, i think you all know this residential complex, we won't name it, so that later they don't say that we rent to russians where they live our heads of the sbu, and bought this apartment, which is 195 m2, and we found such identical renovated apartments in the ads, costing almost 1.5 million dollars, that is , such an apartment costs, but they declared a much
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smaller amount. 12 million hryvnias, this is a significantly smaller amount, that is the question, yes, why did they declare a smaller amount, or who sold it to them this apartment is much cheaper than it costs, even if it is without repairs, it costs somewhere between 23-25 ​​million uah, and this does not correspond to his earnings, for example, ilya vytsiuk earns 1.8 million uah per year, he could not afford to allow him to buy such an apartment, which he had been putting off for 60 years, anna, he did not eat, drink or buy anything. i saved for 50 years, i just clicked on the calculator like that, don’t believe it, we looked at the declaration of previous years, he couldn’t save that much, but his wife opened a private limited company, exactly a couple of months after he headed this department, this cyber security department, she opened a fop, and this fop earns about $25,00 a month, that's the earnings of a wife who provides legal services, and we tried to order legal services from her, find this, well, lawyer.
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to find out why she is so popular and charges so much for services, unfortunately, it is impossible in open sources, and she refused to talk with us about her earnings, well , there are actually many strange moments in these earnings, in this way of life in the apartment over there a million and one million dollars, that's it actually raised a question, and we published this plot, but it is mainly based on the declaration that samelia vytyuk published, so i find such consequences very strange, because these are official things that can be obtained for just now , just now, on the calculator, i just clicked on it, my wife too everything is fine, if she didn’t spend anything on the fop for 60 years , then she earned her fopism for this apartment, also 60 years have passed, she has passed two years, that is , there are still 58 left, so we have a little less than a minute, i only have one more short question, that is besides tsk, who else, which ones
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structures which? methods are used by the heroes of your investigations, in particular the sbu, in order to somehow take revenge, to put it mildly, well, in this case we see only the tskk, i will not assume anything, we see the tskk used as a mechanism as a weapon of massacre, this is the case which we are talking about, we will know more, we will publish an investigation about it. thank you, thank you for participating in our broadcast and for the investigations you are doing. anna vabinets, head of the journalistic investigative agency. investigation info was with us, well here's the story, and that's it, but we still congratulate the tcc on the holiday, because they are doing a great job, we just wish you not to be disturbed by the various houses with one and a half million apartments, because they will then sell them for a lot of money , to answer you, we just understand that everywhere there are different people, and yes, as you said, there are a lot of people who
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do well... do the right thing, do their job and were in the combat zone for real, that is, they fought their , yes, that is, we really congratulate now all those who work in the tcc. it's news time. khrystyna parubiy is ready to talk about the most important thing, so let's listen together. christina, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, there are those killed by russian shelling in zaporozhye and wounded in kherson oblast, i will tell about the situation in the regions in the issue, as well as about the loss of my daughter to the enemy in a moment. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll tell you about the most relevant things at the moment. three people died in zaporizhzhia, three more were injured.


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