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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EEST

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every day he watches everything new from portnikov, then he drinks heart medicine, because everything is scary, but he does not unsubscribe and watches portnikov again, for this you need to subscribe to our youtube channel to be like my colleague's mother, so we are in the meantime let's talk about law-making in the parliaments, no, we won't talk about law-making, we won't, we're talking in favor of law-making. andriy yusap, the representative of gur the ministry of defense of ukraine, mr. andriy, we welcome you to our airwaves, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we already this morning attacked serhiy lyshenka from zaporizhia with questions, and we would also like to ask you about it now, the drone explosions are over, yesterday's say , what... there were three, what it was,
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it was an imitation, it was something that really flew, and what a danger, there were some fragments of a drone showing, such a small thing from aliexpress, and i could not understand why they were being shown as a blow, as an attack drone, the russians did it, well, first of all, as i said leonid danilovich, this was already after the occupation of the zaporozhye nuclear power station, the russians repeatedly practiced the task. strikes on air defenses, simulated strikes, as well as the launch of unmanned aerial vehicles from the territory of the station, which was recorded is a video confirmation of this, artillery also worked, and mortars, and even rocket artillery worked from the territory of the station, this means, and again there is a photo and video confirmation of the presence of the armed forces, forces and means, military personnel, equipment, demining of nuclear facilities, all of this has confirmation. all this is a gross violation
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of international legislation, nuclear legislation, in particular, well, they chose a certain period, decided to repeat the provocation once again, there is nothing new here, after all , magate's assessment here is, let's say, neutral, they simply recorded the fact of some explosions and nothing more , it is clear that the russians planned to use this provocation against ukraine. mr. andriy, to the joint operation of the main directorate of intelligence. of the ministry of defense and the security service of ukraine was recently noisy at three airfields in the russian federation, in particular enels-2, from where these strategic eyes take off, then fire missiles at ukraine, also the long-suffering yeisk, because there the russians are pounding yeisk with planes and missiles themselves, but there is also an airfield from where they fly, and there was more in the airport, we had information everywhere. as they say from
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unconfirmed sources, do you already have verified hit results? well, first of all , about the strikes, so the sources say about gur operations, sbu operations, but officially we can neither confirm nor deny, and in this there is no sense, the main thing is that there should be a result regarding monitoring, studying the collection of information about the results of these rumbles and booms, so such data are collected and indeed according to... we can confirm with refined data in yeisk, in particular, the damage of various degrees of four su-30, two transport, military transport aircraft and one amphibious aircraft, yes, there is such data. you know, i have friends who live abroad, constantly when they heard the voiced information from our foreign partners that this year the end of the crimean bridge will come: my god, why should russia voice it out loud too?
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will find out, you've been talking about it for a long time, and for us it's basically an axiom that it should happen like this, eh, can we talk about some more specific things, because they're already here... running their own railway, that is, they can be prepared for the bridge not to happen. well, we state that they are already quite limited in the use of the crimean bridge, the so-called logistical artery, and its frequent closures, restrictions on functioning, constant so-called smoke inhalation, this is all observed by the whole world, yes, on the railway, this is non-secret information, and we have sufficiently detailed information up to ... certain plans and drawings that they implement, well, accordingly, this information will be used in the national interests of ukraine, these logistical arteries are hostile, they should not function. ugh. as for that, i want to return to the still unknown, good
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drones, and the oil refining potential of the aggressor country. we even looked at their statistics, they themselves give 14-16%, this is in relation to exports. and production effort is a minus such in they came out, but these long-distance flights from samara, i just didn’t read about them and didn’t listen, they still can’t understand what it is, it flew as beautiful as an airplane, and then it attacked correctly, i mean right now this very place, where shahedis gather and write on them with a crooked paw the inscription garan geranium, and that's how they are. geranium-geranium. what was interesting there was, as you look at this video, this is what some say, drones with artificial intelligence, or what? with artificial intelligence, these are those residents of the territory of the russian federation who still support putin's genocidal war against
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ukraine. and what concerns what actually flew in, well, i think that russian ufologists, specialists in unidentified flying objects, should collect. and analyze, it is unlikely that we need to make their task easier, that is, in principle, to comment on the means of destruction, well , let the experts and analysts do it, and in the end, let them think about how it arrived, but the fact that these objects, well, let's say, there are various incidents on them, this is natural, because they are military facilities and are used by the enemy for military purposes, and there is an assembly plant, shaheds, or as they call them, giranii, and , of course, oil refineries, which are used for military purposes in order to refuel the tanks that go to kill ukrainians, and in order to to sell oil, which, the funds from which then go to pay the murderers and
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their fees, that is, these are all military objects, which means that what is used in the war against ukraine, well , it is natural that something can happen to it and something must happen. you know, not only russian sources, but cnn also said that these strikes on the refinery and on samara, these were drones with artificial intelligence, this is just a quote, but i wanted to ask you, how did you, the main intelligence agency, together with other units, were going to demine the front line, open border and launch fighting tajiks, and where do you keep millions of russian rubles to pay them off? because yesterday's official version was shown on tv, so it's true, as the russians say, of course, we also heard this next dose of schizophrenia, and i can officially, well, how to announce that, of course
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, no one pays any salaries in rubles, and if you're serious, well , you don't even have to comment on this, because it's not reasonable, everything has been refuted, there are, after all, the official statements of belarus, to imagine that... terrorists are fleeing in the direction of ukraine , where the border regions are saturated, oversaturated with security forces, military, fsb, the territory is mined, i emphasize, mined from both sides, that is, it was ukraine that had to demine from its side, and also from the russian side to demine the territory, these people traveled hundreds of kilometers, without changing vehicles, without changing clothes, after publicly torturing them, they make some kind of confessions, well... no one in the world from conscious people, official institutions, states, of course, does not believe in this nonsense, well, a part of the zombified russian population may believe , well, if for this they are kept in such an amoebic state, here is another question, and why is putin protecting and essentially
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smearing the needles in this story, well, here is the question, that is, the states recognized, the world recognized, the igil recognized that this is their terrorist act, putin says no, it's still bandera and the ukrainians. well , the greatest defender of such structures is probably hard to find in the world today. mr. andriy, one more question that probably worries everyone, we understand that the huge number of... rockets that they launched across the country last winter, now they direct the same number at one region, at several objects in the same region , and we understand that they intend to continue hitting energy facilities for the next few weeks, several months, do they have the capacity to repeat the attacks that were during march? after certain pauses that the enemy needs to recover. missile stocks, yes, such strikes, terrorist strikes on various
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civilian infrastructure, critical infrastructure, the enemy can continue, he has not abandoned his terrorist practices, besides, he has a certain range of missile weapons today that have not been used recently, those calibers themselves, which pose a serious danger, the enemy has not repented, he has not started to implement international humanitarian law and has not given up terrorist missile...strikes, so any air alarm and signal is a serious signal, both civilians and military, the whole country have and treat it responsibly. mr. andriy, thank you for the information, andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, was with us, here is what we managed to hear from him, but we will leave the question to continue, because oleksiy hetman, a veteran russian, is already in touch with us - ukrainian war and reserve major. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. actually, we started with the fact that the russians are not
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they stop, they do not repent, and one of the announcements of our scouts was that their russian offensive is new, the end of spring, the beginning of summer and that they will move to pokrovsk. how do you assess these forecasts and whether the russians will be ready to attack, whether they have enough forces, means, everything that... is needed to attack, well, that is why they are mobilizing an additional less than 300,000, they want 100,000 they are already prepared, they, they are preparing for what we say in two months, even more, because not now, because now they are not they can grab, they don't have the strength, but they are trying to mobilize a relatively large, well, not relatively, but a large number of manpower. and it is with these people that they will try to take action, where exactly, i
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am sure that the russians have not yet finally decided, they are working out options, well , staff options, let's say, theoretical, where it can happen, where it can happen, they have not finally decided, if only because they did not form those, well, two armies, which does not mean what their minister of defense shaigu said about, there are a few more corps, a few brigades that they are trying to do it there and... "when they do it, they themselves will then be able to understand what they have, what forces and means, and then all those options that they are currently considering, they will somehow turn around, take some option where they will take offensive actions, for sure we can say, we can guess where it can be, for sure we can't say, the gentleman rightly said that it is possible to guess where, where they will do it, well and now..." well maybe there are people who, you know, will confidently say that
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they know exactly where the tarot cards are these offensive actions will come, we do not know for sure, we do not miss it, because the russians themselves are 99% undecided, because they cannot determine, and they cannot determine, because they have not yet formed those units , which they should use, if there is no formation of units, it is not known how it is impossible to plan any offensive actions, is it obetka, abedka, will we be ready then, because when we also know some specific direction, then it is possible to prepare in this direction, i am talking in particular and about fortifications and about the entire complex of preparations, and so we have a huge, wide and long front line, we also have a constant threat from the north, from the sea, they fly in as they want regularly, will we be ready for this counteroffensive of theirs, especially in .. well, i want to believe that we will, if we can’t prepare in the same way as
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the east to face such a mass, then here we can refer to the supreme commander-in-chief president zelensky, who will say that in some places we may have to retreat, well, to build power stations along the entire large section of the front, well, we are building it, as successfully as it is, i am sure that many of you guests told about it, and people traveled, looked... and there is information that in some places they are indeed built as it should be , where, somewhere, it has to be finished, whether we make it or not, i want to believe that we will make it. but here, in order to be in time, you also need to have a human reserve, that is, we see how it drags on, and how much is being done around this law-making spam, this so-called update of the law on mobilization, everything continues for now on the existing base, do we have time to form reserve forces to repel such an attack, there may
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not be one of them, not in the same direction, but there may be several. it will necessarily be in several directions, let's remember what our partners, the nato bloc generals, suggested we do when we carried out our offensive action last summer, that advancing in one direction is nonsense, the enemy can concentrate a large force there for defense and nothing will give, you have to attack in twos, better in threes, well, there is still an opportunity forces and means in four directions, this is what we were told in open... text, and everyone thought at the time, when they analyzed such advice, that it was clear, it was correct, why do we think that the russians are stupid, they do not understand that attack in one place, it will give us the opportunity to hold the defense more easily, 100%, whether it will be two or three or maybe even more directions, again it depends on how much
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strength and resources they have, i.e. people are techniques, with about our mobilization, well, we were promised that it would be... in march, already now soon, soon, it’s not entirely clear, it’s approximately when, it’s somewhere on easter or maybe on some other holiday, or on independence day, they’re afraid, well, you know, here we’ve kept a secret like this, but we’re making excuses that we do not understand this, that we do not know this, well, this is also wrong, deputies even from the right-wing parties who tell... maybe, maybe not in the mass media, but they say in private , no less, that if such a law is voted , this is a law that many people in the average country will obviously not like because it is a coercive law, it is because it is a law that will compel people to do things that many may not like, and they even
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said that it will be a black mark for those who do it, and they understand that very well, so well, i really don't want to make such a decision, but... this is what is called an unpopular decision, well, it's a black label, it's from the words of some deputies there, i heard it, it's not my invention , such a word, but about the fact that our political leadership and our president zelensky said that sometimes unpopular steps must be taken in order to preserve country, in order not to fight for ratings, but to fight for the state and make not a political, but a statesman's decision, well , we hope that he, well, not him, but what... these people, who are now in the majority, what they it's that they like it, they don't like it, but they will do it, they will make a political decision, yes, their 100%, their support inside the country will decrease, but you know, sometimes you have to think not about ratings, but about winning the war and save our country, so hopefully this week, or maybe
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next week, this law will pass, it is only a law, then the president must sign it, after that this law... must begin to act, and well , we all understand that when such large-scale laws are adopted, a lot of explanations are immediately written for these laws, for people who have to implement these laws, well, there is a law, so the tsc has to adopt, has the right to act in a certain way, but how exactly, well, it is written in the explanation, it is written in the job description and so on, that is, a lot needs to be done, and he will put this law into effect, well, if even this... week he will pass it, well, i think that not earlier than in the month of may, that’s just, that, that doesn’t mean that we can be there right away, sirskyi said that we don’t need 5,000, well, it’s not entirely clear that he meant, do we need less or do we need more, we don't need 500, but we need 600, and we need 300, well , how much is needed, well, at least we need something, because people at zero say that there are not enough people
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to even the weapons that are there to be used effectively, so please... we need reserves, we need forces on the front line, well anyway what am i saying, that even if this law starts to work, well, tomorrow, well, conditionally speaking, then in order to gather at least 50-60 thousand people there, not to mention 200-300, well, this is not possible to do it in one day, it will take a long time, we need to be at zero now, we need to, as they say, by yesterday, so there are many questions, this is what our partners say about it, that you really are... in order to withstand this onslaught of the russians, which should take place, well, most likely in may, in the month of june, three, three components must be formed. the first is what depends on of our partners, these are weapons, ammunition, shells, the second - it depends on us, this is mobilization,
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and the third, it depends on us, this is the building of fortifications, well, those that could withstand the attack of the borog, so we reproach our partners and rightly so we do it, because it is extremely important for us, but the other two components, well, i'm sorry, we have to do exactly that, and we still don't... legally do it, so we don't need to complain, as they say about others, we need to i would still see myself, i would understand and i would understand that we have accomplished everything we can execute, we're fine with mobilization, we're fine with fortifications, a little bit not so good with shells, and so we could then, you know, more confidently express a claim to our partners, what are you doing, see how it is possible, and we and our part are another element of this war. i am talking now about the actions that are taking place, about this operation that is taking place on our northern border, the rdc said that the hot phase of their
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operation is ending, they are there their separate elements, separate units remain on places, remain in the region, but it seems that what happened during the last month has stopped, why yes, has it become safer in the north, kharkiv, we see that... they are constantly attacking and vice versa, it seems that additional protection is needed from that side and additional actions? well, of course, kharkiv, most likely they will not storm the russians head on, because it is nonsense. commander syrsky said about this again that if he tried to attack kharkiv like this head-on, it would lead to the collapse of the russian army, that is, it is all there and it will be possible, well, that is also possible, well, it is so close to, well, not close, it corresponds to reality, and regarding the fact that the rdk... is moving from its position, they said that it is a raid, well, word of mouth, well, we always want to believe in some magical action, which is now in moscow, putin will be arrested and transferred to the egava tribunal, which
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will be formed almost soon, no, they said it was a raid, they went out and should have gone out, they are proud of this raid, we are also very grateful to them , they say that the offensive on kupinsk stopped precisely because the russians overthrew a large number of troops, and certain movements of forces there were made in order to fight back. rdk, russian volunteers, only the liman direction remained on the kupinsky limansky direction, and the kupinsky direction, that is, they believe that they have fulfilled their mission, by and large, fulfilled, not fulfilled, they did a lot of useful things for us, and we thank them very much for that grateful, but to believe that they are setting up a bridgehead, which will then be followed by further offensive actions somewhere in the depths of the russian federation, and for this, for this, it is necessary in 10 times more forces, well, he can't advance, some unit that doesn't have calves, well... stop at a gas station, what should he do? well, when he goes to the gas station, our khymarsiv shells will fly in, as it was in the kherson region, that's the case, yes. mr.
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oleksiy, thank you for participating in this program. reserve major of the national guard, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, oleksiy hetman was with us. yes, and now we have to say goodbye briefly, why? because there will be a short break. khrystyna parubiy and colleagues from the news editorial office will continue the broadcast. they will tell you about all the most relevant things in the last hour, then we will return to our air, stay with us. if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv strong saw is just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use. and for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call
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learn about... war and how the world lives , a project for intelligent and caring people in the evening over espresso. 11 on the clock, time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna parobiy is working in the studio. russian terrorists again attacked critical infrastructure. it thundered in the dnipropetrovsk region an explosion at a gas facility due to the fall of drone debris. fortunately, there were no casualties, but the buildings were damaged, the ministry of energy reported. in addition, at night, drones damaged the equipment of a high-voltage substation in the zaporizhzhia region. there are power outages in part of the kryvorizka district, the ministry added. also as of this morning.
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electricity supply restrictions apply in kha


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