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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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represents united by football together stronger. let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine on the air of spress news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. a 16-year-old boy was killed at the funicular station in kyiv. yesterday , a conflict arose in the carriage between minors and a man who works as a driver in the state security department. later, a law enforcement officer pushed the teenager at the station. the boy fell and broke the glass with his head. the young man crashed and received a fatal neck cut. he died on the spot. state bureau of investigation. started a criminal investigation
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proceedings, the attacker was detained. a 63-year-old man was injured in a drone attack in beryslav, kherson region. he has a contusion, injuries to his arms and legs, the regional military administration reported. in total , three residents of the region were injured during the day due to russian attacks. the occupiers shelled bilozerek with artillery. a 23-year-old girl got a skull. injury and contusion, a hairdresser and a cafe were damaged, and in kachkarivka , a 59-year-old man was injured as a result of the explosion. during the day , the russians shelled 15 towns and villages in the region. enemy shells hit a critical infrastructure facility, a shopping center, and a public catering establishment. six private houses were damaged. three people died in zaporizhzhia, three more were injured. russians
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hail hit the pologiv district. the region was attacked more than 350 times during the day. eight settlements were shelled. zaporizhzhia and gulyaipol were attacked with drones, tokmachka and malynyvka by air and small by small. novoandriivka and robotyne were covered with artillery - the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. residential buildings and infrastructure objects were damaged. russian terrorist. again attacked critical infrastructure in dnipropetrovsk region, an explosion occurred at a gas facility due to the fall of drone debris. fortunately, there were no casualties, but the buildings were damaged, the ministry of energy reported. in addition, at night, drones damaged the equipment of a high-voltage substation in the zaporizhzhia region. electricity consumption limits for industrial consumers were introduced in the kryvorizka district. and in kharkiv oblast there are restrictions for... ukrenergo specified. fell down
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to a five-meter collector in the city of sosnivka, lviv region. rescuers rescued the child from the sewer. a 13-year-old fell there while playing. the child was conscious. the rescuers went down to the teenager and pulled him to the surface with the help of a rope. the child was handed over to medics, the state emergency service reported. the ex-regional spied for russia in the border sumy region. he received information that the occupiers were planning a strike with guided aerial bombs to destroy the defense lines in the region. an enemy agent was apprehended while trying to photograph the military objects, - reported the security service of ukraine. during the detention , a mobile phone was seized from the man, from which he wanted to send data to the aggressor. the suspect was born in russia. he has been living in
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ukraine for a long time, he was recruited remotely after the de-occupation of the region. now the collaborator is in custody, he faces life imprisonment. the russians are constantly storming donetsk region, launching hundreds of drones at the positions of our military. because of this, it is difficult to evacuate the wounded. how the volunteer soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade defend the city duke see further in the plot. the time spent in donetsk region became a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. now there are heavy battles going on there, the defense of the city is held by units of the armed forces of ukraine. among them are volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time gap, it is now very tense, it is this direction that is the enemy. is constantly storming and
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trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is now quite aggressive, the enemy is constantly attacking last. a few days, the sparrow does not stand still, unfortunately, and now they have such a number of drones that our boys, who are already trained in combat, cannot, sometimes for hours, move from point to point, because there are hundreds of them hanging around, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, due to the constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take comrades from the battlefield. two of our guys recently left by car to the position where they could, where they had to get to, or rather the evacuation point, the disembarkation point and beyond they had to reach the position, then it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot,
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and just so you understand that they were just walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group, how we attack, it is not a technique that we attack with fpv drones, they... can afford to launch four drones at two people, and so, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out because there's just a barrage of fire. in order to be able to evacuate their comrades at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. in time-honored times height, and if, god forbid, the enemy captures it, he will be able to advance further very easily. and these are konstyantinka, drushkivka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, that is, the times - this is both strategic and tactical, and generally very important for the lives of people who live behind, that is, in those cities where
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there are still life, because in the time ravine it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to purchase the protection they need. and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. espresso volunteer kitchen continues to work for victory. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for the armed forces. currently, the initiative is gaining momentum in parcels to the front. in addition to vitamin ones, there are also other goodies that are necessary for our defenders. such as dried fruits, nuts, jerky, lozenges, dry cloves and borsch. lard and canned meat, this is all that will feed our soldiers at ground zero. we constantly have a lot of requests, which means that there is a need for our help at the front. so join and support our warriors to nato. you can see all the details on the screen. if
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kyiv loses, we all lose, the foreign ministers of great britain and france told the telegraph. together with... they called on the allies to do more to help ukraine in the fight against russian aggression. the ministers believe that european countries will have to pay a much higher price later if they cannot support ukrainians now. at least 90 people died on a ferry that sank off the coast of mozambique, the roits agency reported. the ship was heading from province was on the island of mozambique. the passengers wanted to escape from the cholera outbreak raging in their homes. presumably, there were about 130 people on board. many children are among the dead and missing.
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the engine hood was torn off the boing 737 plane during the flight. there were 135 passengers and six crew members on board. they were not hurt. the incident happened not long ago. after departure, so the plane returned to the airport of the city of denver, which is in the usa. i would like to note that this is not the first time in the united states of america that boeings have been flying apart. in january at the airport portland's emergency exit door blew off the plane during takeoff. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. i 'm saying goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, i'll tell you more. colleagues, stay with us.
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congratulations friends, the politclub program is on the air on the tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, the next two hours will be about the most important things. cadence this week about what will happen next with our experts, and my first interlocutor this hour is ivan stupak, military expert, employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-2015. congratulations mr. ivan, congratulations, congratulations to the studio, thank you for inviting me. well, yesterday the president of ukraine gave a long interview during his stay in chernihiv oblast, can it be assumed that now the ukrainian authorities are talking to. i would say in more critical language than it was until now,
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i think more incompletely, not fully, but well more than it was in 22 , well look, the first step was the number of our losses, you can argue , or responds is she really, is she understated, that's another story, but the dialogue has started, i think that the next step will probably be... the cessation of existence, the marathon is the only one, maybe, maybe this is such an optimistic forecast, yes really, well, come on, that's what i want to believe that the state leadership will finally take a look, well, it is enough in the 22nd year it is relevant, in the 23rd it is no longer relevant, in the 24th it is already a rudiment, well, it must be finished, thank you for such an opinion, but i wonder how much you... are you realistically evaluating these numbers that the president cited when he spoke
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about the military needs of ukraine, let's say 25 patrio systems, this is really what is needed, roughly yes, roughly yes, it's not even true, we need batteries, the batteries have several launchers there, five or seven installations, that is it is necessary to measure with a battery, somewhere in the 22nd year of the president's council, mr. podalyak said 11. such batteries that we need in order to cover our needs. they are 25 in the world, but come on, each battery is 1.2 million dollars, billions to american billions of american dollars, yes billions, that is, it is crazy money, to get one battery, it will already be a big, big achievement, but the allies of the united states get much more patriot batteries. why do they have it, they have stocks of missiles, but they
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don’t sell, they don’t sell, maybe greed, maybe unwillingness, as they say, to provoke further escalation, we were given three, we lost one, or rather several launchers, two - three launchers, so it is said, as a result of being hit by a russian ballistic missile, well, unfortunately, we lost in the first place not even the installation, not the launchers, but the crew. our guys, the best, experienced, trained ones, unfortunately, we lost, so perhaps this is the real reason, so far, why they do not give us what you think about how the situation with aid to ukraine is progressing in general, so you admit, that we will receive this aid in the near future, american 60 billion, and american 60 billion, yes, let me to your esteemed viewers on... let me remind you, let's all the numbers in comparison, you have to look, look, the afghan company
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of the united states, 2011-2018, there are different there were annual allocations, but in the best times, in the best years, that amount was 120 billion us dollars annually for the war on terrorists, aid to the state, that is, it is serious in the worst years. the amount fell to 45 billion us dollars, well, this is for comparison , so that you think that 60 billion is, more or less, in comparison to afghanistan, really want to believe, i remain, i want to believe that even if it is late, but this help will come, but we see, unfortunately, that already in a week and a half it will already be half of april, we calculated that october of the 23rd year, then new year's holidays, christmas holidays, christmas, new year's. in general , some kind of vacation, now i see that they are just dragging the rubber, unfortunately, not the vote, this is a purely
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political issue, i would still like to believe that the military-industrial lobby of the united states, which is extremely interested in allocating this money, after all will be able to press not for the sake, but exclusively for the sake of himself. and i will remind you once again, i won't even remind you, but as an example to our viewers, that in the united states there is such a national rifle association, this association, when... if any of the american politicians stood in the way of her activities or prevented her from getting big profits, then she has several dozen seriously promising political careers. many american politicians, that is, i would like to believe in the power of the american lobby. tell me, now there is information that the people's republic of china is not just there maintaining warm relations with russia, it's not just that xizen ping is meeting with vladimir putin, but the russians are even using satellite images of the chinese
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production in order to adjust our strikes on ukraine, and at the same time we... are trying to involve china in our processes of improving the situation, let's say peace processes in ukraine, to what extent is this a correct attitude to reality? yes, let me remind you once again that the story with satellite images is not news at all, pvk wagner also bought satellite images of the territory of ukraine, individual locations that were important, from chinese private companies, that is, the chinese government. formally did not help, formally did not facilitate, but did not prohibit wagner bought, i think, now it's the same story, the russian federation gets these su pictures, of course, not for free, buys, on a purchased basis, the chinese don't mind, i think when ukraine tries to attract china to our point of view, not to oppose
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china, well, where is china, where is ukraine, unfortunately, we can’t, but let’s try somehow... well, not to completely pull the trigger, but at least to show china our point of view, how we see the situation, maybe china, well, that’s taken into account political activity, well, once again , we understand that ukraine is here on this chessboard only a small figure, because china is not playing against ukraine, but against the united states. if we talk about what you think the further actions of the occupiers should be in general, do you really agree with the point of view. president, that it was possible to stop the offensive, or will they try to put pressure on those important areas for themselves and for us? look, and we expect that, after all, by may 9 , the russian occupation forces will try to continue their creeping offensive. i said earlier that this is the middle, the end of march, and in principle we have seen in some directions that
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they stopped, but they reduced, reduced the intensity of their offensive actions, but it is still capable. yes, it is may 7 - the day of putin's inauguration, may 9 - the day of victory, and until this moment, any territorial achievements of the russian army, anything, i don't know, a village was captured, half a village was captured, two houses were captured, but if it's promoted, if it's shown, it's very highly rewarded, we've seen with you these unfortunate abrams tanks, when he 's standing, this one, this lone tank, he's been hit three or four times and shown. destroyed three or four american, for this they receive great rewards, so i think that , after all, until the month of may, they will try to move on the offensive lines, 100, 200, 300 m, and for this they will receive a reward. if, in principle, we are talking now about russia's capabilities in shelling ukraine, we have already talked a lot
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about the fact that russia's missile stocks are decreasing, the number of drones is decreasing, so far we... we do not see such a decrease, although it is possible to talk about accumulation resources and intervals in shelling, it is possible somehow imagine what potential the russian federation has from the point of view of all these shellings that we are observing, they have missiles, they can build missiles, such numbers were called optimistic according to individual nomenclatures, that the russians can make one missile per day, and- ah, there are more conservative estimates, there is one... in any case, this is a very serious result, but they are limited by their carriers, how many carriers they have, how many volleys, caliber missiles, if , for example, they are taken out to sea there are three ships, c they have a total of 20 missiles per launch, they cannot launch 50 caliber missiles, they can , in principle, as much as they have work
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now to destroy the carriers of these missiles, ukraine is trying to achieve. this is just a few days ago a massive attack on several airfields, but so far, unfortunately, there is no confirmed data on hits, there is anecdotal information that six planes were destroyed there, as many were damaged, but the external control, let's say, from your fellow journalists, analysis of satellites and images shows that there is no destruction, there really is the assumption that the russians could hide the plane strips in one night in a brutal regime, wash the airfields so that nothing, well, not a single trace remained. to enter freely in this way, such a story really exists, the intelligence must work and show whether it is true, whether it was really inspired by the russians, if we... you and i will understand in principle these intentions, which are today in the ukrainian parties, regarding the holding of this peace forum, you hope that such
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a forum with the participation of a large number of leaders of various states can really influence russian position on the war? the russian position is influenced exclusively by armaments, i am more inclined to think that if the united states does vote for this aid, then it will be... it will possibly be limited as follows, not for counteroffensive actions, but for the stabilization of the situation at the front, alignment, weakening of the russian army, and then exit, i don’t know, exit to negotiations, some agreements, counteroffensive operations, i think the united states, at least this year , will definitely not help us, will not to support, and if, i don't say, god forbid, if the head of the white house changes, then the situation may change completely. you saw, by the way, these reports from the washington post that trump has this secret plan, and the whole essence of this
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secret plan is that he wants to negotiate with putin on the territories seized by russia, so for trump it's just so, i would say banal territorial dispute. big deal, he really likes this story, big deals, that’s what he likes, and i ’ll remind you of another historical fact, when donald trump... was the president, he spoke about the afghan campaign quite, quite so brilliantly, if i had the opportunity, no, if i had the desire, i would end this war in afghanistan, mind you, in one week, that is, i i count it more as bravado, but as an option, ukraine can really be put in the position of saying yes, or yes, or yes, or you surrender and we help you, or you continue to fight, but without the support of the united states. the western world, well, as far as possible of course, to limit, that is, i think that the demand will be made, once again ukraine is simply one of the pieces on this chessboard that moves
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other countries. well, there is simply the impression that american politicians, by the way, from different camps, they do not really understand the true intentions of vladimir putin, and, frankly , it confuses me. there is also such an opinion, but for some reason it seems that if you give, i don't know, to a hungry person what he wants, he will be full and will no longer need more, well, we saw before the beginning of the second world war war well, it's strange that everyone repeats the same, you know, the same steps, the same mistakes, no, it's as if the second world war never happened, this impression is far away now, well, let's face it, when the bombing takes place somewhere, i don't know in aleppo, well, okay, we sympathize with the local peaceful citizens, but it is far away, well, where is aleppo, where is ukraine, where is kyiv, where is lviv, where is the dnipro, and... the same for the countries of western europe, for example, for brussels, where is that kyiv, let's take a look at washington's position again, from washington, i don't know these hills, where is that
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kyiv, where is tavdiivka, where is that ugledar, that is, it seems to me that it will be resolved somewhere in this location and it will not move anywhere else. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan stupak, military expert, perapetyk of the security service of ukraine was on our air in 2014, we will now take a break for just a few minutes, but you stay with us ahead. many more important conversations. lacal fix reliably fixes, my dentist advised me. yes, and reduces gum inflammation. and the price is good, economical. research has proven. lacalot fix protects jasna and five times fixes the denture more reliably. lacalus fix. shop for 30% off at wholesale price pharmacies, 911 pharmacies and the 911 website. discounts available. 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. damn stairs, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating, there's no health, and what kind
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in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? technologies of the president's office are banal, and who in kherson organized a celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. on tuesday, april 9 at 11:45 a.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world , the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm at espresso.
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the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, and now we will talk about the local elections in poland, which are taking place these days, the main political event in... the country olga popovych, editor of the ukrainian almanac annual, this edition of the association of ukrainians in poland, thank you ms. olga , well, what can be said about the situation with the local elections, which are happening right now we are waiting for the first results, what can we expect? in general, i do not think that they will surprise so much compared to the previous ones from the 18th year, that is, the traditionally
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active one. the political force in power, the election committee, the rights and the citizens' coalition, the civic platform is ukrainian, they win an overwhelming victory in big cities, on the other hand, in poland and small towns - this is usually the territory where the candidates of the right-wing parties, and above all the right-wing parties of the previous government, win. justice, at the moment we have clear information about the frequency of elections, the frequency of elections, we already see at 5 p.m. that the number of those who took part in voting this year is a little less compared to 2018, although previously experts very often emphasized that these local government elections will
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be just as active for voters, and like parliamentary elections, there will be a much higher voter turnout, but we will wait until the end of the elections to finally talk about the number of voters. in principle, how do you assess the atmosphere of these elections, you can to say that both camps, have they somehow de-escalated each other or not? i wouldn't say that they mutually decreased. plus , the right radical party confederation also joins in here, by the way, on the eve of the elections , it was this party that was involved in breaking the election silence, er, they held an action in which theirs actively took part, that is, it was not they who held the action, but a citizens' initiative, but precisely the confederation of politics from the confederation actively joined them, these
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elections are local as well... just like the previous ones, show their own competition between political forces, where one political force criticizes another, and it is very interesting that the political force, which has already lost its power, criticizes the existing government for the same steps it took at one time, eh, and this also reminds the parliamentary elections , that is, it is simply a local scale, but the difference between parliamentary and, of course, local elections also lies in the fact that... voters very often vote not so much for a political party as for a specific candidate who is their own for them, who is for them understandable, and accordingly, then the political party is already a little on the sidelines. in your opinion, this is what is happening around poland's agricultural policy, it can be said that the elections are largely...


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