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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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it is clear that in my opinion they widely use artificial intelligence, which is not only gpt chat, but also other artificial intelligences . check, so to speak, so i am asking the same gpt chat to which i am subscribed, by the way, to translate it into ukrainian. it is obvious that he has already gained enough experience, processed enough texts, i don't see mistakes, i see there, well, certain ones, you know, such - stylistic, sometimes grammatical ones inaccuracies, that is, you can understand that it is not his native language, because chpt's native language is english, but he is learning, he is learning, and it is open, and it is an open chat gpt, well , that is, everyone can subscribe, and well, it is clear that
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they are everything is used, not necessarily this artificial intelligence, and you are really right that it is impossible to distinguish, and no matter how many there are, then who would have guessed that the president's office might be cooperating with some channels that are really formally anonymous, although almost everyone knows who is behind them, what kind of people they are, where they live and so on further, but we... we lose in telegram not because we use it there, although, of course, it would be better if somehow the nation calmed down and understood all the dangers of this, we lose there, because of one ukrainian channel russia will always respond with ten, and it will be necessary with a hundred telegram channels, which will be in the nice ukrainian language, which will be used more and more...
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artificial intelligence, in particular to create videos, this is now, we are laughing there, by the way, they all work at the intersection with tiktok, this has already been checked, well, a lot of monitoring and our public ones, and from those centers that exist under renboy, under the ministry of culture, information policy, that is, it is not surprising, that is, they work by helping each other, well, in a sense, it is one and the same ecosystem, so to speak, tiktok and telegram , and well, now you can laugh at what they impose on tiktok, that is, on our presenters, our news and the marathon, and not only the marathon, i remember that there were also examples of such a change in the voiceover of the presenters and espresso and direct and fifth, that is , they work widely and... well, that's all for us now
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it's funny, and tomorrow we won't be funny, because it is expected, well, i read american articles, i don't wait, i don't wait for translations, i read american articles where experts write that a breakthrough is expected, it is expected either on the 24th or in the 25th year with those, that is, varieties, models of artificial intelligence, which will create a video that will be impossible to distinguish from... the real one, and now there will be another nikita potoraev, we will not know which one is real, that potoraev will be saying you're not real is definitely much worse vitaly, it will be one thing, the way you and i will be cheated there, and a much worse thing if there will be stories that the katsap tanks have broken through the defenses again, entered the kharkiv district, or it means that some brigade has been targeted. will
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distribute the video, it is absolutely realistic that the neighbors have a breakthrough, which means that the katsapnia is coming, which means that tomorrow you will be surrounded there in two hours and so on, this is not something to be afraid of, but before that to prepare, that's what, well, very much the great danger of this situation, and when it will happen, we do not know, because in the field of things. intellectual breakthroughs, they are definitely classical, you know, the transition from quantity to quality, which means dialectic, well, when will any of them learn to create informational plots that will be impossible to distinguish from reality without special expertise, not even human, but also computer the computer will conduct and say no, artificial intelligence did it, but it's all time, but it's all time, i said. colleagues, imagine, imagine that
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such a breakthrough would already have happened, and we are voting on the 11th the law on mobilization, god forbid, we will vote it, and on the 11th, at night , several thousand channels appear in tiktok and telegram, on which hundreds of videos appear, that is, in which they tell how tsc simply break into apartments, people's homes, they pull people out of their beds, that is, they drag them through the streets at night, and so on and similar horrors. and yes, 110 of them can get infected, relatively speaking, but this will be enough, that's what the problem is. well, it's obvious because, because yes, because yes, maybe we are we will have time to take measures there, let's say, by 8 o'clock, by
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10 o'clock in the morning, what measures will we close, although it is very difficult, some channels in telegram, so we will block them, but people will already stretch these viral videos on their caches, so to speak, and so on. .. they will discuss what we saw, this, well, yes, this is a video, this is all true, and this will all be completely artificial, this is a moment, i really hope that we will live, that we will be able to in some future conversations, to talk about what needs to be done to confront all this, this is also an important topic, thank you, mr. nikita, mykyta potoraev, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the committee on humanitarian and information policy is on the phone, we will now take a break for a few minutes and continue. so you stay with us, you damn walkers, your legs can't walk anymore, wait, i know that there is no health, and what kind of health is there in the sixth ten, and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is
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1:40 pm
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the politclub program, vitaly portnikov is with you, and the guest of this part of the program is volodymyr paniota, president of the kyiv international institute of sociology, professor of sociology at the university of kyiv-mohyla academy. greetings, mr. volodymyr, greetings, good evening. so, let's try to understand to begin with how, in your opinion , the mood of ukrainians changed during the war, so we can talk about some kind of trend. during the war in general, such strong changes have taken place, which sometimes exceed those changes that occurred during the entire previous period, in the first period after the war there was, as american sociologists say, mobilization and rallying around rights and... people began to have more trust in the government, to the president and
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to the parliament, to the state as a whole, began to value the state more, especially strange things happened when they talked about some objective things, and they said, everything got worse, there 66. feels a deterioration in mental health, eh -e, unemployment, level of material wealth and so on, and when we ask whether it has become worse or better, how satisfied or dissatisfied you are, then the level of satisfaction increased, and people began to better assess the worse situation, that is , to value the e-e state more and... this situation persisted until approximately september 2023 year
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by the way, there is another such indicator: the level of happiness, which, too, we did not even want to measure it, well, how can we ask if you are happy when there is a war, but we did not want to lose the dynamics, so we asked, and it turned out that the level of happiness did not fall , and roughly so, and they themselves, but starting from september, the processes began some - disappointment and the decrease of some other indicators, some of the indicators remained the same, but one of the most important indicators, which actually remained the same, is the attitude. to russia, this is a geopolitical choice, attitude to nato, to
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europe, and in principle, even before the start of the war , the majority had a positive attitude towards europe and nato even after the 14th year, but there was still regional differentiation, and in the east, for example , the majority... was against nato. therefore, the situation did not look irreversible, but after february 24, it was regional the difference practically disappeared and the attitude towards nato became positive in all regions. yes, identification, it is very important, identification, when we ask who you are, you are a citizen of ukraine. it has increased and continues to be the main identification
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of ukrainians, that is, these indicators have not changed, the belief in victory has not changed either, but there are gradations, i fully believe, i rather believe than not , some changes have taken place here, i.e. distrust of the president, the government, and the verkhovna rada has started to grow. well, to the courts and to of prosecutors was still low, despite the request for injustice, the only thing that did not improve after the war was the attitude towards judges and prosecutors, it is obvious that we were not able to reform the judicial system, and
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because of this there are these problems, so now situation. worsened, but in principle according to the main indicators, for example, willingness to endure, we asked whether you are ready to endure the war and for how long, and 75% continue to say that as long as it takes, then the future they... can be optimistic about the future, but the situation worsened a little, most likely, this is connected with some disappointment in the counteroffensive, well, separately, with regard to zelensky, there was another factor that affected the attitude towards him and trust, very strongly
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influenced, almost there by 15%, this is... a conflict or, perhaps, not a conflict, but a misunderstanding or attitude towards the incompetent and the dismissal of the incompetent, which also greatly affected the trust in zelenskyi, and it decreased somewhere to 60-65% according to various dimensions, although after the beginning. he had 90% of the war, but tell me well, in principle, it can be assumed that all this wartime sociology will not be of great importance in peacetime, because you can see how different this wartime sociology is from the sociology of pre-war times, how far we can generally analyze it,
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based on the future namely, ee according to some indicators uh... it can be said for sure that it will not change, for example, it is difficult to imagine a change in attitude towards russia, attitude towards russians, attitude towards belarus and belarusians, identification is also unlikely to change much, of course, it will decrease, and the effect of grouping, it already stops. to work, but this will all remain, we can say that the elements of the creation of the nation, er, that took place, they will remain, er, problems with the language, they still arise, and are more acute, but in
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general, the trend, er -er, the greater popularity of the ukrainian language and the desire to speak, they will remain, but other indicators, well, for example, the attitude towards the country's leadership, er, they will, of course, change a lot and are already changing, that is, no, you can't say, what everything we measure now, they will change radically after the victory, well, it will depend on what the victory will be, what compromises we will have to make. will we have about this, what feelings will the state, the actions of the state leadership, the attitude towards the state cause, well, the question is how ukrainians will perceive the compromise, whether they will consider it a compromise or, on the contrary, a victory, you know, this is of great
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importance, there is also the issue of public opinion's perception of reality, and by the way, to what extent ukrainians are now in agreement. sociology ready to are there any compromises? er, in principle , there were studies that showed that er , perceptions of er reality er influence people's behavior more than reality itself, and er indeed, ah, you are right that it all depends on moreover, i... people will be prepared for it, will they understand how it correlates with real possibilities, because actually compromises are... a matter of what we can, what we can't, they are decided on the military they depend on our capabilities, and in terms of
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readiness for compromises, they are... began to decrease, for the first one and a half years this indicator almost did not change , 80-85% were against any compromises, now in such an abstract question, are you ready to give up some territory of ukraine in order to achieve peace peace, and this indicator has decreased to somewhere around 75%, but when... they start to look for different alternatives, in principle, it depends on what alternatives there are, well, for example, one
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of our studies was where, the customer was interested in whether we are ready to cede crimea if crimea is under the un protectorate, demilitarized and that is, neither russian nor ukrainian, then more than 50% of the population is ready for it, that is, there are various options for these compromises, and if you search, in general, you can find those that ukrainians support more, and those that support less. are you not surprised that according to the latest polls, corruption... is perceived as a greater threat than war? this is an interesting, interesting result, it really
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surprised her a little bit, although it must be said that the assessment of corruption and the level of corruption, it also, as you said, depends on real corruption and depends on its perception, er when... we do research on the experience of corruption, they show that the experience of corruption is slightly decreasing, not increasing, the perception of corruption is increasing, because it depends on how it is presented and how about they write it, and besides, the more the fight against corruption, the more the fight against corruption... it is prevalent in the mass media, by the way, we asked the following question, whether these cases that were corruption, they testify to the growth
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of corruption, or about the fight against corruption, and so far that 60% believe that it is still about the fight against corruption, but now during the war there is really a demand for... justice, it is growing, and corruption is one of those injustices that upset people very much, but we just with mr. the poturaevs were told about the danger of unverified news there, which really becomes such a serious problem for, i would say for the informational survival of the country and society, but the fact that sociologists show that 35% believe in astrologers, and 25% in psychics, seems to me no less threatening trend, i.e. when people prefer to live to a completely rational world, this is not even unverified news, it is just fiction
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with which people fill their information space, so these results also surprised us, and indeed, although it is clear that during a war this is... quite typical, because people lose certain benchmarks, there is more uncertainty and they are looking for something, and the strange thing is that i had a much bigger discussion on facebook about this than any other issue, but one of the contributors also gave data for the united states, if we have... 35% ukrainians believe in astrology, then in the united states - the same indicator: 34
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americans believe in astrology, the same number believe in reincarnation, and perhaps this is a typical situation for our time, not only in ukraine, i do not have data for other countries , because it arises at a time when there are social networks. and the internet is very convenient to carry out this kind of campaigning for this or that way of thinking, well, in addition, i would say that there is no such scientific belief in god, it is not much more scientifically based than belief in the system.
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and there are about 2% of atheists in the world and another 10% of agnostics, well, these are people who declare themselves atheists, as i understand it, well, those who declare themselves atheists, in principle, many people believe in god and go to church as a cultural practice, and may not believe in god or. life after death, but tell me, if we talk about the state of ukrainian society in general, summarizing our conversation, we can say that society is ready for such long trials that are connected with the war, with the post-war period, how stable is this society, if in general, it is possible to talk about society during the war, well , so far we do not know how it will be e. further, but now
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all our indicators show that people no longer believe that the war will end soon, they realize that it will be long, and they say about the fact that they are ready to endure as much as it takes, and they are not ready for any compromises yet, i don't know if this is good or not. because we may have to make compromises and it will be a difficult task to convince the management that this is necessary, so for now the situation from this point of view is quite prosperous thank you, thank you, mr. volodymyr, volodymyr panioto, president of the kyiv international institute of sociology, professor of sociology at the kyiv mohyla
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academy. was in touch with us and we discussed with him the situation that today is connected with the endurance of ukrainian society, because you and i understand very well that these sociological surveys, which we discussed with mr. volodymyr, are such an important part of our understanding of how resilient ukrainian society is in this situation, which has now developed, when we really talk about danger. of a long, multi-year war, with an incomprehensible ending, of course, to anyone, like any war, and how much society is ready to endure to be patient, how much it is ready to endure, how much it is ready to understand the reality in which the ukrainians found themselves, and which will accompany there is still, maybe a long period of our life with you, but i wish you that this period ended as soon as possible, i wish you, dear friends, victory and peace, thank you for being with us and
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see you again. good luck, in ukraine it is 2 p.m. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. we are coming out of the shelter to you today at this time, because an air alert has been announced throughout the territory of ukraine. please stay in safe places, currently there is a trace of enemy mig. and among the most important events at that time , the occupiers attacked the fire and rescue unit in sumy oblast. as a result of the attack , the building of the emergency services was damaged and the technical building was damaged.


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