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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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the most important thing, miro, we congratulate you, and we actually give you the floor, please tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, in this issue i will talk about the situation in different regions of our country, after the shelling by the russians, and also about the ex-regional spy and much more, stay tuned. it's 3:00 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. a truck with a trailer blew up on an enemy mine. the incident happened in a field near the village of ivanivka in the kharkiv region. this was reported to the regional prosecutor's office. equipment was damaged as a result of the explosion. fortunately, the driver did not pass. the occupiers attacked
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the fire-rescue unit in sumy oblast. as a result of the attack, the building of the state emergency service was damaged and equipment was damaged. this was reported by the ministry of internal affairs. at the time of the impact, the rescuers were in shelter. fortunately, no one was hurt. two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. 21-year-old girl and 49-year-old man. were admitted to the hospital. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the invaders hit the city with artillery. as a result of the attack , a two-story residential building was destroyed, private homes, farm buildings and an infrastructure object were damaged. the gas pipeline and power line were also damaged. they tried to connect the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to rosatom. the security service of ukraine detained the engineers in kharkiv. designers. we are talking
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about six former officials of various institutes of ukraine. by order of the occupiers they developed documents for the modernization of russian nuclear plants, and also contributed to the connection of the zaporizhzhya nuclear plant to the enemy's energy system. for cooperation with the occupiers, those involved received a reward in cryptocurrency. all collaborators were informed about the suspicion. according to the investigation, the main figure in the proceedings is... the head of the project organization in kharkiv, who established contact with the rashists through his relative. the man from kharkiv involved five more local scientists in the field of atomic energy in criminal activities. during searches in documents, computers and mobile phones, which they used to cooperate with the enemy, were seized from the participants. law enforcement officers exposed another fraudulent call center in lutsk. according to the investigation materials , the suspects called citizens of different countries and called themselves employees of the investment.
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of this company. later, interlocutors were persuaded to transfer money under the pretext of investing in cryptocurrency. during the searches, representatives of the prosecutor's office seized 45 computers and video surveillance equipment. an unusual hideout of smugglers was found border guards in transcarpathia. during the inspection of the regular bus, the service dog sniffed out prohibited goods. subsequently, the border guards decided to check the vehicle. more thoroughly and found contraband. three fire extinguishers contained cigarettes of different brands. in total, the law enforcement officers counted 158 packs of tobacco products. an ex-regional spied for russia on the border of sumy region. he received information that the occupiers were planning a strike with guided aerial bombs to destroy the defense lines in the region. an enemy agent was apprehended when he tried take a picture of. military facilities,
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the security service of ukraine reported. during the detention , a mobile phone was seized from the man, from which he wanted to send data to the aggressor. the suspect was born in russia and has been living in ukraine for a long time. he was recruited remotely after the deoccupation of the region. now the collaborator is in custody, he faces life imprisonment. allowed spontaneous trade in the capital. law enforcement officers exposed a former official of dniprovsky for bribes. of the district administration, the man took a tribute of uah 15,000 from the merchants every month, in exchange for this promised not to interfere in the work of spontaneous markets. after being dismissed from his post, the man continued the illegal scheme, now he turned to the current officials of the kyiv public works department for permission. currently, the perpetrator has been detained, he faces up to 10 years in prison. the first 20 german soldiers went to a permanent place where. locations to
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lithuania, reuters reports. earlier, the two countries agreed on the deployment of the bundessphere brigade in the baltic state. such a decision was called a historical moment. german unit. in lithuania they have completely to be deployed by 2027, it is about the placement of 4,800 military personnel and about 200 civilians. the military will serve there on a permanent basis in cooperation with nato. it's an important day for the german army, it's the first time we've permanently deployed such a unit outside of germany, and therefore it's also an important day for nato and'. if kyiv loses, we all lose, the foreign ministers of great britain and france told the telegraf publication. together, they urged allies to do more to help ukraine in the fight against russian aggression.
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the ministers believe that european countries will have to pay a much higher price later if they cannot support ukrainians now. main problem. reluctance of russia to carry out exchange processes, said the ukrainian commissioner for human rights dmytro lubinets, commenting on the recent statement of the pope. lubinets emphasized: the russian side is slowing down the negotiations, so the work on the return of our military from enemy captivity is becoming more difficult. let me remind you, during my easter speech to the faithful pope francis called on ukraine and russia to conduct a general exchange of prisoners in all-for-all formats. the russians are constantly storming chasivry in donetsk region, launching hundreds of drones at our military positions, which makes it difficult to evacuate the wounded. how volunteer soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade duk defend the city. see further in our story. chasiv yar in donetsk became
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a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. heavy fighting is going on there now, the city is being defended. units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them - volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade of duk. as for the situation in the time ravine, it is very tense now, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is quite aggressive now, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy is not standing still... unfortunately , and now they have such a number of drones that our guys, already trained in combat, simply cannot, sometimes for hours, simply go from point to point, because they are hanging, well, honestly, just hundreds, just swarms, because constant assaults by the russian army,
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there are many wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take our comrades from the battlefield, two of our boys... recently left by car to a position where they could where they had to get to, well, rather, the evacuation point, the disembarkation point, and then they had to reach the position, then it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot, and just so you understand that they were just walking, there were only two, that is, it is not a group like we're attacking, it's not a technique that we're attacking fpi drones, they can afford to launch... four drones in two people, so for example one of these guys we still can't get out because there's just a barrage of fire. in order to be able to evacuate fellow soldiers at least at night, the soldiers of the 67th brigade need thermal imaging ponchos. in
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chasivyar it is a dominant height, and if god forbid it is captured by the enemy, he will be able to advance very easily further, and these are konstantinivka, druzhkiv... kramatorsk, slavyansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, i.e. the ravine is both strategic and tactical, and generally very important for the lives of people who live beyond, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because in the temporal ravine it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the field. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. such was the news at this time, our team is working so that you will see the updated issue already at 4 p.m.
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well, we continue to inform you about all the most important things and analyze the most important ones. events today, and not only, we are adding nataliya humenyuk to our airwaves in order to find out more about the situation on the southern front, the head of the united coordination. the op center of the defense forces of southern ukraine is already in touch with us. mr. chief, welcome to our airwaves. thank you for finding the opportunity to join. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. so, let's briefly, maybe describe the situation in the southern direction, where the heaviest fighting is going on right now, okay? what the enemy is trying to do now to do, with what, with what resources he operates. well, actually, briefly, if possible, about the operational situation. enemy. continues the pressure, continues to press as a land force in those places where it can
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have combat clashes with our units, these are the bridgeheads of the left bank of the dnieper, and the direction of zaporizhzhia in the vicinity of the working history of majorsky, where the combat line of combat collision is quite flexible and the enemy from time to time is trying to gather active forces in order to ... strike at our positions and loosen their entrenchment, but without success no, three assaults were used in the zaporozhye direction and five combat clashes took place in the kherson region, the enemy continues to test our strength, but has losses and, as usual, minus 60% of the assault groups, and they return to their original armored positions. equipment continues to be economized, the enemy does not use it, on the other hand
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, in the zaporozhye direction , it uses aviation quite actively, here both guided air bombs are in operation, and unguided air missiles, at the same time, the enemy has greatly increased the number fpv drones, already more than 300 units per day are trying to use, our counteraction is not only by fire, but also by radio-electronic warfare. gives certain results, but still, some of the drones, including those equipped with cluster munitions, fly all the way to the right bank of the dnieper, where the enemy drops cluster munitions on civilians. well, the enemy also continues to strike the southern regions of our country, well, in the kherson region, in the odesa region, in the mykolaiv region, using ballistics, these are ballistic missiles, iskandar m is there, well, they use them. various launchers, as far as i understand, whether it is launched from occupied crimea and again
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, how much, well, from what can be said, great capabilities today, or different capabilities today, the armed forces of ukraine have in order to, well, obviously destroy the launchers themselves installations, or in some other way cause damage to the enemy and reduce his opportunities for such attacks. indeed, the fight against the enemy's ballistics consists in the destruction of the object p... that is, the starting one positions, just as the fight against guided aerial bombs consists in destroying enemy aircraft. our work on cotton in the crimea is quite effective, but it must be remembered that it is complicated by the fact that the pickpocket is hiding behind the civilian population. temporarily occupied territories are a very difficult area of ​​work, combat work, where it is important to hit a military object and not get hit. local residents, who serve as human shields for the enemy everywhere.
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the enemy continues to use ballistics virtually throughout our area of ​​responsibility, and just recently, or rather , another ballistic attack on the industry of zaporizhzhia took place, unfortunately, there are victims, six people are already known to have been injured as a result of this attack and the consequences are being clarified, also the enemy... continues to use various types of missiles, including guided aircraft, surface -to-air missiles in various directions, testing and testing our air defense system, in order to understand how to plot the routes of future mass strikes, both drone and missile madam chief, i would like to clarify with you about the latest report about the shooting of ukrainian prisoners of war again, we... who were disarmed, this is not the first time we have seen a similar situation, when the russian occupying
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forces shoot our prisoners of war, and it is said now about the situation that took place in krynky, in krynky, by the way, this is not the first time something like this has happened, do you know anything about the military of the russian federation who carried it out, and actually, are there any details of this, these of this next russian crime? let's rely on verified information without trust. did the information appear in the russian public to unreliable sources, first of all, yes, it could not pass by, and we are checking everything, checking thoroughly, they claim that this is... the situation in the krynyk area, we do not have this yet confirmation, but a thorough check is ongoing, we also saw that the treatment of prisoners of war contains signs of cruel treatment and contains signs of violation of the geneva convention of human rights, all international humanitarian legal
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institutions, regulations and regulations. eh, that's why all these facts are carefully documented, we , together with the prosecutor's office, establish the maximum amount of information we can, identify these participants of the event from one side and the other, so that those who are guilty suffer the deserved punishment, and so far we do not have reliable confirmation of what kind of military it is and which unit they are from and on which territory this event took place, ms. natalie, i would like to ask about this railway that russia, realizing that the crimean bridge after all anyway, well, it is not crimean, it is not ours, it is a bridge, their bridge, it is vulnerable, and this has already been proven by experience, and there remains some shade in them that they still have to complete, again, we will not reveal the cards, in addition, it is obvious that our specialists are thinking about how to stop
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the enemy's work or destroy what he is trying to build, but whether the whole situation with this is monitored at all varies. how to stop work or destroy something somewhere, and here, speaking of perspective, what is the main reason why the enemy decided to combine crimea with rostov-on-danu, there berdyan, everything under this single, single railway line, well, actually you voiced the reason yourself, they really realize that nothing is forever, especially what is superfluous, what is superfluous, the construction already has its own sentence. and it is obvious that at any moment it can be applied and implemented, they take care of alternative ways, precisely because the group of troops located on the temporarily occupied mainland left-bank part of ukraine needs the supply of additional additional resources, they also realize this and
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try to build an alternative path, but precisely because of that. that this route will be used to replenish supplies and army forces, it is a clear military target for our combat work, one of the logistical routes that we will also take under fire control, that is clear, but they are writing about the movement, and also about that the enemy there is transferring troops to the crimea, i don't know in which direction he plans to use them, but just recently this... traitor, collaborator saldo talked about the fact that they they will take kherson again, but somehow now these conversations have disappeared from the ether, the enemy does not prioritize this task, does he see its futility, well, to force a kilometer of the dnieper and in principle rest against our positions, how relevant is this issue now or not relevant, primarily regarding the capabilities of the enemy, which he has concentrated on
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the left bank of the kherson region, well, they like to turn to various scraps so much. and apparently they forgot to reread the classics, and according to the classics not every bird will fly to the middle of the dnieper, such a bird on air cushions, which they equipped a boat with personnel in the direction of the right bank, did not even reach the middle of the dnieper, this attempt was unsuccessful, they tried to sell it as more expensive, as well as cleaning the bridgehead in the mines, but the goods did not come. but the personnel reduced by a quarter in this in this shuttle and the shuttle itself was reduced by a quarter in the reverse way with the current turned in the opposite direction after that they did not even try to try the maneuvers between the islands we do not count because there they try
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deploy observation points and get rid of every time each of our summary. the confirmation of a boat or two, here the enemy’s intentions to return to the right bank are, of course, erased, because there the defensive lines are arranged correctly, classically, and the bank itself is higher than the left one, and because of this, counter-battery fighting on the water, even on the approaches, leads to the fact that the intentions fail, so uh... they won't even try to advance to the right bank, the creation of the flotilla that they were so touted, you see, has also subsided a little, somewhere there gathers its resources. and tries to be useful, but so far there is no question of using it in our area of ​​responsibility. and finally, we would like to clarify, defense ua
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informs that satellite images have shown that the russians can now use the russian caliber again. we remember that they moved their carriers far from the actual shores of ukraine, and we understand that now they will most likely have the opportunity to fire with calibers, but here you are more of an expert than we are, so we ask you to explain what this means. for the ukrainians, in fact, we have never eased the tension due to the missile danger from the black sea, and i have always emphasized that as long as there are russian missiles there , the danger remains, even if they are brought into the bases, unfortunately, this does not guarantee that they will not be applied, we have precedents when they have already done it directly from the sea, and therefore they can do it by going on, for example, a close raid, so... the danger from the sea remains as long as the russian missiles are kept in the sea equipped with calibers, and by the way, regarding the fact that they were
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now able to actually charge these ships with missiles, there were no such opportunities in novorossiysk before that, or should special work have been carried out there so that they could not only base, well, if they were not based , but to hide in novorossiysk, and what are the prospects here, again in terms of how the enemy can increase its capabilities for... loading ships and other capabilities there precisely in the port of novorossiysk. i think naval experts will tell in more detail forces, but from what we know, the missile carriers that the enemy now has are equipped, they have a stock of missiles on board and can be used. further work on the arrangement of the infrastructure there is already in the new base, in novorossiysk, on the arrangement of the service infrastructure. missile launchers and reloading of calibers is being carried out, but at what stage it is, colleagues will probably tell better. thank you, ms. natalie. nataliya humanyuk, head of
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the united coordination press center of the defense forces of southern ukraine, was with us at direct communication, talked about the situation in the south, and also talked about the situation at sea. yes, can the russians now reactivate the use of calibers. actually, i mentioned that the satellites, at least that's what defense express writes about. about the fact that the satellites inform that the russians can now launch russian calibers again, i will remind you that they began to relocate their fleet to this port after our special services are very active in the territory of crimea, yes, and near the coast of crimea , but, by the way, i would also like to talk about current news, yes, there is important information that you should still read, and this information concerns the fact that after... after the case regarding the serving of a summons to a journalist of the investigative info gained publicity , who made a material about the head of the cyber department of the security service of ukraine.
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actually, there is already a reaction from the ukrainian, from the ukrainian prosecutor's office, so in the office of the prosecutor general, they announced that they opened a case regarding the obstruction of the activities of journalists, there is a reaction from law enforcement authorities, let's hope that there will be not only a reaction, but also a normal investigation. of this case, because we know that very often there is a certain reaction, and then somehow it, you know, subsides, and 100 million in damages to the state, a former employee, a former adviser to the president's office, and then there are good people who contribute 30 million and the person goes out on bail and no, i just lead to what we have, and then some letter from some administration may appear, the person can leave, go abroad altogether, i will prove that he has be. kindness in everything and towards everyone, because you know, i just read the statement, tsc employees are not perfect, employees should be treated with respect, i absolutely support this, but citizens should also be treated with respect, not
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to catch a minor like in odesa, no, not to treat, not not to instill a summons as a punishment, again the question should be, there should be a generally normal conversation with society, we either create an effective army that achieves certain results, or we just do some things that take time, the result is not given, but this one the conversation should... because again we have a lot of people, well, let's say we have a war, and there should be information, it should be plentiful and adequate, and let's say this journalist, who dug up the story with the sbu employee, is a professional journalist , when they say, take whoever gets into journalism, what a difference, yes, there is a big difference, a big difference, because then they will not be dug up, then the question is that this journalist will go to the front, and not a few workers who steal by the hundreds will be detained millions, that's how you suffer from it, army suffers from this, each person must do his work effectively and must be principled. the order in this work, what we want, why we are doing it, what is our result, because just saying that no one will sit out, yes, i say, a lot of people will sit out, believe me, for example,
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kyrylo tymoshenko, they were on it affairs. he sat out quietly from one office, moved to another office, then continues to work, the national guard from this one, from block 95, is also sitting out quietly, the kashevo who said, i will not join the army, because i just he will be shot by a sniper, he will sit quietly, simply words must either coincide with reality, or it is better not to speak them, simply words in wartime do not affect society, only truth, sincerity and openness do, and one should always start only with oneself, and not point fingers in those that everyone around you is guilty of something. yes, we have a difficult situation, we understand that such cases add fuel to the fire, which testify to the fact that tsc employees in many cases still exceed their powers, this is also about the bus operation, as we are talking about the use of the tsc as a punitive body, but here everyone must finally draw conclusions and understand that if we continue to work like this, well , we will not go into such a regime, but now we are going on a short break. after it
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