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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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watchmen and just wait for someone to do something for us, they won't do it. thank you very much to everyone who was with us today, marta oliarnyk and vasyl zima worked for you all the coming hours today, our colleagues will continue to work for you, so stay with espresso, see you tomorrow in the same pair. in ukraine, 5 p.m., news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers, and now to the main events. the russians hit bilopyl in the sumy oblast with guided aerial bombs. as a result of shelling there is wounded this was reported in the regional military administration. also, the occupiers struck the civilian infrastructure in sumy from aviation. the consequences of the attack are currently being clarified.
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two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region . a 21-year-old girl and a 49-year-old man were hospitalized. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the occupiers hit the city with artillery, as a result of the attack , a two-story residential building was destroyed. private homes, farm buildings and infrastructure were damaged. also damaged gas pipeline and lines. and the occupiers attacked zaporozhye in the afternoon, hitting an industrial facility. the head of the region, ivan fedorov, reported on the six wounded. in the meantime, volodymyr zelenskyi held the supreme commander-in-chief bid. at the meeting with the military command, they discussed the defense of kharkiv against russian attacks and the restoration of electricity supply in the city, as well as the possibility of strengthening air defense in the region.
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in addition, the head of state heard a report from head of the commissar oleksandr syrsky about the situation on the combat fronts. there , the issue of effective logistics remains important. the law enforcement committee instructed the parliament to adopt a law on the mobilization of convicts. people's deputy maksym buzhanskyi stated this in his telegram. however , not everyone can be sent to the front. exceptions are convicts who have committed crimes against national security, murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and participants in fatal traffic accidents . hearty agreement. a military parade was held in buckingham palace in honor of the 120th anniversary of the formation of the entente. it is about alliance of 1904, which established international and diplomatic cooperation between great britain and france. for the first time in...
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french soldiers took part in the changing of the guard ceremony near the palace. this action was watched by members of the royal family, the duke and duchess of edinburgh, prince edward and his wife sophia. the french ambassador was also an honored guest at the ceremony. however, a similar event took place near the elysée palace in paris. he was watched by french president emmanuel macron and the ambassador of velika britain. the occupiers fired a rocket at the children, today in ukraine they honor the memory of those killed in the russian attack on the kramatorsk railway station. on april 8 , 2022, 61 people, including seven children, died there as a result of shelling. let's remember that terrible day. these are the first minutes after. attacks
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on the kramatorsk railway station on april 8 , 2022. the russians hit him with a guided missile. u, equipped with a cluster warhead. that day, thousands of ukrainians were waiting for evacuation trains. volunteers are for them they organized a special tent where you could rest. after all, at that time kramatorsk was the biggest hub for people leaving donetsk and. luhansk region, when we came to the tent, it was completely cut from debris, when we started to cut it, and to get what was left there, it was very difficult for us, because we did not know what to collect, unfortunately , there were hands, feet, everything mixed up and...
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adult children. anton was one of the first to arrive at the call. the rescuers immediately began to provide assistance to numerous wounded, and then they took away the bodies of the dead. unfortunately, yes. there was such a situation, a girl ran up to me and asked for help, she lost her relatives, i took her in my arms and started looking for her family, and i succeeded, and i found her mother, she was confused, she did not understand what she has to do what she has to do, where she has to go, i advised her to immediately go to the nearest shelter and wait there for a while, because we, we were very afraid that there would be another shelling. russia did not admit its involvement in the crime and claimed that its troops were no longer use the point u missile system.
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an investigation by the international human rights organization human rights watch proved the opposite. experts found evidence that at the time of the attack, the occupiers... had the tochka complex on the territories under their control at the time. representatives of the organization talked with local residents, who told about the use of the dot missile system by the occupiers. around the time of the shelling of the station. in addition, according to the security service of ukraine, several such complexes are located in the temporarily occupied territories of donbas and has been in use for eight years. we do have ... definite evidence that the russian military had missiles at the tochka missile complex in the area around the village of kunye near izyum, and the station was in the direct hit zone of the missile complex, so it appears to be a possible launch site, but further investigation is needed to to finally determine whether it was from there that the launch was carried out. human rights
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watch fully inspected the railway station and found no signs that ukrainian military personnel were stationed there. this means that russia deliberately made a terrorist. unfortunately, and yes, they hit where there were civilians, and this brought a lot of grief and disaster for us, a lot of people died, unfortunately, both adults and children, and those who were even boys. there was a boy who was eight years old, his head was torn off. a few hours before the attack , railway workers took three trains with approximately 4,000 evacuees from the station to kramatorsk. as a result of the impact, they were cut off along the overpass near the barvinkove station. after the impact, the kramatorsk station
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was temporarily closed due to severe damage, work was resumed only after six months. tetyana golunova, espresso tv channel. the russians are constantly storming the yar region in donetsk region, launching hundreds of missiles at the positions of our military, which makes it difficult to evacuate the wounded. how volunteer soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade duk defend the city. see further. chasiv yar in donetsk became a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. heavy fighting is going on there now, the city is being defended. units of the armed forces of ukraine, among them - volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized of the duk brigade. as for the situation in the time ravine, it is very tense now, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying
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to take our positions, and the confrontation is quite aggressive now, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days, the enemy is not standing on... unfortunately, and now they have such a large number of drones that our boys, who are already trained in combat , cannot sometimes just move from point to point for hours, because there are hundreds of them, honestly, just swarms, due to the constant assaults of the russian army, there are a lot of them in the brigade wounded, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment, and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take comrades from the battlefield, two of our boys... disembarkation and then they had to reach the position, so it is impossible to do it by car, it has to be done on foot, and just so you understand that
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they were just walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group, how we attack, it not the tech we attack with fpv drones, they can afford to launch... four drones for two people, eh, that's why, for example, we still can't get one of these guys out, because there's just a torrential fire there, so that there would be an opportunity at least at night... to evacuate our comrades, soldiers 67 -th brigade needs thermal imaging ponchos. in chasivarytsy is the dominant height, and if god forbid the enemy captures it, he will very easily be able to advance further, which is konstantinivka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, i.e. chasivaryt is both strategic and tactical , and in general very important. for the life of people who live for, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because in
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the time abyss it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel. such was the news for this time, we will see you at 6 p.m., read more on our espresso tv website and social networks. also. look for us on youtube, because there are live ether broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us, my colleagues will continue the ether, so don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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see this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized a celebration in honor of... the occupiers. russia is the motherland. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, april 9 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two
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hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations all viewers of the espresso channel, with you. andriy smoliy, and today we will actually speak in the espresso interview program on those topics that usually concern ukrainians, on which ukrainian victory and ukrainian future depend today. first of all, this is a topic that worries everyone today, the topic regarding the actual allocation of funds to our state by the united states of america, by the congress of
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the united states of america. the second topic that we will certainly discuss today is the issue of mobilization, well... and the third topic is possible the parliamentary crisis that everyone is talking about today. in our studio today yehor cherniv, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence, chairman of the permanent delegation of ukraine to the parliamentary assembly of the council, to the parliamentary assembly of nato, deputy chairman of the advisory council on ensuring rights and freedoms defenders of ukraine. mr. yehor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. congratulations. the hero of the left. the first topic, which i have already voiced, it is probably one of the the most important today for our country, in principle for the viability of our country, for the viability of our army and for ukrainian victory. this is a topic that relates to the actual allocation of funds or the blocking of funds now by the lower, lower house,
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representatives of the united states of america, the united states congress, correct? both today and... the previous week , prominent representatives of the actual republican party, and mike johnson himself, the speaker of the actual lower house of the us congress, talked about this very often, that maybe from next week this issue will somehow move from a dead point, yes, but again, we still cannot understand whether it will be a vote, whether it will not be a vote, which bill will be chosen anyway. will this actually be a vote for the bill that was passed by the senate of the united states of america, or will this be the bill that may be considered separately by the republicans regarding the allocation of funds for the loan, yes? that is, as far as i understand, now there are various options that are being discussed with us the main thing is that the funds are still there, here is your opinion, these
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funds will be available in the coming weeks, there will still be some kind of agreement in... the parliament, relatively speaking, of the united states of america, whether it will not be, or is it still possible for us expect that we will not be able to receive these funds again for several months. this is a question that worries both the world community and our defenders at the front today. it is very important. i am not going to predict when we will get this help, because i have only heard it once directly from congressmen, and my friends, both republicans and democrats. that it's about to be voted on, and i 've been filled in that it's going to be voted on before the new year, and after the new year, and then again, but from what i'm seeing, from the messages that i'm getting from, again, the republicans first of all, and we are really close to this
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decision, that is, they are close to the decision, and we are close to the result that this decision brings. two weeks ago i was at an event from the nato parliamentary assembly and there i had a conversation with congressman mike turner, who is the chairman of the house intelligence committee a republican, this is one of the three mikes who are absolutely clear in our support among the republicans, this is the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, mike macaul, the chairman. the defense committee's michael rogers and mike turner are the trio that constantly pushes forward aid for ukraine. what exactly is he saying? he says that a compromise has allegedly been found within the republican party, first of all, and in principle in the middle, within congress, that there will still be
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a separate bill, without the one that passed to the senate, already without a border. so that it would still be easier for him to come to the house of representatives, and this is one of the compromises on the part of the republicans, the republicans also insisted that at least the part that is direct financial assistance to ukraine should still be a loan, i.e. from those 60 billions, almost 60 billion dollars, which are planned to be allocated to ukraine. about 12 billion can be as a loan, and the rest as non-returnable military aid, this is what is circulating now. within the congress, regarding terms, again well, what he said that after returning from the easter vacation, they will have the first
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internal question, the second question should be precisely about ukraine, and there is supposedly a certain internal agreement within the congress with the democrats , including to preserve johnson's position, ah...they promised not to vote for his resignation if it was passed by his republican colleagues from the same trumpian same wing, so basically it looks like we're really close to that decision and that johnson , and from it's actually up to him to just put it to a vote, and that we can actually get that decision soon. that is, relatively speaking, sometime in april-may, we should go out to get this help, if everything goes well, as far as i understand. i
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hope so, because we have to understand that in addition to this decision in the parliament , procedures should be carried out regarding the allocation of these funds, regarding the filling of new packages and the sending of these packages to ukraine. of course, well, let's actually expect that you will actually decide positively. for our country this is an issue, another very important thing, we are talking now not only about help from the united states of america, we are also talking about help from our other key allies, that is , the nato bloc in general, and this is very important, for example, for example, nato secretary general stoltenberg, he took the initiative to create such a fund within nato for about 100 m . how far is it generally possible for different states, relatively speaking, to build such a fund,
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create it, and yet ukraine could in to use these funds in the future. it is clear that we will tell the audience that there will be funds not only from the united states of america, but also from various nato countries. it is possible, and what kind of mechanism will it be in this. year, will something be laid there for the future, for the following years, maybe or maybe something will be allocated from these funds, let's say, for the reconstruction of our country, what is your point of view, how do you see it, as an expert in this field , and i think that such a proposal was dictated before everything is the fear of nato member countries that the position will change after... the elections in the united states will change the position regarding the general participation of nato in helping ukraine and the participation of the united states in the alliance itself.
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that is why, in order to somehow secure both himself and ukraine, stoltenberg was there, who absolutely clearly supports ukraine from the first days of a full-scale invasion and tries to do the best he can in his position. he proposed such an idea to create such a fund for 100 billion dollars, so far there are more questions than answers, because there is very little information about this idea, ah, it is not new, they discussed it, but, for example, the idea of ​​fixing at the national level at the legislative level of the member countries of the alliance, ah, expenditures for assistance to ukraine at... the level of 0.25%, this is estonia's proposal and estonia's initiative, well, at the same time, such options as the creation of a special fund were considered, but, first of all, this is the creation of a social fund
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for 100 billion for 5 years, that is, 20 billion each annual, 20 billion from all nato member countries, but to be honest, it is not very much, again, that's including bilateral aid, or separate to... to it, because we have now on a bilateral basis aid from germany, from britain, from others, there's three, there's five, there's 8 billion a year, and in principle, these are quite substantial sums, secondly, if we are talking about the decision of the alliance and, and the decision of the alliance is always taken by consensus, how will hungary behave, and how will ... how will slovakia behave, for example, will they block this these funds and we simply will not be able to use them? third, now we
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at the alliance level we get only air aid, whether these funds will be directed to the purchase of weapons, and whether hungary or some other countries will again be blocked there. therefore, there are still a lot of questions and very few answers, and if this is still considered as an alternative, ah, or not even an alternative, but as an option to record the obligations of all countries, including of the united states to provide assistance to ukraine through such an instrument, frankly, i doubt that if trump decides something, if he decides not to help anyway, he will not help ukraine even through this fund, simply by not providing money there. but thank you for at least looking for some answers, looking for some options on how to get out of the situation when you are in
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trouble. with the change of governments, with the change of political teams, the position of countries may change not only in the united states, in the 24th year we have a lot of elections in europe as well, but in order to ensure this, i understand that these funds are trying to be created. another very important question, international, or bilateral, or rather, relations of our state, this question actually of president macron, so today macron is very... actively talking about supporting ukraine, macron is very actively talking about the possible sending of troops to ukraine, and in general, in essence, he has become, well , a kind of pioneer in terms of certain initiatives, in particular aid to ukraine, those initiatives that no one has ever talked about, which other european and american politicians have often kept quiet
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about, in your opinion... can it be organized, or can we expect it, for example, this year or in the coming months , or in general should we expect this help, or can this be considered a kind of political move by macron, which will not have any definite consequences in the future, and i think it is too early to give an assessment, indeed, president macron has a lot of ideas, we have seen initiatives in recent years. and not all of them come to practical implementation, but it is very important that these conversations started in general, that this issue, which in principle was not considered even a year ago, was raised to the level of discussion, as it is, we will send our troops to ukraine, the question is different, in which, in what capacity to send,
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or for combat, or for training? whether there is logistical assistance there or something else, this question is already secondary or perhaps tertiary, if a decision is made to provide military aid by the regular army, it will change the approaches of this war in general, and it is good that it has begun, this discussion has begun , i say, it is still far from its real practical implementation, of course, that... including that macaron uses it for his internal promotion and within the country and as a leader , a bid for leadership in europe, because now germany lost its leadership after merkel left, britain, if not so much in europe, because it left the eu, and it does not have other interests, and here macron is still trying to take leadership inside europe, in including such
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statements. and it is very telling that some countries have reacted that they do not exclude such a development of events and such assistance, this kind of assistance for ukraine, but again, let's not be deceived, tomorrow there will be no french soldiers in ukraine, well, let's assume, let's simulate, that macron after all is sending its troops to ukraine, let's say there to odesa or to the west of our country or... to the northern border of our country, but if we are talking about this, will nato's permission be needed to place french troops on the territory of ukraine? this is very important, because in this case there may be a certain collision, relatively speaking, between the national legislation of france and international law, relatively speaking, because france is a member of the north atlantic.


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