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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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water, well, there is one more question, i know that dnipro, in my opinion, is even the leader in ukraine in allocating funds for the needs of the defense forces, well , global defense forces, because it can be the national guard, and the armed forces of ukraine, and the sbu, there are different divisions, gur, so globally the defense forces, well, territorial defense, and what is the current situation with the implementation of the budget, let's talk about the city then, if it is obvious that the representatives of the regional council should still be there, then let's talk about the city, what is the situation for'. budget, what are the problems and prospects the most important thing in view of what is available, well, it is important that the city has, at least resources, not only to cover the needs that are prescribed in the budget, even more so the protected articles, to cover the needs that may arise, look, well, for today day, thank god, everything is fine in dnipro with the budget, and we basically manage to do everything, we do everything necessary, and everything is working at full capacity with us, in terms of provision. even i
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will tell you that now, in principle, dnipro also hosts major sports events, but the day before there will be the championship of ukraine in wrestling sambo, there was a championship of ukraine in greco-roman wrestling, that is, in principle, our city currently even has an opportunity when we can please the people, residents, a little, even such people, you know, distract a little from the war, with some sports events, so the question now , now of course there are some around the city. jobs that can be, you know, supported, yet you can't fall into such despair, you know, a state of war. the city is trying, and the government is trying, so that somehow spring will come and i want people to have a relative mood. thank you very much for your work and comments. danylo miro, a deputy of the dnipro city council, was in touch with us, here are such pictures, as they say, well, in the good sense of pictures, i'm not saying, life. petrovshchyna is
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, of course, where it borders the kakhovsky riverbed, the former kakhovsky reservoir, there is of course constant shelling, the manganese brigade, nikopolshchyna, in general, the enemy is constantly shelling globally, well, but again , the enemy does not exclude from what people say, assessing the positions of the troops, the accumulation of troops, certain maneuvers, that is, well, any offensive, that is long-term preparation, which is very difficult to hide from satellites, from the intelligence of the world, especially those that today... to the armed forces of ukraine, everything at some stage will become clear one way or another, where the enemy wants to strike a critical blow, or at least where he creates groups, somewhat similar to those of the ugri, to some other groups, and then one of them can go on the offensive, and the other can be distracting, well, there are many tactics different, but the dnipro is also, you see, preparing and understanding that the enemy can also go from the bottom of donetsk region, and or from the zaporizhia region can also try to come here, that's why... that's why it's
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important, and we'll still have a conversation today, a difficult conversation in the sense that the enemy, the enemy hit zaporizhzhia, but, unfortunately, there are casualties, yes, now i have here askadash rubekov with us, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. askada, i congratulate you and offer my sincere condolences, because the fact that people died today, the enemy hit zaporizhzhia again, please tell me from what this situation is now known, congratulations, congratulations. well, we envy our neighbors the dnipros, that they have a more or less calm situation, unfortunately, the situation in zaporizhzhia is more critical, already on another day the enemy continues to shell the regional center, and the communities of the suburbs, the front-line communities, today in fact among the white day o, the enemy hit an industrial enterprise in the city of zaporizhzhia, and this enterprise is also bordered by residential sectors, where there are many, many high-rise buildings, as of now, three people have died, eight have been injured, dozens of houses,
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high-rise buildings were damaged, communal services are working, but i want to note that in general, it is already the fourth day in a row, yes, when the enemy continues to be in zaporizhzhia and is being cynical, in broad daylight, specially increasing the number of victims and victims among the civilian population , in a different way, somehow it is very difficult to explain their tactics, especially since the monitoring groups recorded flights of russian ashes before the impact, which deliberately... actually saw where they were hitting, whether they saw residential quarters and deliberately hit there, it was both today, and yesterday, and the day before yesterday, that is , dozens of houses were damaged, this must be understood, it was the arrival of one rocket, as far as i understand, iskander, and the enemy used iskander m, from what i read, we can say that this is ballistics from temporarily full crimea, because again, a very, very important nuance is that, in general, all the strikes that are now from... on zaporizhzhia, well,
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probably the last six months, they are taking place after air pressure signal, i.e. 2-3 the minutes are in place, it was not today in mysian either, from the air alarm signal to the impact of this ballistic missile, it is very... important, for sure, that today there are no alarms in zaporizhzhia, if earlier people there thought that it was possible there are cabins in the front-line communities, so today every alarm carries a very big danger and people should , after all, proceed as quickly as possible to expose the destruction, of course there are 14 houses that have not been completely destroyed, this is destruction from a shock wave , from there partial hits, but again, this is a fairly large volume of the housing stock, which today needs to be restored by force. regional council, regional administration, regional council and other resources, well, i also want to ask, again, about what we can talk about, because there are some nuances that are discussed by specialists, or local authorities, the armed forces, or only the armed forces and so on, well, but here there must be a consensus in the work
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, both financial and technical, and regarding the construction of fortifications, well, this is an extensive system, it everything is not easy, it is difficult, but this work is being done, we are doing well... we understand that the enemy is pushing at the work naked, also from other directions, the enemy wants to move on, and zaporizhzhia is also his priority goal, like the dnipro, or like kharkiv, or like sumy, or like kyiv, and it’s just a question of where, where is easier for him, not what is easier, where for him, where he has more strength, means now in order to move forward, that is why zaporizhzhia is in the risk zone of this possible enemy attack, or shall i say , just so that there is nothing so secret not to reveal whether there is financial support for those... night and specialists, first of all, in order to build these fortifications before a possible enemy attack, whether there are any problems with this, although i understand that this is often done under the threat of enemy strikes , and unfortunately, well , they may not know that zaporizhzhia region, but i know that, unfortunately, people die and
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are injured, those who today at this time continue to protect the cities with these buildings, please, unequivocally, of course, that the situation... is complicated, ah, it is big the amount of information in public access, and this is also important, because the information is given to the population in a dosed manner, so that the population understands what works are being carried out, that in general there is a large number of works that the regional military administration, the military, because there are many and informational and psychological operations of the enemy, that zaporizhzhia is somehow not being defended or fortified, in fact, everything is not so, and that is why there is a sufficiently large amount of public information, today, very quickly... regime, fortifications are being built, we have public information about the allocation of funds from the cabinet of ministers, two trenches, actually for the zaporizhzhia region, well, quite a large volume, even compared to other regions, that is, these works are being carried out today, well, we must understand that the key, let's say a guideline, who sets the pace of these works,
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the configuration and so on, is our military, that is, there are already civilians there, even the military administration there or other local military administrations there, communities, they are actually already there simply partners, or... executors in one or another works, that is why today it is all done under the auspices of the military and we in the zaporizhzhia region do not see any problems with the disruption of tenders or with any shifts in the dates of these tenders, that is, everything is going well the way it should go technologically, so today it can be stated that everything is being built, it is being built at the pace set by the military, we literally have one and a half minutes, but i can’t say very briefly, the first thing there was an explosion, the detonation of a drone at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. they immediately said that it was not us, to remove all questions, whether there was something serious and secondly, these socio-economic problems are on the scale in the occupied territories, if the enemy spits on socio-economic problems in russia, there their dam will burst, well and it seems that everything is okay for them, i understand the attitude towards the local population in the occupation, if possible
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briefly, firstly, secondly, look, well , the situation is clear in detail, yet another provocation by the russians, because they continue provocations with electricity cuts feeding. detonation of drones, our energy workers in the controlled territory are repairing everything and trying to somehow secure the station, so i think that this will continue until the station is demilitarized, unfortunately, there is no other scenario. what concerns the socio-economic situation, look, well , for the russians, the key task for the temporarily occupied territories is military action, everything else that is different, or not subject to military action, is secondary, tertiary for them, they will not do it, very soon we will come to terms with the fact that we will have offspring. after last year's explosion of the kokhovskaya hydroelectric power station, that is, i am sure that people in the temporarily occupied territories will have problems with drinking water, with irrigation and so on, because the russians have not done anything in this direction all year, and now in the summer we will see these problems , therefore , in the temporarily occupied territories, the number of humanitarian crises, unfortunately, will only
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increase, but i think that they are most interested in those people who can still be mobilized in or in the army of the occupier or for certain jobs, the rest of the people are absolutely not interested in them, unfortunately, thank you very much, askada shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in touch with us, well, this is such a true tactic of the russians, to capture the territory, how many people survive there, then it doesn't matter, then that's it does not matter. destroy everything, rebuild something and say that it is our family, but we understand that the enemy will not succeed in this, globally there will not be enough resources for everything, and therefore today the least resources go to the occupied territories, you just live there, well, you live, if you you can't eat meat, unfortunately, it's like, well, what about us, i'm not there anymore, well, we 'll talk about this topic, because there's medicine, then all the other things, i imagine, unfortunately, that is happening to our citizens in the occupation, and serhii zgorets, director of the defense express agency, presenter of the column, joins. military results of the day, serhiy, congratulations, please give me the floor, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today in our column we
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will talk about the russian offensive plans according to the estimates of our leader gur, about how our soldiers are destroying enemy equipment and about the combat operations near bakhmut, more precisely during viyar, bohdanivka and ivanovsky, what has changed there in the last day, in a conversation with our soldiers, about this in a moment. ukraine expects russia to step up offensive actions in late spring and early summer. volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about this earlier. now this was repeated by the head of the main intelligence department, kyrylo budanov, in an interview with the german tv channel ard. and budanov assumes that the russian troops will first of all try advance near donetsk in the direction of chasvyar, and successfully in the direction of the city. pokrovsk, at the same time, the head of guru believes that
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there will be no significant changes on the front line before the start of this expected russian offensive, and now he assesses the situation traditionally, like all military personnel, that the situation is difficult, but controlled, while budanov, strangely enough, suggests does not even rule out a ukrainian offensive this year. however, this publication is aimed more at a western audience, at a western reader and at western politicians, while on the front lines, the enemy is now seeks to take advantage of the window of opportunity when our armed forces suffer from a lack of ammunition, artillery, and operations are conducted by depleted units in need of replenishment, and here i will repeat the important statement of the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk, who today called for supporting the defenders with word and deed and join the ranks of the armed forces, according to him, until... the armed forces are fighting fiercely and restraining the occupiers along the entire front line, russia is trying to shake
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our rear, sow enmity, panic, distrust of the army, and the enemy is spending on it crazy resources, and so pavlyuk called on ukrainians to leave emotions behind, not to give in to provocations, he said that we must realize that no one will be able to sit back, because the fate of the country, the fate of our nation is at stake... russia will not leave anyone alone, and pavlyuk believes , that now is such an extremely important historical moment that fate has given us, either we will protect and preserve the state, or we will disappear as a nation, and now on the front line, i repeat, the enemy is trying to use his advantage in manpower and equipment, and now in addition to such active use of cabs, which everyone knows about, the enemy also began to actively use armored vehicles for... for assaults, when there is a tank or bmp with an armored landing party trying to quickly break through to our
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defense line, and there is a video, not this video, and another thing, but in any case, there is such a unique video when russian tanks are hit, as many as 20 of these russian infantrymen are scattered from this tank, as many as 20 from one tank, like cockroaches, i’m even surprised that so many russian soldiers could sit down. on one of his tanks, and another one from enemy novelties, this is when enemy tanks and bmps begin to be equipped with fpv drone systems, but now we see this video, where this tank was still stopped by our fpv drone under the thorns, this enemy tank was unique in that they pulled it all the way up to at least eight different samples of rebs in each sector, installed a generator, but everything was still there from the fourth attempt, this... expensive tank was hit, and there was an even less interesting story, when this tank, our 12th
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azov brigade pulled out, there in three days they found an opportunity to pull out this tank, now this tank trophy, tank t-72b3m version, and even this new reb system is currently being analyzed by our military in order to understand what is good and what is bad in this system, then we will talk in more detail about the front line, there were 76 combatants in the past day clashes, half again fell on the area west of bakhmut, that's bilogorivka, disputed, bohdanivka, ivanovska and, of course, yar times. and now we are joined by denys nagorny, the chief of artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bakhmud direction, mr. denys, i congratulate you, probably from a new rank, because before you were a major, now you have already been given the rank of lieutenant colonel, congratulations on this important biographical and military step forward, so
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good evening, studio, good evening, dear tv viewers, i am very glad to see you, mr. denis. i would like you to explain the situation that is currently happening under ee bakhmut, more precisely around the time of the yaru, because there were counterattacks, the enemy was repulsed, the enemy was there yesterday there was information that he had transferred the reserves again, today there were, if i am not mistaken, combat operations somewhere in the area under bohdanovka, what is happening there now, what has changed in the last few days, because all of them were extremely difficult, eh, these are the changes. this has changed the amount of artillery use, of course, because lately, the situation is such that the earth resembles a lunar landscape, and it's one thing when, as they say, you get hit by artillery, and when artillery hits you, it's not very good at all, and yes vice mainly concentrated the main
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efforts of the attack on bohdanivka, on the kanal microdistrict, on ivanovsky and on krisiivskyi heights why exactly there, because he, they need an exit to a strategic height, to a time ravine, for them it is like a key point for the donbas fortress, that is why they tighten the artillery as much as possible, despite the fact that there is a large-scale counter-battery fight, they try as much as possible bring in tactical aviation, bombers, in particular , kab strikes are coming on the city of times itself, and also for... the use, oh, the massive use of their armored vehicles has begun, as you saw, as you said, that is being pushed in there 20-30 personnel each, sometimes more, these are, let's say, anthills on tracks, on tracks, and they try to bring this landing force as far as possible to the line of
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combat so that they can go directly to assault actions in the future, such... we try, let's say, not to allow them, and only a rumble begins somewhere two or three 5 km away, thanks to our eyes, thanks to our aerial reconnaissance, we manage to burn this colony by 50-70% by the time they will approach directly to entering into battle with our infantry, but still the enemy is extremely numerous, that is, after avdiyivka it is... most likely he concentrated his main efforts here, and in the future he will be at any cost, regardless of losses, despite why try to capture this city. mr. denis, i will still ask about these tactics, i am trying to explain to myself why they are doing this, can it be assumed that they are trying
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to conduct these fast armored assaults, because we are a little short of artillery, and fpv drones are in use more slow than artillery, and they probably hope to quickly approach with such armored assaults and survive a little, that is, is there a special feature in this that fpv drones, well, they can’t work as fast as artillery, maybe i’m wrong, just i want to understand why they changed the tactics, look, the application of any system and use to it requires a certain time, for example, here is our favorite artillery, it is necessary for the carrier to receive an instruction. more precisely, the gun commander gave an instruction to the gunner, he approached and fired a shot, yes the operator of the fpv drone itself, fpv, does not constantly hang in the air, and therefore there are such swarms that land, for example, we have already learned to take off there, land and wait for a certain moment in order to hit them as much as possible, but ,
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maneuvers on the target, maneuvers on the target and... it is extremely difficult to hit when it moves especially, when all the columns start to move, then it becomes much more difficult to fry them, let's say, when they just go in groups of infantry, then it's like a target that does not constitute a person, a person that does not constitute a special effort for artillery or for others types of weapons, and let's put it this way, the bmpha, which is killed under the hill er... by the russians, and when it flies in, then yes, it is more difficult to fight with it, it is such a new feature, but i think that in the future we let's make it so that they will not fly in... they will even be afraid to think about how the counter-battery fight is currently built, how effective it is, why do i ask that one of the enemy's new nuances is the use of
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these guided missiles krasnopol combined there with their drones, there there was, well, i know the guys who are standing there near bakhmut, i say krasnopol is starting to fly, that is, in fact, in the format of a counter-battery fight, they made a bet on this thing, and how are we trying to destroy it? their artillery, what is the current situation in this context? well, let's start with the enemy, the situation is such that earlier they used a barrage lancet, which was led by orlan, and discovered that if orlan detects our firing cannon, accordingly, then lancets fly there, all in a row, that is, against this we used anti-mine nets and so similar but their lancets began to be modernized into scalpels and the same... the nets have to be stretched two or three nets at a time, dug in, roughly speaking, underground, i will say that the war has passed from the stage, let's say, let
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's say, trench to underground, because , firstly, there are a lot of these lancets in the air, a lot of arlans, and secondly, this is krasnopolie, the situation was on a personal example, well, in the direction where our fourth brigade of operational line assignment is located, when at first we fired... artillery, then several flew lancets, and then flew directly to krasnopol, that is, the problem really exists, and in krasnopol they are guided by a laser beam, unlike excalibur , which, for example, hits on certain data, the situation with krasnopol is a little more difficult, if they really discovered, then it is not necessary to dig, in general, underground. to hide with him in the same way, they most likely adopted this tactic from us, because most of their artillery knocked out high-precision ammunition, thanks to the use of high-precision
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ammunition, thanks to the fact that at the moment i am using the synergy of fpivions, we manage to effectively, let's say, fight against what they are bringing here, but unfortunately, there is such a tendency that they have this shooting soviet... unnecessary so many, and every time, for example, we have such an indestructible cannon, which you shoot at, and you think, every time they put something new there and you think, how much of this crap do you have there, and what is the way use of protection against lancets in krasnopol for with the help of smoke screens, to what extent does it work, or is it, let's say, a weak option for defense or deception of the enemy, how does it work? well, let's put it this way, after all, we took it from them, because who first started burning tires, that is, on fire tires, when they are fired upon and near the guns, and thinking
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that the gun was hit, it was the russians, the russians directly started setting fire, making smoke bombs curtains, this is how you can create smoke curtains, but to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary only in a complex, this is engineering training, this is also... nets, these are the same smoke screens, this is the same air defense complex, which will be against the air defense complex, which will hit the detection means itself in time to blind them, if they see less, then they shoot nowhere, and this quite an effective thing, because now is such a stage of the war that the more you see, the more you understand what and where and how, let's say, you mentioned that from us... let's say, not a trench , underground, to carry out such measures, now in fact, well, some artrigadas, some division, knows, they want to change the basic structures, they want to have, so to speak,
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a division of reb, a division of unmanned complexes and to expand the number of their own technical engineering means that allow them to dig in there faster, they want to have even, conditionally speaking, even such cranes that allow these concrete structures can be quickly placed wherever needed. what is the example of your brigade, is there a need that the war requires a change in personnel structures, or is your structure optimal in order to cope with all the risks? war in any case requires certain staff structures, because if you focus on one and the same structure and do not change the very approach to waging war, then this is a straight road to nowhere, simply to collapse. but the war, if you approach the war with the meaning that, for example, yes, we did not know what a rubak was before, a company of shock troops, we did not know what
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a reb company was, there were battalions. batal rubak, they didn’t know what an engineer was, engineering rivals, for example, the units are the same, so at the moment it is vital requirement, let's say this, if earlier in the mechanized brigades there were certain such units, here we also take the example of our brigade, there are such units, they were already based on the formation, that is , certain steps were already thought out, so at the moment it it is desirable to embody already... life already in a general sense, that is, to understand in general that symbiosis that in the air will reign not only as not only us, but also the enemy, and that in any case, let's say this, we have to go underground, and so for example, we also take russians, yes, they went underground a long, long time ago, if you take the front line, that piece where we hold this piece of land, it's big,
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then... most of their infantry is underground, it's not very difficult to detect the movement of infantry units , that's why we try to find out in advance when they come up, give them a ride, so as not to give them the opportunity to accumulate, because they dig like that quite quite well, i will say so, and their legs, well, when we got into one of the legs, then there is a whole underground town, and well, me... more about our guys, our guys are also super handsome, they can dig such certain towns overnight that even the soul rejoices, i will ask a little more about the counter-battery fight, can it be said that now when enemy targets are detected , unmanned aerial vehicles have again come to the fore complexes, i.e. counter-battery radars, sound-metric complexes, they are already in principle receding into the background, is such
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a conclusion incorrect. absolutely wrong conclusion, because any kind of intelligence is intelligence, any kind of intelligence is one of the system analysis of the enemy, for example, if you don't see anything from the sp, if you don't see anything from the radar, then you can use the same language, at least know the direction from which they are shooting at you, then this cannot be rejected, this let's say, one of those complexes that overcomes that necessity, for example, when you can't lift the copter, you can't lift the copter, you can turn on the radar, you can't turn on the radar, you can ask what they see observation points, do not see observation points, fog, you can ask azk, azk doesn't see, some more, some more, some more, that is, this, i'll say this, you can't just refuse it,
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it's the basis of the basics. this is what i am saying, any kind of intelligence, any information, it is information, who owns the information, owns the course of the battle. mr. officer, thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanation, once again i congratulate you on your new rank, and i would like to remind you that it was denys nagorny, lieutenant colonel of the national guard of ukraine, chief of staff of the artillery of the fourth rubizh brigade, which is currently operating in the bahamian direction, as we see, uses all approaches, all technological solutions, tactical solution. in order to effectively destroy the enemy, we have everything, we need more ammunition, i think that this is the main challenge facing our armed forces today, in order to destroy the enemy, this applies to the bakhmut direction, chasivyar, and other areas, where the enemy is trying to push through our defenses, if the help from our partners is timely and powerful, then the actual losses of the enemy will be colossal, and this will allow us to solve the task of the war directed at the current stage
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to exhaust the enemy. stay on the espresso channel, there will be news of economic and political importance, stay on the espresso channel. i thank serhii zgorets, i thank his guest, these were the military results of the day, well, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information is waiting for you yuliy fizer, the world about ukraine. also, today we invited a guest of the people's deputy of ukraine, we will discuss. current topics, of course, this week should consider the law on mobilization, the russian orthodox church, telegram channels, much more. well, now about the most important news, i will tell you in detail. unfortunately, two people were injured as a result of shelling in nikopol , dnipropetrovsk region, a 21-year-old girl and a 49-year-old man were hospitalized. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. the occupiers hit the city with artillery, as a result of the attack, a two-story residential building was destroyed, private homes and
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commercial buildings were damaged. there will be an infrastructure object as well.


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