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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EEST

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i'm in my sixties and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovitalal+ - good health, active life. the herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes. herovital energy. reception once a day. football format. changes its broadcast time, from now on you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and and simply for people who appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. the verdict from rudenko, from now on in
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a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, this is a big ter i remind you, my name is vasmayu, we add mykola knyazhytska to our conversation, people's deputy of ukraine, mr. mykola. greetings,
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greetings, many important topics, but let's start with the local elections in poland, the latest exit poll data, what i watched, that law and justice wins, tell me more, because these are different levels of elections, mayors, president, mayors, diet members, to enter, it is for the people to understand what this means first of all for poland itself, and then let's see what it means for ukraine. well, exzit-pol shows data for the whole of poland, although, for example, in the city of warsaw, the mayor won more than 57% of the people's coalition. and won in the first round, in krakow the mayor, the candidate for law and justice did not even make it to the second round, but in the regions bordering ukraine, in eastern poland, so-called, peace traditionally wins there and they won, there is no big disaster here, so that the party is right and fair, i supported ukraine very actively, after the start of the full-scale invasion, then all these border blockades really started, and that government did nothing, we hoped for a new one, the new one did not do much either, it is very important for us from the point of view of european integration. so that
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the pro-european forces win, and the fact that in general the coalition that is currently in the parliament won more than 50% of the votes, it is not one party, it is three, the coalition of the obovitelas, the third is droga and the left, so together they won more than 50%, this means , which they essentially confirmed election results, well chaskowski, the mayor of warsaw, now has every chance to run for the president of poland from the obywatelska coalition, you see, tusk, who is the leader of the obywatelska coalition, hoped. that even according to this nationwide exit poll, they will bypass law and justice, but this did not happen, and just as they flirted a lot with all these peasants who blocked the borders, and the election result showed that these flirtations were in vain, this indicates that what is possible now after the local elections ukrainian-polish relations will improve somewhat, and at least the polish authorities will be able to act more decisively against border blockades, for example, against those steps that are behind... a threat to the national security
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of ukraine and poland itself, which are blocking ukrainian-polish relations, so i hope that the situation will to develop for the better, well, here regarding the question of the polish border communities, will the victories of one or other forces there affect the influence, perhaps on these blockaders, this is again a hypothetical question, and secondly, i know that in poland the issue of aid to ukrainians will be reviewed in in terms of financial assistance, some other rights and opportunities and security for those ukrainians who remain in poland today in view of the war, and whether the elections will have any effect on this issue, maybe it is up to the communities to decide, well, maybe there is no influence, just for the sake of understanding, no, the local local elections will not affect this, the local elections raised the general temperature in the ward, so to speak, but it is obvious that these are different parties, there will be different coalitions, and everyone has remained in their interests, so somehow the fact that they happened, the fact that they happened democratically is good, and maybe now the situation will be less politicized.
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economic relations with ukraine, the most important thing is relations on the border, there are many very painful moments, there are moments when the ukrainian authorities make mistakes, for example, they say that our ministry. of education turned to the poles so that ukrainians could receive, ukrainian children received education in polish schools, and this is a big problem, because for younger children, it's okay, it's normal, but teenagers there, for example, very many of them want to return, and it is difficult for them to study in these polish schools, it is simply difficult, if they ended up there at the age of 15 or 16, they study remotely in ukrainian schools, and when they will be driven away, but they were obliged, here there is a problem, because this problem is psychological for them, it is not easy for them, these are people from the affected regions, people... conditioned, and secondly, it is less likely that they will return, we would like them returned, so i think distance learning is not a bad solution for ukrainians in this situation, well, i was once in poland, then i even had the opportunity to talk with ukrainian children, say, there from melitopol, from other such cities that are under
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occupation, there and in a ukrainian school, well, there are ukrainian school, in kraków, they studied, and there are certain problems, just psychological state, emotional, moral state, well, i understand what could happen, if it was, let's say... well, but it's a long story, there actually there are many problems, and nine years have passed, well, tomorrow will pass as it was the verkhovna rada passed a law legalizing the process of decommunization, but today i even found your post on the 15th of that year about the fact that at that time, well, i won’t name the name, i don’t want to, certain activists, activists, political and urban activists spoke out with a warning that this decommunization can lead to the destruction of cultural... monuments as a result of the adoption of the law on decommunization, in fact, what time was it, how it was perceived then, how much has changed in these nine years, and are we really already passed this process, or at what stage the process of documenting paradoxes in that it was not a package of laws, the law on opening archives was passed through the committee that i headed,
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and other committees discussed other laws, but since we had a committee on humanitarian policy, what concerns the memory it also passed through us, and it is still very difficult, my law on humanitarian decolonization has not yet been adopted, and there are many. with this problem, soviet monuments still remain in many regions, in the same poltava, for example, not all have been demolished, wants a part of it, well, you see that people are fighting for the conservatory to bear the name of tchaikovsky, calling him a great ukrainian, although the fact that he had a ukrainian great-grandfather does not make him a ukrainian, he himself considered himself russian, or the story of bolgakov, when such bolgakov lovers do everything and talk about the fact that he was a great ukrainian, you know, no one forbids reading bulgakov, he was a talented writer, and no one forbids having and reading it, but asserting , that bulgakov was ukrainian, although he himself considered himself a russian and was critical of ukrainians and ukrainian culture, with hatred, one might say, that's why the institute of national memory essentially called
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him such a ukrainophobe, but that's what he was, he wasn't any ukrainian, read him, read him, but you don't have to to tell that he is a great ukrainian, but ukrainians have remained in this colonial syndrome, well, we do not say that shlomo... was a great ukrainian, either roth, or juliusz slovacky, or joseph konrad, a brilliant writer, mariner of polish origin from berdycheva, we are not we say: "let's fight for konrad, for the fact that he was ukrainian, or no one says, let's fight for edichka limonov, because he's from kharkiv and his last name is savenko, and he's ukrainian, he's our writer." and here we sort of sort like this, this ukrainian, this non- ukrainian, a ukrainian is someone who is a part of ukrainian culture. speaks, communicates, creates in the ukrainian language, this is someone who does not reject, ukrainians are also good and bad, like representatives of all peoples and nations, there is nothing strange here either, so of course, this decolonization has not yet passed the most important thing in people's minds, well, you see,
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the strangest thing here, maybe for many is that even such a terrible war, and when russia showed this mysterious soul of its, which in reality is obviously not there, mysterious, and people keep saying, well, let something happen. is this just colonialism or can it be called something else? post-colonial syndrome, post-colonial syndrome, people, well , the colony, the russians for a reason, now that they are occupying territories, they are destroying ukrainian books, libraries, this is not new, it is important for them to prove that ukrainians do not exist, that there is no such people, that there is no such nation, our task is to preserve ukrainian culture, the ukrainian language, the ukrainian people, this is our key task, this is despite the fact that now i am looking at the statistics, that there has almost been a three-fold increase in the sales of ukrainian booksellers, who sell ukrainian literature, not only ukrainian, of course, in translation, and foreign literature, which now has kilometer-long queues for theaters, well, let's say, the franko theater, here in lviv i was in the zankovetska theater, the halls were full, it is important that people come, watch ukrainian, listen to ukrainian, read ukrainian, so
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i think that this is also a process that will lead to final decommunization, and of course it is important that the enemies remove from the information space, or at least irresponsible people, even if they are not enemies, but without... we are talking about such a platform as telegram, and you started this initiative, this discussion and not about a ban, but about a certain regulation, and already all this time, something is going on, but let's get back to the point, at what stage do you think this discussion is now on the normalization of certain rules for telegram or on a complete ban, and why are you now, after listening to everything that is being said and said, more inclined to ban telegram is it still necessary to insist on the responsibility of the telegram channels themselves? well, first of all, look at the draft law that i initiated, it was signed by the representatives of the ruling party, the chairman of our committee, mykyta poturaev, yaroslav yurchyshyn, head of the committee on media freedom, he is not against. of any particular network, he is not against telegram, and he is not against telegram channels, he is for the state, he
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allows the state to check whether through this or another service that provides information, it can be telegram, facebook, tiktok, whoever, who owns it, how it is financed, whether russia influences what is disseminated there, whether through it russia can collect personal data that ukrainians themselves provide there, the ukrainian state has the right to ask all these questions, and they... to answer, and if they do not respond to both telegram and other networks, then it should be forbidden to use it, first of all , to government officials and those who distribute personal data, you go into action, there are a lot of chatbots in action, which on telegram are part of actions, huh, and this is terrible, because if we talk about telegram itself, many publications that it is unprofitable, financed by russians under sanctions, the servers are in russia, those companies that provide communication are in russia, this means that everything that is transmitted there... russia cannot read, in the end, it is not for nothing that the russian army is allowed to use only madurov's creations, that is vkontakte, telegram, other
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messengers and public access platforms are prohibited in the russian army. by the way, you can search for a lot of services here now, let’s say, the documents there are clear, that all are passports, where the documents go on and on and so on, according to the place of registration, even such information is important here, if we talk about the event, what is it now, when will it be the law on mobilization will provide information on the registration of those people who have not been registered so far, and then if let's say a person will have armor in accordance with certain, again, norms of this law, then it will also be due to action, and then this is excellent access to people who can potentially become part of the ukrainian army, or can even join the ranks of the resistance, if there is a war somewhere on a specific site, you already know all the people who are banned, who are not banned, here is his data, here is his, in a word, this is a very big danger, there is another danger, these are the so-called anonymous channels that spread massively false information, the russians started it, these are all the channels. well
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, i mean those who pretend to be ukrainian, and were participants there, for example, the massacres in these are generally russian channels, i have in odesa, when there were ukrainian patriots, yes, representatives of the anti-maidan, and it was all overseen by the general staff of the russian the federation, the sbu officially told about this, and they spread the telegram with their rumors, then the ukrainian creators of the telegram came and the president's office is very actively using it. telegrams for his propaganda, and after him, when it is used by the office in the shadows, not directly, local administrations, their managers, banks, state authorities went there, and telegram in ukraine is already used by almost 80% of ukrainians, in russia 48, you see, it is the most popular network in ukraine, which does not have any data that it is not controlled in russia, and the state must check, if it is not controlled, there are no questions, but if it is controlled, then it is a danger when general bohdanov. says that it is a danger, and other high-ranking officials say that it is a danger, then it means so there is, and the state must have tools in which
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way to control it, that’s what my law is about, and without disclosing secret data, but i know that in the military there are already times when people are simply ordered to leave telegram altogether, well, of course, that’s why that when the ukrainians were captured, they were shown their correspondence from an old telegram there, which was completely downloaded to the russians, such a danger exists very seriously. well, like at one time in the states, when facebook was suspected that they could join those or that or that or otherwise, to influence the elections, well, zuckerberg then spoke on many questions, so i lead to the fact that it is being checked, that is, you can’t do something like that, i didn’t do it, no, you need to translate, you see, such networks as facebook and or youtube, for example , they still have self-regulation mechanisms, many people complain about them, but if they see that you are inciting inter-ethnic enmity or insulting someone, they can block your post or your account, you can complain that one or the other. post or account or video of you offends, in such networks as telegram, you can’t do this, no one
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will answer you, there is nowhere to complain, well, you and i will be very brief at the end, but still a question, because we see again cases of calling somewhere or the workers of the russian orthodox church in ukraine somehow act against the interests of ukraine or harm the interests of ukraine, and this continues, unfortunately, and can we say that the process of it being banned completely, the church which... moscow floats, may i bet? at least in some perspective, well, we have prepared the bill for the second reading by the committee, we are waiting for it to be brought to the floor, we do not ban any ukrainian church, we ban the russian orthodox church. church, and ukrainian churches, if they do not have any connection with them, please, they can work, but it is necessary to prove that there is no such connection, and they are in no hurry to do it, but there is certainly a problem here, well, yes , thank you very much for your work, first of all, thank you for coming and commenting, mykola knyazhytskyi was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, well, next i will ask a question to serhii rudenko, he will start at 20 with the
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verdict program, serhii, good evening, what will be discussed today, please, congratulations to vasyl, today we will talk about insane losses... russians in donbas and the occupiers are rushing to the west of avdiyivka, will the enemy be able to intensify the offensive even more at the end of spring, as president zelenskyi says, we will talk about this with our experts in our first studio, which will start at 20:00, dmytro snigerev, military expert, people's mp of ukraine oleksiy honcharenko and public figure of poland myroslav cech will be there. guests of our first studio, we will talk not only about the possible attack of the russians in the spring or at the end of spring and at the beginning of summer, but also about the shelling and the prospects of how ukraine will cope with the destroyed infrastructure, energy infrastructure, i hope
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that oleksiy kucherenko will tell us in detail how and in what way ukraine will be able to restore. their capacities, as the russian occupiers over the past few months have quite are actively attacking the energy infrastructure of ukraine. ukrenergovory says that we should create hundreds of small mini power plants that will generate electricity in order to avoid a complete blackout, because a total blackout, because that is exactly what they are striving for. russians, will it be possible to restore the ukrainian energy system by next winter? i hope that oleksiy kucherenko will be able to predict for us quite accurately. well , local elections were held in poland yesterday, will the opposition parties get the most seats in the authorities, or it will help solve the problem of blocking
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the ukrainian border, and most importantly, how it will affect ukrainian-polish relations. especially in the context of ukraine's next move to the european union and the negotiations, major negotiations that should begin very soon with the countries that are part of the european union, all about this in a conversation with myroslav chek, i.e. dmytro snigerov, oleksiy kucherenko and myroslav chek will be in the first part of our program, in the second part of our program we will talk about the results of the week, i will summarize. the most important things said, heard, and most importantly, what will happen already this week, as we expect that on april 10, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will begin consideration of the law on mobilization, and it will already be the second reading, what are the prospects for the adoption of this law, which are now
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hearing statements from president zelenskyi as the supreme leader. the commander of the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal and other high-ranking officials, what do they say about the future mobilization? well, let's remember the mobilization in russia, since the occupiers are going to mobilize more from june an additional 300,000 recruits, and this is also a challenge for ukrainians and for the armed forces of ukraine. we will talk about all this for the next two hours, we start at 20:00 literally in... minutes, vasyl's big winter broadcast continues, vasyl, you have a word. thank you very much serhiy, about the 20th verdict with serhiy rudenko, well, what if dynamo was able to significantly reduce the distance from shakhtar donetsk, and right now kryvbas is already trying to break away from dynamo, but kryvbas is facing ukrainian cup finalist poltava-vorsk. this match is still going on, i'm about
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its result, well, i will tell you the current one later, but how did other teams play today and other... sports news from yevhen pastokhov in our review. losing important points in the championship race. kyiv dynamo drew with cherkasy lnz in the match of the 23rd round of the ukrainian premier league. kyiv started the meeting confidently. andriy yarmolenko opened the scoring in the 15th minute. however, despite complete dominance on the field , the kyivans conceded even before the break. goalkeeper's mistake. khaidin salihu took advantage of ruslan's hosts. in the second half despite numerous dynamo's attack failed to score the winning goal. so kyiv, having played an equal number of games with shakhtar, lag behind. the players are already four points ahead. today, polissya celebrated the first victory in the official match of 2024. zhytomyr
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beat minai away with a score of 3:2. rookie louis fernandez scored a double for the winners. the kryvbas-vorskla match started at 6 p.m. the day before, shakhtar beat the movement 3:1. chornomorets defeated oleksandria 3:2, and kolos and metalist 19:25 shared the points 1:1. on saturday , september. defeated obolon 3:0. 23rd round will end on tuesday with the match dnipro-1. star. anna lashchevska triumphed at the competition in croatia. the ukrainian gymnast won gold on the final day of the world challenge cup in osijek. lashchevska made it to the final by winning the qualification. for her performance in the decisive round , ukrainka received a score of 14 from the judges and won the gold medal. for lashchevska, this is the first gold at the world challenge cup in... the current season. in total, the 16-year-old ukrainian now has five awards at this level. four of them golden ukraine finished the second stage of the world challenge cup with four
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medals. the next stage of the tournament will take place from april 17 to 20 in qatar. an unfortunate fiasco in the final. sisters lyudmila and nadiya kichenok lost to the american tandem of ashlyn kruger and sloane stevens in the decisive doubles match at the tournament in charles. ukrainian tennis players easily won the first game 6:1, but failed to develop success, losing the following sets 3:6 7:10. hosts of the competition turned the course of the meeting, inspired by the ardent support of the stands. it was the first joint final of ludmila and nadiinok at a wta500-level tournament on clay. the last time the sisters won the wta250 tournament was in tallinn, estonia. well , kryvbas, kryvyi rih, vorskla, poltava are also playing at these minutes. vorskla, let me remind you, reached the finals of the cup of ukraine, but despite this, it is only in eighth
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place in the championship of the premier league of ukrainian football, kryvbas is in second place, ahead of dynamo kyiv. as of now, 58 minutes, the score is 1:1. kryvbas scored first, daniel sosa scored in the 21st minute, well, in the 30th ruslan stepaniuk retaliated by one ball, now it's time. and the teams continue, continue to play, i won't continue for long, because it's time to put a mini full stop in our conversation with you, but you stay with us and we still have a little time, i want to say right away that this week will be very important, informationally important , i hope we will talk more about important things, although we know of course that the enemy is attacking, especially in kharkov, in zaporizhzhia, in kherson, and also in kyiv, and therefore, of course, always be on the lookout for this, but... this is important week that, first of all, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will finally start, continue, let 's say, continue the consideration of the draft law on
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mobilization, every day there is a lot of news about this , but again, there should be an understanding, i think everyone is that this the law must be effective first of all for the armed forces of ukraine and for achieving the goals that the military-political command and the people of ukraine set in this war, and that should be the end of it. political points, some other things can be earned on anything, this one the law must again be fair, although there is no perfect justice, but it must also be effective, so it will be this week, and we are also waiting for news from the states regarding the congress, and the congress will make a decision on ukraine, well, you see the collection, i will say, we are collecting on fividrons, we need two, not us, the armed forces of ukraine, need 2 million hryvnias, these are the 93rd brigade, kholodny yari, 72nd brigade of the black zaporozhets, legendary brigades. heroic brigades, heroic soldiers who have been at the front for a long time, continue this war, defend us, save our lives, hit the enemy, and to do it more effectively,
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we need fpv drones, we will do this work, as before we collected substantial amounts, more substantial, less substantial, here you know, there is no more substantial, not more substantial, there is just something to buy and it will be effective at the front, everything, we buy it, again, only, only thanks to you and thanks to your help, we will donate, support one thing. and of course let's see what the weather will be like this week in ukraine, natalka didenko will tell us about it in detail. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, we start together a new synoptic week, let's see what 's ahead, i want to say right away that comfortable, wonderful weather is ahead, as always with nuances, but in general everything will be fine with the weather. and... we start our meeting today, since it's just a wonderful blooming spring, of course from information about flowers, today we will talk about hyacinths, er
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hyacinths, by the way, these are my... well, almost the most favorite flowers, at least one of, and where do they come from, what is their scientific name, as the unforgettable whistler petrovich galakhvastov said, so hyacinth from greek hyacinth, a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the hyacinth or cold family, the hyacinth genus has 30 species, the most famous of which is the oriental hyacinth, hyacentus orientalis, is a bulbous perennial herb. and the hyacinth blooms in also my favorite month in april, also in early may, hyacinths do not tolerate standing water, take that into account. the homeland of hyacinths is the mediterranean, in the wild they are found in southern europe and africa. in culture, hyacinth orientalis is mainly an ornamental plant. we have them growing and wild and cultivated hyacinths, and the name, a very
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beautiful story. hyacin. a young man of incredible beauty whom apollo loved. when apollo was teaching him how to wash a disk, in love with hyacinth and the gods of the wind, boreus, out of jealousy, ordered apollo to throw the disk at the hyacinth's head. the young man died, and then apollo created a flower from his blood. this is the legend. we hyacinths know, of course, mainly pink and purple ones. but, well, there is a legend that it is from blood, and because of great love and longing. appeared and pleases us and reminds us of eternal love, we are leaving next we talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, tomorrow there will be a small fluctuation with a certain activation, so please, who reacts so very subtly and sensitively to this, please listen to yourself, to your well-being, and finally, the weather, about it to us forecasters now it is quite easy to tell, because the entire territory of ukraine.
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will actually determine the activity of the anticyclone, but still there may be certain nuances, so we went: western regions: no precipitation, changeable cloudiness, air temperature 22-25° higher zero, and it is traditionally fresher in the carpathians, especially in the highlands, and it will be several degrees colder there. in the northern part of ukraine , sunny weather will prevail with a blue sky, a bright sun, actually with the same hyacinths in the flower beds, and an air temperature of 20. 1 23 21 24° above zero, in the east of ukraine tomorrow also without precipitation, and the air temperature this time is practically everywhere the same, in ukraine it is also 21-23°. in the central part from vinnytsia to dnipropetrovsk no precipitation is expected, there will be a lot of it bright, beautiful sun, the air temperature is now one of the most comfortable for human life and health, at least that's what the doctors say, tomorrow in the territory
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of the central regions is expected. 22-24° in the south, also from 22 to 24°, maybe the sun will push it somewhere, thermometers up to +25 without precipitation, and in kyiv tomorrow will be wonderful sunny weather with a maximum air temperature of about +24°. in the near future , an anticyclone will be stationed on the territory of ukraine, so dry, cloudless, sunny weather will prevail everywhere with... all have a good, safe, peaceful week. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy
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rudenko, i congratulate everyone and... i wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. crazy losses do not stop. the occupiers rush west from avdiyivka. will the enemy be able to further strengthen the offensive in late spring? they are seeking a total blackout. the russians are using new tactics to attack ukraine's energy sector. will it be possible to restore? energy? system until next winter. local elections in poland. opposition parties get the most seats in government bodies. will this help solve the problem of blocking the ukrainian border? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with military expert dmytro snigerev, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kucherenko, and polish politician and public figure myroslav chech. however, before that


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