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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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verdict, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. crazy losses do not stop. the occupiers rush west from avdiyivka. will the enemy be able to further strengthen the offensive in late spring? they are seeking a total blackout. the russians are using a new tactic of energy strikes. of ukraine, will it be possible to restore the power system by next winter? local elections in poland. opposition parties get the most seats in authorities. will this help solve the problem of blocking the ukrainian border? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with military expert dmytro snigirov, people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kucharenko, and polish politician and public figure myroslav chech. however, before starting our big conversation,
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let's watch a video of how the fighters of the 12th azov brigade, the 95th brigade of the dshv and the 60th ombre smashed the enemy column. reconnaissance noticed an armored group of russians, it was moving towards the position of the defense forces in the kremin direction. ukrainian soldiers repelled the assault of the invaders and destroyed 11 units of the invaders' equipment, and the azov residents also managed to capture a tank. attackers, let's see how it all happened.
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glory to the defense forces of ukraine and thank you to the armed forces of ukraine. friends, for the next hour we are conducting a survey, we are asking today. you about the following: will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, or write your comment under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you donate to the armed forces. 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. we. in connection, the first guest
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is dmytro snigerov, a military expert, co-head of the legal affairs department. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. hello, thank you for the invitation. let's start our conversation with the announced or predicted by president zelenskyi offensive of the russians at the end of may, beginning of june. what are the possible scenarios of the development of events and directions of attack and readiness. of the russian army before this great offensive? mr. serhiy, it is worth mentioning that , unfortunately, the russian offensive does not stop, the offensive that began in october is currently continuing along the entire length of the ukrainian-russian front, so when they talk about the next offensive, which should take place at the end of may , at the beginning of summer, i have a lot of questions, and this information is based on the information provided by the main intelligence directorate of minsk.
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defense, how? this is disinformation of the highest order official? let me remind you that from october 2023, correspondingly to april 24, the russian invaders managed to capture approximately 500 km of ukrainian territories. and we are assured that the front line is currently stable. the stabilization of the front is probably evidenced by the battles directly at the time. green street. er plus, accordingly, the situation in the avdiyiv direction is difficult, where the occupiers are trying to break through, including with the use of heavy armored vehicles, against the ukrainian positions. another question we hold back, for now, these advances. on the lyman direction is in an equally difficult situation. the occupiers are simultaneously storming dravina bilogorivka from the vesela district of the donetsk region in order to create an operational encirclement of the ukrainian group.
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the situation is no less complicated in the maryansky direction, where one flank of the offensive is in the ugledar region, the other in the kurakhova region, and accordingly the volodarsky direction. where the occupiers, unfortunately, had tactical success in the area of ​​shevchenko settlement, plus a not-so-complicated situation in the zaporizhzhia, orekhiv direction, where, accordingly, the occupiers are striking between robotino and verbove, unfortunately, have a tactical advance, then explain to me whether the offensive is taking place, or the stabilization of the front, and in general this thesis about the next russian offensive at the end of may. and where does this information come from, moreover, let's talk about the fact that the russians are currently using the so -called window of opportunity, let me explain what we are talking about, precisely by the end of may, the armed forces of ukraine will receive artillery shells, whether on the initiative of the czech republic, that's 1 million shells ,
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or according to the initiative of the eu countries 500 thousand, and possibly both initiatives together fire 1.5 million shells, the russian occupiers are currently capable of producing 10,000 shells. per day, simple arithmetic - 300 thousand per month. in this way, we will be able to equalize the coefficient of fire damage by the end of may. and explain, the occupiers do not understand this? probably, on the contrary , they are making maximum efforts to try to reach the administrative borders of donetsk region by the end of may. look at what is happening in all areas of the front, tactics have changed to attacks by the invaders using heavy armored vehicles, which has not been done for a long time... in the orikhiv direction, that is , the film demonstrated these successful actions in the liman direction, respectively, a similar situation was in the avdeiv direction, in the same bakhmut directions, trying to advance the positions of the armed forces
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of ukraine using even heavy armored vehicles, not counting losses, even the personnel here already absolutely does not count, does not count as expenses. technicians, because they understand very well, until the end of may, in addition to these two initiatives that i announced, and accordingly the political crisis of the united states regarding package voting, package, not only aid to ukraine, but also to israel and taiwan, respectively, will be removed from the agenda. why are these stupid theses being promoted to us? mr. dmytro, let's listen to what the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense kyrylo said. in an interview with a german tv channel, how does he characterize the situation at the front, and what does he think about the advance of the russians, which may take place in may-june? well , first of all, at the end of spring at
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the beginning of summer, we are waiting for the intensification of the enemy's offensive actions, primarily on territory of donbass, they will advance a little towards the temporal ravine, will go in the strategic... direction to pokrovsk. if the russians try to take any steps to disperse our efforts on the front, we are preparing for it, i think we will be ready. well, bild writes that over the past 10 days, russian troops have advanced another 2-3 km to the west of avdiyivka, as you said, the most significant advance is recorded in pervomaisk between tonek and umansky and in semenivka. well, that is, the russians are trying to pause. to use, which we have arisen from financing, or with the supply of weapons, including from our american partners, and in this way to turn the situation around, this means that, obviously, by the middle of the summer we will
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see a more or less clear picture of what will come of this, or already by the fall, until the beginning of the summer, and by the way, i thank you, bohdanova, for this... well, explain to me, a person is really detached from the situation on the line of fighting, there will be possible advances towards the temporal abyss, the battles in the temporal abyss are going on, this is how it characterizes the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry defense, sorry, they overslept avdeivka, when the occupiers, using the drainage system, were preparing this breakthrough in the rear to the rear for several months. in the armed forces of ukraine, ihor did not see him, so actually, it is worth saying that due to the failure of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, what happened in the area of ​​avdevka, a breakthrough in the rear of the ukrainian group, and accordingly the further withdrawal of the armed forces
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of ukraine from avdevka , which we could keep for more than one month. i will recall the actual events of the 22nd year, when i reported on them. in your channel was first given information by gur about the possibility of the occupiers crossing in the lisichansk area, they even told me where this crossing would be, the deployment of pontoon equipment was completely ignored, and in three days the representatives of the gur are coming out, the russian occupiers have crossed in the lzchansk area and we are currently forced to leave a city, a city that could be held for more than one month, sir, i will give the last example, mr. serhiy, gur comes out, says that seven planes were destroyed in yesk, he even denies this information. information cesspool, the institute for the study of war, which says that
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there are no visual confirmations, there are no satellite images that would indicate the destruction of aircraft, and in the first version they report two su-25 aircraft, completely destroyed, burned in the night, the second report in a day , they don't appear at all, it turns out they destroyed four s30sm and three more planes, this is... the level of competence, how much can we play these, sorry, budan games? well, mr. dmytro, there is a supreme commander and there is a commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, well, obviously, they decide who is in charge of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, we can only comment and state some facts, or in this case you can comment on them and make your own. against this background, we see how the russians are dispersing information that kharkiv may be taken
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by russian troops. president zelenskyi said that today kharkiv is well protected from a land invasion by russian troops, and he called the talk about the plans of the occupiers to capture the city aimed at misinformation. that is, if the whole story is around kharkiv is informative. a psychological special operation of the russians, then what do you think is connected with such an aggressive bombardment and the mission of strikes, missile strikes on kharkov, what, what goal are the russians pursuing? thank you for the question, mr. serhiy, first of all to provoke the so-called process of internal migration, 1,300 thousand in kharkiv, and accordingly, in addition to the informational and psychological operations of the russians. of the special services, which are conducted , including in the ukrainian media, regarding a possible attack on kharkiv, these indiscriminate
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strikes on the residential infrastructure, and the tactics of terrorists are used, i explain what we are talking about, the tactics of the so-called double strikes, first the first strike is made on the residential infrastructure, representatives of the security forces, rescuers, medical services arrive at the scene of the crime of the russian occupiers, and in this moment, the moment... of the maximum accumulation of rescuers, representatives of the security forces and medics, a second blow is delivered, and at this time, when the russians are trying to hide the ukrainian trail in the terrorist attack in moscow and tie us to idols, the occupiers themselves are using the tactics of terrorists of idols, here you don't even need an evidence base, but the main thing is that the russians are currently trying to provoke, chaos, panic, mischief. to the actions of the central government and, accordingly, the president of ukraine, that is, to provoke a mass exodus
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of the civilian population from kharkiv, which is a threat to national security, imagine a million forced migrants, this is also a blockade of the transport infrastructure, a burden on local central authorities, and most importantly, a situation of chaos in the country, and, if you look, mr. sergey, you are an excellent analyst, they are trying to stir up a similar situation around a possible attack on kyiv, on sumy, etc. forces of ukraine, the thesis about the possibility of an offensive is thrown in, accordingly, the general staff must react at the moment of redeployment of operational reserves, instead of covering the most difficult areas of the front, the donetsk direction. the armed forces of ukraine are forced accordingly, to stretch their efforts to
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cover the kharkiv, sumy direction, and, accordingly, kyiv, these are the three key aspects of this informational and psychological operation of the russian special services, but unfortunately, well, sorry, the western media also help, today’s publication takes an economist, first of all, i have a question to terikhov, who in general allowed you to invite foreign correspondents to... to a regime facility, the article clearly indicates a secret facility in the industrial zone, this is the first, second, english journalists give assessments in the article itself capabilities of the russians. the occupiers are forming six divisions with a total number of 120,000 in siberia, hysteria is inciting, that is , special for foreign forces, the strength of the division of the armed forces of the occupiers is 12,00 personnel, for 1,272, this is so that you understand that any information the
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economist, new york times, washington post, financial times, must be checked, and most importantly, the hon. trust only verified sources of information, the ukrainian general staff. mr. dmitry, i also wanted to ask you about these forecasts regarding possible mobilization mobilization of the russians, because the russians deny that they are announcing an additional mobilization of 300,000 people there from june 1. zelenskyi says that these people are also being trained and mobilized. in order to involve in the russian-ukrainian war. at the same time, the ukrainian side says that we do not need to mobilize 500,000 people, as they say the previous leadership of the armed forces of ukraine wanted. that is, if the ukrainian leadership says that they are preparing 300,000, we do not need 500,000, then
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how much does ukraine need, and is it sincere now the ukrainian leadership is speaking. with the ukrainians, a valid question, mr. serhiy, moreover, let's talk about what seems rather strange, well, dissonance, sirskyi's statement about the fact that no one will sit out, that's right, the question of the very fact of the existence of the ukrainian state is at stake, that's how it will be determined then , 300,000 is enough, after all, no one will sit out, and accordingly, the protection of ukraine is the sacred duty of every ukrainian, and this , accordingly, indicates that... why such a discrepancy in statements? and most importantly, why? then there was this wave of information about 500,000 in order to move the laborer, there are no questions, it was moved, but the question arises, four months have already passed, why
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the law on mobilization has not been voted on yet, why should the western partners put pressure on us at the time of the vote. should go out and explain that they refuse to help us, because the law on mobilization was not voted, and the mobilization plans were not adjusted accordingly, so who should fight with the russians, the countries of the west, who find a million shells, and excuse me, the current minister defense, a year of time cannot find these projectiles and only states such a concept as projectile hunger. what is happening in the ministry of defense of ukraine in general, why are the czechs finding a million shells, why is estonia declaring that it has found a million shells, it is already 2 million, and it died in a year, it could not find even 100 thousand shells, and 1.5 million billion
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hryvnias of state funds, which the state allocated to the ministry of defense for procurement. orders are taken out of ukraine due to corruption schemes, so i have a question: you are you going to fight at all or not? this is probably a rhetorical question, and it is not rhetorical, mr. serhiy, it has already boiled over, and i understand that it has boiled over not only inside ukraine, but also among partners, if, excuse me, the president is forced to go public and say that... the allies asked ruba a question: either you vote for the law on mobilization, or you remain without help, because we do not understand the trends taking place in ukraine. here is a fairly simple question: if president zelensky, as the supreme commander-in-chief by the armed forces of ukraine, comes to the rostrum
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of the verkhovna rada and says that the council must make this decision, there is definitely a signal to the entire body of deputies, it is unlikely that anyone will refuse president zelensky, but he does not do it, yes, well, even himself statement, imagine, a high-ranking person is forced to actually put pressure on the parliament, which works for 8 hours, and goes either there on vacation or somewhere else, critical times for ukraine, what is it, sorry, parliamentarians have no understanding of the current moment. what is this legal spam 4 thousand amendments to the law, are you playing war, or are you fighting, no matter where you are, you are sitting there for our money...for four months , an extremely important law for the ukrainian armed forces has not been adopted, and at this time we are told that
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we are conducting an internal audit and what are the results? i would like to know the results of this audit, for example, why the predicted receivables, which is the money stolen from the armed forces of ukraine, increased by uah 10 billion during the time of umirava. as of may 23, it was 36 billion, as of january 1, 24, 44.4, but it's already april, i understand that it hasn't decreased, of course, thank you, mr. dmytro, it was dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative right. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms. and on facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please join our platforms and take part in our voting, today we ask you about this, will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine, yes, no,
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everything is on youtube quite simple if you have espresso na on the tv, that is, you are watching tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone and vote if you donate to zsu 0800 211381, not 0800 211 380. we are interested in knowing your opinion and whether you are helping the ukrainian army. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing utilities, former minister of housing and utilities. i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, thank you that you have joined ours. congratulations, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's talk about the missile, mr. oleksiy. terror and how russia is trying to destroy our energy infrastructure, last year you and i discussed quite actively what
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the recovery agency headed by mustafa naim was trying to do at energy facilities, what were the budgets, what was being built, what kind of protection was being built, my understanding is that this defense obviously didn't work, judging by the results we have for... march and beginning of april, what is happening now with energy facilities in ukraine after these massive missile strikes? thank you, mr. serhiy, well, it is not a simple question, i will try to analyze as professionally and calmly as possible without populism, together with you, really, what happened, what is happening, well, first of all, let's understand that the missile strikes this year, what kind of enemy, well ... basically the last three weeks after the actual end of the heating season, which he radically intensified and changed his tactics, and this is clear today
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both military and non-military, and the fact that much more missiles, combined strikes, drones, ballistic missiles, uh, they're targeting, and unfortunately, they're hitting like objects, that's what we see in the video , this is a substation. that is , it is a network object, a large, powerful substation, they usually belong to the state company ukrenergo, it is our own energy network, which makes our energy system unified, and allows us to transfer any power from one point to another, falls, unfortunately, and in the facilities of generation, first of all, it is thermal generation, because as you can see, the enemy has not hit the nuclear generation yet, with the exception of the last one and... on the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant of drones, which, in my opinion, i think is a simulated strike, this can be discussed separately , but at
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the thermal generation facility, including in lviv oblast, frankiv oblast, vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk oblast, kharkiv oblast and others, it is, unfortunately, ballistic missiles, which, if they hit, cause very serious damage. the vast majority of generation there belongs to the ukrainskyi company detek, part of the generation was damaged by the state company centerenergo, and you heard the statements of the management of dtk that today, i'm not saying destroyed, i'm saying that the equipment was damaged, and they lost 80% of their capacity today, by summer they are going to recover about half, you understand, it's by generation, by networks, i told you, i... i refer to my own conversation with kudrytsky, to his statement both on the air of the marathon and on other channels, that he believes that
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these objects of shelter, which will be'... there is, partially kudrytsky himself built with his own efforts, he believes that they protected it to a certain extent, and i spoke with him, he said that if it were not for them, it would have been, well, conditionally twice as much damage, to be honest , he does not know the objective picture no one, because these objects were built very quickly, they were without dbgens, there were no projects, i... you know this for sure, you understand, that is, in fact, in fact, they fantasized along the way, and what kind of constructions should these be? how to build them so that they protect, and by the way, this is a separate conversation, how much money was spent on it, for how much you used this money effectively, i will tell you that the accounting chamber, according to my information and according to my letters, because i wrote my appeal both to the sbu and to the accounting chamber, they are conducting an audit used it. of these
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funds, but as i learned today, for some reason the results will be available only in the summer, why so long, well, not even, well, no, i cannot comment on how objective this audit will be, well, for some reason , i have such confidence that external conditions cannot be objective, it is clear that these works were very secretive, and there upon access free, well, it was not only among journalists, but also among deputies, i will open the topic for you. therefore, in an environment of such secrecy, secrecy, well, we have to either believe that they are doing the right thing, or not quite believe, here already, excuse me, each for himself, let him paint his own palette, something like this, you have already mentioned these most massive strikes that took place in march, and we started with that, on march 22 there was one of the most massive shellings since the beginning of the war,
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energy minister herman galushchenko said. on the air of the telethon only news, according to him, before, the enemy acted more locally, let's listen to what glushchenko said, they constantly attacked the energy sector in the winter, but then they changed their tactics, they attacked more locally, that is , choosing certain regions and trying to deprive them of light with the aim, first of all , to affect industry, that is, today i think they were just scaling up these attacks that they've been doing over the winter across the state in order to achieve total coverage. ceo of the yasno company, serhiy kovalenko, said that the dytek group, the largest private energy company of ukraine, lost 50% of its generating capacity in the last comprehensive attack by russia on the night of march 21-22. the dtek group says that they officially confirm it, and we all know what
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the damage is. there were knots and so on, he said on the air of the telethon, well, considering the damage that our energy system received and the scale, mr. oleksiy, how much will it take to either renew or create some alternative, er, alternative energy generators, because ukrenergo says that these are substations do they have power plants , there must be a lot of them in different parts of ukraine, i understand that these are steam generators, probably stations that also generate electricity, and maybe some portable power plants, which is what they are talking about when they talk about , that there should be such stations, there could be hundreds, mr. sergey, i would like to say one simple thing for everyone, we can tell each other a lot of theories, but by the way,
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well, whoever understands me.. . today became so in the epicenter of such an interesting event, because yesterday i i was on the telephone and my colleague gerus was telling such good tales for the future about how everyone will build their own solar station, batteries will be built, this is such a good tale for the future, you know, for years, i don’t know, for 5-10 -15, today we have to discuss absolutely practical things, here now and today, what should we do in order to... prepare for winter, and that's why i 'm answering you, or rather not you, i'm asking questions to the authorities, the gerus, the ministry, the president's office , the government to all that you have done for last year, please show how much of such distributed generation was made last year, well, show at least one station that you made last year, and then we will say that it is possible...


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