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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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by the way, well, whoever will understand, today i became so in the epicenter of such an interesting event, because yesterday i was on the telephone, and my colleague gerus was telling such good , such for the future, such fairy tales about how everyone will build their own solar station, batteries will be built, this is such a good fairy tale for the future, you know, there are years for, well, i don't know, for 5-10-15, today we have to discuss absolutely practical things, here for... and today, what should we do in order to to prepare for winter, and that's why i 'm answering you, or rather not you, i'm asking a question to the authorities, the government, the ministry, the president's office, the government, everything that you have done in the past year, please show us how much such distributed generation was done in the past year, well, show us at least one station that you did in the past year, and then we let's talk about what is possible... we managed
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to do it this year, it was done, the conferences, presentations are good, the words, slogans are correct, nothing was actually done, unfortunately, nothing in this regard, so i proceed from the fact that, first of all, we need to think to energy workers, how to repair what can be repaired, and here you have to listen with all due respect to kovalenko, mr. yasna, kovalenko is a... company, they trade in six regions, here you have to listen first of all to mr. timchenko and sakharuk, these are the heads of detku, they announced today that they estimate approximately the sum of 260 billion, millions of dollars to recover, half of this amount they are ready themselves, they found it, and for this, to restore the destroyed facilities somewhere in the eye, somewhere they will need, well, by the summer, as i already said... , but it will not
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fully recover, because they are very serious there is damage at two stations, i don’t want to say which ones, you understand, so first of all , the energy companies need to think, think about how to recover and make some structures together with the builders, but we don’t need to fool each other, 90% of ukraine’s energy security is the work of our systems against... air defense 90%, if you don't protect these objects with air defense forces, that is , additional patriots, then what can the enemy do to them, unfortunately, while there are enough missiles and planes tour-95 and migs, and the ships from which they launch these missiles, you know, that's all therefore, president zelenskyi is very active in raised tones, but now he is addressing the united states of america. to the congress, to
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the president, begs, give us 5-7 patriots, and we will really close today, at least, our facilities. i am not saying that we need to save kharkiv, you see what is happening there, and the sumy region, because they are being torn apart, first of all, kharkiv is being torn apart today, that is why the main problems today lie in the military plane, and the energy industry will do its job , i guarantee you this. zelenskyi said that in ukraine. to completely close your territory from enemy air attacks, you need 25 patriot systems of 6 batteries each. let's listen to what zelensky said. there are ppu systems in the world that can help. all that is needed is the political will for these systems to be transferred to ukraine. i thank those countries that have already helped and to be active in this task is personal. the responsibility of our
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diplomats who work in areas and countries where the necessary systems are in place. now the patriots have a place precisely in ukraine, so that later they won't they had to be used at least along the entire eastern flank of nato. well , mr. oleksiy, you mentioned the history of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, when magate general director raphael grossi stated that at least three direct in... inclusions in the main structures of the protective shell of the zs reactor were on sunday, andriy yusav, a representative of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said in a comment to the ukrainian it is true that ukraine is not involved in any armed provocations in the occupied zas. russian strikes, in particular simulated strikes on the territory of the ukrainian nuclear plant, as well as deploying troops and weapons there, mining objects with nuclear weapons, has long been a known and permanent criminal practice of the occupiers. russia must withdraw its troops from all of them.
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only this will allow the restoration of compliance with all necessary international norms and control over an important nuclear energy facility. yusov speaks correctly, he speaks correctly. the president is right, everyone, all our representatives of the ukrainian state, but the world is watching how the russians hold the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, that is, it is nuclear terrorism, they captured someone else's nuclear facility, a bigot arrives, they meet him there, they say, we are happy to welcome you on russian soil, we will protect you here, and he thanks everyone there for protecting him there, how dangerous it is in... .ukraine that nuclear facilities can become, including objects for strikes by the russian occupiers, or could this lead to three or four chernobyls? look, at first really, because right now the russian side is accusing us, i can
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tell you, when you do it, it's profitable, i don't see any reason why it would be profitable the ukrainian side, well, it does not exist? therefore, i conclude that this is an imitation strike precisely in order to carry out this sabotage work against ukraine all over the world. in terms of safety, these reactors are very reliable, that is, from a direct hit there is no risk, but there can be a risk from the consequences, de-energization, that is, there must be a constant supply of electricity for... its own needs in order for the cooling system to work, even for these reactors , who are sleeping today, if this power is not available, it really can to cause very serious consequences, that's what the minister is talking about today and so on, money, well, let's not expect anything from him
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over the top, well, he acts within his competence, especially since i will remind you that energy, rosatom is and russia is... one of the very influential members of the iaea, and they, they continue to remain very powerful players in the nuclear market, in the market of nuclear fuel, both primary and reprocessed, as well as in the construction of new units and therefore and so on and so on, it's very complicated geopolitical construction, i understand that we need to exert maximum pressure on all fronts, on diplomatic, social and so on and so on, but unfortunately there... very big money in this field is circulating in the world, well, let's be honest, as for president zelenskyi's assessment, i agree, because he says about the protection of the entire country, i refer to what i, when i spoke 5 minutes ago, said about the protection of
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the most supercritical energy facilities, that is, for the energy industry, to protect it, we really need five or six patriots there so that we calm down, you see, they didn't worry about... energy security, but kharkiv, sumy, odesa must be saved, it really is, and for this a full-fledged air defense system is needed. like the blows that have already taken place on tes and hes, how will this affect the price of electricity, because our tv viewers are probably worried about whether this electricity will be enough, what peak values ​​will be there in the middle of summer, when it will be hot and there will be more will be... air conditioners, apparently, people include in ukraine lost, generating capacity, lost them in hydropower, it ’s a pity, well, you understand, this is dniprogez, it was, of course, before that there was kokhovska, now there were two more strikes on the dniester station on dniprovska, and this loss is very
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serious for us, children and and the state thermal generation also lost capacity. very significant, it is also very negative, now the weather is very good, the sun is shining, that is, thank god, solar panels are working, as many as they managed to build, despite the fact that in ukraine everything was done to prevent this from happening, you you understand that the state still hasn't paid off with green energy since the 19th year, and we're sorry, when there will be an analysis, i don't want this irritation now, then we'll talk about who and what was done in the 19th and in the 20s, this is already from... the new government, yes, and how did they prepare in terms of energy for the war, first of all, probably, when russian and belarusian electricity was pumped here, yes, that's the same, that's what you understand there was preparation for the war and so on, this is a separate conversation, i don’t want to spoil it now, that ’s why we lost, the sun is closing, but we
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every day we actually take imported electricity, because we have our own deficit, and it will, unfortunately, be in the summer, when there will be... peaks, peak loads - this is when the air conditioner is turned on, when it's hot, you know, and then we will have to take more, but there is a limited capacity to cross this, it is... it is limited there to 1.5 gigabytes, that is roughly one and a half blocks of nuclear, we can take, or there will be a limit here, that is, there will be certain schedules, i expect that, and i, sorry, i have to say the truth is, i see what the authorities are trying to do, well, somehow government officials and the same deputies from there monocoalitions somehow distance themselves from this, but i feel that calculations are now underway, preparations are underway for a possible increase. tariff for the population, i feel it, and that is why i say,
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we will demand the justification of each comma, you know, when this issue will be considered, i, unfortunately, expect this, it is unpleasant, no one likes it, but i have this impression, that such an attempt will be made in the near future, therefore the situation is very difficult, and i want to say once again, here... the government, the energy bloc should take such authoritative, professional, balanced actions, so that no one has any doubts that this money, these tariffs are somewhere to the left, excuse me, they are going down, because the population must trust the authorities and the conditional energy commissioner in this situation, whether we have it or not, well, the answer is the same, let it everyone is looking for himself, by the way. if it's already gone, we, you understand, in the near future, on wednesday, there will be a law on mobilization, well, this is
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a separate issue, i think, and you are discussing, we are all discussing, and in this situation, on the one hand, we would like to trust our tsc , to the military, yes, to those who, and on the other hand, when we see another scandal, when they are chasing journalists or guys there and so on, then i am begging you, guys in uniform, please behave in such a way as to be in society. trust in you, trust, this is a very key point that you must provide in this situation. thank you, mr. oleksii, for the conversation, this was oleksii kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook live, please subscribe to our pages, and take part in our survey, today we are asking you about donating, will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is on youtube. quite simple, if you have your own opinion or your own comment, please leave it under this
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video, if you are watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you donate to zsu 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382 , all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will match the results of this vote. our next contact is myroslav cech, polish politician, public figure, sir. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, congratulations. local elections were held in poland yesterday. well, of course, we heard about local elections in poland in the last three months in connection with the blocking of roads and the border with ukraine, because everyone said, well, poland is preparing for local elections, so in principle, probably, this is connected, and politicians do not want to interfere there, or influence farmers. farmers vote for local elections, and it is important that these political forces,
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who are counting on these votes, that they get them, which the poles got as a result of yesterday's local elections, i know that there will be a second round in some cities there, regarding the presidents, it is correctly called a bridge in poland, and it seems to me that in some communities there will still be elections or a second round or , please, i am specific about the polish elections, but there are three levels of local self-government in poland, and these were elections for all local self-government bodies, i.e. about united territorial communities, to district ones councils, and to city councils that are under the authority of districts, there are 120 such cities under the authority of districts, where their number is more than 100 thousand 50. inhabitants, yes, the second is that, in local
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communities with more than 20 thousand residents, the heads of territorial communities are elected in two, in two rounds, they are called burgomasters, instead, all others who are in communities below 20 thousand, who do not have city rights, a certificate of these united ones, are called voyts. communities, well, this is a historical specificity, a specificity of poland, so elections will be held, there are direct elections of mayors of cities, burgomasters, counties so. where they did not receive 50% and one vote in the first round, there will be a second, second round, their number is not so large, in the cities, in the 100 largest cities by population, in my first round somewhere more than 30 were elected, so that it shows fairly
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united territorial communities, large cities, and even more such small communities in which there was only one. a candidate for the head of the united territorial community, 400 of them out of 2,800, so there are also such specifics, councils, regional councils were elected, in poland, they are called seimas, this is a reflection of general political trends, parties there are measured by support, and in these elections , the opposition got the right and justice for more votes, but the current ruling coalition got a sure one. the support of more than 52% of polish voters, so it shows that the support of the coalition of donald tusk, the prime minister, is stable, the warsaw mayoral elections were important, in which rafal chaskowski, the candidate of the civic platform of the prime minister donald tusk, won. well, it was such a race
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his entry primaries as a candidate for the presidency in poland through. presidential elections will be held next year and rafal chaskovsky seems to be the candidate of the civil platform and in this ruling coalition today, it is said that all parties say that they won the elections , with the possible exception of the left, which received the weakest result of 6.5% in those seimas , but when analyzed, it can be said that the party preferences of poles from... the elections since october 15, the parliamentary elections, they have not changed significantly, they are the same, and therefore itself, the ruling coalition has confirmed its mandate of trust in society and for carrying out these changes, which began with her coming to power on the 13th, with her coming to power on
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december 13 last year. polish prime minister donald tusk commented on the results of the local elections. and says that law and justice is slightly ahead of his civil coalition, which pleases, tusk tweeted, systematic catch-up, seven points in 2018, five in 2023, two today record victory in cities, advantage in the assemblies, which is worrying, low turnout, especially among the youth, defeat in the east and in the rural areas, what is the conclusion for us, don't whine to work, you already? they mentioned that there will be presidential elections, but there will also be elections to the european parliament at the beginning of june, and this is also probably important for poland, these elections will also be for the political forces that represent poland and will be represented in the european parliament, but in view of
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this , what, what they say in poland and and whether or these. local elections are already such a marker support, which will be in the elections to the european parliament and in the elections following the presidential elections? well, the conclusion from the local elections is that the turnout was a third lower than on october 15 during the parliamentary elections, i.e. the turnout in october was 70, almost 5%, today it was 52%, so this shows that it is still not in ... to mobilize people to mass participation in the elections, the turnout at the parliamentary and european parliament elections is even lower, whether it will be like that in june, at the beginning of june, i don't know, we have to hope that it will be quite high, because the rate is high, the specificity of the electoral
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legislation was such that there was less participation in local elections. they took the younger generation out of consideration there for absentee coupons, the possibility of taking an absentee coupon and so on, that is, we do not want to go into details, their turnout was lower, in the parliamentary elections in october it was very high, eh, and everyone has hopes that the younger generation, it will come more massively to the european elections, and it, it is clearly pro-european, progressive, and it will support pro-european political forces, who are united today in the ruling coalition, this... i do not doubt the observers, but the conclusion from these elections is that parties, political parties and all citizens who are active in political processes understand the meaning. political processes, you have to be active every day, and because everyone, every election is important, there are no unimportant elections, beyond any doubt, and it is also important for us to understand in this situation, and
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i how these results of local elections, will they affect ukrainian - polish relations, and of course on what, what we seen during the last three months, when various groups of polish citizens. they tried to picket the ukrainian border and it had consequences, big consequences for ukraine, considering that we have a large western window and this window just opens onto the polish border. well, these local elections were so extremely instructive, because today's ruling coalition, it has completely taken over the politics of the law and justice party, which has been actively developing since april last year, there is an embargo on the import of ukrainian agricultural products, they began to talk about closing the transit
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of ukrainian products through the territory of poland and so on, that is, they began to compete for radicals, anti-ukrainian radicalism with radicals, that is, even from the confederation of pro-russian political forces, from a political point of view it was you, for me it was absolutely me... absurd, because you can't do that, a pro-european party must be a pro-ukrainian party by definition, and not use anti-ukrainian measures, well, that's obvious, because there is a choice between either supporting ukraine or supporting russia prime minister tus understood this very well, and by the end of the election campaign he had already realized that he was an example of so much effort to protect rights and interests conditionally in quotation marks. that in the end he asked himself
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the question: in fact, what would be the return from his position, and it turned out that this return was extremely low, because 50-60% of the farmers supported the pis, only 10% the civil platform, or civil. coalition of prime minister tusk, i think he will draw conclusions from this, that it is necessary to tell the truth first of all, not to seek justifying all aspects of polish, polish farmers, polish agriculture, which situation is somewhat complicated, it may turn out, or it may seem, but here we do not want to enter into these discussions, instead, we just need to tell the truth and present an alternative view on these matters, of course, solving their problems, and then... i think the support will be greater, and there will be no such anti-ukrainian hysteria. people's deputy of ukraine, mykola knyazhytskyi, who is co-chairman of the verkhovna rada's group on interparliamentary relations with
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by the republic of poland, says that tusk's hopes for the victory of his party over peace due to the flirtation of the peasants did not come true, and this gives a chance for a fairer position of poland during the negotiations on ukraine's membership in the european union, such negotiations must begin, and of course. we are at the beginning of this path, and the main thing is to understand that we have neighbors, friendly neighbors, because it turns out that in the east, north, northeast, east, southeast, and in the north, we are still not, not, not completely unfriendly, m so to speak, neighbors like in poland now perceive the statements of the president of poland that it is necessary to... prepare for a possible, possible confrontation with russia, and that it is necessary to help ukraine more in this situation, but at the same time, despite these
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statements, we see how russian missiles fly into the territory of poland, and the polish military says, well, the missile was only in the sky for 39 seconds, and that's why it returned to ukraine again, planes take off in order to prevent russian missiles from hitting the territory of poland, putin is testing the strength of the poles, and what , who are ordinary poles themselves talk about these threats? well , anxiety is growing in polish society, war anxiety, the understanding that the war is coming very close to poland itself, after all, prime minister tusk talks about it openly, he says that poland is in a pre-war state. so, these are quite such harsh statements, which in the end the world media spread all over the world, and
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the poles. they usually experience this as a mine against during the past two years, when ukraine was winning on the fronts of the war, so clearly, this concern was less, it now, when the situation has stabilized at the front, there are more reports that russia has gone on the offensive, anxiety that the americans are not providing assistance to ukraine, and so on. that the next target could be the post office, after all , they have stated many times from the mouths of putin, from the mouths of medvedev, and other high-ranking officials from the russian federation, so that the understanding of this, that there is a military threat, is on the contrary part, and therefore support for ukraine must remain unambiguous, yes , as prime minister tusky and most polish politicians say in the end, but the problems are with these farmers, i
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i think that the conclusions from... the local elections will be made correctly, correctly, and that the situation on the border will be stabilized and these situations will not be allowed, which do not benefit anyone, and both ukraine and poland as well, so that neither the european nor the european union. ben hodges is a former commander of the armed forces or troops, the united states of america in europe, he says that the most potential hot spot... in europe is the so-called suval corridor, that is, it is a corridor that goes from belarus, or at least a conditional corridor, to kaliningrad, kenniksberg, and there is a part of the polish territory, or in poland they are talking about the fact that there is a possible conflict over this suva corridor, like the potentsi, the most potential and the most problematic for russia, given
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the fact that... they need this corridor to kaliningrad ? of course, this has been discussed for 15 years, because the first trainings of russia and belarus were in 2009, the west of 2009, where precisely these so-called allied troops were trained to repel or suppress the uprising of the polish minority in belarus, and then go... march through this the suva corridor to the kaliningrad region and further to the west, such exercises were already in 2009, and of course already in the 14th, in particular in the 22nd year, the understanding came that it was not just some flirting and games of idiots, in fact it was very serious preparation for the scenario that russia wants to implement, and now this suval corridor, it is being strengthened a lot,
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there are also exercises and joint... nato troops and polish troops, new polish military groups, i don't know, divisions are stationed there, brigades, then there it is less important what they are called, on the other hand, the strengthening of defense capabilities is definitely taking place in this area, the awareness of threats in poland is growing. thank you, mr. myroslav, for the conversation, it was myroslav cech, a polish politician, public figure, friends, we are working live on the tv channel. we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether you will donate to the armed forces of ukraine. let's look at the interim results of the survey: 89% yes, 11% - no. that is, these are the results of our survey on youtube 86% yes, 14% no. we 'll be back in the studio in 15 minutes, you stay, watch the bbc news, we, don't switch, we 'll be back and talking about important things.
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to give ukrainian territories to russia in order to end the war, the american publication the washington post wrote about the secret peace plan of former us president donald trump, what is known, about it the following. 15 minutes of bbc broadcast live from london, jafer umerov works in the studio. former president donald trump has a plan to end russia's war in ukraine if he returns to the white house. he writes about it the washington post. citing anonymous informed sources, interlocutors of the publication who were present at these conversations with trump said that he plans to put pressure on kyiv and...


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