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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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and let's talk about the important thing, to give ukrainian territories to russia in order to end the war: the american publication the washington post wrote about the secret peace plan of former us president donald. trump, what is known, the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london, jafer umerov works in the studio. former president donald trump has a plan to end russia's war in ukraine if he returns to the white house. the washington post writes about this, citing anonymous informed sources, interlocutors of the publication who were present at these conversations with trump, it was said that he plans to put pressure on kyiv. and force ukraine to give up
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part of its territory, including crimea and donbas. the article states that the advisors of the ex-president are against the expansion of nato, and this is precisely about ukraine joining the alliance, and they believe that washington should take into account threats to the interests of the united states from the side of china and prevent the growth of russia's dependence on china in the military and other spheres . but in the trump camp, the following washington post reports about the secret. the plan was called false. trump campaign adviser jason miller, in an interview with another newspaper, called it a fabrication of the washington post, and on the x network, formerly twitter, he also wrote: 100% fake, if you don't hear it from trump himself, then it's just speculation. however, donald trump himself did not comment on this article in any way, and here we talk more about it with oleksandr kraev, an expert of the analytical center ukrainian prism. alexander, congratulations. you,
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how likely is it that this is trump's plan, it really exists, if he becomes president, he will force ukraine to territorial, territorial concessions, as the washington post writes about it, there is almost a hundred percent certainty that at some point such a plan was definitely discussed in the trump administration. let's remember, as recently as last summer, he called ukraine a corrupt hole like afghanistan, which should not be dealt with at all, for literally two months. therefore, in an interview with sean hannity, he said that ideally this conflict, as he calls the war unleashed by russia, should end by november, so that it would be easier for him to enter the the presidency, but at the same moment, just a month ago, we observed a certain change in trump's ukrainian position, we heard that he is ready to give more, we heard accusations that biden is allegedly to blame for what is happening, so even if such there were plans, it is obvious that at this stage the trump team would not want... the plans
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to go to the mountain and clearly intended to change them, they mentioned the election and there are a little more than six months left, what are the chances of biden and trump winning now? sorry, my answer will be quite banal, but literally 50 on 50. polls are conducted every two weeks, respectable polls are conducted and pue research and reuters show in seven key states, literally, a constant change of the preferred candidate, if, for example, two weeks ago it was trump, then a week ago it was biden, and literally in a week or a half, we expect things to change again, although biden's lead is currently slim, while polls favoring trump show his strength almost 3-5%, but at the same time we need to understand that for the current president, according to the tradition of, let's say, american elections, the last six months before the elections themselves... are the most attractive for his
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voters and are the most active, therefore in fact, at the moment the odds look absolutely equal. oleksandr, please stay in touch, let's listen to the former us special representative for ukraine , kurt volker, about how the results of the american presidential elections can affect support for ukraine. we know that the biden administration will continue to provide support. country, but will do so very carefully and avoid any escalation as far as possible. so, it will be a slow build-up of support that we have seen so far. it's good, but it could be done better. if trump had won, we frankly don't know what he would have done. he only said that he would end the war in one day, but he never explained how or what that would mean. and if we draw conclusions from this.
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ideas, then the only reason for war is that that vladimir putin believes that he can achieve his goals and succeed in aggression against ukraine. so, in my opinion, if you want to... end the war, the only way to do it is to convince vladimir putin otherwise, he will never win, he will never achieve anything, so he has to stop. i think that in order to convey this message, we need support from the united states, weapons, budget support, loans to ukraine, everything we can do to demonstrate to vladimir putin that we have much more opportunities than he does, to him... never win this war. and oleksandr kraiv, an expert of the analytical center ukrainian prism , is in touch with us. president zelensky called trump's statements about the end of the war in 24 hours very dangerous. and you said that it is very difficult to predict at the moment. in general,
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what can the ukrainian authorities expect from the usa if, for example, trump wins the presidential election? trump's key problem isn't really his. position regarding ukraine, because as we see, this position can change, and it is enough to change quickly. the key problem that concerns the potential second term of trump's presidency is his chaotic nature, this is the entropy that he brings to the american system with his election, because if we even listen to the basis of his domestic policy, we will see that in contrast to the entire institution of the ministry of justice, we will see the idea of ​​press censorship, we will see proposals. about changing the composition and the very selection of judges of the supreme court, that is, we must understand that the first six months, the year of trump's presidency, potentially, will bring enormous chaos and instability in the american system itself, and as we understand, for ukraine this instability is the main threat.
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oleksandr, please stay in touch again to listen to another opinion, in the usa they have been delaying the allocation of funds to ukraine for several months. aid, although donald trump is not in the white house, he still has influence on part of the republican party, and us president joe biden, on the contrary, is trying to convince congress to provide this aid to kyiv. among us allies, there is concern about the future. let's hear what it is about says ivo dalder, former us ambassador to nato. even if trump becomes president in the future, his influence is already felt . once during the budget debate in the united states, back in september , president biden's administration sent a budget request: in october, they asked for $100 billion to support israel, taiwan, and ukraine. and that request has stalled in congress, in part because
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trump opposes such funding. all this worries not only nato allies, but especially ukraine. and this procrastination is very much helps russia, which thinks it can probably win now. war sooner than ever because the united states is not living up to its obligations at a time when ukraine is suffering from open aggression and needs help. currently, europe, together with nato, with the support of the united states, wants to make sure that it does not happen during the elections in the united states or in domestic american politics, the alliance and europe as a whole, including ukraine, can continue to count on the security that they did not have, this called in... the hardening of the alliance from trump, and it will be difficult to do, because the usa has been a critically important part of nato for 75 years. european countries, ukraine, are increasingly aware that this day may come sooner than they thought, when they will have to rely on themselves. and oleksandr krayiv,
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an expert of the analytical center ukrainian prism, on the link here is when congress will be able to unlock these 60 billion dollars in ukraine under... conditions, the key rational condition that can force congress to speed up all the processes of this review and speed up the voting itself, this not even the position of ukraine or not the needs of our army, but the requirements of the us defense-industrial complex. for the american defense industry, the order to arm and rearm ukraine is actually the contract of the century, and they cannot plan their long-term activities without this money from congress, and we are already seeing signals that... literally this month they need to complete their financial and budget commitments for next year, and therefore the congress, especially the republican part in this regard, are under some pressure, and therefore, under an optimistic scenario, it is worth expect the approval of the aid package for ukraine by the end of april. i would like to raise
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another topic about trump's position on russia, and in general on putin, from his pre-election statements, is that clear? we see trump trying to distance himself from the topic of russia as much as possible, we see trump who still does not dare to speak directly about his contacts with russians after the investigation of special counsel mueller. trump's key narrative is that yes, putin committed aggression, although he doesn't always want to admit it openly, but what if as soon as trump comes to power, they say, he will be able to solve everything, he is the only one who can negotiate with putin, and so far only this narrative revolves around trump's campaign regarding russia. and in your opinion, nevertheless, why does he have such rhetoric regarding ukraine and the war started by russia? actually. i would rather agree with my colleagues from america that trump is a so-called, this is
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a quote, a political animal, that is, he has certain instincts, he first of all has an internal understanding of the audience, its desires, its aspirations, only then it becomes a certain rational understanding, and therefore his uncertain position regarding ukraine and uncertain position regarding russia, is dictated solely by the audience before which he speaks, which he wants to sway to his side, if against... the speech he sees that pro-ukrainian narratives are key, are such , which people peck at, he will support these narratives, as he did just a month ago and did in a number of his interviews, if he sees the backlash, he starts to act completely differently and claim that putin is a normal politician, this is also a quote, and with which only trump will be able to negotiate, therefore, at this stage , it is difficult to look for razio in his position on this topic, we rather see a reaction and we see only an informational one. policy rather than a particular existing strategy. but at the same time, is it difficult to predict his actions
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at all, what if he becomes president? the only predictable thing about trump is his unpredictability, and that's really a fait accompli. what can help us in terms of analyzing trump's potential foreign policy is understanding his markers, is understanding what is important to him. in two narratives are important to trump's foreign policy. the first is his own and... he always wants to be ahead, he wants to show himself on the external level as a strong politician in order to sell it to internal audiences, and the second topic is profit, profit, both state and personal profit, and in fact, this is what gives me a certain optimism in the context of ukrainian issues, because both a powerful boost for his own image in the context of victory over russia and great investment opportunities for the american defense industry are exactly what ukraine can even give trump help to ukraine, and therefore, taking into account his wishes, let's say, and markers in foreign
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policy, we have a certain perspective that it is possible to convince trump. we have one minute left, so in short, how can us nato allies prepare for this unpredictability that could happen in the event of his victory? here i can only praise them, because in fact they are already performing the key aspects of training, this is formation. of the european coalition of states led by france, which are ready to help more for ukraine, this is the transition of the economy to more military rails, this is the training of its own troops and assistance to the ukrainian troops, finding ammunition around the world, that is, europe has already stepped up and is on the right track for the potential chaos that trump can bring to transatlantic relations. thank you, oleksandr kraev, he was in touch with us. thank you for finding time for us. so the washington post writes that donald trump has a plan to end russia's war in ukraine
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if he returns to the white house. familiar with according to the plan, the interlocutors of the publication said that trump plans to put pressure on kyiv and force ukraine to give up part of its territory, including crimea and donbas. and donald trump's election campaign adviser jason miller called such reports fake. trump himself did not comment on the article. so the signature'. follow our pages in social networks so as not to miss the most important news and analysis, we are on facebook, instagram and tiktok, on youtube you can watch our episode if you missed it on the air. well, that's all for today, more stories on the website, at on our pages in social networks, and we will be on the air again tomorrow at 9 o'clock, take care.
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greetings, friends, the second part of the verdict program is on the tv channel, my name is serhiy rudenko, today... we are talking about zelenskyi shmyhal and the mobilization of medvedev in zapoi, about how potap entertains russians in europe, and the russian orthodox church. literally kills. we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there. please take part in our vote. today we ask you the following: will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, vote either yes or no, leave your comments under this video, if
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you watch us on tv, vote if you donate on zsu, 0800. 211 381 no 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free. so, this week the verkhovna rada of ukraine should consider the second reading of the law on mobilization. over 4,000 amendments, between first and second reading committee on national defense security and intelligence has carefully considered all these amendments and on april 10 this draft law should be submitted to the parliament. volodymyr zelenskyi, president of ukraine and supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, has already called on the council to adopt the law on mobilization in the coming days. let's listen to what volodymyr zelensky said. we are talking to
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the parliament so that they vote in the coming days. voted the corresponding law, it is very important, and it is not completely irresponsible, what they are doing, and what is the problem with this law, i think the most important thing is that the mobilization is going well, but the most important thing is that the russians succeeded with this law, they managed to raise the issue that our people are not ready to further defend the state, because of this law, they raised the issue in... the west so that today is the west asks us, and if you don't want mobilization, the parliament doesn't want to vote, then why do you need help, well, just tell me, if that's all, why should we help? president zelensky asks rhetorical questions, because if he calls on the verkhovna rada to adopt this law, then
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this is the first call when we see that the supreme commander of the armed forces of... ukraine articulates his desire for the parliament to adopt this law, and he says that the russians managed to raise the issue with this law, that our people are not ready to continue to protect the state, in this story, which is connected with the law on mobilization, there was a lack of a leadership position, that is, at the moment when this law or draft law was introduced to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, it was not clear who is that one person or a group of persons who will implement this law through the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this draft law officially came from the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, although, given its importance and taking into account the fact that the country is at war,
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obviously the author of this draft law and the draft law as an urgent matter could... volodymyr zelenskyi himself of the council of ukraine, he did not do this for certain reasons, and now he says: well, now we appeal to the parliament so that the parliament accelerates this consideration of this draft law and that in the end the parliament adopts this law. imagine sitting in the parliament the parliamentary majority, which is the representative of president zelenskyi and his party. servants of the people, that is, and who else should he turn to, that is, he has a pro-presidential faction, there is a monomajority that took responsibility, political responsibility for the country in september 2019 or at the end of august 2019, and it depends exclusively on this monomajority now , whether this
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law on mobilization will be passed or not, if... the monomajority does not have enough votes, then president zelenskyi should say: we do not have a monomajority, now we we will reformat the majority, but still, since there is a danger that the russians may mobilize 300,000 people in june 2024, let's put aside all political misunderstandings and by the whole parliament with 300 votes, votes, we will vote for this law, because it is a matter of life and death of ukraine, this is not only a matter of our responsibility to ours. current partners, as the system of mobilization in ukraine must be clear, understandable for every person, for every military conscript. instead of
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what we hear, for example, from the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal, who is officially the person who filed this law on mobilization, that the mobilization in ukraine will be much milder. the army currently does not... need 500,000 people, and he stated this in an interview with the estonian tv channel er. let's listen to what shmyhal said and continue. the president and i are monitoring the situation. we changed the commander, he conducted an audit of the defense forces. front line rotations began for the first time since the start of a full-scale invasion. we understand that not so many people are needed now, so we are mobilizing. will be much softer. i think that during this year we will complete all the necessary tasks for the mobilization of ukrainians. we have new brigades, they are manned, but we are waiting for
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equipment, military equipment and ammunition from partners. when these all arrive, new brigades will be manned and we will significantly increase our combat power. this means that this mobilization will be much milder, which means that we don't need 500,000 people, how many people do we need? 300 0, 400 people, and if the prime minister says that we are with the president controls the situation, so what does he mean when he talks about it? about the fact that there were some new people in the defense forces of ukraine who were in other positions, that is to say, not at the front, but more in the rear of ukraine, and that these persons will now... get to the front line and replace those who has been there for a long time, or does this mean that we do not need 500,000 mobilized people, then it is not clear why the west reproaches president
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zelensky and says that there is not the mobilization in ukraine that should be there? until that we do not have answers to these questions, and obviously in this situation, clarifications are needed in... including from the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, about what kind of mobilization it will be, and what does soft mobilization mean, that is, if now there will be only her men in two statuses, fit or unfit for military service and there will be no limited fit, does this not mean that this mobilization will not be the same... which, when people, who until now were considered limited, limited fit, will be mobilized into the armed forces of ukraine, and obviously there will be many,
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too many of these people, given that the limited fitness during martial law was extended to people who, who could not be recognized as disabled, disabled, but who were, who had health problems and only. these problems, we still do not have answers to these questions, we only have the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on these statuses, what will happen, will the status be suitable, unsuitable, and not limitedly suitable, then we have the decision of the verkhovna rada of ukraine that mobilization will be carried out for men aged from 25 to 60 years, and previously it was from 27 years. up to 60 years old, and the ministry of defense of ukraine has already called on men who are 25 years old to appear at
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territorial recruitment centers and clarify their data or pass a military medical board, so we see that they are already potentially those who will be mobilized in the near future, as the estimated... framework is now being expanded, in accordance with the decision of the parliament, which signed by the president of ukraine. by the way, this decision that the lower limit, those who can be mobilized during the war, that is, from 27, the reduction from 27 to 25 years, clearly indicates that there is not enough number of mobilized and obviously. mobilization will not be so mild in our country, well, about this mildness, the possible mildness of mobilization, we
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saw on an example. my colleagues from the publication siledstvo info, their journalist yevhenii shulgat tried to be served with a summons by tsk employees who were brought by an employee of the cyber security department of the sbu, my colleague yevhenii shulgat was conducting an investigation into the head of this particular unit, meaning cyber security of the sbu, so the sbu officer came with two representatives of the territorial e-e territorial assembly center and began to search in the shopping and entertainment center or wherever he was or in the store somewhere where the journalist was and actually started to him hand over a summons to the shopping center right there. let's watch a fragment of the journalist's dialogue with representatives of the territorial assembly center. is your appearance here related to my journalistic
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activities? tell me? where did you get it from? you have documents at the tsc, tsp, you came there when you were 16 years old, you know me specifically, which order, you know me by face, it’s like when they approach, they already know every citizen by their shoes, show what they find, who violates the rules , we are wasting time. that is, the representatives of the tsc went to the store, found a journalist who was pointed out to him by an employee of the cyber security department. or
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the cyber security department of the security service of ukraine and began to hand him a summons, why it is done in this way, no one can say maybe, on the other hand, the media community mediarruh is concerned about another case of pressure on investigative journalists, in its statement the community demands the opening of criminal proceedings against employees of the sbu and the tcc. i will quote this appeal: the illegal surveillance of ... representatives of the special services and the use of the military as a tool to stop journalistic investigations is an unacceptable and threatening precedent, the statement said. the head of the independent investigative agency slidstvo info, anna babinets, thanked the media community for operational response and support, and also informed that a criminal case was initiated due to the fact of pressure on the journalist. this morning we filed a statement regarding the situation with our
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journalist. evgeniy shulgat to nabu, the prosecutor general's office has just announced the initiation of proceedings, first, on the fact of abuse of official powers. second, for obstructing journalistic activity, i wish the law enforcement officers a fruitful investigation, we are always ready to help. it is not about the fact that the journalist avoided there and did not want to receive a summons, or did not appear in the territorial assembly center, and what was brought to the journalist. you see, an sbu employee brought two employees of the tcc, pointed to a person, a journalist, and said, hand him a summons, this is exactly the journalist to whom a summons should be served, from such episodes, with such approaches as the tck is currently demonstrating and those who serves the summons, apparently such stories are not added by
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the shopping center. not the sbu, and of course, they raise certain questions, well, if a person really did not appear at the tcc, then the tcc can come to the person's place of residence together with the police, or send this summons to the journalist's place of residence, if they have any claims against this journalist, but this story that has now gained publicity, it... raises certain questions about equality in receiving summonses by journalists and ukrainians, that is, how equal the conditions of all the people who receive these subpoenas, and these questions will obviously arise after this mobilization law is passed, when the provisions of this law come into effect, well...


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