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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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magatte announced the largest shelling of the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant since the fall of 2022. in slovakia, the new president, who is called an opponent of aid to ukraine, meanwhile, in the us, the so -called peace plan of donald trump, which consists in ukraine's renunciation of its territories, is being discussed. this is the topic of today. of svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur, let's start. territories in exchange for alleged peace. former us president donald trump said in a private conversation that he can end the war in ukraine. trump's plan consists in pushing ukraine to territorial concessions, to the transfer of crimea and donbass to russian control. this is reported by the washington post with reference to sources familiar with the conversation. as told. interlocutors of the publication
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trump is convinced that both russia and ukraine need a way out of the conflict. they say they want to save face. at the same time, trump is sure that people in some ukrainian regions will not mind becoming part of russia. trump's proposal, as the washington post writes, will radically change the current policy of us president joe biden, who emphasizes support for ukraine and limiting russian aggression. seeking to return to power, a likely candidate. from the republicans has often boasted that he could negotiate a peace deal between russia and ukraine within 24 hours if elected before taking office, but he has repeatedly refused to specify publicly how he would quickly settle the war that has raged for more than two years and took the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. officially, trump has a so-called peace plan that envisages territorial concessions of kyiv, rejected. in particular, the adviser to the election campaign of the former... president, jason miller,
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called this news fake. i will remind you that in the spring of that year, donald trump said that if he becomes the president of the united states, he will be able to end the war in ukraine in 24 hours. subsequently, volodymyr zelenskyi said that he is ready to meet with trump and listen to his so-called peace plan. ukraine even invited trump to kyiv more than once, but trump rejected the offer. well, returning to the so-called trump's peace plan, how many political leaders are ready? to agree with his idea, is he alone, well, at least in the west in his desire to force kyiv to make territorial concessions, we will talk about this in just a few minutes, but in the meantime, the us congress has not yet passed a bill on providing aid to ukraine, blocking the decision on donald trump called for the help of the republicans, in particular. later, however, he stated that it is necessary to help ukraine, but not for free, in debt. my colleague iryna sisak asked about the prospects for the adoption of the draft law. help for ukraine from
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congressmen who were in kyiv last week. listen. mike johnson. the speaker of the house of representatives, commenting on the aid package, noted that it will include some innovations. in particular, he talked about providing financial support for credit. can it work? i think it might work. if you look at the composition of both the united states senate and the house of representatives, it prevails. the majority supports ukraine and wants this package to be approved. there are a few factions that don't agree with the level of spending on ukraine, but again, in general, the vast majority of our members believe that support is needed not only for the sake of ukraine, but also for the sake of our own national security. what conditions do you think would be acceptable to both democrats and republicans for a quick vote on the bailout?
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make sure every dollar is accountable. transparency is very important to a lot of people, and the certainty that dollars are going to munitions, to weapons platforms, to very specific goods where these dollars can be tracked because a lot of people in the united states are hearing about the issue of corruption, so we have to understand that there are ways to track these funds, these expenditures and weapons platforms. so it's important to make sure that... the american public understands that we can monitor how these dollars are spent, and it's also important to make sure that it's done wisely. this will be important, we need to make sure that these measures are in place, but there may be other changes that the speaker will also propose. speaker house of representatives mike johnson stated that the aid package will contain some important innovations, in particular he mentioned a law that could... allow the us president to send
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frozen russian assets to ukraine. what do you think about it? it is possible? i 'll support it, not just because it helps with engagement. additional congressional support for the aid bill, but it will also further punish russia, which is what we need to do. okay, and loan assistance, what is your position on this? as for me, with this innovation, the speaker is trying to get more support from some members of his party, and you know, i wouldn't object to that if it was a loan that could be canceled so that the president, whether he was a democrat or a republican, could cancel that loan. volodymyr dubovyk, guest professor of the fletcher school at tavts university, united states of america, has already joined our broadcast, volodymyr, good, good evening, good evening. let's start with trump's proposal, although he is said to be a fake and not a peaceful one
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the plan, which allows, provides for concessions, territorial concessions on the part of ukraine, did not come out of it, but do you accept that such a trump plan still exists? and that he envisages concessions on the part of kyiv, in particular crimea and donbas to be given to russia, does this story look plausible to you? well , in principle, yes, i don’t think there is any detailed peace plan, i think there is simply an understanding that aid to ukraine will be reduced or simply stopped, and under such conditions it will be very difficult for us to hold these territories, and therefore, in principle . i think it is a de facto peace plan, because in principle, as he said to the prime minister, or to the hungarian leader orbán, not a single penny will go to ukraine, and therefore in principle, well, if it doesn't go, then it won't to receive american weapons, american aid, then
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de facto it will be a baiting of ukraine to some kind of appeasement, on unfavorable terms with russia, therefore, in principle , i do not think that there is any detailed... done in such nuances peaceful plan, but there is simply an understanding that ukraine will have to be forced to make concessions territorial issue. and what do you think, in the united states in the united states, trump is the only supporter of such a concept, which consists in the renunciation of territories by ukraine, does he have like-minded people, if so, how high are their positions, and well, maybe they voice something similar on informal occasions, for example, well, the main position is headed by him, he holds that he is the leader of a certain bloody republican party, he is a candidate for the elections and the next elections, who is leading now according to sociological polls, and he has a great influence on a significant part of their party to the electorate, and
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therefore, in principle, all the others already take some such position according to the fact that if you want to please him or be with him, then they already take the appropriate position. regarding aid to ukraine, look at, let's say, congressman or congresswoman sports, how she, in principle, oscillates for a short time between trying to support ukraine and loyalty to the trump wing of her party, choose the latter, i already understand, because they also talk about corruption there and about what is needed monitor and first resolve the issue with the southern border, so the main thing here is trump and his position. and his influence on the rest of the important party of the country, which he has already convinced recently, in the last months, or maybe even six months somewhere, that ukraine should be stopped, help ukraine. but look, all these statements out there about him
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ending the war in 24 hours, he never gave any detailed plan of how he would do it, and he also never publicly stated that he, becoming president... will incline kyiv to some territorial concessions, do you think, under what circumstances or under what conditions will trump be ready to publicly announce such a proposal? well, about 24 hours , it was always a mess, because well, it's just that trump speaks in such a way that he does not speak, then he just says something and there is nothing behind it, but on the other hand, regarding the question of how this conflict can be resolved, like a war may end, then i think that this is his plan, there is no need to further help ukraine, to interfere in this conflict, let them be there decide among themselves, these two countries, they have always been hostile to each other, why should we give a lot of money there, and europeans are europeans who decide, they do not
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give enough for defense, for security, for military affairs, so let them learn somehow to be responsible for the question, for this question, for this problem of ukraine and the protection of ukraine. in the face of russia, so basically, i think trump's position here is quite popular among a large part of americans right now. yes, but why, why is it beneficial for trump? such and such plan and such a peace plan and such narratives, isn’t this a sign of the weakness of the west and the usa in particular and trump in particular as the leader of the possible future, they choose their conflicts, this conflict is unimportant to him, this war is unimportant to him, the defense of ukraine was never possible , he is against the traditional anti-ukrainian position, he does not like ukraine, ukrainians, he is very impressed by putin and his style of ruling the country, he says that america. should turn away from the world, stop its such worldly, global politics and not play such an active role in all
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conflicts in the world, and in principle says that it is not necessary to spend too much money on all these other regions, and therefore it absolutely fits into his approach, which we have already known for a long time, nato, he is not sure that it it is necessary in america in general, the european union is rather other european allies, traditional for america, it is rather an opponent. from trump's point of view, so in principle it fits into this picture, in which in europe, let's say, a close hungarian leader or a modern slovak leader is more important to him, rather than some people who say that it is necessary to mobilize and continue to provide aid to ukraine. that is, to summarize, if i understood correctly what you said at the beginning, sociology and polls show that trump is leading. i understood correctly, trump is in the lead, yes, and if he becomes president, did i
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understand correctly that this narrative about territorial concessions, he will be able to announce it loudly, and he will also be able to announce more loudly that let's stop financing aid for ukraine ? well, this is the second, yes, he will not be probably talk about negotiations, about pressure on ukraine, you will simply stop providing aid to ukraine, this will be enough to send ukraine to negotiations on unfavorable conditions for us. that's all, and at the same time he will say, let russia, moscow, and kyiv grow. but at the same time, it seems to me that trump does not deny himself the pleasure of emphasizing once again that it was during his presidency that some sanctions were imposed on the northern stream, that he gave ukraine some lethal weapons, and so on and so forth. well, trump is about lethal weapons, i am not i think what he remembers are his defenders, who are trying to show that trump is not so bad for ukraine, they remind us that it was under him that this lethal weapon was provided, although it was given to us personally against the will of trump , and
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there were not so many, and we can remember how many javelins there were and where they were stationed in ukraine and under what conditions, and as for all other things, well, russia did not attack, it attacked more because it was not ready at the time, because were afraid to attack, let's say, when he was president, this is again, again my dear, that’s why it’s trump just for... high-class magog, and he’s using it, and these are the efforts of ukraine, you remember, volodymyr zelenskyi invited trump to kyiv several times, i understand, you can put an end to that, talk about it now and there can be no talk, at least until the elections, no, no contact, kyiv, official kyiv has not established with trump, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to do it before the elections, well, efforts and attempts to build, to build some line of contact, some channels of communication with the team trump, his environment is happening all the time, and ours diplomacy, well it does the right thing that they
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try to have such channels of communication, but are they any influential, can they somehow influence his position, change his position, or push him to move away from his current position about the lack of aid to ukraine, i still don’t see any confirmation of this, now the question of aid is volodymyr zelenskyi in one of his last interviews, he said: he said that ukraine will lose the war against russia if congress does not approve this big package military aid let me remind you, it is about 60 billion dollars. tell me, please, how much this, firstly, resonates in american politics between now, and how much it is now a valid argument for congressmen? well, it is important for some congressmen, for those who believe that it is important for america that ukraine does not lose, that russia does not win, that american interests are involved, it is important for them. argument, but they don't need to be convinced, but those who follow trump and say that we just don't care how
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this war will end and how much territory ukraine will lose, otherwise you will not convince them either, and it is hardly possible to change their opinion, and more or less the positions of both camps have already been established, those who are in favor of continuing aid, and you, who are for ending aid, and someone in the middle, like speaker johnson, is wavering a little, or just having a dilemma about what to do. to show that he still manages the representatives, but mainly the majority of american politicians, in particular members of parliament, congress, they have long, they have long already decided are they in favor of continuing aid or reducing aid, yes , actually, with aid, look, it seems that the united states' easter vacation is over, yes, congress has already gone to work, there is hope that they are now from day to day, i don't know , from week to week, until the end of april, they will pass this aid, i hope so, i, as far as i understand, the next session starts tomorrow, april 9, well, part of
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the session, in which they will work, but it seems that johnson promised that there will be progress in this. questions, but whether there is really progress or not some kind of package has been agreed, is there some text of the draft law around which supporters of aid to ukraine can unite or not, we will see whether any adjustments will be made again, whether there will be any discussions again, i think we will already see during this week, for sure and whether it will be decided , will johnson the speaker finally dare to put it to a vote, or will he delay again and put it off a little, well , i hope that anyway... they can vote soon, and if i understand correctly, we are still we do not understand whether the speaker will vote, here is this bill about 60 billion, is it possible that there will be some other bill that will provide for a debt, a loan, and so on, we definitely understand that he will not submit for consideration and voting the bill that was approved
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in the senate, because he does not agree with it, and there is nothing to say about the southern borders and so on. therefore, there will be something new, there will be some new tricks, there will be some new options and text from the representatives of the party, how quickly they can agree on everything there and how much they did, they did during the recess, although there was no meeting session, but people were working on these relevant texts and drafts, but whether they have a consensus draft in hand now, we don't know about that, and what is happening now with public sentiment in the united states, that is, regarding ukraine, maybe some... there are sociological surveys, which could you share with us? well, in principle , the level of support for ukraine among americans remains, although it is noticeably lower, compared to what it was 2 years ago, but all the same, the majority of americans believe that ukraine should be maintained at the level of somewhere around 60%, i.e., maybe not as big as we would like, but all the same, all the leading polls
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confirm that americans still believe that it is necessary to provide some kind of relief. and aid, accordingly, to ukraine so that it does not lose this war. well then, according to the logic of things , trump is acting contrary to these public sentiments? he acts contrary to the general american public mood, but there we, if we reject those who are inclined to vote for biden, then among those who remain, already there are still more who agree with trump and his position on ukraine. and what about biden, look, i had to read in the western press that trump has quite a strong... influence and he is doing everything possible so that this bill is not passed in support of ukraine, but biden is also not making any special efforts , to move it, is it so? well, what can he do? at one time, he underestimated, i think, the massiveness and systematicity of the opposition from the republican side, and the white house, i think,
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was caught off guard a little bit by how powerful this position turned out to be and not ready. would not have worked on any plan in advance to overcome or simply not to miss such a strong barrier in the congress to drink the representatives in the way of this bill, and now they can also continue to push and put a little too much pressure on johnson, they also do not want him to he just didn't take offense there and didn't completely block and didn't refuse to vote, didn't put him in such an uncomfortable situation, because it is known that there are those who in... they will simply be against him to vote, to ask questions about his resignation, if he puts aid to ukraine to the vote. therefore, the white house is acting very cautiously now, just hope, like all of us , that the situation will change for the better after all, and the vote will take place, and the aid will still go through. i have one last question,
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volodymyr, please tell me, what if we start off from this so-called peace plan of trump, well, if there really will be one. to insist that kyiv give its territories, crimea and donbas to russia, and what can be done next, the united states can act, how next, how can cooperation between russia and the usa take place in this picture of the world, trump really believes that everything can be turned back, putin will be satisfied with his newly acquired territories there, and relations with russia can be restored , or this is how trump and his friends are seen. trump doesn't understand this, his sympathizers don't understand it either, they don't even think about it, it doesn't escape them, they basically have a common line of behavior, a common approach, a miracle of role.' which in the world which must be radically belittled, lowered and turn their backs on the world, in principle, and rather confront the dictators whom they have always loved, including vladimir putin, whether this
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will allow the americans to achieve any breakthroughs with russia or any achievements in bilateral relations with russia, it is difficult to say, i think not, because after all, well , trump will not so quickly overcome the opposition from a large part of the american apparatus of the establishment, which is engaged in... national security, defense and so on, but in principle some breakthroughs are possible for account of ukraine between moscow and washington. thank you very much for your comment. volodymyr dubovyk, a visiting professor at the fletcher school at tavts university in the usa, was on radio liberty. thank you very much. the main intelligence agency of ukraine stated that ukraine was not involved in the attacks on the occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which recently occurred on the eve of the international atomic energy agency head magate raphael grossi announced the explosion of a drone on the territory of the nuclear power plant. however, he did not specify who exactly launched the drone and from which direction it
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came. grosi later reported how at least three direct hits to the main structures of the protective shell of the zas reactor. the russian side claims that the zas was attacked by ukrainian drones. here you can see the published footage, these footage were published by the occupying press service of the armed forces. they show the wreckage of drones. allegedly fell on the territory of the station, rfe/rl cannot guarantee the authenticity of these shots, but official kyiv, as i have already said, rejects the accusation. let me remind you that zaporizhzhia npp is one of the largest nuclear power plants in europe, and it is occupied by russian troops since the spring of 2022, the ukrainian authorities previously reported that the russian army used the zas to store military equipment and deploy its servicemen, well, according to raphael grossi, similar attacks on the armed forces, such an attack, or rather... had not yet happened from november 2022, this is a serious escalation of threats to the nuclear safety and security of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, such reckless
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attacks significantly increase the risk of a major nuclear accident and must be stopped immediately. well, we will now talk about the situation in the armed forces literally in a few seconds. i will remind you once again that zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant is one of the largest in europe, it was occupied before. at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, and territorially it is located in the city of energodar, dmytro orlov, the mayor of energodar, joins our broadcast. dmitry, good evening. good evening. what do you personally know about the attack on zas and is magate right when he claims that this is the biggest attack since the spring of 22? well, regarding the official statements of our special services, i can just to confirm that they have repeatedly... said, and i will confirm this, neither the territory of the nuclear plant, nor the territory of the city, nor the industrial zone, because it can have a negative effect on the workers of the zaporizhzhia
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nuclear plant, on the residents, they fire on objects that direct nuclear power plant in europe, well, as for the provocative videos, these are already the first videos, and usually the representatives of the ministry of defense also record... civilians, they fire directly from the territory of the station and from the territory that is located close to the perimeter, the videos are extremely poorly made in terms of provocation, if you evaluate them, but what about the fact that the representatives of the ministry of defense... record it, they recorded it it is not the first time, and this time it is probably true that they will continue such attempts, and this can
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only indicate that the occupiers feel extremely dangerous both in the city of energodal and at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station, there from time to time, literally for a second or two the connection fell off, i still didn't understand whether you said who, who from your point of view, could be behind this attack, and who is it beneficial to... well, according to the structures of the reactor, they hit, well, the designer, the structure the reactor can withstand even the fall of an airplane, a direct hit, so the situation with regard to some drones there, which they probably most likely launch themselves and try to do it, well, if they were to make some kind of news out of it, well, this is an extremely low-quality provocation that they they do, and as for exactly... er, directly finding representatives magate, then, of course, they record exactly the facts that the occupiers show them, because they are actually there as hostages in
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the completely occupied territory. and that is , magate, that is, magate really cannot establish where the drone flew from, who it belonged to, and what was the purpose of the attack? of course, they make their provocative videos already after their arrival, and it has already been seen several times in these videos that even the wreckage of the same drones, they reproduce and drag them from place to place for several months, and in fact it is the same one the most drone they have anywhere. they shot it down somewhere, maybe that's how they use it for their propaganda. dmitry, in general , look, the station has been occupied for more than two years, how is the station working now in general, what is happening there, who works there, how much the staff has changed during this time, because i understand that at first they were local people, citizens of ukraine who lived in
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energodar, as of now, what from... at the station from what, of course, you know, because you, i will say, for our audience, you territorially, not in energodar, well, in energodar and nastancia, the nuclear occupiers stopped allowing personnel who did not sign contracts with rosatom from february of the current year, that is, until this moment, there was still some opportunity for competent specialists to service the zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, unfortunately, there remained there since february those who signed a little less than two...thousand workers, and now they were actually recruiting according to the announcement about the same number, and if we take the pre-occupation period, then the staff at the nuclear plant about 11 thousand worked. power units do not generate electrical energy into the network, they remain connected to the energy system of ukraine, which works with the european one, ensuring the cooling of the nuclear fuel, which is in six reactors, at the expense of the operation of...
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pump coolers, pumps that cool from the energy system of ukraine. the occupiers put 11 of the power units into a state of hot shutdown, this is the fourth power unit, this is contrary to the requirements of the state energy regulation of ukraine, this is a violation. all other power units are in a state of cold shutdown or their condition is lower than the category in relation to, well, that is , there are no violations of licensing requirements for other power units. and regarding the fourth , what is really there, and you said that there 200 people re-signed the contract, as i understand it, these are 200 people who probably already received russian passports and re-signed contracts with rosatom or with russia, how to say it correctly, yes , yes, some are there under pressure, some of their own accord, but nevertheless we are we have such statistics that about 200 have signed a contract, these are former employees of
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the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. we are not talking about these signatories, because they may be employees of some auxiliary units who have moved there to higher positions or to other units that are more responsible, and the bare figure is about 2 thousand signatories. and tell me, please, how the city of energodar changed in principle during this time, these two years, i will say for our audience, there already lived more than 50,000 people, and in fact a large part of these people... one was involved in the work at this station, how has the city changed in two years? the city is practically devastated, because about 80% have left the mine, some remain abroad, some are in the controlled territory, well , the majority of those who left are in the controlled territory of ukraine, some settled in order to maintain their qualifications at other nuclear plants of ukraine that are working in the nergaata company, that is, the situation is like this,
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about 20%. maybe a little more is left in the energy gift, many people have 1010 left, you you claim, in energy donation, yes, if 20% of 50, yes, so about 10 remained from local residents, someone moved from settlements, villages and cities from the temporarily occupied territory, well, of course, there are facts when the fennel part of russia also comes , someone to work, someone to the apartments, and you said that at the station itself? before the occupation, 11,000 people worked, i understand that now mostly the station employees are russian citizens who came there directly from russia, started living there or come by some kind of shift method and they work at the station, well, some of them actually come from the temporary station, well, to the occupied station from other mainland stations.


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