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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EEST

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that is, the situation is like this, about 20%, maybe a little more is left in the energy donation, a lot of people have 10 left, you claim that in the energy donation, yes, if 20% of 50, yes, about 10 are left from local residents, someone moved from settlements, villages and the bridge from the temporarily occupied territory, well , of course, there are facts when people from the southern part of russia also come, some to work, some to get apartments. and you said that 11,000 people worked at the station before the occupation, i understand that now the station's employees are mostly russian citizens who they came directly from russia, they started living there, or they come and work at the station by some shift method, well, some part really comes from temporarily , well, to the occupied station from other stations on the mainland. parts of russia, er, well, this percentage
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is small, and somewhere at the beginning it was a few dozen people who came on business trips for a month, for two to six months, now it is a little more than 100 people, but nevertheless they are not able to competently service the enterprise and the station, equipment, for this you need to have a certain, certain experience of working on exactly the equipment that is there, and for... the porizia nuclear power plant, it was constantly modernized, especially after the post-focusim accidents, well, after the post-focusim accidents, uh, there were also certain safety measures there, and some systems in general others are gone, so to talk about the fact that even from the same project design , one specialist can be competently transferred and he will also service power units at another station, then this is not what we are talking about, because there yes,
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dmytro orlov, the mayor of energodar, we they talked about the situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which was shelled the other day. thank you very much. the speaker of the country's parliament, peter pellegrini, became the new president of slovakia. according to the results of vote counting, he received more than 53%. polegrini is called a philanthropist. robert fitzu, who in turn opposes sending weapons to ukraine. well, speaking in bratislava, after the victory, polegrinius promised to do everything to ensure that slovakia, i will quote here, will remain on the side of peace, and not on the side of war. i will remind you that the previous president of slovakia, zuzana chaputova, elected in 2019 after the start of a full-scale invasion of ukraine, addressed the russian military in russian and called on them to stop the war, and then very consistently supported her.
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ukraine, when she leaves, and this will happen, the official resignation will be in june of this year, and in this way, there will no longer be a single high-ranking official in slovakia who would unconditionally support the military support of kyiv. zoryana stepanenko, radio liberty correspondent in the european union, joins our broadcast. zoryan, good evening. what is he known for? peter pellegrini, what exactly is the role of the president in slovakia, given that slovakia is a parliamentary republic. greetings vlasto, the role of the president of slovakia is primarily representative or ceremonial, as it is also called, the government led by the prime minister plays the first violin both in foreign policy and in domestic, but the head of state has a kind of deterrent tool at his disposal, the president can promise bills parliament and challenge them in the constitutional court, as well as appoint judges and potentially that should be enough to prevent the country from retreating from democracy, i.e. to create such a system of restraints. and
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the counterbalance of the reform of the criminal law and the media, which was initiated by the slovak prime minister robert fico, provoked concerns among the opposition about the weakening of the rule of law, as well as his external course, the current head of government, unlike his previous leadership, against military aid to ukraine, called and the event to stop it, as well as to start negotiations with russia, the election was won by fico's political ally, let more moderate peter pellegrini from autumn 2023. the speaker of the slovak parliament, even in the midst of the campaign, repeated some of the pro-russian statements of fitz, for example, he promised that slovakia would be on the side of peace, not war, and how it was possible to win with these slogans, analysts who are familiar with slovak politics explained to us, and hence in the realities there, listen, it was a slander campaign against candidate poligrini and robert fitz.
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rival candidate ivan korchok is portrayed as a warmonger who will involve slovakia in the war, which is of course not true, because the powers to send slovakian troops anywhere, belongs entirely to the government and parliament. there is a tendency towards war weariness, on the other hand also fears of the population, and this was a battle fueled largely by russian propaganda and disinformation. this type of accusation against pellegrini played a significant role in mobilizing his voters, i expect him to coordinate his future. politics, both domestic and international, with a government led by robert fitzo. it seems to me that pellegrini will be more moderate and will try to dilute the pro-russian image slovakia, which is a very unpleasant image of what we see in international relations, but in
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the general foreign policy, in particular, regarding aid to ukraine, i think we should not expect serious changes. it's early, but what are they saying... in brussels about how pellegrin's victory will actually affect slovakia's internal and external course, well, in particular , ukraine. actually, well , no one expects significant and drastic changes here, primarily in view of the powers of the president of slovakia, as well as the similarity of the views of pellegrini and fizo, what you are talking about they said that fear was the decisive factor in these elections, the candidate who was defeated also agrees. ivan korchuk, pellegrini's rival. zgonki, who won almost 47% of the vote, thereby falling behind by 6%, admitted that he had lost and while congratulating the winner promised not to forget how piligrini turned him into a candidate for war. korčuk is well known in brussels, he headed the mission of slovakia to the european union, was the ambassador to the united
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states, and also the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, has a pro-western orientation that, however, to some extent it is already clear from his biography, during the campaign he claimed that the termination. aid to ukraine will ensure russia's victory instead of peace. even if ivan korchuk won, there would be no reversal in the policy of the slovak government, so it will continue. the election of polegrinya actually means the strengthening of robert fizo's anti-western and anti-ukrainian rhetoric. politics, however, in his case differed from this, and with regard to rhetoric in particular, we expect a strengthening. as for... ukraine in ukraine about its membership in the eu, slovakia is not in economic and humanitarian terms, slovakia will remain in the position of its partners in the european union, and regarding the preparation of negotiations, it has moved away from the mainstream in the european union, so even under pellegrin, this will certainly not change.
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judging by peter pellegrini's previous actions, he was a conservative voice of sorts. ancient orientation of ukraine and did not aspire to confrontation with the eu, as well as the usa. pellegrini has always been a moderate voice, advocating a policy of compromises, as well as finding a golden mean in foreign and security policy. the previous moderate course may become tougher when pellegrini takes office. at the same time, we can also expect the level of rhetoric to tone down a bit after this heated and polarized presidential campaign. a change in the relations between bratislava and brussels is not expected here, since slovakia receives subsidies from the eu budget, and therefore a confrontation is not in the interests of the current government, and they do not expect that slovakia will follow the example of hungary and its leader, in particular regarding the blockade of ukraine's movement to
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the european union, because no signs that bratislava the experts with whom rfe/rl spoke may start something similar, but today they have not yet observed the officially newly elected president. we talked about the presidential elections in slovakia and actually what such a voting result would mean for ukraine, whether it would change relations with slovakia, with slovakia and whether piligrini is really pro-russian, well, how was such an opinion voiced, for example, according to the opinion of the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine pavlo klinkin, the distribution of roles was agreed in advance, and there will be success, success of relations with slovakia. depend on the prime minister's coalition, so the key to relations with slovakia is still with fico. he does not consider pelligrini, that is, klimkin does not consider pelligrini either pro-russian or pro-ukrainian. he is somewhere in the middle - says the former ukrainian minister. listen. i do not consider pelligrini a pro-russian candidate,
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although i also do not consider him unequivocally rigid and very consistently emotional. pro-ukrainian, he is rather somewhere, somewhere in the middle, er, his party and himself, they will focus on... on a certain internal balance of forces in slovakia, slovakia is the most pro-russian country in central europe, everyone knows this, it can be seen from any survey, and today's coalition, no matter how we feel about its statements, it definitely has 50 plus support in slovak society. moreover, i can see. the trend towards increasing support, what is doing, what is being done by fitz, and accordingly
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pelligrini, if you like, my opinion, i think that from the beginning the distribution of roles was agreed, the vice-premier and pellegrini, they wanted to push the president was actually pushed. i think we have an opportunity to talk with... grinni, there are topics, of course, there are opportunities to talk with them on eu issues as well, although in matters of accession to the eu, the main word is for for fice. as far as our fundamental interests are concerned, i don't see slovakia becoming a second hungary. there are very difficult trends there, some of them... we don't like them, they are somewhat
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authoritarian, but i don't see slovak drifting silently to the hungarian model, it is much more, much more different internally, there are a lot of considerations , what pelligrini at the stage of the campaign between the first and the second round tried to... present himself as a man of peace in such quotes, and speculated on the topic that slovak troops would never be in ukraine, although my slovak friends believe that this is a real, real question, it helped pellegrina to some extent, but it was not critical, that is , an attempt to speculate on the topic, and in this... there is a certain aping of exactly what orbán was doing, this is an important topic, but not critical, understanding
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that slovak society is quite clearly pro-russian , i.e. 40+ slovak society, they are pro-russian, well, we understand very well that in key issues our relations with slovakia depend on the coalition of the prime minister, i.e. what will the president say, no president will stop, whether korchak would be the president or is pellegrini the president, and i believe that pellegrini, he is, according to his political beliefs, he rather reflects such a hideous, the smallest consensus in slovak society, that is, between pro-russian circles and frankly such pro-europeans. and these pro-european and pro-russian ones largely overlap, that is, when you ask the slovaks, they are both
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for europe and for some kind of relations with russia, and when they are asked there, how does it somehow coincide, they say, well, we don't know to the end, but somehow we are sweating it out there, so i actually i see a critical need to work specifically with the government, of course , it is very important to support the president. this contact, he has powers there in the field of foreign policy, but i think that as a result, fizi and pellegrini will follow a certain agreed line, that is , the key to relations with slovakia, and i say that without any, no bias towards pelligrini, he, he is an officer. we. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty page on the internet, like this broadcast, and svoboda live will be back on
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the air tomorrow. quarterfinals of the champions league only on migo. real, man city and psg. these matches will shake the entire football world. turn on april 9 and 10. vasyl zema's big broadcast, this is the big broadcast, my name is vasyl zamay, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics today we are with you let's talk for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how
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the world lives, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening, please word, two hours to be aware of the economy. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, big broadcast. vasyl zema, project for intelligent and caring, in the evening for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. the war is going on, and not only for territories, it is... russia is throwing millions of petrodollars to turn ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project with olga lake. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat, tuesday-friday at 22:00. greetings, today is a story about two girls and one boy who went missing in the chaos of war at the beginning of a full-scale russian invasion. all the children we will talk about are from the temporarily occupied part of the kherson region. these are snizhana almagambetova, georgy burskyi and sofiy kavaschenko. snezhanna is only 11 years old and
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nothing has been known about her since february 24, 2020. the girl disappeared in the second year in the skadovsky district of the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, and this 15-year-old boy lived just 20 km from the gola prystan in the city of oleshki in the kherson region before the war , his name is george bursky. please look carefully, at his teenage face is missing, and maybe you will recognize him and help him find him. just like snizhana and georgy himself. at the beginning of the war , nine-year-old sofiyka vashchenko also disappeared in the kherson region. the girl was last seen in the village of chaplinka, in the kakhovsky district. unfortunately, this is all the information there is about snizhana, georgy and sofiyka, and above all, the search is, of course, complicated by the fact that children have disappeared in the occupied territory. and, by the way, it is precisely in
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such situations that there is great hope for witnesses who, in particular, in social networks can... to see our videos about the search in the occupied territories, so i appeal first of all to the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region. if you know anything about snizhana almagambetova, georgy bursky and sofiyka vashchenko, please let us know immediately by calling the hotline number 11630. if you are unable to call at any time, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot . of the child tracing service in telegram, and of course, children can be both in the occupation and in the territory under the control of ukraine or even abroad. therefore, if, for example, you live in one of the european countries, and there you see one of the children we are looking for, or, god forbid, you yourself have a missing child, do not delay and call 116/30.
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1163 is the only european line of the missing. which works in 28 european countries, so remember, it's better to write down this number, so that you never need it, but you need to know it just in case. i told just one of the many difficult stories of missing children. information about everyone you can see the boys and girls we are trying to find on the website of the children's search service. here are photos of children who disappeared. and need our help, so please don't be indifferent, look at their faces, if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately, the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116 30, the calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine. one thing is clear:
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now the vast majority of children we are trying to find have gone missing because of circumstances somehow related to war, in occupation, in front-line towns or villages, or during evacuation, but at the same time, as before a full-scale invasion, children often disappear due to running away from home. mostly boys and girls resort to this in adolescence, and the reasons here are very different: conflicts in the family, insufficient or, on the contrary , excessive attention of parents, bullying at school, unfortunately, violence, or the banal search for adventure, independence and freedom. the child tracing service has prepared a series of tips for parents from a psychologist about what you should do first of all to prevent a child from running away from home. let's listen. be attentive to your child. there are some manifestations in the behavior of children and adolescents that indicate that they need to be taken care of more, they need to
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be taken care of more. what could it be? first of all, it is a disturbed sleep pattern, when the child goes to bed at three o'clock, gets up at 12 o'clock, this is definitely not good, it is definitely a reason to worry. next, it can be a depressed state where the child is depressed most of the day for more than two weeks, this is definitely a reason to take care of... her, if you notice any problems with the child's memory, attention, productivity, this can also be evidence that she has some strong negative experiences, if nothing brings joy to the child, satisfaction, if nothing pleases her, it is also an excuse to take care of her, have some kind of warm and trusting conversation with her, support, help, and sometimes refer to specialists, refer for help to a psychologist or other specialists.
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the program of the ukrainian voice service is on the air time of america. my name is maria ulyanovska. congratulations. in recent months , russia has been sending missile attacks on ukraine, almost every day moscow massively hits the kharkiv region with drones, bombs and ballistic missiles. mainly energy facilities, high-rise residential buildings, kindergartens, dormitories and other civil infrastructure are under attack. in addition, russia uses a double-strike tactic, repeatedly shelling the landing sites where rescuers are already working. russia is shelling peaceful areas of the kharkiv region in order to sow panic, yes says us ambassador to kyiv bridget brink. the american journalist, writer and historian notes that the russians are trying to do the same to kharkiv as they did to grozny, aleppo and mariupol.
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the british edition of the economist, citing interlocutors in kyiv, suggests that the kremlin wants to make the city uninhabitable, and writes that kharkiv is one of several possible directions of the future offensive. at the same time , the ukrainian military is taking all measures to respond to the possible attack of the aggressor on kharkiv. assures the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, said that one of the priority tasks of the country now is to find more means of air defense to protect this region. now the patriots have a place precisely in ukraine, so that later they do not have to be used at least on the entire eastern flank of nato, - the president noted. meanwhile, us lawmakers are back to work after a two-week break. it is expected that the aid of ukraine. will be a key issue on the agenda this week. former speaker house of representatives mike johnson promised to consider aid to ukraine. however, he refuses to vote on
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a bill that has already been approved in the senate. instead, johnson insists on creating his own bill, which would involve the allocation of funds to the debt. white house spokeswoman karin janier said that approving aid to ukraine should be one of the urgent priorities of congress. if we want to help ukraine, if we want to maintain our commitment to the ukrainians as long as this brave people is fighting for their freedom, we must adopt a bill on additional financing of national security needs. in the last few weeks or months, we've been watching ukraine lose ground on the battlefield, it's because of congressional inaction, and that's why we have to continue our joint support, because we've been supporting them for almost two years now, and they 're fighting for their freedom, their democracy, against putin's aggression. we know what happens if we don't deal with tyrants, if we don't stop dictators. we know how history developed in the past. so it's
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critical, it's important. meanwhile, after meeting last week in brussels, nato announced that it would strengthen its role in military assistance to ukraine. at the session on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the alliance, nato secretary general jens stoltenberg promised nato's support for ukraine, both now and in the future. our myroslava gongadze visited the base of the seventh brigade of tactical aviation and tells how military aid has already strengthened the air force of ukraine. at the last nato meeting. in brussels, general secretary jen stoltenberg proposed to create a fund for long-term assistance to ukraine in the amount of 107 billion dollars allies agreed today to move forward with planning to strengthen nato's role in coordinating security and training assistance. details will be announced in the coming weeks, but rest assured, ukraine can count on nato support now and for a long time to come.
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nato military support already. significantly helped ukraine. a year ago, nato members poland and slovakia transferred most of their mig-29 fighters to ukraine. colonel yevhen bulatsyk, veteran commander of the air force's seventh tactical aviation brigade, says that western aid allowed the ukrainians to modernize their outdated air fleet. how did our western partners help us? we made sure that this weapon is long-range, and many, many times more accurate. and more effective than the soviet ones, we hope that their combination will give us a chance for survival and even victory. after adapting ukrainian aircraft to western weapons systems, they become an effective means of striking enemy targets. yevhen bulatsik emphasizes the need to increase supplies of ammunition and hopes for a quick arrival.
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this parity, this security will be able to provide us with the future f-16 and a complex combination of the capabilities of western -style aircraft with our old ones will give us great power and more opportunities for effective countermeasures against the air forces of the russian federation. pilot andriy, who does not give his last name for security reasons, was a civilian pilot before the war. he made his last airbus flight just four days before the full-scale invasion. now he performs military tasks every day. during most of the flights we use winged aircraft missiles like stormshadow, scalp, and we expect teurus because it is a more effective, modern, accurate weapon that helps us hit more important and valuable targets of our
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enemies. the pilots express confidence that with the help of nato military supplies , the ukrainian air force will be able to change the situation on the battlefield. help, well , if in all directions, from weapons to, well , financial support, to someone can provide ammunition, weapons, someone can provide, well, they can only sell them, that's all for us, that's all for us now. need, we don't ask to be given it we are ready, whether it is for loans or for some other kind, we are ready for any help, and we, ukrainians, are an honest people, sooner or later we will give back, give us time, we will work it all out, we will return all debts, we will give back by the way, give us the right to protect our own, we don't need someone else's, we will protect our own, and we will re... renew
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the economy and we will pay off all the debts who once gave us what, but in our person, any country, any the organization gets a very strong-willed partner in all its affairs, and it can always count on the shoulder of ukraine in any troubles, troubles or cataclysms or everything. meanwhile, ukraine is fighting with all possible means and is asking for an invitation to nato, the alliance. which was recently joined by finland and sweden, says that the door is open for ukraine, but is currently not ready to extend an invitation to ukraine to join nato. myroslava gongadze, voice of america, starokostyantiniv, ukraine. meanwhile, magat general director rafael grossi confirmed the explosions at the russian-occupied zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. experts of the organization who inspected the place attacks


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