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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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this association is called the crimean defense force, but de facto a long part of them is involved , including in the south of our country, in particular in the south of the kherson region, they are also involved in the hostilities on the left bank of the dnieper, against our chayduhs, who hold a few on the left bank of the dnieper, in the south of the kherson region, but nevertheless, as far as the changing personnel is concerned, the servicemen of the russian army arrive there through the stage of combat management at the range training centers and relevant military training institutions in the crimea, then they are already sent to what is left of them is not completely destroyed, returns to the crimea for recovery, for treatment, for rehabilitation, that is, the process is dynamic, so to talk about some permanent figure regarding the enemy contingent of personnel is not dynamic situation, and this dynamic directly depends on the intensity of hostilities. for example, there is now
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a serious dynamic in the labor sector, so, accordingly , all cargo of military importance is transited by rail, as well as under personnel, is directed there, through dzhankoy, for example, the russian occupiers are sent to the rooster of the kherson region to carry out certain missions, as well as to the south of the zaporizhzhia region, i.e. dzhankoy still plays the key role of a transport and logistics hub through which the lion moves part. echelons with personnel of the enemy army, equipment, ammunition, etc. mr. vladyslav, what is the effectiveness of the task, in particular the strikes on energy facilities in crimea? let me remind you that according to the information of some of the ukrainian media in sevastopol, literally on april 2, representatives of ukrainian intelligence took part in disabling the electrical substation, and i would just like to understand, there is more to it. tive and
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psychological effect, does it really affect the energy capabilities, well, for example, to provide the black sea fleet with everything necessary. ms. krystyna, there are several power generation facilities in crimea, in particular two facilities where the german machine siemens operates, we remember the stormy history associated with the illegal transfer of this high-tech equipment, installations, in order for them to work providing electricity to the temporarily occupied crimea and selastope. there are several more thermal stations, in simferopol, which will also provide electricity to the temporarily occupied crimea and work primarily in the interests of the russian army, all these objects are legitimate goals, i think that it is only a matter of time before they will be turned into a pile of scrap metal , on a bunch of new equipment, it's about justice, destruction of power generation facilities, destruction of facilities of critical energy infrastructure is absolutely.
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approaches to make the enemy feel that he is on someone else's land and he has nothing to do, and together with military facilities, facilities of military infrastructure, facilities of the defense and industrial complex of the russian federation, as well as critical facilities energy infrastructure, they are legitimate targets, so for now our pilots using skal and storm shadow missiles mainly target military facilities in crimea with the same missiles, but the time will come and when it will be the most appropriate, i think that such work will be carried out. american general ben hodge claims that, in principle, the ukrainian army is capable of liberating crimea in a fairly short period of time and using, well, a relatively small amount of resources, but for that we need to implement a number of missions. the first mission is the complete organization of the kerch bridge, the second mission is the systematic and methodical organization of military units, units, and objects of military significance on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol. our colleagues from...
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232 such objects have been counted, maybe there are a little more, and therefore they are all legitimate targets, i hope that the time will come when we will turn them into a pile of scrap metal, the only thing we need for this - missiles, masses of the same missiles and, accordingly , the equipment, which will allow us to remotely destroy all the combat capabilities of the russian occupation army, so that they will squirm, and it is clear that the best conclusion, result and course of action for them is to run away from the territory. mr. vladyslav, we the black sea fleet of the russian federation was mentioned here, we know that initially the large-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, and they used 13, if i am not mistaken, large amphibious ships against ukraine, but now of them, if, as the ukrainian navy says, only five that russia, as we can see, hides in the bays of novorossiya, they have now signed a contract there with... abkhazia and with
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the occupying power of abkhazia to hide their ships there too and so on. that is, if we see that russia uses a lot efforts to preserve these remains. of the black sea fleet, shouldn't we take advantage of this and just hit the city of kerch, is it possible to do it this way? certainly, the russians at one time pulled 13 large amphibious ships into the black sea equatorial region for a reason, they tried to conduct a large-scale amphibious landing on the territory of the odesa region of the city of odessa, but it did not work out for russia in february, in march, then we ate part of the ships destroyed, then we... took on the matter more tenaciously, and in fact five ships, the russians have dozens of ships left, and not all of them are in combat condition, some of them need repair, as for the plans of putin's army, i do not rule out that they may dare to make such an adventure with an attempt
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to land an amphibious assault, whether on the coast of odesa or on the territory of mykolaiv oblast , they will try to repeat such an attempt, but again , the resources of the ukrainian naval forces are sufficient. in order to turn the putin army into popio na metalobrukt, because we are not ready, we are ready for any variant of the situation assessment, the question of destroying not only large amphibious ships, but other ships of the russian draft fleet, is only a matter of time, already now the russians have literally closed the entrance to the bay with barrages and barges on the russian just like that, the wretch is really afraid and... afraid of the corresponding reactions from the ukrainian defense forces, and what the enemy is afraid of will definitely happen, the remains of the ships of the russian black sea fleet, will be sent to the flagship of the russian black sea fleet, the guards missile cruiser moskva. well, for now there are announcements to increase the number of karakurts in crimea, and not
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just from anyone, but from the minister of defense of the russian federation, sergei shoigu. no matter how the surplus is rearranged, as they say, in russian brothels, but in... the actions of the black sea fleet directly in the black sea are not becoming more effective, because to counter ukrainian submarines, unmanned boats, well, for sure the russians will have to think about how to do it in the near future and quite active, so far everything they come up with looks funny, but now there is information that they are already arming their warships of the black sea fleet with russian fpv drones. they even put out some videos, which are aimed at obviously intimidating our defense forces, that unmanned qataris can now attack with fivishkas, well, it actually looks a little funny, and you can imagine how they simply
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destroy each other, tell me, please are there real ways to counter unmanned, drone technologies? at sea, are there any ways to counter the mosquito fleet, which has actually already been created by the ukrainian state, which works on the black sea flotilla very efficiently, if russia has the resources, it will be able to create these options, but for that they need to actually monitor the black sea space 24x7 , in particular in the northwestern part closer to the water area of ​​odessa, odesa region. and the enemy does not dare to do this, because we very quickly turn some of his things, in particular the drone system, into objects of underwater cultural heritage of ukraine, of course, that the enemy can place additional crews on the ground on
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board warships, in particular with anti-aircraft or large-caliber machine guns, of course, that he can use other means of attack, whether this will help him, he has doubts at the time. massed by drone attack, possibly zero warships, and how do you assess the new commander of the black sea fleet, serhiy pinchuk, what, what can we expect from him? i'm not ready to comment, we'll see later, but he's with that, well, well, we have it together information about the fact that... citizens, as we understand it, citizens of our country, maybe it will be the russians who invaded, colonizers , occupiers and so on, but i don't think so, and i don't think that they will try to involve
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their , they will beat the indigenous peoples of the crimean peninsula, the ethnic ukrainians who continue to live there. citizens who continue to live in crimea. 15,000 for the crimean peninsula in the context of a general recruitment campaign, which putin actually approved, is it a lot or a little? that's a lot i think there will be more, because the enemy on... is trying to close his request at the expense of the local population in a personal capacity, so i think that the total level of draconian mobilization is waiting for the people of kanokryv, so i advise all citizens of ukraine who are in the temporarily occupied territories to go as far as possible from there, because it is an extraordinary risk, they will take them, rake them, send them to the hell of war. thank you very much, mr. vladyslav, for taking the time to join our broadcast. was in direct contact with us, a military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine and ex-spokesman of the general
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staff of the armed forces of ukraine. and i would like to take the opportunity, mr. vladyslav mentioned the siems turbines, which at one time got to the temporarily occupied peninsula by devious, very gray and dubious ways, obviously now they play their role in the energy capacities of the occupiers on the peninsula, so in germany the employees will be tried companies siemens for the supply of gas turbines to crimea, the prosecutor's office there has already announced the indictment of five persons, four of them they are germans and another has dual citizenship of switzerland and france. the land court in hamburg has yet to decide whether to accept these charges, it is alleged that those involved knew that four gas turbines worth 111 million euros were intended for the annexed peninsula, after the occupation of crimea, western companies were banned. trade with him because of european union sanctions? we are following. well, finally, ms. khrystyna, really, because
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nine years have already passed since this incident, and they, this, this happened in 2015, and finally after 9 years, germany will judge these four. yes, some processes in a slightly over-bureaucratized europe are not happening as quickly as we would like. let's take a short break now, after which we'll add to our conversation live, directly. in the studio of the ex-representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, boris babin , we will talk about the humanitarian and civil component on the crimean peninsula now and directly in the context of the reintegration of these territories. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point snake the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks live, political analysis, objectively and
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meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, free and fair, you draw your own conclusions.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. we continue the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. beraber together. khrystyna yatskiv and
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gulsum khalilovova are with you. and for the next 20 minutes, at least, we will talk about the humanitarian, civilian component, and its not only everything that is happening on the crimean peninsula and everything that the ukrainian state is ready to do so that the status of crimea in the future is as balanced as possible for everyone who lives on the territory of the peninsula, we congratulate boris babineks, the representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, mr. boris, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, aleikum salam, good day. mr. wladyslaw, mr. boris, there are indeed many questions that we wanted to discuss with you today, and recently i would like to start with the following from this news: amnesty international, in its new publication dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the illegal annexation of the ukrainian peninsula, stated that with at the time of the occupation of crimea 10 years ago, russia seeks to change the ethnic composition of the peninsula and
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suppress the ukrainian and crimean tatar communities. do we have numbers today, how many colonizers are there. for 10 years, russia brought to the occupied peninsula, well, the exact numbers per person, of course no one will say, obviously, and it is a fact that it is measured in hundreds of thousands of people, regardless of how to calculate, because they calculate separately with sevastopol, separately without sevastopol , there is more, as they say, the percentage of colonizers than finally the peninsula, there are different waves of colonization, well yes the question arises as to who exactly to consider a colonizer, examples have such a variable component, it is the russian military before... a large-scale invasion there was such a category of conscripts, then it is cannon fodder, of course, it is not a permanent colonizer , it is said that they are temporary, but to count, not to count, then the question of officials, so -called, and the question of people who, whom the aggressor encourages but does not force to colonize, these are all kinds of retirees, pensioners, businesses
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and so on, that is, all these categories, they are covered, of course general criminal the back of the kremlin, this is how this process is going, the only thing that is stopping the aggressor to some extent here is the demographic crisis, yes, the demographic crisis is everywhere, it cannot be said that it does not exist in ukraine, and in the occupied crimea, in particular, it is there, but it is in the state is the aggressor, so physically we can observe an interesting situation, especially it is not only for crimea, but for the newly occupied territories, it appears that they physically lack the example of ethnic russians for the integration of the same, the example of the kherson region or the occupied part of zaporozhye, they bring representatives there en masse the peoples of the caucasus, for example, because the demographic situation is different there, that is, here, but in general, the blurring of the ethnic identity of ukrainians, these genocidal intentions, they are absolutely clear, they have become the absolute narrative of the aggressor since the 22nd year, when in fact they prohibited the simple existence
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of ukrainian identity in crimea, any public expression of such an existence is already, as they say, a punishment... but i would like to remind you that on january 31 in gaza , the un international court of justice announced the final decision on ukraine's claim against the russian federation, and many what nuances were and are related to crimea. now we see the position of amnesty international's rights advocates, who say that, in principle, it is the change in the ethnic composition, due to some religious reasons, that the persecution is happening now. in this court decision, we are talking about the political component, i.e. not because of ethnic origin, not because ukrainians or crimean tatars or representatives of other nationalities, not because muslims, christians or anyone else, but because they do not support the russian federation, that's why in
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crimea is being persecuted, and it is very hard to agree with that, to be honest, it is actually very difficult to agree with the quality of training. the position of ukraine in this court, or it is very simple to blame international law, which is wrong, so that the convention was poorly written, the judges were unstable, but it is clearly written there in the decision, there are key phrases for me and this sentence should actually be for those who prepared it in ukraine, or who paid money for those lawyers who prepared it, it was not proven there, that is, i believe, this is my personal assessment, that they have our law enforcement officers also check on issues of counterintelligence. not with the corruption issue, how did it happen that in the case that was going on in the 17th year, the ministry of foreign affairs was called, which he very strongly closed directly, let's say, from public control, from public control, where he told that he had the best in the world lawyers, the best in the world of interaction between bodies, it turns out that it is not, and the court directly wrote about it, so it is not here, let's put it this way, this decision should have been a verdict of racial
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discrimination of the aggressor, unfortunately, it became a verdict of very poor quality. lawyers ukrainian foreign ministry. and here there is a problem, because the enemy understands this. the enemy understands that the same lawyers are still today, none of them have moved, as they say, from the building to mykhailivskyi building on oskoldovoy, to our great regret. and that is why we see that today the aggressor is preparing provocations in the international court. he is apparently preparing there, and this is not a big big secret, a lawsuit against ukraine regarding the alleged financing of terrorism. obviously, there are no legal grounds whatsoever. but there are such lawyers. in kyiv, i'm sorry, like any lawsuit, unfortunately, they are being withdrawn risk zone by its existence in the ministry of foreign affairs. this is my position, i am ready if someone is interested in proving with documents, but returning to crimea. today, yes, to a great extent... with this position, which was formed due to the decision of the un international court, i already said why that decision arose, unfortunately, it is used by the aggressor to intensify
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the repression of the crimean tatars, because he says: you see, in it is written in the decision that there is no discrimination, this is a huge political cover that russia has received today, unfortunately, today the human rights activists who all these years alone, without any or almost any support from those people who promoted these gaga conferences, will collect the relevant evidence and will go anyway, i know, i just can't go into detail here, that there will be a lot of work in order to prove that there is racial discrimination against the crimean tatars in crimea, that there is racial discrimination against ethnic ukrainians in crimea, thank god these lawyers who have played this lawsuit will not deal with this, no one will let them in there, because these are public initiatives, and we will have the appropriate ones a decision in favor of the ukrainian state and the indigenous crimean-tatar people and all the crimean people, well, we really see how russian propaganda is now using it and even the russian ones... recently, they have started talking about what seems to be the case with the crimean-tatar language on the territory everything is very good on the occupied peninsula, everything is very normal, and even under
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ukraine until 2014, it seems that there were big problems with the crimean tatar language, but now russia came and everything is fine, but i remember, i was born in already independent ukraine, and i studied in the crimean tatar class, if i'm not mistaken, now... in crimea, in schools, there is only one hour, yes, in the crimean tatar language, and only if the children's relatives want it. well , look, first of all, the occupiers formally, yes, formally did not close schools that were related to crimean tatar teaching, let's say, until 2014, but today the number of classes is really decreasing, the amount of actual education is decreasing, the language is in learning crimean in crimean tatar. does not go, there are remnants of learning crimean tatar as a subject, there is pressure on parents in order to reduce the number of students, here the only factor that has really
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ensured the existence of such education so far is the position of the crimean tatars themselves, this is the position of families, if this did not happen, it would not have happened a long time ago, a complete ban on this the background is ukrainian education, ukrainian-language education, this is the only thing that ukraine has proven, managed to prove, because it is an absolutely obvious fact, the occupiers destroyed it not only factually, it should be proven, but also legally, as if legally, they covered everything to zero in crimea, ukraine is educational, that is why the international court stated there, after all, you were forced to state that there really is racial discrimination of ethnic ukrainians about the crimean tatars, i repeat, unfortunately, because of those officials who boasted about it, we simply do not were able to prove, although this is an objective fact, so today there are indeed these provocations, there are statements that are beyond... the limit of reasonableness, so that the crimean tatar language is not recognized, well, any lawyer discovers this, well, that's it the constitution of the republic of kazakhstan 98, it says krivno-tatar, that's it
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the framework convention of regional languages, ukraine recognizes the protection, but there is even more, it is, as they say, the godfather of lies, it is mr. lavrov who stated this, he also said that in crimea until the 14th year, apparently, no machetes, that is, you know, all the crimean tatars were waiting for him to come, as they say, and not build mosques, well, i understand that this is not, well, this is not only absurd, but this is refuted by a simple fact, every crimean tatar in his locality i know when the mosque was actually opened and a significant number of them were either opened before the 14th year, or even if it was opened in the 15th, 16th, yes, they started building there in the 10th of juma jamin, yes, well, in 2013, and that's all very much, as they say , they just sell their own, as they say their own. population, this is what they are trying to sell at international institutions, but again there is a question, you said about the political component, and indeed the occupiers are currently speculating on this, that it seems that this is not ethnic
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persecution, and they are speculating on the statements of the international court, regarding the majlis, yes the decision of the international court says that it is not, let's say, an organization of the people, but some kind of political structure, but i have a question, look, such an interesting situation is developing. and in ukraine , the peoples approved the law on the country, there is a fixed procedure for the legalization of the representative institutions of the country's peoples, which is the mijlis, later in the 22nd year due to, you know, the great work of the crimean tatar law enforcers, let 's say, and civil society, the cabinet of ministers approves the procedure as to legalize the midjlis, this is in very simple language, then they collect the documents, regarding this order, it was not easy, something happened in the crimea, collected, collected, submitted to... the cabinet of ministers accepted it in june 23 of the year , and it is still there, i have a question, who says the asterisk, and if did the cabinet of ministers
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approve this decision on time? the legalization of the midjlis within the framework of these very organizational procedures, if this resolution had been put on the table in a timely manner, maybe something would have changed, and maybe there will be questions for the people who organized it in kyiv, no, no questions about, i will say so, about them there concerns about crimean tatars, namely the issue of the corresponding article of the criminal code, facilitating hostile activities, weakening ukraine's position in international institutions, maybe someone will raise it someday, i'm sure, that is , in your opinion, it's not something there... i want it to be early is it too late for the authorized bodies to figure it out, which will be given not only a political, but also a criminal, procedural assessment, and the fact that the assessment will be legal, well, of course, there will be at least a trial, it is obvious that if you are not given what is rightfully yours , let the court decide, legal the status of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people is really in a state of limbo, and this is already emphasized by the representatives
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of the medjalis and ryfat chubar. i spoke about this recently, by the way, the discussion is intensifying now in ukraine regarding the status and format of the existence of the crimean peninsula, these territories in general in the context of return, and there is a lot of speculation, which ayder and i started talking about in the last program, but first of all there is speculation about where the crimean tatars are, why they are not fighting, and this is completely unfair, we have a battalion. indigenous peoples, national minorities, in addition, representatives of the crimean tatar people are firmly embedded in the defense forces of ukraine, and they carry out combat tasks in many directions, now in every fifth battalion there are representatives of the crimean tatar people, and on the other hand, again, the crimean tatar autonomy or the crimea
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region, unfortunately, unfortunately, we see the intensification of this discussion now, i don't know if it is timely, let's say, well, two different questions, to the first question, how can a person purely civilly answer that we see the crimean tatars in army, i know my crimean tatar comrades in the army, but the question is different, the question is that if the crimea is occupied, yes, and the other part of the crimean tatar, let's say this, well, not the diaspora, but the part of the traditional resettlement in the kherson region, was occupied in the first days of the war, maybe it is not the fault of the crimean tatar people, that’s right, it is the fault, if the bulk of the crimean tatars were in the controlled territory, obviously, their share in the army would be greater, that’s just what they say, an arithmetical question, the second arithmetical question, there are repressions, there are example repressions in the newly occupied territory, where male crimean tatars are persecuted en masse by the aggressor for participating or for possible participation in the civil blockade of crimea, they become de facto prisoners of war, i
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will look at this word, that is, well... read with all, as they say, respect for any discussion, there is no discussion here, the question is different, namely, why are we discussing something that really makes absolutely no sense to physically discuss today, why? it is impossible to change the constitution, look, several factors, the first factor, we live in a democratic country, we can't bring such things down from above for sure, we have to at least formally, let's say it directly, conduct through some procedures of discussion or public opinion, logically, well, maybe you are talking about a referendum? any form provided by the legislation of ukraine, i don't say the word referendum, i don't say the word there is some other word, i say that they decide it according to the democratic procedure at the bank or there , even in the session hall of the verkhovna rada, this is a broader issue, ugh, crime-bought, today is the majlis, again, returning to this issue, it has not yet been established in organizational relations, i do not mean the legal system, ukraine has legally and politically recognized it, but has not
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established an organizational system, but how? it is possible to talk about something in general without introducing this body into the organizational system of power, we have a law on indigenous peoples, it is written there with the participation, with the participation, with the participation, with consultations, that is, we first establish it, then, when we establish it, there is another question, this is already political, it should be held again after the deoccupation of koroltai, they will choose the gland, that's all logical questions, because the crimean tatars, as a component of the ukrainian people, and the entire ukrainian people are used to living according to democratic procedures, only after these questions can something be legally formalized. and that's why i say, those of you who are talking about crimean tatar autonomy or the region today, yes, because they either don't know the situation, or they are useful, stupid, because all these issues today have the only actual result, which is the distraction of society from urgent issues, what are the issues, the protection of the rights of the krymstar people, here today are the conditions of occupation, work really, knock it out.


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