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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EEST

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adjusted mobilization plans, so who should fight with the muscovites, the countries of the west, which find a million shells, and excuse me, the current minister of defense, cannot find these shells for a year and only states such a concept as a shell famine, which is generally happening in the ministry of defense of ukraine, why do the czechs find a million projectiles, why does estonia for... declare that it found a million projectiles, it is already 2 million, and it died in a year, it could not find even 100 thousand projectiles, and 1.5 million hryvnias of public funds , which the state has allocated to the ministry of defense for the purchase of projectiles, are taken out of ukraine through corruption schemes. so i have a question: are you going to fight at all? or
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not, this is probably a rhetorical question and it is not rhetorical, mr. serhiy, it has already boiled over, and i understand that it has boiled over not only inside ukraine, but also among partners, if, excuse me, the president is forced to go public and say that the allies asked ruba's question, either you vote for the law on mobilization, or you would remain without help, because we don't understood the trends that are taking place in ukraine, here is a rather simple question: if president zelensky, as the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, goes to the rostrum of the verkhovna rada and says that the council should make this decision, this is clearly a signal to the entire body of deputies, hardly anyone will refuse president zelenskyi, well, he doesn’t do that, well, even the statement itself: imagine, a high-ranking
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official is actually forced to put pressure on the parliament, which works for 8 hours, and goes either there on vacation, or somewhere else , critical for ukraine, what are the times, i'm sorry, the parliamentarians have no understanding of the current moment, what kind of legislative spam is this, 4 thousand amendments to the law, are you playing war or are you fighting? damn it, you are sitting there for our money, for four months an extremely important law for the ukrainian armed forces has not been adopted, and at this time we are being told that we are conducting an internal audit and what are the results? i would like to know the results of this audit, for example, why the forecasted receivables, which is money stolen from the armed forces of ukraine during the time... increased moderately
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for 10 billion hryvnias. as of may 23, it was 36 billion, as of january 1, 24 , 44.4, but it is already april. i understand that it has not decreased. of course. thank you, mr. dmytro, it was dmytro snighir, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative right. friends, we are live. tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us live there, please join our platforms and take part in our vote, today we ask you this, will you donate to the arms forces of ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have espresso on the tv, that is, you are watching tv broadcasts, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you donate to zsu 0800 211 381 or 0800 211
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382. we are interested to know your opinion and it is interesting to know whether you help the ukrainian army, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we are in touch with oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal affairs, former minister of housing and communal services. i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy, thank you for joining our broadcast. congratulations, good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's talk, mr. oleksiy, about missile terror and how russia is trying to destroy our energy infrastructure. last year, you and i discussed quite actively what the restoration agency, headed by mustafa naim, was trying to do at power facilities, what budgets there were, what kind of protection was being built. my understanding is that this defense obviously didn't work. or from those results
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which we have for march and early april. what is happening now with energy facilities in ukraine after these massive missile strikes? thank you, mr. serhiy, well, it is not a simple question, i will try to be as professional and calm as possible, without populism, because together with you we will analyze, really, what happened, what is happening, well, first of all, let's understand that the missile strikes this year, which enemy , well, in fact, the last three weeks, after the actual end of the heating season, which he radically intensified and changed his tactics, and this... understood today by both military and non-military, and the fact that much more missiles, combined strikes, drones, ballistic missiles, er, they heal, and unfortunately, they fall as objects, that's what we see that
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on video, it's a substation, that is, it's a network object, a large, powerful substation, they usually belong to the state company ukrenergo, it's energy itself. our network, which makes our unified energy system and allows us to transfer any power from one point to another, unfortunately also gets into generation facilities, primarily thermal generation, because as you can see, the enemy has not attacked nuclear generation yet, with the exception of the last attack on the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, drones, which, in my opinion, i think is a simulated strike, it is separate, you can discuss it. but at thermal generation facilities, including those in lviv oblast, frankiv oblast, vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk oblast, kharkiv oblast and others, he, unfortunately, well, ballistic missiles, which, if they hit, cause
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very serious damage, there mostly, the majority of generation belongs to the company ukrainskyi detek, part of the generation was damaged by the state company center-energo and... heard the statements of the dtk management that today, i'm not saying destroyed, i'm saying that the equipment was damaged, and they lost 80% of their capacity today, until the summer they are going to recover by about half, you understand, it is by generation, by networks, i told you, i am referring to my own conversation with kudrytsky , to his statement on the air of marathon and on other channels, that he believes that... that these are the objects of the shelter that is booming, partly kudrytskyi himself built with his own efforts, he believes that they protected to a certain extent, and i talked to him, he said that if it were not for them, it
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would have been, well, conditionally twice as bad, the objective picture, i will tell you honestly, no one knows because these objects were built very quickly, they... without dbgens, there were no projects, i know this for sure, you understand, that is, in fact, in fact, they were fantasizing along the way, and what should these structures be, how to build them, for them to protect, and by the way, this is a separate conversation, how much money was spent on it, to what extent effectively used this money, i will tell you that the accounting chamber according to my information and according to my letters, because i wrote my appeal both to the sbu and to the account. chamber, they are conducting an audit of the use of these funds, but as i found out today, for some reason, the results will be available only in the summer, why so long, well, no, not even, well , no, i cannot comment on how objective this audit will be, well, just the same for some reason , i am so sure that he
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cannot be objective in the harshest conditions, it is clear that these works were very secretive, and there with free access, well, there was not only well... among journalists, but also among deputies, i will reveal a secret to you, that's why, in an environment of such secrecy, secrecy, well, we either have to believe that they are doing the right thing, or not at all, excuse me here, let everyone draw their own palette for themselves, something like this, you already mentioned the most massive strikes that took place in march and we started from there, march 22 was one of the most massive shellings since the beginning of the war. this was said by the minister of energy herman galushchenko according to him , vurakh used to act more locally. let's listen to what hlushchenko said. they were constantly attacking energy in the winter, but they, then they changed tactics, they were more local,
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that is, choosing certain regions and trying to deprive them of light in order to first of all affect the industry, so today i think that uh... they just scaled these the attacks they made during the winter on the whole state in order to achieve a total envelopment. ceo of the company yasno, serhiy kovalenko, said that the group of det. ukraine's largest private energy company lost 50% of its generating capacity in the last complex attack by russia on the night of march 21-22. the dtek group is saying that they can officially confirm this, and we all know what nodes were damaged and so on, he said on the air of the telethon, but considering the damage that our power plant received... system and the scale, mr. oleksiy, how much will be needed in order to either renew or
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to create some alternative, uh, alternative energy generators, because ukrenergo says that these substations have these, or there are power plants, there must be a lot of them in different corners of ukraine, i understand that these are probably steam generator stations that also generate electricity, and... maybe some kind of portable power plants, what are they talking about when they talk about the fact that there should be hundreds of such plants, mr. sergey, i would like to say one simple thing for everyone now, we can to tell each other a lot of theories, that's it things, well, who will understand, today i became so in the epicenter of such an interesting event, because yesterday i was on the air of a telethon and my colleague gerus was telling... such good , such for the future, such tales about how everyone will build their solar station,
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batteries will be built, this is such a good fairy tale for the future, you know, there are years for, well, i don't know for 5-10-15, today we have to discuss absolutely practical things, here now and today, what should we do in order to prepare for winter, and that's why i 'm answering you, or rather not you, i'm asking a question power, gerus, ministry, office. the president, the government, everything you did last year, please show us how much such distributed generation was done last year, well, show us at least one station that you did last year, and then we will say that it is possible to make time to do this year, done, conferences, presentations good words. the slogan is correct, nothing was actually done, unfortunately, in this regard, so i proceed from the fact that,
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first of all, we need to think as energy workers, how to repair what can be repaired, and here you have to listen with all due respect to kovalenko, mr. yasno, kovalenko is a subsidiary company, they trade in six regions, here you have to listen first of all to mr. timchenko and sakharuk, these are the heads of dtk, they announced today what they estimate... approximately the amount of 260 billion million dollars to recover, they are ready for half of this amount themselves, they found it, and for this, in order to restore somewhere these destroyed facilities, somewhere they will need, well, by the summer, as i said, but it is not fully restored , because they have a lot there are serious damages at two stations, i don't want to say which ones, you understand, so first of all, the power engineers need to... think about how to recover and
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make some constructions together with the builders, but there is no need to fool each other. 90% of ukraine's energy security is the work of our air defense system, 90%. if you don't protect these objects with air defense forces, that is , additional patriots, then why not... attack them with the enemy, unfortunately, while there are enough missiles and planes here 95 and migs, and ships from which they launch these missiles, you see, and that 's why president zelenskyy is very active in high-pitched voices, but now he's turning to the united states of america, to congress, to the president, begging, give us 5-7 patriots, and we'll really shut down today, at least our objects, i'm not saying that we need to save. kharkiv, you see what is happening there, and the sumy region, because they are being torn apart, first of all, kharkiv
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is being torn apart today, so it is precisely in the military plane that these main problems lie today, and energy workers will do their job, i guarantee you that. zelenskyi said that ukraine needs 25 patriot systems, 6-8 batteries each, to completely close its territory from enemy air attacks. let's listen to what zelensky said. there are air defense systems in the world that can help, all that is needed is the political will for these systems to be transferred to ukraine. i thank those countries that have already helped. and to be active in the performance of this task is the personal responsibility of our diplomats who work in the directions and countries where the necessary systems are in place. now the patriots have a place precisely in ukraine, so that later they do not have to be used at least on
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the entire eastern flank of nato. well, you mentioned, mr. oleksiy, the history of zaporizhzhya. as, when general director magatte raphael gro stated that there were at least three direct hits on the main structures of the protective shell of the zs reactor on sunday. andrii yusov, a representative of the ministry of defense of ukraine , stated in a comment to ukrainian pravda that ukraine is not involved in any armed provocations in the occupied zas. russian strikes, in particular simulated strikes on the territory of the ukrainian nuclear power plant, as well as the placement of troops and weapons there, the mining of nuclear power plants, has long been known. constant criminal practice of the occupiers. russia must withdraw its troops from all facilities at the nuclear power plant, only this will allow the restoration of compliance with all necessary international norms and control over an important nuclear energy facility. yusov is right, the president is right, everyone, all our
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representatives of the ukrainian state are right, but the world is watching how the russians hold zaporizhzhya a nuclear power plant, that is... nuclear terrorism, they seized someone else's nuclear facility, a big man arrives, they meet him there, they say, we are happy to welcome you on russian soil, and we will protect you here, and he thanks everyone there for that , that it is guarded there, how dangerous it is in ukraine, that nuclear facilities can become, including objects for strikes by the russian occupiers, that this can lead to three chi'. three chernobyls, look, at first really, because now the russian side is already accusing us, i can to say, once the action is beneficial, i do not see any reason why it would be beneficial for the ukrainian side, well, it does not exist, you understand, so i conclude that this is an imitation strike precisely in order to
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conduct this sabotage work against ukraine, uh, as for security, these reactors are very reliable, that is , there is no risk from a direct hit, but the risk can be from the consequences of de-energization, that is , there must be a constant supply of electricity for its own needs in order for the system to work cooling, even of these reactors, which are sleeping today, if this power supply is not available, this can really cause very serious... consequences, this is what the minister is talking about today and so on, money, well, let's not expect anything from him there nad nad nad, well he acts within his competence, all the more so as i remind you that energo, rosatom is and russia is one of the very influential members of magata, and they, they
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continue to remain very powerful players in the nuclear market, in the nuclear fuel market, as the firstborn both processed and the construction of new blocs and so on and so on and the like, this is a very complex geopolitical construction, i understand that we need to exert maximum pressure on all fronts, diplomatically, socially and so on and so on, but unfortunately, there is a lot of money in this spheres in the world are spinning, well, let's be honest, as for president zelenskyi's assessment, i agree, because he is talking about the protection of everything. countries, i refer to the fact that when i spoke 5 minutes ago, i spoke about the protection of the most supercritical objects of energy, i.e. for the energy industry, to protect it, we really need five or six patriots there so that we can calmly, well understand, not worry about energy security, but kharkiv, sumy, odesa must be saved, this is true
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, and for it needs a full-fledged air defense system, how will it strike? have already taken place on tes and on gs, how will this affect the price of electricity, because our tv viewers are probably worried about this, whether there will be enough of this electricity, what peak values ​​will there be in the middle of summer, when it will be hot, and there will be more air conditioners, probably people will turn on ukraine lost generating power, lost it in hydropower, it ’s a pity, you understand, this is dnipro-hes, it was... well, of course, before that there was kokhovska, now there are two more the strikes were on the dniester station on the dniprovskyi, and this loss is very serious for us. det and the state thermal generation have also lost very significant capacity, which is also very negative. now the weather is very good, the sun is shining,
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that is, thank god, the solar panels are working, as many as they managed to build, despite the fact that everything was done in ukraine to prevent this from happening, you understand that the state has still not calculated with green energy, starting there from the 19th year, and we are sorry, and when there will be an analysis, i do not want. then we will talk about who and what was done in the 19th and 20th years, this is already from the new government, yes, and how we prepared in terms of energy for the war, first of all, probably, when russian and belarusian electricity was brought here, yes, that 's the same, that's the same, you understand, what was the preparation for the war and so on, this is a separate conversation, i don't want now i'm annoying, so that's why we lost, e sun closes it, but we actually take imported every day. electricity, because we have our own deficit, and it will, unfortunately, be in the summer, when there are peaks, peak loads, that is when the air conditioner is turned on, when it is hot,
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you understand, and you will have to take more, but there is a limited capacity to cross it, it is limited there are 1.5 gigabytes, that is conventionally speaking, we can take one and a half blocks of nuclear power, or there will be a limit here, that is, there will be certain schedules, i expect it. and i'm sorry i have to tell the truth, i see that government officials and the same mps from the monocoalition are somehow trying to distance themselves from this, but i feel that calculations are now underway, preparations are underway for a possible increase in the tariff for the population, i feel it, and that's why i say, we will demand a justification for each comma, you understand? when this issue will be considered, i, well, unfortunately, expect it, it is unpleasant, no one likes it, but i have the impression that, well , such an attempt will be made in the near future, so
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it is a very difficult situation, and once again i want to say, well, here the government, the energy bloc should take such authoritative, professional , balanced actions so that no one has any doubts that... there is this money, these tariffs somewhere to the left, excuse me, going down, because the population must trust in this situation to the authorities and the conditional energy commissioner, do we have it or not? well, the answer is the same, let everyone search for himself. by the way, if it's already gone, we, you understand, in the near future on wednesday there will be a law on mobilization, well, this is a separate issue, i think you are discussing it, and we are all discussing it, and in this situation from one side. i would really like to trust our tsk, military, yes, those who, but on the other hand, when we see another scandal, when they chase journalists or guys there
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and so on, then i beg you, guys in uniform, be please behave so that society has confidence in you, trust, this is a very key moment that you must ensure in this situation, thank you, mr. oleksiy, for the conversation, it was oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy of ukraine, friends, we i work... live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube platforms and facebook. for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, live. please subscribe to our pages. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you about donations: will you donate to the armed forces of ukraine? yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your own opinion or your own comment, please leave it below this video. if you are watching us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if you donate to zsu 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up
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the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with myroslav cheh, a polish politician and public figure. mr. myroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, congratulations. local elections were held in poland yesterday. well, of course, about local elections. in poland, we heard in the last three months in connection with the blocking of roads and the border with ukraine, because everyone said, well, poland is preparing for local elections, so in principle, probably politicians are also connected with this do not want to interfere there, or influence the farmers, because the farmers vote in the local elections, and it is important that these political forces, who count on these votes, that they get them, which as a result of yesterday's local elections... the poles got, i i know that there will be a second round in some cities there, in relation to the presidents, it is correctly called a city in poland, and i think that even more... some
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communities will have elections or a second round, please explain the specifics of the polish elections , well, in poland there are three levels of local self-government, and these were elections to all local self-government bodies, that is , united territorial communities, to district councils and to city councils, which are the rights of such districts. there are 120 cities under the authority of districts, where their number is more than 100 thousand 50 00 inhabitants yes, the second is that in local communities with more than 20 thousand residents, the heads of territorial communities are elected in two rounds, they are called burgo-meisters, instead , all others who are in
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communities with less than 20,000 people who do not have city rights for the certificate of these united territorial communities, well, this is a historical specificity, a specificity of poland, so elections will be held, there are direct elections of city mayors, these burgomasters and voivodeships, and wherever they did not receive 50% and one vote in the first round, there will be a second, second round , their number is not so large, in the cities... uh, in the 100 largest cities by population, according to my first round, somewhere more than 30 were chosen, if this shows fairly united territorial communities, large cities, and more more such small communities in which there was only one candidate for anything at all per head of the united territorial community, four of them per 2,800, so that there is also
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such specificity, were chosen. councils, regional councils, they are called sejms in poland, this is a reflection of general political trends, parties are measured by their support there, and in these elections the opposition got the right and justice to get more votes, but the current ruling coalition received the confident support of more than 52% of polish voters , so it shows that support for the coalition of donald tusk, the prime minister, is holding. very important were the elections of the mayor of warsaw, in which rafal chaskowski, the candidate of the civic platform of prime minister donald tusk, won, well, these were the races of the introductory primaries, as a candidate for me for the president of poland, in a year the presidential elections will be held and rafal chaskowski , it seems, will probably be a candidate of the civil platform and in this ruling coalition today, it is called. that all
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the parties say that they won the elections, except maybe the left, which got the weakest result, 6.5% to those deputies, but when analyzed, we can say that the party preferences of the poles since the october 15 parliamentary elections have not changed significantly, they are the same, and thus the ruling coalition has confirmed its mandate. trust in society and for carrying out these changes, which began with her coming to power on the 13th, with her coming to power on december 13 last year. polish prime minister donald tusk commented on the results of the local elections and says that law and justice are somewhat ahead of his civil coalition. what pleases - wrote tusk on twitter: systematic catch-up of seven
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points. in 2018, five in 2000.


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