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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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for four to six months, the local residents stocked up and, in principle, can sustain themselves normally, but the issue is actually not in the availability of their products, the issue is in the security situation, you can have as much water as you want, as many long-term storage products as you want, but when everything collapses, it is a little a different situation, but yesterday, after the shelling... we had information about the death of a woman, in fact, as of yesterday, we were told about the number of 760 residents who remain in the chasoyaros community, now it is less, er, this is reliable information, on yesterday evening there was just that much, today we will clarify, we will see the general picture, updated according to the cycle, at the moment 760 are those... that remained, well, in fact
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, the experience of other front-line cities in donetsk region should somehow stimulate the locals to leave the dangerous zone, because life is what it looks like, you have a supply of products, but actually sitting in shelters and basements all day long, eh, do the residents themselves ask for evacuation, for example, or do you also have to go, persuade, convince them, well, the main point, of course ... you have to convince person, but there is already a conviction, especially when a nearby house collapses, or god forbid, the owner’s house collapses, then a lot of people come exactly after that moment and say that they are ready to evacuate, but at this moment i can say yes, one thing it's one thing when you purposefully gathered, collected the things you need, the documents and left for evacuation, but it's quite another when a person comes... with one
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bag and, god forbid, at least have a passport, because it's hard to react to the arrival when you're depressed wall, roof, and you don't understand what you have to do, well, you yourself understand that it is quite difficult, that is why it is a frequent situation when a person comes, i mean, just with a package and with a minimum of documents, well, of course, accordingly, this is the same thing that we all the time from our defenders we hear that the fewer local and... hot front-line cities, the easier it is for the defense forces to work, mr. serhiy, hold on, thank you for the information serhiy chaus, head of the chasovoyariv city military administration, about the quite dramatic situation around the city, because already in recent days, 5 april, in particular, was extreme an attempt by russian stormtroopers to enter, in fact, already in the city behind... the structure, however,
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our units were able to knock them out, and we won't tell you more yet, because time is now the hottest front-line city point. we will take a short break, after which we will return to the south, talk about what is happening in the kherson region, stay with the espresso. there are 15% discounts on kvayt in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 a.m.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast of the 2nd hour of the broadcast of time two hours of your time two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives two hours to be aware of economic news and sports news. hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. eu accession negotiations vitaliy portnikov and project guests: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think.
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political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. result. their work is your and our safety, they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who covers the enemy with heavy fire and returns meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade. armed forces let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. we are with you, you are with us, and thank you for
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being there, you, you are with us, and do not forget, of course, to donate drones for two teams to fpv, but we will also remind you. that wherever you are, you can always see those espresso programs that you may have missed due to hassles, work and so on, we are on youtube, subscribe to don't miss anything, neither programs nor the most interesting videos, our editors will select for you from the most interesting daytime, morning, evening programs and show the most important of them, that is, shorts, as they say in youtube. you will never miss something important if you subscribe to our youtube channel, in the meantime we will remind you that we are collecting information for you from different regions of ukraine, now, as promised, we are going to the kherson region, the spokesman of
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the kherson regional military administration oleksandr telokonnikov, in contact with us mr. oleksandr, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory, good morning, and do you have 20 of those? shahedov, who, what and where flew that night? also, we had our defense forces shoot down shaheds, the number is now being clarified, but the guys also worked almost all night on them, besides this, during the past day, we had smaller attacks by drones here, but many were very dropped, many . the russians are constantly aiming at civilian infrastructure, and almost the entire coastal zone is now already under possible shelling every day under so to speak possible possible shelling earlier in
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the bilozerka community there were almost no drone attacks now and in bilozerka and yesterday there was a drop. there was one in belozersk, a 64- year-old man was injured, yesterday beryslav was again under the same fire , a drone dropped explosives on a 60-year-old man, he was also injured, and there were six drops in novoboryslav, and also er... er gavrylivka there were also hits on the house of fpv drones, there was a fire, the rescuers put it out, thank god, without victims, i.e. they were active with drones, here only with shaheds, but you mentioned boryslav, before they simply
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had a point for flying in, dropping guided aerial bombs, i.e. now they have switched to drones, yes, yes, now... more and more more drones, although there recently, probably a week ago, pozmiiv residents hit such villages with two guided aerial bombs, a couple died there. as a result of which there were still wounded, that is why they are also trying to drop aerial bombs, we see that there is a little bit, well, let's say this, between the right and left bank the area that is not controlled by the enemy has expanded, let's call this bridgehead or this, do you feel that it has decreased, at least the work of arta, from the left occupied to the right bank? well, we need to release more,
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do more of this work so that we feel it, we understand how difficult it is, and we do not encourage anyone there to do more and faster, because every meter there is life and health pits of our defenders, but in order for us... we need to push back the russians at least 40 km that they could not finish off kherson with artillery, but we feel first of all that our guys are covering our right bank with their chests, civilians here, and they are taking fire on themselves and lviv there. son , fire is coming at them and that is why, of course, these projectiles,
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which would have flown on the heads of people on the right bank, are flying at them, and for that they have such a low praise and thanks. mr. oleksandr, what do you know on the other side, i mean about oleshki, there is a bare pier, the one opposite kherson, it was quite dramatic there after the kakhovka hydroelectric power station and dam were blown up. and as of now there are only occupiers or are there still locals? no, the locals also live, but the humanitarian situation is very difficult, including with water, there are even reports that there are still flooded areas where houses are flooded, but the occupiers are not doing anything there, they are not pumping out water, and in in principle, there is a big problem with electricity and water, which i have already said that the occupiers import water, but issue it only on
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russian passports, when there were elections, it is possible used to vote using a ukrainian passport, and when you need to help people with water, you need a russian passport, in principle, the situation with electricity supply is a problem not only in such coastal communities, but also in henicheskyi, in the henichesky district, in the skadovsky district, there are... where they turn off constantly, and in which there is no water supply for a very long time, and problems with water supply, of course, but the russians are only worried about the problems of propaganda in schools and in kindergartens, they constantly hold some kind of events, some kind of training for... children, to zombify children, well and this is the main one
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their task, as i understand it, is to do nothing here, only zombify the children, greatness and victory, well, this is their minimum for recruiting, let them tell it in orsk, where the slaves are chanting, putin help, and by the way, about helping the youth, i i understand that in such cities as kyiv. there is dnipro, kharkiv, where there is an underground, it is very easy to deal with it there, i mean, at least it is already underground, there was information that in kherson they also want to build underground educational institutions for children, so i also heard the mayor, more precisely, the boss of the city administration, roman brochko went to kharkiv region and. looked at how it is done there and plans to start it, well
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, let's see again, well, the most important thing now is that we are making an underground one - it is a bean storage for children, if the area allows, this is what i am saying not only about kherson, but about the region, then we also install desks for children there, so that children can be there if there is a long air alarm. children could study there, as for such underground schools, there are still no plans in our regional administration to the school will be moved underground, roman vrochko will return and we'll see what the plans will be there, well , that is, to adopt a little experience, it will be possible from the people of kharkiv, i understand that all training is online for now all over the right bank, of course. mr. oleksandr, thank you for being with us in the morning, oleksandr tolakonikov, spokesman of the kherson regional military administration, moreover, the logic of the russian
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occupier, even within its borders, well, the word logic is here. must be put in quotation marks, but even within the limits of their legislation it also does not work, they always tell on tv that kherson is a newly acquired territory, and zaporizhzhia is also, as it were, a newly acquired southern territory of the russian federation, so a civil war will ensue if they attack kherson or zaporizhzhia on the right bank, it turns out that even according to their criminal constitution, it is the russians who fire at the russians, although. well, within the limits of formal logic, this is how idiocy it looks there, but every day it is the recording of precisely the crimes of a terrorist organization, because shelling and resets even from drones or fpv drones or drops from bombers happens, as mr. oleksandr told us, simply by civilians who were on the street at the time, that's how
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the situation looked in kherson oblast, but if you stay with the press. then in a few minutes we will learn that in the berdyansk community, in particular in the temporarily occupied part, and as there is a draft, be with espress. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient can also be used for carpentry work, it is... an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, a reliable battery is also included, call now and order, free delivery is possible, check with consultants, cut branches, cut a log, chop firewood, you can do all this in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly
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russia, we are countering russian information attacks in the chronicles of information war project. with olga. tuesday thursday at 17:15 repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. see this week in the collaborators program. how a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine. the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who in kherson organized a celebration in honor of the occupiers. russia is the motherland. see on tuesday the ninth. april at 17:45 the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. good morning to those who join. we collect information for you, and you collect money through donations for fpv drones for two brigades, we we will remind you, and now for the first time we will be able
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to say hello to the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council viktor dudukalov in connection with our studio, mr. viktor, good morning, glory to ukraine, hero, glory, congratulations, well, i sit and look at the map and think , how much is the distance from zaporizhzhia to... berdyansk, it's just to understand about the dimensions of the occupation of the occupation zone and the free zone of zaporozhye we can talk about, from zaporizhzhia to berdyansk, how much? 200 km by road. ugh, well, rocket faster, yes that's right, that's it for now, how do you see the situation in general now after, well, let's say this, there were quite dramatic shelling from zaporizhzhia and... events in the energy supply at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in berdyansk? that in berdyansk, in berdyansk
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, the hervey and coronavirus epidemics are still spreading, this is after not so long ago there was an epidemic of an inexplicable disease of some kind of flu, not so long ago we had measles, not so long ago we had rabies among animals, today is the next one there is no epidemic, medicine, well, here i will determine what medicine is just a slipper. vaccination prevention, there are no tests, the tests are taken 200 km away to donetsk, and not to a nearby building, in berdyansk they continue to look for workers for bookmarks, so-called workers, girls continue to beg for rubles, and in berdyansk they look for them in their so-called executive committees , r-sphere and so on, i.e. well, the territory has simply turned into a complete ghetto, without laws, without freedoms and in general without development prospects, they are collaborating that they will have factories there,
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you just have to wait a little, well, people are waiting it is already clear, the territory is going deeper and deeper into depression, but the russian occupier, the propaganda is working. and what, they have propaganda and war, which are working, and propaganda is now captured in our university, and in other educational institutions, these people from yugenda, yug molody under the tricolor and under the red flags have been trying there for 30 years already . and they are also trying to drive those komsomol into the komsomol, even to explain that these children are trying to sew, write
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letters to soldiers, bring bagels to send to the front and so on, they are children they are trying to make manuals of their war crimes and involve them in this war with their activities, their actions, and... but fortunately it does not work as they would like, because the children there are ukrainian children, yes, but they want there in berdyansk , for some reason, a single center should be made in berdyansk , and here in the entire occupied territory, that is , will local people work, or will they specially bring these red-haired politicians, terry, well , they will bring more, because these are serious matters. they they do not trust, they know that the locals will not be able to do this kind of propaganda, and that is all, as the russians would do, the locals do not
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believe and love the russian woman so much, and they constantly admit it, the most responsible in the so-called authorities there bodies, these are not local, the most responsible persons in the elections, these are not local. local there can only be certain faces to migrate under their own, they are unlikely to be local in this context, especially such an important matter as these youth centers, dictator putin reported that they have, it seems , 16 of them, but there will be 18, one of them is in the territory of berdyansk, in the occupied territory of the zaporizhia region, and i will not say that this will be a legal target for our military, but it will definitely be in favor. .. a legitimate goal for law enforcement agencies, because it will really be about propaganda and the continuation of war crimes against youth, and when they say that there are forums, trainings and so on,
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we understand that... it will just be another washing of the cities, as there is everywhere, that is, they cannot conduct this non-aggressively propaganda policy, there is either black in them, that is, you should drown to the last for russian peace, or there is white, you should not exist at all, as a person, as a natural person, leave, leave the occupied territory, be deported, and so on, so that we will finish, there is simply information from various... , return are returned, but the children under various pretexts drive a russian car, well, they are not taken to red square right away, they are not
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taken there to show what... it is the best there, they are taken by those chief regions, chuvashia, and tver, and which supposedly they have a patronage, the children come there, they see that after their opportunity to stay in croatia or montenegro without a visa, now they come to chuvashia, they have a museum of goats and everything, no one wants to stay there, well, fortunately they are there and they do not leave the forces by force, that is, they are returned back to the parents, we simply always have a question about where... the bridges of those parents who send their children from there to camps in chuvash, or to some forums in tver, or even beyond the urals somewhere further, that is , the logic is completely incomprehensible, it is not clear what what do these people, our local people, so-called, and what do they think in advance about their children, they just spoil their children, their children's future, that's all, so there would be such facts that the children are not returned, i think that about the international community, at least ukraine, would know this for sure
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ah... now i'm looking at the public in occupied berdyansk from the side of the occupation administration, i'm looking at some of them everywhere, there's a lack of personnel, or they've disappeared somewhere or they just want to change volodyul shelyagu, he's the head of housing and communal services in berdyansk, i'm looking at what needs to be done they are looking for something new for ee... ecotrans kp ecotrans also want to change kpe zelenhosp there, in a word , collaborators worked there, where did they share that now they are looking for staff shortage, vacancies are written, and the fact that there is simply with all these spheres ass, that's all, they didn't go anywhere, they just, well, they didn't complete the tasks, i don't know, maybe even them, maybe the problem is not with
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those... collaborators, maybe the real problem is with the occupiers, who set these tasks incorrectly, or not gave the strength and means for their implementation, they are all to blame, because this is all that was listed and the housing and communal economy, it is just complete devastation, absolutely total devastation today in berdyansk, ecotrans is the removal of garbage, which was unorganized from the very beginning occupation and to this day they have not been able to to organize, and a green farm is... an organization that was engaged in landscaping, which is not available today, pruning of emergency trees, which is also not available, and which was engaged in hunting mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes there are already a meter high in berdyansk, yes, well , they will be more likely in the summer, they i don't poison, no one poisons for the third year, but there is a turn, this is the best environment for them, where they multiply there, mr. viktor, we must read the time of the news, but your words are even confirmed by the public. on
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the part of the occupation administration, viktor dudukalov, deputy head of the berdyansk district council, was with us, and now khrystyna parobiy will be with us, because she and the espress team of journalists collected the hottest news of the morning. christina, you have a word. congratulations, roman, thank you for the development of our air defense and the situation in the regions after the night attack, i will tell you in the release, and also which ukrainian documentary film collected a record amount of money in the first week of distribution, do not miss it in a moment. khrystyna porobiy works in the espresso studio. a difficult evening for poltava oblast one person died, ten others were injured. among.


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