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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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uah, and this is also an overkill, to put it mildly, but on the other hand, people are interested in whether the quality of the products is provided, that is, it is such a market price, does it really allow you to somehow maintain this quality? look, immediately after the new suppliers were contracted, we and the team of the state operator tilu, that is the direct logistics and quality control, visited all the sites in order to make sure... that the companies that are there, they really work , they are alive, they have all the necessary powers, and directly verified that it for food products in the warehouses of these suppliers, separately for the first deliveries and , in principle, for any deliveries in military units, incoming quality control of products is carried out, and if such products... happen, then
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complaint forms are filled out, and then suppliers pay fines for low-quality products , well, tell me about the fact that the companies there have changed, whether there are any problems with logistics, and how significant, let's say, the percentage of those companies that cannot cope with the promises contracted there, for example, again there in the comments page. dot facebook user ilya kovalov wrote: for the second week, experts from dot cannot arrange deliveries, not a single product from new companies has arrived, generally incompetent organizations, logistics in the armed forces, civilian experts who do not understand all the details and risks and undermine the combat readiness of military units, this is all a quote, and this person writes that he had to negotiate with old companies that supply low-quality products, but urgently asked them to bring these products food to feed the person. composition,
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how can you say about such critical comments, do such cases really happen, how do you react to them? everything is true, even at the stage of procurement, i faced difficulties, due to the fact that the bidding was interrupted twice. the need became urgent and the state operator tylo carried out the contracting in a very short time. if we talk about supplies, then as of five out of five... april , three out of five suppliers, namely the buzki canning plant, this is yuk protork, this is the company ft. grand, they meet their obligations by more than 90%, both in terms of volume, assortment and delivery time, but due to the low performance of one of the suppliers of this cherkasy meat processing plant , a decision was made to redistribute the area between other suppliers plus. the state operator tylu
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has contracted one more additional supplier, and donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions will be assigned to him in particular, and i can say here that it is important that the negotiation procedure was carried out with the companies that submitted commercial offers upon request of the state operator tilu, for concluding contracts without the use of an electronic system. transparently based on the results of those auctions that we had in march, but at that time we, this is the company that we have now identified, it was not contracted, as other winners had a cheaper price, as of now this is a new company - this is a contract pro-reserve 5, it previously performed the post of supply for the armed forces of ukraine, and they have already started to be included and already from saturday they began to supply them. delivery points where
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the situation was critical, so we situation we monitor and ensure the urgency of these requests that the military has. i thank you for joining and telling about the work of the dota, including those who want to add to this story, maybe the companies that you mentioned, and, including, if you want to join the broadcast, to journalists, tell your information, we are also open to that, because again, judging by the comments, these are issues that concern, well, first of all. there of their relatives, so that everything was at a high-quality level and without eggs for 17 hryvnias, such comments are also written, thank you for your inclusion and i also encourage everyone to sign, be sure to write your questions in the comments, and we were contacted by the director of supply management of the state operator tylu, yakim kovalenko, thank you, the russian media are reporting an attack on the aviation training center in the city borysogli
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despite the attempts to shoot down the drones with small arms, the baza telegram channel reports that two of them did hit the territory of the center, while in russia the ministry of defense reports that four drones were shot down by drones, two in the belgorod region and two in voronezh. the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine reported the burning of the serpukhov missile ship of the russian federation, according to ukrainian intelligence, the ship was on the naval territory. base in the city of baltiyska, leningrad region, disabled. according to intelligence , it will take a long time to restore sirpukhov's combat capability, due to a fire inside the missile ship, its means of communication and automation were completely destroyed. what caused the fire in gur was not reported. however, public sources claim that
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the rocket fire is the result of the gur special operation. in the reports of the russian ministry of defense, the ship is not mentioned, according to the spokesman of the navy, dmytro platenchuk, at the end of march. in a comment ap stated that ukraine sank or disabled a third of the ships of the black sea fleet of the russian federation. sirpukhov is a russian ship launched in 2015. andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, joins our broadcast. congratulations mr. andriy, thank you for joining. thank you, congratulations, glory ukraine. glory to the heroes, you can tell us something about the circumstances of how this ship of the serpukhov missile carrier caught fire, and how about it. contributed contributed to the gur directly, well, officially we can neither confirm nor deny, but yes, the ignition and the fire was, well, let's say , not accidental, it can be claimed, in general, sirpukhov, loss or disabling
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for a long period of time for the enemy is a tangible loss because this is a modern ship, 15th 16th year of commissioning, and was probably considered for losses of the black sea fleet to transfer to the black sea itself, so this is good news for ukraine. that is, he did not take part in the russian-ukrainian war, but he should have gone to the occupied crimea, and for that purpose. thus, taking into account the losses of the black sea fleet, such compensation scenarios are considered by the enemy. and the fact that it burned out, as noted on the pages of gur, means that it is temporarily out of order and... it can be repaired, but defense express analysts, by the way, draw attention to the fact that the fire should have been contained by automated fire systems and actions of the crew, but it did not happen, why? the fact that it burned out means that the ship remains afloat, but the modern equipment,
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the technological equipment, disabled, destroyed, damaged, and it takes a really long time to repair this ship, why did not work. well, why didn't the crew work, this is a question of the discipline of the baltic fleet and the ship itself, and why didn't the automated systems work? well, there's obviously a difference between being on combat duty and just a situation where the ship is standing by, so i think that the internal the investigation will show if they want the real details. why certain things did not work, but we can state the fact, and what kind of military power does russia have in the baltic sea, how many similar ships are there, for example, does it have there in order to send them, as you mentioned, to the russian-ukrainian war there to the occupied crimea, has power, since this is actually
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the direction where russia is forced to constantly threaten nato, in particular, but the transfer of... judges is quite complicated, it is clear that turkey does not miss warships, i.e. other logistical paths exist, but they are quite difficult and long, in any case , the expansion of the actual theater of such hostilities for russian lots is good news, and the fact that russian warships are burning or being damaged in kaliningrad for 100 km, what this shows, it shows that there are no safe places for military facilities on the territory of the russian federation, and this is a direct consequence of the russian genocidal war against ukraine, which is being waged by putin and his regime, and now let's go inside, so to speak ukrainian issues with the russian-ukrainian war, but lately, well, it is not visible
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with the naked eye, so to speak, all ukrainians feel it for themselves, that russia has intensified attacks on the ukrainian energy industry, many attacks, and why not in winter, why now they decided to do it, what is the purpose? they would have liked to in the winter, but the schedule for the production of missile weapons, in particular, drones, was shifted, that is, the plan was not implemented, therefore... in particular, therefore, the strikes were postponed to a later period with the aim of obtaining an effect, well, now, obviously, to the next one, on next season, but one way or another it is a serious threat, and ukraine repels these attacks, but we need more anti-aircraft missile defense systems, as the president constantly declares on international platforms, especially, and what is the situation in the russian federation now with missiles, here is the leader ... intelligence budanov says that they have accumulated calibers and can use them in the near future, when can this happen and
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how many are we talking about? and when it can happen, unfortunately, the enemy does not announce it, and the invitation does not do so, so we simply we understand that these several hundred calibers are, how the enemy will decide to spend them, whether to keep a strategic reserve, or to carry out massive strikes, well... this is a decision that will eventually be implemented in the last period, in the last time, we have understanding and ways launches and routes, so of course the air force will respond appropriately, but this is a threat, and recently, it is combined strikes, that is, simultaneously with the use of various types of missile weapons, as well as uavs, that is what the enemy uses, and so calibers - this is a threat that, well... will be implemented by the enemy in one way or another on one or another scale, and today's information about
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the drones that fell on the territory of borysa hlebska, borys hlebsk, are there any known details, or where, for example, these drones fell, and is there any confirmation that it was on the territory of the aviation center, yes, the aviation plant is something that we can ascertain from various sources, there was, there was a rumble, we can also confirm, we will not reveal the details, but... according to preliminary information the main production facilities of the enterprise are affected, ugh, i also want to ask about the fact that zelenskyi mentioned that russia will threaten nukes again in the near future, again these are just threats, just attempts at intimidation, as everyone commented on it before, is it really the case that russia already has such intentions and maybe it is ready, there it has changed its position, it is already ready to use nuclear weapons, after ... a large-scale invasion, the enemy has actually used the entire arsenal of weapons that can be imagined
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during a conventional war, except perhaps weapons of mass destruction, this is what remains well such a scarecrow, and the enemy has been conducting nuclear blackmail for the entire period, and if we monitor russian propaganda, this rhetoric from officials, from so-called experts, talking heads of the kremlin, has not disappeared all this time. time, but for now it remains rhetoric, and still there are many restraining factors that force the kremlin not to go beyond threats and beyond words, but this is a threat, it remains, we are dealing with a terrorist state, which has repeatedly disregarded all norms, rights and morals, therefore , of course, this is a threat, it exists to what extent it has now increased, but probably not more than the previous ones. for months thank you, mr. andrii, for joining our broadcast. andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department
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of the ministry of defense, told about gurkit, well, oleg galiv will be on the air with news later. good morning, this is news in a minute, here i quickly talk about important sports, culture and social news. the media is massively publishing photos of the total solar eclipse that mexico, the united states and canada had the opportunity to observe the previous evening. ukrainians are unique they could not see the phenomenon in the sky, but they watched it during a live broadcast on nasa's youtube channel. a total solar eclipse, as scientists explain, occurs when the sun, earth and moon line up, and the latter completely blocks sunlight. this year, according to cnn, the moon covered the sun's disk for about four minutes. ukrainian wrestler in the weight category up to 50 kg, oksana livach, has obtained a license for the 2024 olympic games, the olympic committee reported. in the fight for a pass to paris on european qualifying tournament. in baku, in the semi-finals, she met maria stadnyk, a four-time medalist of the olympic games of ukrainian origin, who
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now represents azerbaijan, and won. and in social networks, the discussion of the information that some circuses in ukraine received the status of critically important objects in a special period does not subside. also, the ministry of culture confirmed the status of critical for telethon channels edyni news. after the stormy reaction, contributors criticized the minister of culture of ukraine, rostyslav karandiv, on facebook wrote that he was outraged by his hatred of the topic. and this is not respect for people who do their work honestly and qualitatively, the directorate of working circus groups of ukraine submitted only 14 people for booking. in the comments. write your thoughts about what you saw, and look for more information on radio liberty's social networks. thank you to all colleagues who helped prepare this issue, we work for you every weekday morning from 9:00 on tv channels and also on youtube on the radio liberty channel, be sure to subscribe, like and share this video, my name is kateryna
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which perfectly combines innovative technologies and modern ecological ones. order a camel mattress from a ukrainian manufacturer right now. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger we 're back on the espresso morning airwaves. thank you colleague from freedom as well and thank you if you do not forget to report. we will remind you of this fee for fpv drones. but i wanted a video about drones that should make you feel good for the whole day. there is such a thing as boriso glebsk in russia, and there is a training aviation center there,
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pilots and drone operators are trained there, and that’s where unknown, but very good. pela was flown in, now the glorious russian air defense is working. this is how it works. here is the video, have a good morning. meanwhile, we will continue to collect thoughts and information for you. and contact us. people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation viktoriya voytsytska, she is the secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on issues of the fuel and energy complex of nuclear policy, nuclear safety, was at mrs. viktoriya's. good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good morning to everyone, mrs. victoria, i wanted to talk to the state today we understand that in some companies up to 80%, and in general minus 50% for energy. our only, only achievement is warm weather, but it is, as they say, from god and
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from nature, and something will have to be done with energy. starting with the new heating season, and in this case, how helpful are initiatives such as, for example, lithuania, which offered us, for what was destroyed from the infrastructure, various parts of their heat-generating companies, which are now, for example, non-working, just dismantle and install, it decides for us though some part of the problems made by the russian-fascist zagardniki. certainly it decides, and i want to emphasize that it was the baltic countries, the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, especially when the massive ones began. as well as our energy infrastructure, critical infrastructure, were those real partners of ours, friends who were looking for
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transformers, they provided us with other necessary equipment in order to quickly repair what was destroyed. the only thing you and i have to understand is that it is too big unfortunately, the enemy has not left, and will continue to hit... our energy facilities, they have not left their strategy of plunging ukraine into darkness and doing everything to make the next winter quite difficult for us, that's why steps on the part of the baltic states, the countries of the baltic region, this is of course a huge plus for us. i just wanted to clarify, when you mentioned the numbers 80 and 50%, after all, we are talking about the so-called maneuvering capacities, that is, these are the generating facilities that generate electricity in order to to close the peak loads in the morning and
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evening, because everything else is still working, thank god, and there is a sufficient basic volume of electricity generation from our nuclear power plants, another issue is that the enemy has started to strike and hit very accurately. on objects that generate heat, and here you look at kharkiv with tears in your eyes, and i have a big question, how kharkiv will be able to survive the next winter, given the terrible level of destruction that the objects of heat generation suffered, therefore, thanks to our partners, we realize that such equipment is installed, which they are ready to transfer from their own. old, closed thermal power plants, it will take time, but still the key question remains, how will we protect such facilities in the future, and
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how will we survive the next winter, that is why one of the key tasks now should be negotiations with our partners about providing much more, much more air defense systems, that's one, two, i think the time has come. seriously talk about the fact that in addition to the possible nato mission announced by macron, which will help us, for example, to protect the borders with belarus, and there will be located on the border with, perhaps on the border with moldova and so on, we need to seriously raise the question of our partners closing our skies to us in order for the country to stand up and for... those objects that are now the most vulnerable, namely energy objects, and generation, transmission
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of electricity, warmth, they must be protected, much better, more, we have a big country, and the system is exhausted, and with one, two or three patriots we will not be able to protect ourselves , especially large cities, not three, and the number was already up to 15. but at least with a dozen batteries, because this is a whole battery of patriots plus at least two hundred f16 and this solves the issue of closing the sky, because we have been asking to close the sky since the 22nd year, the partners are afraid of the third world war and are personally comrades of putin, so in this case i return to the idea that i discussed with the energy experts even before those massive, high-precision missile strikes on our generators capacities. we have in many big cities there is an underground city, well, that is, the subway, is it a place where we could have small generating capacities, both thermal and energy
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, we could quickly relocate it, or is this just a theory, i see that it is still more a theory than its reality , because, in addition to everything else, there are technical requirements for placing such objects, for access to... air, because they themselves generate a sufficiently large amount of heat, give off, they need appropriate systems for ventilation and so on, circulation, yes, yes, yes, i would say, now, and i see, but recently i was returning from a business trip, across the border, i was driving and i saw that in ukraine they were transporting, little by little, but they were transporting those objects that would allow us to provide both electricity and heat, our cities, or at least part of the cities precisely at the expense of gas, and then , if that will be the case, but in a good way if we
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look at the numbers. the americans said that they are going to supply us with gas-tight installations, in the amount of about 10. and if you look at their technical characteristics and compare with how much maneuvering power we lost, then we we need not 10, but more than 100, so the question will be whether our partners are ready to provide us with a greater number of times, and secondly, we will still have to protect our gas pipelines then. also the gas infrastructure so that we can use gas itself as a source for the generation of both electricity and heat, because you remember that in the 20s of march, muscovites struck not only at electricity generation, but they also struck at the compressor station station, which directly ensures the operation of one of our deposits, so we must speak anyway
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honestly and openly. the fact that we need a full-fledged system of closure and protection of critical energy infrastructure facilities, not only so that we can survive as a country, yes, so that we can also survive economically, from a human point of view, and we also need to talk about this to our partners, to explain, to tell them what it is like to live for a million in kharkiv, in the city of millionaires. there will be electricity for only 3 hours, because they do not fully understand it, but when you start telling them what challenges these are for children, for mothers with small children, for elderly people, how to organize life in such conditions in general, and when you explain to them that when the cold weather disappears, if the houses are multi-story, more than 5 days are in a temperature regime where it is below
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zero... a long time, do not mean 5 - 10 days, then these premises simply become dangerous for a long time, and we still have two minutes before the news, i wanted to ask you, mrs. victoria, if you actually mentioned kharkiv, there are various things here, there is a group of nuclear engineers, engineers, designers , the whole group worked for the russian occupier technologically, to switch captured zaporozhye. atomka to connect it to rosatom, well, they were caught, but just for information, do the russians actually have such technology, from ours or from themselves, can they switch the military and include it in the energy system of russia? there are two components: the first is to connect the plant itself in order to provide it with electricity to maintain it in the state it is in, it is actually
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in a state of... shutdown, yes, all the nuclear units, they are in a state or cold shutdown , or there is one unit that is in a state of hot shutdown, so reconnect to the line controlled by muscovites, well, they can try, technically it is certainly possible, are there risks, of course there are, but not so catastrophic, the question is in another, the question in because to start up... the station, yes, to generate electricity to supply it to the power system, they already lack specialists anyway, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant is already like a completely new organism, built according to different technologies, different protocols, absolutely other approaches, without ours townspeople and workers simply won't be made a chopper like that, ms. viktoriya, that's all we had time to talk about, viktoriya
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voytsytska. the deputy of the previous convocation was the secretary of the committee on fuel and energy complex issues, we thank you for the conversation, it's news time, because something happened during this hour, and the espresso team has already collected information for you, and khrystyna parova will tell you. thank you roman, i will talk about the consequences of the attack on a residential building in the poltava region in a moment, wait a moment. news in eteriso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i will tell you about the most relevant at the moment. as a result of the russian attack on zaporizhzhia , four people were killed and eight others were wounded, said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedor.


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