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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdik with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey , turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. thank you for watching, thank you for donating, you must donate, because it is for our defenders, who sometimes show such miracles that they will probably be in the pentagon later. to analyze and study, we were just talking about this meeting of ours, don't forget about two brigades on fpi drones, as you see it on your screen, and now i will tell you exactly about this miracle created by our defenders, border guards from anti-aircraft fire, you understand, what is an anti-aircraft gun, i.e. paired with barrel shots, they shot down, remember, we said a cluster bomb, these cabs can only be fired by f16 or patriots, and they are of course anti-aircraft guns. repelled rbk 250, i.e. damaged the eye
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wings that allow it to fly tens of kilometers and bomb, and this winged bomb just fell, that cap, and did not even explode, it was then destroyed by our border guards, but it is a miracle to shoot down such a thing, here it is, here it is shot down by an ordinary anti-aircraft gun , these are incredible things, and in order not to miss such things, you just need to subscribe to the espresso youtube channel, because we are with you 24 hours a day. per day, not everywhere you can wear plasma under your arm, so subscribe to vespresso, never miss the most important video, our programs and most importantly conversations with our wonderful guests, for example, now i will talk with people's deputy, writer and historian volodymyr vyatrovych, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we are talking about this crooked boomerang. history, how
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parts of the russian aggression have already spoken to you, i don’t know, 1,500 times, as they say, but it always returns, is always relevant, and sometimes it looks like a grenade without a check, and in my own pocket, i now want to go to bulgakov’s case come back, well , on facebook, it's a solid survey, by the way there between people who have a high iq, the option is to divide bolgakov's piss. and this even divided, it would seem, absolutely adequate people into those who are for and who are against, and i understand that bolugakov, like the russian pseudo-idea, is winning again in kyiv, the bolgakov museum will remain, it was invented, it should be there to be a museum is completely different on andriiivskyi zvoz, after all, this building is not very important.
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built, in a word, bulgako wins again, i don't know if he already wins, but to be honest , i'm also surprised by such a rematch bolgakov and the bolgakov region, that is... it is surprising to me that in the third year of a full-scale war, so many ukrainians, kyivans, are ready to defend one of the spokesmen of the russian empire, and that among them there are indeed people whom i consider absolutely adequate, conscious, we see that bulga, you see, remained in the minds of many even intelligent ukrainians as the last outpost, probably of the russian world, which is a pity, because it is undeniable that this is the last, not the last, outpost, but this outpost will be russia in full measures to use, and it seems to me that this is not a desire then at the beginning of the 20th century, in the first half of the 20th century, what bolgakov is now,
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how bolgakov uses it now, well, this is an absolutely infantile position, and from a formal point of view, well, the law is, the law absolutely provides. removing from the public space any symbols associated with people like bolgakov, so i am convinced that the implementation of the law must be absolutely non -stop and not reversed, streets, monuments, everything dedicated to people like bolgakov must disappear from ukraine, but are you? do you think that this rooting of bulgakov's russianness has the same reason as all of pushkin's. because i remember only the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war, and also where in those early years of the 14th and 15th, once with my fellow journalists, we listened to the arguments of natasha vlashchenko, a journalist, well, in quotation marks, who
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explained why it was necessary to give the floor to all medvedchuks and others from the party of regions and my colleague myroslava barchuk then just said , she says these are classics. they are with dragonflies, they are with brains, and they are more likely to associate themselves with the wrong one russian-balala-like motleyness, but precisely with such bolgakovism, it is like such a pseudo-mivshu for money and a bit refined, such white guardism, and it is so kievan, don’t you think that the problem of bolgakov’s survival against the background of the fact that all the tolstoyevskys fall away and the pushkin fall continues, is exactly that. in ukrainian russified pseudo-intellectuals with money? well, you just have to understand that the russian empire is able to offer a full palette of its troubadours, from such absolutely classic ones to the level of
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the school curriculum, such as tolstoy pushkin-dostoyevsky, to those supposedly, at least for a while, informal, unformatted, maybe even a little oppositional, like bulgakov, someone does not like this version of officialdom, that is why it will be offered to a bolgak, who is supposedly different, because he went somewhere to in some copies there, in the late 80s, it was not studied in the school curriculum during the soviet union, it was allegedly oppositional, someone does not like bolgakov, we have vysotsky for you, someone does not like vysotsky, we have for you tso and so on, that is, all these are just different avatars of the same russian imperialism, different avatars that to different audiences, and so here, if we are talking specifically about bolhakov, then he has a very clear such target audience group to which he is being promoted in ukraine, we are talking about exactly those whom you are talking about, people who have a certain level of culture, people who are quite skeptical
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about the soviet past, about the soviet government, but for them the culture is still largely russian culture. that is, for them, mikhail bulgakov is something the pinnacle of world culture, despite the fact that , objectively, bulgakov outside the borders of the former soviet union is , in fact, very little known, even as a writer, and for those people, another aspect that plays on their sympathies is that this is a person who lived in kyiv, this is a person who... allegedly positions, shows a different kyiv, unfortunately, there are ukrainians in our country who like this kyiv because of this, will you remember how many such signs we had sometime before 2014 , it was used in the branding of otsi ti yati and so on, kyiv is supposed to be pre-bolshevik
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kyiv, pre-soviet, but absolutely imperial, russian, i.e. this is the kind of cultural little russianness that , unfortunately, is still present in ukrainian women. and even those ukrainians, educated ukrainians, yes, but in this case there are two problems here, well, the problem is so historical and aesthetic, eh, why is it... despite the white guard and many other ukrainophobic things, ukrainians, some, even smart and intellectual people, he is included in ukrainian culture, but in this case it is only a factor of living in in kyiv, this is some kind of idiocy, and if, for example, he lived, i don't know, in rome, then no one would say that bologakov is an outstanding italian writer, that's why it took root... that bolgakov is a ukrainian writer, and why, for example, in the same
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russia, no one says that as pushkin is a famous ethiopian writer, and det hannibal will not allow a lie, that is why it took root, because, as i said, for a certain part of ukrainians, the bolgakovs are one of the peaks of world literature, i want to do it again, but that's it a lie, you are known to those who are in the literature. world, and bulgakov is not there, and by the way, and by the way, when comparing nabokov with bulgakov, you know, some people say that you cannot identify bolgaky with his work, because then we will have to talk about the fact that nabokov was a pedophile and let's be ban nabokov, no one bans nabokov, bolgakov, or nabokov, but there are no streets dedicated to nabokov in ukraine, there are no monuments to nabokov in ukraine, someone wants to read nabokov, let him read nabokov, someone wants read bolgakov, let him read bolgakov, it seems very strange to me that people who supposedly respect bolgakov, people who allegedly read
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bolgakov, want to make him ukrainian, because in my opinion, for bulgakov himself, well, that would be an insult to him himself, because he would never come to terms with the fact that he would be considered ukrainian only because he was born in ukraine, but for these people it was i who said that in their opinion this is some masterpiece of world literature, some world genius literature, and let us take it for ourselves. let's justify that this person has something to do with ukraine, because otherwise, it is alleged that ukrainian culture will be very impoverished, again, in my opinion, this is an indicator of how little they know ukrainian and world culture, and here the situation is the same as if honore debalzak lived in lviv in the george hotel or in zhytomyr, then to call him a ukrainian writer, if bolgakov was told that in our country, in our country they often say that there should at least be a bulgakov museum, but a museum is something that also ee.. . a big, important tool for popularizing what is important to us, you know, in rooting this stereotype, but eh,
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i still can't, no, i can't ask you, because mr. volodymyr, you personally participated in many of these processes, and this is very important, these are very important processes, namely, april 9 is that day , when the law on decommunization was passed, and this in many ways helps us to resist the russian-fascists. the occupier, but here is one moment i want to ask you, look, sheptytskyi, breweries, siversko-donetsk, and this is what i like the most, the port of atental, this is the state power committee supported the decision on renaming of more than 150 settlements that fall under the law on decommunization, such changes caused a lot of heated discussions in society, and especially here, for example, in the lviv region, in chervonohrad. our colleague kateryna oliynyk found out whether local residents support the name change,
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let's take a look together with you and discuss this aspect as well. the head of the chervonograd branch of the museum of the history of religion, halyna hrynnyk , is holding a copy of the decree on the exchange of territories between poland and the ussr. in 1951 soviet authorities renamed the ukrainian city of krystynopil to chervonograd. already here are the newspapers that ... we have in the 70s, 80s, that is, they are the organs of the communist party, the city council of our city, then there is already an explanation of what this city was named after, in honor of the blood shed for the country of the soviets , in honor of the great october revolution, it was named, the soviet name of the mining town of chervonograd has been trying to be changed since the beginning of the 90s, in the fall of 2023. the city authorities consulted with the public about the renaming until january 27
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propose a new name and vote for it, out of 14 toponyms, residents chose the same chervonograd. many residents expressed a proposal not to rename chervonograd or to rename chervonograd to chervonograd, which was actually formulated in the draft decision prepared by a special working group, but again, this draft decision. did not receive a sufficient number of votes from city council members, the authority to change the name passed to the verkhovna rada. red ridge should become sheptytskyi. he made such a decision two weeks ago. committee of state power, local self-government, regional development and urban planning, a new name in honor of metropolitan andrey sheptytskyi. andriy sheptytsky is connected with our city, but he is connected, of course, not with montenegro, he is connected with krystynopole, and such important events in his life took place here. the renaming of the city does not threaten additional inconveniences for
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residents, - assures the deputy mayor of chervonograd taras tyrko. change. the name of the locality is not a change of place of registration, that is, people will not have to run change all documents at once. i want to warn right away, there are no plans to spend millions from the local budget there, we will have to change several signs for entering and exiting the city, signs on administrative buildings, seals. the ukrainian institute of national memory recognized the name of chervonograd as a symbol of russian imperial policy. the residents themselves have different attitudes to renaming, i like chervonograd, it would be better not to change it, but what they came up with, let them rename it themselves for their own money, not for ours, but i'm in favor, it's enough, as long as you can be under the power, under the kras under the muscovites, all the time under the muscovites, how many more muscovites are there, and further, i don't understand at all why this renaming, chervonograd and
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chervonograd, for what, well, that is an unnecessary waste of money, they suggested the name shakhitsky, do you like it? to you, she is shevtytskyi, it may be so, i don't want to rename it, but why? well, i like chervonograd. already this spring , the verkhovna rada will vote on the final name change of chervonograd. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. oh yeah. mr. volodymyr, there are two questions here, because they cannot be mixed. and i will now start this question. from the fact that you can brag as much as you want, that you are, oh, what a piedmont, as a result, the texts of kuzia from hayukin about russified raguls will continue to be relevant, where here in chervonograd, lviv region, a dog is buried in love for this
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russian-moscow communist ghetto, she is it due to a lack of iq or somewhere... else, do we need to listen to the red tape of the gadyukin brothers to find the answer? you have to listen to the red flag, there really are a lot of answers, it, unfortunately, does not lose its relevance, but the red-firu was repainted into blue-yellow, well, it still remains to a large extent a symbol of what ukraine is still like. you know, in general, we started our conversation with the fact that the law on decommunization was passed 9 years ago, and i have the impression now, when i hear these arguments, around chervonograd, that these nine years simply did not exist, the same attempts at manipulation rename chervonograd, but to chervonograd, but somehow interpret it differently, the same arguments that it it is allegedly expensive, that it will cost someone something, that it is allegedly difficult and so on, that is, it is a shame that they want to turn it back again, to use all those completely ineffective explanations for their
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inaction, it is a shame that this is happening in the lviv region, eh, and eh i think that... the explanation is quite simple, because lvivians, galicians, ukrainians, in general, are generally inclined to the fact that we need reforms, are ready to support reforms, with one exception, so that those reforms do not affect us personally , this is what, unfortunately, characterizes too many ukrainians, this is something that was used a lot by populist politicians of various kinds, who restrained the development of certain reforms, and what, unfortunately, even works in such a, well... just completely painless reform like decolonization, because in fact it won't cost anybody anything, it's really just a matter of habit, but nevertheless, you see, are willing to stick to those habits in such a way as to put themselves in a just, well, disgraceful light, saying that we held a public hearing and decided rename chervonograd to chervonograd. you know, i also watched this plot and for some reason everything
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was spinning in my head that these were their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers once upon a time. khrun was chosen instead of ivan franko, that's right, well, when the elections were held, it seems to be the same, but i don't know if it is transmitted sexually or how, because there are so many occupying powers, and before decommunization, decolonization somehow does not affect those who consider themselves not the best, patriots, ok, let 's go from the other side, the proposal from the verkhovna rada sheptytskyi, why not return to the authentically historical one, it's me in i ask you as a historian, why not... i would not be against returning to the historical name, i think that it is normal and there is a proposal that has been approved, that is, to honor one of the prominent and most distinguished. century sheptytskyi, in principle this is also a good idea, a good proposal, i am not a member of this local self-government committee, but in any case, if this decision has already been adopted by them,
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then i am ready to support it and as a deputy i will vote for renaming to sheptytskyi, but in this case just as it is more correct to act, why are you being asked, because no one there denies the righteous and great metropolitan andrei sheptytskyi, he is revered outside of ukraine, even so, but in this case about... just, well, andrey shevtytskyi andrey shevtytskyi, but there is a historical name, just as zvyagil returned, just as volodymyr returned, but novels are also not always worth paying attention to, as the only trend worth following, this is not the only recipe worth following, because when i was the head of the ukrainian national memory, we had a very heated discussion related to the renaming of kirovohrad, which eventually became kropyvnytskyi, precisely because a large number of... local people insisted on returning the historical name of yelisavet grad, and it seems to be historical, but it is obvious that if they returned the name of yelasavadgrad, then the next step would be to rename it
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already now in the context of decolonization, taking into account the fact that it was still perpetuated, so to talk simply about as a determining criterion only the return of historical names, well , for sure, for sure, that is not worth it, that is it should definitely not be the only criterion, but it is actually very funny, so when they tried there. that this is st. elizabeth, and not empress elizabeth on the spot, despite the fact that in the city for 200 or so years there has never been a single temple of st. elizabeth, well, it looked a little bit strange, but i really liked the last point, and i would have i wanted the verkhovna rada to teach the colonized cotton wool, etc., by this very practice. locals, do you remember this city, port yuzhne? port anental, well, yes, because they are you for a simple option, let there be a city
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let the southern one stand by itself, and there was such resistance, as if we are reading from the sidelines again that it is better to be raped than to be ukrainized, they did not want the southern one, they got the port of anental, and that is wonderful, this is wonderful, i think it will be simply. has already taken a huge step forward in some of its tourist branding, yes, by the way, this is also a very similar story with bitter floats, i.e. the former komsomolsk, which was so clingy and held on to its name that it wanted to convince the verkhovna rada that komsomolsk means collective young, socially active cossacks of some kind there, or somehow they deciphered this name, should keep its name, because it has nothing to do with the komsomol, in the end it became with the upper fins, at first it was also perceived as and... some kind of very difficult and unacceptable, now this is a city that really has a very clear positioning, just a brand for itself, an all-ukrainian brand, yes, mr. volodymyr,
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we have already seen it in several places, it’s just a pity that chervonograd is in this line, when the tribe of ivan is barren ignorant of advice they are trying to pass it off as a pure patriotic coin, unfortunately, we have to break these colonial myths inside the country. volodymyr vyatrovych was with us, whom we thank, a people's deputy, historian, author of many books, i'm watching everything, we don't have time anymore, actually for today, so i want to thank you for your attention, espresso works for you, we'll meet tomorrow, we're tired from heavy and... city saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool
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by football, stronger together. we summarize the informative morning in ukraine in khrystyna parobiy works in the studio of espresso news. an explosion rang out in slovyansk, donetsk region, about an hour ago, local residents reported. the consequences are currently unknown. the russians also attacked a children's boarding school in druzhkivka. the building is completely destroyed. no one was hurt, because the children were evacuated from there at the beginning of the full moon.


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