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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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mobilization, how the norms of this law will come into effect, and most importantly, how people will then be responsible for coming to the tcc, for coming to the vlk, and for the fact that they avoid mobilization. the commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr pavlyuk, says that the harassment of employees of the territorial recruitment and social support centers. are unacceptable, the violation of their rights cannot be allowed, at the same time they will not put up with the violation of the rights of civilians either, says oleksandr pavlyuk, and i promise that this story will definitely develop and the zsu itself will answer all the questions, including those of my colleagues from the investigation-info agency, among the things that have been discussed very actively over the past few months. this is precisely the responsibility for
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violation of mobilization and military registration, which is parallel to the law on mobilization, there is a law that actually provides for increased responsibility for military offenses, and the draft of this law, which is already under consideration by the verkhovna rada, contained a provision on the criminal liability of citizens of ukraine for avoiding them. mobilization for violation of mobilization or military registration, information appeared that the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement, during this consideration of the draft law, excluded criminal liability for those who violate mobilization and military registration, the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee stated this serhii ionushas of ukraine, he says that today we recommended the parliament to adopt this bill. under number 10379 for the basis with
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committee amendments, which is provided for by this bill, for violation of the rules of military accounting, in peacetime a fine from uah 3,400 to uah 5,100 will be imposed, repeatedly or in a special period, well, it means during wartime, uah 17 and 22,500, that is, if you violated the rules of military accounting, you can be fined from uah 17,000 to... uah 22,500, but on the condition that the verkhovna rada will make this decision. at the same time, for violating the legislation on defense and mobilization, in peacetime it is planned to impose a fine from 5,100 to 8,500 uah for citizens, 17,000 uah, from 17,000 to 34,000 uah for officials and legal entities, and during martial law fines will be from 17.00 to 20.2500 uah for citizens and for officials
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and legal entities from 34.00 to 59.500 uah, that is, solid fines, of course, but they are not the fines that were prescribed from the very beginning, because there i think the amount was uah 240,000. if you don't appear at the military medical commission, you could be fined only for that, and there was criminal liability, there was a draft law. according to which a person who does not appear for the military medical commission could sit down to prison for 5 years, well, these norms have been lifted for the time being, they are not there, and of course uh, we will monitor what will be in the final version of the bill or the law now on mobilization, and of course we will comment on it in our programs together with our experts.
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in the meantime, nato and the european union countries are calling for a strategy to end the war in ukraine, in particular, czech foreign minister jan lipavsky said in an interview with dychevele that such a strategy to end the war in ukraine must be. i will quote mr. lipavskyi. there is no joint debate about our strategy towards russia in nato. in the eu. i consider this a mistake. i think we should have that debate. during such a discussion , it is necessary to discuss how the war in ukraine should end. the minister emphasized that ukraine should have the right to vote when deciding on future peace with russia. well, friends, what i always say during our broadcasts in the verdict program is that the western partners should clearly define what this is. for them
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, the defeat of russia, that is, they have to explain and ukrainians and the whole world, what they understand by the concept of the defeat of russia, that it is the removal of putin from power. demilitarization of russia, deputinization of russia, de-rasification of russia, de-nationalization of russia, that is, the removal of its nuclear weapons, which means the defeat of russia, because it seems that behind these verbal mantras that we often hear that ukraine should not be defeated, we are not we see the main, main thing in these statements is that they want to end it. with putin's russia or with putin, because in principle, without these declarations and without a clear one strategies, as the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, jan lipavsky, says, well , the ultimate goal
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of western aid to ukraine cannot be determined, that is, they help us so that ukraine does not fall, that is clear. but do they want to help us so that the russian federation in its current aggressive state ceases to exist. we don't have the answers to these questions, unfortunately, nor do we understand whether this position of uncertainty is related to, uh, the fact that we don't have enough weapons, we don't get them now from of our american partners that congress. of the united states of america is now trying in some way to slow down the transfer of weapons to us and the opening of funding for 61 billion dollars, that is, they give us weapons in small pieces and help us
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only so that we can hold on, and not so that we can defeat russia, because otherwise , there would have been f-16 aircraft in ukraine a long time ago, and it was obvious. contracted pilots who flew these planes before, not those ukrainian pilots who are taught to fly from scratch, and obviously, obviously, we would have a long-range weapons that would allow us to hit military targets and objects of critical infrastructure in the russian federation in order for them to curtail hostilities on the territory of ukraine. we don't have all this, and even so we can ... tattoo that , unfortunately, our western partners do not yet have a general vision of how russia should be defeated in this war. against this background, russian dictator putin declared that russia cannot be the target of terrorist
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attacks by islamic fundamentalists. he says that everything that happened in shopping and entertainment center kroko city holl, that's all, the work of the hands. ukrainians, because you obviously, friends, heard that yesterday and the day before yesterday , russian propagandists quite actively spread the topic that these suspects of committing a terrorist attack are a step away from the city hall, that they were supposedly going to kyiv, and they were supposed to receive 1 million rubles there of russians, as a fee for the fact that they shot people in the steps of city hall, where... where did they go, to kyiv, how did they travel on the highway, from moscow to kyiv, well, this is a delusion carried by the representatives of the russian authorities in order to show ukraine in the role of a terrorist, to put on
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the image of such a victim, that ukrainian terrorists, they say, are terrorizing russia, and this is the whole problem, about how putin is trying to... say that russia cannot be the object of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists, we have a synchronicity, now we will listen to it and continue. russia cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of inter-religious harmony and unity. interreligious unity, interethnic, and in the external arena, russia behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack by islamic fundamentalists, and harmony, and unity, and interreligious unity and interethnic, that is, russia is such an exemplary
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country in the public domain, where everyone loves each other so much, where these 120 peoples who inhabit this... 1/6 part of the globe love each other so much, well, he is talking complete delusion, and the peoples who are enslaved in the north caucasus, peoples who are enslaved ... and in the north of russia, in the northeast, here they are everyone loves each other, and they especially love the russians, who are very aggressive towards representatives of other nations, who believe that everyone of a different religion or nationality is generally second- or third-class people there, that is, we well... we know about this superiority and we know how the russians treat all those who, whom
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they consider not their own, we saw what they do to people who have russian passports, how they treat these tajiks , who had russian passports and were citizens of the russian federation, how they cut off their ears, how they tried to ... incline them to accuse ukraine of ordering this terrorist attack, well, that is, putin is lying and just letting everyone, everyone in the world, and first of all his russians , in order to convince them of something that actually never happened in russia and never will, because russian chauvinism, it was and remains strong enough... and not only in relation to ukrainians, but in relation to those people who inhabit this
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russian federation, and uh, it's absolutely obvious, another one of its sharers, medvedev, the one that dimon called in general in connection with these events that happened in crocus, macron, the president of france, the sponsor of the terrorist attack, in his post on the network. x he literally wrote that it is obvious that macron and a number of other western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack, there is no forgiveness for this, there is no way to cover up with immunities, from now on they are not just enemies of russia, that is , all the public confessions, all the calls of the islamic state about , what exactly they did... or is it a terrorist attack, the kremlin does not perceive at all, they say that it is an event in general,
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initiated these terrorist attacks, and ukrainians took part in the preparation of terrorist attacks, well, as it were, an absolutely complete delusion, in which he believes, except for dimon and vavan, no one else, you see, the whole world is simply horrified by these st. petersburg hooligans, by the way they... . they are trying to interpret the tragic events that took place in the suburbs of moscow, when the islamic state attacked this shopping and entertainment center, moreover , they are using this tragedy to incite their fellow citizens against ukrainians and to create all the prerequisites for increase the number of mobilized people who are now going to the russian military commanders and say, we want to go and... take revenge on the ukrainians for the crocus city hall, what on the ukrainians for
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the crocus hall, what relationship does ukraine have to this, they survived at all, sorry, crazy and in his manipulations , all borders are simply already crossed, as the self-proclaimed president of belarus lukashenko, who survived the madness, is already scaring his officials that the west can overthrow his dictatorship and... and says that all those appointed to positions in local authorities, must be ready to protect his regime at the cost of his own life, since the scenario of the overthrow of the lukashenko dictatorship is allegedly being prepared, let's listen to another madman, you know, i'll be with you for two hours, you know, i'll be with you for two hours reading... different mail, media analytics, reports intelligence of special services. guys, everything
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is focused on finding an opportunity to bring us down. neither you nor i, personally, are worth anything compared to what sovereign and independent belarus means to us. we must protect it with our work, blood, and ultimately with our lives. he did not add that with their blood, work and life... everyone must protect him, because we remember what happened in 2020, when the so -called elections were held, when the self-proclaimed president of belarus was in line... the new time became to the post of president and the world does not recognize him, they call him self-proclaimed, when belarusians took to the streets of the cities and only the reaction of the security forces, who were helped, by the way, by the same putin, they kept this situation, and now he says: you will die, but protect me , because i am your
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dictator, i am your leader, and if i am gone, then you won't be there either, think, think about what can happen. this hysteria, which we now see in lukashenka, clearly shows that he feels insecure about himself in belarus, and obviously he understands that sooner or later he will have to answer to his citizens for complicity in the war against ukraine. this is a sharer of putin, this is a classmate of the russian-ukrainian war, and he should get the same as putin. an arrest warrant from the international criminal court, the only question is when that warrant will be discharged and when lukashenko will sit next to putin on the dock in the international criminal court in gaza, well, friends, i hope, we will wait, just as we wait for the branch of the russian
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orthodox church in ukraine to be banned, because... the church, the so-called church of the so-called patriarch gundyaev, literally a week ago declared a holy, holy war against ukraine. gundyaev at the all-russian people's assembly, people's assembly, he declared that the spiritual assembly, that the special military operation, it is sacred. war, that we are fighting for orthodoxy and we are fighting for our territory, and ukraine is a part of our territory, and therefore all those who believe differently must either be destroyed or conquered by the russian army. people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi said on the espresso broadcast
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that the revised government draft law 8371 on amendments to some... laws of ukraine regarding the activities of religious organizations in ukraine, which has already been sent by the specialized committee for consideration by the verkhovna rada, has all chances of its quick adoption, although opponents of the ban on the moscow patriarchate remain in the parliament. let's listen to knyazhytskyi. in our committee, which is chaired by the representative of the servant of the people party, mykyta potoraev, yevgenia kravchuk, who was his deputy in your office, other representatives of this faction voted unanimously for the bill today. in the second reading, together with representatives of other factions, well, of our european solidarity, and for the future, and for the homeland, i know that the trust will also vote for it, just not all servants understand it, in the servants there is a fairly large pro-russian church group that defends the interests of this church, and there are also groups of the former opzh, which will also
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oppose it, and most other politicians in the verkhovna rada understand, i think that this understanding is coming. this understanding must necessarily come with the understanding that a branch of the russian orthodox church in ukraine should not exist. well, of course, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate is baptized by what patriarch gundyaev says and says that we are completely different we think, but give during all services, the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate memorial service. patriarch kirill, that is, they give him credit as the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, and here the ukrainian orthodox church must decide who they are with during this war, with the ukrainians or with the russians, even despite this anti-cyrillic rhetoric that onufry is now leading , well , this rhetoric is not enough to convince ukrainians that this church
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defends the interests of ukrainians and opposes russia's war with... ukraine. one more question quite important, this is telegram in ukraine. and we had yaroslav yurchyshyn, head of the specialized parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, on the air. we talked with him, we started this conversation about whether it is possible to block the telegram media platform in ukraine, since russians are involved with this media platform, and where there are russians, there is necessarily the fsb. what does yurchyshyn say? he says that... the ukrainian authorities are now studying the experience of imposing sanctions against social networks in the united states and spain to block telegram, he says yurchyshyn, there must be a clear rationale for the decision of the national security council regarding sanctions. for example, and for this there must be some serious critical situation with a leak of information. we would really hate for that to happen, so we have to make a choice.
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in the near future, the center for combating disinformation will initiate a discussion on the development of a new draft law that will establish uniform rules of activity for social networks and limit russian telegram channels. this was said by the head of the center for countering disinformation at the national security service of ukraine. andriy kovalenko in an interview with ukrinform. let's listen to kovalenko. i believe that the administrators of large ukrainian telegram channels, the media, representatives of the state, representatives of influencers there should sit down together and develop a certain law. there will be a certain law that will suit all players and actually stabilize the situation . the only rules of the game for the entire market, let's put it this way, it is possible with this law to further restrict pro-russian telegram channels,
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including those that have all sorts of muraev channels, journalists are there and so on, well, this is a proposal, it seems to me that the center with this the proposal will soon be officially sent to everyone, and we will propose such a solution, i hope that it will be supported. we hope that telegram will also have some rules of existence, or coverage, including the events on the front, because some telegram channels that i see, they are abusing it by using information that maybe is not for publication, but appears in the public space, i still hope that the telegram channel will not be used by the russians for collection. information on the territory of the ukrainian state, and i also hope that in ukraine they will no longer listen to such a singer as potap, because literally for the past few days we have been watching
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potap fall into several scandals, the first of which is a scam for a concert not in europe, for which the ukrainian singer was announced as an artist of russian retro, and now he performed in a pro-russian club in a german city. philingen, schweningen, there he performed his russian-language hits for the russian-speaking contingent, obviously for russians who are on the territory of the german state, the wife of the artist nastya kaminsky did not become to participate in the concert, but another singer replaced her on her stage. let's watch a small fragment of this concert to understand what it is about. aha.
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in concert halls, gives concerts, sings russian songs in front of russian audiences, he absolutely does not care about what is happening in ukraine, or at least he always says that he is some kind of volunteer there, but maybe a person who has a conscience, who is ukrainian , in this difficult time to speak before the russians, this is the first thing, the second thing is to be outside'. within the borders of ukraine at this difficult time for the state also a question, well, the third is to demonstrate one's superiority and contempt for everything
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ukrainian, what we see in the performance of this, i wanted to say the ukrainian rapper, this is the pro-russian rapper potap, for whom the rules are not written, who absolutely sneeze at our your reaction and the reaction of others. ukrainians, i think that the answer to what potap is doing should be to ignore potap, upon his return to ukraine and attempts to resuscitate show business, and obviously it will happen sooner or later, as he is broadcast in western europe and there on different continents , but sooner or later he will return to ukraine, and i hope that no one will support him from our audience and... not only our audience, from ukrainians, will not buy tickets to his concerts, because he, in fact, is already deserved i will put an end to this, friends, by reminding you that during
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our program... we conducted a survey and asked you whether you would donate to the armed forces. on tv, 89% yes, 11% no, on youtube, on our youtube channel, now i’ll open it, see which one, well, about yourself too, 84% yes, 16% - no. i put an end to this, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives. goodbye. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not the absence of fear. bahmud is an adventure that will stay with us until the end. in
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the era of independence, who are they? there are many of them, and they are strong and brave, they are the guardians of the traditions and martial arts of their ancestors, they are the boys who never cry. lemberg, mother, don't cry. a book by the writer olena cherniyka. a mother's book about her son, a hero who was one of the first to go as a volunteer to defend ukraine and... went missing in the vast expanses of donbas, oh, there are no potatoes, you’ll bring an aschin, dr. tys’s comfrey ointment and get up to work again, comfrey ointment, german ointment from joint and muscle pain, oops, natural ointment with comfrey from dr. thais, champions league quarter finals only on mego, real man city and psg
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energy novelty. even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say let's have better roads , we'll have even better ones, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in an information marathon with mykola veresnem, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at spresso.
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2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. let's start with operational events. as a result of the russian attack on zaporozhye , four people were killed, and eight more were captured injuries - he said. head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the enemy attacked settlements with drones, artillery and aviation. 34 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. one dead and twelve injured. such are the consequences of the russian attack on poltava region. in the evening and at night, the occupiers attacked the area several times, hitting a residential area.


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