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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events, let's start with operational events. as a result of the russian attack on zaporozhye , four people died. another eight were wounded, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. the enemy attacked settlements with drones, artillery and aviation. 34 reports were received about the destruction of residential buildings and infrastructure facilities. one dead and 12 injured. such are the consequences of russian attacks on poltava region. in the evening and at night , the occupiers attacked the area several times, hitting a residential area. house, and several
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neighboring ones were damaged. as assured by the regional authorities, the victims will be helped with housing. among the injured are two children, they were hospitalized and provided with medical assistance. several people are currently in hospital in moderate to serious condition. a private two-story house, where the russians targeted, was partially destroyed. several nearby houses were damaged. we, as the regional leadership , will also help people with temporary housing to... we can issue all necessary documents for compensation for damaged property. the door was blocked, i kicked it out, but the neighbor helped from the other side, and then they slowly left, i was the last to leave from the fourth, from the third, they checked the apartments, there was no one, all the targets, but the little boy was in what, what were, and that's all, then friends took the pour to her parents, i understand that she flew somewhere from there, but from the other side, but the clap was in my ears from... still a concussion, i
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can't hear in one ear and well 15-20 meters, but i don’t understand anything, how it was, how it sputtered, and then how it shot, something else, and there were some small explosions, so i didn’t even go through, the woman and i covered ourselves and crawled straight to the corridor on our knees, beaten to the bone in kurakhovo, which was fired upon by the russians, a law enforcement officer provided assistance to three wounded civilians. the white angel crew had to wait until the morning, when the enemy shelling subsided a little. russian shells hit the house of a 77-year-old woman. she miraculously survived, but suffered a concussion. also suffered a 60-year-old man and a 53-year-old woman. after providing first aid , the police took all the injured to the hospital. under constant shelling and assault by the russian army at the time. daughters the russians launch hundreds of
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drones at the positions of our military. because of this, it is difficult to evacuate the wounded. how do soldiers of the 67th mechanized brigade of the volunteer ukrainian corps defend the city? see further. chasiv yar in donetsk became a key point that the russians want to seize after the occupation of bakhmut. heavy fighting is going on there now. the defense of the city is held by units armed forces of ukraine. it. among them are volunteer soldiers of the 67th separate mechanized brigade duk. as for the situation in the time gap, it is now very tense, it is this direction that the enemy is constantly storming and trying to take our positions, and the confrontation is now quite aggressive, the enemy has been constantly attacking for the past few days. the enemy does not stand still, unfortunately, and now they have so many drones. that simply our
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guys, who are already trained in e-fighting, cannot sometimes simply go from point to point for hours, because there are literally hundreds of them, just swarms, because the constant assaults of the russian army leave many wounded in the brigade, evacuations take place day and night, there is a lack of protective equipment , and therefore sometimes it is not possible to take comrades from the battlefield. two of our boys recently left by car. to the position where they could, where they had to get to, or rather, the evacuation point, the disembarkation point, and then they had to reach the position, then it cannot be done by car, it must be done on foot, and just so you understand that they just were walking, there were only two of them, that is, it is not a group like us attack, this is not a technique that we attack with fpv drones, they can afford to launch four drones in two people. so, for example,
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we still can't get one of these guys out because there's just a lot of fire. so that there would be an opportunity, at least at night , to evacuate fellow soldiers... if , god forbid, the enemy seizes it, he will very easily be able to work further, and these are konstantinovka, druzhkivka, kramatorsk, sloviansk, and there it will be even easier for him to advance, i.e. chasivyar is both strategic and tactical, and in general very important for the lives of people who live. for, that is, in those cities where there is still life, because in the time abyss it is almost gone. support the soldiers, it is with your help that they will be able to buy the protection they need and restrain the enemy on the battlefield. khrystyna parobiy, espresso tv channel.
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fatal road accident in kharkiv. a drunk audi driver ran over two boys. the 21-year-old man from kharkiv died on the spot from his injuries. his 23-year-old. a friend was stabbed, the culprit of the accident fled the scene, the police found him within an hour, the offender left his damaged car near one of the houses, he faces up to 10 years in prison. an 18-year-old driver drove to the death of a four-year-old boy in the lviv region. this was reported to the regional police. the accident happened in the village of pid bush. the child received serious injuries and died in the ambulance. currently, the law enforcement officers are establishing. the circumstances of the tragic accident. three people were injured in a road accident in volyn. the accident happened near lutsk. there, the minibus crashed into a roadblock, the regional police reported. according to their data, a policewoman and a volunteer from of the territorial community, who were on
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duty, and one of the minibus passengers. it is known in advance that the driver of the minibus fell asleep at the wheel. border guards in... rescued a violator who tried to escape to romania, but got lost in the carpathians. the 42-year-old man walked the snowy mountains for almost a week, the state border service reported. in six days, the miserable tourist walked about 70 km, encountered wild animals, got wet and froze, the border guards helped him down and fed him. at the same time , he was arrested for attempting to illegally cross the state border admin-protocol. employees of the military medical commission in chernihiv oblast will be tried for providing fictitious certificates to men of draft age. the head of the commission and a doctor were suspected, the general prosecutor's office said. according to investigation materials, in exchange for bribes, they established serious diagnoses for conscripts, which allowed them
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to evade mobilization and flee abroad. the accused took 5,000 dollars from each client. the suspects were exposed in february this year. they face up to... years behind bars. waterworks in russia, big water already reached orenburg. according to local media, an evacuation siren is sounding in the city. the water level rose by 25 cm per day. at the same time , more than 10,000 residential buildings in more than 70 settlements have already been flooded in the orenburg and neighboring kurgan regions . in local publications, they write that russians complain about looting, that is why some people take them away from home. household appliances. the natural disaster there has been going on since friday. the dam on the ural river could not withstand the abnormal amount of meltwater and collapsed in several places. usa destroyed the
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houthi air defense system and drone in the red sea. this was announced in the american military headquarters. in particular, it is about an air defense system with two missiles ready for launch, as well as on the ground. a control station in houthi-controlled areas of yemen and one drone launched by militants over the sea. the day before , the us central command reported on an anti-ship ballistic missile launched from the territory of yemen and flying in the direction of the gulf of aden. however, information there are no reports of damage to american or european ships. in bulgaria, a provisional government and an early parliament were appointed. election. the relevant decision was made by the country's president, rumen radiv. the interim government was headed by dimitr glavchev, former speaker of the parliament and head of the national audit office. early elections are planned for june 9 at the same time as the elections to the european parliament.
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it will be noted that this is already the sixth interim government in bulgaria in the last three years. such was the news at that time, more. you can read espresso tv on our website, a summary of the highlights on our social networks and watch us on youtube. my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and oksana vysok continue the broadcast. in the next few hours , we will inform and analyze together with you the information marathon of the tv channel in rozpal itself. the most important thing is marta oliyarnyk and oksana vyschanska in the studio, together we will be in such a company in the next three
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hours, but as usual, i will remind you about our collection, it is important to help our forces defense in its place, everyone can, so if you have the opportunity, join the fundraiser, which is currently being held by the espresso tv channel and the public organization basu yasprotiv, please donate to this fundraiser, now we need to collect uah 2 million in order to purchase semi-drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 70th second black zaporizhzhya brigade, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together, so join us so that fpv drones become more and more, remember that donad to the armed forces - this is an investment in our security and assistance to our armed forces. we will now add roman pohorily to our broadcast , whom we are waiting for every minute, well, actually, while we wait, we will inform you about yours. events, actually in poltava region as a result of yesterday's attack, the number of victims has increased, already
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16 people, among them four children, aged from 5 to 11 years, one person is reported to be in a serious condition, if it concerns energy, then electricity supply to all settlements, except partially destroyed building, has already been restored, so people have access to this good of civilization, meanwhile, in kyiv, in the pechersk court today, a preventive measure is chosen. murder of a teenager on the funicular. the court has now adjourned the session, this session will be held in closed session. i would like to remind you that earlier the ddbr noted that the law enforcement officers are asking to choose a preventive measure for the person involved, detention without bail in these cases . we will also talk about the results of the elections in poland and slovakia. today during our marathon, and now, as marta said,
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we are returning to the front line, with us is roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of deep state. mr. roman, i congratulate you, congratulations, glory to ukraine. mr. roman, at times it looks like the bakhmut direction may repeat the fate of the avdiiv direction, at least many experts see a repetition of the situation and what is now is actually something that is simply... leveled with the land, yes, kabas, fabas, how many maybe, so many are flying there, or how do you see the continuation of this, or will it continue to be the same, the shelling will be total, will they also try to go on foot, lately it is very difficult for our military there, because they are forced to hold the defense, repel very large massed enemy attacks, and it could be seen publicly by entire columns. , but mainly the intensity of shelling is increasing, and indeed the enemy has now begun to raze
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the city itself to the ground, a lot of aviation is flying, and according to the trend, if we compare, then with each sometimes air raids increase, fabs, cabs are dropped, and this is the question there, and again the help of our partners in air defense to destroy aviation, not to... let it go, but the armed forces are holding on, they are not letting the enemy in, there incredibly fierce battles are going on, both in the area of ​​boguyar itself, and in the area of ​​the settlements of ivanivske, bogdanivka, they are trying to get in from all sides, somehow sneak in with infantry, equipment, work with thrones, destroy, level with the ground, aviation, but the defense forces hold , we have to to help them in this. yes, mr. roman, look, we would also like to discuss with you the situation in the novopavlovsk direction, for our viewers, i will remind you that this is the maryinka district, the general staff informs
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that 26 times they tried, they tried, i mean the russian interventionists, to break through the defenses of our troops in this direction, is there a certain tension in this direction as well, and actually, if we are talking about this avdiiv-novopavlov direction, will it be and does it look like one and the same itself, perhaps an operational operation, because these... directions are next to each other, and in fact, do analysts now observe certain interactions, and connect, perhaps, certain tactical actions of the enemy in two directions, and actually what... do they intend to do so, well, in the near future in these areas? well, usually the novomykhalivka district and , in general, the entire district near maryinka, it was more associated with further steps in the coal mine area, now there was a constant activation of the enemy there, constant assaults, and even in the formations you could see a large
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the number of repulsed attacks, the enemy has recently concentrated its forces in the krasnohorivka area. is trying to attack there, and just yesterday you could hear and see, many people were discussing, an attack on krasnohorivka from the south, a very interesting tank was used there, which was covered with sheets of metal, sheets of armor, completely sheathed, there was also rap, surprisingly he survived and was able to escape, but this assault was repulsed, a lot of equipment was burned there, and now here ... obviously the enemy is trying to close that flank from the north, because all this time they moved if in that area in the direction of georgiivka, towards kurakhovo, and now they switched to krasnohorivka, the activation there is very, very high, there is a large amount of artillery, personnel, and equipment, and the air
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raids also continue, but the defense forces are holding on, we we see the same krasnohoriyka, they repelled. the attack is constantly carried out by the fighters of the brigades stationed in that area, there novomykhaivka, marninka, pobida, georgiivka, krasnohorivka, they publish footage, just as they destroy a large number of equipment and infantry, in particular, the fighters of the 79th brigade recently published a video, and so every day and every night this whole dynamic continues, the enemy looks for some weak points and tries to press there with his concentrated forces, if we move to... a little earlier, to the south, we noticed such a green, small , but still very pleasing to the eye, a green strip on the left bank of the kherson region, and if you look at the deep state map, you can see that there are a small number of different russian units near it, but there are significantly more of them near the wells. does this mean that
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they still decided to bet on krynyk, and... oleshki, pishchanivka, these settlements to be left alone, and what do you think is the reason for this, that is, they do not see the possibility of advancing there further, or do they not have enough strength to to do this along the entire coastal zone in the kherson region, there is nothing new there, forces are concentrated there in accordance with the fact that there is our largest bridgehead, it is the most active, directly. in the crimea and they muscovites are constantly trying to knock out our military from there, the situation is absolutely unchanged in the plan shelling, offensives, there are attempts to break through with the work of drones, all this works for our military, but in these extremely difficult conditions they hold their own, they take the initiative in destroying the enemy, accordingly
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, because of this, this large... amount of forces are concentrated there . mr. roman, i would like to clarify with you about the situation in zaporizhzhia in the zaporizhzhia region, the situation there also looks quite tense and complicated. it is difficult, difficult, because the enemy has concentrated, we all know a large number of equipment and infantry, but recently it will be possible to follow the trend that they... switched purely to shelling, they cannot break through, at first they used huge columns to break through , nothing happened, and they disappeared there, then we also saw isolated cases , these banzai still exist like this, when they fly in with the landing party on one or two or three units of equipment and try to establish themselves
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somewhere in the depths of the territory and then they are destroyed or taken prisoner, and now they have switched to shelling. they are leveled with the ground, because they can't do anything, this is their typical tactic, you can't, so destroy, and accordingly, now our military is forced to hold the line of biological confrontation in these difficult conditions, but it holds, we see that there are some large-scale there have been no significant changes in the lbz recently, and i hope that this will continue to be the case, and accordingly the forces of the cerebrums, which are concentrated there and will not succeed, will be eroded, but they do not stop. they are still trying to fulfill the task of cutting off the robot's ledge, only time will tell how the situation will develop. regarding the north, regarding the direction of kupinsk, the rdc said the other day that
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they are stopping their operation, the hot phase of the operation on the territory of russia. from the front line to the north, are they now returning, or are they still guarding their borders in russia? we can recently in in general, it can be observed that there are no active hostilities in the kupiansk area, even the assembly of the general staff can be observed that there were no active attacks there, although the enemy is constantly somehow trying somewhere, well, there are reconnaissance groups, especially shelling there, they work very hard, but the concentration forces in that area, it was and remains quite large, now attention is more concentrated in the liman area, they are constantly storming there, and yesterday you could see footage of how much equipment was burned there,
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how many corpses of dead muscovites are lying around, and there is an incredibly large number of them there, time will tell whether they will switch and whether the kupyansk district will be activated, there is the same shade all the way from masyutivka to kohmalny and maybe in other districts somewhere... they constantly carry out some rotations, constantly transfer some movements , displacement, replacement of brigades, and accordingly, they can not only, i don’t know, be brought out there on the territory of muscovy, they are transferred to other directions, but a lot of forces are concentrated there, it is a matter of time whether they will use them somehow or not, well, while we are talking, the air force is reporting the launch of guided aerial bombs in kharkiv oblast. and what you said about the kupin direction, what do you associate with the fact that there are no active hostilities there now, they just focused on the liman direction, or are there any other reasons for that, well, now
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the attention is focused on other directions, again, maybe they are regrouping, we very often observed at such moments, when after a lull there are active phases, then lulls and active phases again, they tried on the whole shade. there are masyutivka, liman-pershiy, sinkivka, may day and there further south, they tried earlier, we remember what assaults there were, whole, whole columns, in particular in senkivka, may day, in these areas, now they have not succeeded there in the area the tabaivka in the krokhmalnoye district, after they had some success, were not allowed to continue, the defense forces stabilized the situation, and even more, to some extent, they took the initiative to destroy the enemy and... the enemy did nothing there in further advance, so maybe now there is a regrouping, a re-concentration of forces, and here you can't say when they will
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attack, whether they will attack, today's situation is such that no large-scale active actions are being conducted there yet. mr. roman, we would like to ask you about the enemy's ability to receive certain satellite images in order to adjust their strikes and actually reconnoitre the situation. here is information from the bloomberg publication that china, china provides russia with satellite images for strikes on ukraine, in general, is it only china that does this, or are there other countries, perhaps, that also provide russia with satellite images, well, actually, how does this affect the situation at the front, and the russians themselves do not have the satellite capabilities to get this information to receive, they have to receive this information from other sources, on the one hand this is an article, on the other hand, we know which... how china cooperates with the muscovites, what close cooperation they have, so it is not an exception that they help in geoposters data for their
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aggression, we remember that there were also before appeals from our military and political leadership, it seems from gur, who called for some platforms where muscovites order pictures for money, they buy them and provide them, they called not... this, accordingly, there are other sources where they draw all this information, it was very interesting once the information that muscovites do not have online data, that is, when their satellites photograph some territory, they receive images after a certain period of time, but it cannot be ruled out that muscovites have all the same opportunities to receive this geospatial data, they their buy and in various platforms and receive. i 'm sure from other countries, that's why you can follow about it by how they work, they have a very developed air reconnaissance, they are very
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far and deep behind. welcome, which is also a challenge for us and again a challenge for our partners, who have to help us with various means to fight these and drones, and in general with some intelligence means, but we see that the muscovites are not lagging behind in this, they are all equal work and because it is war. thank you mr. roman, roman pohorily, co-founder and analyst of deeppstate was in direct contact with us, we had the opportunity to talk with him in detail about the situation at the front. and we are now going for a short break, after which we will add to our team dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the border brigades of the major of the national guard of ukraine, who is currently in the bakhmut direction, stay with us, wait, we will return in a few minutes, we are tired of heavy and bulky saw, then unpack tv strong saw, just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and
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the soul becomes easier. see this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal. but who organized it in kherson a celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. on tuesday, april 9 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on, the new two-hour format will feature even more analytics, even more important topics, and even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your
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opinion at the expense of the day. by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. we are returning, as promised, and with us is dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade and a major of the national guard of ukraine. we will talk about the bakhmut direction. glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro. glory to heroes. mr. dmytro, today we are actually asking our guests about the situation, the times of yar, the surroundings, information about


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