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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants: the powerful strong saw is what need. call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we come back and immediately join our conversation serhii lychenko, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. look, i will now quote a traditional, typical, unfortunately, summation in the news feed concerning zaporizhzhia. four people died, eight more were injured. the enemy attacked settlements with
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drones, artillery and aviation. there were 34 reports of the destruction of dwellings buildings and infrastructure facilities. and , unfortunately, we read such reports about zaporizhzhia, zaporizhzhia region almost every day. in the light of all this, is it somehow possible to cover zaporizhia a little more with the air defense forces. we understand that there will not be enough patriots for everyone, but there are also ... other alternatives, maybe not the ones that will knock down daggers, but still give a little more protection, but the fact is that the lion's share, the majority , and well, almost the entire share of these summaries, sometimes completely, is this defeat by the forces of kaps and artillery along the breeding line, and here, unfortunately, pppo will not help at all, because... artillery is artillery,
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if we look at the list of settlements, then excluding zaporizhzhia and sometimes cities near zaporizhzhia, most of the populated or are close to them, and it is there that the lion's share of all the destruction, all the damage , etc. takes place, and iskander missiles are flying to zaporizhzhia there, for example, as according to preliminary information yesterday, an impression was made by iskander, and it was ... these four people after this impression, but it would be good if they were shot down, and it would be good if damage was inflicted on the messages and means by which these missiles are launched, but if we take a global summary, then this is not the most important thing, unfortunately, the problem of zaporozhye, because everything is much worse on the demarcation line, and what is actually now on the demarcation line, please let me know? that
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it is possible, of course, not some secret and secret information, but that your enemy has already managed to break through in the work, but the fighting continues in the very to the settlement on the side of verbovoy, yes. also , the demarcation line has shifted a little in our direction, and little by little the enemy is pushing back, recapturing what they managed to knock out during last year's counteroffensive, how are they moving, it's attack aircraft, it's heavy equipment, air support, what are they using when attacking now? as a rule, it happens as follows: first several arrivals of cabs, and i... which hit on points, strongholds, defense points close to the combat zone, or directly on the demarcation line, then art training on these the same places close to them, that is, in order to secure, and then small groups, sometimes
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there are two or three people, try to advance as far as possible from their positions and begin to dig in in order to secure their positions. in this area, by means or infantry means, then they retreat or die, and this story repeats itself, if it is not possible to break out, because the enemy managed to hit the defense forces, then they dig in and thus advance their defense lines by several hundred meters, dig in , are fixed, then history continues, maybe successfully, maybe not... the next day, a day later, a week later, they again took the next 100 m, 200 m, there is the next landing, etc., and so step by step , 100 m at a time, in principle they started working, do they have more personnel there now and how many professionally trained fighters are they, because we remember that at one
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time both on avdiivka and on bakhmut, they still threw the highest quality personnel, as is currently the case in the robot and surroundings, and for... information, these are the soldiers who managed to be mobilized last year, trained, accordingly, to prepare, they already have combat experience, well, accordingly, based on this combat experience, they participate in certain attacks. mr. serhiy, i would also like to ask you about dniprogest, a few days ago the head of the zaporizhia military administration, ivan fedorov, stated that dniprogest is in a critical condition, now we can only talk about the restoration of the road, or something from... therefore, regarding the restoration of reparative works on the dniproges, and actually, did the enemy try to repeat his strikes on this object? and well, thank god, hit on dniprogesu is no longer recorded, we hope that it will be. as for
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dniproges itself, it should be understood that dniproges is three parts. the first is direct platinum, which holds back water, it is almost undamaged, there are no leaks. and in this regard, to accept , well, at the moment there is no reason, to manage marshals that directly produced electricity, they are almost completely destroyed, and it is necessary to purchase and install new equipment there, the expediency of these works at this stage, taking into account the demarcation line, the situation at the front, the proximity, again, of hostilities to zaporizhzhia, this is... under a big question, in my opinion, it is possible and impractical to do it now, because it is like baiting the enemy for repeated strikes, and the third part is the road directly above the dam, which currently operates in a limited mode, only two lanes out of
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four, due to damage to the road surface, support structures, etc., is subject to repair and should be repaired in order to simplify. traffic in the city, taking into account the presence of new bridges, they were, uh, traffic was changed on them, traffic was reconfigured, roads on khortytsy island were urgently repaired, which reduced the traffic load. mr. serhiy, we have information that communal workers from kropyvnytskyi will help build engineering and fortification structures in zaporozhye, we understand that even after the words you said about robots, this is a very... hot and important direction at the moment, we hope that the construction of the buildings there is actually at the final stage, but if they are still ongoing works, is it possible to deliver everything on time, because the military often say that, for example, there is
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such a nuance, that is the problem with bringing the forest, because when the russians build fortifications on the territory of ukraine, they went, cut down everything they wanted, nobody they don't ask and they did it, ukraine is still against it... but you need to submit an application, get a permit, then bring this forest, and accordingly there is such a delay, which sometimes in a few days, and sometimes in a few weeks, can be critical at the front , how do you feel about it? well, at the moment defense lines, fortifications are not built directly on the demarcation line, but it is still a little further from the front line, so they are perhaps not as critical as it may seem in my opinion, and secondly, regarding the completion of the stage, i want in this case, turn to the experience of our enemies, as soon as the enemy occupied melitopol, from the next day he began to do... work on its fortification, the same situation in vasylivka, the same situation in
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other settlements, points, and to this day the enemy does not stop conducting works to strengthen certain territories, where previously it was made of wood, they pour concrete, where there were just trenches, they make them of wood, and where there was concrete, they make additional layers of concrete, earth, etc. .. false goals and so on and the like, that is, the enemy is constantly bringing their defense lines to order and to perfection, and we have already encountered this when during a counterattack it turned out that the defense lines were much more serious than originally expected, so to believe that the fortification lines are ready there is to deceive ourselves, they are not while there is a war, they cannot. to be ready, they must be improved, improved, improved, and it is to this that all forces and means of defense must be directed, because
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an additionally built line of defense near the city will save more than one hundred lives. thank you, serhiy, unfortunately we have to say goodbye already, we are already a bit pressed for air time, serhiy lyshenko, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council was in direct contact with us and actually reported quite alarming news from the robotyno district in zaporizhia, and... reported on the situation after the enemy rockets hit the dnipro-hes, but we are moving on and now we have to take a short break, after which we will have the opportunity to talk with oksana sevchuk, people's deputy of ukraine. there is a lot to talk about, because the council, unfortunately, is not working very actively now, will the deputies still manage to meet, get together and work so that this work is not just for ticking, yes, but that it is effective work, we will try this way. also find out, wait. tired of heavy
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of the russians in the chronicles of information war project with olga len. on tuesday. thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday, friday at 22:00. vasyl winter's big broadcast, 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football,
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stronger together. 15:46 we return to ours. three people injured as a result of the extreme attack on kharkiv are reported from kharkiv oblast. on the other hand, from the united states there is such a small, but still positive information that the small arms and ammunition confiscated from iran were handed over to the ukrainian military, they say that this is enough material to equip one ukrainian brigade with small arms, this is about the scale. well, it can work, helping us defend ourselves from russia, not much, but at least something. next, we will talk about internal ukrainian affairs. and our next guest is already in touch with us, oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine. ms. oksano, welcome. good day. let's start with that front, which is going on a bit both on the subconscious and on
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the mental level, i'm talking now about decommunization and de-russification. in fact , there is nothing new in the fact that the names are changing, people don't even protest when we rename cities and streets, but still, the russian language is still present in many places, and the monuments are actually russian, and people shout, but where is it to tear down pushkin, is it possible somehow, perhaps less in such cases to be interested in the opinion of the community and still some kind of... my word firm mother, we have a war here. well, look, there is a two-sided situation here, on the one hand, there really should be a dialogue, of course, it will not always be perfect and we will not always be able to achieve what we want, because if you ask a person if you want to your street was renamed, of course she
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will say that no, i don't want to, because there are unnecessary documents and everything else, but if... we give arguments somewhere that it is necessary, that it is not difficult, that we will help you , then we explain why it is necessary, then in principle people agree, if we are talking about monuments, then this is also a problem, and unfortunately, i have to state that i have been dealing with the topic of decommunization for a very long time, even before the war, i had such, you know, desires somewhere, i had a colleague of mine - an assistant who constantly searched for all... tereshkova streets that are in ukraine, there are more than 2,500 of them and tried to change them, and believe me, it was very difficult, we renamed more than 45 streets tereshkova before the war, but this is actually the person who fully approves of aggression against ukraine, and they have been doing it all the time for a very long time, if we are that
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the work is yet to begin, if we are talking about monuments, then this is also a problem. because now some communities are just there, for example, tearing down the signs that were placed there, this is at best where, but we all understand what kind of monument it is, but if we are talking about such monumental structures, then her communities go it is very difficult, including even in the west of the country, which is unpleasant to state, because the same cap in yaremchi a long time ago, in my opinion, is irrelevant and should be taken away. and it must be a face too including local authorities. if we are talking about the renaming of cities, then you know the last discussion in chervonograd, when after all... they discussed, discussed, how to name chervonograd, as a result, people said, yes, let it be chervonograd, leave the others, then
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we will have khrystynivka and more we had asheptytskyi, let's call it, and everyone does not understand how to call it, as a result, the situation is such that we would not like it to be the name of the verkhovna rada, but we also would not like the community itself to call itself chervonograd again, so really in every situation it will be... so that someone has to make a decision, as you say, this decision may be unpopular at first, it may not be supported, but in the end, in principle, i'm sure that after five years and more, and our successors will already believe that this is absolutely normal, those mayors who carried out decommunization in the first year of the active phase of the war, they won a long time ago, and they carried out everything quickly, and in fact this decommunization took place painlessly. those who did not have such political will and were delayed, now it is a little more difficult looks ms. oksano, we would also like to talk about our national security, namely the banning of various russian
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fsb organizations on the territory of our state, and we understand that, unfortunately, due to the fact that the council is currently going through not the most favorable period of its life, so to speak, existence, there are now certain problems with bringing the draft law on the prohibition organization to the second reading. religious organizations that have control centers in the country of the aggressors, do you think that our regional verkhovna rada will still meet in the near future in order to to adopt important draft laws, this is also about the draft law, about the actual ban in the people, it is easier to perceive, the ban of the moscow patriarchate, thank you for the question, it is very relevant, why, because this draft law was read for the first time... we voted in november, according to me, it was already enough time for us to pass it to the second reading, and still, so that you understand, we as people's deputies do not have
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a comparative table of the committee, and it has not yet been made public, which in general is very strange and wild for me, and i don't understand if anyone thinks he's going to release this comparison chart overnight and it's going to be considered normal, then...well, that's a very false theory because we need to get the votes, first of all, it's because it's most likely the government team, the speaker, the president's office, who do not insist on the rapid adoption of this bill, because if there was a strong political will to do it, then in principle it would have happened and it would have gotten it all in principle already ... we could have voted sooner, but the process is being delayed, the speaker is also delaying it, er, that's why what will we do with those deputies who today believe that this is a problem that should
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have been voted on yesterday, i will tell you honestly, i already said on your air before, on march 28, 2022, i registered the draft law and count how long it has been, then in 2022 there were still other bills, let's imagine the president in december 23. in an address to the parliament, said that this is one of the priority tasks, and that we have, we have 2024 and again we have something, sorry, they are putting pasta on our ears, sorry for popular saying, because we will do, we will demand to put this issue on the agenda for the month of april until easter , i invite all colleagues from my side to actively participate in this and finally put an end to it, and we hope that this draft law... . still do not publish the comparative table, he will still have teeth, and will not be as spineless as he was in the first reading. ms. oksano, paired
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with this draft law, and hopefully with the law in the future, it would be a good initiative, but we are also already saying, in fact from the first day of the full-scale invasion, that we have a lot of ukrainians who can be used, who... used to live in diasporas in europe, in the united states, and in other countries, and a lot of forced migrants, refugees, for for the last more than 2 years, and these people are not too actively involved, organized by the state, and it is probably not doing enough to counter russian disinformation, anti-ukrainian propaganda, the spread of all this information, which is just bots, by huge parties stamp, in order to simply discredit ukraine and discourage the west, in particular, every inhabitant of many countries to help us, or
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some such bill. additional, maybe some other initiative is possible in the near future, as well as some such trips, for example, meetings of families of ukrainian soldiers, widows, mothers, fallen ukrainian soldiers, there in the west, instead of possible trips of the first heads of state, well, here is another thing, one thing, one conversation is conducted by officials, another conversation is conducted by volunteers, etc., the third is conducted by scientists, the fourth is actually a family the dead, that is, all this is necessary, because as it turned out recently, i had a conversation when not everyone in america is even to the end, when we convinced and showed photos, how russian aggression destroys not only our homes, it destroys our religious shrines, kills innocent children, it turned out that some of the americans even said that he
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was revealing. this is the same country, it is a christian country, and we did not know, that is why it is necessary for different people to travel and talk about the different features of what is happening in our country now and to explain the essence of this war, because not everyone still fully understands it, although we are sorry, but it is a fact, on the other hand, at that time , the russian government, propaganda invests billions of dollars in order to conduct a campaign against us and compare us with the worst. what can be, that's why ours should be better, i will tell you, by the way, today in front of you, i finished the meeting, we were meeting with local level deputies who are represented in various large, small, medium-sized communities of the ivano-frankivsk region, and actually started we talked and talked about a lot of things, what difficulties there are now, we touched on the law on humanitarian aid, on volunteering, etc., and by the way, there was a question whether
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the deputies are ready... to draw up a mandate if they will not be released abroad. i can say that as a result of the survey, we still received that people understand the importance, they are in favor of canceling the restrictions on the deputies of local councils to travel abroad and convey their opinion to partner cities there, because mainly in such small partner cities, there is a lot is also done outside of big politics, but they understand their responsibility, so this work must be continued in order not to be closed in their country properly. you say, but to develop and convey information about this entire blockade that russia is creating and financing against us. i will tell you, even more, it is not only necessary to go to the countries we are used to, there are germany, britain, america, we see what is being done here in moldova, slovakia, hungary, and in fact, we should go there already send out large landing forces, scientists, politicians, etc.,
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in order to... tell a different truth, so that the situation is, well, extremely tense, and the president's office should finally understand this, the speaker just has, as they say, i don't know, i can't say that i believe that he will perceive something differently, but he at least must support, understand that he is the speaker of the parliament, and not the speaker of some cabinet, we must cancel these restrictions, including for people at the local level and give the opportunity to scientists... to those who really have a guaranteed right and we believe in him, that he will return back, to convey his truth, because the information war is really very difficult now thank you, thank you, thank you ms. oksana, unfortunately we have to let you go, because we already have to hand over the floor to our colleagues who have prepared a fresh issue. oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was on our air. so, let's pass the floor to our colleague, yes, irina koval, who with
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the news editor at... is already preparing a new issue in order to inform you about all the most important things. iro, we give you the floor, and actually, we ask you to tell us briefly what this issue will be about. thank you marta well, at the moment, there is a lot of noise in donetsk region, odesa region and kharkiv region, the heads of regional military administrations are asking people where an air alert has been announced to stay in safe places, in shelters, well, i will tell you more about everything in a moment, wait. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval.


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