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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EEST

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even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium sponsor of the national team presents: united by football, stronger together! we are coming back, and we already have maria holub, an expert on european integration and bilateral relations between ukraine and the eu. mrs. maria, welcome you good afternoon, in the next few minutes we will talk about slovakia and poland, the two countries in which i spent time. elections were held over the weekend, well, not
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exactly the results that we expected, which would be favorable for ukraine, according to most experts, but let's try to understand, maybe not everything is so critical, what personally disturbed me today is remembering the results of the elections and understanding that after all the right-wing forces, namely the president, the government forces, and the government forces can jointly gain the majority of votes, one could have thought that everything would be okay with poland, but today there is information that peace, law and justice is currently negotiating a merger with the pro-russian confederation, and accordingly they can also gain almost 50% of the vote, is there a threat, that there will be two powerful, approximately equal forces in poland, which will drag this power between themselves and accordingly. won't they have time for
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some kind of constructive dialogue, in particular with us? and you know, the results are quite telling, why? because she is in general believe that poland's european integration path was the only correct one, the european future and present of poland is very important for the entire nation, they basically understand these threats, and it is also important to understand that... the results of the polish elections, they showed how big everything is - still there is a division between, conditionally, the city and the countryside, and this was also predicted by experts, it is very important that the mayor of warsaw, the current mayor of warsaw, the candidate who won the elections, he is very much a pro-european candidate, and also for us it it is very important, we will now observe how the disputes between all the winners
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of the elections in poland will continue, but it should be noted that there are things that poland considers to be its national interests, and here it cannot be expected that whatever internal disputes there may be, they somehow change, so, for example, both at the level of brussels and at the level of warsaw , the country's position is heard that there are a lot of discussions in the direction of how... threatening ukraine is for poland in terms of the agricultural sector, that is, all of these discussions and the debate will continue regardless of the outcome of any election and can only tend to intensify after the european parliament elections. if we understand correctly, these are currently the interim results of local elections in poland, and i would like you to explain to our viewers, and now we are talking about local elections, it is important to understand this, because the polish parliament, it already is. .. formed like this, actually we are talking
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about local elites, let’s say, local deputies, and by the way, as you think, and local politicians in poland, they play a huge role, in particular in these farmers' protests that are happening now, and as far as local self-government, local government can play one of the most key roles in this process, so absolutely, you are right, local government first of all, it is called to play a key role, especially what concerns the maintenance of law and order, let's remember, there was a very comical situation, here in brussels it is still remembered, that during such serious confrontations, at the border, when the european commission expressed its concern, the polish authorities transmitted certain messages, at some point the head of the place came. administration, and dispersed
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this protest, so it is necessary to understand here that, since the local government is the closest to the people, the local government cannot ignore and pay no attention to... to the sentiments conveyed, including by sociology, and the results of the elections in poland, but we should also not forget that, unfortunately, these informational errors are quite serious, always where we see a clear anti-ukrainian line, we can predict that some pro-moscow forces are also playing their role here, accordingly, here we can call on our... polish colleagues to be more attentive to these information and disinformation spewings, which, unfortunately, are very, very sensitive for polish society. also about slovakia, mrs. maria, we want to ask, in fact, there were predictions that korchok would still win in the second
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round, a short period of time between the first and second round, pellegrini's powerful campaign for to discredit his opponent and... and we have pellegrini's results actually from orbit. fizo won. many say that now they will work in one harness and pull one vector. but there are also opinions that pellegrini may want to be completely autonomous and may distance himself a little from the same fizo, will develop the region that borders ukraine, closer to uzhhorod. what do you say to that? i will say yes and no, of course, time will tell, it was just those elections when sociology, unfortunately, maybe not was confirmed, because it was not pellegrini who was actually predicted to win at first, and indeed we once again saw how important it is
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to have correct, very correct and such, serious signals that are transmitted, in particular here in this case between the first and second rounds. unfortunately, another candidate could not defend his position, but here you know, there is this opinion that wherever the hearts of politicians like fizo or peregini lie, their brains and their money, they are in brussels, respectively, it is enough to wait for such significant and significant anti-european movements or anti-european u-turns from... poligrini, i would not say that this can be expected in the near future, although, of course, anti-brussels, anti-european tendencies may increase, here too one must take into account the rather serious regional context, because
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a large role in not only poland, but also the czech republic plays in such an orientation of slovakia, and therefore we will now see how these regional alliances between countries will be formed, of course, we can count on the fact that orbán's position can be strengthened in many such anti-european things, for for ukraine, of course, the key thing remains that slovakia is an important country for us, it is a country that provides us with a lot of military aid in humanitarian terms, slovakia also plays a significant role in humanitarian aid , respectively. we need to work with the leadership of this country, and of course we must take into account that mr. pelligrini, he is a sufficiently promising and ambitious politician, accordingly , there is no reason to completely fine-tune him with the fizo,
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we will see now how his political career will progress in the future. thank you, maria golub, an expert on european integration and bilateral relations between and the european union was on our airwaves and actually explained to us the interim results of the elections in poland and the results of the elections in slovakia, where , unfortunately, the pro-russian candidate petr pellegrini, who is considered to be quite close to robert fico, this is the prime minister of slovakia, won who, when he took office, blocked all possible military transfers of one or another weapon to ukraine, well, we actually understand that... the vector of slovakia's policy is turning sideways of the russian federation, which unfortunately disappoints us to some extent. well, but i must add that it's great that by the time fice came to power, the slovaks managed to give us a huge amount of what they had, that is
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, they managed to share, now maybe they just have less of everything, that is, not so much we are actually losing, there is a note of positivity and optimism in everything that is happening here in the west. and by the way, our viewers remind you to be aware of the most important things, and those who watch us on youtube and those who watch us on tv that... we have our youtube channel, so please subscribe to it, there are live streams where you can actually leave your comments, and your suggestions, and your opinions, and finally, there are also many programs and special projects that you can view, the most, i would say, the most accurate , yes, the most important opinions of our experts, they are also in the video section, but if you want to get information about some very loud topics and actually... short videos on hot ones topics are in the shorts section, so please go, subscribe, put your
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favorites, and comment, and it is also important to share the content you like, so we gladly invite you to visit our youtube channel, if you haven't done it yet, let's go now for a short break, after which we will be back, so stay with espresso. the new metrolux mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. matroollyuks is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order an orthopedic mattress camel just now. together with the mattress, you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants will help you choose the right size for your bed. this springless orthotic. the teak mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body, and that's not all, one side of the cover is made of
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organized the celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. on tuesday , april 9 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they are boys. from volyn proved that everyone can be a warrior, the strong in spirit appreciate the ability to stand side by side with brothers, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together. the russians shelled semenivka with artillery. this is a border town in the chernihiv region, novgorod-sivarsky district. it is already known that on unfortunately, one woman died, this is reported in the chernihiv regional military administration. we will remind you that there was a report. the perception that the russians are preparing to fire, accordingly, please do not ignore such warnings, any air-raid signals, because it can save lives at the very least. we will continue to talk about our neighbors, the eastern ones and how to escape from them, about their logic, mentality,
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what they are guided by, with us serhii grumenko, candidate of historical sciences and expert ukrainian institute of the future. mr. serhiy, we congratulate you. good day. when we talk about this war and the attack of russia, very often phrases are heard that if putin dies, then russia will immediately fall apart, everything will somehow become easier, the war will stop, and in fact, the words of experts and researchers say that no - no, it's the whole of russia, it's all putins with the same mentality, and often even. the position has the same attitude towards ukraine as the pro-government forces, it sometimes makes people uncomfortable, but not always. do you think it is necessary? we in ukraine should now conduct some kind of information campaign, explaining why they are like that, and not to hope for some miracle, because
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in fact only military and political moments should be and actually should be present from our side. that is, we ourselves must win our independence and return our territories, without hoping for some kind of disintegration, to conduct propaganda work in ukraine or in russia? first of all, the work is directed at us, at our ukrainian population, so that there are no expectations, that putin will die and that's it, everything will be fine, well, everything will be well, just not right away, maybe in a few years, actually russia is such a country in which there is a good. it is a good tradition, the tougher the tyrant is today, the more painful and bloody the turmoil after his death tomorrow, again, this does not mean that putin will literally die and the withdrawal of russian troops will begin the next day, or in moscow one kremlin tower will shoot at another, but in the end,
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russia is relentlessly heading towards this final, well... as for ukraine, then of course, ukrainians need, well, first of all, first of all to understand for yourself that putin is not so much the original source as the final point of the development of russian imperialist ideology, it is not putin who lured the russian population into a war against ukraine, he, like a successful surfer, rather rode into the wave of russian imperialism, russian... his nostalgia, of resentment for lost power, and the actual sobering up of russians is just as theoretically possible as the expression of, say, the germans after the second world war. i can only say that it took an epiphany, a final denazification in germany
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30 years, and actually, after the total defeat, after the occupation. country after the unconditional and unconditional condemnation of the nazi regime, it took 30 years, in theory the russians can take at least a little less than this time, well, definitely not less, maybe more, maybe 40 years, 50, and that is why we should, well, put aside naive hopes that on the day after putin's death, russia will come to its senses, it will come to its senses, but not immediately. mr. serhiy, look, i would also like a little... to expand on this question, you mentioned that germany is nazi after its defeat for decades washed away from this, from this train of thought, nazism, and actually, i just wonder if the total defeat of the russian empire is possible in the current realities, because now, unfortunately, we have russia, which is one
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of the largest countries with a nuclear potential, and we understand that germany at the moment when... even if she had been defeated, she was in completely different circumstances, these were different times, in your understanding, this war, she will have some kind of classic conclusion of victory and defeat , or will it still be something hybrid? you see the soviet union was much stronger and bigger than modern russia and it had more nuclear warheads, but nevertheless it lost the war in afghanistan, it was the last nail that... and fate hammered into the soviet coffin, so wring your hands and tear hair on your head and say: look, it's russia, it's nuclear weapons, they can't lose, i wouldn't. after all, after afghanistan, there was still the first chechen war, and nuclear weapons did not help the russians win it, maybe even vice versa, well, in
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any case, there are chances. russia was greater than, say, japan there in 1904-1905, and it ultimately did not help much either, russia, defeat does not necessarily mean the occupation of all of it. vast territory, all those one and a half tens of millions of square kilometers, in the end it is not necessary, much less will be enough to defeat russia, actually during the crimean war the allies were actually able to occupy only one large city there - sevastopol, some literally several square, dozens of square km around, but nevertheless russia's defeat became so... painful for her that she launched the whole effect of reforms, and 20 years after the defeat in the crimean war, the russian empire was, if not a normal country, then
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at least a country in which you could live, not much worse than in neighboring countries, as well as during the russo-japanese during the war , no territory of russia itself was actually occupied during hostilities. the south, sakhalin and the kurils were already occupied after the conclusion of the peace treaty, and nevertheless, a revolution broke out in russia and a parliament appeared, so i do not see the need for the armed forces to go there to the moscow region podolsk or even at least to rostov. the defeat of russia can happen much faster, and it can happen by a hybrid method, and it can happen. and purely by military means, russia is not as infinitely strong as it may sometimes seem. we have already mentioned the second world war and we mentioned that we actually were, and
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we mentioned the first world war that one of the reasons for the defeat of the germans was that they were left completely, in fact, without fuel, that they had nothing, their equipment had nothing to move , well, she was completely emasculated in this way germany, it allowed faster too. to end the war, now we are observing a huge number of strikes on their refineries, the ural river helps us a little, that is , nature is already on our side completely, eh, what can be called the defeat of russia, and you said that it could be quite close, it is not necessarily the troops in moscow, our troops in moscow? well, first of all, our luck, our hits are not yet, not that they are numerous. we will only grope our way to the exsanguination of the russian military economy, and again still, if we go back to the first
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world war, in the first world war , germany not only did not lose a single square kilometer of its territory as a result of the allied offensive. moreover, german troops continued to hold half of french territory from the border to paris, and yet... this did not prevent the total surrender of germany, well, it was done crookedly, and then it led to many problems in the next 20 years, but still, and i'm no military analyst, i won't predict how much longer it is necessary to lose the strength and resources of the russian troops in order to find themselves in a state of defeat, but from a historical point of view... there is nothing strange, nothing impossible, nothing unreal in this, big countries, even there the united states of america, and and and they didn't come close to the crises that
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germany experienced in any era or the soviet union, but nevertheless it lost the vietnam war, and at some point in the russian economy there will come a day, yes, it will be such a day, when the ability to... conduct hostilities in russia will run out, will it run out of tanks, will it run out of oil, these are all questions for military analysts, from a historical point of view, it can all happen at the same time, it can happen not at the same time, putin can die in russia, i believe that in the worst case , the situation will unfold precisely in such a way that we will have an actual, informal, actual end of hostilities on the line. collision simply because the russian troops will exhaust their technical potential and will no longer be able to advance, but the political power will refuse any attempts at reconciliation,
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withdrawal. and will simply hold as much of our land as he can, and then putin will die, maybe in 10 years, maybe later, and then there will be a window of opportunity in the struggle between the towers of the kremlin for ukraine to be able to regain its territory until the russians will not have a war as long as they share power, this eventually happened in 1995-1996 during the war in the balkans, then croatia was forced to cede its lands for several... years, and then, gathering her strength, she won them back with one blow. we have a much worse situation, but nevertheless, nothing is theoretically impossible here, so either in a few years, when the tanks will run out, or in a few decades, when putin will run out, but nevertheless, the defeat of russia is absolutely inevitable, because it is now fighting not
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only against ukraine, but ultimately against everything. only we would live to the times when this will happen, because now we understand that the situation is very, very difficult, and i say this now in view of even the fact that those or other messages, and there were more and more of them about the fact that ukraine will still have to make certain concessions, although you may be right that in the future even those territories that russia currently occupies and possibly in the near future we will not be able to return them, over time, so maybe it will happen in where... in 20 years, but ukraine will be able to return these territories back when russia is weak, and actually we will be able to take advantage of this historical opportunity, but if we are talking now it is very in short, we have a minute and a half about the possible the division of influence and can ukraine repeat the fate of germany after the second world war, when the situation reaches such a deadlock, where we understand that the victim country does not have the resources to continue the war, and the aggressor country has these resources? in no case can we talk about the german, or even
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more so... about the korean scenario, for the simple reason that in those cases, germany and korea were divided in half by enemy troops, well, there is a slightly different way with germany, and these new foreign forces hostile to each other established order here. ukraine will not be conquered by the western countries , so we can theoretically lose some actual part of the territory, like crimea after 2014, and we will find it. in the situation of finland after the year 39, but the rest of the country will be preserved and will function absolutely normally, as well as finland, and it is possible that now the finns have no sense to win back their territories on the karelian peninsula all the way to leningrad, but this will not be possible for ukraine to say, ukraine will not be divided into nafkil. thank you, mr. sergey, sergey gromenko, candidate of historical sciences, expert of the ukrainian institute of the future was on the air with us, oksana vysochanska and i
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are finishing working for you today, our colleagues will continue to inform you about the most important things, and we say goodbye to you , until tomorrow, take care and be with espresso. in ukraine and bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers and now to the most important events. two months of arrest without the possibility of making bail, this is preventive the event was chosen by the pechir district court of kyiv for the suspect in the murder of a teenager on the funicular. he will remain in custody
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until june 5. earlier, the sbi denied the information.


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