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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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received reservations from mobilization, although obviously all this is within the competence, including the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who called on the verkhovna rada to adopt a law on mobilization in the near future, i understand that judging by the words of ms. solomiya, this night, as the constitution was once adopted, so you will make the final decision on the vote. regarding the introduction of this draft law and 400 amendments, there is less left in the session hall, but let's hear what said president zelenskyi, we are talking with the parliament that they voted, in the coming days, they voted on the relevant law, it is very important, and it is not completely irresponsible what they are doing, and what is the problem with this law, i think... yes is going on,
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but the most important thing is that the russians succeeded with this law, they managed to raise the issue that our people are not ready to further defend the state, because of this law, they raised the issue in the west so that today the west is asking us, and if you don't want mobilization, parliament does not want to vote, then why do you need help? well, just tell me, if that's all, why should we help? i'm sorry, mr. serhiy, you can join the discussion, thank you, you know, mr. president said an interesting phrase: we are talking with the parliament, i want to say absolutely responsibly that there was no conversation with the parliament, the only meeting of president zelenskyi with the leaders of the parliamentary group of factions was on 24 february...
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of the 2nd year, we repeatedly took the initiative to have the leaders of the factions meet with president zelensky in a different format for that the commander-in-chief, who according to the constitution is responsible for mobilization, who is the only one who has the full picture on the front, who owns our strategic plan, to express his position on mobilization, what law does he mean? and mr. zelensky, no one knows whether he supports, for example, armor for the cat and the marathon, or whether he considers it normal that there are no clear terms of demobilization for those who have been there for more than two years near avdiivka and bakhmut, what does he think about the disabled, what does he think about those who support the disabled, what does he really think about the economy, we do not know this position, and simply communicate with deputies, and therefore with society only through... background, well, this is probably a very strange
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position, this is the first one, and you know, well, right now there are really whipping around like naughty children from a telethon of deputies, while avoiding full responsibility for those things that according to the constitution belong to the president of ukraine, it looks, well, not serious. second, indeed, our international partners ask us about the law about mobilization, but they would also like to know how... president zelenskyi sees him, this is too important a topic. thirdly, as mrs. solomiya rightly pointed out, just imagine, the national security and defense committee, which previously adopted amendments, is in progress, they worked there for a month, then the leadership of my majority came and said yes, we are canceling all this, reviewing everything anew, and already tomorrow they want to bring this law to the session hall for a vote. i am now addressing the millions of viewers of espresso, for... millions of ukrainians, for
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which this bill is too sensitive and important. tell me, please, is it possible to consider the law when you have not seen the table, when you blindly have to vote for one or another amendment that will affect the life of the country, the life of millions of people, this is a responsible position, solomia is absolutely right when she says that the last time we saw the government was in september of last year, we do not understand how to mobilize thousands of people, so we realize that it is necessary today, and... to make up for our great losses, but we want to hear a responsible position, is there any for them weapons, is there a salary for them, and our economy provides for them, and it is not ours, you know, there is some kind of fantasy, it is our responsibility to the country, to these people, as deputies, to hear from the government how far we have economic, defense component, are they equipped with weapons and so on, and we do not have such a dialogue and... the absolute right solomia is
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that at this time, when votes for this law are being sought so hard in the factions, the government of tishkamnizhkam accepts some lobbyist corruption decision, no one complains about... circuses, you know, every structure, everybody there, i don't know, organization, it works to the best of its ability. according to shapito, today this word is most suitable for the government itself, because organizing work on the most sensitive issue in this way is a nightmare. and the last thing, i emphasize once again, it was not the parliament that failed the issue of mobilization, it was done by the marathon, it was done by the office of the president, who promised the country that tomorrow we would drink coffee in crimea, and now they are saying, you know, we will have... without demobilization, and people cannot understand, so what is happening, you said something completely different yesterday, i emphasize the position of our team, we believe that it is very important to check everyone's clocks here, to honestly talk a lot about our strategic plan, what are
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the tasks before mobilization today, maybe the engineering troops are key for us today , for example, because we need to build fortifications in the background of which the president is sitting, and in general we were at... well, the fortifications a day before mr. zelensky, do you know if we don’t have such a situation that one decent all there chernihiv region, let's talk honestly about this in closed session and then we will adopt such a law, which will not be for checking a box, but will work, thank you ms. irina, thank you ms. irina, mr. mykhailo, do you understand what you will vote for tomorrow, and why the truth, why the supreme commander of the armed forces. of ukraine distances himself and says, well, the verkhovna rada should, they should, and why not, he does not use the pronoun we, because the verkhovna rada is also president zelensky, since in his mono the majority sits there, and he could say that i have, if the whole parliament does not want to vote for this
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draft law, then i have a majority, a monomajority, a servant of the people, they will vote because this is a question of the future of the country, this is such a constitution... the mobilization constitution of ukraine ? well, in fact, the situation, i agree with my colleagues, is difficult and extraordinary. on the one hand, we all have to clearly understand, and this is the case in the verkhovna rada, that the majority is aware that the law on improving the mobilization should be adopted the day after yesterday, that's for sure. but let's remember history, what the government submitted, even on behalf of the government. in december of last year, it was a mockery, and it was a raw document, and you will hardly find who prepared it after all, because no representative of the cabinet of ministers presented it, this is the first story, what is happening now, as if they were working in a committee, everything is more or less okay, as if we have found
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certain points of contact, the motivational part, the demobilization part, everything seems to be going to the finish line. direct, and what is happening now in the committee, ms. solomiya, she is a member of this committee, can say more, it is not subject to any criticism at all, and indeed, ms. irena also said, how can we vote tomorrow for something that we have not seen, read, or understood yet today, after all, there are some regulatory norms, and so that it does not arise again, as has already happened in our modern parliamentary practice, when something... was voted for, then it is necessary to re-vote, because of that, the situation is not easy. the law on the improvement of mobilization cannot be popular, because mobilization itself is already a certain coercion, but in
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the conditions of the brutal war of the russian federation against ukraine, it is definitely necessary to improve the mobilization in order to make it clear and take into account. shortcomings, after all , to normalize the work of the territorial centers of isp recruitment, it is definitely necessary to do this and, in the end, give people an answer to the extent that they are called, this is an important question, and those who have already been on the front lines for more than 25 months today, they need to be given a clear answer when demobilization will come for them, there are no answers yet... in this bill, we are being offered again, let's put something in brackets in another bill, then the question arises, what should the verkhovna rada vote on tomorrow? and what my colleagues said, no answers were given to the main questions
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that concern ukrainian society, nor to those who are fighting on the front lines today, and someone wants to stimulate them that they were aggressively disposed against... people's deputies and today ukrainian society , which some work and pay taxes, others are caregivers or are persons with disabilities , they are also not given a clear answer as to whether the norms of the law that are in force will remain or whether there will be any so-called improvements, because of that i i hope that after all, during this night it will be possible to remove these, this, as they say, heat, tomorrow morning, at least understand what we can vote on, consider critically... no correction, they can be put separately and find a consensus between the leaders factions of the groups to
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be voted on, only in this case this document has a chance to be voted on, otherwise, well, excuse me, this will again make the people's deputies extreme, the government has self-destructed, and what about leaders, commanders of structural units, chiefs answering to a military officer. employees who are alone today they are waiting for demobilization, others cannot carry out the rotation, because there are no reserves, and in the end, how to respond to the heads of enterprises that today work in strategically important areas, how to book there, and in the end, the government has not done what shmyhal promised 5 years ago back, they had, four years ago, they finally had you'. the economy from the shadows, because almost a million ukrainian
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men of draft age today work in the shadows, has the government done anything to stimulate them, to come out of the shadows, to pay taxes in order to strengthen the front financially, so that those men are on military duty, accounting has been done, of course there is a big question, there are remarks, i am sure that tomorrow too. there will be no representatives of the government in the parliament, i believe that they should report on this bill, today in the committee, as far as i understand, only representatives of the general staff of the ministry of defense are responsible, and the ministry of finance should clearly say where they should take the money, this is their duty , and not to say, as usual, that there is no money and there will not be, this is the answer of the profane, who should to write statements and... the government should have resigned even earlier, because, by the way, for the first time in the history
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of the ukrainian state, it is working without an action program. thank you, mr. mykhailo, unfortunately, solomiya bobrovska has already gone to the parliamentary committee, now the meeting is taking place, and the final amendments are being made there, and the decision, as she said, should be around midnight or at night. mrs. iryna, as a person who at one time led the parliament, i wanted to ask you, and whether it was possible to avoid this, as they say in the people, that a poor man plans to get married at night mala, well, about the same can be said about this bill on mobilization, well, it was necessary and necessary to make these amendments at night, was there not time, or to shorten these amendments, or to break them into separate bills, or from something with zelensk it was necessary to explain to the people's deputies of ukraine, because as of this
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moment it is not clear what version of the draft law will be introduced, the only thing is that the leak of information went to zmi that demobilization was excluded from the draft law on mobilization, they will consider it separately, and this request head of the syrsky armed forces, this is also news for those who are at the front, and it is very bad news, because when a separate bill will be adopted and when... they will finally understand how long they have to stay at the front is also an open question. and it is obvious that mobilization is a difficult and unpopular topic, it is true, and in order to strengthen the fighting capacity of the state, we need to provide for the motivation of the military. motivation is a decent salary, it is awareness of the provision of weapons and equipment, but motivation is... mobilization, and at the front, when you you communicate with the military, the first question in
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the context of the law on mobilization is when we will be replaced, when those will come who will be able to stand by brother with brother and take on the same responsibility for the defense of the country, the situation is especially difficult in those units that these are more than two years in the most difficult directions, avdiyivka, bakhmut and others and... which, for example, were not on the front lines, and therefore management in the army is also a very important issue, how should this law on mobilization be prepared, obviously it should have gone from the president... as the supreme commander who knows the entire situation at the front, who knows our strategic plan, who realizes that we are now on the defensive there, for example, we are in the war phase. further, it is obvious that today we cannot win the war with soldiers alone. russia has a much larger mobilization resource, and therefore the question
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of the technological capabilities of our army, technologies need, well, separate answers, that's true. the issue of our military industry committee, as you know, we are two weeks ago, well, given the complete inability of stefanchuk, namely the majority to organize a question hour for the government, our faction sent letters to the relevant ministers dealing with the topic of defense, the military industry, drones and so on, in order to meet with the faction and ask them all those questions, which today are simply tearing society apart, and none of them have an answer at the time of the meeting, well, you can't. to hold forever when the state delegates money to these ministries, and we do not understand where the drones are, and when we do not understand how these fortifications are built , many other issues, and therefore i believe that this mess in the parliament is necessary stop, return the controlling function of the parliament, and it is obvious that such sensitive issues as mobilization should be considered
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by journalists in the parliament, so that society does not hear from anonymous... channels what these laws are about, but is aware of the content of the laws, the position, the position all political players, and i think it would be fair, thank you, ms. iryna, while the verkhovna rada of ukraine is preparing to consider the mobilization law in the second reading, switzerland is preparing for the global peace summit, previously, as writes bloomberg, in this summit, which is scheduled for wednesday. representatives of up to 100 countries of the world, including the global south, india, china, are expected to participate in june , the organizers of this peace summit are actually counting on the chinese, it will be about what peace should be like in ukraine, and when this peace can
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come, under which conditions, and it is clear that this is enough for the future of ukraine. quite an important summit and the main summit, in addition to the nato summit, where we still expect that the signals of the north atlantic alliance will be given to ukrainians regarding the prospects of participation in nato. mr. general, what do you think about this global peace summit, which will take place in literally two months, whether it will be able to influence the course of the russian-ukrainian war or give an answer. to the questions that all ukrainians have, and obviously the most important question, when will there be peace in ukraine? undoubtedly, there are high hopes, but here there are several factors that will be decisive, the first is the activity of the ukrainian authorities in preparation for
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such an international event, i agree with you that this is extremely important. summit, it the first is how the ukrainian authorities will manage to prepare this site and, of course, attract as many participants as possible, including from other continents. well, this is the first, and the next, it is diplomatic, our game, taking into account our previous achievements in the... people's arena, and here, again, the load on the ministry of foreign affairs, and finally we have to hear the clear professional voice of our team, first of all the minister of foreign affairs business, which, in my opinion, is not very active now in international arenas, i emphasize once again, it is extremely important that in
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we heard a specific position from switzerland. our international partners see the end of the war, this is the first direction, in my opinion, the second and next important, signals regarding the july summit, the nato anniversary summit in washington, how the nato countries are perceived, and of course, the important position of china, which still shows a certain... interest in the situation of russia's war against ukraine, how china will play a geopolitical role. rely on african states, asian states, yes, but we should not forget about
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our main international partners, it rooks of the united states, that is, the european union, that is, the countries of the european union and nato countries, but ukraine must have domestic preparations on... extremely serious and thereby set the tone, the tone of this important, this important international event, the peace summit in switzerland. mr. general, but taking into account the fact that both china and representatives of switzerland are talking about the fact that russia must participate in this summit, the global peace summit, because there are two sides. they are in this war, russia and ukraine, and the chinese and the swiss insist that, well, that's it there must be russia, under what conditions it
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can be there, i mean russia, and how to avoid this very trap, when all the leaders who are involved in the organization of this global summit, on whom a lot depends, will insist, they will constantly talk... kyiv needs someone from russia, not putin, of course, someone lavrov or any negotiator, because how can we talk about peace if there is no other side, because then we have to talk about a global summit, like inflict a global defeat on russia, and not win global peace? it actually can be a diplomatic trap because china is pushing. constantly to such joint events, and if lavrov or any of the representatives of russia appears at such
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a european platform in switzerland, then this indicates that russia will achieve a certain victory when the club of the main world ... such an important topic, then it is russia that becomes an equal partner of the world level, or rather returns, as for me, this trap cannot be allowed, and here the ukrainian authorities must show diplomatic cunning, and unequivocally it seems to me that china is also setting... such a task for itself, and here ukraine cannot do without the support of our international partners. in my opinion, it can go to a completely
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different stage. russia should be at the negotiating table only when there will be negotiations, er, er, when ukraine will have a winning position. today, it seems to me, it is not at the same level. an international platform where you can allow yourself the opportunity to sit down with him at the same table as them is a risky game and not our game. unfortunately, iryna gerashchenko also left the air, we have some technical problems, sir general, you are the only one left on the air, so we will end our conversation, i would like to leave it on an optimistic note, but still, what do you think, all these negotiations, all these, obviously, some backroom discussions that are taking place now, about which we do not know, whether they will give results and whether they will bring peace
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to ukraine and when? uh, it's very important that they bring us one step closer to ukrainian victory, because there is a danger that russia... is increasingly influencing some european governments, using its influence, we see how internationally we are losing our support, we see the results of the presidential elections in slovakia, where a pro-russian candidate won, we see the position in poland. er, with the blocking of ukrainian cargo and transit transportation, it also, unfortunately, does not work in favor of ukraine, the influence
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of the russian federation on... even voting, the allocation of united states aid to ukraine, there too, unfortunately, does not do without russian impact these are very serious signals for us, and we need to join diplomatic efforts the ukrainian corps, our loyal international partners, need to maintain contacts with those states that demonstrate a clear position. to ukraine in the current position of france, and this needs to be supported and promoted in the international arena, we also need to connect more professional parliamentary diplomacy so that we can carry out such work both in the united states and in germany, we see the trip of scholz to china, we hope. that there will be
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a pro-european and pro-ukrainian position, but we are waiting for the return, and then we will see whether the rhetoric of the german government will not change, god forbid, not in favor of ukraine, that is, this vacuum, when aid from the united states is delayed, ukrainian diplomacy and the entire ukrainian government should use the time to attract. the help of our european partners, as a country, thank you, thank you, mr. general, we have to go off the air, i'm sorry, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general of the police, friends, during our broadcast, we conducted a survey and asked you today about this, do you think you channels of the united telethon are strategic for the economy and security of the state? 7% yes, 93% no, roughly the same ratio on
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a day. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! congratulations! one of the main directions of the work of russian propaganda is the actual destabilization of ukraine from the inside, and now this direction is coming out for them, well, this is, i would say, even a little not the main plan, precisely in order to weaken the possibility of ukraine to the opera, the russians see you know, the kind of magic wand that will allow them to win on the front, and that's why we're now seeing an increase in domestic attacks,
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we see. more extensive network of these attacks and we...


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