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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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and there it will be seen what will happen next, it may be necessary, well, you are so convenient somewhere in the basement, good day, hello, good, basement, basement, yes, well, this is the only salvation, i understand, because it is in the yard, no , no, no, we went out to call, and it flies and this, and where are the fragments flying, where is it on the street, not on the street at all, it's impossible, natalochka, but the phone?
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valery ryabik, a military expert and editor of the defense express information publication, has already joined our broadcast. good evening. good evening, please, good evening, dear listeners. today we are in the focus of our attention donetsk region, mainly, we started from a time gap, i want to ask you, which, well, based. on open sources, which one do you see the situation there, because state analysts claim that the russian military has advanced east of the city. bilt, in his review of the current issue, claims that russia is using some kind of double-strike tactics there, which they used during the capture of avdiyivka and bakhmut, what from your point of view is happening there? sometimes i am in a rather difficult position, and there is no need to be big forecaster to... say that in the future
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this settlement can expect the same fate as the destroyed cities, because now it is clear that the enemy is using all available means to destroy the city and, accordingly , to create, to create conditions so that our defenders could not gain a foothold in this place, from a military point of view, so the enemy is trying to bypass the city from two sides, but such a maneuver is hindered precisely in these directions by physical and geographical conditions, because it has such certain, let's say, features, is on a commanding height and besides, well, it has natural obstacles in the form of a canal, and because of... purely for now, the troops with a sufficient
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set of forces and means, as well as artillery support, can still hold this place, the only thing, of course, that the enemy will try to use his tactics of this scorched earth, destroying everything that, let's say, can be used for the defense of this city, and basically. things are so, well, it can be predicted that the pressure on this direction of the enemy will increase, and accordingly, well, in further, it should be noted that a change in the situation can be either, let's say, in the use of additional forces in order to restrain the enemy here, or the task of diverting strikes on others in...
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directions, and for this , again, we rely on the fact that heavy provision of necessary facilities such as artillery ammunition such as facilities is necessary. air defense, because one of these very serious threats from the enemy is the use of guided air bombs in this direction, with which they simply wipe the ground houses of this settlement. and tell me, what if russia eventually captures chasivyar in some time, what will it give her? well, chasivyar is... quite an important point, as it is a kind of gateway to the east to those parts that are currently under the control of donetsk, those parts of the donetsk region that are currently controlled by
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the armed forces of ukraine, being on the high ground and being right on highway that connects bam... mut with slovyansk, well, this settlement is a key point and, in essence, from the fact that how much time will be kept, the safety of other cities depends on it, these are kostyantynivka, kramatorsk and slovyansk. and i wanted to ask about one more direction, we just showed the material from krasnohorivka, it is... a city in the mariinsky direction, and i will just note for the audience watching us, that before the invasion, more than 10,000 people lived there, it seems 14, and again, the already mentioned analyst bilt wrote today that russian troops also entered the city, the town, what can be said from
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open sources about krasnohorivka, well krasnohorivka is also an important direction for defense, and... here the enemy is also trying to create conditions for further advancement, and here the question is precisely that the enemy wants to further develop the offensive in the direction of kurakhivka and kurakhovo, and here the enemy's task is well, let's say so, to create... further conditions for the performance of the task that they cannot, which they cannot perform from 2022, which is the complete capture of the donetsk and luhansk regions, and well, judging by everything, it is precisely in this
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direction the opponent makes a bet by entering in combat reserves and using, including... groups and additional support with armored vehicles, despite the heavy losses the enemy is suffering, and again, in order to solve these tasks, additional forces and means are needed, in relation to the defense forces of ukraine, well, in this direction , a deep-level defense has already been built, and in essence, the enemy now has a case. only with an indirect line of reporting, according to which, judging by those open messages that can be found in zma, well, in the messages of our military, several more have been rebuilt
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defense lines, on which there are already stationary and long-term fortifications, which will enable... the offensive of the overwhelming enemy forces in this direction, you know, valeria, i noticed that ukraine, in principle, now places such a strong emphasis on fortifications and fortifications, volodymyr zelenskyy gave his last interview also against the background of certain fortifications, he emphasized several times that ukraine is building these fortifications and fortifications, critics reply that they should have been built a long time ago, but nevertheless, does this prove such massive construction? walls and fortifications about some radical change in the tactics of ukraine in this war? you understand that, in essence, defense is a forced type of battle and, of course, that they switch to it in case of inability to conduct
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the main repulse, these are offensive actions, and defense is also needed in order to prepare forces. and reserves and, of course, preventing the enemy from accomplishing his task, and the fact that defense structures are currently being built, this is also a reflection of the situation we have, which is the lack of means to deter the enemy by other means, for example, the active introduction of the same artillery fire that, in principle, let's say this, this situation was created, including, first of all, most likely with procrastination with... the allocation of regular aid packages from the united states , well, and accordingly, with the delay
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in solving precisely the question of providing assistance to ukraine, and precisely those concessions in the territories and well, certain advances of the enemy, they are also due to precisely this situation, and in the conditions of limiting the means of deterrence the enemy transition to such a tough defense, this is a forced means, which should precisely ensure a confident defense against the overwhelming forces of the enemy, and also create conditions for already acquiring resources and in the future to solve tasks of an offensive nature, well, in principle , volodymyr zelenskyi. .. in the interview i mentioned, he openly said that there is a lack of shells in ukraine now for an offensive or
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a counter-offensive, so it is possible that fortifications and defenses are what ukraine can do now in conditions of shortage ammunition, and in the absence of the necessary assistance. thank you very much, valery ryabikh, a military expert and editor of the information publication defense express, was on rfe/rl. thank you very much. as early as this week, the verkhovna rada plans to vote on the bill on mobilization, it may happen tomorrow, it may happen the day after tomorrow, at least this is what rfe/rl's sources in the verkhovna rada claim. some deputies, who have been working on the document all this time, claim that the process of mobilization itself will not be affected by the document. well, because the mobilization in ukraine is still going on, it has been going on since february 24 , 2022, but this draft law can strengthen the mobilization on the condition that, for example, it eliminates... living with deferrals, or establishes responsibility for the ears of evaders, you remember here, there were just
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a lot of discussions, even the commissioner for human rights had to intervene, or, for example, if this law will provide additional motivation for the military in the form of payments or vacations, in short, this law should also ideally lay down the principles of fair mobilization, for example, to define clear terms of service so that a man understands for what period he is removed from civilian life and after what period of time a military man can count on... demobilization, these are all these questions, ideally, all these questions should be answered a new draft law on mobilization, but what will happen as a result is currently unknown. in the first reading, the deputies voted for the draft law two months ago, on february 7, since then more than 4,000 amendments have been introduced and considered. volodymyr zelenskyi unexpectedly, in his last interview , he criticized the deputies, saying that they are delaying the adoption of the draft law and trying to remove all the unpopular ones from it. the norms of the deputies should calm down, let's say so,
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and not wait for applause for their populism, and therefore the law cannot be cleaned up, you have to look at it realistically, it must be a working law that will work, in the other case , what about today we talked about the reserves of our army, then the military command will not be responsible for the reserves, then the states, but... the parliament of ukraine, and this, i i think it is unavoidable. well, in fact, what we heard now, the president shifts the responsibility for the bill on mobilization to the deputies, they say, they are worried about their political ratings, and this literally mirrors, the mirroring of those measures that were repeatedly addressed to the president himself, they say, this he, as the commander-in-chief, distanced himself from the draft law on mobilization, because... he is talking about his political ratings, this is literally what the opposition deputies repeatedly stated, in particular on our air, so what
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to wait for the new law on mobilization, whether it will define, for example, clear terms of service, or, for example, responsibility for the so-called evaders, where the mutual accusations that we have just heard will lead to, and actually who will be determined to be guilty or extreme , if the law turns out not to be as expected or expected in the army, that's all we'll talk about now. in detail, may i just remind you that at the very beginning, when the need for such a bill was discussed, the former commander-in-chief, valery zaluzhnyi spoke about, more precisely, volodymyr zelenskyi referred to the words of the then military leadership and spoke about the fact that ukraine should mobilize 500,000 people, after that the rhetoric changed, the commander-in-chief changed and the new commander-in-chief changed, oleksandr syrskyi voiced a different figure, he specifically said that in an audit of the army was carried out, which showed that 500,000 soldiers were not needed, that it would be a smaller figure, later the figure of
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300,000 appeared, the latter also spoke with the last such soothing rhetoric. prime minister denys shmehal, he also said that the army does not need 500,000 military personnel, after all, this bill, which the verkhovna rada will now pass, if it passes it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, well, it does not yet say what, what number of military personnel ukraine needs, and in principle this is secret information, and it is unlikely that it will be announced, but from what, for example, the deputies have repeatedly told, this is the biggest, highest, so to speak, hail. comes out of the discussion when it comes to demobilization, because no one can give the answer to the question, in fact, how much time should pass before a serviceman can return home, some say that as long as the war continues, the question of demobilization should not be on the agenda in principle, others say that wait a minute, the military needs to rest, and these clear
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frameworks must be established, we are minute by minute, i hope. we will be joined by a military man, a serviceman, with whom we will discuss all this, i really hope so, well, in the meantime, i suggest you watch the material, the eastern fronts of ukraine have turned to grueling trench battles, and they are reminiscent of the first world war, this is repeatedly reported by military correspondents and military personnel who are on duty, look at how in donetsk, servicemen of the artillery unit of the 59th separate mechanized brigade use soviet grad installations against russian troops. reportage. wait,
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from that video, war is always war, there is constant fire here, from everything there is, aviation, artillery, well, you can hear it regularly here, it is now booming something, also... well, this situation is unpleasant with drones reconnaissance, everything here is simply teeming with them, we are constantly being told where they are flying, and they are literally along the entire line of our front and even fly deep, and this can pose a very great danger, 1594, it will be now.
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ruslan koshulinskyi, sergeant of the armed forces of ukraine and former vice-speaker of the verkhovna rada, has already joined our broadcast. ruslan, can you hear me, at least because i can already see you, yes. good evening. can you hear me yes, i hear. yes, good evening. we are talking about mobilization. you are the same as your ex people's deputy and active military serviceman. please tell me, first of all, what do you, as an active military serviceman, expect from the draft law on mobilization, for which people's deputies are supposed to vote tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. well, first of all, as a former lawmaker, as the deputy chairman
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of the verkhovna rada, i can ask the boys and girls sitting there what is bothering you for four months. during martial law, you can't work like that, moreover, the law that provides, you can speak, we hear you, yes you can speak. hello, you can speak, we can hear you, at least, can you hear me, ruslan koshelynskyi, sergeant of the armed
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forces of ukraine and ex-vice-speaker, ruslan, can you hear me, please tell me, good luck to you too, yes, you you can go on, unfortunately, he doesn't hear us, but this, that's quite right... of course, ruslan koshulinskyi, a former people's deputy of ukraine, and all we managed to hear from him is dissatisfaction with the people's deputies that that they are very slow to pass this bill. i i would just like to remind you that this is the second attempt to pass this draft law, a government one, it was first considered by the verkhovna rada at the end of last year, it seems, then it was returned for revision, this is the second attempt, and indeed, four months before he will be before he is brought into the session room for the vote. i understand that ruslan has lost contact with us, and he will no longer join us. well, you
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've seen it yourself, the field conditions, he's a military man, i think i hope we'll get to that topic in the next day, in fact, when, when this issue will be put to a vote in the verkhovna rada. this topic is with us, at least, for a long time, for now. one more topic. which we wanted to discuss with you today, a summons as a method of punishment. we have repeatedly raised this topic on our broadcasts and it is time to talk about it again. the head of the cyber security department of the security service of ukraine, ilya vityuk, was suspended from his duties pending an investigation into the circumstances disclosed by journalists, and while this investigation continues, he will allegedly be at the front, at least that's what the sbu says. well, now about the actual material from the info investigation. last week , journalists made public the ma'. about the property of ilya vityuk's family, journalists found out that his wife, the wife of the department head of the sbu cyber security department , bought an apartment in the capital's
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premium-class complex in december last year, but first of all , the official's declaration states that they paid almost 13 million hryvnias, although its market price is more than 20, and secondly, the official income for this apartment was not enough b, his salary is uah 1.8 million per year, instead his wife. is engaged in business, shortly after vytyuk took a position in the security service of ukraine, she registered as a sole trader, for which she received more than uah 1 million per month, allegedly for legal services, but journalists could not find any data about these legal services, nor the address of the office, no contact information for clients, and the sbu official's wife herself refused to comment. two days after the publication of this material, was informed that journalist yevhenii shulgat, who actually conducted this investigation regarding... representatives of the tsc tried to serve a summons, they interviewed the journalist in a supermarket and not just an interview, accompanied by an employee of the sbu, who, here's a surprise, is a subordinate of
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ilya vityuk himself. journalists believe that this is revenge for the investigation. yevhenii shulgat, together with our lawyer oksana maksymyniuk, submitted a statement to nabu, because we see here an abuse of official position from what... what we see from what we demonstrated in general, and with us, not with anyone from the editorial office , in principle, officials on this the topic was not communicated as of now, well , the summons was not served at that time, that is, at the moment when zhenya started filming it on camera, i think that this scared the employees of the tsc, ah, and they basically left and said that we we record the refusal, although in some way the journalist did not say that he was refusing in the official... way, it was not registered, so it is not clear to me in what status it is now, in particular in the tcc, but if we have any for this topic will be discussed with us, i would also like to find out, obviously
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that all these days we were primarily thinking about the safety of our journalist and we continue to worry about it, since the representatives of the authorities have taken such steps and we do not know what will happen next, and we are primarily concerned about safety and security, we want to look at the further steps of the officials, but it is obvious... that everything will be done, done in a legal way, and we will follow every step in every possible way, because this is such a very high-profile summons, i think there has never been a more high-profile one, in fact , this is a very bad story for several at once bodies, and for those important during the war, it is also for the ministry of defense, for the tsk system, for the security service of ukraine, probably also for the president of ukraine, who just two weeks ago awarded and... vityuk, a figure in our investigation, and gave him the title brigadier general, that is, this is not a very good story for everyone, it looks like some structure
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of the sbu, which should not at all... interfere in the affairs of the tsc, it can give orders, and then the question arises, what other structures can give orders to the state central committee , yes, because we don't fully know, we don't fully understand who else is involved in this, that is, unfortunately, during the war, it raises such uncomfortable questions, so of course we all expect and want these, that the answers will be clear, not blurred, we investigate, we investigate, it is very important that the guilty are punished, and it has been done. in the most public way possible, since the story did not resonate, well, at least, in principle, i expect that it is very important that we hear from the authorities an assessment that this should not be the case, that the subpoena should not be revenge, the subpoena should not to be a punishment, because now, well , everyone can say that it was me who was punished because i said something there or something else, yes, because this is not a very good trend, and only power in the hands of the government is really everything now, well
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let's say so, they can leave this situation, admitting that it is wrong, that it should not be like this, and that it will not be like this in the future, but i expect such a reaction conceptually, in general, so that it does not spread, as knowledge that it is possible to do this, well, actually, i see that anna kalyuzhna has already joined us, war correspondent bigu xingfuanu, hello, hello actually, yes, i’ll just add that when this whole story actually gained publicity, then... it was only after that that it became known that the sbu reported that this ilya vityuk was being sent to the front, supposedly he will perform some tasks there as part of a certain department, there in a combat unit, but in the circles of journalists, anya, i will just say, for our audience, you have been engaged in journalistic investigations for many years, and then during a full-scale invasion you started working as a war correspondent, so what was it really like for you to watch...
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this whole story, first investigative journalists made an investigation about vityuk, and then decided to punish the same journalists with a summons, and then they also decided to investigate the person involved in the investigation, well no with a summons, but simply if they were sent to the front and tried to explain it too, that it was supposedly some kind of punishment, while the inspection was going on, and you were there at the front, how could you hear and observe all this? fair saying, i don't know who would... in this case could do more harm to our defense forces, our mobilization campaign, than these employees of the security service of ukraine did, and how they get out of this, from this situation, it also comes in, i'll explain why, just a few weeks ago it happened that i was working with alpha with... the csoo alpha section
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of the sbu at the front, we were about a kilometer from ivanovsk, maybe a kilometer and a half, which, ivanovsk is now one of the hottest spots on the front, because the russians they want to take over ivy's time and they are pressing very hard there, this unit will soon have a material about him, he showed himself to be very. the fighters are very cool guys, well, there are only guys, they have all been fighting for more than a year, some of them were in the alpha central security service for a long time and they also did other work, but only now they started fighting with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, some of them have been fighting since the 14th year, just used to be in other units, and to be honest, taking and communicating what you are supposedly sending to this combat unit
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is absolutely cool... which makes incredible things, and everyone knows about it, a person who first, well, with his wealth, let's say, disgraced the service, and then also, well, i suppose that he gave instructions to his employees in such a shameful way, like taking revenge on a journalist for an investigation, well, no i know how it feels to me, well, it's just me... i don't know why the sbu is so bad at communicating and solving crisis situations, because, for example, as their alpha and their counterintelligence, we know that they do simply incredible things at war, and they, well, i don't know, even on a level with the defense forces, or even sometimes in their special operations there they compete with gur, and when it comes to some rear
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work. well, it's the absolute opposite, it's kind of complete.


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