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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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the adoption of this law, and then, well, so that everything was transparent, clear, and no one had any unnecessary questions, what someone calls a draft law on improving mobilization, i have not found there yet, although the final version we have not yet seen, in any way, how and who will make reservations, this is firstly, secondly, there is no order in the state and the fact that today the prime minister is doing something there... that he is demanding fair, fair reservation certain positions, then this is a funny story, he should have already learned to answer, and this is his problem as a manager of the executive branch of government, why has he not yet proposed the rules of the game in this direction, if we talk about journalists, then in my opinion, it is journalists today who are responsible for the information front, information security, and this should apply.
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not some individual channels, in my opinion, it is necessary to book journalists who today work in the mass media of ukraine, who are officially registered and act according to the statute, if they submit such proposals, then it should be considered, sorry, by the cabinet of ministers, and not by individual ministries, all the more so when we see... that the ministry of culture has been without a leader for more than six months, but a deputy is performing duties, who, i don't know, has a prospect of remaining under the new minister, even if it's even the same deputy, because of that in the state there are no rules of the game, that's why some give commands, others take them, engage in miracles, booking certain categories, thereby discouraging the desire of others to carry out
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mobilization or to go and serve in the armed forces of ukraine. because it seems to me that here the verkhovna rada should have, we should say his word and clearly regulate at the legislative level those things that the cabinet of ministers wants to introduce. the security and defense sector, strategic enterprises, there should be a clear list, including positions. and of course, the economy should work, should journalists be booked, i have already stated my position, but there is no need to make a difference here, there are officially used mass media, there are no complaints about the editorial policy of the national council, please, there is a proposal, book and let people informationally protect our state, mr. general, thank you for answer, join us... solomiya
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bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine from voice, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, ms. solomiya, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, since we, ms. irina, and mr. mykhailo have already asked about their attitude to who and how should be subject to reservations, since we ask our viewers whether they consider the channels of a single telethon. strategic for the economy and security of the state, because the employees of these of channels were placed under reservation from mobilization. i will also ask you: do you consider the channels of the united telethon to be strategic for our state, is it the first and the second, or do you understand what criteria were used when these decisions were made? well, first of all, i think that in fact the whole idea with the reservation is completely... prepared by the cabinet itself,
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because in fact a very interesting story is coming out, so when the verkhovna rada is trying to make the mobilization legislation as tough as possible, and putting everyone on the military list , there we have discussions there are about hundreds, if not more, and the number of hours there is not measured even in days regarding, for example, groups of people with the third group of disabilities, with their caretakers, guardians, we have a colossal discussion about demobilization. and each and every criteria of discussion, then the cabinet of ministers simply stamps themselves, it turns out that reservations are made for almost everyone in a row, and here we are talking not only about the telethon and journalists, with all due respect to what they do, but also , in particular, for example, about football clubs, yes , it is still a mystery to me, in particular for example, about shopping centers, supermarkets, hypermarkets and so on, that is, what is happening, there is really critical infrastructure, which today cannot show, for example, the volume. working capital
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there for export, goods going, er, to prove to ukraine that this is a critical infrastructure, or necessary, instead we have such strange stories, and i don't want to mention them anymore. circus with respect to the people who work, and it is a colossal job, but nevertheless, the parliament tightens the nuts, the cabin loosens the nuts, moreover, i have a question, did the cabinet of ministers plan, did it not plan to change its orders, resolutions regarding the change of these reservations, and we often today, tonight we will adopt the preliminary version in the committee of the bill on mobilization, which is already on the 12th. the person of this committee, and we are still all at work, well, well the story turns out, and the parliament gives as wide a field as possible to the armed forces to mobilize people, the time when the cabinet is actually guided by schemes and lobby stories
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in order to book people, so they and the story was really messed up with economic reservation, this is an idea that would be difficult to get into the parliament, and few people understand how it can be explained, why it should work like that, that... who pays taxes, he should reserve, because there are rich people do not fight, the poor fight, there is any other interpretation, today it is already protected and rejected in society from completely different sides, but such things are not allowed, it is actually some kind of bullying, and i would like to remind you that in fact mobilization, except for the main supreme the supreme commander, in our country the government itself is also responsible, and first of all the prime minister, and i would very much like the prime minister to come from... in particular to the committee or to the heads of the factions and explain how the whole the collective body of the cabinet of ministers must decide on the issue of mobilization as a whole, because mobilization is not only about entering the army, admission, training, uniform, mobilization of tsk people, it is in particular the ministry of health, which takes care
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of these health issues "i, it's the ministry of defense, it's the ministry of security, it's the economy, it's finance, it's that." it's just a mass of all directions that were not even present today, grouped among themselves with... and they were not synchronized even with regard to the motivation, the investment of this package of motivation in the bill on mobilization, what we are talking about then, in our the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, well, this is not fair, in fact, in our society , not just a boom is brewing, but such hatred of everyone against everyone, and this is definitely far from playing into our hands and on and on and useful for the front and for telu, her acting minister. of culture and information policy of rostislav karandeev condemned yesterday's hate speech surrounding the reservation of culture and media workers, he emphasized that the directorate of the mobile circus groups of ukraine performs an important artistic mobilization task for the state
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. the state enterprise of the directorate of traveling circus teams of ukraine, not a street shapito, as someone imagines, but a professional team of highly respected masters of their craft, that is, everyone who booked, or who lobbied for the booking of various collectives there, is now beginning to explain, and why actually those who work in the circus also received bookings from mobilization, although obviously all this is within the competence, including the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who called on the verkhovna rada to pass the law. about mobilization in the near future, i understand that judging by ms. solomia's words, this night, as the constitution was once adopted, so you will make the final decision on the vote, or on the introduction of this draft law, and there are 4,000 amendments there, or
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even less left in the session hall, but let's listen to what president zelensky said, we are talking to the parliament so that they... vote in the coming days, vote on the relevant law, it is very important, and it is not entirely wrong responsibly, what they are doing, and what is the problem with this law, i think the most important thing is that the mobilization is going like this, but the most important thing is that the russians succeeded with this law, they managed to raise the issue that our people are not ready to continue defending the state. because of this law, they raised the issue in the west so, what is the event today, and if you don't want mobilization, the parliament doesn't want to vote, then why do you need help, well, just tell me, if that's all, why
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should we help? i'm sorry, mr. serhiy, you can join the discussion, thank you, you know, mr. president said an interesting phrase. we speak with the parliament, i want to say absolutely responsibly that there was no conversation with the parliament, the only meeting of president zelenskyi with the leaders of the parliamentary group of factions was on february 20, 4, 22, we spoke several times with the initiative to meet with the leaders of the factions, with president zelensky in a different format, so that the supreme commander, who according to the constitution is responsible for mobilization, and who is the only one who has the full picture on the front, who owns our strategic plan, to express his position regarding mobilization, here... what kind of law does mr. zelenskyi have in mind , no one knows whether he supports,
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for example, body armor for a cat and a marathon, or whether he considers it normal that there are no clear terms demobilization for those who have been there for more than two years under avdiyivka and bakhmut, who thinks about the disabled, who thinks about those who support the disabled, who really thinks about the economy, we do not know this position, and just talk to the deputies, and. .. with society only because of the marathon, well, this is probably a very strange position, this is the first, and you know, well, now there are really whipping around, like naughty children from a telethon of deputies, while avoiding full responsibility for those things that according to the constitution belong to the president of ukraine, this it looks frivolous. second, indeed, our international partners ask us about the law on mobilization, but... they would also like to know how president zelensky sees it, this is too important a topic. thirdly, as
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ms. solomiya rightly pointed out, just imagine, the national security and defense committee is currently underway, which had previously adopted amendments, they worked there for a month, then the leadership of my majority came and said, yes, we are canceling all this, reviewing everything anew, and tomorrow they want to pass and vote on this law to the session hall, i am now addressing millions of viewers... the press and millions of ukrainians for whom this bill is too sensitive and important. tell me, please, is it possible to consider the law when you have not seen the table, when you blindly have to vote for one or another amendment that will affect the life of the country, the life of millions of people. this is a responsible position, solomia is absolutely right when she says that we last saw the government last september . we do not understand how to mobilize thousands of people, yes, we do. what is it today it is necessary to replenish our great losses, but we want to hear a responsible position,
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whether there are weapons for them, whether there is a salary for them, whether our economy provides for them, and this is not our, you know, some kind of fantasy, this is our responsibility to the country, in front of these people, as deputies, to hear from the government how far we have an economic and defense component for this mobilization, whether they are equipped with weapons and so on, and we do not have such a dialogue. and the absolutely right solomia is also in the fact that at this time, when it is so difficult to find votes for this law in factions, the government quietly makes some lobbying, corruption decisions, no one complains about circuses, you know, every structure, everyone there, i don't know, the organization, it works to the best of its abilities. according to shapito , today this word is most suitable for the government itself, because this is how to organize work on the most sensitive issue. what a nightmare and the last thing, i emphasize once again, it was not the parliament that failed the issue of mobilization, it
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was the marathon, it was the office of the president, who promised the country that tomorrow we would drink coffee in the crimea, and now they are saying, you know, in our there will be mobilization without demobilization, and people cannot understand what is happening, yesterday you said something completely different, i emphasize the position of our team, we believe that it is very important here to check everyone's clocks, to have an honest conversation. about our strategic plan, what are the tasks before mobilization today, perhaps the engineering troops are key for us today, for example, because we need to build fortifications in the background of which the president is sitting, and in general, we were at these very fortifications the day before mr. zelenskyi, do you know if we have such a situation that there is only one decent person for the entire chernihiv region, let's honestly talk about it in private and then we will adopt such a law, which will not be for ticks, but for work... thank you, thank you, ms. iryna, thank you, ms. iryna, mr. mykhailo, do you understand what you will be
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voting for tomorrow, and why, the truth is, why is the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine distancing himself and saying: well, the verkhovna rada should, they should, and why not, he doesn't uses the pronoun we, because the verkhovna rada is also president zelensky, since the majority is sitting there in his mono, and he could say that i have... if the entire parliament does not want to vote for this bill, then i have the majority, the monomajority, the servant of the people, they will vote because this is a question of the country's future, it is such a... constitution, the mobilization constitution of ukraine? well, in fact, the situation, i agree with my colleagues, is difficult and extraordinary, on the one hand, we must clearly understand everything, and it is so in to the verkhovna rada, that the majority realizes that the law on improving mobilization should
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be adopted after yesterday, that is clear, but let's remember the history, what was submitted to... the government or on behalf of the government in december of last year, it was a mockery, and it was raw document, and you won't find out who prepared it after all, because no representative of the cabinet of ministers presented it, this is the first story, what is happening now, as if they were working in a committee, everything is more or less okay, as if they found certain points of contact, the motivational part, the demobilization part, it's like, let's go the finish line, and what is happening now in the committee, ms. solomiya, she is a member of this committee, can say more, it is not subject to any criticism at all, and indeed, and ms. irena also said, how can we vote tomorrow what we even today, they did not see it , did not read it, did not understand it, after all, there are some
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regulatory norms, and so that it does not happen again, as has happened in our modern parliamentary ... is difficult: the law of improvement mobilization cannot be popular, because mobilization itself is already a certain coercion, but in the conditions of the brutal war of the russian federation against ukraine, it is definitely necessary to improve mobilization in order to make it effective. this clearly needs to be done and in the end give people an answer as to how much they are called up, this is an important issue, those who have already been on the front lines for more than 25 months today, they need to be given a clear answer when
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demobilization will come for them, the answer is not yet in this draft law , we are offered again, let's take something out of parentheses in another bill, then the question arises, what should the verkhovna rada vote on tomorrow, and what colleagues said, no answers were given to the main questions that concern ukrainian society, nor to those who are fighting on the front lines today, and someone wants to stimulate them about the fact that they were aggressively opposed to people's deputies, and today ukrainian society, some of which work and pay taxes, while others care for or are persons with disabilities, they are also not given a clear answer as to whether the norms of the law that are in force will remain, will there be any so-called improved, because of that, i hope that
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it will still be possible to shoot during this night. these uh this one, as they say, the heat, tomorrow morning, at least understand what we can vote on, consider the critically necessary amendments, it is possible to put them separately and find a consensus between the leaders of the faction of the groups to vote them, only in this case this the document has a chance to be voted on, otherwise, well, excuse me, it’s this again... to make people’s deputies extreme, the government is self-deprecating, and what about the leaders, commanders of structural divisions, unit chiefs to give an answer military personnel, some of whom are waiting for demobilization today, others cannot rotate, because there are no reserves, and
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in the end, how to respond to the heads of enterprises that today work in strategically important ee... areas, how to book there, and in the end, the government to this day did not do what shmyhal had promised 5 years ago, they should have, four years ago, they should have finally brought the economy to the wall, because almost a million ukrainian men of draft age today work in the shadows, did the government do anything to ensure that everything - still them stimulate, come out of the shadows, pay taxes? to strengthen the front financially, to have those men put on military duty, the accounting has been done, of course, there is a big question, there is a... pay attention, i am sure that there will be no representatives of the government in the parliament tomorrow either, i believe that this bill they must report, today in the committee,
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as far as i understand, only the representatives of the general staff of the ministry of defense are responsible, and the ministry of finance should clearly say where they should take the money, it is their duty, and not say, as usual, that there is no money and no will be, this is the answer of profane people who should... write a statement and the government should have resigned even earlier, because, by the way, it is the first time in the history of the ukrainian state that it is working without an action program. thank you, mr. mykhailo, unfortunately, solomiya bobrovska has already gone to the parliamentary committee, now the meeting is taking place, and the final amendments are being made there, and the decision, as she said, should be around midnight or at night, ms. iryna, you, as a person who ... managed the parliament, i wanted to ask, and whether it was possible to avoid this, as they say in to the people who are planning to get married in the dark , well, the same can
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be said about this bill on mobilization, well, it was necessary and necessary to make these amendments at night, was there not time, or to shorten these amendments, or split into separate bills, or from something. er, zelensky had to explain to the people's deputies of ukraine, because at the moment it is not clear what version of the draft law will be introduced, the only thing is that the leak of information went wrong, that demobilization was excluded from the draft law on mobilization will be considered separately, and this is the request of the head of the armed forces of ukraine syrskyi, this is also news for those who are at the front, and this is very bad news, because when it will be approved separately. bill and when they will finally understand how long they should stay at the front is also an open question? and it is obvious that
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mobilization is a difficult and unpopular topic, it is true, and in order to strengthen the fighting capacity of the state, we need to provide motivation for the military. motivation is also a decent salary, it is awareness of the provision of weapons, equipment, and... but motivation - it goes mobilization, and at the front, when you communicate with the military, the first question in the context of the law on mobilization is when we will be replaced, when those will come who will be able to stand side by side brother with brother and take on the same responsibility for the defense of the country, a particularly difficult situation in those divisions that have been on the most difficult routes for more than two years, avdiivka, bang. here and another, and there are those units that, for example, were not on the front line, and therefore management in the army is also a very important issue, and how should this law be
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about mobilization to prepare, obviously he had to come from the president, as the supreme commander, who knows the entire situation at the front, who knows our strategic plan, who realizes that we are now on the defensive there, for example, we are in the war phase, then, it is obvious that ... today we cannot win the war with soldiers alone. russia has a much larger mobilization resource, and therefore the question of the technological capability of our army, technology needs, well, separate answers, it is really a question of our military industry. you know, there are two of us weeks ago, well, given stefanchuk's complete inability to organize a question hour for the government in the majority, and our faction sent letters to the relevant ministers who are involved. on the topic of defense, the military industry, drones and so on, in order to meet with the faction and ask them all those questions, which today simply tear society apart, and
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none of them have an answer by the time of the meeting, well , it cannot last forever, when the state delegates money to these ministries, and we do not understand where the drones are, and when we do not understand how these fortifications are built buildings, many other issues, and that is why i believe that this mess in the parliament... it is necessary to stop, to return the control function of the parliament, and it is obvious that such sensitive issues as mobilization should be considered by journalists in the parliament, so that society does not hear from anonymous telegram channels, what these laws refer to, and was aware of the content of the laws, the position, the position of all political players, and i think it would be fair. thank you, mrs. iryna, while the verkhovna rada of ukraine is preparing. before consideration of the mobilization law in the second reading in switzerland is preparing for the global peace summit, previously, according to bloomberg,
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representatives of up to 100 countries of the world, including the global south, india, china, the chinese the organizers of this peace summit actually expect, it will be about what peace should be like in ukraine, and when this peace can come, under what conditions, and well, it is clear that for the future... of ukraine, this is a fairly important summit and the main summit, except for the nato summit, where we are still waiting for that the signals of the north atlantic alliance will be given to ukrainians regarding the prospects of participation in nato. mr. general, what do you think about this global peace summit, which will take place literally in two months, whether it will be able to influence the course of the russian-ukrainian war,
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or... or give answers to the questions that all ukrainians have, and obviously the most important question, when will there be peace in ukraine? unequivocally, there are high hopes, but here there are several factors that will be decisive, the first is the activity of the ukrainian authorities in preparation for such an international event, i agree with you that it is extraordinary. an important summit, this is the first thing, how the ukrainian authorities will manage to prepare this site and, of course, attract as many participants as possible, including from other continents, well, this is the first and the next - this is our diplomatic game, taking into account the previous ones.
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our achievements on the international arena, and here, again, the burden on the ministry of foreign affairs, and finally we have to hear the clear professional voice of our team, first of all the minister of foreign affairs, who, in my opinion, is not very is actively appearing in international arenas, i emphasize once again, it is extremely important that in switzerland we hear a specific... position, our international partners see the end of the war, this is the first direction, in my opinion, the second and next important, signals regarding the july summit of the anniversary summit nato in washington, how nato countries are perceived, and , of course, china's position is important, which does
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show. a certain interest in the situation of russia's war against ukraine, how china will play a geopolitical role, hope for african states, asian states, yes, but we should not forget about our main international partners, these are the rooks of the united states. it is of the european union, i.e. the countries of the european union and the nato countries, but ukraine must have extremely serious preparations at home, and thereby set the tone for this important, important international event, the peace summit in switzerland. mr. general, but...
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considering that both china and representatives of switzerland are saying that russia must participate in this summit, the global peace summit, because there are two the parties in this war, russia and ukraine, and the chinese and the swiss insist that there must be russia, under what conditions it can be there, i mean russia, and how to avoid this very trap when all the leaders who are involved in the organization of this global summit, on whom a lot depends, will insist, will constantly tell kyiv that we need someone from russia, not putin, of course, someone lavrov or any negotiator, because how can you talk about peace, if there is no other and...


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