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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EEST

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mr. general, but taking into account the fact that both china and representatives of switzerland say that russia must participate in this summit, the global peace summit, because there are two sides in this war, russia and ukraine, both the chinese and the swiss insist that russia must be there, under what conditions it can be there, i mean russia and... how to avoid this very trap when all the leaders who are related to the organization of this global summit, on which much depends, will insist, they will constantly say to kyiv, we need someone from russia, not putin, of course, someone there , lavrov or any negotiator, because how can we talk about peace if there is no other and... side, because then we have to talk about
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a global summit, how to inflict a global defeat on russia, and not win global peace? this could actually be a diplomatic trap, because china is constantly pushing for such joint events, and if either lavrov or anyone from russia appears on such a platform. european in switzerland, then this suggests that russia will gain a certain victory when the club of major world powers allows it to discuss such an important topic, then russia becomes an equal partner of the world level. or
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rather it comes back, as if this trap cannot be allowed to fall on me, and here the ukrainian authorities must show diplomatic cunning, and clearly, it seems to me that china is also setting such a task for itself, and here ukraine will not do without the support of our international partners, according to me , it can go to a completely different stage, russia must be... at the table negotiations only when there will be negotiations, when ukraine will have a winning position. today, it seems to me, it is not of the same level, an international platform where you can allow yourself the opportunity to sit down with him, with them at the same table. it's a risky game, and not our game. unfortunately, so is iryna gerashchyn. went off
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the air, we have some technical problems, mr. general, you are the only one left on the air, so we will end our conversation already, i want on an optimistic note, but still, what do you think, all these negotiations, all these , obviously some behind-the-scenes discussions which are happening now, when we do not know whether they will give results and whether they will bring. to ukraine and when? er, it is very important that they bring us one more step closer to the ukrainian victory, because there is a danger that russia er is increasingly influencing some governments of european states, using its influence, we see how internationally... . we
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are losing our support, we see the results of the presidential elections in slovakia, where a pro-russian candidate won, we see the position in poland with the blocking of ukrainian cargo and transportation transit, it also, unfortunately, does not work in favor of ukraine, the influence of the russian federation, even in the voice. the allocation of united states aid to ukraine there too, unfortunately, does not do without russian influence, these are very serious signals for us, and we need to join the efforts of the diplomatic ukrainian corps, our loyal international partners, we need to maintain contacts with those states that demonstrate a clear the position to... the country is similar to
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france's position today, and this must be supported, promoted on the international stage, we also need to include more professional parliamentary diplomacy so that we can carry out such work both in the united states and in germany, we see scholz's trip to china, we hope that there will be a pro-european and pro-ukrainian position, but we are waiting return, and then we will see whether, god forbid, german rhetoric will not change. government is not in favor of ukraine, that is , this vacuum, when aid from the united states is delayed, ukrainian diplomacy and the entire ukrainian government should use, time in order to attract the help of our
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european partners, as a country, thank you, thank you, mr. general, we have to go off the air, i'm sorry, mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, lieutenant general of the police, friends, in... during our broadcast, we spent survey and you were asked about this today, do you consider the channels of the united telethon to be strategic for the economy and security of the state? 7% yes, 93% - no, approximately the same ratio on youtube. we put an end to this, i wish everyone health, all the best, take care of yourself and your relatives, see you date. there are 15% discounts on kvayt in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. big
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broadcast of vasyl zima, this is big ether, my name is vasyl zima, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. today we will discuss important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives. and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters, who have become similar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. big broadcast by vasyl zema. a project for smart and
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caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team. united by football, stronger together. estoy muy bien
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good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear tv viewers, my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, and i and my colleagues will be talking to you for the next hour and 46 minutes. there are many really important topics to discuss and of course we will report on what will happen during our ether, but we will start with the announcement of the collection. espresso and public the ua spottyv base organization is calling to support the collection of fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black
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zaporizhia brigade. legendary brigades that serve not only during a full-scale invasion, but in general throughout this long war. own production. testing a variation for the needs of the defenders, we can provide this together by collecting 2 million uah, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, join us so that there will be even more of them, our... ambitious 2 million uah, remember, a donation to the armory forces of ukraine is an investment in our victory, we believe that we will be able to cover, close this need and provide our military with what they need now. we will start by talking about the poltava region, the enemy struck the poltava community, and actually about the consequences of the enemy attack, overcoming these consequences, the threats that remain, we will talk about this, igor protsai, of the poltava regional council, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, congratulations, dear, well, actually, the enemy decided to hit
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the poltava region as well, although the blows came earlier, and we know it, but here is the last information that i read, i don't know how many can you trust her as of now, it is the 16th, 16th people were injured, also in the region, and 16 people were injured, please, and if i am not mistaken, there is also a dead person. please tell me in more detail about, well, from what can be said, about where they hit, if it is not possible to say, we do not say where the enemies hit, and how can you describe exactly this attack on poltava oblast, please, well, i will say this , for poltava region it was a somewhat unexpected attack, the first time during a full-scale invasion, the poltava community was directly attacked such a heavy weapon, according to the information that is... now, and it is public, uh, the damage was caused by an x-59 missile, if i'm not
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mistaken, the damage occurred in the residential sector, only the residential sector was there, the hit was for the most part on the roof of a two-story building, in which peaceful people lived, the building was very badly damaged, thank you... to all the sns and all the people involved who reacted urgently and even quickly to this event and localized the site of damage by the enemy of the area where it landed, suffered very many houses, some objects of critical infrastructure, well, let's say, the windows were blown out in the houses that were in a radius of, probably, almost 300 m, so the impression was quite powerful, for now, we will now
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have communication restored, we will continue to talk because there is communication, please continue, yes, for now what i can say is that the actual building is probably not subject to restoration, it was actually destroyed, well, it was written, look, it was also written that in the poltava region the enemy is... high-voltage substations, again, i understand that all hits, well, if it's open source information, i did not ask local residents, this is what i read in open sources, that is why they write about it, again, if we talk about a possible threat to the energy industry, but we understand that poltava oblast , in addition to not so far, let's say, from the combat zone, from the location of enemy forces and means, this is the first. secondly, that poltava region is one of the most industrially powerful regions of our country and the enemy, who decided to kill in terms of
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energy and economy, is already clear, but in addition to the fact that he is trying to create nightmares and to destroy the residential buildings of the citizens of our state, which do not have any military significance at all, well, but they are strikes on energy, on the economy, we understand that poltava region is quite a powerful region, one of the most powerful industrial regions of our state, if we talk about security, or again... without revealing secrets, but i think that even at the level of the regional council in the regional military administration , these issues can be considered from a series of what is needed, how is it possible to secure, to protect something, because we see that the enemy's tactics are not changing, unfortunately they are only expanding their geography, well, in fact , work is being done on this, including by the regional council, the lion's share of the military funds are now going to the construction
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of fortified areas, and apparently this trend is throughout ukraine, both equipment and forces are directed there, including the planned construction of shelters in the poltava region, i cannot say that it is happening quickly, but in principle there are enough of these places in poltava number, and people know where to go... in case of danger, but i will say something, poltava, apparently, purely psychologically was not ready for such defeats, including. objects energetically and psychologically, i mean people, because i also heard explosions at night, in the evening and at night, but this was quite an unusual story for us, unlike in kharkiv, the fact that they are in the dnipro, in zaporizhzhia, in kherson, they hear it every night, but including that we are now moving into a different reality, the war has passed and
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in our day, well, i will be very brief, first of all, whether need... now from some place to live, support, help, humanitarian people, houses, apartments that were affected, as a result of this attack, and also i read that nine people are still in the hospital, two people are in a serious condition , to what extent , well, again, from what is known, is there any information that their condition can be stabilized and there are no threats, let's say there is no fatal case, if this, if the regional regional system informed about it health care, please, well , for now, what is known at the moment is a threat there is no life for those who are in the hospital, thank god, the condition is serious, but it is predicted, this is according to the information that is available at the moment, others were given help, who was on the spot, who was in the hospital,
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the mayor arrived at the scene and respective deputies. made a statement regarding reparations and resettlement by the head of the military administration, so i think the authorities have now stepped in to help those people find shelter while other housing is found or built, thank you and that process has taken place, thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, ihor procei, deputy of the poltava regional council, you see, here are the right words, in fact, you know, now is such a moment... when you need to say what, what, what you feel, which is fair, indeed, poltava region has not been under enemy attacks so actively for a long time, let's say, the alarms sounded, we remember the rocket attack, i don't remember whether it was an x55 or what kind of rocket it was that flew over the shopping center in kremenchuk , then there was actually a terrible blow, and anyway there were arrivals, well, but those people
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they say, well, it's not, it doesn't happen like in kharkiv every night or more like in zaporizhzhia. dnipro and kherson oblast, where artillery is arriving, drones almost fly into the streets of kherson oblast. well, but we see, the enemy is expanding, the enemy is expanding geography, i am leading to the point that now every region must understand, well, if it comes to lviv oblast with periodicity, and more now in the region, but still, but here, yes, you have to be ready everyone, in fact, and these are the realities of this war, now we will talk about the situation in kharkiv oblast, yevhen bilov, chairman of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. first of all, i will ask about the security situation, the evening, the night, as the past of the most important. tell me, and now i know that kharkiv, from what i read, of course, not from personal experience. kharkiv is a city where something can happen every day and every minute, unfortunately. yes, it was quiet tonight, but it was not quiet in the region,
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it was quiet in kharkiv, there were no flights, but they were during the day, and the russians. hit again infrastructure of kharkov, thank god, it is not a residential building this time, it is an industrial zone, but there were blows, there are victims, there are victims, so, unfortunately, it is constant, it is the everyday life of kharkov, it is constantly under fire. what is the current situation with energy, first of all, with regard to these outages, and they are more than seven hours in some places, in some places people do not understand how long there will be no light, well, it is not. energy, if, say, people have electric stoves, refrigerators, well, this is of course everyday life, which also depends, depends on what is happening, not every a person has the opportunity to install a generator, especially if it is an apartment building, by the way, well, first of all, the situation in terms of energy, and secondly, are there any such cases when, say, residents of a house or condominium purchase large generators, well there maybe
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not industrial, but powerful enough to power an entire large one. the number of apartments, i know that such are sold, the price is quite high there , in fact, several hundred thousand hryvnias, but still, please, yes, the problem with energy is very difficult in kharkiv, there is a very many outages and they are large-scale ranging from several hours to several tens of hours, so this is a problem that currently exists in kharkiv, and there are hourly schedule shutdowns, but they are constantly changing, because the situation in kharkiv is also... constantly changing, and new shelling is always possible, and the enemy is hitting a critical structure, hitting a power unit, so the work there is being carried out, but if there is any... they are stopped, and because of that , the deadlines are long, but many thanks to our utility workers and our energy workers for the fact that in kharkiv still has
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electric public transport that works, the subway works, and transport that runs on electricity works, so it is a big thank you to them for that, but residential buildings and residents suffer because there is no electricity for a while, and it is difficult to adjust according to the schedules, they... i say once again, they are constantly changing, but what, we are from kharkiv, we are already used to living in this way, but still, we hope that everything will improve soon. the russians are now trying very hard to make wishful thinking come true and are spreading the video, although it is a video of the 22 year, when the full-scale invasion began, we remember what the battles for kharkiv were like then, we remember that the enemies actually entered the territory of the city and the battles took place immediately. on the city arteries, well, it is clear, people evacuated from kharkov, kyiv, and even lviv at that time, because no one knew where the attack would be and what to expect, it was an understandable and expected,
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expected situation, but the russians they release this video as if it were for now, for modern times, and say that look at the success we are achieving in kharkiv, people are leaving, fleeing, everyone they are afraid, everyone is afraid, the city will be empty, we will go in and hang the tricolor there. what is the real situation, again, they do not overestimate, you know, because they always want to portray everyone as a hero, well , we are all heroes, yes, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, who are now in ukraine and joining this struggle, but people are people, there are children, there are different situations, people can leave, they can come, right away there are no warnings about this, everyone thinks how, but what is the real situation in kharkiv, regarding this, and is it possible, somehow, how do people react to the eyes russian dreams of an empty kharkiv? and i, as a kharkiv resident, take this with skepticism, because kharkiv, if you are a real kharkiv resident, then you were in kharkiv at
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the beginning of the full-scale invasion, so many people were evacuated in kharkiv at that time , up to 400 remained there thousands of people out of almost 2 million, so this is a very small number for kharkiv, but currently the situation is completely different, kharkiv is alive, kharkiv is also what footage they will show. traffic jams, but that's old footage, we also have traffic jams now, but traffic jams because of what there are no lights and traffic lights are not working, so there are some issues with traffic jams, and we have to make new schedules in order to get to some part of the city, so kharkiv is full, a lot of cars, a lot of people, businesses are open, new businesses are opening, so even during blackouts, the business works on generators, so kharkiv is not broken, kharkiv works. there are also, of course, it scares someone, someone has started to arrive now, and these are new projectiles that can arrive and reach kharkiv, but the community that
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holds kharkiv, these are the military, these are volunteers, these are communal workers, city, city services, regional, these are just ordinary people who are indifferent to the war, they are all in kharkiv, they are all worried about the fact that there is baronage, but they are all here and. .. everyone will hold their seats if it’s me, i’m very brief, but here you are, since you are running a volunteer organization, i would like to ask, well, since there is no light, somewhere the elevators are not working, there are old people who may not have guardians or relatives or close ones, remain themselves, and they just need trains to be brought to them, or maybe medicine, or just to visit them, is there any such organization, are city communal special structures engaged in this, are volunteers involved in this, well, maybe they are made up. in houses, somewhere in condominiums, well, is it not left alone, do you have such information about this, please, yes, of course, there are volunteer organizations that are engaged in feeding the elderly,
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just people who need help, there are a lot of such organizations, the city too are involved in this work, and international donors understand this whole story, they also help with products, provide materially, and travel. kitchens and people, kitchens that feed the elderly and transport them around kharkiv, that's why this whole story is being monitored and all necessary work is being done. thank you very much for your indomitability, for your struggle to help those in need, evgeny bolo, bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv, well, actually, we understand the goal, why, well, besides the fact that, well, actually, that's why the enemies are destroying energy infrastructure, that's why he... otherwise different substations in order to really drive people out of kharkiv, and it's actually a great courage to stay in the city
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they fly to. these bombs, which cannot be shot down, which are not always even tracked by a siren, and that is why it is a great sign and a signal to the enemies that the people of kharkiv remain, it is clear that this is not the city that was before the full-scale invasion, now there are many cities, which are not like that, and some cities simply do not exist, the enemy destroyed them, wiped them off the face of the earth, let's say maryenka, avdiivka, bahmud, there are many, it's a pity, there... well, unfortunately, we have many such places on the map, but kharkiv, of course, is not the same as it was, but a big thank you and respect to the people of kharkiv and all the services that continue, continue to stay in the city and fight so, and that, now we have another very important topic, actually, just a second now, an important topic about possible big
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corruption. and we will talk about it with taras zagorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. mr. taras, i congratulate you. good day. well actually, well actually, here is the topic that we are going to discuss now, it is actually, yes, in the chain of previous many similar topics, it is possible corruption, or big earnings, illegal in the purchase of weapons, especially at the beginning of a full-scale tuesday, therefore, on... and polish law enforcement officers conducted searches on the territory of ukraine and poland regarding the possible purchase of weapons abroad through intermediary firms that were not based in ukraine, and the possible damages under this scheme were caused to our state, our budget, and you and i, the citizens, may reach 1 billion dollars of the united states of america, it's not even hryvnias, it's up to 40 billion hryvnias. so, the searches took place on april 9 on the territory
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of ukraine. and the republic of poland regarding this possible purchase, it became possible thanks to the cooperation of nabu, sab with the ministry of defense of ukraine and the department for combating channel terror and murders of the metropolitan police department of the republic of poland. what is interesting is that the ministry of defense is actively promoting work on this case. let's learn more about how this became possible and how long it should have taken work in order to actually go on searches in this story. please. well, i don't believe it will end anywhere. that all high-profile nabu cases usually end in nothing, that's one thing, secondly, the arms market is always gray, you have to understand that, there are always a lot of middlemen, and even more so at the beginning of a large-scale invasion, many countries did n't want to, and usually so, they pretend that they are selling weapons, but in order not to lead to them, there are a lot of middlemen,
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the market for weapons is always gray. and therefore when here they start asking questions where, where did they look for damage, well, look, weapons then, i'm not anyone's lawyer here, i emphasize again, but let's remember the context, yes, the beginning of a large-scale invasion, a lot of weapons are needed here and now, of course, what is a bunch of middlemen who want to make money from this, of course, who set markups of 200 and 300%, and that's because the demand for narodhu. proposal: once, secondly, many countries did not want to supply weapons to ukraine, let's be frank, and now they still do not want to, and therefore there are always intermediaries who work, this is how this market is built, well, look in more detail, the special importer progress supplied the ministry of defense with projectiles purchased from the polish company alfa, well, there is the question of who is the founder, the investor there and so on, these companies
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can lose at prices inflated by 57%... i am leading to the point that, after all, if there was a criminal intent, if it was not the case that we need to save ourselves, we really simply need to fight back, conditionally speaking, and what does that mean, no, well, look, what does inflated mean in the context of what, well, there are some prices on the market for me, this is also a market, what a market, there is no market here, look, here the question is how much the life of a ukrainian is worth, how much is the life of a ukrainian worth, it is priceless, therefore... what is offered on the market is bought, bought, yes, well, so that you understand, because you know , for the first three months, i didn’t hear anything at all, like most law enforcement agencies, they all disappeared somewhere, yes, it’s just a bunch, again, i’m not anyone’s lawyer here, i just want everyone to understand the context, yes, they dragged everything , what could be bought, someone else still sold.


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