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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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or which political forces, please tell me, but well, there are suspicions about, especially interestingly, about, well, declaration is also very important, because these are actually people who receive money from the budget for their activities, to pay for their work on with voters, his assistants, compensation for housing, transportation, travel, foreign business trips, is still paid from the state budget, and it is clear that everything must be declared here, because it happens that in our country a person lives in some... apartment registered on what and then still receives money for rent housing, well, that is, there are different moments, but is it possible to find out, if there are already suspicions, whether these cases have been transferred to court, or have not yet been transferred, but investigative actions are taking place, that is, the case is being prepared for trial? yes, well, it is really important that the raising of suspicion, this is the stage of criminal proceedings when there is already a certain collection of evidence, nevertheless this... does not mean that it has been proven,
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and some of these cases have been handed over, about that was reported publicly by relevant law enforcement agencies, but as a non-party proceedings, we cannot find out this information precisely, because again there are peculiarities that while the pre-trial investigation is ongoing and the case is being considered in court, this information is not announced publicly, therefore, accordingly, for a number of people's deputies, we know at what stage the case is at. cases regarding the majority, in fact, it can be traced only if you know the case number, if you search, there are at least two people's deputies who have already received court verdicts, this is actually ilya kiva, from the pro-russian party opzzh, in him, his court found him guilty of four articles about, in particular, about crimes against national security, as well as for propaganda of the communist regime, and he was sentenced to 14 years with confiscation, but... as
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you know, it seems that in december of last year he was liquidated in the moscow region, and is the court verdict against trukhin's servant, regarding the scandalous road accident, accordingly, and after the verdict, he made a mandate. if i am not mistaken, there was another deputy kovalev, i have already forgotten, maybe he is not kovalev, because it happened a long time ago, well , it was all during this war, but maybe, you remember, in the kherson region there was a people's deputy, yes, that too. also eh, well, he died, let’s say, he began to cooperate with the enemy, he actually stayed in the occupied territory, to protect his business there or something, but in any case it was collaboration, and as for him, i just don’t know, so what will you call him also, because i have not followed his history, were there suspicions, were there any cases against him, convictions? yes, well , there was, there was suspicion against him under two articles, this is an article about high treason, and also among the people's deputies we found, he is the only one with an article about collaborative activity. actually, i won't
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tell you whether he was, or whether the court reached a verdict before the moment when he was liquidated in the naked pier, but there was suspicion, suspicion of him, here it is also important, because we see various deputies who, well, we just saw the photo, but there are deputies who are clearly traitors to the state, well, let's say mr. derkach was there in the photo, there is suspicion about nestor ivanovich, shufrych, dubinsky, there is... a number, and there are people who, for example , well, their public activities are politically motivated by other positions, but there are also suspicions both there and there, and here such a question arises, and whether you are, well, or whether it is possible to find out, find out or find out the circumstances, where the case has factual and or objective grounds, and where the case can to be a political order regarding certain deputies, because they will all be later... on the list, that these
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people have suspicions against them, that there are court cases against them, there are court hearings, there are cases in court, certain decisions are made, but there is a suspicion about these deputies, there are some, for example, maybe political persecution, and for others, well , there is an obvious fact of treason, or bribery, or illegality, or false declaration, respectively, the fact is not obvious until at least it is proven in court, and all this is really suspicion, on the one hand , it is quite telling that the majority of suspicions of the same treason are held by representatives of the pro-russian party opzh, and literally they received these suspicions already after the beginning, in most cases, after the start of the full-scale invasion, only, it seems, medvedchuk and kozak had suspicions of opzh right before the beginning a full-scale invasion. as for political persecution, i think this is a broader issue. discussion of any trust in
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law enforcement agencies, whether it exists in society or not, whether it is at a sufficient level to not suspect that some law enforcement agencies may engage in political persecution. in any case , they are engaged in collecting evidence, and if any evidence is found, the case will be proven in court, if this does not happen, this or that is delayed, it is also possible to think here about whether it is sufficient or insufficient evidence, on the basis of which the suspicion is announced, but i think this is more a question for law enforcement agencies, well , the actual bright active political life of any politician, especially one who claims some of the highest positions in the state, whether they are or not. .. otherwise they will be associated with scandals, with black pr, and with lawsuits, i think everyone is ready for this, otherwise the story when a person really committed a crime, or is a traitor, or is suspected of treason, then here we can definitely talk about some here political struggle, well, again , such moments are used very often in political struggle, and
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there is nothing surprising here, i think that all politicians who know what they want, they are ready for it, but i have, you know, such a question to you, but this is more of a political-philosophical thing, but still, every eighth elected official... well , only according to nabu's data, she received, she is suspected of criminal offenses, i remember this from drevyansk, i will not quote now, but he there he talked about the deputies of the verkhovna rada, so that half of them came from prison and, well, eh, ah how to change it, well, that is, how to convey to people that you see that you are electing people who, well, they are still innocent, but there are a lot of suspicions about people who are supposed to carry out law-making activities, well, this is the ideology of our organization, including what is necessary ... train your political memory, and accordingly, when electing people's deputies, you can always check whether this person had suspicions or not, whether this person was eventually acquitted based on these suspicions or was found guilty, but the number 54 people's deputies with
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suspicions - this is quite interesting for one thing figure, because this convocation of the verkhovna rada 9 became the first inviolable, so to speak, because the people's deputies at the beginning of this term voted for... for the abolition of the parliamentary inviolability and accordingly the procedure for bringing them to criminal responsibility changed, it was simplified, now in order to a submission from the prosecutor general is not required to hand over suspicion to a people's deputy, a separate vote for each people's deput in the verkhovna rada is not required, and of course this has accelerated this process, and it can even be stated that this process has worked inviolability, if anyone had any skepticism about it, uh, because the law enforcement agency can... accordingly , find some evidence to serve the suspicion and directly serve the suspicion to the people's deputy, and previously for this it was necessary for the prosecutor general to submit a submission to the verkhovna rada, the verkhovna rada voted to bring its own colleague to justice, and it is also possible to think about whether
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the people's deputies would vote 50 times for 50 of their colleagues three times to bring them to justice, so this figure, it talks about bad trends, if at all there are... some reasons to pass off these suspicions as criminal offenses, but also about good ones, that after all, law enforcement agencies are working and their work has become easier with the cancellation of the deputy, thank you for your work, thank the movement, honestly, sofia lazarova, the analyst of kinnya, the honest movement, was in touch with us, and we actually discussed, america is on fire, a dystopian action movie about the rebellion of the states will be released in ukrainian theaters already on thursday. according to the plot, the united states of america is facing a political crisis. for later and dictatorship, civil war breaks out. by the way, this is far from the first film that turns this country into a place of the apocalypse, lina chechenina has already watched part of the movie and is ready to tell how scary everything is, most importantly, how realistic everything is, please, have a word, good
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evening, vasyl, congratulations, well, as for the realism, i can definitely say that it is realistic, because once already 20 minutes into the movie, i heard a huge loud... explosion and it was, believe me, very realistic, in a second i will continue, so the uprising of the states is called "civil war" in the original, it seems to me that for obvious reasons the tape under this name was not released in ukraine, because we have enough of this, it seems to me, not very good attitude to the term citizens. war, but i want to say that the film is spectacular enough, but this is what you need to understand about it, and this is right in the warning before you start watching the film, you are warned that if you are too traumatized, you do not want to expose yourself further
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powerful sounds of explosions and quite harsh shots, well, you probably need to understand for yourself whether you should go watch this tape or not, if you have understood that... then for myself i can say that i definitely liked the first 20 minutes, i think that the tape is quite spectacular, i i'm watching it in imax, and it's a tape for aimaks for just such a viewing, then... definitely not at home at a computer, laptop, in a special hall, the production is by the a24 company, these are well-known american manufacturers and distributors, for their movies, their movies that they distributed, and won a lot of oscars, and in the end, if we're talking about this movie, there really is an apocalypse going on there because america is on fire just let's watch an excerpt, citizens of america, i'll point out that the florida alliance, and the western forces of texas and california, will be
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accepted back into the united states when their illegal separatist the government will be overthrown, so the story tells how, during this dictatorship, there is an uprising of the people against it, and here they go to... washington, to overthrow the president, our main characters are four journalists, in general, this is a film about journalists, so personally i was very interested to watch it, and those who are going to washington, because i think that they need to interview and photograph the president, who treats journalists very badly, in general, in washington, journalists better not stumble, because they are live mice, i will also say, well, judging from the beginning of this tape, there is a very... good description of the work of war correspondents, because you have to see a lot of horror and
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you have to somehow choose between photographing the moment of the murder or the person help, there are many different discussions, that's all in the film, i think it will be shown further, i will remind you again and from thursday there is a tape called the rebellion of the states, and i emphasize once again, if you are not ready to hear loud explosions in the film, if you are not ready for tough shots, think about whether you want to go, that you are ready for it and like such a very high-quality action, then of course i would stop my attention on this film. vasyl, thank you very much, thank you, well, i'm looking forward to the release of this movie, i'll definitely go i will look lina cheschenina talked about the film america is on fire, let's wait. indeed, in the states sometimes they make films that you think that this cannot happen, and then it happens, i would not like america to be on fire, this is
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our partner in the war against the really theoretical country of russia, so we wish them prosperity, success and adequate decisions regarding support for ukraine and countering russian aggression, and now about what the weather will be like in ukraine, tomorrow my colleague natalka didenko will tell us, she is joining us, ms. natalia, congratulations, good evening, i would like to speak to you, congratulations vasyl, congratulations, dear viewers, let's talk about summer in the middle of spring. about the weather, about magnetic storms and many, many other interesting things literally in a second. in the spring, we look back at nature, admire it, and spring is just the time when we finally shake off the winter, such a bit of numbness, as if we are starting to travel, in addition to work, some kind of rest, and today... we will also start our a meeting from a trip to poltava region, and we will travel
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let's go to poltava's hrebinka, which has been inhabited since the time of kievan rus, there was a fortified settlement here, it was destroyed in 239-1240 by the mongol-tatars, then these lands were restored and settled already in the second half of the 16th century, they belonged to colonel svizhka. in 1740, a proper settlement of the hillfort arose here, then it passed to different owners, and in 1863 the hillfort became the regional center, the beginning of the existence of the ridge itself is already so much later, when the railway began to be built, 1895, this is such a railway node, well, it received the status of a city in 1959, and it is clear from the name that the city is named in honor of yevgeny. grebinka, a ukrainian publisher, public figure, writer, who, by
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the way, greatly contributed to the release of the kopzar taras hryhorovych shevchenko, is located in poltava oblast, on the left bank of the gnyla orzytsia river, and nearby are the villages of lutayka, korniivka, zagrebellya, orzytsia, and slobodopetrivka. this is how she is a beautiful flowering poltava and a beautiful flowering comb. be sure to visit. we go further. talk about behavior of the earth's magnetic field, now you have a prognostic diagram, and it can be seen from it that in the coming days there will be a slight activation at the beginning of the day. here at night and until tomorrow evening, so nothing special will happen, but nevertheless listen to your feelings. well, we are moving on to the weather forecast, now i said that this is the time for lazy forecasters, because the weather is homogeneous, it is not difficult to forecast, but still there are certain differences, nuances, that is why we
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go together for the weather forecast, so in in the western regions of ukraine tomorrow... the weather is expected to be dry, sunny with a high air temperature of 22-25°, but in the carpathians, of course, especially in the carpathian highlands, it will be much cooler, and it should be noted that the nights are still quite cold, somewhere +6 +11°. in the north of ukraine, tomorrow will be sunny, dry, beautiful weather, comfortable 22-25, above zero. no precipitation is expected in the eastern part of ukraine, the air temperature will fluctuate between 20-22°, and it will be dry, sunny and warm in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast, and donetsk oblast. in in the central part of ukraine, dry weather, anticyclonic character, the synoptic situation is determined by an anticyclone, this is an area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, and the temperature, as you can see, is also comfortable, 21-23° warm.
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in the southern part of ukraine , the southern part can also be easily confused with the half. nothing with the east and with the center, because the temperature is the same, as i already said, 22-25 above zero, dry, sunny, there will be no rain in kyiv tomorrow, practically summer 24-25° warm, and i highly recommend enjoying tomorrow's weather, tomorrow we have april 10, but on the 11th, 12 and 13 in april, a slight decrease is expected in the north, including kyiv and in the western regions of ukraine. air temperature, well, but of course you carefully follow the precise forecasts on the espresso channel, when there will be rains, now, by the way, due to the high air temperature, the fire danger has increased, so please be careful, be careful, and of course we will together monitor the development of the synoptic situation on the espresso channel. well, you know, it's raining somewhere, and
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i'm... i'm looking, well, it's not that you 're happy, but it's such a revenge of nature, we see in russia it is spilling, tearing, it’s like in lesya ukrainka, the one that breaks the dams, here is the one that breaks the dams from the rice song, apparently settled somewhere on the russian rivers, breaks their dams, floods them, well, in any case there must be revenge for the atrocities that russia commits against ukraine, against the ukrainian people, well, of course, it must be so, obviously, and that is why we keep an eye on the rivers kama, ural and so on and so on, maybe at least russia will stop everything and let nature is a distraction there. we will be warm and well, take care of ourselves, we will donate to the armory forces of ukraine, we support each other and leave with an espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. two years have passed, the espressa tv channel has still not been returned to t2. during this time, neither the government nor the officials took responsibility for the outage.
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the spresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet of ministers, and the national security council. and defense of the national television and radio broadcasting council, however , we did not receive a clear answer as to who and why limited the channel's broadcasting, this is pure censorship, this is a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because indeed, today on the t2 network, on the button on which the espressu tv channel was broadcast for 10 years, the rada tv channels are broadcast today, the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant in the one news marathon, and instead of espresso. people who still use and watch ft2 tv, they can watch, again, marathon. the only news that comes out today, if i'm not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, and that is, they don't have access to information, to alternative information, to various mass media, to such an independent one
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tv channel like espresso. state special communications explained that the reason for turning off espresso is the fifth and direct from digital languages. allegedly implementing the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information policy, this body and others denied their intervention in shutting down tv channels. this document also does not regulate our disconnection, because there is not a single word written about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so well this is pure manipulation. we still do not have any explanations or justifications as to why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. a petition to resume broadcasting of the channels was registered back in april 200. 22. in a few months , she gathered the necessary number of votes, but the appeal remained unheard. the government did not answer whether the tv channel will be returned to etr. a year ago
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, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel has the opportunity to work fully, because limiting the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023, the us state department valued the press of ukraine as partially free, the report discussed, in particular, the situation with espresso, direct and channel five tv channels. we do not fulfill any requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, as we work or try to work according to those rules and the law. we, the canons, the skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world, and when we follow them if we don't work, this, of course,
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distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the t2 digital airwaves now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions, our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom of speech for two years. we... are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win, but if the authorities do not admit their mistake and return the digital air to us, there is a great risk that in the future we may become on russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of the media. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet in... cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social networks. this audience already exceeds the number we lost then, but
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still we continue to call on the power of all the officials responsible for this to bring us back to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they still do. are waiting for us on the t-2 network, therefore it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom of speech, c is european values, the most important thing is that people have the right to have access to various information, not always convenient for someone, for some individual politician, they do not say for the authorities, not convenient maybe for some certain people, but this is the information that is simply journalism, but we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what from... we asked ukrainians what they think about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to the single marathon. popularity is falling, and that says it all.
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everything should be there. a person must have a choice, he must choose. i have a negative attitude. this is an alternative. different channels, different views, so i see no problem not showing them. for that moreover, as far as i know, there is a lot of rural, especially rural areas there were users, they watched expresso, i have a bad attitude, and why? well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, including, despite being disconnected from the digital network , the espressu tv channel continues to broadcast information. the espresso team informs the audience about all the important events, and the war correspondents, risking their lives, document the crimes. russia, and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to be returned to the digital airwaves to return espresso to the digital airwaves. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl winter, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. right now , serhii zgurets will talk more about the war with us, but how does the world live? now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, welcome to sports news. review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about cultural news. leaders who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather for the day of prideshnaya. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening for espresso.
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see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for vacant positions in courts. why did the wife of the ex-chairman of the ukrainian people's liberation army decide to become a judge? based on this fact, nazk conducted an inspection. but who will take the vacated chair of the head of the vkks? none of the members of the commission has nominated their candidacy yet. hello, you are watching judicial control. i am tatyana shustrova. there is an acute shortage of judges in the country, the judicial system is overloaded. today, the shortage of servants of themis is about 2.5 thousand. the higher qualification commission works non -stop to fill vacant positions as quickly as possible. competitions are in full swing constitutional court, appeals, and local judges. we continue to introduce you to candidates. but first to the news. the higher
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qualification commission of judges was unable to elect a new chairman after the dismissal of the previous chairman, roman ignatov. among the members of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, there were no people willing to take up the vacant position. the question arose unexpectedly for all of us. officially, none of the members of the commission has yet nominated their candidacy. we will remind you that on march 27, the previous head of the higher qualification commission, roman ignatov, resigned on his own initiative desire last year in december , information appeared in zmi. that ignatov allegedly has russian citizenship. he himself denied it. at the beginning of this year, the vkks concluded that it is absolutely impossible to establish whether roman ignatov received russian citizenship in the 1990s. currently, the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings against ignatov under the article on treason under martial law. the scandal regarding the alleged russian citizenship of the judge of the supreme court of ukraine
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, bohdan lviv. sixth court of appeal began consideration of the case on lviv's reinstatement as a judge. previously, the court of first instance satisfied his claim and decided not only to reinstate him in his position, but also to pay his salary for the period of forced absenteeism. the supreme court did not agree with this and filed an appeal. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he received his russian passport back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and at the age of 40 , in 2012, he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow. the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already at the last court session, the representative of the sbu reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers that lviv's russian citizenship exists, but now it is impossible to neither prove nor disprove the information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv continues to assure that there is no passport
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of the aggressor country. on june 11, the supreme court of ukraine will begin consideration of the cassation appeal against the verdict of the judge of the mukachevo city district court of the transcarpathian region mykhailo pak. he was there sentenced to five years of imprisonment with confiscation of property. nabu detectives exposed a judge for a bribe of uah 2,000 back in 2017. so it was, you know, at least two or three pieces of dollars. according to the materials of the investigation, mykhailo pak made the necessary decision for money in the case of the mukachi social welfare administration. in 2019, the higher anti-corruption court sentenced mykhailo pak to seven years in prison, this sentence was overturned by an appeal, but the supreme court returned it.


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