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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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they emphasize this, here it is simply popularized, and this incorrect, to put it mildly, practice, it spreads, yes, exactly like that, well, there is another topic that actually even somewhat amazes me, because it is absolutely completely russian , that is, it was not applied in our country at all, well, that is , the russians tried to extend it for about a year , that is, to somehow tell about the illegitimacy of the ukrainian government, they did not succeed, because in ukraine, in principle... even now there is an absolute consensus, when more like 65% the population says: no elections can be held now, it is technically impossible, a lot of people have left, a lot of people are fighting, it is dangerous for everyone, because something is constantly flying and can fly even to the same polling stations, well, that is , ukrainians in general understand that the elections are not on time, but it is clear to the russians that, well, for their propaganda, that... the topic of the elections in general is such
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a fertile, well, fertile opportunity to somehow strengthen internal perversions, and that's why they 've been talking about it for a year now constantly, and now lately they are constantly telling how illegitimate zelenskyi is, and zelenskyy will now become illegitimate, and i would say, well, what a peak, why are they saying this, let's listen, there is such a thing... absolutely, i think it's a fake freak project, what is the name of these putin detachments, which in a simple form, in fact, convey in their own words what russian propaganda wants to say, let's look at it so that you understand why they talk about all this, as if, you know, ukrainian illegitimacy, as if authorities
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accordingly, you can lay down your arms and return to your families and calmly wait for the next elections, no one will tell you anything, you should first of all remember that you are a slav. ukraine and russia have always been together. this seems to me to be a very russian understanding of this war. they were rounded up, chased away, they left, they think something, that's exactly how it works, judging by this. well, they, that's how it works for them, that's why they extrapolate this situation to our situation and to everyone else, they don't have another model of behavior, so it's just right with them all clear. what surprises me more is when this... this information, unfortunately,
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ukrainians begin to repeat, and there are a sufficient number of bloggers, experts, and ordinary people who are at the peak of dissatisfaction with the authorities, and they begin to look for some way out and they find it in these theses, without thinking about it, and maybe even knowing that they are being spread by russia, so they think, yes, we are dissatisfied with the government, so the government needs to... and then some points related to that , what are you waiting for, we have a war, we we cannot organize elections, they are washed away, and such a mode of simple decisions is turned on, we need elections, magically, let’s hold them, magically, after the elections, everything will change in a completely different way, unfortunately, there are such and such people, and they are emotionally supported through social networks, create massiveness and so on, russia, unfortunately, knows how to work with this. and here
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it must be said that, in my opinion, there is an underestimation of this threat, because on the one hand, kyrylo budanov and the intelligence committee said that we do have such a threat, unsuccessfully called it maidan 3, but inside, if you look at the messages, they were clearly and very realistically formulated, including the fact that they will promote illegitimacy, the alleged illegitimacy of zelenskyi, and when mr. podolyak gave one of of his interviews, he said, well, wait, everything is clear here, there is an article of the constitution, which clearly says that the president acts until another one arrives, and that's the end of it, well, and some kind of clarification campaign , by working with these, actually objections that people have and so on, i don't see it being carried out either by lawyers or by any speakers, and this again, like the issue with mobilization, gives carte blanche to fill the information field with these messages that clearly resonate with by russian propaganda, and she is only happy about it here, it is not... that now it dominates
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the information field, is it some kind of very threatening problem, but even in the 22nd the problem with mobilization was very small, but month by month russia they dispersed before that. measure that we see now, that's why a threatening vector precisely because, unfortunately, there is now objective dissatisfaction with the authorities, some have more, some have less, some have accumulated some issues, some have others, this is an organic process, russia's task is to seize them, maximize them and direct them to it needs its own channel, now they have chosen the usurpation of power with the alleged zelenskyi and the second vector, which concerns the fact that he is illegitimate, maybe something else will be added. but these are enough alarm signals, well, the same mosiychuk, literally on april 8, the broadcast, where he doesn't just say that he spreads it, he says that he literally organizes these discussions, well, let's see, he
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just says it directly, the day of illegitimacy, the day of the beginning of the day of illegitimacy, the day of the beginning of the usurpation, may 21, very close . and they know this, people discuss en masse, people ask en masse questions, you can say that they are bots, they write in social networks, yesterday i spent an hour and a half on tiktok on my channel, included living people, living ones, and they all ask one question, some more i didn't understand, he already did illegitimate, will it be illegitimate, part, understanding, asks the question, what after the 21st 21? well, tell me, how is he different from putin's squad, another loyal squad member? i am here simply because i reminded our viewers that sociology is not built on comments in social networks, sociologists emphasize this periodically, and here is probably a good time to emphasize this. well, i would
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say, excuse me for interrupting, that comments on social networks are actually the same tool very often in russian influence, like others, they have botfarms for their purposes, which... it depends on walking in the comments and writing something, and there are actually instructions for them, and not only a botfarm, but completely living people will tune in to mr. mesachuk’s tiktoks or anyone else on the air and they will say what is needed, that is, unfortunately, there are enough of us zhduns, and it is also necessary to understand, so here are these phrases of mr. masiychuk, which he says about the fact that everyone here is talking about it en masse and so on, well, this is at least manipulation, if so, in such a light regime to say about it. that's why there is actually a very thin line between the fact that a person tries to hype up the negative, hype up the protest moods of people, which are always there, and the fact that this person plays along with the enemy. in this case, russia is very successfully moderating this situation, when they are trying
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to make the most of the dissatisfaction of ukrainians, realizing that it is in the third year of a full-scale war and in the 11th year of a major war in general, it is... absolutely organic, that is why it is here only wishes for service of the security of ukraine, with a more careful look at such characters, and with people in general , there is less desire to be led by some emotional statements that give a feeling, you know , of such dissatisfaction, but do not give understanding, and what to do next with this and how it will solve the situation in general, well, that is, how can you win just by shouting about it? that something is not happening, well, that is, or repeating russian propaganda, thank you very much oksana moroz, be sure to visit her, watch her video, where all this is discussed in great detail, and we will meet you.
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with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats. mounts winds up kilometers of roads, fills the drains of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the army together. events: events happening right now that affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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see this week in the collaborators program. how did a pro-russian blogger spread fakes about ukraine? the technologies of the president's office are banal, and who in kherson organized
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the celebration in honor of the occupiers? russia is the motherland. greetings, i'm olena kononenko, and this is a collaborator program about traitors who went to serve the rashi occupiers at the behest of their hearts and wallets. our next issue is dedicated to making sure that none of the sellers who helped out were tools propaganda, surrendered our positions and welcomed the occupiers as liberators. did not avoid responsibility for treason, prepared fakes for kremlin media and spread disinformation about ukraine. the technologies of the office of the president are banal in their stupidity. so low-quality, the security service of ukraine recently detained blogger dmytro korniychuk in kyiv, it is reported that he denied the armed aggression of the russian federation and tried to discredit the command of the defense forces in favor of russia. he also spread disinformation about social and political issues situation in ukraine. law enforcement officers note that the blogger's posts and video comments were actively
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picked up by major russian tv channels and online publications, which created staged stories based on them. during. during searches , computers and mobile phones with evidence of his subversive activities were found in the possession of a pro-russian blogger. korniychuk has 26,000 subscribers on youtube and an audience of 5,500 on telegram. however, its content spread much wider and russia actively used it. now the non-doblogger faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property. this is serhiy mykolayovych cheravko, the former deputy mayor of kherson. and i will now tell you how he changed. his political career for a minor position with the occupiers, as well as suspicion, a sense of patriotism, a sense of love for his native land, and now unites both soldiers on the battlefield and people who help restore the economy and social sphere of new regions. serhiy, 49, is from kherson, he devoted almost his entire life to politics, since
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1998 he regularly ran for office. in 98'. and 2002 tried to get to kherson city council. in 2015, he became the deputy mayor of kherson and concurrently headed the regional organization of the kherson party. then he tweeted in ukrainian and took care of education issues for children who moved from the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region. there really is a problem of accommodation and provision of modern educational opportunities for children who came to us from luhansk and donetsk regions. later he forgot his native language, and began to call the occupied territories part of the great russian empire. cherovko in 2017 leaves the post of mayor and runs for the verkhovna rada from the opposition bloc party in the 19th, but does not pass. in 2020 , cherovko ran for the kherson city council, headed the list of volodymyr saldo's block, and
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again failed. i was lucky enough to sit down only in the chair of the deputy of the shipping council of the city of kherson. as. he takes care of the demographic problems of the region and the mass exodus of ukrainians from ukraine. the situation is catastrophic: in ukraine, for example, the birth rate has decreased by 40% over the last 10 years. and a few days before the full-scale invasion of the russian federation an interview is published on youtube channel lyubimy gorod, where cheravko convinces host yevhen brykov that there will be no war. as a lawsuit, that after february 24, these two will betray ukraine and begin to serve bloody murderers. serhii, well, now it is clear that everyone's attention is focused on only one question every day, whether we will have a war, i wish there was no war, of course. 99.9% won't, to everyone who bought buckwheat, matches, salt, etc., i recommend
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using them in cooking, for these traitors, murder and torture. the occupation of cities and villages became not a pain, but an opportunity, which they gladly took advantage of. our act, a meaningful act, definitely determines how we will build, with whom we will build our future. when the kherson region was occupied, cheravko joyfully went out to the russian soldiers on the main square of kherson with red flags of the ussr. at first, this traitor, together with gauleiter volodymyr saldo, participated in the creation of such a thing. rescue committee for peace and order. the purpose of this committee was cooperation with the occupation authorities and russia. the story about the creation of this commemorative committee was widely spread in the russian media in the masses the invaders appreciated such diligent work of the seller and gave him the position of deputy of the military civil administration of the region in the illegally created occupation body. russia is the motherland. people
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feel their personal involvement in the creation of history. we see how massively. citizens are drawn to the polling stations. when kherson was liberated, the traitor fled to the left bank kherson region together with other similar fertilizers. this enabled our law enforcement agencies to search his apartment. the sbi found documents and reports there about how the rashist pension system was created and the work of the post office was improved during the occupation. to this pile of symbols of the russian federation and the scenario of events for victory day and russia day. it's a pity that there wasn't a scenario before... the defeat and disappearance of the state, although we are writing it now with you. on october 19 , 2022, cherovko was placed on the nsdc's sanctions list by presidential decree, and at the end of the year , he was suspected of collaborating . each of us makes several important choices in life. and sergey his choice did now this pawn of the kremlin in the temporarily
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occupied genichesk inspects pharmacies, opens schools and hospitals, and organizes new activities to worship murderers. but he will not stay there for long, because soon the ssu will reach the left bank of the kherson region, and it is not a fact that cherovka will be able to escape again. sergey, are you there ? don't forget, because you still have to justify yourself to the judge, and then listen to the sentence, and hopefully it will be severe. and this is another traitor, only with two suspicions, serhii volodymyrovych mukhin, born in 1990 and originally from henichesk. terrified us all by the mass political inertia of our citizens. before his worthless collaborative life, he was involved in politics. he was an assistant to a deputy of the seventh convocation from the communist party. of olga mykhaylenko's party on public grounds in 2014 unsuccessfully ran for the verkhovna rada of ukraine from the already banned communist party, then in the 15th year he became
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a deputy of the heniche city council and the kherson regional council from the left opposition party. in 2020, at the local elections, from the same party, he was again elected to the heniche city council. you have one more chance to change something in our community for five years. after that. in november 21, he was the head of the henicheska municipal service of one of the communal enterprises and called for the active removal of garbage. when we start to find out where these spontaneous landfills come from, they somehow do not fly by themselves. but in two years he betrayed the local people, his voters, and his oath. when henichesk was under occupation, mukhin flew to the traitors like a fly to you know what. at first he became a representative'. ours is political from the first days, the team helps fighters in the area of ​​the special military operation, as
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well as the civilian population, which suffered at the hands of banderiv nazism. and then he received several more bonuses in the form of positions from the invaders. in march 22nd, he was made the head of the ribinspection of heniche district, and from november of the same year, he was also the chief specialist of the district. railway, sea and road transport under the occupation ministry of transport of the kherson region. we are one people, we have a common idea, and while our brothers are fighting on the front lines, valiantly and no less bravely. this fly diligently fulfills his duties, thanks russian soldiers, spreads kremlin propaganda, restores communist monuments and works on a common future with the under-state. for this, mukhin from our law enforcement agencies... has two suspicions: the first was announced to him for collaborative activity, and the second for public use of communist symbols. as it turned out, he was displaying a red flag in honor of
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the victory day parade organized by the occupiers. serhiy mukhin also has his own published video materials on social networks with propaganda of the totalitarian regime and the depiction of communist symbols. this case is already being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. we hope that soon he will get to muholovka and... properly serve 15 years for treason against ukraine. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin progenitors, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso. the search for 17-year-old student alina boshko, who mysteriously disappeared while on vacation with friends in the volyn
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region, has been going on for more than a month. the situation is really difficult, but we really hope that alina will be found and most importantly, that she is alive. so all this time the search did not stop, it continues and we are doing everything possible to help find alina. and above all, he asks for help. in search of the girl's mother, mrs. kateryna, it is even difficult to imagine what she felt and what she experienced in the time since her disappearance daughters i want to be helped, i don't believe that she is not among the living, she is alive, i want her to be found, i can't sleep or eat, i just don't live, i just exist. and i will remind you that alina bozhko disappeared on february 17, she was resting with friends. on a meadow near the village of ugrynichi, in the volyn region. around 2:00 p.m., the girl left for the forest, but did not return, she left her mobile phone in the car, so
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there is no connection. was absent with her, friends began to look for her, but, unfortunately, in vain, alina is nowhere to be found was, and this photo was taken a few hours before the girl's disappearance. every day , hundreds of people join the search, including law enforcement officers, rescuers, soldiers, border guards, concerned citizens, experts with quadcopters and dog handlers. the search area is constantly expanding, forest strips, bushes, coastal zones and swampy areas are surveyed. friends say it was her decision. they rested and she went in an unknown direction. then they got up and started looking for her. at the moment , we cannot put forward any other versions. we work precisely in the direction of search. we are working for the result and there will be no result yet. until we find the truth in this situation, we will work. and the search gave a certain result. i managed to find the girl's things. a wallet with an id-passport, a headband,
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and a coat. alina, it was lying in the forest 7 km from the place where the student was last seen. unfortunately, there are currently no more hints or information. at the same time, searchers and native girls do not lose hope and say that as long as there is even the smallest chance to find her, everything must be done for this possible. in turn, fellow villagers said that alina comes from a prosperous family, and in the educational institution where she studies, she was described as a very good and calm student. she did not have any conflicts in the group. she is a cheerful, cheerful girl, she went to classes. until the new year, she lived in our dormitory. alina followed the rules of residence and was always at classes. it is also known that in the summer of 2023 , alina's 20-year-old fiance died in the war with the russian invaders. after that, the girl returned to her studies and everything
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this time she was trying to recover. from such a loss. we really hope that alina is alive and that she will be found, and in turn we are doing everything we can for this. and the least you could do to help in this situation is to repost, share this video on your social networks. the more people see the information about the missing girl, the more chances there will be to find her. and of course, please take a close look at alina's face once more. she is 17 years old, of medium build, with blonde hair and green eyes. if you know, maybe something about alina boshko, don't delay and immediately call the hotline at 116.30. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. you can also write to us on the website or to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. and i want to note that there is no unimportant information in the search,
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any trifle, any. a detail can become crucial, so we really hope for your help, attention and concern, and please, again, please share this video. and finally, i also ask you to go to the website of the child tracing service. here you can to see photos of all the boys and girls we are currently trying to find. do not be indifferent, take just a few minutes of your time and look closely at the faces of these children. all of them... are missing, but with your help we can find them, if you know any information about any of them, immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls are free from all mobile operators in ukraine.
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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air in the studio. on break a 55-year-old woman died as a result of shelling in semenivka, chernihiv region. another person was injured. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. the russians hit the city center. about 10 private houses and other structures were damaged. and in sumy oblast , five energy workers came under enemy fire.


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