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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, in the broadcast of the news, khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. 55 years old. a woman died as a result of shelling in semenivka in chernihiv region, another person was injured. this was reported in the office of the prosecutor general. the russians hit the city center, damaged about 10 private houses and other objects. and in sumy oblast , energy workers came under enemy fire. five workers were repairing a power line damaged by a russian attack. at this time. the occupiers struck again
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blow, - the ministry of energy reported. fortunately, no one from the repair crew was injured. late in the evening, the russians attacked odeshchyna with kh-59 missiles, launching them from a tactical aircraft from the black sea. air defense forces destroyed two missiles over the sea, but there are hits on the open territory of the infrastructure object. damaged administrator. tive and technical facilities, people were not injured, the south's defense forces reported. damaged houses and enterprises , the occupiers continue to shell dnipropetrovsk region, four times with heavy artillery and drones hit nikopol, marganetska, mirivska and chervono-grygorivska communities seven times. an infrastructure object, a transport company, a house and a car in nivochyna. the premises of the agricultural company were occupied - the head of the region noted. serhiy lesak. russian
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terrorists also attacked the settlement of zelenotolsk community of kryvorizka district from a drone. cars and a non-residential building were damaged there. there are no casualties. they met in a supermarket with a summons. the employees of the solomyansk tsk tried to deliver a summons to the journalist yevgenia shulgati in a shopping center in the obolon district of kyiv. according to him. addressed by name and knew by face. yevgeny attributes the fact that the representatives of the tsc came to another district to journalistic activities, in particular to the investigation about the head of the cyber security department of the sbu, ilya vityuk, which came out on april 4. this has already been recorded by the prosecutor general's office as a criminal proceeding regarding abuse of office and abuse of power, no representative of... special services can
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to give instructions to the tsc, that is why the internal investigation is currently taking place both in the security service and in the land, we are very much waiting for the reaction of the head of the security service, as far as i know, it should be in the near future, but the key thing is that it is unacceptable to draw a conclusion in ukraine, unacceptable pressure on journalists and the use of mobilization in this. process only discredits both the government and the very process, unfortunately, of mobilization. without demobilization. the parliamentary committee on national security and defense recommended that the verkhovna rada approve the draft law on mobilization deputies will consider it today in the second reading. the regulations on demobilization and rotation of the military were removed from the document. only those who returned from captivity or received
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disability - people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko reported. the draft law also provides that men will be able to receive consular services abroad only with a military registration document. in addition, at the request of the tsc, the rights of conscripts to drive a car can be restricted, and men with the second and third groups disabilities must undergo a repeated medical examination. steps to support. ukraine agreed. to start negotiations on security guarantees with portugal, this was discussed during an online meeting by the head of the president's office ihor zhovkva and diplomatic adviser to the prime minister of portugal georges moteiro, the president's office informs: they also discussed the situation at the front and the help that the country can provide armed forces of ukraine. robotic surgery is no longer a fantasy, but a reality. american apparatus. others allow you to reduce time
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recovery of the patient and reduce the risk of infection and blood loss. our correspondents will tell how doctors operate side by side with robots. lyubov prokopenko from cherkasy region. the woman had achalasia from the gastrointestinal tract. this ailment prevents swallowing and causes discomfort in the stomach. cherkasy doctors could not cure a rare disease, so lyubov turned to lviv specialists. in october 2023 , the patient was operated on with the help of the robotic surgeon davinshi. the operation was over, i didn't even have time to feel all that fear there training as. everything was very quick, well , the operation was also quick, the recovery was generally very, very cool, everything went easily and recovered, now five months have passed exactly, and i already feel very well , for the first time in ukraine, a robotic
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surgery was performed in 2019 year, the da vinci machine was purchased by the vinnytsia private clinic, thanks to which it is possible to carry out surgical ... interventions that are beyond the power of a person on their own. these operations are less traumatic, less blood loss, less tissue damage, greater advantages in terms of - surgery itself, in terms of patient safety, both oncological safety and general safety, and the results are very comforting to us that the patient is rehabilitated faster after such operations and can go home faster, it's already great. the davinci medical device is four years old. to which the instruments are attached, the operation is performed by a surgeon who controls the robot via the control panel, the doctor's eyes, a special 3d camera inserted into the patient's body. the da vinci robotic system consists of three main components: the surgeon's console, where it is located the surgeon during the operation of the patient's console, which
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is located near the operating table and the console, which connects the information to the output on the screen. learning on the devinge robotic system requires some. time, initially there is a learning curve from 20 to 50 simulator operations. in the first medical association of lviv , surgeons operate with the help of robots on adult patients since 2020. in february of this year, benefactors presented doctors with a devinch device, which is used for children's operations. since the beginning of the era of robotic surgery in our clinic, we have conducted 42 operations for children. at first it was children. teenagers, older children, it has to do with our learning curve, we had to, well, in a word, improve, learn, and after overcoming that learning curve, we started to qualify smaller children for surgery and the smallest child who is operated on to our clinic, it is 9 months.
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surgeons call robotic operations a breakthrough in domestic medicine, in the first medical association of lviv they plan to operate on newborn children with developmental disabilities. the number of such patients will increase, which will lead to high-quality care and correspondingly good, good clinical effect. robotic surgery in ukraine, it only has its installation. there are only five devinci surgeons in ukraine, in lviv, vinnytsia and dnipro. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. real heroes. battles in the eastern direction give us the opportunity to live, work and study, they in these, they in these moments in battle will choose our life in the rear and the independence of our country. please support the collection for the intelligence unit of the third regiment, forces of a special operation, the military needs
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walkie-talkies and armor plates. our goal is uah 720,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. look for more news on our youtube and be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. and i conclude with this. next issue on the air, welcome my colleague roman chayko, don't switch, stay with the team espresso.
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good morning, here's the news, let's get up at this o'clock in the morning, although explosions were heard both in zaporizhzhia and in odesa, we'll find out if it's the work of air defense or if something has arrived, but this morning we can calmly start and from the news where it has already been confirmed about certain counteroffensives in the krymina area and the armed forces of ukraine are recapturing and pushing back rusnia, so there is a little bit of other news today, and on the occasion of such pleasant news, i want to call on you to also help us gather together with the ua base to oppose this public organization we assemble fpv drones, these are kamikaze strike drones for the 93rd. of the kholodny yar brigade and for the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, as you can see, there are two qr codes, above them are the numbers of two
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cards, as they say, there are no small donations, 10 hryvnias there, 10 there, from each of the community, and we we will quickly close the collection of 2 million, because these are those fpv drones that are already ready for combat missions, and it won't be long, probably with an answer from our defenders, because usually they are still equipped with a camera, so you can do well. and see later on the video reports, how worked out every hryvnia of yours to protect our common victory, well, in the meantime, we are starting to collect for you, as we do every morning , reports for the end of the day, for the night from different regions, and we will start with dnipropetrovsk region, nikopol district council, acting chairman dmytro bochkov, you are already in touch with us, good morning, glory to ukraine, good. morning, glory to the heroes, well, for you, this is the traditional option, the sun has risen, we are summing up the shelling, this is how
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it looked at the end of the day, calm down, or did they also burst? well, unfortunately, this is not the case differs from other days that have been going on for a long time, when these shellings destroy the economy and intimidate people, kill, injure people, that is, in principle... the ordinary nikopol district experiences the same days, the same nights, nights and days with shelling, with an attack on civilian infrastructure, that is, this is a kind of terror that has been going on for a long time, but we are very grateful to all the people of nikopol, who are residents of our district, who continue to live, work, support the economy, support the armed forces of ukraine, to maintain the vital activity of the communal infrastructure, therefore, in principle, these, this night and... and the previous day, well, in principle, it was no different from what it always is, well
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, if you look even just at the extreme reports from the head of the regional military administration, well he says: here is an infrastructure object, a transport company, a private house, a car, and they also destroyed an agricultural company, that is, if it is put together like this, stone by stone, that is, the housewife still works despite such terrorist attacks on the household. objects? yes, well, we are ukrainians, i think that we adapt to these realities and continue to improve our garden, let's say that today we need to plant appropriate seedlings and everything else, that is, these are ukrainians as well, we continue to adapt and live and continue to develop their gardens, business, and, accordingly, infrastructure, so we are certainly grateful to all those who... no matter what, all those people continue to live, work to support the economy, even in
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such difficult times and support the armed forces of ukraine, and i can say that, of course, i always talk about the fact that the large number of people who remain in the territory of the nikopol district, a certain part of them return, this is exactly what we are so sure of today in the support of the armed forces of ukraine and protection the territory of the nikopol district, despite the corresponding shelling that is taking place, that people continue, continue to live and plan relevant actions in the territory of our district, well, i understand that it is almost like in our national joke, a war is a war, and you need to dig a garden, but for example, the day before yesterday, this combined attack by fp drones and artillery, that is, there was damage, how quickly is time, let's say this, mutilated houses, that's all it helped... people, because i understand that one there is some small damage to some private
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household, and when it is already houses, glass, windows, everything, is it possible to react quickly, at least to glaze or close it? yes, i can say that the employees of utility companies, employees of critical infrastructure provide quite quickly appropriate assistance to people without a roof over their heads, we can say, of course, that this is already an alternative way. there is help, people don't have any left, so i can say that it is support from local self-government bodies, state authorities, and communal enterprises, it goes on all the time, it is allocated by the relevant ones. there are budget funds for people to help accordingly, mr. dmytro, and there are enough materials for it, because it is constant, but if you take binoculars and look across the dnieper, what is on the other side of the river, because they are shooting from there, well, from that side, where from the dnikopol district 5-7 km to
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those terrorists, murderers, who seized the zaporizhia nuclear power station, made a military... logistics headquarters there, dug trenches around it, took away the houses of the residents of ukraine and built military facilities there, in in principle, everything is the same, relevant military objects are dug up, from there attacks are made on civilian civilians, critical and simply economic infrastructure in the nikopol district, accordingly, everything is the same there, that is, people there live by war... murderers, who captured, and they will continue to do so in the territory of the nikopol district, but of course there are a large number of people who are simply, unfortunately, in captivity, actual, one can say, simply because they were captured by these enemies, let's say so, and of course life from what we hear and from what we see,
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freedom, democracy, certain economic moments are curtailing there, because there people came... came to do something completely different, they came to do war. well, for you, mr. dmytro, it turns out that there are 7 km in binoculars and it is practically a daily repetition of les poderevyanskyi's play, who is the pope on the other side? do you remember katsapa's play, well, on that bank of katsapa, somewhere it looks like in poderevyanskyi, i wanted to talk about one more high-profile event, but let's put it this way, in the region this person is known to everyone and it was considered that it was enough stands powerfully and... as they say, and nothing threatens her, but i am here about fresh things from nabu, the national anti-corruption bureau, searches of the ex-head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration valentyn reznichenko conducted, and let me remind you, there was a fitness trainer, such a nice friend of his, who had a company, and suddenly
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this company received 1.5 billion hryvnias from the budget for road repairs, there was such a high-profile event, now searches - what 's next? well, i think that this is more of a question for law enforcement agencies, which are always working today, and we always talk about the fact that we would like all these actions of the relevant law enforcement agencies to comply with, well, the criminal code and be honest and fair , so of course it will be accordingly, because today any person today may not be immune from such a check, especially in the conditions. check, you probably remember this video, when our colleagues from the investigation scheme did this satellite for a billion, here the truth turned out to be one and a half, well, something is changing, well , let's say so, our country can change and win exactly when each of us will change, you, me, a person who works in
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any state institution, in the communal sphere, who will simply answer and live according to the law. which will understand the logistics of these things, that are taking place, that today in the conditions of war, corresponding wages, bonuses, reforms, and changes in the strategy of using the local budget in priority directions, that today the priorities are the armed forces, support of people, support of communal infrastructure, this is the most important task, in my opinion, of each a person who holds any position in the country, that is, it is not necessary to wait for the end of the war today to change what needs to be done. now we can say that in local self-government bodies, we, well of course, we observe different territories throughout the territory, in any country, someone adapts to what you say and does what needs to be done so that local budgets help the armed forces and people as much as possible , someone lives simply as usual, expecting that nothing will change,
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the war, the victory will be at the expense of the armed forces, but the armed forces need the corresponding reforms. and corresponding actions in any person, in any position. i agree, this is exactly what our defenders stand for on the front line. mr. dmytro, be safe as much as you can wish for to you, this, understanding the realities of a safe day for you, today. dmytro bochkov, acting as the head of the nikopol district council, about nikopol, who can observe the enemy with binoculars, who captured zaporizhzhya atomka and is shelling the nikopol district community all the time, which still cares. spring gardens, well , let me remind you of this high-profile case in two words, this is such a strange company that i am investing in ... such a powerlifting athlete, a friend of riznychenko, they posted a lot of posts, photos from their travels, but half of the company is registered for it and 1.5 billion went there, and the other
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half of this company, which is developing billions during an active war, budget funds are connected with businessmen, the dubinsky brothers, this is, well, so that you understand, this in the united states, they are wanted on suspicion of financial fraud. these are such interesting realities, this is where the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine started its work, may god give you health and success. well, the other day we showed you materials about the deriban of the land, the ministry of defense, next to the central market of bila tserkva, remember? the number of persons involved in the fraud was striking, as well as how bureaucratic is the system of returning an investment-attractive plot to state ownership. let's look at the second part of our correspondent's investigation. in the previous story, we told how in the center of the white church on the lands of the ministry of defense,
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instead of housing for the military, a market still operates. criminal proceedings have been opened regarding frauds involving more than one hectare. this was confirmed to us by the state audit service and the sbu. and the ministry of defense assured us that they are studying the information and analyzing the economic materials. case, it turns out that 13 years ago, the ministry applied to the court to invalidate land lease contracts and to install servitunolit huts, they demanded to vacate the plot and collect funds from the society, but the court decided that it was not necessary to do this. representatives of the kumip state enterprise are aware of the situation that has developed in the above-mentioned legal relationship and have repeatedly conducted an inspection of the specified land plot, by decision of the economic the court of the kyiv region on april 15 , 2011, the claim was refused, the appeal of the deputy military
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prosecutor of the bilotserki garrison was dismissed, the decision of the commercial court remained unchanged, the decision entered into force. i would like to remind you that the state-owned enterprise concluded the relevant contract with the company in 2006 for a quarter of a century, it... we were given a copy and according to it, the payment of land tax is 1% of the monetary value, and at that time it amounted to more than uah 2,300, i.e. the tenant had to pay 23 thousand every month. the rights of the land user: to use the land plot for its intended purpose, to erect buildings in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of ukraine, to transfer the constructed buildings for rent independently. manage the land. all structures built on the land plot during the established term of the land easement contract are the property of the land user. the land acquirer has
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the first right to buy back the land plot in the event of its sale. changing the terms of the contract and terminating it before the end of its term actions are possible with the written consent of the parties. early unilateral termination of the contract is possible only by court decision, changes in legislation and. regulatory documents limiting the modes of activity of the parties, the darnytsia specialized prosecutor's office in the field of defense of the central region provides procedural guidance in criminal proceedings, however, there, instead of answering our questions, they outlined the functions of their work, and in the letter , the prosecutors were silent on whether they went directly to place and whether questioned representatives of kumib, monolith buddha. and others. question: why? a copy of the audit report dated january 8, 2024, on the results of
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the state financial audit of the state enterprise of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kyiv department of mechanization and construction, was received from the northern office of the state audit service. for the period from january 1, 2020 to june 30, 2023 and attached to the materials of the specified criminal proceedings for verification. the circumstances described in it. written comments were provided in the state the kumip enterprise, which became the legal successor of the bilotserk military construction works department. in 2006, it was in the person of volodymyr yarmulenko that it concluded the corresponding contract for the establishment of a land easement with monolit bud. so kumiba noted that the document is currently valid. payment is made monthly to their account. in particular, from january 2023 to march 2024, land users paid more than uah 407, but how much did they receive
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in total. since 2006, the state-owned enterprise has not had such information. as of march 14, 2024 , an additional agreement to the land easement agreement was concluded between se mouk kumip and tovbf monolit-bout, which revised the amount of the fee , taking into account the current regulatory monetary assessment of uah 6,205,744. debt 55. uah 1,905, then vbf monolit budt recognized the existing debt and undertook to pay it off in the near future. the management of dp moukumi supports in every possible way all investigations into illegal actions, both of the former management, and actions that harmed the interests of dp mou kumip and the state in general. in the next one in the second part, we will hear the position of representatives of monolit but co. and independent human rights defenders, who will reveal others, no
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less interesting. details of land development along khrustalenka street. yaroslav hopatsa, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. is the world ready to stop russia? will ukraine have us support? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak. a strong enemy. diary of igor yukhnovsky. how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of loved ones presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team
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