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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club. every saturday at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more tops. guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. good morning to everyone from espresso, don't forget, dear lord, to donate, any donation. on fp drones, this is for our
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joint protection, because as you will see the qr codes and these card numbers above them, this is for two brigades, we are gathering and we urge you to do it as strongly as you can, because the community is a force, well in the meantime, we are gathering information for you and we already have confirmation from the south's defense forces today odessa was attacked during the night and in the morning, it was empty. two missiles, probably kh-59 and from a tactical aviation plane, managed to shoot them down, but there is a hit in the administrative building of an infrastructure facility in poltava region, in poltava region, excuse me, in odesa region, because actually there were also shaheds, as usual, every night too from the south, the agency already confirms that 14 of those 17 uavs were destroyed by the forces. defense, well, but as
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you can see, three somehow got somewhere, maybe these destructions are connected with it, by the way, in order not to miss all the important news, it is enough to click once and subscribe to the youtube channel, because wherever you are, our youtube channel will be with you 24 hours a day, where all these facts, videos, and the most important thing will be in your gadget in your pocket on the espresso youtube channel you know nothing about... to bark and not miss a day, by the way, yesterday, to these installations, which we have seen since childhood in various hollywood films, this is me about the hawk air defense system, these are such missiles, but for those hawks, the usa urgently announced an emergency sale of components and missiles and everything else for 138 million dollars, in fact, this is a quick decision now for...
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defense of the sky due to the fact that the number of guided air bombs and other things that need to be shot down in one way or another is increasing every day, here is how it happens, in particular in a very hot area, it would seem, in the rear, and not of the front, that is, i am talking about kharkiv oblast, we will now speak with a volunteer and head of the east-west humanitarian hub, oleksandr yalovol, in contact with us, mr. oleksandr, glory of ukraine. glory to the heroes, good morning to all, well, we understand that kharkiv is now an idea fix for the russian-fascist the occupiers, that is, they have not been openly talking about it for several weeks in a row, just from morning to night, about the fact that kharkiv should be bombed and cleaned in such a way that the people there would pick up sticks and simply go to report, so that the city would become a deserted zone, on... how many
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of their words do they manage to implement, we see that there are aerial bombs, in addition to shelling, as was usual with s-300 missiles, now bombs are added, how critical destruction is it, it is not critical destruction, that is, to intimidate like that, but to destroy the city, well, it is unrealistic with the means they have, and in principle, the majority of kharkiv residents understand this, so there is no big... outflow, of course, it causes tension in people, some are more afraid, especially those who have children here, then of course it is difficult for them, but well, this night was a miracle quiet, er, but yesterday there was a flight almost to the center of kharkiv on a civilian enterprise, there are three victims, but such that... maybe
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there are even four more dead, yes, because of yesterday's bombardment, i know about three victims, i did not hear to be honest, there are four of the dead, four already says terekho. it is not any enterprises of the military-industrial complex, they are targeting them, respectively, well, this is the thought in their head, and someone will probably still indicate exactly whether they take the coordinates of such enterprises from open data, well, i think that is the question rather to our... counterintelligence agencies, but there is regularly information over the city very often when their reconnaissance drones are over the city, and unfortunately, the air defense means that are available do not allow them to be shot down, they are at
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a high altitude, where they only get uh, well powerful systems, and it is impossible to remove them from manpads, solutions are needed here, it is necessary... to strengthen air defense, which everyone is talking about, and this is not only the air defense that can shoot down ballistics, but also the air defense that will be able to drive away intelligence from kharkiv drones, and will be able to drive the russian aviation away from kharkiv, and again , the reb system is also important here, well, in this case, in this case, it cannot be such a quick solution. accordingly, how fast is the reaction now from the point of view of danger there, i.e. how fast is the kharkiv metro, let's say, is involved in protection in this regard, because we saw a story a few days ago, when
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the alarm actually sounds, explosions are heard, and people continue to walk, because it is a beautiful spring, but to what extent does the kharkiv metro fulfill its protective function? well, this is a familiar situation for kharkiv, a very familiar situation for kharkiv, not to react even when there is shelling, they understood that this is not the case, if a person understands that there are no objects near him that could be targets, and people actually do not they do not react, this is the majority of kharkiv residents, yes, of course, this is unacceptable from the point of view of safety, security... however , people are already so used to it that they don't react, of course, it exposes people to danger, of course you have to react, well, i 'll tell you that these short shots from kharkov are about the spring ee promenades under
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shelling, when i showed my colleagues from abroad, they were shocked, they were speechless, and for them the sound was only an air alarm, it was already a panic attack, and i also want to... one moment we see that one way or another, the arrangement of the second and third lines of defense continues everywhere, but in some in the regions, they tell us what it is, well , they dug something, well, they put something there, they covered it with two wooden boards , they strengthened something and such a formality, in some regions they criticize the quality of the arrangement of the defense line, like the one around kharkiv? well , i know for sure that there is a defense line around kharkiv, because on our trips, when we came to evacuate the border areas to bring in people, when we go to our military, we see these lines, we see that they are being built , however, as far as they
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are high-quality, as far as they comply with the norms, well, i can't say here, because it's a military facility, of course, i haven't been to them, well, it's clear, the lines, well, we see that they exist, these lines of work continue, that is, we also see the equipment that works, we see and equipped with some kind of dragon's teeth, we see rows of trenches, but i can't say how well they are equipped and how much they are brought to one hundred percent readiness, well, as the kharkiv man told me yesterday... the teeth will break, they are against our dragon's teeth and kharkiv , and mr. oleksandr, thank you for being with the espress viewers in the morning, oleksandr yalovul, volunteer, the head of the humanitarian hub east-west about the situation in kharkiv and around the city. well, we
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will continue to tell you incredible stories, in particular, recently we said that tccs often work. precisely on our veterans who have experience of military actions, therefore they are exposed to some scandalous history, these are rather exceptions, but after a serious injury and after a fish. still returned to the army and we will tell you about pavel buchko, he currently serves in the lviv territorial supply center, because even during rehabilitation wants to help protect the homeland, so he told his story to our khrystyna parubiy. the match carpathians-mariupol, the first strike is made by the military of the armed forces of ukraine, pavlo bochko.
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my husband works in the lviv territorial center of procurement, entered the service after a serious injury and long-term rehabilitation, he could not move his arm at all, it was in mykolaiv that i had an operation there, then in odessa, from odessa i already moved to lviv, and here in lviv to ... there were many more operations, a neurostimulator was sewn into me, because in all my nerves were, as if damaged, muscles, nerves, and what muscles were cut, because they had already rotted, you can say, well, i'm still going to rehabilitation, i'm still working out with that hand, but it's already getting better , pavlo bochko went to war back in 2015, voluntarily, defending the homeland of the whole family. my husband's father and brother also joined the army, he immediately got into the 28th separate
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mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, went through training, became a sapper scout and went to the front. we did not sit on one point, because they are like engineering troops, they are constantly on the move, they do not sit still, we visited both the donetsk region and the luhansk region, where we were sent, and the tasks were simple, either demining or replacing them. that is, they gave you some territory there and you went , removed either stretchers or anti-tank mines, there were also such mines that sometimes they put secret mines under the mine and stuffed them, grenades, this is very difficult for a sapper, because you have to know how to do it and you have to be patient and not be afraid , all the first things are needed. a year later, pavlo bochko returned to civil life but he understood that when russia launches a full-scale invasion, the ranks of the
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ukrainian armed forces will have to be replenished again. and so it happened, on february 24, 2022 , the man was in the army, now in the 24th royal brigade. of course, they threw it at zero right away, because we are infantry. the infantry does not sit in the back like that. they bathed, were immediately in the first, on the first day they were already injured. well , we held out until the end, we were changed, then we moved again, well, we moved like that, three positions each, compare with the 15th year and the 22nd, these are completely different things, there was silence in in the 15th year, when there were skirmishes, and here they were constantly, constantly, and every day, all day, all night, you... had the right to even climb out of the trench, put your head out,
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drones are flying over you, very colossal, i already i saw what war is like, i was wounded in the kherson region, it was a nameless village, we went there, everything was already broken, scattered, it was set for us. the task of holding that village, but if there was support, but it was not done, because planes were flying there, tanks came at night, in the middle of the day, drones fly constantly, and it was so difficult to hold those positions, well, we held on, we were told to stay there for three days and four days, we were there until the end, and it was like that, i had a point... keep the road, keep our position, but they came from the other side and i
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had to run a little closer to mine in order to find out what was there, how there was, what the situation was and what my further actions were, and that was the period when i was running over, i don’t know why, i was a fragment , however, i only heard an explosion, i fell, got up, looked at the early. immediately ran away to the nearest one dug in and there i was already giving myself medical help, i ran for about an hour or two in... here in this field near that village, i already saw that they were there, and they were on that side, and they were on that side, i have nowhere to go, only to run to my relatives, they already ran up to me there, my boys already ran, looked, provided medical aid, then contacted the commander, the commander said that there will be no evacuation for the time being, because it is very difficult for them to go
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there, battles are going on, serious battles are going on, it is very difficult for them to go there, to get there, for now there will be no evacuation... there won’t be any, well, i waited all day until the evening, already in the evening the situation became a little easier, there were a lot of wounded among us, there wasn’t even any room, so i already climbed on top of the armor, because it was already inside there was space, yes evacuation, that is, in the middle of the night we were already being taken to where they were being taken, well, it was driving without headlights, and i couldn't see that much, the only thing i know is that they crossed the river and that's it... the medics already took me away. pavel was in danger of amputation, but the doctors performed a miracle. the defender managed to save his hand. until rehabilitation is still ongoing, the man wants to help the army, so he serves in the territorial recruitment center. well, actually there are injured people working there and a lot of injured people. guys who have already been there, who have seen there, don't want to work there, they
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want to go to the front. i know many such guys who want to continue there to the front. but i don’t have the opportunity, well, they can’t , very big wounds, it’s necessary for ukraine, for our state, for integrity, sovereignty, you, you live in it, you live in it, you don’t need it from here, it’s ours land, and the occupier must be expelled from our land. khrystyna porubiy, volodymyr studenny, espresso tv channel. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah,
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events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but little is known, what is happening must be understood. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect own the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, winds kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who
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cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we are coming back, thank you, that with espresso we have already from there in the last day, 83 combat clashes on the front line, and at the same time , the hottest is the bakhmut direction. 29 enemy attacks were repulsed and no fewer than 28 actual attacks from novopavlivskyi using as even heavy equipment, this is what the front line looks like, well, now we will also talk about what the right bank looks like, from which from the left bank, well, let's say,
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all the shells arrive in a matter of seconds, in 3 seconds, we will talk about this district of novaya kakhovka with the mayor of novaya kakhovka , volodymyr kovalenko, in connection with us, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory to the heroes. i see that actually on the left bank, that is from novaya kakhovka and to the south, such a number is concentrated there russian units, it's even difficult to list them, that is, there are a lot of enemy units, because right next to it, the krynkas are going further, and here is this entire bridgehead on the left bank, how they are now raging in the area of ​​novaya kakhovka, where everything has been destroyed, and they continue to beat there. along boryslav, along kozatsky, or did they concentrate mainly on the bridgehead? the fact is that indeed, krynyk is on
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the border, it is precisely the first settlement of the next district, and by the way, one skrynok street belongs to the novokakhovsk community, and therefore, the absolute majority of the world is concentrated, of course, around this island of will, freedom and hope, which... all the inhabitants of the left bank are given by the armed forces of ukraine located there, and the absolute majority of both technical means and military, and across the road, literally, these are the forest massif, they are there, in the surrounding villages, and the shelling is mainly carried out exactly, as you know, how the crows have surrounded this bridgehead from all sides and there and there is mainly shelling, but this does not mean that the right bank is calm, especially ... that two settlements cossack vesla is also our community, just across the hes bridge, on the right side there were, well, you can conditionally call these already
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populated areas, they are 95% destroyed, so, and next to it is boryslav, novy boryslav, so from the right side there is shelling, but not from the new kakhovka itself, because the technical means, they are there at a distance of 5-10 km towards the crimea and are located in such settlements as obryvka, maslovki, topolivka, chernyanka, and the report says that there is shelling, nova kakhovka, sky completely covered by drones, even the residents there today warn each other what is superfluous for once, don't go outside, because there may be a flight and it will be difficult for ordinary citizens, those who stayed there, to understand what kind of drones they are, but as one aunt, volodymyr ivanovych, says. these black crows, she says, keep flying through our village and towards the wells, she means, two-meter wingspan, well, she does not know the name of these drones, but the sky is constantly
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covered with drones, as they say, this is the situation today over the city itself and over the rural settlements of our community. mr. volodymyr, today you, or rather yesterday evening, began to spread different publics of the video, it was allegedly taken at the moment when the novaya kakhovka dam bridge was torn off, we want to show it to our viewers, and you tell us if it is really this video, because in the era of deep fakes, any video is possible for something let me know, this is in a video that is circulating on the internet, is it actually the novokakhovskaya dam, mr. volodymyr, tell us, yes, i will tell you, i have this video from a long time ago, i have it. someone relaunched it , this is the explosion that was recorded, it is most likely the first three flights that were long before the explosion on kakhovsky. hes is
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the entrance from the side of kozatske settlement, and there is, well, where sandor is located, and it is precisely the bridge, the entrance was destroyed there in the first place, and two spans were destroyed there, they are an explosion shown from this side, from side of the sluice, from the left bank, this is the bridge that went to the dam, right, this is the bridge that, yes, that went, no, you are already there on... on the dam and on the coastal part of the right bank, this is the village of kozatske in drive, but this explosion is shown from the side from the left side, just like that from the side of the airlocks pokakhovka, that is, shooting from the left bank, of course, but there was such a moment, first there was a spring flood, and we were shown unexpected footage, when we say so,
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the water began to arrive, but then... we asked the locals and ecologists also made public a large the amount of the kakhovsky reservoir turns out to be overgrown and especially verbose, how does this whole area down from the dam look now, the fact is that the new kakhovka itself is within the boundaries of that dnieper, because near the new kakhovka the dnieper had its historical banks, and above the dam is there tavriysk sedge, ermine, sedge, yes, a really large part of it is overgrown with verbulus, reeds, and the dnieper over there, from the left to the right bank, is for kilometers, it changes its course, there is only one problem, the groundwater level has dropped so much that today in settlements such as cairo, lyubimivka. people don't know,
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they are currently collecting funds to go down there to a depth of 10-20 m deeper, so that there is water, the water level has fallen even today, and without water there is no life on the left bank, there will be nothing, no vegetable garden, that's why situation, mr. volodymyr, the water in the wells disappeared, and the water in the wells also disappeared, people had wells, there were water pumps, but the height of 16 m 40 cm, which was held by the kakhovskaya kes, the height of the water in the kakhovsky reservoir is no longer there, so today day, well , my conversation was literally yesterday, there were up to 15 cottage cooperatives around nova kakhovka, today there is no water there, there is no water there, there is no light and there are no people, and there the main condition today is to survive somehow, and these are usually private farms , as they say
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commodity exchange. of all that you grow, today people are fighting, this is the biggest, bigger problem, nothing is watered, the left bank without irrigation is a dead bank, ugh, in this case, as you can see, in the future you will still have to restore dam and save the left bank in this way, there is no other option, you know, i have an acquaintance there who is a soil scientist, because the expedition was hydro-remedial, especially in our... well, in tavriysk, this once belonged to our city settlement, and this expedition was just right to study these problems, if there is no water today, it will still drag sivazhsk water with it, and the salinity of the soil will be after a certain number of years, the soil will become, may become unusable for agricultural use, can the fertile soil move to solonchaky? mr. volodymyr, news time is approaching, i
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have to give the floor to my colleagues. but i am very grateful to you for being with the viewers of espresso, it was the mayor of novokakhovka, volodymyr kovalenko, about the realities of life after the terrorist act of undermining novokakhovka dams khrystyna parobiy, i will give the floor, because the team of espresso journalists has already prepared the news for this hour. christina, you have a word. congratulations, roman, thank you , i will tell about the work of our defenders of the sky tonight in the release, as well as about the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. khrystyna parubiy works in the tespresso news studio. at night, the russian invaders again attacked ukraine with drones. 17 shaheds were released. our air defense forces'.


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