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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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serhii sgurets, director of the information consulting company defense express, was with us at this hour. and the ninth approached. this is the whole country. a minute of silence remembers all those who died in the russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. and unleashed by russia.
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on the calendar, april 10, see the freedom of the morning, i am oleg galiv, i congratulate you, and today we will discuss, in particular, the following. parliamentary committee on national issues. security of defense and intelligence excluded the provisions on demobilization and rotation of servicemen from the government bill on mobilization, which is being prepared for the second reading, and as a number of media write and deputies confirm, this was done at the request of commander-in-chief syrskyi. a detailed analysis of the norms of the draft law, as well as the terms of its adoption, follows. due to shelling by russian troops on the outskirts of sloviansk, in donetsk region, three people were injured, in the regional administration due to difficult security.
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situation, residents of the region are reminded about the need for evacuation. the american congress has not been able to pass a document on financing for ukraine for six months. president zelenskyy declares that ukraine may lose the war because of this, and european politicians plan to personally convince american lawmakers to help kyiv. what are the chances that a positive decision will be made, and most importantly , when? each of your favorites is a plus in the treasury of the ukrainian speaker. so i invite you to subscribe. russian troops shelled several places in donetsk region in one day. for the first time "slovyansk was under shelling for a long time in the afternoon," said the head of the city's military administration, vadym lyakh. three people who were on the street were injured. shells hit the industrial zone. on the same day, russian troops bombarded kostyantynivka. one dead person and two wounded were officially reported. 27 private and three high-rise buildings were damaged.
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a woman and a child could also remain under the rubble, but the rescuers were forced to interrupt the search due to the threat of a second strike, our correspondent, who was at place with s-300 missiles, the russian army also hit the town of druzhkivka. there were two hits in the building of the local children's boarding school. damaged nearby houses did not report any casualties. a year ago, this building was already hit with rockets, reports our correspondent in donetsk region, serhiy horbatenko. in these minutes , polo dyachenko, acting head of the communication department of the police of the donetsk region, joins svoboda ranok broadcast. my greetings to you. welcome to the studio. according to preliminary data yesterday, the russian military probably dropped a k-500 guided aerial bomb on kostiantynka, actually under the rubble. as of yesterday, there was information that two more people were allegedly under the rubble of one of the houses, it was about a woman and a child, what is known about their fate as of this morning? well, during the days of kostyantynuk. was hit three times,
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one hit was exactly what you say, yes indeed, at the moment we have information about one dead and two wounded, and as of this morning, work is still ongoing, because there is information that under a woman and a child may be in the rubble, and also at night, according to preliminary information, the enemy hit the city with a guided aerial bomb ... so far, no information has been received about the victims, but there are numerous ruins, a church, trade pavilions, residential buildings, investigators continue to work on the spot and record the consequences of this strike, and slovyansk also repeatedly suffered from strikes, both infrastructure objects were hit, and cluster bombs were also struck. passes,
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people were civilians in the open a plot, a plot of land, and therefore three people, this is the information that is available at the present time, received. injuries, they were just on the street and people were injured and taken to medical facilities. mr. pavle, if we stop at kostyantynivka, let us give more details, that is , the information that there may be a woman and a child under the rubble, as was the case yesterday, this is preliminary information, is there already any confirmation that they were, for example, in this house, when was the shelling? well, this is preliminary information, i.e. when it is held inspection, the place of the event, the circumstances are clarified, even those... moments, codes, when someone could visit someone there, or people can temporarily live there, and all this information is collected, quickly collected, quickly analyzed, and that's it well , there are such results, well, it is possible that we will hope that everything will be fine, these rubbles will be disassembled there and we
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will not find them, they will be alive, however, this is all after the examination, and please explain further, these rubbles still cannot to sort out because it is a huge pile, actually a big one there was a building, that's why there are so many of these rubbles, or is it because the search is forced to stop and the demolition of the rubble due to constant shelling and alarm signals, and it is being done, yesterday it was stopped, yesterday it was stopped, the search was stopped, because there was a threat of repeated strikes, well this, well, this is a very insidious action of the enemy, when we see... they repeatedly hit even on, this does not apply to donetsk region, on other cities, when the rescue services arrive, and only then after a while there they strike again at the same thing the same place, and this testifies to
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the insidiousness of the enemy, it’s like that, yes, first of all, it doesn’t make it possible to carry out a normal analysis of the rubble, and if people are there, they need to get to the edge, they need help, there is a possibility of them... still alive, that is, everything moves in the time interval, and the chances become less and less. a very short summary, regarding the evacuation, the regional military administration constantly emphasizes the need for evacuation, if there is such an opportunity, how often do people turn to you, as law enforcement officers, with a request that you help with this evacuation, or do you notice a possible increase in the number of those who want to leave the region? well, evacuation processes are ongoing in our country, on a permanent basis in the territory of the donetsk region there are five white angel police crews, very powerful work is deployed in this direction, together with the military administrations, together with the state emergency service, that is, these crews are not only police , the volunteer movement is also actively working in donetsk region, that's how people apply, the increase, well, at the moment
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there is no such thing as a big enough one, but it all depends on the activity of hostilities in whether another settlement, if there is shelling, we now take into account the settlements that are located directly on the front line, that is, the situation there is extremely difficult, screaming and shelling, well, we take people out, they say that, well, that's all it 's been 20 minutes there , it's not even clear to them that there's some shelter there, but the russians are firing almost 24 hours a day, firing artillery, mortars, whatever they can, it's on the front-line territory, thank you, mr. pavle, for joining us. pavlo dyachenko, temporarily acting as head of the department communications of the police of donetsk region, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the shelling of donetsk region the day before, and in kostyantynivka, in particular , a mother and a child, a woman and a child may still be under the rubble, the search is ongoing. well, ukraine has a plan for a new
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counteroffensive, but it needs weapons from its partners to implement it. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi told the german publication "bilt" about it. the west, zelenskyi says, in contrast to russia, possesses " modern weapons systems that can be decisive for victory. zelenskyi does not rule out a major russian attack on kharkiv, but assures that ukraine is ready to thwart these plans. at the same time, the ukrainian president rejects the option of freezing the war, because, according to him, putin will use it to prepare for a new attack. of course, some people will be happy. the world will say, yes, we managed to freeze the conflict. rockets don't fly. this is only until russia simply increases the production and stocks of military equipment. drone missile technology and will not analyze all the mistakes she made early. neither rational nor emotional arguments of the head of the british foreign ministry, david cameron, worked, writes the guardian about cameron's meeting with the most likely candidate for the us presidency , donald trump, regarding support for military
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aid to ukraine. cameron himself, commenting on the negotiations with trump, did not call them a failure, but said that they followed a precedent when government ministers competed with opposition politicians. on the eve of the elections, the head of the british foreign ministry noted that assistance to ukraine is in the interests of both the american and european security. he said this during a meeting with us secretary of state anthony blinken. we know it's right for us, we know it's right to stop putin's aggression, we know it's right for our own military and our own production bases, to increase production not only for ukraine, but for our own stockpiles. us secretary of state anthony blinken once again emphasized that the bill on aid to ukraine is extremely necessary and should be adopted as soon as possible. well, the american one congress is back to work after the easter break yet. in front of her, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, promised that immediately after their return, they will proceed to consider the issue of aid to ukraine, and when this
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may happen and in what format it may be, our colleague maria ulyanovska from the voice of america will tell about it. for six months now, congress has not been able to pass aid funding for ukraine. aid to kyiv has been held hostage by political disputes between democrats and republicans and between republicans within their own party after. four months of negotiations. in february, the senate finally passed a compromise on a bill on additional funding for national security needs. this includes aid to ukraine, aid to israel, the south pacific region, and aid to strengthen the security of the american border. and in these months , the bill has been stuck in the house of representatives, which also has to pass it, but has not yet done so, because the speaker of the house of representatives , mike johnson, despite the fact that the bill has a strong bipartisan support. does not tolerate support his to the vote, the speaker's rhetoric changed throughout the months. first
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, he said he had to address issues of national priorities for the united states, such as funding the government and border security. at the same time, the speaker is under incredible pressure, because he is criticized not only by democrats and republicans, but also by world leaders who meet him in washington personally and insist on providing assistance to ukraine as soon as possible. and in the end, johnson promised not to delay the matter and to resolve the matter. after easter vacation, i.e. in the next two weeks. both the senate and president biden's administration insist on this. at the same time, the question is how the speaker will solve the issue of aid to ukraine. he refuses to vote on a bill that has already been voted on in the senate. and instead, he proposes to create an alternative draft law that will provide for the allocation of funds to ukraine for debt. that is, as proposed by donald trump. it may also refer to confiscation of seized russian assets for finance. assistance to ukraine, as well as about inclusion in the draft law of some domestic political
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priorities of the republican party. so it could be about lifting the joe biden administration's moratorium on the production of liquefied natural gas, so that russia would have less opportunities to finance its own war machine. at the same time, such a bill still needs to be written, its text is still not available, and then it must be voted on by the house of representatives, and later it will return to the senate for a vote. that is, if the speaker goes this way. will be delayed a different story is gaining momentum in the house of representatives. far right republicans who oppose aid to ukraine threaten johnson with resignation. in particular , taylor green says that if johnson puts the issue of aid to ukraine to a vote, she will initiate a vote for his resignation. johnson can be saved by the democrats, who may simply not vote for his resignation and a repeat of the speakership that took place last year. however. will significantly worsen the already difficult relationship between the speaker and other republicans, particularly this far-right wing, and johnson now
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has no easy options to secure help ukraine, at the same time, has no option not to do this. observers in washington say that the next two weeks will be the most difficult in the speaker's career and decisive for ukraine. at the same time , two more petitions are currently registered in the congress to vote for aid bypassing the speaker, one from the democrats, which promotes a bill that has already been voted on in the senate and... one from the republicans, which proposes to vote on a completely different bill that provides less aid to ukraine. however, we will see how events will develop the next two weeks. well, we will discuss this topic in more detail with oleksandr hara, he is an expert at the center for defense strategies. my greetings to you. good morning. the speaker of the house of representatives, johnson actually promised to put the issue of aid to ukraine to a vote immediately after the us congress returns from the easter vacation, it has already happened, they have already returned to work. and what are the expectations, will this bill be what it will be, or will the political struggle regarding the issue of ukraine
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continue? well, i think it will continue, well for me, the alarm bell is that the first meeting of the secretary of foreign affairs of the united kingdom, david cameron, with mr. trump took place, and according to the results of it, trump's office wrote that they discussed the issue of how to stop the killings in ukraine, that is... very well invested in those rumors and in that article that trump bucint has some plan that involves compromises on the ukrainian side, and the second point is that david camera. does not have a meeting with speaker mike johnson on his agenda, but i was just listening literally before the air the joint press conference of tony blinkin and david cameron, he actually has i cameron bypassed the issue, then he said that he meets with everyone who wants to talk and came to washington not to
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lecture, but to persuade or share ideas, how important ukraine is and help. show that trump actually gives an important instruction, so these alarming bells to his aggressive minority in the house of representatives, and in particular to mike johnson, to either block or delay this issue, and actually take this tactic the development of a new bill, which would not be given for free, or rather, a loan on a free basis, of course that this... will take some time to work, but on the other hand, our partners, our friends, both democrats and republicans , there is an opportunity to get around it, they can, and there are already two competing resolutions going on, getting the votes needed to force mike jackson to bring this bill up, which
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was voted on in the senate without going to committee. so and there in fact, mr. oleksandr is at the final stage, but a certain number of votes are needed, by the way, voice of america journalist ostaparysh wrote about this on his facebook, and he said that more than 200, it seems, 15 votes are needed, and as of yesterday he wrote about the fact that there are 191 votes, that is , it is possible to gather these two dozen more votes, as you think, i think so, since there are in the republican party, in the house of representatives, sincere friends of ukraine and those who understand the danger from the russian federation , here... not only a matter of love for of ukraine, and strategies. the same brian fitz-patrick, who was mentioned in the previous story, who introduced his bill, it does not provide for economic assistance to ukraine, and somewhat reduced security assistance, but in general it is a good bill, let's say so, that is, it is another option ,
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which may find support from democrats, because obviously with a shaky majority... republicans can't get anything serious unless they get their side of the democrats involved, and that 's the dilemma, by the way, because the previous speaker, kevin mccarthy was removed from his position precisely because he went to agreements with the democrats, they then continued funding the government, and actually this aggressive minority at that time was matt gates, one of marguerite tele's friends and colleagues. who launched this process, and unfortunately, at that time , the democrats decided to support such an idea, and in fact, with their votes, they ensured the removal from office of the previous speaker, this speaker is afraid that as removal from office, it is clear that this can be bad for his career er, and go against trump himself, because if you don't have trump's blessing in this
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election, not only the presidential election in november, but also the full house of representatives, he just might not get into the ... that body, of course, that's a pressure on him personally. please tell me, here is one more issue that i would like to discuss with you, it will relate to what is happening on the front line and in tela in general. us defense secretary loy dostin has warned that ukraine's recent attacks on what he says are russian oil refineries could affect the world's energy markets, and essentially urged the country to focus on military goals, he said, it should be noted at a meeting of the us senate committee on armed forces before. bloomberg, that is, in essence, the usa forbids kyiv to strike targets that ukraine considers legitimate on the territory of the russian federation, or how is this statement to be perceived? well, it should be perceived within the framework of the strategy that the biden administration decided for itself, for its allies and imposed on us. the implication is that we cannot aim for collapse
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the russian putin regime, that is , there is no political goal in this strategy, by the way. this is one of the reasons why this strategy is a failure and cannot be implemented. by and large, the americans expect that we will achieve some major victory on the battlefield in some direction, and then the russians, for some reason, will want to negotiate with us. well, we see that this war has a genocidal character, and of course that putin is not going to stop his war. the second point is very important, it's that... we can't to use western weapons on russian territory, and thank god that our brilliant engineers and military found the opportunity to cover more than 100 km. the depth of russian territory, and we are destroying the military infrastructure, including the energy infrastructure that supports the troops, because it is clear that, let's put it this way, neither a tank
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nor an airplane can be without fuel, well, that is, they cannot be used, the third important moment, this is also what was laid down by the sanctions since the time of obama, that the sanctions should not affect the interests of the united states and allies, and when in... oil prices or other energy prices it's clear what will affect that, especially now we understand the election period in the united states, and every cent per gallon of fuel, that means less popularity, and so not so much the popular joseph biden, and suddenly, unfortunately, we have limited air time, i would like to briefly conclude by asking if there is a plan for a new counteroffensive in ukraine, zelenskyi told about this in an interview with the german publication bilt, but for his success, says the ukrainian president, necessary for the military western weapons, what is your vision in this matter, if... can i briefly conclude, well, i am not a military expert, it is difficult for me to assess the military component, but it is clear that ukraine must show readiness and will , first of all, to go and liberate its own territories,
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so as not to there was a desire and temptation from our partners, i am not talking about the biggest friends, such as the baltic countries, poland, britain, to put pressure on us to make certain compromises, and thank god, ukrainian society rejects such compromises, understanding that no territory... no will satisfy putin that he will go further, and we cannot allow our fellow citizens to be in holaz, to be destroyed, assimilated, or deported, that is, it is not our option, so i understand why it is from a political point of view, i do not know how realistic it is from military point of view. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for your analysis, oleksandr khara, expert of the center for defense strategies, guest of our broadcast. well, i remind you about the opportunity to express your opinion about what you saw and heard, for this under the broadcast. where you can leave yours comments, i propose to do this, in particular in the topic of mobilization, the draft law, which we will talk about further, is mobilization, in fact, which in the near future
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is not foreseen in ukraine. the bill on mobilization will be considered by the parliament today, it is about the second reading. the committee approved the document for this second reading. rfe/rl's sources report that the provisions on demobilization have been completely removed from the text of the draft law. deputies also write about it in social networks. it happened all this allegedly due to the request of commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi and defense minister rustem umyerov. there they plan to initiate a new, separate bill on rotations and demobilization. the corresponding document is published by people's deputies from the national security, defense and intelligence committee, for example, mariana bizugla and oleksandr fedienko. narde of the servants of the people, oleksandr fedienko, also published a text that names the final version of the document among the main proposed changes, that is, it will be possible to resign from service after being captured, men recognized as limited fit. we are obliged to re-examine within 12 months, military personnel in the event of concluding a first contract have the right to compensation of 50% of the first installment for a loan
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secured by a mortgage, consular services are supposed to be limited for men aged 18 to 60 without military registration documents, it is also planned to limit the driving of vehicles by conscripts at the request of the tsc. deputies of the committee supported the decision to adopt the law with a total of 13 votes in favor. five deputies abstained, this is how the voting itself took place, we vote, who is in favor, two, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, against, abstained, once, 2 3 4 5. and that's it one of the members of the committee, iryna fris, who also abstained, a representative of european solidarity joins our broadcast.
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mrs. irina, i congratulate you. good morning. thank you for getting involved, i should immediately note that we also invited representatives of the majority in the committee in the council, i.e. representatives of the servant of the people party, to the conversation, but so far it has been fruitless and we invite it is also important to publicly discuss them in our broadcast, in particular to talk about this draft law. irina, i propose to go through the points, the issue of demobilization, due to the appeal of the head of the syrian committee, the majority of the votes of the committee wrote to themselves on facebook, it was removed from consideration, how do you personally consider such a decision and whether it is fair in relation to those soldiers who are already there for two they have been in the war zone for three years. you know, at the stage of registering this draft law, even for the second time, i spoke about the fact that rule 36 months of continuous military service, which was suspended on the decision of the rate, this is a ... tax fraud, unfortunately, you and i have now witnessed when the committee cleared the decision of the rate, there were 36 months of continuous military service left, the committee was working on
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the bill and these.. more than 400 amendments in a little more than a month, but yesterday there was indeed an appeal from the chairman of the verkhovna rada at the last moment, who justified it by the presence of an appeal from the government, the government from an appeal from the minister of defense, who in turn from sirsky that the norm of 36 months, now it is necessary to clean up, from my point of view, this is a legislative fraud, which, in principle, the authorities began to clean up only because... there is no political will for an honest and frank conversation with society, about what really affected the issue of mobilization, clear algorithms for dismissal, i am not saying demobilization, there really cannot be demobilization during martial law, but the government should have proposed a clear algorithm for release from military service during martial law, i am even more convinced that if this clear algorithm was already in place, then... .a fact
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mobilization, or, let's say, the percentage of evaders would be much lower, because people would understand where and in what way, how much they are mobilizing and in what way they can be released, so you and i are seeing another situation when we twist and turn, confuse i want, it came out at the committee level, i hope that perhaps the parliament will still have the political will and leadership to take responsibility and leave this norm, because... during the consideration of the draft law, the relevant amendments about 36 months with certain possible restrictions there, 18 or 12 months under combat orders can be raised by the authors of the amendments during the review, and this norm will still be in the final version of this draft law, unfortunately, as of now , the committee has really rejected the motivation - this is an appeal directly to the military and
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cabins is the author of this bill, but i understand correctly that the cabinet of ministers could not reject this request if there was a majority of votes that would say that demobilization is conditional there and rotations are necessary? no, you are wrong, because the relevant 36 months continuous military service without a rate decision, the committee considered and left that rule, and i would more, more than that, i'm sure the committee would not have removed the rule on its own, if this so... you know, beautiful story, this performance, regarding the fact that the military themselves are asking to withdraw this rule, supposedly with the upcoming bill that they will introduce to the verkhovna rada someday, this is an important nuance, and this is my next question to you about this new bill, how long it might take, after all, we can see how much work was going on on the draft law on mobilization, the first version was introduced by the government, the committee itself said that this version cannot even
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be considered at all, it was sent back, it had to be revised. there was a second option, on which the committee also worked a lot, that is, regarding the bill on mobilization, how much time can it take there in the time frame, do you think, you mean the one that will be in the verkhovna rada now, well, at least not, the one in fact, which is promised to be developed separately, never trust promises, especially in wartime, because the authorities do not fulfill their promises, not because i want to somehow undermine the trust in the supreme commander-in-chief. or how to hang the responsibility for the cancellation of these 36 months on the military, in this case, syrsky fulfilled the instructions of the supreme commander-in-chief, motivating this most likely by the situation at the front, and withdrew this norm. from my point of view, to count on the fact that the government will be able to submit a corresponding change in the near future is zero, it would be desirable for the president to show real political leadership and introduced the appropriate
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algorithm. as the supreme commander, i am sure that the relevant legislative initiatives will come from the deputies, and if there is one that will unite regarding the algorithm for the release of various representatives of the group of factions, i am sure that it can surely be pushed through the monomajority included in agenda, it will not be as big, voluminous in content as this draft law, which will begin there today. to be considered by the verkhovna rada, it will relate exclusively to the algorithm of dismissal during military service state, and its consideration may take up to a week, if the verkhovna rada will have the political will to do so, and not hide behind conditional letters or unconditional letters, or letters sent from the military. it is necessary to understand that society needs to speak honestly and frankly, and not hide behind conventional risks.
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with which they try to scare everyone and everything, including


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