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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 10:30am-10:59am EEST

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at the strategic level, because there is a national strategic institute for this in ukraine research and there are analysts out there who will be able to explain to you a lot of things that become part of information white noise or information warfare. oleksiy yezhak is now in contact with our studio, mr. oleksiy, we welcome you, i welcome you, we see you, we hear you, i wanted to start right away with what we ended with when we talked with igor... this absolutely wild story continues with the terrorist attack in russia in crocos cityholi, which in principle looks more like some short-coming or a special operation, or a special operation is that they do after this terrorist attack, and in this case, since it does not work for the russian, mobilized, they are ready to go burn, destroy and kill us anyway for money, then accordingly, what effect do you see?
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from the fact that all the time they continue to incite hysteria and stupidity around this terrorist act, now they have agreed to biden, our burism and everything else. well, there is such a theory, in principle, so far it looks like that specific performers after all, that's a deal, well, well, but really there are so many strange, and the strange thing is that it is absolutely known that the united states and even iran warned him to harm him and attack his partners in russia, the agalar family. well, all this is not excluded, yes, here is such a, quite global such a task, how to use the consequences of this, but look, and cameron also returned the day before and could not convince the same presidential candidate and former president trump,
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to convince his johnsons and other trumpists have unblocked military aid to ukraine, and the guardian reported on this yesterday just on... wrote, that is, it fits into the canvas of this ecological scenario of yours, and why couldn't it? well, there are many factors here, and it seems to me that even those who in the united states try to understand the logic, the logic of trump, they do not quite understand, of course there are his personal qualities, his are very big... psychological features, there are his he is suing for problems with finances and appearances, he has to make various pledges of hundreds of millions, now such money appears that, well, it may be connected with russia, maybe his
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personal, really personal, such a personal grudge against ukraine, because it was because of helping ukraine that he went through the first empy. although on the other hand, the fact that what is now emerging in the conspiracy and what has become known to hackers, including ukrainian hackers, that there was a script for trump's election campaign in russia and he is following it, will turn biden into such an evil that does not want to see an immediate threat at the borders, and involves the united states in ... a war against russia, and here is trump, who will come and make everything right, and from this point of view, he should exert maximum pressure on the issue of ukraine and show the united states and the whole world that the policy, the policy of the current president regarding ukraine and russia, is
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wrong, well, in principle, it is possible all at once, but i still think that water is water grinds, and this... there are even signs that johnson can get out of trump's control, because well, this blocking of aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan is too extravagant, and in general, there is a lot of extravagance in what trump is doing now . this is what you, mr. oleksiy, used a very diplomatic term, extravagant, here you can speak in a simple term, here are just wild events, the usa and great britain are strategic partners, it is not only transatlantic here. what cooperation, there is even a historical basis, and when cameron comes and he is not allowed to meet with johnson, and all other things, it is completely beyond common sense, it reminds of that cringe story when orbán with a document went to trump, violating also all
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international diplomatic protocols, here an even greater strategic level and again violations, well, there is a strategic level, i would say a normal one, there are right-wing forces in europe that want to... come to power, but no, they will not come, this is known and this is normal, they will simply split on all issues, except one , they all, from trump to orbán, they hate george soros, well, that's what unites them, and even and even putin got this guy, he hates george soros, and that's why he, he is considered a right-wing conservative, such people who, but it's normal, we have partners among right-wing europeans in italy, these are our... partners in in principle, more or less relations with the affairs in poland, but in this normal situation, that there are right and left, and they come to power, they argue, there are such and such misunderstandings, such as trump and putin, who somehow enrolled themselves in the right-wing conservatives, and a lot of
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strange things happen there, but on the other hand, i always want to say something positive, in principle, the same wild situation was in... the united states on the eve of the first world war, and on the eve of the second world war, when the europeans, including the british, with all their might, for them in general, in general , such a task was to pull in the connection. the states, well, the solution of european issues, to convince that if they do not solve them, do not join, then disaster awaits the united states, and they really received those terrible attacks, i don't remember what happened in the first world war, in world war ii , they got the pergarbate when they tried to sit back and not solve world politics, and eventually it all, it all switched, suddenly switched to the fact that the united states... all the international processes, in principle, here is the wildness of this situation, when the united states does not hear,
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it seemed, the obvious, and not only with regard to ukraine, and with regard to israel, and with regard to taiwan, it is customary to think that trump, trump is ready to defend taiwan, no, he not ready to defend, he is ready to fight, and it is now known from the memoirs that he was never going to fight for that. he was going to fight with china over tariffs, this is what he likes, tariffs, imports, exports, he has his own views there, what is fair, what is not fair, the commercialization of security, and who does not pay, we're not defending that, it's about trump, and it all seems wild right now, but at the end of the day, again, it's the same deech and crinch were before world war ii, when you would say here a moment that might be for our viewers, and and here are the tariffs, and
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here are the prices, and to confirm your words , right now, i am watching the morning news online, and in particular, the russian so-called pseudo-liberal media is telling a story about the alleged fact that ousin, the head of the pentagon, condemns ukraine's strikes on russian refineries. it falls into the canvas of what at one time it was scattered through the financial times, also at that time the roots or where this statement comes from could not be established, i simply run around with the mouse to see where the legs grow from, the legs grow from the authorized statement, that is, i did not find a real austin quote, but declare a bunch of authorities, and they tie it all to global prices in that... including gas, liquefied gas, oil and so on, they do so, and in this
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case, here you are at the institute, as you see this is part of the information campaign, or again the same problem that you are talking about now, which was on the eve of the second world war, when pearl harbor was fought back with hands and feet in order not to participate in the resolution of the conflict, well, if we talk about the united states, what is real, what is real is what is seen not only trump, but ... a significant number of political bodies in the united states, they believe that if the united states has a trade deficit with a certain country, it's unfair, it's something, they partners there are not doing that, we must, we must, we must demand justice and, and in the united states negative, negative balance both with germany and japan, there with other countries, they are constantly trying something, well... the united states, this is objective. the second objective part is that the outcome of the election in the united states
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depends on the price of a gallon of gasoline at gas stations in the united states. it really is, it depends, and for joseph payden it is now very important that the price does not increase, it fell a little there and did not increase. but the fact that we were asked not to hit the refinery is a completely different story. actually. what is happening the strikes on refineries, on the contrary, increase, increase the export of russian oil, there are russian companies trying to compensate for losses, and they increase the export of crude oil instead of motor fuels, and it did not even start with these strikes, and there is no direct correlation, on the contrary, exports of russian oil, it is increasing, the main reason for the change, the change in prices, is that china began to increase, increased... first, china began to consume more motor fuels, and the second is
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that the houthis blocked part of the arab oil, which goes to europe, and iranian oil and that which goes to china, everything is fine there, well, you see, here you are all drawing a logical picture, it is completely different from the one that tas tries to present as western, i can say that it is possible that we were asked not to hit the russian oil terminals, but here we did not listen. so that there are services there on the baltic or here novorossian, so that there will be the last blows, that is, so that i do not rule out what the world wants from us. that the export of russian oil should be as large as possible, i do not rule it out here, so we want to thank about thank you for the analysis, ugh, we just don't have much time, but as always it's interesting and so we say to new meetings, we thank oleksiy yezhak, analyst of the national institute of strategic studies, not everything is
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actually right, as if uncle tselvanov came and said not to shoot, but regarding... russian oil sales and the election campaign in the states, it is quite interesting, and it is also interesting for us, you will never get bored at the globe of ukraine either, now we will talk about it with our colleague, political viewer marina danyliuk yarmalaeva, in connection with our studio, maryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory, sincere congratulations, to all the viewers, yes, we started yesterday, today we will continue, because there is a continuation in this series, we are about investigation information, and about... the option when it turns out that while the real fighters of the sbu are beating the enemy, the real schemers are sitting in the deep rear, this is how the investigation about the modest ilya vityuk, cyber security of the sbu, and then it turned out that the money is not measured, and what we
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are doing , we take one, a lurker, a sbushnik, two of... and we start chasing the journalist in the shopping center on obolon in kyiv. that's the background. well, but she got a sequel, that one. summons, type for him. and, as it was said there, that ilya vityuk will now be with the alpha people at the front. that's what the morning started about, what kind of option is it, a constitutional obligation in our country, is it a form of punishment? well, actually. relevant to the case, you remember, we had such a time-honored law on urban planning under the number 5655, and according to the information of the union of architects, at that time ilya vytiuk
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organized an attack, including by the forces of his department, on those architects. who said their opinion and argued why such a law should not be adopted, this is one moment, and secondly, when we watched this video with screenshots, how a ward of vytsyuka and two representatives of the tsc decided to chase after a journalist of the investigative information, and i can say that this journalist didn't just walk there like that, he was just doing this material about vityuk, investigating where he bought apartments... it was already a time of full-scale war, that is, he was a man in execution his official duty, and look, if mr. shelgat had any problems there with the tsc, the representatives of the tsc could dial him and say: mr. yevgeny, please come to us there at 9 in the morning, tomorrow we want to check certain documents there, but no, they
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arranged a race in a grocery supermarket and it looks absolutely disgusting, first of all, the fact that i serve... the security of ukraine , such an important department has nothing to do in times of full-scale war, except to chase a journalist, and an independent publication, which is financed, by the way, not by the expense of ukrainian taxpayers, yes, as a single television marathon, and also to arrange this circus with two representatives of the tsk, i understand that these were people who serve in the security service there, while the tsk, such pictures, they only contribute. .. because people have a negative attitude to mobilization, people increasingly hate the tsk, people hate the security service of ukraine, and of course, when it became known about this decision, that this vityuk says that i will now serve in alpha, on the one hand it is good, because, for example, volodymyr zelenskyy awarded his rank of brigadier general is a pretty
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high rank, if we're talking about the military hierarchy, and all these uh... priser ranks, but there is one very important nuance here: very often, the alpha, who is on the front lines, does not know what is there at all the cyber security department and other such glamorous sbushniks are involved, such as artem shilo, whose wife with diamond natsyutsyrniki, well, has already become the heroine of many memes there, and now , in fact, the front-line alpha is equated with this comrade, who was engaged in thousands of people who expressed reasoned arguments there f not very good legislative initiatives, journalists, investigators, and now he will be equated with alpha, i would like to know later: he served so seriously in that front-line alpha, this is one thing, and secondly, will he not just sit in the headquarters and use the fruits of those people , who
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are directly at the front, i am talking about the front-line alpha, but you said a very important point, it is probably possible that people did not know about this draft law on the city building, it was simply also scandalous, but it is, as they say, as if from a peaceful life , but there is also ilya lit up as you say, in this case we already have two cases in a very short period of time, this is ishilo, and now here is uncle ilya, and this again leads to this conversation, we spoke with the ex-consultant, general yagun, about how many years, we have a duty, we put it on ourselves and told our partners, we will be a civilized country, a candidate for nato membership, we will spend. the reform of the sbu and the security service will deal with security, not hop-stop and other traffic and schemes, but the army is still there and that is why it appears anyway
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shilo, illya, what are these two extreme cases, they will finally push the authorities, cutlets separately, ilya and shillo separately, carry out this reform of the sbu, will it become a special service, or will it continue to have... such a unit, and the most important thing is that there is a request neziv, that is, a request from citizens, because these are only two cases, i will remind you that there was a third one, when the entire dznd department, 30 officers were engaged in something, installed cameras and spent a lot of money on special operations, the essence of which was to enlighten, how to celebrate their new year's corporate party, team bi, this is also such a not very adequate spending of public funds, they have been talking about... the uniform of the sbu since 2016, but when, for example, human rights defender olga reshevylova raised this issue, everyone waved their hands, they said, it's
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not on time, and in general, why is there such a temptation, because the security service of ukraine, in its purest form, should be directly engaged in its intelligence, counter-intelligence , literally spacious functions for half a minute, and not ticketing business and chasing magazines . so is this not the last straw that will force this reform? of course, who will press gingerbread on the bank, in independence, what is the name of the current president. thank you, mrs. marina. maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, about the rather sarcastic history with the rear sbu, as opposed to the combat one. a short pause, after which we will definitely watch the news, continue reporting and get back to you. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use and
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by football together are stronger. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. the explosion was heard about an hour ago in odesa. the operational command of the south clarified that air defense is working. we will talk about the consequences later. this is the third time. russian terrorists have been attacking the region since nightfall, hitting an energy facility and a transport company. two employees of the latter.


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