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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EEST

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travel book, memory and savings. read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine. exclusive interview with minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have the support of the usa. volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak. a formula for confronting a strong enemy. diary of igor yukhnovsky. how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining science with faith. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already on the way. there are 15% discounts on zzilor in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look. at the events in
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ukraine, on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and beyond, what the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. more more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. world front, society, and feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together! yes, we have returned, friends, to the studio, as we promised, that we will not be alone, with us the head of the analytical direction of the network ansa and ilyanyshodovskyi, we are already debating with him, we are discussing, now we can actually talk live, we welcome ilya to our studio, we will also receive information from odesa promptly at this hour, because there... already the second, second rocket attack this morning, but that will be a little later . mr. ilya, i want to start right away with what you and i were talking about here, because on the one hand, even the state statistics, which may be spinning in russia, but still talk about a 14 percent collapse in the production of petroleum products , that is, it already is oil processing. we see how it flies over the refinery. these are legitimate goals, because they work
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for the military-industrial complex. we know that comrades from the central committee sometimes come, for example comrade silivanov, and say: "no way, no way." now the next portion, they say that the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, also seems to say that do not do this, we cannot confirm this statement, because it has only russian quotations so far. but do you think that the economic dimension of these strikes really affects... the course of the war? here you have to look indirect and direct influence. however, i will return to these statements that have been made, to what extent are they generally justified? first of all, from sullivan, as i understand it, ukraine has just felt the achilles' heel on which we can strike and thereby kill the russian economy. why, because what 's the impact... "when you limit domestic
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production, it leads to, and you have obligations to export your oil, and for example, if there is a claim that it leads to higher prices world markets, then show me a decrease supply of oil from russian suppliers, this is not observed at all, it even increased a little, so the issue of negative impact on world oil prices is, of course, absolutely. no way, but on the other hand, we understand why oil is still growing in the world, these are problems, or shall we say, tensions in the middle east, the khosids, with which the united states of america cannot do anything, yes, but what are we here for? this is the application of responsibility, so as not to cover up one's absolute inability to solve problems with neighbors, we just say that no, no no, it's not the houthis, the houthis are secondary, the most important thing is this...
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the first negative reaction is that we are being pressured, will be pressured by those partners who, at the moment, we do not have help, and the second negative reaction is that americans, now, a certain part, especially the trumpists, will think that the price has gone up for you. of gasoline at our gas stations, at their gas stations, this is the result of ukraine's actions, you see, ukraine, it does not listen to us, it starts hitting oil refineries, this leads to the fact that you pay for this gasoline, which you buy at a higher price, that is, it is an open manipulation, but it also has
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one, which will lead to the fact that support for ukraine may decrease from such statements, well , it all falls into this game, which the trumpists are playing on... the election campaign, that is, unfortunately, it falls, and if we don’t beat it, they will promote it one by one, and then trump will cry, oh, fake news, fake news, don’t say it, i didn’t say that so that you gave the occupied territories, or there will be another side that you just talked about, but here look, there is another economic dimension, when russia is already asking for petroleum products in belarus and kazakhstan, and in this case it is also very interesting, in kazakhstan they are asking, but... vladimir yakushev, deputy plenipotentiary representative of putin in the urals district, accuses kazakhstan of these floods in tyumen, orsk, kurgan, and other cities go under water, that is, they invaded
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kazakhstan, and on the other hand, they immediately want oil from the kazakhs, they invaded kazakhstan, they say we need to take the north, because it is part of russian territory, they are accused of supporting ukraine and asking for oil in... well, it is clear with the belarusians, lukashenko always exchanges it, and with the kazakhs, how will they be, but the kazakhs are also interested in the new russian oil hub and in certain other things, and here the russians and they ask and threaten, threaten and ask, let's divide the first point, this is about the reasons why the kazakhs are also asked, that is, the first point, we understand that russia has banned the export of its petroleum products and... in fact, this ban is insufficient. that is, despite the fact that all the petroleum products that you were produced, they remain on the territory of russia, they are not enough to ensure demand. the second point is that kazakhstan is clearly not the first
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country that russia should turn to in order to ensure the domestic market, it is of course belarus, which has powerful oil refineries that depend on the supply of oil from russia to belarus. in general depends on russia, and therefore, first of all, this need should be covered by belarus, not you, and we draw your attention to the fact that belarus is just territorially excellently located, close to the western territories, and to directly supply petroleum products from belarus to the territory of russia is profitable, profitable and logistically not so problematic, that is, it can be ensured, and you look at where kazakhstan is located, and just think about it. if you turned to kazakhstan, then you simply have serious problems, it is not your ban on exports that did not close your internal need, your purchase in belarus was not closed in our your internal needs, and you even turn to kazakhstan, that is, in other words, strikes - these are
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important , again i return to international politics on this issue, that is , in other words, these strikes, does it affect the war, and i just believe that these statements from selivan and this sense of understanding that they will directly affect the war, will directly affect the ability of russia to finance the war, and will directly affect the ability of russia to provide its tanks with the necessary fuel, as a result , they are very afraid of the turn of the war before the election, it is very important for the trumpists to show biden as a weakling now, not that biden, if he provided this help, the situation would be at the front would be radically different, and that's why... that's why biden could get better points as the winner, here on the contrary, we draw conclusions, first of all, dear defenders, go ahead, mr. biden, give the attacks to strengthen it, because here it is an economic dimension, there is another economic dimension, and there is so much politics and so much in it that it is simply terrifying, i
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mean the so-called frozen foreign assets of the russian federation, we were explained that there are different cases here, the case in particular... for example, the interest that accrues on these assets can and should be transferred to ukraine, say some politicians, others say, in general, all seized assets should be given as military and financial aid to ukraine in one way or another, and a lot of factors come into play here, well, first of all, we see it , as it happens in certain countries, austria, switzerland, we understand what a big lobby there is, which protects russian money, and then shouts, but it is not the biggest there, let's be honest, after all, austria is not the biggest, the main thing is belgium , i.e. belgium, where concentrated the largest amount of assets of 190 billion, respectively. here is this country, well , you can say it is definitely decisive, other countries, they do not have such a number in their country,
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but you just read these news, you think, well , finally, and then no, no, look, first of all, i already clearly have immunity to all these news about any obstacles, any politicians about the transfer of some part or all of russian assets to ukraine, and what about words, everything, well, these are empty words, ugh, but the only thing i see in principle. specific decisions, actions regarding the transfer of interest, and i think we will receive them in the second half of this year, there is a real process going on, not political statements, but decision-making at the level of the european parliament in order to ensure such a transfer later, in addition to this, it is very small, well, not so big, in principle it is very strange , that if we talk about the end of 2023, we estimated to receive somewhere around 8 billion at a time, because... accrued interest for previous periods and interest that will be accumulated just for
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the period of 2024, and now we are already in principles we only hear about 5 billion, well , again, due to the fact that the information about the interest is not open enough, that is , belgium has fully disclosed its information about the frozen russian assets, but there are certain questions about the interest, whether it is possible there, belgium will still somehow leave a part of these interests, not per... completely in connection with the need to service these assets and other steps, that is, it is possible, but now we will talk conditionally about what is said about the 5 billion, which we can get from frozen russian assets, in principle, such an amount is justified, and it is absolutely real. in the european union, which is 90% identical to the map called nato, it is already open, most of the military and political leaders say that everything is a war. is a reality in the european zone, which means that we need to transfer the economy to
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meet military needs, and this is where we get into a certain quandary, you as an economic expert will help us, because we are always told, well, listen, this is a war of resources, well what are you talking about some finno-ugric swamps where the nails do not know how to make descendants of the golden horde, well, they lose to the netherlands one by one in terms of gdp. but on the one hand, this is manipulation, because there is nothing to eat in north korea, you can gnaw the bark off a birch tree, but at the same time produce its missiles and weapons, so in this case, are the european allies economically able to use their military-industrial complex in the next year or two to be bigger and more powerful than the entire military economy of russia, because it already depends on the military. and look, if the war starts, we will consider this option, and in this case
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i believe that nato can very quickly, in principle , fully provide for and nullify the economy of russia, it lives by selling oil and gas, as soon as nato will simply sink russian tankers and say that any tanker that will enter or leave the russian ports will be sunk, you don’t even need a war, then the economy... russia will be full of kront within a very short period, the lack of any financing, the lack of the possibility of supporting its own economy, the possibility of foreign trade, it will be zeroed out, and with regard to production, i just even took such parameters as there, for example, how many shells russia produces for itself even without north korean help, just what it produces, and i look at what is produced in european countries and see that here the numbers are on the order smaller in europe. an order of magnitude less europeans, here i am another such element, this
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is that slow aid to us, you are afraid of war, but it seems to me that you do not understand that slow aid to us allows russia to adapt, to study our, let's say, certain advantages , copy them, use your armies and very quickly raise the level of the army that will be ready for the modern war that will come. mass use of rebs, various rebs, which will be massive use of drones, which is ready for genocidal war, that is, your slow aid is a threat to... for you, if you would provide powerful military aid, do not think for six months whether to give these 10- 20 tanks, whether to give, whether to give 10-20 planes there, or not to give, then in this case we would immediately have a numerical, very serious advantage, and as a result russia would lose, we would have already dictated the demands, including the demilitarization of russia, but you
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are not doing this, you are just arming with your slow help. and russia by the fact that it is becoming more powerful, therefore, in principle, it is capable of projectiles about that, that is, they have elections, and they are facing the next such choice, but to take money from some programs, to support the economy, social programs and direct them to defense is the goal, and politicians are not ready to do it now, they need a beautiful, let's say yes, life in... because this is their strategy of slowly boiling water with a frog and heating it until it boils, we talked about the dangers of such political manipulations, so that during any election it will be possible to reduce aid and make social programs more significant and as if there is a peaceful
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policy and nothing happens, let's add this most sensitive thing exactly. we were just talking about the results of the elections in poland, and there the key issue in these local elections to the semitic people was again the issue of ukrainian exports to the whole of europe agricultural products, not only grains. we are now seeing that the eu has actually, well, distributed certain elements of this free trade restriction for ukraine, as it is not a member of the european union, we have very cunningly somehow there are restrictions on one of them. there are no other products, but political factors are included there, for example, as in poland, when the government does not actually implement the decisions of the european commission and does not listen to brussels, and this agrarian-political-export component with all those innovations is
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a blow to our breath during the war or not yet? with a blow under the dig. 2/3 of our exports are... agricultural exports, we are lucky that we have restored the sea corridor, and therefore there is no such dependence as there was conditional dependence a year ago, if poland poland had done this a year ago, then in fact, well simply bled the ukrainian economy of income, we would have had a much greater devaluation, a fall of the hryvnia, we would have had greater inflation, and economically we would have become much, but now there is still no such, shall we say, strong blow, as it would have been then, for sea ​​corridor account, but that's it after all, it affects our economy, and in the context of those bans, i have a question for our government, why are we not considering the same proposal of the national bank regarding the introduction of an additional import duty, which would
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now at least put ukrainian manufacturers in equal conditions with the same polish manufacturers, so why don't we do it? er, i repeat what heitmantsev once voiced, who for some reason was always in favor of increasing taxes, but in this matter, he just came out categorically against it, and the justification is very strange, considering what he gave justifications for the increase of other taxes, for example, he absolutely supports the increase of military levy taxes there for entrepreneurs, sorry, this is the most wealthy part of our population, from whom taxes must be taken, to fill the budget precisely at the expense of this, or on... questions increase in excise taxes on gasoline, a completely inconsistent policy, first you give all the benefits in full for the whole year, the benefits are in effect, on gasoline, you canceled the excise tax, you reduced the vat to 7%, the market there came out of the shadows, accordingly you you return, now you are still increasing, here now there is sowing plus front machinery, and you are increasing the excise tax, in general, i completely agree with you,
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this issue is expanding, if, for example, conditionally for our armed forces there, we... buy without vat, then we will not say that it is not an excise tax, that is, an excise tax must be paid, there is no benefit, as a result, the suppliers of the stick will pay more, this means that the entire chain will be spent, i see, i am not an economist, but i understand that it is logical, but not in time of war and such things to enter raise the excise tax on cigarettes, on alcohol, by the way, here it is just the opposite, i immediately pointed out to you that the ministry of finance proposes to reduce it by 20%, it is absolutely impossible for me... i can't right away, well, i'm only assuming , - first, i have the feeling that these are all initiatives for the benefit of the enemy, in order to weaken our internal ability to defend ourselves, taxes on volunteers are criminal. cases against weapons manufacturers through the state audit service for the profit received, constant appeals to the security service of ukraine and, accordingly, conducting a survey leaders, next then this is this initiative
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to increase taxation, respectively, well , as for me, one of the excises, i agree, excises are always in the top three of those taxes that are increased during wartime, but this does not apply to gasoline, it applies to alcohol and this applies to tobacco. harmful things, for which in principle it is possible, on the contrary, you propose to reduce taxation on tobacco products and increase taxation on gasoline, this is the first point, and the second point, i will remind you, and you actually finally have a gasoline market more or less, well there the minimum shadow component is very low, smaller than in the last 10 years, that is , due to those lower taxes, it has normalized, when you increase the excise tax, you increase the margin for shadows. more interest not to pay taxes, not to issue you a check, or issue some fake check, and then, accordingly, these funds, mr. ilyano, i hope we heard you, ilyane skhodovskyi,
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the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, and we promised that we would get information firsthand , natalya gomanyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces midday, colonel, tell us, we have already heard about the second missile attack on odesa. tell me the details, yes indeed, the enemy continues the attacks, in principle it did not surprise, as they say, our staunch enemy, gravitates to the relevant dates, today is the 80th anniversary of the liberation of odessa from the fascist invaders, the 777th day of the full-scale invasion, all this symbolism, obviously, the enemy packed together with in a heap and... in addition, he has the goal of destroying the infrastructure, the infrastructure of the region, which works powerfully and does not give russia the opportunity to return to its former glory
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positions, in particular in the water area of ​​the black sea, that is why industrial, transport and logistics facilities, which also provide port infrastructure, are under attack again. at night , there were winged ones and they were beaten, and then ballistics started, now ballistics again. the enemy is using various types of missiles, including cruise missiles yesterday evening, directed guided missiles at odeschna, tried to attack with ballistics, and unfortunately, he succeeded, and there are victims of the dawn missile strike, two employees of the transport company victims, they are in the hospital, they are provided with all medical care and their condition is stable, mrs. natalya, thank you for the prompt response and for informing the viewers of espresso with these rather
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symbolic shellings, well, actually , the symbolism here is double, 80 years of liberation from the german-fascist invaders, as they said at the time, but the russian-fascist invaders continue to do it, they were allies for a reason. thank you all for your attention, we will meet you tomorrow, subscribe to youtube and have espresso in your pocket 24 hours before meeting! tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from unpack tv is just for you, you can easily use it. cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also
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by football, together with... khrystyna porubiy works in the studio of the informational morning in ukraine on the air of the news. the bodies of a 12-year-old boy and his mother were found under the rubble of a house in kostyantynivka , donetsk region. a 43-year-old woman and her son were killed by an aerial bomb dropped by the russians the previous evening. after extinguishing the fire , the rescuers discovered the body of a 60-year-old resident, but the other two victims were able to get under the ruins only in the morning. two more people
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were injured. a two-story house in parts. destroyed - reported in the civil service with extraordinary.


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