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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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draft law on mobilization, and this ambiguity rests on two things: firstly, why did they start making changes to the mobilization legislation so late in general, and two years before that they said that everything was under control and there was no need for such a new mobilization, and the second point, well, this is really a question of justice, this story, which you mentioned with the handing over of the summons to the journalist, and then with sending the people who were involved in this story somewhere to the front, it is clear... it has a negative effect on in general, mobilization processes in the country, and punishment by war, well, in quotation marks there, or as a punishment of being sent to the front, well, this is an absolutely unacceptable situation, or there is a transfer to some lower position, well , it seems to me that if a person, well, is involved in a certain scheme, which may contain signs of certain corruption or the execution of orders by those who have nothing to do with it, well , what does the sbu have to do with, for example , territorial assembly centers, well, they can only be related if they... they
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are investigating some case there about state, for example, treason, in everything else they cannot give such orders, it should probably end with specific cases in general, and not with a transfer to some other position, and of course, the citizens are watching all this, then they look at history, you asked the question at the beginning, yes, for the tv viewers, dear ones, regarding the reservation of employees there for the telethon and so on, but citizens are watching all this and they have a lot of questions, why is it happening in manual mode... in fact delivery of these there subpoena or definition of those who are under reservation, who are not under reservation and many other such issues and it really creates this threat that the president, seeing at the end what it all leads to and that he will be responsible for it, bringing him there are some results of sociological polls, no matter how much he tries to avoid this topic, he still has to sign the law in the end, and he is the supreme commander in chief, they will show him there that this will affect the trust rating there very much, he will ... lose some more there
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15-20 or maybe more percent, and he will have a really certain temptation to simply block this decision, by the way, it will be a very bad story, because objectively, the new rules for mobilizing or rationing those that were before, they are for us needed, it just has to be done in an adequate way, and not cause rejection among the citizens because of some injustice there or because of certain problems, as there, well, which arise there, so the only thing, well, what can we hope for, after all. .. the law, it will pass through the crucible of the verkhovna rada council, indeed, some odious things will be removed there, and at the end we will receive a more or less adequate document, which will not cause any special reservations, primarily from the citizens of ukraine, but look, in parallel with this, we need to deal with other things, as this morning the prime minister instructed all the companies there to review the issue of reservations and so on, this should have been done much earlier, and it should be... done as
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publicly as possible in order to form a certain system of criteria that will be the same for all who will be clear, which will be public, citizens will clearly know who works where, who can count on this reservation, what percentage, and there will be no questions as to why one person is taken away and another person is not taken away, although they are in absolutely equal conditions, and by the way, the question is related to the same journalists, it is problematic and problematic for one simple reason: if you consider tv channels, for example, as strategic enterprises, i, for example, believe that journalists should , in principle, under all this hits, then it should spread to absolutely all journalists, there tv channels, leading tv channels, partly regional tv channels and so on, that is, everyone, yes, all of them, not only those who are in the marathon, but also those who could there and should have been according to their ratings, including there, for example, with espresso, but they were simply not taken there for some reason, then if you already introduce such criteria. then please
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distribute them to everyone, and this would then remove certain doubts and certain dissatisfaction among ukrainians. it hasn't been done yet, maybe some changes will be made there, but i am afraid that these changes will be made solely as a result of the active activities of public activists, journalists, and all those who are not indifferent to these matters, who will demand the observance of elementary justice. well, about justice, when we talk about the law on mobilization about justice, we are also talking about... and first of all, about those people who are at the front and the order of demobilization or rotation of military personnel on the front line, not only on first line, generally in the armed forces of ukraine. so, information has just appeared, ukrainian pravda, referring to its sources in the committee on national security and defense, writes that the committee excluded the provision on the demobilization of the rotation of military personnel from the government draft law at the request of sirskyi, the commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of ukraine, that these issues of demobilization and rotation will be brought up in a separate bill, and this is also probably an issue. which will concern absolutely everyone, both those who are already in the armed forces of ukraine and those who will be to mobilize, this whole story with this law and with failed communication, it indicates that, well, as a result, there may be quite serious dissatisfaction, you are right about the fact that there is information that has appeared that the employees of the channels that enter . telethon, yesterday the ministry of culture spoke about the fact that the representatives of the traveling circus were also booked there, that they would not be mobilized, that is, what are the criteria that circus employees can
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be booked, there are chapel employees bandurists, for example, of some kind, cannot be booked, that is, both of them go to the front and both of them are engaged in art, maybe this is also very important for ukrainian society now, in your opinion, who is this critical moment should communicate with society, since we heard zelensky's statement, he says: we are convincing the verkhovna rada of ukraine, well, the verkhovna rada of ukraine is zelensky's monomajority, that is , who is he convincing in this case? you see, the cabinet of ministers and the minister of defense should communicate first of all, because they are subjects. submission of this draft law, then to some extent, apparently, the representatives of the specialized committees there that consider this draft law should actively communicate, by the way, they do it best, that is, they still give these comments from time to time and at least try to answer some question, but
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globally, of course, the main communicator in this process, with all due respect, should be the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, not the military, you understand, the military, they have already conducted their communication. they said that they needed to, and what the mechanism would be, they should not have been interested, by the way, this story that you mentioned about the exclusion of demobilization, the fact that it was done on the initiative of syrskyi, well, you see, syrskyi in this regard probably turned out to be more more helpful than the previous commander-in-chief, who was able to voice his opinion, but he explained that it should not be a military decision at all, but a decision of those people who are responsible for mobilization, that is , the verkhovna rada and the supreme commander-in-chief, you understand, if the president just asked v... spoke before the ukrainian people and addressed the verkhovna rada and said that there is a critical situation, we urgently need a law on mobilization, please vote for it in the version that was submitted, taking into account some key amendments , i will sign it urgently immediately, as, for example, biden says, yes, there
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about the budget, when they temporarily vote, as soon as you vote on it, i will immediately sign it there, because that's how the president would do it, i think that the questions would then there were no special issues with the adoption of this law, verkhovna rada. would have accepted it and there was no need to communicate, understanding that the president, as the supreme commander, takes responsibility for what will be in this law, how the mobilization will take place in general, so the situation here is actually very simple, and by the way, in the current the mobilization legislation clearly defines that the main person ultimately responsible for mobilization is the head of state, but now they want to change it to some extent, but they need to communicate, they will not get anywhere, some deputies this story. will not take it away, especially against the background of the ratings of trust that are in the verkhovna rada, and the president, who has a reserve of this trust, should not be afraid to take this responsibility upon himself, really understanding the criticality of the situation and the need for this law as a whole for ukraine, well that's why this week will be decisive in this regard, i also imagine what kind of wave
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will rise in relation to the issue of demobilization of a new draft of a law, a separate draft of a law, that's why it's probably necessary to leave to the president, to pay attention to this and say that we will definitely bring it to the... logical conclusion and the issue of demobilization or rotation, they will be prescribed, they will be prescribed in great detail, and they will contain fair criteria that will not cause special reservations from our military, especially those who have been at the front since the first minutes of the large-scale russian invasion. mr. igor, thank you for participating in the program, this was igor reiterovich, political scientist, head of political and legal programs ukrainian center for social development. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms. we are conducting a poll today during our broadcast and we are asking you about the following: do you consider the channels of the single telethon strategic for the economy and security of the state? 94% yes, 8%, 6% no, these are interim poll results, stay with
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a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. strong strong saw is what you need. call events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time.
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world lives two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! greetings, friends, the second part of the program is on espresso. then immediately for those who are watching now both on tv and in our social networks,
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in particular on youtube, i must apologize, because in in the first part of our program, we did not quite correctly give the results of the television survey, the interim survey, i hope that now the editorial team will give the correct numbers, because today we are asking you about this, do you consider the channels of the united telethon strategic for the economy and security? the state 6% yes, 94% no, these are the correct relevant results of the survey that we are conducting on tv today, and the same survey we are conducting on youtube, i will say right away that today we will talk about many things, well, first of all, about mobilization, today in release, softened mobilization. the verkhovna rada is preparing a controversial bill for the second reading: will evasion of
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the draft be punished with prison? critically important enterprises: the ministry of culture booked circus workers from the army and a single telethon, without which branches of the economy ukraine really cannot survive. global peace summit and kremlin ultimatums. representatives of 100 countries will discuss ending the war in ukraine in switzerland. we will talk about this and other things during the next 45 minutes, i will remind you once again that during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, asking you about this do you consider the channels of the single telethon strategic for the economy and security of the state? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phones and vote. yes, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are
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free, vote. well, i would like to introduce myself, today's guests are people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, a people's deputy, a member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and inter-parliamentary cooperation, former commissioner for peace settlement in donbas. ms. irina, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine from golos, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security. of defense and intelligence, deputy head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada to the nato parliamentary assembly, mrs. solomiya, well, there is no mrs. solomiya yet, we are waiting for inclusion, and mykhailo tsymbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine from the batkivshchyna faction, first deputy head of the verkhovna rada committee on social policy and protection of veterans' rights,
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lieutenant general of the militia. mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i wish everyone good health! well, first of all, ms. iryna and mr. mykhailo, since we ask our tv viewers about this and the viewers whether they consider the channels of the united telethon to be strategic for the economy and security of the state, this question is explained quite simply: the government and the ministry of culture booked the employees of the channels that are part of the single telethon, from mobilization, referring to... the fact that they are strategic to the economy of the security of the state, do you think that these channels are indeed strategic to the economy of the security of the state, do you understand the motivations of the mobilization or the reasons or the criteria for why these channels in particular are booked and others television channels, no, ms. iryna, but,
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apparently, the office of the president lives according to the principle of louis the 14th, the state. it's me, if they believe that the state is me, then it's obvious that for them these are marathon enterprises that are strategic for the state, because marathon today works as a propaganda channel for such a free for banking for the office of the president holding, which does not inform about the war, but rather works as such a propagandist of the government, asking those topics that are primarily necessary for the positive... image of bankov marathon and bankov failed in fact, for example, the same information campaign regarding recruiting and mobilization, and you know, and this is strategically dangerous, i think, the opposite is the story for the state, because not only is the marathon costing taxpayers 2
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billion hryvnias every year, propagandists from the 1+1 channel work there for the state. funds work there, for example, on the freddom channel, we have now prepared a request to the ministry of culture, so-called journalists who received diplomas in the dpr, the so-called dpr, and sorry, worked for this terrorist group, journalists from the pool of the medvedchuk channel work there, and it is obvious that the government, which today is going to remove demobilization from the law on mobilization, and at the same time shows that... and for it, propagandists are more important than the military, we are categorically against this. thank you, mrs. irina. mr. general, what do you say about the criteria and about who should be there in this, in this list, and what are the criteria, who should be reserved, if we are talking about the new bill and the new
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law on mobilization, can after all, it was necessary to wait for the adoption of this law, and then, well... so that everything was transparent, clear, and no one had any unnecessary questions, what someone calls a draft law on improving mobilization is there for now i didn't find it, although we don't have the final version yet saw in no way how and who and whom will be booked, this is firstly, secondly, there is no order in the state and the fact that today the prime minister is declaring something, that he is demanding a fair... uh, fair reservation of certain positions , then this is a funny story, he should already have learned to answer, and this is his problem, as the head of the executive branch of government, why he has not offered until today... after all, the rules of the game in this direction, if we talk about journalists, then on my belief is that journalists today are responsible for the information fund, security, and it should
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do not refer to any individual channels, in my opinion, it is necessary to book journalists who today work in mass media of ukraine, who are... officially registered and act according to the statute, if they submit such proposals, then it should be considered, sorry, by the cabinet of ministers, and not individual ministries, all the more so when we see that the ministry of culture has been without a head for more than six months, and the duties are performed by a deputy, who, i don't know, has a prospect of remaining with the new minister, even if it is even the same deputy, because that in state. there are no rules of the game, that's why some give commands, others take them, engage in miracles, booking certain categories,
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thereby discouraging the desire of others to carry out mobilization, or to go and serve in the armed forces of ukraine. because of that, it seems to me that here the verkhovna rada should and we should have our say and clearly. to regulate at the legislative level those things that the cabinet of ministers wants to introduce, the security and defense sector, strategic enterprises, there must be a clear list, including positions, and of course the economy must work, whether they have protect yourself journalists, i have already stated my position, but there is no need to make a difference here, there are officially used mass media, there are no complaints. to the editorial policy of the national council, please, there is a proposal, book, and let people protect our state with information, mr. general, thank you for
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your answer, we were joined by solomiya bobrovska, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice of members of the verkhovna rada committee on national security , defense and intelligence, ms. solomiya, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, good in the evening, since we are mrs.... irina and mr. mykhailo have already been asked about their attitude to who and how should fall under the reservation, since we ask our viewers whether they consider the channels of the single telethon strategic for the economy and security of the state, since employees of these channels were placed under reservation from mobilization. i will also ask you whether you consider the channels of the united telethon strategic for ours. states, is it the first and the second, or do you understand what criteria were used when these decisions were made? well, first of all, me
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i believe that in fact the whole idea with reservation has been completely discredited by the cabinet itself, because in fact a very interesting story is coming out, so when the verkhovna rada tries to make the legislation with mobilization as strict as possible, and putting everyone on the military register, and there we have discussions of about a hundred, if not more, and the number of hours there is not even measured in days regarding, for example, groups of people with the third group of disabilities, with their caregivers, guardians, we have a colossal discussion about demobilization, and each and every one, every criteria for discussion, then the cabinet of ministers simply stamps themselves, it turns out that reservations are made for almost everyone in a row, here we are talking not only about the telemarathon and journalists, with all due respect to what they do, but also in particular , for example, about... football clubs and for me it is it is still a mystery, in particular, for example , about shopping centers, supermarkets, hypermarkets and so on, that is, what is happening, there is a truly critical
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infrastructure that today cannot show, for example, the volume of working capital there for export, which goes goods, proof, to prove to ukraine that this is a critical infrastructure or necessary, instead we have such strange stories, and i don't want to mention the circus with respect to the people who work, how colossal it is. work, but none the less, the parliament tightens the nuts, the cabinet unscrews the nuts, moreover, i have a question whether the cabinet planned at all, he did not plan to change his e-orders from the decree regarding the change of these bookings, and we often today, we tonight we will accept the preliminary version of the bill on mobilization in the committee, it is already 12 o'clock committee, and we are all still at work. history turns out well and the parliament gives the armed forces as wide a field as possible to mobilize people while the cabinet of ministers is actually
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in charge. schemes and lobbying stories in order to get people booked, that's why they took the story in fact with economic booking, this is an idea that would be difficult to get into the parliament, and few people understand how it can be explained, why it should work like that, that the , those who pay taxes should be armored, because there the rich don't fight, the poor are fighting, there or any other interpretation, it is already in society today from completely different sides , it has been tested and rejected, but... well, such things are not allowed, it is actually some kind of abuse, and i would like to remind you that in fact in our country, in addition to the commander-in-chief, the government itself is also responsible for mobilization, and primarily the prime minister, and i would very much like the prime minister to come, in particular, to the committee or to the leaders of the factions and explain how the entire collective body of the cabinet of ministers has to solve the issue of mobilization as a whole, because mobilization is not only about entering the army, enlistment, training, uniform,
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mobilization of tsk people, it is in particular. and the ministry of health, which takes care of this issue of health care, is the ministry of health, this is the ministry of health, this is the economy, this is finance, this is simply this is a mass of all areas that did not even exist today, grouped together and with and in synchronization was not included even regarding the motivation of including this package of motivation in the bill on mobilization, what we are talking about then, in our you don't know the right hand does the left, well, it's not fair, in fact, in our society... not just a boom is brewing, but such hatred of everyone against everyone, and this is definitely far from playing into our hands and to the benefit of the front not for the body. acting minister of culture and information policy, rostislav karandeev condemned yesterday's hate speech surrounding the reservation of cultural and media workers, he emphasized that the directorate of mobile circus groups of ukraine performs an important
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artistic... mobilization task for the state. i will quote as a minister: how can you draw conclusions about the importance of a cultural institution based only on its name. the state-owned enterprise of the directorate of proverbial circus groups of ukraine is not a street shapito, as someone imagines, but a professional group of highly respected masters of their craft. well, that is , everyone who booked, or who lobbied for the booking of various groups there, is now starting to explain why those who work in the circus also got reservations. from mobilization, although obviously, all this is within the competence, including the supreme of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, who called on the verkhovna rada to adopt the law on mobilization in the near future, i understand that, judging by the words of ms. solomia, tonight, just as the constitution was once adopted, you will make the final decision on
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the vote or on the introduction . of this draft law, and there are 400 amendments there, or even less left in the session hall, but let's listen to what president zelensky said, we are talking to the parliament so that they vote, in the coming days, to vote on the relevant law, it is very it is important, and it is not entirely irresponsible what they are doing, and what is the problem with this law, i think the most important thing is to mobilize like this. is going on, but the most important thing is that the russians succeeded with this law, they managed to raise the issue that our people are not ready to further defend the state, because of this law, they raised the issue in the west so that today the west is asking us, and if you do not want mobilization , the parliament doesn't want to vote, then why do you need help,
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just tell me: if that's all, why should we help? i'm sorry, mr. serhiy, you can join the discussion, thank you, you know, mr. president said an interesting phrase, we are talking with the parliament, i want to say absolutely responsibly that there was no conversation with the parliament, the only meeting of president zelenskyi with the leaders of the parliamentary group of factions was on february 24 , 2022 . repeatedly took the initiative to have the leaders of the factions meet with president zelensky in a different format so that the supreme commander, who according to the constitution is responsible for mobilization, who is the only has the full picture on the front, who owns our strategic plan, to express his position on mobilization, that's what...


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